When a woman appears a strong man. Strong women, strong men

- Do they have the opportunity to create happy family and gain harmony and mutual understanding? In the category "Question of the Psychologist" I came here this question:

Question: Hello! I am 27 years old, with my husband we are about 5 years old (3 years in marriage), there are no children. He gave a divorce, motivating what was blown away. He says that women do not have. IN lately We very often quarreled. I am the leader in the family, and the leader husband. Constant collision of characters. Divorce in a month while we live together. Everyone is considered a very strong person, respecting me. And I broke ... I do not know how I can live with him in one city, as I can live without him without him ... I didn't think that it could be so hard. Svetlana. Although the question, as such, did not sound, but I can't leave this letter without attention, because the topic is sore and up-to-date.

Strong man and strong woman

Answer: Svetlana, hello! Your letter, of course, does not reveal the whole essence of the problem, and the Council, I can hardly give you, because in such situations you need real communicationbut I realized that you strong womanwhich for all family life Constantly showed its strength and defended her position. And how you yourself explain exactly what you both are leaders and has become the main reason for yours. That's exactly what I want to focus on, because, unfortunately, it is strong women who often remain alone.

"The strongest people and the most alone" (Ibsen)

When a strong woman (according to his personal qualities) comes out for a man with the same personality qualities, their relationships turn into a constant struggle for leadership, this is an absolute fact. First, a man likes the independence of character and judgments, the unusualness of a woman and her. But the relationship between the floors should be harmonious, and in cases strong man+ Strong woman Harmony will never be. There should be no collisions of two identical energies (male and male, as in your case, Svetlana), the harmony between a man and a woman is possible only in the case of the interaction of two energies - male and female, like Yin and Yan.

Harmony and mutual understanding do not appear simply so, they fold from constant compromises. And, mostly, wise woman Does not enter into a direct dispute or a struggle with a man, it acts softly and allows a man to feel like a leader. However, a strong leader woman is not satisfied with the leader of the role.

One of my good acquaintance was married three times, from the first and third marriage she has two children. By character, she explains the leader and the cause of their divorces. She says that he can not get along with any man, because it does not know how to obey, and men believe that it is demanding, stubborn and non-advocating. She understands it all, but he says that she has such a character and she cannot redo themselves, as it is used to always defend their opinion.

But, however, in such cases you need work on yourself. The fact is that a stronger man does not suffer next to him, and more weak - will not respect, even if it will live with him. In psychiatry "Male character" is called "transformation of sexual behavior". This term denotes that a person with proper sexual awareness has behavior and character that is peculiar to another floor. If you say simple language - a woman feels like a woman, but behaves like a man, and a man, aware of and considering himself a man, behaves like a woman.

Strong personal qualities of women can play in the life of a woman positive roleBut here in women leaders, unfortunately, does not develop. A strong woman either never marries, either coming out and constantly fights for leadership in the family, or if a man is weaker than her personal qualities - suppresses and tyranny her husband.

It is necessary to clearly know, understand and feel your women start And their nature and to realize that the harmony, comfort and warmth brings the woman. You can read the article, the women's qualities that attract men are described there, and I can tell you that normal man Little worries what career a woman built and that she is in his life, he is more important than its softness, femininity and energy. Not every man can get along with independent and independent wife with male character And the male stereotype of behavior. If the husband is also expressed leadership skillsIn such a family, stormy scandals will constantly take place, which will eventually lead to marriage.

Svetlana, I do not know if you can still save your marriage or not, but it is likely that you can. Work on yourself, start practicing improvement and strengthening female Energy, start to wear more women's clothing and decorations. Listen to meditation that you will find at the end of the article, but you can find other meditations for yourself. Believe me - to be a weak woman, it is not only useful, but also very nice! And it is not necessary to try to be strong now and show all that you will handle everything and are able to survive your divorce. The power of a woman in its weakness is the famous and absolutely correct statement. And I want to give advice to all strong women - apply your leadership qualities and implement all your ambitions at work, and at home let yourself be just a woman - wife, mom and keeper of a cozy and warm hearth.

Sometimes a very strong man with a powerful man appears in the life of a woman. solar energy. And it is easy to feel even back, the body of a woman completely responds to him, her thoughts calm down, and the center of femininity, the uterus is filled with warm and radiant vibrations of life ...

Next to such a man, even the most active and dynamic woman with a cheeky character becomes a small lady, suddenly wakes up the whole bouquet female qualities, she suddenly wants to cook him, take care of him, remove the house, wait for him from work and maybe for the first time in her body consciously sounds "I want a child from this man."

Usually it is with this man that she begins to understand the true pleasure of sexual intimacy, it feels especially brightly and strongly, femininity awakens in it at the hormonal level. She likes his smell, his body, his eyes and voice ...

Next to him, she can feel stupid and weak, but it doesn't confuse it how much, but on the contrary makes you smile on myself and realize how pleasant sometimes be weak.

Next to him she does not want to argue, prove, to measure with him intellect, she wants to obey her for the first time in his life!

I spoke a few of my clients such a thing: "He can sometimes rigidly put me in place, and I do not feel any humiliation, I am a buzz that he is so strong and even a bit hard. I feel his strength! "

A woman begins to flourish in this relationship, aware of the power of this man and harmonizing through her. She begins to love not mind, but all his female creature. Moreover, it may be absolutely not its type of type, not the level of intelligence, not the level spiritual development, very different ... maybe not even beautiful, but just a strong, courageous and decisive, next to which her heart awakens to love. As my girlfriend says about such a man in her life "After all, you look at him - well, scary! The face is such a simple simple. Well, straight tractor driver! Only in an expensive shirt. And I love him and feel that this is my man ... "

And then (in a day / week / year of acquaintance with him), most women make the same mistake: they begin to adapt to these men, to serve, try to please him ... They stick into it!

Fully, on the ears! And then questions begin "What did I do wrong?", "Cute, what didn't you like?", "Favorite, all is well?" etc.

"What to file? What to bring? What to remake in yourself for you? "

Woman is capable of anything to keep it. She feels internally not ready for such a relationship, she herself has not yet been launched, and she tries to compensate for the inner unpretentiousness through external self-improvement, because to lose insanely scary ...

If you look deeper, then she needs not even him, but the state of the awakened nature, which she feels, which she swears.

Maybe for the first time in life and only next to him, she felt like a woman!

How can I let go?

And then the hyper-efforts begin in an attempt to be the best, match, deserve ... What gives a man more and more.

And in the end, he leaves.

In most cases, such men appear in the life of a woman and go to show her how long she is not ready for strong and mature relationship. After all, he needs not a slave, not a servant, and a woman who can fill and whose love can be filled!

After his care remains pain, unbearable pain of return to another reality, where you no longer feel yourself a woman by 100%, where there are no more these strong hands and confident lookwhere you can't relax and feel ...

Now the woman does everything to get away from this pain. But believe me, it's better to live with a pain that moves you forward and develops than to live without pain, but also without love.

Pain is that it means you gave more than any energy than your current reserve can accommodate. And instead of expanding your reserve - women trying to simply remove this energy from their lives, not understanding that they harm their becoming.

Some of the women trying to return these men by post, prayers and ascapes, which only aggravates the situation. In this case, all asceticism, posts and rituals act simply like magic. A woman without a powerful discontinuished energy will need to make a few months to make ascetic to attract it again on the day. But then he will leave again, because the lesson is not traveled ...

I will not even write about the love spells, because the fate of those women who are trying to master the man through magic! NOT kidding, but warning !!! In order not yet closed your home of marriage in the horoscope from fortunekal, sorcerers and gypsies need to be held in 5-10 meters! Venus spoils magic very much, may completely close the house of marriage and relationships. Look at the fortune-telling and sorcerers - they are off-way lonely women. In their life, a man comes only to give a child. Then he or dies or leaves. Therefore, led you the Lord from such people.

Other women are trying to cut him off from themselves, and go to healers, so that they are cleared of this connection, which does not come out of the head, hearts and uterus ... which does not want to leave.

But this is the man it will be incredibly difficult to cut off from herself, it will be that he will dream to be worn in the crowd of people, it will seem that he now will appear somewhere, from somewhere will come out, each phone call And each SMS will force a woman to shudder from waiting ...

It is such a man into the life of a woman brings the most powerful lesson of love and development.

Such a man comes and shows a woman, what it can be, what kind of feminine she is, how much strength in it ...

He teaches her to live in harmony with his nature, and he also gives her to see and feel like in her love!

After all, it is his woman who begins to love their communication from the very first days ... It is for him that she doesn't have a passion, not love, but love, and she feels her to all the creature ...

And this is why it hurts when he leaves.

If there was such a man in your life, then you are lucky and lucky at the same time.

Luck because few people in life face present loveAnd you were given to love deeply, truly, with all my heart, with all your female creature, every cage of your body. And when a woman loves - nothing is impossible for her! This love continues to live in you all my life, she fills your life meaning. Moreover, when a woman with love and gratitude recalls the experience that she had with this man, it automatically on a thin level it is harmonized, its energy is aligned, she recalls his femininity, its nature ...

And if you decide, cheer courage and will reveal yourself, allow, expand your borders if you accept the loss of this man, but the luck is happy and full unconditional love To him - you can be together, and this union will be incredibly powerful.

Not lucky because it will be held with this man through the most strong stressWith him you will be pulled out on a completely different level of sensation of life.

And each new energy transition is always pain, crisis and depression.

Each time tied to it, you will take it.

You will be inexorably learning to live happily and freely, without tosing.

You will teach emotional maturity and unconditional love all the time!

But then the happiness that you will experience from these relationships will not compare with any other experiences in life, the love that will be filled with your heart will make your life full of meaning and divinity!

This man teaches you to be a woman!

He showed you how you can love and feel - now your task is to support it.

If you want to be with him, then you do not need to learn to drag the house and cook food, you do not need to learn to be worthy of His mind!

It is necessary to reveal the love and sensation of the drive from life, happiness from the inside.

You just need to become a woman in full understanding of this word, a real, feeling, emotional and capable of letting go.

And when you calmly refuse him, but at the same time keep love in the heart and joy from life when you can be with him and not lose your head from Euphoria, to be calm and internally joyful - then you can stay with him!

Then life will bring you again.

With other men, it will be easier, easier, and it will be difficult with that, sometimes it hurts, but you will live, feel life and you will fill love.

If your life was such a man:

Learn to be grateful to him, because these men lead us to know, to teachers, to God! Let even through pain, but now we understand that it is worth it?

Do not think about it and do not try to forget, just cultivate yourself and your power.

When you learn to love yourself and be happy - your pain will go by itself, and a relationship with him or will go to new level Or stop disturbing you!

Why do we slide on such men?

Because they are strong on male, they are implemented in their nature, and it makes them incredibly attractive. But the same process is happening with a woman: when she reveals in their nature when she comprehends her depths when she learned to love and preserve freedom, then she becomes a magnetically charming, and she no longer sticks to men, and builds relationships on the principle of energy equality.

Now most women drive away by the desire to own a man, but with a strong man will not work as well as with a strong woman. In general, it is impossible to own energy-strong people, you can only interact with the principle of fusion of energies.

Therefore, throw away the desire to possess this man, thank him, for the fact that he opened in you!

The pain will live in your heart only until you give up the desire to own them.

As my teacher says in this case, "you gave you a beautiful canary, her singing awakens your heart To love, and you approach and say "Oh, what a wonderful canary, let me eat it!"

Drop pain, and let love again fill you! Not that mercenary love, which gloatingly says "You will still be mine,", and the one that tenderly whispers "God, thanks that this person sent me and opened love in my heart! Now I feel! "

Whatever a man you live, whoever surrounds you, anyway, learn love every day, and if there is a person who awakens her in you, fill it!

Even if you are already married, and your heart is still trembling from another man, do not discard love.

Just do not focus on the man, take those feelings that he gave you and divide with his spouse.

We are entitled not because of people, but because of their energy and states that we feel next to them.

Live in a state of love and gratitude, the rest - will apply! Published

The fact that for prosperous life in a pair requires a full exchange (resources, support, attention, warmth, care, etc.) - probably, all readers of psychological blogs know well. I will write about a slightly less obvious nuance of relations, - he is near, from the same "climate" understanding of the pair as systems.

One of the most common female questions - "Where did the strong men be treated?" Immediately I will pay your attention to the fact that it takes this precisely strong women - that is, smart, who have been independent in every sense. Well, or seeking it.

You can, of course, with a grin say that while they made themselves and their careers, the "weak" women did makeup and disassembled all strong men, but it would be far from the whole truth.

The truth is that power and weakness are relative concepts.

Next to one person you feel strong, next to the other - weak. If you want to get a space for living, awareness of your own strength - you will go to the first one, if, on the contrary, I want to complain-shook - go to the second.

You already, probably, guess where I am a clone, but I still continue. :)

Strong men and strong women combines the same property - both of them, and others like to be strong, they are proud of their strength, respect themselves for strength. And, at the same time, they need to confirm that they are considered to see, they see how strong.

That is why they will look for a partner who can give it. And it will be the one who is weaker - the younger, less experienced, less successful, less significant, not as smart, which occupies a lower position, etc.

And this is not what is being done consciously - just at the stage of finding a partner for a relationship they will feel calmer and more confident (in their strength) with such a person.

On the other hand, strong people shame the manifestations of their weakness, although, of course, in secret sometimes they wish to find someone who at least to take rid of them from a rush of strength, and would be strong for two. Women talk at the same time:

"So you want to be weak next to someone. Where to take this? Of whom I wanted to obey and trust him - reliable, strong and worthy. Just let him first prove that he is stronger than me! "

Strong men come differently, if they can afford it, - they look sad eyes and say "I'm so tired, and why do I need all this, what's the point? .."

This is said in both cases, of course, not a partner, but a close to a friend / friend - if there is such, or a psychotherapist (which, of course, is safer). With a partner accepted strong people Keep the tail with a gun, because if he doubts the power of our hero, then there will be a complete collapse.

What do you think, if such a more-more-strong partner will appear in the life of our strong character? While unfamiliar, - but the one who seems to be - and ordered a strong person. It can be assumed that he will face anxiety experience.

Strong alarm. And what are the foundations to trust him? What if he "nourishes and throw"? What if pain is hurt? And what if I will learn, and he is not? Etc. In short, relax and rush into the arms strong man For our hero tired of Noshi, it will be not so simple.

Little remark: he and strong became not good, guess? Apparently when he was weak objective reasons (I mean the child) he had somehow not enough. And the least in the world he wants to return to the terrible, dependent position.

And our hero will begin to check its potentially strong partner. Podkely, compete, play, manipulate - what will come up with. Fook reconnaissance.

Maybe they will stay off (pleasures in this relationship can be quite enough), but it is hardly a nice and fluffy couple, rather their union will be similar to war with infrequent truce or periodically arising armed neutrality. In short, not to rest.

Yes, and nobody will not remove it. And during the victories, our hero will first rejoice, "and then to wander about the other, more and strong, who would still be stronger. And during the defeats - so much to be frightened that the partner will notice weakness and throw (for this very weakness), which will feel either extremely depressed and vulnerable (and hide it), or with even greater fury and perseverance to rush into battle. In general, nothing good.

Well, I think, I sketched an oil picture. Next - "Diagnosis and treatment scheme". :)

Each of us unconsciously seeks health, to equilibrium. We, in all senses, are self-regulating systems. Including this refers to pair relationships.

The partner, which next to us is the "reflection" of our "diagnosis". Reflection of the most relevant needs of our inner world. Often, what you really do not like in a partner (especially if for some reason it was inherent in the top ten of your previous partners) - you need to feel in a certain way next to him. And this applies not only to the issues of strength and weakness.

By the way, the reason and universal inexpensive desire to change the partner in best side" With hope: "Maybe he will change and defeat my inner monster, instead of adapting to him? I somehow do not really cope ... "

Illustrate. There can not be a strong woman to be weak and relax a little from his strong affairs - something inside opposed. But, she hopes, she will come another-more - a knight in shining armor, and will free from the Great Inner Dragon, forcing to be strong.

On the female language This means: "Prove that he is stronger," that in translation, in fact, means: "takes all my things and care for yourself, and will make it better than me." What, by the way, does not happen. And peace and peace come in the inner world.

Good hope. Healthy. But, alas, impracticable ...

And "treatment" is obvious - get to know your dragon, learn more about him, learn to interact with him so that the space remains and for other cases except the main task (For example, "be strong). In short, do it yourself.

With or without. Together with a partner or separately. Individually or in groups. Then there is a chance to alleviate your life, give yourself the right to sometimes be weak. Stop, finally, "change" the neighbor - and then it will change himself (if love survived).


Sometimes a very strong man with powerful solar energy appears in the life of a woman. And it is easy to feel even back, the body of a woman completely responds to him, her thoughts calm down, and the center of femininity, the uterus is filled with warm and radiant vibrations of life ...

Next to such a man, even the most active and dynamic woman with a cheeky character becomes a small lattice, suddenly wakes up the whole bouquet of women's qualities, she suddenly wants to cook him, take care of him, clean the house, wait for him from work and can be for the first time in her body Consciously sounds "I want a child from this man."

Usually it is with this man that she begins to understand the true pleasure of sexual intimacy, it feels especially brightly and strongly, femininity awakens in it at the hormonal level. She likes his smell, his body, his eyes and voice ...

Next to him, she can feel stupid and weak, but it doesn't confuse it how much, but on the contrary makes you smile on myself and realize how pleasant sometimes be weak.

Next to him she does not want to argue, prove, to measure with him intellect, she wants to obey her for the first time in his life!

I spoke a few of my clients such a thing: "He can sometimes rigidly put me in place, and I do not feel any humiliation, I am a buzz that he is so strong and even a bit hard. I feel his strength! "

A woman begins to flourish in this relationship, aware of the power of this man and harmonizing through her. She begins to love not mind, but all his female creature. Moreover, it may be absolutely not its type of type, not the level of intelligence, not the level of spiritual development, is completely different ... maybe not even beautiful, but just a strong, courageous and decisive, next to which her heart awakens to love. As my girlfriend says about such a man in her life "After all, you look at him - well, scary! The face is such a simple simple. Well, straight tractor driver! Only in an expensive shirt. And I love him and feel that this is my man ... "🙂

And then (in a day / week / year of acquaintance with him), most women make the same mistake: they begin to adapt to these men, to serve, try to please him ... They stick into it!

Fully, on the ears! And then questions begin "What did I do wrong?", "Cute, what didn't you like?", "Favorite, all is well?" etc.

"What to file? What to bring? What to remake in yourself for you? "

Woman is capable of anything to keep it. She feels internally not ready for such a relationship, she herself has not yet been launched, and she tries to compensate for the inner unpretentiousness through external self-improvement, because to lose insanely scary ...

If you look deeper, then she needs not even him, but the state of the awakened nature, which she feels, which she swears.

Maybe for the first time in life and only next to him, she felt like a woman!

How can I let go?

And then the hyper-efforts begin in an attempt to be the best, match, deserve ... What gives a man more and more.

And in the end, he leaves.

In most cases, such men appear in the life of a woman and go to show her how much it is not ready for a strong and mature relationship. After all, he needs not a slave, not a servant, and a woman who can fill and whose love can be filled!

After his care, there remains pain, unbearable pain of return to another reality, where you no longer feel like a woman by 100%, where there are no more of these strong hands and a confident look, where you can't relax and feel ...

Now the woman does everything to get away from this pain. But believe me, it's better to live with a pain that moves you forward and develops than to live without pain, but also without love.

Pain is that it means you gave more than any energy than your current reserve can accommodate. And instead of expanding your reserve - women trying to simply remove this energy from their lives, not understanding that they harm their becoming.

Most women drive a desire to own a strong man, but energy-strong people cannot be owned, you can only interact with them.

Sometimes a very strong man with powerful solar energy appears in the life of a woman. And it is easy to feel even back, the body of a woman completely opposes him, her thoughts calm down, and the center of femininity is filled with warm and radiant vibrations of life.

Next to such a man, even the most active and dynamic woman with a cheeky character becomes a small lattice, suddenly wakes up the whole bouquet of women's qualities, she suddenly wants to cook him, take care of him, clean the house, wait for him from work and can be for the first time in her body Consciously sounds "I want a child from this man."

Usually it is with this man that she begins to understand the true pleasure of sexual intimacy, it feels especially brightly and strongly, femininity awakens in it at the hormonal level. She likes his smell, his body, his eyes and voice.

Next to him, she can feel stupid and weak, but it doesn't confuse it how much, but the opposite makes you smile on myself and realize how pleasant sometimes be weak.

Next to him she does not want to argue, prove, to measure with him intellect, she wants to obey her for the first time in his life!

I spoke a few of my clients such a thing: "He can sometimes rigidly put me in place, and I do not feel any humiliation, I am a buzz that he is so strong and even a bit hard. I feel his strength! "

A woman begins to flourish in this relationship, aware of the power of this man and harmonizing through her. She begins to love not mind, but all his female creature. Moreover, it may be absolutely not its type of type, not the level of intelligence, not the level of spiritual development, is completely different ... maybe not even beautiful, but just a strong, courageous and decisive, next to which her heart awakens to love. As my girlfriend says about such a man in her life "After all, you look at him - well, scary! The face is such a simple simple. Well, straight tractor driver! Only in an expensive shirt. And I love him and feel that this is my man ... ":-)

And then through time most women make the same mistake: they begin to adapt to these men, to serve, try to please him ... They stick on it!

Fully, on the ears! And then questions begin "What did I do wrong?", "Cute, what didn't you like?", "Favorite, all is well?" etc.

"What to file? What to bring? What to remake in yourself for you? "

Woman is capable of anything to keep it. She feels internally not ready for such a relationship, she herself has not yet been launched, and she tries to compensate for the inner unpretentiousness through external self-improvement, because to lose insanely scary ...

If you look deeper, then she needs not even him, but the state of the awakened nature, which she feels, which she swears.

Maybe for the first time in life and only next to him, she felt like a woman!

How can I let go?

And then the hyper-efforts begin in an attempt to be the best, match, deserve ... What gives a man more and more.

And in the end, he leaves.

In most cases, such men appear in the life of a woman and go to show her how much it is not ready for a strong and mature relationship. After all, he needs not a slave, not a servant, and a woman who can fill and whose love can be filled!

After his care, there remains pain, unbearable pain of return to another reality, where you no longer feel like a woman by 100%, where there are no more of these strong hands and a confident look, where you can't relax and feel ...

Now the woman does everything to get away from this pain. But believe me, it's better to live with a pain that moves you forward and develops than to live without pain, but also without love.

Pain is that it means you gave more than any energy than your current reserve can accommodate. And instead of expanding your reserve - women trying to simply remove this energy from their lives, not understanding that they harm their becoming.

Some of the women trying to return these men by post, prayers and ascapes, which only aggravates the situation. Even if you manage to pull again, on the day, then he will leave again, because the lesson is not passed.

Other women try to cut him off from themselves, and go to healers to be cleared of this connection, which does not come out of the head and heart. Which does not want to leave.

But it is this man that will be incredibly difficult to cut off from himself, it will be that he will dream to be worn out in the crowd of people, it will seem that he will now appear somewhere, from somewhere will come out, every phone call and every SMS will force a woman to shudder from waiting.

It is such a man into the life of a woman brings the most powerful lesson of love and development.

♡ Such a man comes and shows a woman as she can be, what kind of feminine she is, how much power in it.

He teaches her to live in harmony with his nature, and he also gives her to see and feel like in her love!

After all, it is his woman begins to love them from the very first days of their communication. It is not a passion that she does not have a passion, and love, and she feels it with a whole being.

And this is why it hurts when he leaves.

If there was such a man in your life, then you are lucky and lucky at the same time.

It was lucky because few people in life face real love, and you were given to love deeply, truly, with all my heart, with all your female creature, every cage of your body. And when a woman loves - nothing is impossible for her! This love continues to live in you all my life, she fills your life meaning. Moreover, when a woman with love and gratitude recalls the experience that she had with this man, it automatically on a thin level it is harmonized, its energy is aligned, she recalls his femininity, his nature.

And if you decide, get courage and will reveal yourself, allow you to expand your borders if you accept the loss of this man, but you will be happy and full of unconditional love for him - you can be together, and this union will be incredibly powerful.

♡ Not lucky because it will be held with this man through the strongest stress, you will be pulled out to a completely different level of life.

And each new energy transition is always pain, crisis and depression.

Each time tied to it, you will take it.

You will be inexorably learning to live happily and freely, without tosing.

You will teach emotional maturity and unconditional love all the time!

But then the happiness that you will experience from these relationships will not compare with any other experiences in life, the love that will be filled with your heart will make your life full of meaning and divinity!

♡ This man teaches you to be a woman! ♡

He showed you how you can love and feel - now your task is to support it.

If you want to be with him, then you do not need to learn to drag the house and cook food, you do not need to learn to be worthy of His mind!

It is necessary to reveal the love and sensation of the drive from life, happiness from the inside.

You just need to become a woman in full understanding of this word, a real, feeling, emotional and capable of letting go.

And when you calmly refuse him, but at the same time keep love in the heart and joy from life when you can be with him and not lose your head from Euphoria, to be calm and internally joyful - then you can stay with him!

Then life will bring you again.

With other men, it will be easier, easier, and it will be difficult with that, sometimes it hurts, but you will live, feel life and you will fill love.

If your life was such a man:

Learn to be grateful to him, because these men lead us to know, to teachers, to God! Let even through pain, but now we understand that it is worth it?

Do not think about it and do not try to forget, just cultivate yourself and your power.

When you learn to love yourself and be happy - your pain will go away by itself, and the relationship with him or will go to a new level or stop disturbing you!

Why do we slide on such men?

Because they are strong on male, they are implemented in their nature, and it makes them incredibly attractive. But the same process is happening with a woman: when she reveals in their nature when she comprehends her depths when she learned to love and preserve freedom, then she becomes a magnetically charming, and she no longer sticks to men, and builds relationships on the principle of energy equality.

Now most women drive away by the desire to own a man, but with a strong man will not work as well as with a strong woman. In general, it is impossible to own energy-strong people, you can only interact with the principle of fusion of energies.

Therefore, throw away the desire to possess this man, thank him, for the fact that he opened in you!

The pain will live in your heart only until you give up the desire to own them.

As my teacher says in this case, "you gave you a beautiful canary, her singing awakens your heart to love, and you approach and say" Oh, what a wonderful canary, let me eat her! "

Drop pain, and let love again fill you! Not that mercenary love, which gloatingly says "You will still be mine,", and the one that tenderly whispers "God, thanks that this person sent me and opened love in my heart! Now I feel! "

Whatever a man you live, whoever surrounds you, anyway, learn love every day, and if there is a person who awakens her in you, fill it!

Even if you are already married, and your heart is still trembling from another man, do not discard love.

Just do not focus on the man, take those feelings that he gave you and divide with his spouse.

We are entitled not because of people, but because of their energy and states that we feel next to them.

Live in a state of love and gratitude, the rest - will apply!