Original congratulations for 50 years to a woman prose. Festive portal jubilee-en-bis.rf - everything for your anniversary. your guests will ask you to repeat the anniversary encore


you have fifty summer anniversary,

We congratulate you today.

Accept wishes from friends

We are putting them together for you today.

Since you are an accountant with us,

We came up with a clerical verse:

Let there be balance in life

And the debt is only accounts receivable.

Today is a wonderful day, we congratulate you - our hero of the day, an excellent worker, colleague, faithful and amazing woman. A significant period of life has passed, in which there was everything - both the joy of good luck and the insult of disappointments. But, in spite of everything, you managed to reach the big beautiful date. And in your golden fifty, we wish you to have as much as possible in your life bright days so that there are always loving and worthy people. We are confident that your charm, professionalism and perseverance in achieving your goals will continue to bring you well-deserved victories. Health, happiness and all the best to you, dear our hero of the day!

50 is the time for smiles! On this beautiful day, we sincerely congratulate you! We wish you everything you can wish for: a pleasant environment, and respect! Let anxiety not meet on the way, everything will come true, what you dream about! Love, happiness, kindness! Live as many more years, without grief, misfortune and misfortune!

Allow me from the bottom of my heart, from the bottom of my heart

Congratulate on this bright date,

Wish new achievements

After all, today you are 50!

May further happiness, prosperity await you,

All wishes will come true

Well-being in everything

And perhaps happiness day after day!

What is fifty? Fifty meters is not a distance, but a distance. Fifty percent is exactly half; Well, it's not the whole! Fifty times - in principle, this is a world record! And some are happy to take fifty grams daily.

But none of those who each overcome distances and do half the work, who can boast of immeasurable health, who awakens an appetite in themselves every day, will never say in their life that fifty can be - years. Therefore, we wish you that you always have strength for meters, opportunities for percentages, desire for times. Then you won't have to wake up your appetite. Since birth!

Congratulations on the anniversary of 50 years to a woman in prose

There is a secret: after twenty-five a woman never gets old, and even at twenty-five she can say that she is eighteen and everyone will believe. So half a century in the passport is only a figure, but not a true indicator. Therefore, today it is quite possible to congratulate you on coming of age.

Years run inexorably, but you are still just as good. This is the unique case when the time is reflected only in the passport and on the calendar, but not in any way on the person. I wish this youth to last as long as possible, because it suits you so much. Therefore, I would like to congratulate the whole world on Your Day, because on this day it has become a little richer.

Congratulations on the anniversary in prose

So your anniversary has come - such a solemn and long-awaited event, but a little sad, because at this age we all begin to treat birthdays a little differently, because a year from now they take away our beauty and youth, adding only gray hair on our temples. But our today's hero of the day is an exception in this sense - you just have to look at her and it immediately becomes clear that she was mistaken in the calculations by at least one dozen! She is young, beautiful as in her youth, and her eyes, as before, shine with a bright perky spark of life. And I want to wish her to remain as young in ten and 20 years, surprising everyone with her optimism and desire to live and get younger! After all, a person is not as old as it is written in his passport, but as much as he feels! Be young at heart! Happy anniversary! ©

Happy 50th birthday, our dear man! With all my heart today we wish you great human happiness, a lot of joy, an ocean of love and tenderness. May your life be filled pleasant surprises and gifts of fate! On this day, let life give you its most bright colors, impressions and unforgettable moments! ©

Happy birthday to the best man on the planet! Happy 50th anniversary! We wish you peace, light, sun! We wish your every day to be warmed by the attention and care of your loved ones, so that everyone gives you their smile. ©

Dear man, happy 50th birthday to you! Do not meet obstacles in your life, and even if you meet, boldly overcome them! Know that close, beloved and native people are with you, who will always support you! Best wishes! May your dreams come true, wishes come true and your dreams come true! ©

Happy 50th birthday, we sincerely congratulate the kindest, most attentive and wonderful man! On this significant date, we want to wish you great wealth, all human joys, kindness, love, attention, understanding!

On this day of jam, we wish that everything in your life develops in the best way! ©

Congratulations on your 50th anniversary from the bottom of my heart beautiful man! May success always accompany you in everything. May every day bring long-awaited joys. May only the sun and warmth always be in your family! ©

Let the anniversary of 50 years be the most special and an unforgettable holiday! Happy birthday man! We wish you prosperity career development, the achievement of all goals, the realization of all dreams. Never give up, do not get sick and do not become limp! Dear birthday boy, be cheerful and courageous! You have many devoted friends, good neighbors and good bosses! ©

Dear hero of the day, we sincerely congratulate you on the most solemn date, Happy 50th Anniversary! We wish you to always be in the center of attention, to achieve in life everything that the soul wants! May all bad weather bypass your home and family. Let your heart will always be filled with light, love and happiness! Great joy to you! ©

Congratulations on your 50th birthday, my dear man! And I want to say that you are my most precious, beloved, only, divine, beloved, adored, gentle, sweet, kind, passionate, strong, brave, warlike, smart, beautiful, radiant, reliable, faithful! I love you very much! ©

Himself dear man in the world, congratulations on the solemn date of the 50th anniversary! You are so wonderful, sociable, decisive, friendly, hardworking, serious, frank, generous, quick, purposeful, charming, responsible, caring, open, affectionate, victorious, cheerful, disciplined, wise! You are the most the best man in the world! ©

We sincerely congratulate you on your 50th anniversary! We wish you to achieve everything you dream of. May your strength never run out, patience and wisdom never end, dear birthday man. Be an example for everyone. Live in such a way that you never regret a single moment. ©

Congratulations on the anniversary of 50 years to a woman in verse and prose

Congratulations and wishes

in verse and prose

Fifty is only half

Bright life, beautiful and full,

Fifty is like a dam

When you breathe easily and freely.

I want to wish you good health

So that life is a full bowl,

Every moment you live with love,

You become better and more beautiful!

On this day you became 50.

Many difficult roads have been passed.

Fifty is not enough for history

And for a decent period of life.

And don't try to be sad today

And do not spare smiles for us,

What is your special day?

It's called an anniversary.

Anniversary is a round date

So, so many years with zero

Gone since ever

You chose to be born.

But I will take insidious spite

We wish there were more

What is irretrievably gone

So that there is no place for sadness,

From which you would hang your nose,

To the maximum - ringing laughter,

To a minimum - sorrowful tears,

For children to be healthy

To fill the house with grandchildren.

Well, if we forgot something -

It doesn't matter, we wish you later!

There are apt French

Gold words:

"If youth knew

If old age could

But there is a plot

In the middle of the road

When experience and strength

They can walk side by side.

This happy


Two pretty words:

"more" and "already".

Everything is available to you,

You "already" understand everything.

So live in this time

And it's easy and nice.

If life offers you

Difficult puzzles series,

Then solve them boldly -

You are already fifty!

If youth calls out

Get in line with her.

Stand up, don't be afraid

You have fifty more

I want you to smile often and sincerely! I congratulate you on your 50th birthday, on your anniversary, and I want to wish you to enjoy life just like at 18! Let life give you something that you have not yet experienced, but only let it be pleasant hours! Why watch? Because moments are too short to fully experience all the joy and happiness of the event! Always remain as cheerful, beautiful, because each age has its own, and never think about regretting something! I wish you this with all my heart! Happy anniversary my dear!

We sincerely congratulate you

We wish you health, vivacity,

Good luck new and victories,

Happy life, years.

After all, every year is something dear to you,

Though the days are flying fast

Not 30 or 40 anymore

Already today - 50.

May life be full to the brim

Without grief and without trouble,

And so that happiness and health

It took you a hundred years.

We will not speak loud phrases -

You are 50 and what can I say?

And we want to wish you a lot -

What you can’t tell in a short verse.

Let friends not betray in trouble,

Let the parents be healthy

Fun, cheerfulness, fidelity, kindness

You will not be abandoned and will not be forgotten,

May respect, glory and honor

Your work will be glorious

What a reward!

And we will see you in 50 years

Congratulations on the centenary again!

(Name), I sincerely want to congratulate you on your anniversary. Let this important date will bring you a lot of luck and open up opportunities for you. May joy and happiness always accompany you, and failures bypass you. Happy holiday to you!

Half a century has been reached

But the one who is young in soul does not grow old,

Who is full of good, joyful hopes,

Who knew life, could remain himself.

And we know you just like that,

And so, on your birthday

We wish you many years and many winters,

Health, happiness, joy, luck!

Fifty is life's flowering

May happiness last a lifetime.

Do years matter?

If a person is young at heart!

Congratulations on your anniversary. texts of beautiful, sincere wishes

It's no secret that there is magic numbers. They carry a special energy round numbers! And today is your anniversary, and therefore the magic of numbers is at full power! May this amazing magic bring all the best into your life: health, happiness, wealth, good luck and family well-being!

*** *** ***

Dear hero of the day! Today is a significant day - your birthday! Everything was in your life: both bad and good, but today is the time to remember only the best. And let what was glorious in life be repeated, again and again bringing joy and happiness. And let all the bad things go away and be forgotten. I wish you many, many more years to live serenely, enjoying life!

*** *** ***

Today you are celebrating a special birthday - Anniversary! Round, beautiful date - 50 years! And since today is a significant day, it should be wonderful for you too! We wish you to maintain the same high spirits, the same feeling of happiness and joy for many years to come! Peace to you, kindness, good luck and prosperity!

*** *** ***

70 years is the age of great wisdom that our hero of the day has accumulated over the past years. Priceless life experience, acquired by him, is appreciated by all his relatives and friends. After all, our dear birthday man does not skimp on advice, and is always ready to help not only in word, but also in deed. And today we want to thank you, wish you good Siberian health and many years of happy, serene life!

*** *** ***

Over the years, you do not age, but become stronger, wiser, more tolerant - and it is these qualities that take life to a different level, at which real values ​​​​become obvious and everyday trifles become indifferent. Today you perfectly understand that the main thing in life is love for loved ones and love of loved ones! So let this love be over the edge in your life !!! And be infinitely happy!

*** *** ***

On the day of the Jubilee, you will undoubtedly hear many beautiful, warm, sincere and kind words to your address. I will not repeat myself, but I will only say, may in the future everything that you wished today, the guests who came to the holiday, await you!

*** *** ***

Dear friend, meeting this Anniversary, do not be sad. After all, the years lived are wealth, wisdom and experience! Let your past become a springboard for jumping into a beautiful, cloudless future! May a wonderful man meet on your way as soon as possible, who will love you, take care of you, protect and protect you! May the coming year be full of wonderful events, meetings with good people, success and luck! Health to you, love, good luck, kindness! Be happy!

*** *** ***

Anniversary greetings for a colleague in prose

Congratulations on your anniversary! We wish life as festive as today, may success and luck always be present in it! We wish you to believe in your own strength, stand firmly on your feet, and constantly move forward. And may good luck accompany you not only in your career, but also in personal life, may your house be a full bowl, may there be peace and prosperity in it, may your loved ones always be there.

*** *** ***

Such a round date happens only once every ten years and therefore it should be celebrated grandiosely! We wish you today to receive welcome guests, to receive wonderful gifts, listen to good and congratulations! We wish you sparkling happiness, true well-being, sincere love and fulfillment of all desires!

*** *** ***

Dear (name), we want to say that we all appreciate and respect you very much, and therefore, congratulating you on your anniversary, first of all we wish you what is very important for any person: good mood, good luck in business, good health, mutual understanding with colleagues and relatives true friendship and true love!

*** *** ***

Other texts in prose Happy Anniversary

Congratulations on the anniversary of 50 years in prose

"We congratulate!"

At 20, a person is guided by desire, at 30 - by reason, at 40 - by reason, at 50 - by wisdom. Today we congratulate the wise, prudent and reasonable!


Dear, I want to congratulate you on your anniversary. Today is your holiday, today is a significant date, so I want to wish you a lot of happiness, good health, joy and good mood every day. Do not forget that everything is just beginning, so let victory and success always accompany you. Happy holiday, my love!

"They say..."

They say it takes a person two years to learn to speak, and 50 years to learn to keep his mouth shut. Today, our hero of the day proved that he passed this school with excellent marks. Stay, dear, for a second term and continue to study. 100 years will be provided to you!


Dear sister, let me congratulate you on your anniversary. It's really great date which will allow you to discover new possibilities. Therefore, I want to wish you that your desires are always fulfilled no matter what. Be happy and may you always be surrounded by the closest and dearest people. Happy holiday!

“Today you turned 50 years old”

Today you are 50 years old. You can say, "already fulfilled", but you can - "it has just been fulfilled." If you are only 50 years old, then there will be all 100! Happy anniversary!

“Congratulations on your anniversary!”

Congratulations on your half-century anniversary! So much has happened in your life important events. And how many good things await you ahead, because there are so many beautiful, interesting and unknown things in the world. I wish you that your life is full of goodness. Let you have only joyful dreams, from which you want to smile and live on.

"Beloved mother"

Our dear mother! Every day your work is in full swing, mom is the best with us. But today is such a joyful day, Anniversary, this is a celebration and a holiday for us! We all want to congratulate you, wish you good luck, success, so that you are with a smile, nothing else! To have joy every day! Smiles, happiness and warmth!

“50 is the time for smiles!”

50 is the time for smiles! On this beautiful day, we sincerely congratulate you! We wish you everything you can wish for: a pleasant environment, love and respect! Let anxiety not meet on the way, everything will come true, what you dream about! Love, happiness, kindness! Live as many more years, without grief, misfortune and misfortune!

“Today you turned 50 years old!”


Daughter, today big celebration Today is your "anniversary" birthday! I can’t describe my emotions in words, I’m so happy for you, my dear! I really want to wish you to always remain as wise, beautiful and kind. Happy anniversary, my dear!


Dear brother, I want to congratulate you on your anniversary. 50 years is the beginning of a new life, so you still have a long way to go. I want to wish you health, happiness and prosperity. Let nothing overshadow you, but only make you stronger and wiser. Happy holiday!


Beloved, I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary. Today is your holiday, so I want that not only on this day, but always loved ones give you their smiles and surround you with care. I want to wish you to always remain as kind, wise and most beautiful. Happy holiday, dear!


Dear daddy, I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary. This day should be remembered for a lifetime, so we will try to do everything for this. May you always be surrounded by your loving family, and all adversity bypasses you. Happy holiday!


Dear uncle, please accept my congratulations on your anniversary. I want to wish you great happiness and peace to your family. You are endowed with wisdom that is not common to everyone, so you always give accurate and sound advice who want to listen. Happy holiday to you and all the best!

"Chukchi say..."

The Chukchi say that a thousand kilometers is not a distance, a hundred deer is not a herd, sixty degrees is not frost, fifty years is not age! We wish you another 50 years to get out of infancy and grow up so that we can say: this is age!

"Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts"

We sincerely congratulate you on your golden anniversary! May the gold remain with you for all subsequent years: the house will be a full golden bowl - strong, like an ingot of gold, the character will remain golden and the wedding will be golden!


"You have become wiser"

"To a friend"

Dear friend, I sincerely congratulate you on your holiday! Today is your anniversary, so take a walk for glory. You can be sure that you great person and faithful friend. But I want to wish you not only happiness and health, but mutual understanding and fulfillment of all desires. Happy anniversary!

"Look at yourself in the mirror"


My most close girlfriend, I congratulate you on your anniversary! Despite your age, you are beautiful, cheerful and full of energy, as in your youth. You are like me Native sister. If I have any difficulties, you will always help me. Stay like this always and let our friendship become stronger day by day.

"Congratulations Today"

“You have already lived half a century”

You have already lived half a century and have seen many amazing things that happened around you. Now it's time for you to rest and knit warm socks for your grandchildren! Happy Anniversary to you!

"Congratulations from the bottom of my heart"


Beloved son, I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary. You became successful man who is loved and respected by all. I am so glad that you have achieved everything you dreamed of, but right now you will have new opportunities that you will definitely use. Happy holiday, dear!



My dear mother, I congratulate you on your anniversary. For me, you are a real example of a wise, beautiful and good woman. That's why I try so hard to be like you. In that holiday I want to wish you never to lose heart and always remain the same loving mother and true friend. Happy holiday, my love!


Dear aunt, I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary. May good luck and success always accompany you, may your loved ones always take care of you, and may your wishes always come true. Happy holiday to you!

"To the Chief"

(Name-Patronymic), let me congratulate you on your anniversary. On this festive day, I would like to wish you great happiness, the fulfillment of all desires, as well as great success at work. Let nothing and never be able to overshadow you, and let loved ones always give you their smiles and care. Happy holiday to you!

Congratulations on the anniversary in prose 50 years

You are fifty. Not a date yet

Fifty is the time for smiles

May everything come true in 50 years

With feeling deep respect, let us solemnly congratulate you on the day of happiness, on your birthday, on your 50th anniversary. We wish the hero of the day to live another 300 years. To be healthy and cheerful, not to know sorrows, and so that on your hundredth anniversary, you can still call us. Love, understanding, optimism.

Today you turned 50 years old! But this is no reason to give up and do nothing. Now your mission is to transfer experience younger generation. As soon as you sit on a bench near the house and see a girl in short skirt be sure to say: “In our times, we didn’t allow ourselves this!” Happy anniversary!

With all my heart I want to congratulate you on your anniversary! You have gone through so many amazing, interesting and unusual things, but everything is just beginning. You have become wiser, more experienced, more prudent, so you will be able to look at everything from a completely different angle, which I wish you from the bottom of my heart. Happy holiday!

I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary! Today is a very significant date for you, so I wish you a great celebration of this holiday. Let the most beloved people surround you and let them accompany you good mood. May your wishes always come true and in the house may you always have the same warm and cozy atmosphere. Happy holiday!

We sincerely congratulate you on your golden anniversary! May the gold remain with you for all subsequent years: the house will be a full golden bowl, health will be strong, like an ingot of gold, the character will remain golden and the wedding will be golden!

Words can't say the way the heart says. And, listening to him, I want to tell you, my dear, that you mean an incredible amount in my life, and even if outwardly it is imperceptible, believe me - it's true! I wish you to be the same as you have always been for me - the most beautiful, the kindest, the most, the most, the most ... Happy anniversary to you!

Dear and beloved friend, I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary. You wise woman who is always ready to give great advice, you can rely on and trust you. I want to wish you peace and peace of mind be strong no matter what. Happy holiday!

Today you hit fifty dollars! Look at yourself in the mirror. It's a nightmare, how you ... perfectly preserved: there are almost no wrinkles on your face, and Alain Delon's smile, in comparison with yours, just rests! And the figure - the Klitschko brothers will burst with envy. And your sense of humor - "Full House" nervously smokes in the corner. Congratulations and wish you stay that way for many years to come!

Congratulations to you today, our beloved Anniversary! Today we all wish you a clear sky, bright sun, so that you do not get older, but only younger! And if life asks you difficult puzzles, then you can easily solve them, because this is the age when “youth already knows, but maturity still can”, fate attracts and promises, and happiness is spinning side by side! Happy anniversary on this beautiful day!

Between 18 and 19 you lived a wonderful 32 years. Wish next year, between nineteen and twenty, to live just as fruitfully and interestingly, delighting friends and relatives already by the fact that you are always there and your spiritual warmth will always support Hard time. Never change, we love you just the way you are!

Frontier. So resonant, so much meaningful word. The moment of transition from one to another. In our case, today we have a transition from quantity to quality. Fifty years endow a person with the wisdom of experience without depriving him of the energy of youth. I would like to wish the hero of the day a long-term balance of these polar states. May yours never end golden mean!

We are happy to congratulate you on wonderful holiday- fiftieth anniversary! We wish you not to rest on your laurels, just as stubbornly go forward! You are surrounded by loving relatives and friends, colleagues appreciate your experience and authority! Good health, success and many reasons for joy!

(Name), I sincerely want to congratulate you on your anniversary. May this important date bring you a lot of good luck and open up new opportunities for you. May joy and happiness always accompany you, and failures bypass you. Happy holiday to you!

Managing people is not an easy task. Leading our team is completely unbearable, but there is a person who managed to unite us with his attentiveness and sensitivity, made it possible to feel like a single team. The sincerity and understanding of the problems of employees successfully found their combination with professionalism and a strategic understanding of reality. Congratulations on your 50th birthday and we express our readiness to support you in any undertaking in the next 50 years!

Wishes for 50 years: General | For a man | Woman | woman | Colleague man

From the team | For the boss | boss | Mom | Pape | To a friend | | From friends

Fun for a man | Jokes for a woman | sister | Brother | Husband | Genet

Mother-in-law | Mothers-in-law | Father-in-law | Father-in-law | Uncle | Tete | Kumu | Kume | Godmother | Godfather

Grandmother | Grandpa | By profession | SMS to a man | SMS to a woman

I congratulate you, so sincere, happy and incredibly attractive, on your 50th anniversary! May everything that has not yet come true in life come true on this day! Let your eyes burn with love and joy, and your heart does not leave the light sparkling with happiness! Let all the gifts that life gives you be only welcome and important for you! I wish you to live your life in such a way that you don’t have to regret anything later! I wish you health, stronger steel and love such that troubles are afraid to approach you! At 50, life is just beginning, so go for it! You already have everything that you need, and you will definitely have everything you want, because such good man how you just can not be something! Congratulations!

Oh, the Woman is the embodiment of beauty, tenderness, kindness…….. She gives us life, supports us all our life and takes care of us. So we wish you health - to adequately endure everything that Life presents, patience - to endure all the offerings of Fate, and beauty and charm - for our birthday girl is worthy of all the bounties of Nature. We wish you the strength to, having measured half your life, to conquer those peaks that have remained inaccessible. We wish to be a standard, a role model, because what has been achieved in life today is worth respect. And we wish love - because only love gives a person faith and hope for the best. Happy holiday!

Congratulations on a wonderful anniversary! 50 years - wonderful age when a person is already wiser by life experience, but young, full of energy and strength. Children have grown up, a career has been built, there is life experience, wisdom and health! We sincerely wish you happiness, success in everything, family warmth, material well-being. You have done so much, worked tirelessly, and how many more great and great things are to be done! Let me wish you irrepressible energy, the fulfillment of all hopes and wonderful achievements. May luck be favorable to you, and life be filled with happy and joyful events and achievements!

My closest friend, I congratulate you on your anniversary! Despite your age, you are beautiful, cheerful and full of energy, as in your youth. You are like a sister to me. If I have any difficulties, you will always help me. Stay like this always and let our friendship become stronger day by day.

I want you to smile often and sincerely! I congratulate you on your 50th birthday, on your anniversary, and I want to wish you to enjoy life just like at 18! Let life give you something that you have not yet experienced, but only let it be pleasant hours! Why watch? Because moments are too short to fully experience all the joy and happiness of the event! Always remain as cheerful, beautiful, because each age has its own, and never think about regretting something! I wish you this with all my heart! Happy anniversary my dear!

They say life begins at 50! You have wonderful adult independent children, great life experience, dozens of working years behind you. It's time to start living for yourself. We are sure that now the children will be your support, and you will rightfully give them advice, help raise your grandchildren and have a well-deserved rest! Congratulations on your anniversary! Be healthy and happy!

Today is a big round date - your 50th anniversary! Let this holiday be remembered by a large festive table, cheerful guests and good mood! I would like to wish you to meet the next anniversaries in such a solemn and cozy atmosphere! May everything that has not yet come true come true, may life bring surprises, may thunderstorms never rumble over you, may the sun illuminate your family, loved ones and loved ones with warmth and light. Health, love, warmth and care! Congratulations!

With a feeling of deep respect, let us solemnly congratulate you on the day of happiness, on your birthday, on your 50th birthday. We wish the hero of the day to live another 300 years. To be healthy and cheerful, not to know sorrows, and so that on your hundredth anniversary, you can still call us. Love, understanding, optimism.

Today you turned 50 years old! But this is no reason to give up and do nothing. Now your mission is to transfer experience to the younger generation. As soon as you sit on a bench near the house and see a girl in a short skirt, be sure to say: “We didn’t allow ourselves this in our times!” Happy anniversary!

Words can't say the way the heart says. And, listening to him, I want to tell you, my dear, that you mean an incredible amount in my life, and even if outwardly it is imperceptible, believe me - it's true! I wish you to be the same as you have always been for me - the most beautiful, the kindest, the most, the most, the most ... Happy anniversary to you!

Dear and beloved friend, I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary. You are a wise woman who is always ready to give excellent advice, you can rely on and trust you. I want to wish you peace and peace of mind, be strong no matter what. Happy holiday!

We are pleased to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - your fiftieth anniversary! We wish you not to rest on your laurels, just as stubbornly go forward! You are surrounded by loving relatives and friends, colleagues appreciate your experience and authority! Good health, success and many reasons for joy!

Today is a wonderful day, we congratulate you - our hero of the day, an excellent employee, colleague, faithful friend and amazing woman. A significant period of life has passed, in which there was everything - both the joy of good luck and the insult of disappointments. But, in spite of everything, you managed to reach a big beautiful date. And in your golden fifty, we wish you to have as many bright days as possible in your life, so that there are always loving and worthy people next to you. We are confident that your charm, professionalism and perseverance in achieving your goals will continue to bring you well-deserved victories. Health, happiness and all the best to you, dear our hero of the day!

What is fifty? Fifty meters is not a distance, but a distance. Fifty percent is exactly half; Well, it's not the whole! Fifty times - in principle, this is a world record! And some are happy to take fifty grams daily.
But none of those who each overcome distances and do half the work, who can boast of immeasurable health, who awakens an appetite in themselves every day, will never say in their life that fifty can be - years. Therefore, we wish you that you always have strength for meters, opportunities for percentages, desire for times. Then you won't have to wake up your appetite. Happy birthday!

So your anniversary has come - such a solemn and long-awaited event, but a little sad, because at this age we all begin to treat birthdays a little differently, because from year to year they take away our beauty and youth, adding only gray hair to our temples. But our today's hero of the day is an exception in this sense - you just have to look at her and it immediately becomes clear that she was mistaken in the calculations by at least one dozen! She is young, beautiful as in her youth, and her eyes, as before, shine with a bright perky spark of life. And I want to wish her to remain as young in ten and 20 years, surprising everyone with her optimism and desire to live and get younger! After all, a person is not as old as it is written in his passport, but as much as he feels! Be young at heart! Happy anniversary!

The cutest, most beautiful woman in the world is celebrating her birthday today. This is our sweet mother. Allow me, dear, with all my heart to wish you great happiness, good health, joy and family warmth. You, mommy, are the best in the world, the wisest and kindest. May yours come true today cherished dream May spring always sing in your heart. Let Good friends always surround you. All earthly blessings to you, our beloved, prosperity and well-being. May the Lord always protect you.

50 years - wonderful age. You can calmly sum up the past, and look forward to the future with great hope. After all, there is still more to come. Dear sister, let me sincerely congratulate you on a wonderful anniversary. You are a beautiful, wise, full of energy woman. So let everything go like clockwork for you. I wish you long and happy life, filledthe sun and goodness. May fate be favorable to you, be always loved and desired. Good luck to you, joy and family well-being.

Anniversary birthday celebrates beautiful woman, a wonderful colleague, a generous and friendly person. Allow me, on behalf of the entire team, to congratulate you on your fiftieth birthday. We wish you great success in your work, a lot of joy, good health and always good mood. May everything that you have planned come true. We wish you a peaceful sky, respect and warmth. May your life flow like a full river, may hope, faith and love always accompany you.

My beloved woman is celebrating her birthday today. 50 years is a wonderful age, and there is no need to be sad. You look great, you are the most beautiful, the most kind and gentle. I sincerely wish you much joy, great happiness and all the best. May your life be fabulous, may everything turn out great for you, if only white stripe will be on your way. Good luck in everything, enthusiasm and self-confidence. Be always so beautiful, may the melody of blooming spring always sound in your soul.

There are many round dates in life that we celebrate with pleasure. But 50 years is a special date. Our dear cousin is celebrating her personal holiday. The most beautiful, the wisest and the most gentle woman today our congratulations. We wish you beautiful happiness, big bright love, because you still have everything ahead. Good health to you, gossip, great success at work and happiness in your personal life. May all your plans come true, may your heart always be sweet. May the Lord always show the right path.

On this wonderful anniversary birthday, we sincerely want to wish our dear neighbor good health, great happiness, interesting life. and great mood. May you always have everything highest level. We wish you enthusiasm, self-confidence and great luck. Always be an attractive, sensible decent woman. We wish you a clear conscience, cloudless happiness and a peaceful sky above your head. Let good angel always protects.

Our dear mother, you are only fifty. At this age, a woman blossoms like beautiful rose. We sincerely wish you the fulfillment of all desires. May health never fail you. May the good that you give us be sure to return to you with a torus. May spring always sing in your soul. All the best to you, our good, peace, prosperity and prosperity. May fate bring you only pleasant moments. Be always loved and desired. Let the bird of happiness often touch you with its wing.

Congratulations on the golden anniversary of 50 years:

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At 20, a person is guided by desire, at 30 - by reason, at 40 - by reason, at 50 - by wisdom. Today we congratulate the wise, prudent and reasonable!


Dear sister, let me congratulate you on your anniversary. This is indeed a great date that will allow you to discover new opportunities. Therefore, I want to wish you that your desires are always fulfilled no matter what.

Be happy and may you always be surrounded by the closest and dearest people. Happy holiday!


Dear, I want to congratulate you on your anniversary. Today is your holiday, today is a significant date, so I want to wish you a lot of happiness, good health, joy and good mood every day.

Do not forget that everything is just beginning, so let victory and success always accompany you. Happy holiday, my love!

"Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts"

We sincerely congratulate you on your golden anniversary!
Let the gold stay

"You have become wiser"

With all my heart I want to congratulate you on your anniversary!

congratulations to the boss woman in prose

“Congratulations on your anniversary!”

Congratulations on your half-century anniversary!
So many important things have happened in your life. And how many good things await you ahead, because there are so many beautiful, interesting and unknown things in the world. I wish you that your life is full of goodness. Let you have only joyful dreams, from which you want to smile and live on.

"Congratulations from the bottom of my heart"

I wholeheartedly congratulate
Happy anniversary!
Today for

“Today you turned 50 years old”

You are 50 years old.
You can say, "already fulfilled", but you can - "it has just been fulfilled." If a
You have just turned 50, so there will be all 100!
Happy anniversary!

"Beloved mother"

Our dear mother!
Every day your work is in full swing, mom is the best with us.
But today is such a happy day
Anniversary is a celebration and a holiday for us!
We all want to congratulate you, wish you good luck, success, so that you are with a smile, nothing else!
To have joy every day!
Smiles, a sea of ​​happiness and warmth!

“You have already lived half a century”

You have already lived half a century and have seen many amazing things that happened around
You. Now
It's time for you to relax and knit warm socks for your grandchildren!
Happy anniversary


Daughter, today is a big holiday, today is your "anniversary" birthday!
I can’t describe my emotions in words, I’m so happy for you, my dear!
I really want to wish you to always remain as wise, beautiful and kind. Happy anniversary, my dear!


Beloved, I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary. Today is your holiday, so I want that not only on this day, but always loved ones give you their smiles and surround you with care. I want to wish you to always remain as kind, wise and most beautiful.

Happy holiday, dear!


Dear daddy, I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary. This day should be remembered for a lifetime, so we will try to do everything for this. May your loving family always surround you, and all adversity bypass you.

Happy holiday!


Dear uncle, please accept my congratulations on your anniversary. I want to wish
Much happiness and peace to you
Your family. You are endowed with wisdom, which is not characteristic of everyone, so you always give accurate and correct advice that you really want to listen to.

happy holiday
You and all the best!

"Chukchi say..."

The Chukchi say that a thousand kilometers is not a distance, a hundred deer is not a herd, sixty degrees is not frost, fifty years is not age!
We wish you another 50 years to get out of infancy and grow up so that we can say: this is age!

“Coworker” (Name), I sincerely want to congratulate

you new opportunities. let

side of you. happy holiday

Dear friend, I sincerely congratulate you on your holiday!
Today is your anniversary, so take a walk for glory. You can be sure that you are a great person and a true friend. But I want to wish you not only happiness and health, but mutual understanding and fulfillment of all desires. Happy anniversary! They say it takes a person two years to learn to speak, and 50 years to learn to keep his mouth shut. Today, our hero of the day proved that he passed this school with excellent marks. Stay, dear, for a second term and continue to study. 100 years will be provided to you!

50 is the time for smiles!
On this beautiful day, we sincerely congratulate you!

Love, happiness, kindness!
Live as many more years, without grief, misfortune and misfortune!

Dear and beloved friend, I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary. You are a wise woman who is always ready to give excellent advice, you can rely on and trust you. I want to wish you peace and peace of mind, be strong no matter what. Happy holiday! My closest friend, I congratulate you on your anniversary!
Despite your age, you are beautiful, cheerful and full of energy, as in your youth. You are like a sister to me. If I have any difficulties, you will always help me. Stay like this always and let our friendship become stronger day by day. Dear brother, I want to congratulate you on your anniversary. 50 years is the beginning of a new life, so you still have a long way to go. I want to wish you health, happiness and prosperity. Let nothing overshadow you, but only make you stronger and wiser. Happy holiday! Today you hit fifty dollars!

Delon compared to
Your just resting!
And the figure is brothers
Klitschko burst with envy. And your sense of humor - "Full House" nervously smokes in the corner. Congratulations and wish you stay that way for many years to come! Congratulations today, our beloved
Today we all want

“Today you turned 50 years old!”

Today you turned 50 years old!
But this is no reason to give up and do nothing. Now your mission is to transfer experience to the younger generation. As soon as you sit on a bench near the house and see a girl in a short skirt, be sure to say: “We didn’t allow ourselves this in our times!” Happy anniversary! Beloved son, I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary. You have become a successful man who is loved and respected by everyone. I am so glad that you have achieved everything you dreamed of, but right now you will have new opportunities that you will definitely use. Happy holiday, dear! My dear mother, I congratulate you on your anniversary. For me, you are a real example of a wise, beautiful and kind woman. That's why I try so hard to be like you. On this festive day, I want to wish you never to lose heart and always remain the same loving mother and true friend. Happy holiday, my love! Dear aunt, congratulations from the bottom of my heart
Happy anniversary to you. Let always
Good luck and success accompany you, let
Your loved ones always care about
you, and
Your wishes are always fulfilled. happy holiday
You! "Chief" (Name-Patronymic), let me congratulate
Happy anniversary to you. On this festive day, I would like to wish
You have great happiness, fulfillment of all desires, as well as great success at work.
Let nothing and never
You will not be able to overshadow, and let loved ones always give
Your smiles and care for you. happy holiday

Congratulations on the anniversary of 50 years to a woman in prose

Congratulations to the happy birthday girl!
Do not be sad on this day and do not count the years that have passed. 50 years is the age of stability, and there is much more to come. Children have grown up, a career has been successfully built, quiet, cozy house. Everything that did not come true will surely come true, believe me. Let your marvelous eyes sparkle with joy, charm, and your sincere smile will always be radiant. Be always the same sensitive and faithful friend, loving wife and a mother and just a stunning woman!

You are 50 today, and this is evidence that
You have worldly wisdom, precious experience.
But, for sure, in the soul
You are under 20. This is evident from
Your sparkling eyes and perky smile.
Continue to enjoy every day, let friends and relatives always give
Compliments and your sincere love!
Congratulations on
Today at
You have a golden date, so we wish
You life jewels - golden health for many years, golden relationships and understanding in the family and golden career achievements. Let love be as bright as gold, and don't transfer gold coins in your wallet!

Allow me to congratulate
Happy anniversary, beautiful, round date!
But no matter how many years
you according to your passport,
You look amazingly young. There is a saying: "You are as old as you feel in your soul." After all, youth is not measured by years, there are old people even at 20, and gray hair and wrinkles can be corrected, one trip to a beauty salon and
You are as good as new, even more beautiful. Live happily for 100 years, do not get sick and continue to enjoy life, and let it be what more years the more happiness!
There is a secret: after twenty-five a woman never gets old, and even at twenty-five she can say that she is eighteen and everyone will believe.

So half a century in the passport is only a figure, but not a true indicator. Therefore, today it is quite possible to congratulate you on coming of age. Years run inexorably, but
You are still just as good.

This is the unique case when the time is reflected only in the passport and on the calendar, but not in any way on the person. I wish this youth to last as long as possible, because it
It suits you so well. Therefore, with
I would like to congratulate the whole world on your birth, because on this day it became a little richer. More congratulations on the topic “Congratulations on the anniversary of 50 years to a woman”: With a feeling of deep respect, let us solemnly congratulate you on the day of happiness, happy birthday, and 50 years. We wish the hero of the day to live another 300 years. To be healthy and cheerful, not to know sorrows, and so that on your hundredth anniversary, you can still call us. Love, understanding, optimism. Today you turned 50 years old!
But this is no reason to give up and do nothing. Now your mission is to transfer experience to the younger generation.

As soon as you sit on a bench near the house and see a girl in a short skirt, be sure to say: “We didn’t allow ourselves this in our times!” Happy anniversary!
With all my heart I want to congratulate you on your anniversary!
You have gone through so many amazing, interesting and unusual things, but everything is just beginning. You have become wiser, more experienced, more prudent, so you will be able to look at everything from a completely different angle, which I wish you from the bottom of my heart. Happy holiday!

I wholeheartedly congratulate
Happy anniversary!
Today for
You are a very significant date, so I wish
It's great for you to celebrate this holiday. Let
You are surrounded by the most beloved people and let him accompany
You are in a great mood. Let
Your desires are always fulfilled and in the house let
You will always have the same warm and cozy atmosphere. Happy holiday!
We sincerely congratulate you on your golden anniversary!
Let the gold stay
You for all subsequent years: the house will be a full golden bowl, health will be strong, like an ingot of gold, the character will remain golden and the wedding will be golden!
Words can't say the way the heart says. And, listening to him, I want to tell you, my dear, that you mean an incredible amount in my life, and even if outwardly it is imperceptible, believe me - it's true!
I wish you to be the same as you have always been for me - the most beautiful, the kindest, the most, the most, the most ... Happy anniversary to you!
Dear and beloved friend, I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary.

You are a wise woman who is always ready to give excellent advice, you can rely on and trust you. I want to wish you peace and peace of mind, be strong no matter what. Happy holiday!
Today you hit fifty dollars!
Look at yourself in the mirror.
It's a nightmare, how you ... perfectly preserved: there are almost no wrinkles on the face, and the smile
Delon compared to
Your just resting!
And the figure is brothers
Klitschko burst with envy. And your sense of humor - "Full House" nervously smokes in the corner. Congratulations and wish you stay that way for many years to come!

Congratulations today, our beloved
Today we all want
You have a clear sky, bright sun, so that you do not get older, but only younger!
And if life asks you difficult puzzles, then you can easily solve them, because this is the age when “youth already knows, but maturity still can”, fate attracts and promises, and happiness is spinning side by side!
Happy anniversary on this beautiful day!
Between 18 and 19 you lived a wonderful 32 years. I wish the next year, between nineteen and twenty, to live just as fruitfully and interestingly, delighting friends and loved ones by the fact that you are always there and your warmth will always support you in difficult times.

Never change, we love you just the way you are!
Frontier. Such a sonorous, meaningful word.

The moment of transition from one to another. In our case, today we have a transition from quantity to quality. Fifty years endow a person with the wisdom of experience without depriving him of the energy of youth. I would like to wish the hero of the day a long-term balance of these polar states. May your golden mean never end!
We are happy to congratulate
Happy fiftieth anniversary to you!
We wish that
You did not stop there, just as stubbornly went forward!
You are surrounded by loving family and friends, colleagues appreciate
Your experience and authority!
Good health, success and many reasons for joy! (Name), I sincerely want to congratulate
Happy anniversary to you. May this important date bring
Good luck to you and will open for
you new opportunities. let
Joy and happiness always accompany you, and failures bypass
side of you.

happy holiday
Managing people is not an easy task. Leading our team is completely unbearable, but there is a person who managed to unite us with his attentiveness and sensitivity, made it possible to feel like a single team. The sincerity and understanding of the problems of employees successfully found their combination with professionalism and a strategic understanding of reality. Congratulations
Happy 50th birthday to you and express
You are willing to support
You in any endeavor and in the next 50 years!
This date can be compared with a golden wedding, someone compares it with a golden autumn - but definitely,
you precious!
I wish you more health, happiness and inspiration to the treasury, because these riches are never enough. Well, love is already surrounding you, so it's time to seriously prepare for the golden wedding.

It is known that at the age of 20 we are led by passions, at 30 by experience, at 40 by common sense, but at 50 life begins anew. wish
You, so that it contains passionate experiences, and health, and only a successful experience.

Let life lead
You are further without convolutions and pits, and fate only presents welcome gifts. Half a century behind us, and this date is a kind of halt. But let what is behind you not be a heavy burden!
You go forward without difficulty and obstacles, may what is planned come true, may the past not disturb you, and the future is built only the way you want
To you. And let only come across in life good fellow travelers. 50th anniversary...

Relatives wish health, career colleagues, friends financial well-being and stability!
I want to say the most important thing: keep youth in your heart and youth in your soul!
Let life be carefree, miracles and only pleasant surprises are still ahead!
Let fate carry
You are ahead on a flat surface, and next to you will be those people who appreciate, love, respect!
You meet your 50th anniversary with a smile, and may this smile always sparkle in
Your eyes!
Let the past years be remembered only pleasant moments and the future will be bright and joyful. So many important things have not yet been completed, so many interesting things have not been explored, so many tempting things have not been realized. Life is just beginning, and let everything in it succeed, it turns out, it has time! Congratulations and toasts to
Women with 50 years in
Congratulations on your golden anniversary! The heart still carefully keeps the memories of a carefree childhood and a mischievous cheerful youth, and time presents another gift - an amazing time of maturity. Much has been achieved: love, career, respect for relatives and friends... But there is no limit to human passion, desires and dreams. Let everything come true!
There is still at least half a century ahead... From the bottom of our hearts, congratulations on the golden jubilee! Let the gold stay
You for all subsequent years: the house will be a full golden bowl, health will be strong, like an ingot of gold, the character will remain golden and the wedding will be golden!

Our dear, wonderful woman! On your fiftieth anniversary, we would like to say how much we respect and love
you, to share with
You are the joy of the event and present the most wonderful wishes. Everything, that
What you do is an object of imitation for us and helps to gain experience and acquire skills that are so necessary in life. Let me remember today that
You are an amazing and beautiful woman and give you these poems for your anniversary.

Between 18 and 19 you lived a wonderful 32 years. I wish the next year, between nineteen and twenty, to live just as fruitfully and interestingly, delighting friends and loved ones by the fact that you are always there and your warmth will always support you in difficult times.

Never change, we love you just the way you are! Life today
I appreciated you - put five ten times!
Your work, invaluable experience, talents and achievements!
you with bright holiday and wish to go forward to new goals and conquests!!!
Happy anniversary! We don’t know how to tell you, but now you have been so many years old ... You have been missing our warm and sincere words for so many years!
We are amazed at your magnificence, your perfection. Please accept our highest compliments. And on this solemn day for all of us, we wish to be mysterious, desirable, cheerful, modest, persistent, purposeful, strong, persistent, courageous, of course feminine. May that zest that you have never disappear anywhere!
Be happy. Happy anniversary. After all, 50 is only the beginning of everything. My dear friend, I congratulate you on the most important anniversary.

It's not every day that you turn 20... What does it mean: "The passport says something else"? I say you're 20, so that's the way it is.

And a passport is just a piece of paper, which for some reason claims that you are already fifty. With day
Birth! I want to wish you on this day all the best, purest, most beautiful. 50 years - chic anniversary which is celebrated with great pleasure. Be wise, reasonable, a welcome guest in any company.

Goodness and peace to you in everything. I congratulate you on this wonderful date and I want to wish simple human happiness. Love yourself, and always be the most beloved and desired woman in the world. Our sun, you always shine on us with your kindness and care!

We want to celebrate your 50th anniversary widely and tell you many special and beautiful words because all these years you have been creating joy and beauty around you, decorating the world with it and warming us with the warmth of your soul. Today is your day, so let us give you these verses on your anniversary as a gift.

My beloved woman! I want to congratulate you on your significant date- 50 years. On this day, I want to see in your eyes only sparks of happiness and joy.

There is no need to think that youth is gone. Your age is the time when a woman blossoms and sings. This is the time of love and true beauty, the time of understanding the real life values and priorities. Put them all in their places and be happy.

My beloved, only and faithful friend, I want to congratulate you on the occasion of your 50th birthday. Do not be sad that the years are passing, because the best and most joyful - everything is just ahead of you. Let all hardships and misfortunes be left behind, because you have seen a lot of them in your lifetime. I wish you simple female happiness, true friends and lots and lots of love. Leave all worries and enjoy life. My sister, happy birthday.

You have seen a lot of good things and not so much in your life. On the day of your fiftieth birthday, I wish that good things become more and more, and we meet new anniversaries with joy and delight. Happy holiday, sister,
Birth! 50 is the time for smiles! On this beautiful day, we sincerely congratulate you!
We wish you everything you can wish for: a pleasant environment, love and respect!
Let anxiety not meet on the way, everything will come true, what you dream about!
Love, happiness, kindness!
Live as many more years, without grief, misfortune and misfortune! Today you are 50 years old. I really want to see you happy not only on this day, but always.

I wish you the most beautiful and the best that is on earth. You are fantastically beautiful, incredibly smart - always stay that way. We have been friends for many years, and you have never let me down in anything. Good luck in all your endeavors, creative flight, creative thinking and fruitful career ladder.

"You look so young!" - this phrase is addressed to you every day. Despite the fact that you are 50 years old today, you can present yourself in such a way that even a young girl does not notice the difference in age. Everyone sees you as a role model. I wish you always stay the way you are. Do not change - because you are unique, this is your highlight. Congratulations on your golden anniversary!

The heart still carefully keeps the memories of a carefree childhood and a mischievous cheerful youth, and time presents another gift - an amazing time of maturity. Much has been achieved: love, career, respect for relatives and friends... But there is no limit to human passion, desires and dreams. Let everything come true!
There is still at least half a century ahead ... Dear mother-in-law, happy anniversary to you. I do not believe in all these stupid jokes about the relationship of a wife with her husband's mother and I do not think that this somehow applies to you and me.

Because I can with a pure heart wish you happy holiday and may we celebrate your new, already centenary, anniversary in another fifty years! Dear mother-in-law! How beautiful and young you are, but you are already 50.

And it seems to me that in front of me stands spectacular woman, my age with a perky gleam in her eyes. You entrusted your son's life to me, and I try to make his life more beautiful with all my might, thereby showing you great respect. Thank you, my dear, for your care, help, attention.

You delight us with your presence in our lives, so we wish you great health, long life and eternal beauty! Congratulations on your half-century anniversary! So many important things have happened in your life.

And how many good things await you ahead, because there are so many beautiful, interesting and unknown things in the world. I wish you that your life is full of goodness. Let you have only joyful dreams, from which you want to smile and live on. My girlfriend, with
Anniversary! We won’t tell anyone how old you are, but let’s say that you have become 50 times smarter and more beautiful.

Good health to you, and may this date be the beginning of the best half of your life, full of vivid impressions, joy and prosperity! Today is an amazing day! Think how many people woke up today with good thoughts about you!
Look how many people have carefully selected a gift for you, wishing it to be very pleasant!
We are all here to tell you sincere words which, like a song, pour from the very heart!
We wish you, dear, boundless love, warmth, peace and long happy years! Let me remind you today
You are told that 50 years for a woman is not half a century, it is the middle of life, so you still have to live the second half, having accumulated experience and knowledge.

Your desires and dreams, we conferred for a long time and decided what to wish
To you on this significant day for all of us. After going through a thousand options, we came to the conclusion that this event should be celebrated only with verses, so these verses for the anniversary for
You! I congratulate you, so sincere, happy and incredibly attractive, on your 50th anniversary!
May everything that has not yet come true in life come true on this day!
Let your eyes burn with love and joy, and your heart does not leave the light sparkling with happiness!
Let all the gifts that life gives you be only welcome and important for you!
I wish you to live your life in such a way that you don’t have to regret anything later!
I wish you health, stronger steel and love such that troubles are afraid to approach you!
At 50, life is just beginning, so go for it!
You already have everything that you need, and what you want - you will definitely have it, because such a good person as you simply cannot fail to have something!
Congratulations! I want the entire male population of the planet to lie at your feet. So that you never know what loneliness is.

I want to see in your eyes not sadness and sadness, but great happiness and love. Congratulations on your 50th birthday!
This is a round date, a time to rethink your life and maybe start something from scratch. Do not be afraid of these undertakings - they will lead you to success. Appreciate your life - no one can live it better than you. Appreciate your flaws, and then people will appreciate your virtues. Congratulations!
The fiftieth anniversary is a golden jubilee, so let the most best congratulations and wishes, and ahead is a long road to new achievements, meetings and happy moments!
Fifty is only the middle of the way: bolder on the way, and luck will surely accompany it! On this special day for you, I want to congratulate you on your great anniversary! 50 years - life is just beginning, of course I would like to wish long strong years life, most importantly - powerful health, great happiness, career growth!
Then everything is in this spirit, in the same direction, and move. More grandchildren and granddaughters, stay the same charming woman, exemplary mother and wonderful person!
With all my heart and soul, congratulations again!
Happy anniversary!
Happy 50th anniversary! Dear and beloved friend, I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary. You are a wise woman who is always ready to give excellent advice, you can rely on and trust you. I want to wish you peace and peace of mind, be strong no matter what. Happy holiday! Your half-century anniversary has become a real discovery for us, because your Vital energy shows a completely different time!
However, the anniversary comes not in order to be sad about the past years, but in order to joyfully enter into a new one, full of heat and joy day. We are sure that you will allow us to congratulate you solemnly and beautifully, so we have prepared for you these beautiful poems for the anniversary.

Happy Anniversary, 55th Anniversary, dear woman! Good luck, patience, love, faith, health and happiness! In our time, when everyone is indifferent to each other, you remain very sensitive, kind and sympathetic. How are you true woman, always attractive, beautiful, elegant, but at the same time caring, gentle and courteous.
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate the most sympathetic and sensitive woman on her 55th birthday! May all the flowers give you their fragrance, may each ray warm your heart, and may each bird sing the funniest songs to you on this birthday!

We are pleased to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - your fiftieth anniversary! We wish you not to rest on your laurels, just as stubbornly go forward! You are surrounded by loving relatives and friends, colleagues appreciate your experience and authority! Good health, success and many reasons for joy!

Our man is loved and dear -
Always ready to help everyone.
You, daughter-in-law, are forty!
We congratulate you on this!
Go through life without looking back:
The kids will be happy
And my husband will be fine
You won't be a hundred years old!
We wish when two hundred "knocks"
Celebrate it with us.

A third of a century has passed.
Today you are already thirty!
But you fly, you hurry, as if you
There are no thirteen in a young destiny.
Let the chest and sides be slender,
And love is wide, deep!
Since the age of Christ has been "exchanged" -
Live in health and happiness to a hundred.

You are already thirty years old.
And, therefore, there is strength and reason:
On life a new turn
Longing will come down with boredom at once!
Laughter, comfort will prevail,
And guests, to please the truth,
Lightly and happily sing
A solemn ode to you.

Dear, sweet woman, may all your wishes come true at the age of 55! May this day you become the happiest in the world, the most desired and beloved. I want you to find your soul mate. May all the most come true cherished desires. May you always be surrounded by the dearest people.

Golden middle of life
You have achieved a lot, you have managed everything.
And on your fiftieth birthday
Accept congratulations on your anniversary,
50 - the beginning of a new life,
Let health not let you down
And mischievous sparks are happy
Always radiate from beautiful eyes.

With a feeling of deep respect, let us solemnly congratulate you on the day of happiness, on your birthday, on your 50th birthday. We wish the hero of the day to live another 300 years. To be healthy and cheerful, not to know sorrows, and so that on your hundredth anniversary, you can still call us. Love, understanding, optimism.

You may be at a loss at this moment,
And think, perhaps: "Why
I did not ask for hands this summer,
Hiding the secret of your heart?

Congratulations on the 55th anniversary of the most sensitive, intelligent, gentle and caring woman all over the planet! You know how to combine talent, erudition and femininity with unchanging fortitude and stamina. I wish you sincere happiness, health, long life, great love, joy, peace and tranquility.

Now I am writing. My words are true.
I dream of calling you my wife!
Do you agree, Diana, dear angel,
To tie your fate to mine forever?

On the 50th anniversary
I wish you joy, colleague!
I wish you true, devoted friends,
Well, let the enemies, being cowardly, run away!
In work, only success and victories,
And in personal life only love and happiness!
To give beauty for many years,
So that the angels keep from bad weather!

You are fifty. How time has flown by!
But you have always been and are now -
The beauty and pride of our department,
We congratulate you on your anniversary!
And we wish to stay in life
You are a virtuoso of your work,
Children to raise, love and smile
In short, everything, everything, everything!

You are at work like an ace
You show the highest class.
You are valued by management and colleagues,
Career growth in front of you are all open doors.

Than you, there is no more beautiful girl in the world!
So wonderful is your appearance, so flexible is your camp,
So gentle is the voice, the look of the eyes is so clear,
It's hard to stop thinking about you!

Madame, dearest Diana,
Love, you opened the magic for me!
Everything about you is flawless! You have no flaws!
You are an angel! Perfection! Deity!

I am fascinated by you from the first meeting,
Which, I think, was the will of God.
At the request of a friend, I drove you that evening,
That request could become fateful.

I confess to you, as in spirit, Diana:
Admiring the sea surface with you,
I reproached myself more than once that the most important
I could not, timidly, I could say a word to you!

Dear, beautiful, sunny woman, I congratulate you on your 55th birthday! Happiness to you, sunny days and great luck! I wish vigor, strength, hope, health, patience, dreams and their fulfillment, love, warmth, good luck, joy, prosperity, energy, light, inspiration, smiles, success, kindness, fidelity, delight!

The years flew by like a white flock,
But the soul, as before, is young.
The nightingales have not sung everything yet,
Not all the water has flown yet.
Your anniversary is festive and bright,
And it's not the time to be sad, it's not the time.
Long years to you, white apple trees,
Joy and happiness and goodness!

At 20, a person is guided by desire, at 30 - by reason, at 40 - by reason, at 50 - by wisdom. Today we congratulate the wise, prudent and reasonable!

They say it takes a person two years to learn to speak, and 50 years to learn to keep his mouth shut. Today, our hero of the day proved that he passed this school with excellent marks. Stay, dear, for a second term and continue to study. 100 years will be provided to you!

You have already lived half a century and have seen many amazing things that happened around you. Now it's time for you to relax and knit warm socks for your grandchildren! Happy Anniversary to you!

Daughter, today is a big holiday, today is your "anniversary" birthday! I can’t describe my emotions in words, I’m so happy for you, my dear! I really want to wish you to always remain as wise, beautiful and kind. Happy anniversary, my dear!

Dear and beloved friend, I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary. You are a wise woman who is always ready to give excellent advice, you can rely on and trust you. I want to wish you peace and peace of mind, be strong no matter what. Happy holiday!

Beloved, I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary. Today is your holiday, so I want that not only on this day, but always loved ones give you their smiles and surround you with care. I want to wish you to always remain as kind, wise and most beautiful. Happy holiday, dear!

Dear aunt, I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary. May good luck and success always accompany you, may your loved ones always take care of you, and may your wishes always come true. Happy holiday to you!

(Name), I sincerely want to congratulate you on your anniversary. May this important date bring you a lot of good luck and open up new opportunities for you. May joy and happiness always accompany you, and failures bypass you. Happy holiday to you!

The Chukchi say that a thousand kilometers is not a distance, a hundred deer is not a herd, sixty degrees is not frost, fifty years is not age! We wish you another 50 years to get out of infancy and grow up so that we can say: this is age!

We sincerely congratulate you on your golden anniversary! May the gold remain with you for all subsequent years: the house will be a full golden bowl, health will be strong, like an ingot of gold, the character will remain golden and the wedding will be golden!

Today you are 50 years old. You can say, "already fulfilled", but you can - "it has just been fulfilled." If you are only 50 years old, then there will be all 100! Happy anniversary!

With all my heart I want to congratulate you on your anniversary! You have gone through so many amazing, interesting and unusual things, but everything is just beginning. You have become wiser, more experienced, more prudent, so you will be able to look at everything from a completely different angle, which I wish you from the bottom of my heart. Happy holiday!

Beloved son, I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary. You have become a successful man who is loved and respected by everyone. I am so glad that you have achieved everything you dreamed of, but right now you will have new opportunities that you will definitely use. Happy holiday, dear!

Dear friend, I sincerely congratulate you on your holiday! Today is your anniversary, so take a walk for glory. You can be sure that you are a great person and a true friend. But I want to wish you not only happiness and health, but mutual understanding and fulfillment of all desires. Happy anniversary!

Dear daddy, I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary. This day should be remembered for a lifetime, so we will try to do everything for this. May your loving family always surround you, and all adversity bypass you. Happy holiday!

Dear uncle, please accept my congratulations on your anniversary. I want to wish you great happiness and peace to your family. You are endowed with wisdom, which is not characteristic of everyone, so you always give accurate and correct advice that you really want to listen to. Happy holiday to you and all the best!

Congratulations on your big day! I will not give numbers and discuss your merits. I want to say one thing: stay the most chic and confident woman, real lady modern world! The one that keeps pace with the time, which has no power over it!

most beautiful woman on the most wonderful day I want to say best regards. May life be like a fabulous dream, just as long and happy. Love is only sincere and mutual, happiness is cloudless, laughter is carefree, a smile is snow-white! Happy anniversary, dear!

Congratulations on your anniversary! Let the celebration remain in memory with the aroma of roses, pleasant compliments and a feeling of youth and cloudless happiness! I wish that every weekday in your life is decorated with festive emotions!

An anniversary for a woman is an excellent occasion for a chic feast and magnificent bouquets. These are generous compliments and Nice dress. new impressions and positive emotions, a smile that suits you so much Congratulations! Appreciate everything you have and get more than you want!

In that wonderful anniversary let the thoughts in your beautiful and smart head be the most rosy! I wish that everything that happens in your life is only with a plus sign and extremely pleasant. Do not spare emotions and money in order to make your everyday life even happier!

No matter how old you are, you will always be 18 for me! Because this age is in your eyes, in your smile and laughter, your inspiration is permeated with youth, and your movements are graceful so that success simply does not pass by! Never leave this course!

Dear, I wish on your anniversary that the boundaries of your possibilities step over all the limits of your desires. Let love knock on your heart and it will become warm with happiness!

You are unique and good at any age and status! No matter how many years pass, your zest is tastier and more appetizing. May this anniversary be filled with special inspiration and the desire to do everything so that you have everything!

May everything in your life be strong: male shoulder, cognac on holiday table, press, friendship and feelings! And only the holiday date remains round!

Leave all worries in the past and meet the anniversary only with the best baggage: love, joy, prosperity, health and well-being!

It's doubly nice to congratulate not just beautiful person, but also a chic and charming woman with an anniversary. I would like to wish you to boldly move through life without breaking your heels and other people's destinies. Let the anniversary give you many reasons to be proud of your own successes and conquer new heights.

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