How well do you know your partner. On-line magazine of Katerina

This test is not only lovely way find out what you really know about each other, but also a great excuse to get to know each other better!

Even if you and your partner raised three children together (by the way, whose is it?), It is not a fact that you know each other's habits well. And without this knowledge, relationships will never be as productive and happy as possible, says Dr. John Gottman, author of The Seven Principles That Make Marriages Work. From this book, we borrowed a test that we recommend that all couples pass. Does your girlfriend think you're not interested in her life? Thanks to our test* you will have the opportunity to prove that this is true!

I think frankness in such tests is more expensive. I recommend that you unobtrusively find out the girl's answers in advance and only then invite her to take the test. You'll make a girl feel guilty that she doesn't know you as well, you can manipulate her, take over the world...

How the test works

You will need five sheets of paper and two pencils. Okay, from one sheet - it's superfluous - do it paper boat. And pencils can be replaced with pens or, what the hell is not joking, with felt-tip pens. You will take the test one by one. One asks a question aloud, both silently write down the answer, without looking at each other's papers. For example, you ask a girl: “What am I most afraid of?” She writes down her answer: "Giant spiders with tentacles and light music." In the meantime, you write down your correct version: “Your mother.” And so you report on all twenty-five questions. Then flip the paper over and set it aside.

Take the next two pieces of paper and follow the same procedure, but with the girl as the defendant. She asks, "What am I most afraid of?" You silently write down: "Your mother." The girl silently writes: "My mother." And so on for all questions.

When you have finished interviewing each other, turn over the papers and compare the results (but first, of course, be horrified by the answers). Count the number of exact matches. Accurate in semantic meaning, and not in the form of a statement. For example, if you answered the question about your hobby “badminton”, and the girl answered “a ridiculous game with a net, rackets and such funny balls in skirts” - this is still a coincidence. It counts. For each correct answer - 1 point.


1. My favorite dessert 2. What is my shoe size? 3. What am I most afraid of? 4. How old is my mother? 5. What is my blood type? 6. What turns me on in sex? 7. Name two of my closest friends. 8. Do I have a hobby? Which? 9. What will I take out of the fire first, besides you, documents and pets? 10. My favorite movie 11. My worst childhood memory 12. What time of day do I like to have sex the most? 13. How do I like to spend my evenings? 14. How do I want to be buried? 15. A dish I can't live without 16. What gift would I like best? 17. What kind of food do I hate? 18. My favorite musical group 19. What kind of coffee do I prefer? 20. What circle did I attend as a child? 21. What literary genre do I like? 22. What do I want to do before I die? 23. What is your favorite weather? 24. Continue the phrase "You hate it when I..." 25. Do I have allergies?

Over one year old

On the scale of values modern man love and serious relationship less and less ranked first. According to statistics, every fifth girl living in the city excludes marriage from her life.

This test is for two. Have each of you take a piece of paper and a pen and check yourself. Then exchange answers and give each other marks depending on their correctness.

Add up the results and you get the total score (maximum 56 points). If you have been together for less than 3 years, add 2 more points to the result.

Online test: do you know each other?

Part 1

1. What color is his/her toothbrush?
2. What size underwear does he/she wear?
3. What is his/her favorite dessert?
4. Who is responsible for cleaning the bathroom?
5. How much does his/her haircut cost?
6. How many pairs of shoes does he/she have?
7. What was the name of the pet he/she had as a child?
8. What was his/her worst part-time job?

Part 2

For each correct answer, 2 points are awarded.

1. What kind of vacation does he/she dream about?
2. How does he/she imagine having a perfect evening?
3. If not taken into account financial question, what job would he/she choose for himself/herself?
4. What is his/her main concern at the moment?
5. What is he/she most afraid of?
6. What annoys him/her the most?
7. What part of his/her body would he/she want to change?

Part 3

For each correct answer, 1 point is awarded.

1. How and when did you meet?
2. How many partners did he/she have before you?
3. How long did you know each other before the first kiss?
4. What did you give him/her for the last anniversary of your life together?
5. What was the name of his/her grandmothers?
6. Give the date of birth of his/her mother.

We consider the result! Total: 40-58 points

Amazing result! Both you and your partner know each other very well. You have very similar views on life, on the common future. Your relationship is an example of an attentive and sensitive attitude towards each other. Such mutual understanding indicates that you spend a lot of time together and are keenly interested in everything that happens in the life of your half.

Properly built communication will certainly bear fruit. Very often two people talk only when difficulties or problems arise. But psychologists recommend from time to time to arrange just evenings together, without a special purpose and program, just to talk ...

Total: 25-39 points

You know each other well, but you could do even better. Don't be surprised that you fall into this category, even if you've been living together for a long time. Many spouses cease to take into account the interests of each other, it becomes so natural to stay loved one near. "You can't see face to face"...

Be careful! You may overlook something important that is happening in your partner's life. Don't worry if you get some questions wrong: understand that throughout your life you will continue to discover new things. Learn to appreciate the uniqueness of your partner's personality, learn to hear him. Sometimes you should not rush to objections, even if you do not agree with the interlocutor. And then you will reveal to each other the most important, intimate thoughts and feelings that would never “come to the surface” in the heat of a quarrel.

Total: 10-24 points

You know all the basics, but it makes sense to get to know each other better. You seemed to have good contact? It happens. However, the real spiritual intimacy of many people is frightening: it seems to them that, having revealed themselves to another or accepting someone’s confession, they fall into a “trap” and find themselves bound by too close and “hard” ties.

If you want to get closer, try to answer the questions: “What do I expect from him/her? What do I like about him/her that inspires me? What life together are we trying to build? What does each of us want in a career plan? Do we want children and how are we going to raise them? What material level or social status would we like to achieve? Don't wait for a random set of circumstances where all these answers will come up by themselves, sit down and talk frankly about everything.

Total: 0-14 points

You are inattentive to each other, each of you does not hear the other. This does not mean that your connection is doomed, but it is urgent to save the situation. It’s a pity, but the least love goes to our most beloved people ... Think about why you look in different sides What distracts you from communication? Define what your relationship is this moment. Try to understand how both of you have changed since the beginning of your life together.

You have already answered the survey questions - let this be the first step towards renewing relationships. The questionnaire will tell you the topics that you should talk about first.

In contact with

To understand each other without words, to speak without hesitation about the most intimate, to give the last and not regret - all this is available only to friends. Friendship is what many people dream about all their lives, what they strive for, but do not always get. The ability to make friends is made up of many things: the ability to understand and support, to stand up for and forgive.

If you feel like you've finally found a friend, but still doubt his intentions, take the friendship tests. Having dispelled doubts, you will be able to communicate with an open soul, show warmth and sincerity. And, conversely, if the “best friend” does not turn out to be one, do not miss the moment when you can end the relationship without loss.

Tests for girlfriends

Who is your best friend? How well do you know her? Is your friendship real? Here are collected best tests for girls, girls who know how to make friends. After passing them, you will understand if you are suitable for each other, and you can find out how much she appreciates your support.

Tests for couples, friends on knowledge of each other

Your friendship is many years old and you know each other better than anyone? Check if this is the case. These tests are designed specifically for couples, longtime girlfriends and buddies. Their goal is to strengthen friendship. After all, only knowing everything about your friend, you can rely on him in sorrow and in joy. Tests for two will show you from new sides, help you get to know your loved one even better.

How is your friend behaving? different situations? Does she have integrity in a relationship? Does she help you? Are you ready to appear at the first call? Arrange a test of your friendship. Choose the answers to the questions of this mini-quiz and compare your feelings with the conclusions of psychologists.

Take this test both and compare the results. They will reflect not only your ability to make friends, but also a look at human relations generally.

joke questions this test may seem frivolous. But don't rush to judge! Each of them has a special meaning. Good manners and decency, the ability to appreciate others and the ability to sacrifice - all this will determine the conclusions of the friendship test.

His favorite number is 3, her favorite color is red. She loves to play tennis, he hates football.
When you know each other's passions, whether it's trivial oddities or important things that can cause controversy, it helps to maintain a strong marriage. The more you know about your spouse, right down to how he or she likes to spread a sandwich, the more you show how much your relationship with him (her) means to you. The very process of getting to know each other creates a feeling of intimacy that can only occur between two people who genuinely care about each other.
Try to freshen up your relationship by answering this quiz. Thanks to him, you will be able to discover something in your partner that otherwise you would not have known for many years.
Count how many questions you can answer correctly. Check with your spouse for correct answers, and then ask him (her) to answer the questions of this test. I wonder how he (she) will cope with this?
1. Where was he (she) born (was)?
2.How maiden name from his/her mother?
3. What was his (her) name in childhood? Did he/she have a nickname?
4. What kind of pets did she (him) have in her youth?
5. What musical instruments did she (he) learn to play?
6. Name one of her (his) childhood hobbies? What did he/she collect?
7. Did he (a) have chicken pox?
8. In what institute, school did he (she) study (was)?
9. What subject did he (she) dislike the most at the institute (school)?
10. What was his (her) name best friend (best friend) childhood?
11. Name his (her) first job.

12. What spectacular sport does she (he) like best?
13. What kind of sport does she (he) like to play the most?
14. What would she (he) like the most for dessert?
15. What soft drink does he (she) prefer?
16. Name his (her) favorite restaurant, favorite cafe.
17. With what does she (he) like pizza most of all?
18. What actress does she (he) dislike the most?
19. What actress does he (she) like the most?
20. Breakfast, lunch, dinner - what does she (he) like the most?
21. Name his (her) favorite movie.
22. What TV commercial irritates him/her the most?
23. What is her (his) favorite TV program?
24. Name her (his) favorite singer or band?
25. Her (his) favorite holiday?
26. What is your least favorite holiday?
27. What time of the year does he (she) like best?
28. What is his (her) favorite color?
29. What headdress does he (she) like to wear the most?
30. What does he (she) like to read more for relaxation?
31. What section of the newspaper does he (she) read first?
32. His (her) favorite magazine.

33. Give the number of his (her) passport.
34. What is the size of his (her) shoes?
35. What is the name of his (her) boss?
36. What is his/her phone number at work?
37. How much money does he (she) have in a savings account?
38. Did he (she) ever have broken bones?
39. Does he (she) have an allergy to anything?
40. What is his (her) blood type?
41. What is his (her) height?
42. What is his (her) salary?

43. How many children would she (he) like to have?
44. What would he/she want to name your first child?
45. Where would he (she) like to go on vacation?
46. ​​What kind of sport would he (she) like to learn?
47. What animal would she (he) like to have at home?
48. What car does he (she) dream of?
49. Would he (she) like to build or own a house?
50. Does he (she) plan or dream of changing jobs?

This mini test of several simple questions will allow you to understand how well you know each other.

Answer the questions below, then ask your partner.

P.S. These questions are for people who have been together for quite some time.

If your relationship has just begun, be condescending to each other and do not demand the correct answers in each item.

Questions about knowing your partner

1. What is your partner's least favorite body part?

2. When your partner was a child, what did he/she want to be in the future?

3. What country would your significant other like to visit?

4. Did your partner have a nickname as a child? If yes, then what? Did he like this nickname?

5. Which of your relatives does your loved one communicate with the most? (If there are none, omit the question.)

How well do you know each other

6. What disappointments from the past are eating away at your partner so far?

7. What achievements is he (she) proud of?

8. What does your partner most dislike doing around the house?

9. What are the names of your partner's grandparents. Can you name all the grandparents?

10. What talents is endowed with your partner, in his own opinion?

11. What is his (her) favorite smell?

12. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

13. What character trait does your partner dislike about himself, and how does he resemble his parents?

14. What kind of death is your partner afraid of?

Questions for a couple on knowledge of each other

15. What kind of music does your partner really like to listen to? (Even if other people don't know about these musical preferences). Determine his musical taste.

16. What does he (she) expect from the coming weekend?

17. Who does your partner consider to be their mentor, or someone who has had a strong positive influence on his/her professional development?

Questions about the knowledge of the second half

18. How did your partner spend their summers as a child?

19. What are your favorite and least favorite moments in your partner's work?

20. Does your partner consider themselves more like their mother or father in terms of character? If yes, in what?

21. What purchase is your partner currently thinking about? What's on his wish list?

Pay attention to the questions you answered incorrectly. See the shortcomings as an opportunity to talk and deepen your relationship.

As you review your answers together, remember that your partner is the one who decides whether you earn a point for each correct answer.

For some questions, such as your favorite flavor of ice cream, there may be two or more answers, depending on your partner's current mood.

Sometimes it turns out that we know our soul mates better than they know themselves.

As you review the responses, you may find that you remember something your partner once shared about their childhood that you forgot, but you do remember.


If you (or your partner) score 16 points or more:

You know your partner very well.

And if you scored 16 or more points, and have been with your partner for less than six months, your relationship is probably developing too actively.

If you (or your partner) scored 10-15 points:

You've gotten to know your partner pretty well.

Pay attention to exactly when you know each other the least.

Perhaps the two of you didn't talk much about your childhood experiences, or you shied away from talking about topics related to negative emotions.

Try to catch up on those moments.

If you scored 5-9 points:

This means the following:

1) You don't know each other that well.

2) You are only in a relationship for a short period of time.

3) You talk a little to each other, or maybe your conversations are of a certain nature (for example, you are both in the same profession, and your conversations converge mainly at work.)

If you (or your partner) scored 0-4 points:

This suggests that you do not know each other at all, which means that you have the opportunity to do this.

Questions about knowing each other

Why such questions?

These questions are designed to engage a range of positive and negative emotions.

Questions about negative emotions and fears included because strong relationships entail a willingness to be vulnerable to each other.

Questions about childhood included because loved ones usually understand the experiences that made each other who they are now.

After all, it is in childhood that a person’s personality is formed.

And lighter funny questions included, due to the fact that it is very important to conduct conversations not only in serious topics but also to lighter ones.

Talking about your positive emotions makes our lives easier.

Talk to each other on different topics. Then you will get to know your partner better.