How to dye red hair blonde. How to dye your hair from red to blond

You have decided to change the color of your hair again, but you don’t know which dye to choose this time. Of course, there are now such a huge number of hair dyes on our market that it’s not surprising to get “lost” in their labyrinths, and television advertising is also constantly pushing us. Have you ever wondered how our grandmothers dyed their hair? this will help us figure it out creative portal world x shell walnut 100 g nut shell or all...

Moderators, please don’t put it off, I’ll rub myself in an hour! So I have dark blond hair shoulder-length, NOT painted for 7 years! Sometimes I look - it seems okay, they shine and the color is nice, and sometimes I look - horror, horror, dull and faded... (I see the latter more often). You need to dye your hair approximately the same color or a little darker. Recommend an effective, durable and GENTLE paint at a reasonable price. Not at all on topic on this issue, I heard out of the corner of my ear that there are such wonderful colors... or that’s it...


The most gentle paint, Vella color touch - diluted with oxidant 1.9 - works like tinting, but for painting in color or + (-2) tones once a month, or even one and a half is enough. The palette is large. You can order online - dial beauty club.

Maybe not paint, but laminate?

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Henna is completely natural product, it is non-allergenic and does not contain chemical compounds. After dyeing with henna, the hair becomes beautiful saturated color And healthy shine. Henna does not damage the hair; on the contrary, it additionally cares for the hair and protects it. You can dye your hair with henna at home; you don’t have to go to the salon to do this. For dyeing you will need from 1 to 3 bags of henna (depending on the length of the hair), a small bowl for diluting henna, a wide hairdressing brush, rubber gloves, cotton pads, cream, towel, film, as well as accuracy and patience. Mixing henna...
...Mixing henna is important stage hair coloring The simplest version of the mixture is to add water to the henna until it reaches the consistency of yogurt. Sometimes henna powder is added lemon juice, red wine or vinegar. Such additives speed up the effect of the dye. Adding henna will help mask the smell of henna. green tea, spices or essential oils, these components will have little effect on the final color. The intensity of the effect of henna on hair is determined by its freshness. The fresher the henna, the faster and better the hair color will be. On the forehead along the growth line...

Beautiful hair- thick and shiny - have always been considered the best decoration women. But modern ladies are most often not satisfied with the color given by nature. Women try every now and then to change it or at least correct it.

Expectant mothers, who are accustomed to taking care of their appearance, are very concerned about the question of whether it is possible to dye their hair during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Living a “normal” life before pregnancy, we often experiment with hair color - trying to find individuality or just want to change our style. It’s no secret that having turned from a blonde to a brunette, we change not only our appearance, but also our character, and our relationships with others change. But even if we don't strive to surprise...

Is it possible to dye your hair after bleaching? If yes, then with what and how? The paint hardly takes, maybe henna?

Lovers of fiery hair shades are often interested in how to dye your hair from red to light brown. Dramatic changes in appearance are an absolutely normal desire, and hair dyeing sometimes plays a decisive role in the new image. How to make sure that not a trace remains of the red tint, and is replaced by a calm, light brown color? The problem is that these colors differ in coloring pigments. stands in front of you difficult task, but quite feasible if you follow all the rules.

Cause of the problem

How to change your hair color from red to light brown without ruining the hair structure is a frequently asked question in hairdressing salons. Much depends on whether the redhead is natural color, or is it a dyed, acquired shade. Sometimes this color is the result of a long and merciless wash of black or red hair dye. In any case, to repaint such curls in any of the light brown shades, you will have to work hard. But it is dyed hair that causes particular difficulties.

The fact is that in golden, reddish and copper shades contains a lot of red and yellow pigments. In light brown colors, blue and gray predominate. If you paint light brown paint over dyed red ones, and even . In addition, fiery pigments “eat” deeper into the hair scales than others, and once you dye yourself red, you won’t be able to get rid of it the first time.


No experienced hairdresser will recommend dyeing hair over already dyed hair. This is especially true for fiery shades. Here you need to follow the following rules:

  • To achieve a natural light brown shade without orange highlights, you need to get rid of yellow and red pigments. To do this, use washes with a lightening effect;
  • Professional washes are capable of lightening curls by 2-4 tones in one attempt;
  • The most gentle removers are acidic. They do not affect the natural pigment, but carefully and gradually wash out the paint. Such products are sold ready-made;
  • The most effective, but dangerous for the hair structure, wash is deep decoupage. You can prepare the solution for this yourself;
  • After a series of washes of fiery shades, you can dye your hair light brown. To get started, choose more light shades, whatever you want.
Now let’s understand all the intricacies of the correct transition from a fiery hairstyle to light brown curls.

What to wash off with?

Not always there free time and the opportunity to have your hair dyed in beauty salons. Masters hairdressing They know the secrets and subtleties of washing and coloring without much harm to the hair. But is it possible to properly remove red color at home? Of course, yes, but there are many nuances in this matter:

  • An acid wash only bleaches the pigment, which remains in the hair;
  • If you use acid washes, the original red color may return, especially if it is the result of painting with household paints such as Palette, Fara;
  • usually washes off well with an acid method. The main thing is to follow the rules of washes;
  • Cheap paints for home use It is better to wash off using the pickling method;
  • Natural dyes, such as, can only be washed off by pickling.
We conclude that acid washing is less effective than pickling, but safer. To wash off red pigments, it is best to first treat your hair with an acid solution, and finally use pickling. This will permanently remove unwanted yellow and red tones, maintaining healthy hair.

Let's get started

To choose an acid wash, go to a professional hair product store. Sometimes such solutions are sold in beauty salons. Make sure you have a quality certificate for the product. If red paint on your hair - unprofessional, stock up on products to prepare a solution for pickling. It can be professional kits for deep washing from several bottles, which are mixed in a certain sequence and proportion. Or you can prepare decoupage yourself - mix the bleaching agent, oxidizing agent, shampoo and clean water.

Further actions:.

  • Apply acid remover Make sure your hair is dry and clean;
  • Leave the solution on your hair for no more than 20 minutes;
  • Rinse with warm water, without using shampoo;
  • If the orange blossom is not removed, repeat the procedure after three days - not earlier;
  • If, after the third attempt, the red tint remains on the hair, use decapitation

It is important to note that professionals do not recommend performing deep pickling at home. You risk damaging your hair; your curls may become lifeless, dry, and brittle. This rinsing opens the hair scales, so after pickling, immediately begin dyeing it light brown. In order not to ruin hair completely damaged by the remover, use tinting rather than hair dye, but be sure to use more light color than your natural shade. In the future, to avoid similar situation with difficulties in washing, use by professional means for coloring.

Natural remover for red tones. Between acid washes or after pickling, use another proven and safe method for getting rid of fiery pigments for the hair structure. Dissolve 2 tbsp in a glass of kefir. regular yeast. Apply the resulting mask to your curls and leave for 1 hour. Then rinse your hair well. This procedure not only removes the dye, but also strengthens the hair. In the period between paint washes, be sure to use nourishing balms and masks that strengthen not only the hair scales, but also the roots and scalp.

From natural red to light brown

Did nature give you fiery locks from birth? Then it won’t be very difficult for you to dye your hair light brown. Often, in this case, you can do without preliminary bleaching. But it is important to choose a shade of light brown that will have the same level of tone as your natural shade. It's even better to choose light brown shade darker than natural. How to change your color from red to light brown if the fiery shade is natural? Choose cold ones light brown tones, in which violet and blue pigments predominate.

Many people add additional mixtons to the paint, which can neutralize red and yellow pigments. Use only high-quality paints, and the result of coloring will only please you.

Today you chose red hair color, and tomorrow you want light brown or some other color. Take your time. To ensure that the red pigment does not affect the result of the new coloring, you need to follow several rules.

You will need

Hair dye removal;
- shampoo;
- hair dye/tonic/balm.

Posted by P&G Articles on the topic "How to dye red hair" How to dye your hair ash blonde How to dye your hair from a dyed brunette to a blonde How to dye your hair bright red


Buy a special paint remover

You will need to first get rid of the red pigment. If you are going to dye your hair light brown or blonde, then buy a whitening remover. In one go, it will not bleach dyed strands, but will only make them 4 shades lighter. If you want to dye your red hair... dark colors, then buy an acid remover, it is more gentle than a bleaching one.

Prepare the mixture and apply it to dry hair

Distribute the wash over the entire length of the hair. If the roots have your natural color, then you can not avoid applying a remover to them, since modern means to remove paint do not affect the natural pigment. After applying the mixture, put on a plastic cap.

Leave the wash on for 20 minutes

You should not leave the remover on your hair for more than 20 minutes, because you may completely lose it. healthy looking hairstyles After the time has passed, rinse the mixture thoroughly warm water using shampoo. If the red color still remains, some color restoration products allow you to reapply the mixture to damp hair.

Apply conditioner for damaged hair to your head

In the future, also use various masks, creams and others medicinal products for nourishing and moisturizing hair, because washing severely damages their structure.

Dye your strands

It is better to apply the paint the day after bleaching. If you want to dye your red hair light colors, you can lighten it again with a remover to get best result. It is important to re-rinse at intervals of at least 2 weeks from the previous procedure and only then dye your hair the desired color. Use ammonia-free paint or coloring tonics/balms.

How simple

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