How to treat brittle nails. Constantly break nails, what to do? We strengthen and check the funds. Vanchochka made of dishes and green tea

If you look at someone's hands very carefully, you can define on them not only how neatly this person is, but also to know certain information about his health. If the skin of the hands is clean and smooth, pink and smooth nails, it testifies to good health.

When they start to get lazy and break, then the hands look abrasive and untidy. At the same time, a person deprivates confidence in himself, involuntarily trying to hide his hands from the views of the strangers. Such uncertainty are often associated not only with cosmetic problems, but also with certain deviations that occur in the body.

The loosened uneven nail plate is a consequence of dystrophic changes in the structure of the plate. She gradually becomes thinner and splits into separate scales.

For such a state, strong fragility, brittleness, dullness, dry nails are characterized. They grow very slowly, the surface of the plate becomes rough.

Such a state of doctors called onodstrophia . About how the treatment of such a state is carried out, as well as the reasons for such a phenomenon, it will be in the article below.

If the nails are watched, the reasons for this phenomenon can be associated with many factors.

However, to understand this phenomenon you need to know about the structure of the nail. Its plate makes thin, tightly pressed horn plates determining the density, as well as the layer of water, making it elastic. In the nail plate there are a large number of different trace elements - zinc, chrome, calcium, etc.

The nail plate is growing when germinal cells are divided in a bright part of the nail base, which looks like crescent. Nail grows towards the free edge, gradually pushing the old cells forward.

Nail clipping on hands occurs when the row of different factors. At the same time, small cracks and gaps appear between the horny layers, and then the cavity is appeared, which is sprauling the nail.

If the nails are loose and break, the reasons can be both external and internal.

External reasons

Effect of external factors chemicalsWhat leads to dehydration plate:

  • Often, the foliation is due to the fact that the person contacts the household chemicals, hot water, alkali, etc.
  • The use of varnishes with content.
  • Frequent extension.
  • Incorrect removal of artificial nails.
  • The use of means with acetone for removing or breeding varnish.
  • Permanent overcooling or staying in dry air conditions.
  • Damage to mechanical nature: n pedicure and manicure; W.shiba, squeezing; Proffessional injuries for musicians, people working with some machines and aggregates, etc.

Internal reasons

Often parents cannot understand what the child in 2 years already begins to smear the nails. The answer to the question why the nails on the feet in the child or in their hands are often internal reasons.

  • Iron-deficiency anemia Developing due to a lack of iron organism.
  • Disorders of functions digestive tract, liver, biliary tract, endocrine system, in which there is a violation of minerals and their distribution in the body.
  • Incorrect meals when there is a lack of a row, protein, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus in the diet. Very often, this factor affects the melting of the nails in children.
  • Diseases of the skin and condition in which leather damage occurs. Since the nails are derived from the skin, their condition is also worse with such pathologies: red deprived, , congenital epidermolysis , fungal diseases of nails and skin.
  • Hormonal imbalance B. adolescence, during . At this time, there is a deficiency or, on the contrary, an excess of certain hormones.
  • Heavy metals poisoning, as well as some drugs.
  • The period when minerals entering the body go to the fetus, which develops. If there is a lack of a certain mineral, then its fruit takes from the mother's body.

Psychological reasons

Often answer the question why nails break are psychological reasons. Defined the following reasons Nail fragility:

  • The presence of a bad habit of constantly nibble them, knock them solid surfaces and etc.
  • Onykhothylomania pathological stateIn which a person strives to destroy his own nails with any tools.
  • Onychophagia - uncontrolled biting.
  • Stressful and.

Thus, the reasons why nails are broken in the hands of women can be a lot. And it is possible to improve the condition only if the reason for brittle nails is correctly determined.

The states in which the nails are loose and break

With this condition, there is a median or symmetric leaf splitting of the plate. Split in the transverse direction only free landand its main part is not damaged. Nail can grow and do not break, but its free edge is thinned.

  • professional disease due to the effect of alkaline solutions;
  • aggressive effect of varnish and others;
  • injuries that are constantly repeated;
  • misguided manicure;
  • the influence of polishing tools that are used during manicure;
  • low-quality varnishes;
  • x-ray;
  • congenital epidermolysis .

Sometimes the color changes dirty white or grayish. Most often there is a lesion of plates on index, nameless and middle fingers.

Treatment of nail fragility with this state consists in long reception vitamin A. , Ingestion of the solution of the gelatin of 10%, injections.

A disease having a trophic character. There is a discovery plate from the nail bed. As a result, the nail plate from the side or free edge is completely or partially peeling.

  • professional injuries;
  • effect of alkalis or acids;
  • a variety of skin diseases - eczema , psoriasis , streptodermia and etc.;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • fungal infections;

The nail plate is peeling and becomes white-gray.

It may be amazed both alone and several plates, on any fingers, including on the legs.

Treatment depends on the cause and severity of the defeat. Using scissors, separated to wear, after which the dressing with the place of lesion is applied to the place of the lesion syntomicin ointment. Also the place of lesion is recommended to lubricate liquid Castellani . During the treatment period, you need to take inward vitamin A and gelatin.

Longitudinal furrows appear on the nails, they start from the free edge, then split off in the longitudinal direction. The process is complicated by the adoption of deep cracks.

  • red flat lichen ;
  • eczema ;
  • psoriasis ;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • lack of vitamins.

On the affected plates, intermittent stripes appear, light and dark. Nails can be affected on their hands and legs, one or several plates immediately. The use of vitamin A is shown for 1 month.

With this condition, the free edge is rolled nail platewhile destroyed upper layer Nail or all of its layers. As a result, the edge of the plate becomes uneven, resembling a fringe.

With this state, the nail roller is often damaged. When the free edge is neatly cut off, the plate looks healthy. However, as it turns out, the nails are becoming thin and brittle again.

If a person has too thin nails on their hands, reasons can be both external and internal.

  • incorrectly made manicure;
  • the effect of low temperatures and chemicals;
  • endocrine disorders.

The color plate does not change, only its free edge becomes transparent or whitish, the chips of the plates are visible. Amazed, as a rule, all nails.

If the nails are poured, what to do, depends on the problem that provoked such manifestations. In any case, if a person notices that for a certain time, his nails or legs are very much loose, and the free parts of the nails are broken, it is important to visit a dermatologist or mykologist.

But in some cases, what to do if the nails are walking on hands, only a gastroenterologist or an endocrinologist or an endocrinologist can tell, finding the internal cause of such problems in the process of study.

Sometimes it is necessary to study the plate on fungus, trace elements, also often the doctor prescribes a laboratory analysis of blood, hormonal studies.

Effective treatment doctor can assign only after determining the cause of the problem. Therefore, tips on whether the nails are walking, which is not always relevant at home.

Sometimes the doctor prescribes some medication toolsTo improve the condition of the nails. As a rule, prescribed biologically active additives, Complexes of vitamins and minerals. However, those who are interested in what to do to nails do not laugh, it is important to take into account that it is necessary to apply such funds for at least one month. Only in this case, you can get a positive effect.

Proper nutrition

In addition to medicines, for whom the question is relevant than to strengthen the nails, so as not to be laughing, it is important to take care of proper nutrition. It is necessary that in the diet to be present sufficient number Protein food, vegetables, fruits, as well as products with high calcium - dairy products, green leafy vegetables, nuts.

Conducting salon and physiotherapy

If the nails are constantly breaking, what to do, you can ask for specialists-cosmetologists. Special procedures are carried out in cosmetic salons that activate the bloodstream and accelerate the growing.

  • You can provide such an effect using special procedures - Wax I. paraffin applications. To carry out such a procedure, use warm softened wax or paraffin, which is applied to the nail plate and soft fabrics Nearby, hold about 20 minutes. Need to consider those who brush nails On the arms, you can do such procedures at home.
  • Professional nail care makes it possible to improve the condition of the nails and give them healthy view. Such procedures include aromatherapy, nutritious masks, hand massage.
  • Special equipment japanese manicure Also effective. It includes hand massage, rubbing jojoba oil into fingers, and then - water massage Hands. At the end of the procedure apply mineral mask and a special powder for polishing, which contains beeswax.
  • The procedure for sealing nails - if the nails are very much, and there is a need to fully update the plate. During the procedure make salt bath, process the plate with a grinding saw, rubbing oil with vitamins and natural Wax. After the procedure, the effect of it lasts about 3 months.
  • Ultrafase Vitamins A. and E. - The procedure that allows you to "deliver" directly in the tissue necessary vitamins. The procedure is carried out by courses, 10-15 sessions. A month later, you can conduct a repeated course of sessions.
  • Diathermy - the procedure is to warm the distal brushes of the hands, in order to activate metabolic processes and blood flow.
  • Hand massage - allows you to improve tissue trophy and speed up metabolic processes. Consequently, nail plates grow faster.

If the bundle is bothering, nails crumble on the legs, what to do, you need, first of all, ask your doctor. But at home, it makes sense to carry out some procedures to improve the condition of the hands and nails.

  • First of all, you should not neglect the hands for hands that use everyday. Applying cream, you need to thoroughly rub it into the area of \u200b\u200bthe cuticle and every finger. It is better to choose funds, as part of which there are vitamins, minerals, plant extracts. If the cream is applied regularly, the state of the nails will improve. You can choose cream " Folk healer"," Deremm "and others. The cost of such funds - from 100 rubles.
  • Therapeutic varnishes are special nail polishes that go and break, in composition contain growth activators, vitamins other useful substances. They seal the plate, protecting it from external influences. Some varnishes are used as decorative. The cost of such funds - from 120 rubles.
  • Wax for nails - protects against bundle. The composition contains beeswax, apply at home. Price - from 130 rubles.
  • Medicine dirt - they contain many minerals, active substances. It is necessary to dissolve dirt in hot water to such an extent that it becomes viscous. Having cooled to about 38 degrees, apply a large layer on your nails and withstand about 15 minutes. Wash off dirt, lower hands into the water with sea salt. Such procedures are carried out every day, for the week. After a while, the course repeat.

Folk Methods

Vegetable masks

To prepare such a mask, any of the components need to be chopped using a blender or grater. Mixing all the components, apply a mask on the nails and distal phalanges of the fingers, hold up to 15 minutes. Conduct the procedure after a small massage or warming bath.

The following masks are useful:

  • from cabbage and potatoes in equal proportions with the addition of cream;
  • from carrots, with the addition of lemon juice and olive oil;
  • from cottage cheese and sour cream;
  • from bananas.

Wax film

Need to melt wax on a water bath to cool it to normal temperature. Next, lower the tips of the fingers into the crazy wax and take out, waiting until the wax will freeze. It is necessary to perform this procedure before bedtime, and in the morning wash the water remains on your fingers. Every week to make this procedure 2-3 times.


Enhance the tissue trophy will help activate blood circulation. And this can be achieved if you regularly carry out baths with sea salt and essential oils.

To prepare such a bath, you need to take 1 l warm water, a couple of droplets of any essential oil and 2 tbsp. l. sea salt. Essential oil first dissolve in several drops vegetable oil. Keep your hands in your hand 20 minutes, while spending easy nail massage. Make such a procedure follows 3 times a week.

Rubbing therapeutic oils

Before bedtime in every nail and soft cloth near need to rub warm oil. Positively affect the condition of the skin and nail plates lemon, sea buckthorn, avocado oil, olive, castor, jojoba.

Iodine mask, clay and olive oil

It is necessary to mix a little blue clay, warm olive oil and several drops of iodine. Applying a mask on the nails, you need to wait 20 minutes. Conduct the procedure every day during the week.

Food gelatin

Inside you need to take jelly from food gelatin. It should be strong, and take such jelly three times a day of 1 tbsp. l. For 3-4 months. The state of the nails will improve significantly.

How to prevent the degradation of the state of nails

It is important to adhere to some prophylaxis rules so that the nail plates are smooth and beautiful:

  • to carry out manicure correctly using only high-quality tools;
  • stream nails with sharp scissors, to focus - high-quality file, from the edge to the center;
  • use only high-quality varnishes and liquids for their removal;
  • pour it right, consuming vegetables, fruits, dairy products;
  • wear gloves in winter.


All these methods will help make hands healthy and beautiful. But if presence serious problems With nail plates should not be tightened with the appeal to the doctor. It is important to understand why nails break, that is, what kind of reason it provoked such a state. If you eliminate provoking factors and spend proper treatment, the problem will be able to eliminate, returning the nails a healthy look.

Sometimes it is possible not to immediately notice that the nails became brittle, however, at the slightest exposure, the tip of the nail can break it, even if there were no cracks on it. A large number of women faces such a problem. You can cope with this problem, but first of all it is necessary to find out the reason for its appearance.

Why are the nails in time become brittle?

Such a problem may occur under the action of the following factors:

  • 1. Impact of chemicals. In everyday life or in their professional activities, many women face chemicals. Often there may be burns with alkalis or acids. In such a situation there may be bundle of nail and changing its coloring.
  • 2. Using varnish. Human nail has a porous structure. In this regard, the components that are part of varnishes and liquids to remove them can penetrate enough depth. This may result in a stratification of the nail plate. At the same time, the risk of such a problem increases many times if you use cheap tools.
  • 3. Wrong care. Nails often become brittle after frequent processing with bodies. Remember that it is possible to remove the nail plate only with a special file.
  • 4. The deterioration of the nail condition can be caused by a long-term contact with water. This is especially necessary to think about swimming people.
  • 5. Dissection of the nail plate can be associated with a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body. Eat with zinc, silicon, calcium, selenium, as well as vitamins D, E and A.
  • 6. The problem with the nails may be caused by violations in the work of cardiovascular, endocrine or nervous system. Often, the bundle of the nail plate can become a symptom of diabetes mellitus, anemia or thyrotoxicosis.

Treatment of nails with a bath

Practices based on the problem will help natural components:

  • 1. Bath with vegetable oil. Vegetable baths are well strengthened nails. Take a half-table of vegetable oil and warm it up, and then add 5 drops of vitamin A and 3 drops of iodine or 5 drops of lemon juice. Such a bath should be done daily for 20 minutes at least 2 weeks.
  • 2. Bath with sea salt. The impact of marine water containing many salts, the nail has a wonderful firming effect, so it is useful to carry out several times a year monthly course Warm water bath with sea salt. To strengthen the nails in the bath, also add a drop of iodine. This procedure must be done for 20 minutes every other day, for 2.5 weeks.
  • 3. Bath with olive oil. Flap of olive oil heat in a water bath to a tolerant temperature and lower his hands in it for 15 minutes. This procedure must be repeated once a week for one and a half months.
  • 4. Bath with vegetable oil and apple vinegar. Mix apple vinegar and vegetable oil in equal proportions, warm up to comfortable temperature And lower your fingers in the bath for 15-20 minutes.
  • 5. Bath with potatoes. Boil young peeled potatoes in water. The decoction formed during the preparation process is slightly cool. Lower your hands for 15-20 minutes. Such a means will help improve the condition of not only nails, but also the skin of the hands.
  • 6. Bath with lemon. Ripe juicy lemon cut in half. In one half stick nails right hand To the very foundation, to another left. In such a state, it is necessary to see at least 15 minutes. But remember that if you have cuts or burrs on your fingers, then such a procedure is contraindicated for you.
  • 7. Bath with berries. Take a small amount of Any acid berries, such as cranberries, lingers or currants. Match them before the formation of Cashitsa. To the resulting tool, lower the nails and leave for 10 minutes.
  • 8. Bath with plantain. A tablespoon of crushed dried plantain leaves Fill half a glass of hot milk. Such a mixture should be put on water bath And heated for 20 minutes. After that, the composition will only remain strain and cool slightly. Lower in the nails prepared in this way and hold for 15 minutes.

Other nail restoration tools

Folk medicine knows a lot of recipes that will help get rid of the problem of nail fragility. Among the most effective ones, the following can be allocated:

  • 1. Wipe off the nail plate. To strengthen the nails and prevent their fragility, it is useful to wipe the nail plate with lemon juice or cranberries.
  • 2. Strengthening wax. Very helpful for brittle nails and procedures with beeswax, which is better to spend before bedtime. Melt the wax on the water bath, wait until it cools up to an acceptable temperature, and lower your fingers into the wax. As a result, on the fingers a kind of wax "thimbles", which must be saved until the morning.
  • 3. Nourishing mask For nails. To make an empty nail mask, aircraft, vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin E. Take 20 parts of the aircraft, 3 pieces of vitamin A, 3 pieces of vitamin D and 1 part of Vitamin E. Mix all thoroughly and rub into the nail plate.
  • 4. Nail ointment. Mix 1. egg yolk, 4 grams of melted bee wax and peach oil to a condition of thick casis. This ointment must be rubbed into the nails every night.
  • 5. Ointment, regenerating the color of the nail. Solve the problem of nail fragility and restore their beautiful natural color Help ointment. For her cooking, mix the glycerol teaspoon, a tablespoon of lemon juice and three tablespoons of pink water.
  • 5. Nail compresses. For the compress you will need: 70 g of water, 5 g of komatsov, 25 g of glycerin. Mix everything thoroughly and make this compress daily for 2 weeks.
  • 6. Squeezing with iodine. It will help to strengthen the nails and get rid of their luxury simple iodine. To do this before going to bed, apply a small amount of the drug to each nail plate with a brush. Initially, the nails will become yellow, but by the morning of iodine completely absorbed and the color of the nails will become familiar.

Using those simple recipes You can solve the problem of brittle nails and maintain the health of the hands in general.

Many of us face such a problem as fragility and nail solutions. It forces us to shy to hide hands and look for ways to eliminate it, it would seem cosmetic Defect. In the state of our nails can negatively reflect a variety of external or internal factors, and the appearance of such a symptom should not be left without due attention. Sometimes to eliminate such a cosmetic defect, it is enough just to wear rubber gloves or abandon the use of aggressive household chemicals, but in some cases, to return health and beauty to the nails will help only the course of treating the underlying disease, which provoked the change in the structure of nail plates.

That is why it is always necessary to eliminate such a problem with accuracy to determine the cause of the luxury and delamination of nails, and only after that proceed to their recovery, and in some cases the treatment of the underlying disease. What causes can lead to a violation of the structure of the nail plate? How can you get rid of them? How to restore the beauty and health of nails? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

What external causes lead to fragility and nail solutions?

Violation of the structure of the nail plate can be called such aggressive external reasons, leading to dryness and luxury of nails:

  • long-term contact with water;
  • frequent impact of low or high temperatures (dry and hot air, hot water, etc.);
  • aggressive impact of ultraviolet rays;
  • contact with aggressive chemicals (household chemicals, nail polishes, lacquer removal fluid, building materials, etc.);
  • use of low-quality nail files;
  • improper hand care and nails;
  • incorrect manicure or nail extension;
  • mechanical injuries.

Land described external factors lead to the cut of the tissues of the nail plate or her mechanical damage. As a result, the nail begins to settle, becomes dry and brittle.

What internal reasons lead to fragility and nail solutions?

Nail plate structure can be called different internal reasonsthat provoke a nail tissue nutrition. These include:

  • improper nutrition or aggressive diets leading to insufficient receipt of minerals and vitamins with food products (deficiency of vitamins B5, B3, B1, A, C, E and D, silicon, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron);
  • period active growth children or adolescents;
  • stress;
  • chronic overwork;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs);
  • onychomicoses (caused by Trichophyton Rubrum, Trichophyton Schoenleinii, Trichophyton Mentagrophytes, Epidermaphyton Floxosum, Scopulariopsis Brevicaulis, Alternaria, Aspergillus and other types of fungi);
  • hormonal disorders and endocrine diseases (, violations of functions, etc.);
  • psoriasis;
  • diseases of kidneys and digestive organs (intestines, etc.).

The above-described causes lead to a disruption of the nutrition of the nail plate and the change in its structure. As a result, the nails begin to be lazy and break, furrows, deepening or sections with a modified color appear on them. In such cases, it is impossible to improve the appearance of the nails using external means, and it is possible to get rid of the problem only after eliminating the cause of its appearance (i.e., the treatment of the main disease, refusal from bad habits, nutritional normalization).

What do nails look like some diseases?

The overhangship of nail plates caused by insufficient admission to the body of vitamins and minerals or the effects of aggressive factors and chemicals, manifests itself with decrease and increased nail fragility. They lose their integrity, become dull and poorly grow. In such cases, a person needs to eliminate aggressive external factors, to normalize food and properly care for the nails.

When developing diseases internal organsIn addition to separating and increased luxury, the state of the nail plate can be changed in this way:

  • the appearance of dents and recesses on the nail - with;
  • yellowish shade of nail - with;
  • sonya or larger nail color - with diseases associated with circulatory impairment;
  • brilliant, brittle and soft nails without well (sometimes with tubercles) - with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • thickened, loosened nail with transverse deposits in the form of strips - with hidden or recently transferred infectious diseases;
  • nail yellowish shade with white spots and tubercles on the surface - with diabetes;
  • yellow spots on the nails - with lung diseases;
  • the concave of the nail (the surface is similar to a spoon) - with;
  • nail with small scattering white (similar to pearls) bulging tubercles - with a hidden course of viral infection;
  • change color to yellow, gray and blacknate, porosity, bundle and peeling the nail (up to its loss) - with fungal diseases.

According to the signs described above, the doctor may suspect one or another disease of the internal organs and appoint a number additional researchthat will allow install true cause Change external view and dissection of nail plates. After that, the patient is appointed a course of treatment for the underlying disease, which will not only lead to the elimination of dysfunctions of organs and systems, but also guarantees an improvement in the appearance of the nails.

General recommendations for eliminating nail separation and luxury

In case of bundle and fragility of nails, it is important to eliminate external aggressive factors that may be reflected on their health:

  1. In contact with aggressive washing agents or other chemicals, land, construction materials, rigid or metal sponges use rubber gloves.
  2. To avoid long contact with water.
  3. Limit the impact of high and low temperatures (wearing gloves, use protective creams and etc.).
  4. Neat use of grads for cooking.
  5. Wearing comfortable shoes.
  6. Neat nail trimming with high-quality manicure scissors. The optimal form for nails is oval or rectangular.
  7. Use only high-quality nail files (it is better to acquire glass). When signing the nails of the movement should be directed from the corner of the nail to the center. Do not be written nail plates on the sides.
  8. Learn to make a manicure or contact only an experienced specialist.
  9. Do not use low-quality nail polish and a liquid for removing a varnish containing acetone.
  10. Do not paint nails constantly (it is desirable not to apply lacquer more often than once a week). 1-2 days a week to give nails to completely "relax" from varnish.
  11. Before applying varnishes bright flowers Apply a special base under color varnish.
  12. Do not abuse frequent procedures such as acrylic extension Nail and coloring with shellac coatings. From such procedures it is better to refuse at all if you have brittle and stratum nails.

For more effective recovery Nail health These recommendations must be complemented by such events:

  • normalization of nutrition;
  • replenishment of lack of minerals and vitamins;
  • proper nail care;
  • salon procedures (if possible).

How to balance the power in the brittleness and bundle of nails?

With increased fragility and stratifying nails, you must think about the quality of your power. It is an unbalanced diet and abuse of rigid diet for weight loss often lead to the fact that the body comes an insufficient amount those substances that are needed for normal Development Nail plate.

Prevent and eliminate alumination and nail fragility can be introduced into daily diet products that are rich in such substances:

  1. Keratin: eggs, sea \u200b\u200bfish, Bird and meat.
  2. Calcium: cheese, dairy products, sesame seeds, eggs, spinach, bean, white and cauliflower, nuts and figs.
  3. Magnesium: buckwheat cereals, oats, beans and soybeans, nuts, whole wheat grains, brown rice and spinach.
  4. Silicon: radish, radish, salad, cluster shoots, mushrooms and leeks.
  5. Sulfur: Oats, buckwheat cereals, seafood, meat, bird, eggs, cheese, milk, legumes, garlic, onions, radishes and radish.
  6. Phosphorus: Seafood, meat, fish, eggs, seeds, nuts and crude grains.
  7. Iodine: Sea cabbage, seafood, sea fish, Feichoa.
  8. Zinc: liver, meat, bird, legumes, cedar nuts and peanuts, wheat, oats, barley and buckwheat.
  9. Iron: liver, lentils, pistachios, buckwheat and bark, solid wheat, oats, cashew, peanuts, corn, dogwood and grenades.
  10. Vitamin B5.: kidneys, beef liver and beef, eggs, marine fish, milk, beer yeast, legumes, rye flour, Mushrooms and nuts.
  11. Vitamin B3.: liver, chicken meat, peas, white mushrooms and champignons, eggs, nuts, corn, solid wheat and oats.
  12. Vitamin B1.: Pork, liver, nuts (cedar, peanuts, pistachios, walnuts, cashews), lentils, cereals and pasta.
  13. Vitamin A: liver, butter, Green Green, Cheremosha, Broccoli, Melted Cheese and Cheese, Smetane, Kalina, Sea Cabbage and Seafood.
  14. Vitamin C: bulgarian pepper, rosehip, black currant, kiwi, sea buckthorn, oranges and broccoli.
  15. Vitamin E.: nuts, kuraga, sea buckthorn, solid wheat, rosehip, spinach, Kalina and sorrel.
  16. VitaminD.: eggs, liver, sea perch, butter, sour cream and cream.

How to fill in a shortage of vitamins and minerals with bundled and brittle nails?

For more rapid recovery Nail It is recommended to take special vitamin and mineral complexes that contain the necessary for the formation of normal nail plates " construction material" Only a specialist can establish a lack of a lack of one or another vitamin or mineral, and that is why the selection of such drugs must be carried out by a doctor or coordinate with it.

The most popular and effective vitamin and mineral complexes for restoring nail structure are such drugs:

  • Vitasharm (Veropharm, Russia);
  • Perfectal and Perfectyl Plus (Vitabiotics, United Kingdom);
  • Revalide (Biogal, Hungary);
  • Lady's Formula (Pharmamed, Canada);
  • Healthy hair and nails (pharmamed, canada);
  • Toping skin (Pharmamed, Canada);
  • Vruvit (Kusum Healthcare, India);
  • Biotin (NOW Foods, USA);
  • Medobiotin (MedoPharm Arzneimittel, Germany);
  • Calcium D3 Nicomed (Nycomed Pharma, Switzerland), etc.

The duration of the reception of such vitamin-mineral complexes is determined individually and depends on the degree of lack of vitamins or minerals. Before receiving the drug, it is recommended to carefully examine the instructions and follow all the rules of reception.

How to properly care for stratum and brittle nails at home?

Despite the fact that the bundle and the brittleness of the nails is a purely medical problem, the correct cosmetic care and healing procedures Can be a significant contribution to the restoration of their structure. There are many recipes to strengthen the nail plates that can be used at home and independently prepare from products, medicinal preparations And oils.

Therapeutic nail bath with vegetable oil and green tea

Mix vegetable oil in a bowl (olive or sunflower) and green tea (in the ratio of 1: 4). The resulting solution to heat up to a comfortable temperature and lower the hands into it for 15-20 minutes. The procedure is better to do before bedtime. Loose hands paper towel And put the cotton gloves.

Solution from oil and tea can be reused. It must be stored in the refrigerator (but not more than 3 days). The procedure is carried out daily for 10 days.

Nail salt baths

In a glass of very warm water, dissolve a tablespoon of sea salt and drop fingers into the resulting solution. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. Course treatment - 10-14 days.

Gelatin baths

½ tablespoon gelatin dissolve in a glass of warm water, warm and lower the fingers into the resulting solution for 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out 3 times a week for a month.

Vanchochka made of dishes and green tea

A teaspoon of crushed needles pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist 20-30 minutes. Add in infusion ½ cup firmly boiled green tea. The resulting solution to warm up and lower the fingers into it for 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out in a day for 1-2 months.

Appliques with rapid oil, iodine and lemon juice

To 200 ml repeated oil Add 8 drops of iodine and teaspoon of lemon juice. All ingredients mix thoroughly. Procedure to perform before bedtime. In the resulting oil solution, moisten cotton woven disks and consolidate them on the tips of the fingers with the help of a gum or threads (without pressing the finger). Wear cotton gloves and shoot until morning. Oil mortar washed with soap and water. Appliques to perform 2-3 times a week for a month.

Appliques based on olive oil, lemon juice and vitamin A

Take 10 ml of olive oil and add 10 drops of lemon juice and vitamin A. The procedure is better to do before bedtime. Wreating nail plates with oil and wrap them food film. Wear cotton gloves and shoot until morning. Perform such applications should be 4-6 times a month.

Appliques from Vitamins A and E

Purchase in the pharmacy capsules of the drug Aevit. Reveal the capsule, apply oil Solution on cuticle and nails. Rub massage movements. Such a procedure is carried out daily (better before bedtime). The course of treatment is 20-30 days.

Appliques from olive oil, iodine and lemon juice

In 20 ml of olive oil, add 4 drops of lemon juice and 3 drops of iodine. Mix, apply on the nail plate and labeled. Leave for 10-15 minutes and remove the remnants of the means paper napkin. Such procedures can be carried out daily for a month.

Cranberry juice appliques

Apply cranberry juice on the nails and rub with massage movements. The procedure is carried out daily before bedtime. Course treatment is a month.

Instead of cranberry juice, you can use lemon juice, black or red currant.

Appliques from the cactus juice

Apply a cactus juice on the nail plates and wash off after 10 minutes warm water. The procedure is performed 2 times a week for 10 days.

Well-groomed I. beautiful nails - This is a sign of the well-being of the owner and his concern about himself. If they become uneven, weak, both men and women, this fact attracts insecurity and indicates that failures appeared in the work of the body. Fragile plates - the problem is not only cosmetic and aesthetic, but directly concerning human health, so it is necessary to decide immediately.

  • dull color;
  • roughness;
  • stratification of tips;
  • a significant slowdown in growth;
  • splitting plate on scales.

What is the nail?

The plate consists of tightly adjacent keratin horny scales. Between them there are layers of water, it is needed for elasticity, gives shine and pleasant color. Growth occurs as follows: Based on (Matrix - White Crescent, adjacent directly to the skin) there is a division of embryonic cells that pushed the old forward. If microcamations or cracks arise between the plates, it leads to the fact that the nails break and go.

External factors:

  • Wrong manicure or pedicure technique.
  • Regular use of varnishes that contain formaldehyde.
  • Building.
  • Violation of the technology of correction and removal of artificial nail.
  • The use of liquid for removing varnish with acetone, the breeding of the old varnishes.
  • Frequent use of alkaline tools for cleaning without hand protection gloves. Characteristic for women housewives.
  • Injuries.
  • Regular long stay in the cold or under reduced humidity.
  • Professional deformations. Infected with musicians, especially guitarists and representatives of other professions, which will use nail plates when working.

Internal factors:

  • One of the main reasons for brittle nails - unbalanced nutrition. It occurs like a lack of protein in food, vitamins A, D, E, such trace elements, like sulfur, phosphorus, selenium, magnesium, calcium.
  • Pathology of the endocrine system, biliary tract, gastrointestinal tract or liver. With them there is an incorrect distribution of trace elements in the body, metabolism is disturbed.
  • Anemia.
  • Dermatological diseases in which the nail or adjacent fabric is affected. It is a fungus, and red flat deprived, and eczema, and psoriasis.
  • Hormonal imbalance in the body. May be observed in men, especially in publit periodBut more characteristic of women. It is often found in the period of Klimaks.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding. In these situations, priority in the distribution useful substances And microelements give up the child.
  • The consequence of intoxication with harmful elements, especially hard metals.

In addition to these reasons, such a state may cause depression, and bad habits or nervous pathologies: biting plates, the destruction of their integrity. This requires a visit to the psychotherapist.

What to do and what to treat?

If a person gives himself a report that he has brittle unhealthy nails, any therapy should begin with a campaign to the doctor. To begin with, visit the Mikologist, Dermatologist. In some cases, consultation of an endocrinologist, a gastroenterologist or immunologist is required. The specialist will advise to make blood test - biochemical or on hormones, which is most often relevant for men, but for women. If the reason in the disease of the internal organs, it is necessary to treat it first of all.

1. Normalization of nutrition.

Whatever the cause of problems, treatment should include power correction. Be sure to regularly have protein food. This meat (it is preferable to take white, poultry meat), dairy products (they are, in the same, rich in calcium), eggs, fish. Do not neglect the vegetable protein, which is contained in vegetables, and especially in lentil, peas, beans.

If nails break on hands, for any specialist will be obvious, which is not enough to your body: these are vitamins A and E, as well ascorbic acid. Complete vegetables, fruits, berries, unrefined vegetable oils in food.

Among large number Products are especially highlighted by cottage cheese, as a source of high-quality protein, sesame, rich in calcium, nuts and spinach, which is desirable to eat in raw form.

The lack of vitamins and trace elements is not fixed immediately. Requires a considerable period of time, after which the body can cope with the causes of trouble.

2. Vitamin complexes and biooddes.

Any specialist will advise to do the following: go to the pharmacy and buy some or another vitamin preparationsYou need to regularly take at home. The receipt of nutrients from food is not as great to help if the fragility of the marigolds is strongly launched, so medication will need.

Treatment at home

Cancel your nails on your hands and eliminate the cause of their bundle actually, rubbing nutrient creams in them. Often there are valuable oils and vitamins that will strengthen the effect. In pharmacies or specialized stores You can buy waxes. They are a good and more affordable alternative to similar salon procedures.

Replace the usual varnishes to therapeutic. They contain growth activators, strengthening and feeding components. Often they are used in decorative purposes, independently making themselves manicure.

Nail fragility can be eliminated at home with special natural mud. For this, the drug bought at the pharmacy is bred in warm led to a viscous state and make the compress on the hands of about 15 minutes. Plates should be completely closed with a mixture. Wash off in salted water, after apply nutritious cream. The procedure is carried out daily during the week, after a 10-day break repeat the treatment.

You can take care with the help of special baths. To do this, in warm water dissolve a pair of tablet-tables is false a sea salt. Then it is necessary to make an oil workpiece: in the almond teaspoon or apricot oil dissolve a couple of etheric droplets - Mirra, Bergamot, tea tree, Ilang Ilanga, Patchouli, Pine or Cedar. The resulting mixture is made in water. Lower hands in the bath, withstand from 20 to 30 minutes. The duration of the procedure depends on how much the nails are injured. After with cream, it is good to massate every finger. The treatment continues until complete recovery, its frequency is approximately 2 times a week.

Thin plates are successfully healed by applying healing oils. It may be sea buckthorn or olive, coconut or almond, jojoba oil. Any of the selected elixirs should be thoroughly rub into the nails and the surrounding skin for the night.


  • Interact with aggressive means exclusively in gloves.
  • Bear vulnerable and subtle nails from frost in winter.
  • Use ceramic or glass Piloxes. Process in one direction.
  • Manicure scissors should be sharp.
  • Buy high-quality varnishes. Before applying, use protective equipment.
  • The brittleness can be prevented by rational nutrition.

Nails are an important indicator Our health. If they began to break, crumble, flashed, lost shine or pale, not enough to simply smear them with a strengthening varnish. Try to look deep into and understand - for what reason the nail fragility arose?

Reliability of nail reasons

Nail fragility arises by different reasons. Basically, nails break and resolve due to incorrect nutrition. Silicon deficiency, calcium, vitamin A and D, as well as a shortage of amino acids, chromium, iron and zinc directly related to the beauty of nails.

Nail fragilence occurs also from working with detergents without protective gloves, from the use of liquids for removing varnish with acetone and even from excessive contact with simple water.

Wrong nail care - also frequent cause Nail fragility.

Nail fragility Treatment

Treatment of nail fragility should be comprehensive. First of all, it is necessary to fill the deficit of the necessary nutrients. The most lazy can buy the necessary vitamins or biological additives in the pharmacy, and for the rest lists the list of products beneficial to the beauty of the nails:

Very useful for nails gelatin. It contains collagen necessary to strengthen the nails, so do not forget to cook the chilts, jelly and bay, eat marmalade.

Silicon deficit will be filled with a field of field, soups and compotes can be prepared on the decoctions of this plant. Recipe for cooking from the cheering is simple: 1-2 h. Spoons of crushed grass pour a glass hot water And after half an hour, strain. Silicon is also rich - beans, salad, bananas, currants, parsley.

With a lack of calcium in the body perfectly cope eggshell. Cooking Recipe: Chicken Shell or quail Yaitz Wash, dry and rub into a mortar. Take a powder during breakfast for 1/4 hours. Spoons, drinking a glass of water with the addition of 1-2 h. Such a lemon juice. The course of treatment of nail fragments is 20 days. Rich in calcium are also milk, cheese, nuts, cottage cheese.

Zinc deficiency is filled pumpkin seeds, garlic and beans, iron deficiency - red meat and beef liver, vitamin A deficiency - carrots and eggs, and vitamin D in abundance is contained in fish oil and cod liver.

The treatment of nail fragility will be doubly successful if you get used to doing homework in rubber gloves. Important Color\u003e: Rubber gloves for housework Must be with a x / b spraying inside and they need to be changed as much as possible.

The prophylaxis of nail fragility contributes to the correct care. Our nails need at least regular hygienic manicure. The nail itself as it needs to be cropped with scissors and to focus with a manicure filling. In no case cannot be used by metal nail shells, it is better to cut the nails with a paper saw with a crystal spraying. Processing the nails with a saw blade in one direction, giving them an oval or slightly square shape.

Cuticle also needs constant care. Cuticle is dead cellsTherefore, the removal of the cuticle is very important for the nail. If the cuticle is not removed, then it dries and leads to the formation of burrs. In addition, by removing the cuticle, we open that section of the nail through which it breathes and feeds. If cuticle cuts for someone completely unacceptable, that is alternative way The care of her - soften the cuticle in the bath or special gel and gently move it from the nail to the orange stick.

Folk remedies against nail fragments

Home cosmetics It can offer a lot of funds for the treatment of nail fragments. Here are just some of them:

Natural mask for the treatment of nail fragmentscolor\u003e

Take a few tablespoons of olive oil, a few drops of lemon juice and literally a couple of iodine droplets, all mixed. Lower the marigold into the mixture and hold 5-10 minutes. Wash off with water without soap.

Iodine from nail stratificationcolor\u003e

For the treatment of luxury and bundle of nails overnight, you need to smear nails with iodine. It quickly absorbs and if you do it in the evening, then in the morning the nails will not be yellow.

Lemon to treat nail fragmentscolor\u003e

Lemon - good tool From nail fragility. Cut from lemon 2 slices, 1 cm thick. To stick all your nails at the same time, in one - right hand, to another left. Keep it for 5 minutes, then wash off with water.

Sour berries to strengthen nailscolor\u003e

For the treatment of nail fragility, such as cranberries, currant, lingonberry are useful. Lubricate with nails berries and skin around nails.

Vegetable oil C. lemon juice Treating nail fragilitycolor\u003e

Apply a mixture of vegetable oil to nails with the addition of lemon essential oil drops or a squeezed lemon juice. Apply every day for 10 days.

Salt and iodine to strengthen nailscolor\u003e

Salt has long been applied as a means against nail fragments. On a glass of water put 1 tbsp. A spoonful of a cooking large salt and a few drops of iodine. Wash the rut in the solution and rub into the nails. After the rest near the sea, the same effect is often observed.

Red pepper and cream to strengthen loose and fragile nailscolor\u003e

Apply on the nails a mask of 1 h. Such a red pepper and 1 h. Such a cream for 5 min., It is possible. Very effectively with laying and fragile nails.

Ointment for giving hardness to nailscolor\u003e

Take cool cooked egg yolk and 4 g of bees wax, melt in a water bath, pouring little peach Oiluntil the ointment is formed. To rub my night to this ointment.

Natural wax for the treatment of nail fragmentscolor\u003e

Beeswax will help against nail fragments. Finger tips omitted into melted on steam bath Clean wax and immediately omit in cold water. On the fingers after such a procedure, there would be somehow "thimbles", after that, to wear x / b gloves and go to bed. Keep all night. Do the procedure twice a week. Total six procedures. Nails are well strengthened. One course is enough to get rid of nail fragility for life. Using and reprinting material Active link to the site