The most unusual hair color is natural. Extreme hair color. Who suits bright colors

Pop stars and catwalk models sometimes radically change their image, coloring their hair in extraordinary shades and extravagant tones. An example of this is the singer Pink and Lady Gaga, Victoria Beckham and even the star man - actor and singer Jared Leto. The most unusual, original hair color helps to complete an artsy and outrageous image, stand out from the crowd and attract even more attention from the opposite sex, and therefore ordinary girls from city streets are not alien to experiments in coloring their hair with an unusual dye tone.

In the youth get-together, you can meet the fair sex with orange, pink, blue and even green hair. If you want to become the owner of colored hair, then be sure to read this article- it details all the nuances of such staining, as well as gives advice on choosing suitable color based on skin type and appearance.

How to dye hair in unusual flashy tones

Hair dyeing in an extremely bright shade is always done with the help of special professional dyes. Hair dye sold in ordinary stores will not cope with this task, you will definitely have to visit a store for stylists and hairdressers or just go to a salon that offers a bright coloring procedure in an unusual color.

In the cosmetic industry, there are separate brands that produce hair dyes in unusual frilly tones. There are not too many such brands, and therefore their products are sold like hot cakes and are mainly purchased by stylists who work closely with the fashion world and show business stars.

It is almost impossible to meet ordinary girls and women with an unusual hair color on the streets of Russian cities, since a bright tone of hair is not always appropriate for office work.

And the majority of our fellow citizens, by virtue of their mentality, do not like to attract excessive attention of outsiders. But if you want the opposite effect - go to a professional stylist store and choose a dye of the right tone among brands - Anthocyanin Acid Color, Manic Panic and Directions.

Please note that the price for such paints is quite high - on average, one small tube costs about 1000 rubles, and for full staining hair may require not one, but two or three tubes.

But the names of colors from these manufacturers are simply mesmerizing: blackberry, purple, turquoise, fuchsia, fiery lava and this is far from full list crazy shades in which girls can be painted with bright fashionable hair dye unusual colors dye from the above manufacturers.

But it is important to choose a color not only by name, but also based on the type of your own appearance.

To help you, here are some tips from professional stylists:

  • Red color is perfect for skin of different tones: dark shades red go to dark-skinned women with brown eyes, brighter ones will decorate fair-skinned and green-eyed girls. It is worth excluding this color from the choice for private irritations and inflammations of the epithelium of the face - it will emphasize all imperfections;
  • Pink color requires a perfectly even and healthy skin light natural color. If you paint your head in such a tone, completely exclude blush from makeup, otherwise you will resemble Marfushechka-darling from the fairy tale "Morozko";
  • Orange shade will suit owners of swarthy and dark skin, because in combination with pale face it gives an unhealthy sickly look;
  • Purple and blue colors are best for girls with a cold skin type;
  • And green will require a strict selection of shades for the type of appearance.

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a crazy tone, use the computer color selection program and evaluate the result.

How is professional coloring of hair in crazy colors

To begin with, the master will wash your head and dry your hair slightly. This is necessary in order to remove all fat, dirt and dust from the surface of the hairline. Most non-standard colors will require additional bleaching of the hair - this way the bright shade will lie better and give a radiant color as a result.

Such a procedure is highly not recommended for natural brunettes, since when stained in bright light colors - turquoise, blue and pink, discoloration is carried out until melatonin is completely etched, and this has a bad effect on general condition hair.

And do not believe if you are told that discoloration occurs due to a natural and environmentally friendly composition - such mixtures for etching natural or artificial color simply do not exist. You can choose a sparing composition, but it will not be absolutely safe for the health of the hair.

The master will also treat your forehead, ears and temples with a special cream composition that will protect your skin from paint and subsequent staining. In some salons, stylists use a disposable bandage instead of cream.

Then the most difficult stage of the staining process begins: the master will need to paint over your hair so that the paint gets only on the hairs, but not on the scalp. This is important because crazy dyes have a very stable structure and are poorly washed out with skin. Before dyeing, the entire surface of the hairs is treated with an additional dye-fixing liquid.

The dye does not stay on the hair for a long time - on average, the exposure time of this type of paint does not exceed a quarter of an hour.

But even here there is a specificity: you will not just sit and wait for the paint to appear - the master will put on a special hat for you and will warm up the dyed hair mass during the entire exposure time. After warming up, the head is cooled, the dye is washed off and only then the final styling is done.

As you can see, the procedure is rather difficult, it will be difficult to repeat it at home, therefore, in order to avoid sad consequences, we recommend dyeing your hair in crazy tones in professional salons.

But the most unusual shades also require unusual care for them.

How to care for hair dyed in a bright extravagant tone

After painting your head in an extravagant color, you will need to change some rules for caring for your hair: in particular, categorically exclude masks, shampoos and balms based on natural and essential oils. Oils act on the structure of a bright dye and make it dimmer.

The first topic of our publication will be devoted to a rather old,
fashion trend- Irregular hair color


I'll start with famous personalities who dared to change their image in such a radical way.
These include:

Model Charlotte Free

Katy Perry

Of course Lady Gaga
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Jared Leto
- - - -

Victoria Beckham
- -

Kate Bosworth
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Hayley Williams
- -

And many other celebrities that we can watch every day on our TV screens, or from monitors.

Of course, many of you who do not mind ruining your hair would like to get some extraordinary color on your hair?
There are several ways to color hair in such an unusual color. Paints with such non-standard colors are divided into two categories: those that last a very long time, and those that are washed off after the first wash of the hair. Permanent paints are based on ammonia, and an unstable effect can be obtained using colored varnishes, tonics and similar products.

· Buy colored polish colored ink or hair gel. Varnish must be applied from a distance of about 30 cm. Colored carcasses began to be produced in the mid-90s. Mascara is intended for coloring selective strands, not all hair. As for the gel, after applying to the hair, it is necessary to style the hair until the gel is dry. These funds can be purchased at theater stores, or any other place that sells makeup.

· For fair hair tinted balms are also suitable, but they are of no use to brunettes. As for tonics, they stay on the hair for no more than two weeks, so you can refresh your hair for a while, but do not burn your hair with lightening and coloring. resistant paints.

Let's talk about who would suit what color, based on the type of appearance.

- - Red hair color.
It attracts a lot of attention, so modest natures may not be suitable (except as a kind of exercise to get used to being the center of attention).
Everyone can be red: with pink tint, with rufous, dark red.
Which to choose? We select according to skin color: for warm skin tones - warm red tones, for cold skin- pinkish.
Brightness - only for your taste (and courage). If your skin often turns red, then red hair accentuates it too much, so you either have to tone your skin well (and paint over small inflammations, if any) or - alas - give up red hair.
By the way, if you have green eyes, then the combination of their color with red hair will turn out to be very spectacular and bright!

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So clean, beautiful pink color!
pink hair color suitable for owners of skin of a cool shade, but not prone to redness (and you have to forget about blush).
Hot pink does not go well with warm, yellowish skin.
Warm pink hair color This color, similar to the color of a tea rose petal, will suit any skin: it is not so bright, very delicate.
Suitable for people with a soft, romantic and gentle character.

- - Orange color hair
Ideal for cheerful
bright natures with a warm skin tone
(pinkish skin is unfavorably emphasized by this color).

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Purple hair color.
Carefully! It will make the skin of warm shades completely yellow. But if the skin has a cool shade, then it will look very good,
especially with matching makeup. On my own purple- a symbol of mysticism, mystery.
And he adds the same character traits to his owner.

- - Blue colour hair.
It has many shades ... Here you can choose according to taste and occasion - most shades of blue (mostly dark) are suitable for almost any appearance. Lighter and blue hair can make "warm" skin look unhealthy.
Dark blue adds mystery to the image, light blue and blue - will make its owner look like a fairy, like a spirit of water or air, a creature not quite real, elusive.

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Green hair color.
This color has an unlimited number of shades, suits any skin and will favorably highlight green eyes if the hair color is chosen exactly to match the color of the eyes. I must say, one of the most unusual hair colors - so if you choose it - you will definitely not be left without attention!

Sometimes you want to radically change, right? So - a change in hair color, especially a cardinal one, gives greatest effect. Of course, you should not dye your hair emerald green, if you have a strict dress code at work, they will not understand. But to paint strands with mascara or wear a wig of this color to a party - that's it! Moreover, there whole line special means for temporary hair coloring, so you can experiment at your pleasure.

Hope some of you take these tips to heart.
All I can say is: Good luck with your painting!

If you are the owner custom color hair, we are waiting for your photos below in the comments!
As well as your opinion about such a phenomenon and the people who use it.

In recent years, non-standard types of hair coloring have significantly outperformed more classic ones, such as highlighting or ombre, in popularity. They are chosen for themselves by both young girls and adult women. So that you can also try on such a trend, let's take a closer look modern methods extreme coloring, as well as the technique of creating some of them at home.

Pros and cons of non-standard staining

The original is not in vain attracts many women.

Its advantages are difficult to overestimate:

  • it gives you the opportunity to experiment with your own image;
  • choosing just such, you can emphasize your own individuality and stand out from the crowd;
  • they can be seen as an alternative to the more standard hair color on vacation or when visiting nightclubs;
  • it is non-standard coloring, if it is, of course, done correctly, can emphasize the strengths of your appearance, for example, make it more deep color your eyes or favorably shade the skin;
  • modern hairdressing products allow you to make such coloring in an hour and a half;
  • many popular hair products that allow you to create original effects do not injure curls at all, and can be recommended even for teenagers.

Of course, this type of staining has its drawbacks. So for those who decide similar changes in your appearance, it is worth remembering that bright colors get bored very quickly, and their most radical shades require hair preparation for the procedure. However, all these difficulties can be leveled by the correct use of dyes, as well as seeking help from a specialist who will apply the desired color accurately.

If you decide on a custom hair color, start changing your image with the help of quick-rinsing products. Once you find the effect that you like best, you can move on to permanent colors.

Having considered the main advantages of such coloring, let's move on to its most popular varieties, including crayons, as well as pixel coloring.

Features of monophonic painting in bright colors

Monochromatic coloring in bright colors is not such an easy task as it might seem at first glance. To perform it correctly, you should consider:

  • . If you want to slightly change it, for example, dye your hair in a more saturated, but very close to natural shade, you don't need to do anything. But if you want to change the color radically, you will have to lighten your hair first;

Coloring in a shade close to natural

  • desired shade. If you want cool pink or red hair, you will also need to use a yellow pigment remover;
  • features of the choice of paint. After lightening, it is recommended to use soft dyes that will not further injure the hair. It is advisable to test any selected dye before use in order to understand how good shade He gives.

You also need to consider that at home bright colors It is extremely difficult to apply beautifully on bleached hair on your own. You run the risk of missing a few strands, which will make your coloring look untidy. To avoid this, be sure to contact the master.

It should be borne in mind that very often hair dyed in one bright color looks very artificial. Choose from multiple shades for highlights, or choose from more difficult options applying paint. This way you will get the best result.

Brilliant two-tone color

Pixel coloring

This is one of the latest fashionable coloring techniques that allows you to get a non-standard effect on your hair. It will suit those ladies who have perfectly smooth even hair, since on curls such a pattern will always look messy. The bottom line is that after the haircut, the master applies dyes to the hair, painting over individual sections of the hairstyle with squares - pixels, while working with each strand separately. As a result, he should get geometric figures akin to the ones we saw in the Tetris game. Such figures will shimmer when worn, and even if they completely coincide with your main shade of hair, they will attract a lot of attention.

Pixel coloring options

If you decide on pixel coloring, you need to consider the following:

  • this technique in itself is quite complicated, therefore, staining in this style can only be entrusted to professionals;
  • pixels cannot be recreated at home, you will definitely need to go to the salon if you want to maintain such coloring;
  • such graphic elements lose color fastness very quickly, which means that you will need to repeat the procedure often;
  • choosing the most radical colors for such staining, including red, blue and green, be prepared for the fact that under the influence of intense sun rays they can change their color.

Also keep in mind that pixel coloring requires you to constantly maintain the exact shape of the hairstyle on which it was done. If you want to change the styling, the effect of staining will not be preserved.

Hair coloring

This technique has been popular for a long time, but in recent years it has received several original varieties, for example, microcoloring (in which paint is applied to small areas, creating the effect of sun glare), sombre is a complex technique that involves soft transition between hair tones, often created in several stages, chambray, which uses more than 2 shades.


Allows you to transform without radically changing the natural tone of your hair. It suits ladies of all ages.

Unfortunately, these types of coloring are almost impossible to recreate at home, unless, of course, you are a professional hairdresser. To achieve them, it is better to seek help from good stylists. They will choose the tone the best way, and the procedure will be performed with the highest quality.

Hair crayons as an alternative to permanent dyes

If you like to change the color of your hair often, you can use bright crayons rather than permanent dyes. Today, it is these products that are recommended to teenagers, as well as fashionistas who are used to recoloring their hair several times a month, since it is these crayons that do not spoil their hair. Similar funds are also completely non-toxic and are easily washed off the hair with a maximum of a second shampoo (if your shade of curls is light enough). at home it’s completely simple:

  1. Before starting work, you should cover your shoulders with a towel, if your strands are dark enough, it is advisable to wet them additionally before starting work.
  2. Next, you will need to choose the strands that you are going to work with. They initially need to be combed well (remember that after dyeing the hair is better once again do not touch), then roll into a tourniquet and paint with pastel.
  3. To fix the result, the strands after applying the paint should be sprinkled with varnish. This way they won't stain your clothes.

If your hair is light enough and you want to get a soft shade on your hair, use following method coloring: dissolve a little pastel in water and moisten your strands with it. In this case, the color will lie quite evenly and neatly.

As you can see, working with hair pastels is quite simple. In order for it not to dry out your curls, do not forget to use special moisturizing masks and conditioners during washing - they will allow you to keep your hair in good condition.


An example of bright creative hair coloring, see the video


Today there is a mass, among which every girl can choose a practical and easy-to-use technique for herself. To achieve success in this matter, she just needs to figure out exactly what effect she wants to get, analyze all the currently available options for working with hair, and, based on their diversity, choose the one that will decorate her the most. Then it will be enough for her to turn to the masters for hair styling in complex techniques, or execute necessary procedures at home on your own.

To look stylish and spectacular, we suggest you choose a trendy hair color 2017, photos clearly illustrate the benefits of each actual shade. It is no secret for a woman that men always pay special attention to well-groomed hair. Of course, you can paint in colors that are convenient for you, but, as practice shows, this is not always the case. the right decision. To truly look stylish, it is important to follow the advice of professional stylists and follow fashion trends.

natural blonde

Blondes have always been popular with men. fashion for light shade hair was introduced by Marilyn Monroe. It is associated with lightness, femininity, playfulness and coquetry.

If your hair is naturally blonde, use a tinted shampoo.

dirty blonde

Shade "dirty blonde" is suitable for girls of a cold type of appearance. Fashionably colored hair visually makes the face warmer and more attractive. He looks like light brown color hair, but still more close to the blond. In other words, it is an ashy shade, diluted with light feathers. In 2017, it is incredibly popular with Hollywood stars.

If you have dark or olive skin, dirty blonde is perfect for you. It belongs to the palette dark colors and does not create a clear contrast of skin and hair, which hides facial skin defects.


Platinum blonde

Platinum blonde looks spectacular on the hair, but, unfortunately, is not suitable for everyone. If you have pale skin with pinkish or peach undertones. In combination with this type of appearance, the shade adds luxury and nobility to the image.

Please note that in combination with a swarthy or golden skin platinum blonde looks vulgar and cheap. Therefore, stylists recommend owners of this type of appearance to look at a different color of hair. Especially in 2017 there is room for imagination.

cold chestnut

Chestnut hair color has been popular for many years, but in 2017 stylists recommend paying attention to cold shades of brown. They add mystery and magic to the image.

Especially cold chestnut is suitable for girls with bright eyes. It emphasizes their expressiveness and depth. Perfectly focuses on the aristocratic pallor of the skin.

Advice! If you have a warm color type of appearance, choose a golden chestnut. Cold shades will look ridiculous and boring.

wheat shade

Wheat hair color is ideal for spring-type girls. It harmoniously complements peach shades skin, dark eyebrows and rich eye tone. Such staining is contraindicated for "summer" girls, since there is a risk of turning into a gray inconspicuous mouse.

If you have dark hair, before dyeing in wheat they will have to be clarified. But do not do it yourself, otherwise you can ruin the structure of the strands.

Advice! You can determine the appearance of the spring color type with the help of fresh greens. If you attach a leaflet to the skin of your face and do not find circles or bruises under your eyes, then this is your color type.

coffee hair color

On medium, long and short hair, all coffee shades look great. They look stylish and beautiful, so in 2017 they have become a real trend.

Coffee shades are harmoniously combined with brown, green eyes and dark skin. Initially, the color of classic coffee on the hair looks like brown with golden tints. It looks noble and luxurious.

Advice! Among coffee shades, pay attention to coffee with milk, cappuccino, dark chocolate.

sweet caramel

Caramel hair color conquers fashionistas with its tints. It is ideal for both dark-skinned girls and owners of fair skin. The main condition is the absence of defects on the face, for example, acne or redness.

AT caramel color There are eight shades, and all of them are popular in 2017:

  • caramel honey looks bright, the redhead does not look aggressive;

  • caramel copper;
  • caramel golden similar to wheat, suitable for girls of spring and summer color type;
  • light caramel suitable for light green-eyed girls;
  • caramel chocolate- a real trend of 2017 thanks to warm notes;
  • dark caramel reminiscent of autumn images;
  • caramel black resembles chestnut, but looks even richer;
  • caramel-ash looks great on tanned skin.

Advice! Caramel highlighting visually gives the hair extra volume.

Nut shade

Walnut shades of hair are incredibly relevant in 2017, not only because of the originality of the color, but also because of its versatility. Gamma is suitable for women of any age and color type. Hairdressers distinguish eight variations of the nut:

  • light walnut visually rejuvenates the image. Suitable for girls with green, gray or brown eyes.

  • classic walnut looks deep and rich. Harmoniously combined with blue and brown eyes.
  • Hazelnut similar to a shade of juicy chestnut. Suitable for girls with golden skin.

  • dark walnut suits swarthy young ladies with dark brown eyes.
  • golden walnut harmonizes with peach or tanned skin.
  • red walnut casts bronze and is great for pale-skinned women.
  • red walnut has not too bright pigment. Looks amazing in combination with honey and amber color eye.

  • Walnut with a silvery sheen suitable for girls with complex eye colors, for example, gray-green, turquoise, green-brown.

Advice! During staining, be sure to keep track of the time. If you overdo the paint even for 10 minutes, you get a completely different color.

fiery red

Not only blondes always remain in fashion. Red beasts attract attention with their brightness and originality. Very few girls risk dyeing red because they are afraid to stand out from the crowd. Nevertheless, red-haired beauties are always of interest. For such girls, in 2017, the actual fiery red hair color was proposed.

fiery red color suitable for girls fair skin. But it is contraindicated for blue-eyed ladies.

Advice! If you have a bright green color eye, choose red hair. The image is associated with witches and bewitches.

Gold in your hair

Golden overflows can be on both light and dark hair. The owners of this color look thoughtful, complaisant and calm.

Golden hair suitable for girls with skin of a warm shade of beige or peach. The tandem of gray eyes and light skin is best complemented with light honey shades, which also shimmer with noble shades.

Advice! If you have a natural Brown hair, choose a golden blond color.

Noble gray hair

Platinum and gray shades of hair in 2017 have become a real hit among fashionistas.

Colorists distinguish 5 main shades of gray:

  • Ash blonde perfect for girls with very fair hair. With the help of a shade, you will get rid of the yellowness and replace it with a silvery sheen.

  • light gray achieved by mixing silver, light brown and blond.
  • deep gray look like natural gray hair. It differs from it only in uniformity and noble brilliance.
  • Dark gray shade turns out perfect for dark blond hair. This coloring option is suitable for almost every woman, regardless of the color type.
  • Ash gray considered the main trend of 2017. The shade is recommended for girls with fair skin and eyes.

By coloring in grey colour you will create a refined noble image and emphasize the freshness of the face.

Please note that after such dyeing, the structure of the hair may deteriorate, so they will need good restorative care.

Advice! Consider the fact that women after 35 years of age are visually made older by such shades. That's why trendy shade more suitable for young people.

Unusual solutions

Connoisseurs of bright experiments and unusual solutions like an extraordinary combination of colors, far from natural:

  • jeans effectunusual trend in hair coloring. These are unusual blue curls. Masters select shades in such a way that overflows give a 100% denim effect. You can paint only a few inner strands so as not to attract too much attention.

  • gradient sunset- a technique that combines overflows of peach, yellow, pink and red along the entire length of the hair.

  • Translucent rose quartz looks spectacular on light and naturally thin hair. Stylists recommend dyeing an elongated bob or pixie haircut in this way. Get a bold and daring look.
  • strawberry warm blonde perfect for dyed blondes. With a bright shade, you can color the entire hair, or you can select a separate strand. Experiment with all shades from dark pink to light red.

  • blue hair color slightly inferior to pink, but in combination with light strands, a slightly noticeable blue looks melancholy.

  • macaroni- coloring in shades of cakes. Stylists choose blue, light green, silver, purple, yellow, peach and pink. Their combination gives the image fabulousness and magic.

Advice! When choosing unusual hair colors or ways to dye them, be prepared for different manifestation attention. Some conservative people have a negative attitude towards cardinal experiments with appearance. But the choice is yours.

Fashionable hair color: current coloring techniques

In 2017, it's not enough just to choose suitable paint for hair. Monochrome coloring is losing its popularity, as masters improve their skills and offer to combine several shades on one hair. This procedure adds brightness to the image. The color is rich, deep and multifaceted.

Let's take a look together current techniques coloring and choose the right one for you.

  • Classic highlighting allows you to create the most natural shade of hair. This season, you do not need to clearly highlight the clarified strands. Curls of wheat, straw, honey color should dissolve in the hair.

  • Ombre and sombre are two similar techniques. The first involves a smooth color transition from dark roots to bright ends. The second technique differs only in the choice of bright contrasting shades.

  • Balayazh- a technique during which the master processes only the upper strands. The illusion of natural hair lightening is created. In 2017, the actual colors for balayage are strawberry pink, light golden, dark cherry.
  • Babylights consists in lightening individual strands, closer to the tips. The effect of sun glare or burnt hair is created. The technique looks most impressive on light brown and light chestnut hair.
  • Shatush involves dyeing strands in close shades. The result is the most natural lightening. In 2017, it is most relevant to color only the tips or highlight the strands throughout the entire volume.

Advice! Visit an experienced colorist. Independent multi-color staining or highlighting can ruin your appearance. Some mistakes are hard to fix.

Even before our era, girls knew many ways to change the color of their curls, because hair coloring at that time was socially significant. It emphasized the status and noble origin, helped to attract the attention of men. women used natural dyes(henna, basma) and various available substances - lemon juice, spoiled milk, ash.

Popular staining techniques

Today, coloring also has a practical meaning - getting rid of gray hair, but more often they resort to it to change the image, emphasize a haircut or revive a dull natural color. No more need to use dubious folk remedies, because the choice of colors allows you to implement any, even the most unusual, ideas. But women who practice periodic hair color changes know that the result is not always pleasing. Curls often become brittle, dry, and their shade is far from desired. Let's figure out how to avoid mistakes in coloring various types hair and choose among fashionable methods what is right for you.

The classic monochromatic coloring, in which the curls along the entire length have the same shade, is ideal for women who want to hide their gray hair. But it has a drawback - most dyes dry out the hair, making it brittle. Therefore, it was replaced by new, sparing methods. They allow you to achieve interesting effects virtually no damage to the hair structure.

But dyed hair needs special care. Unfortunately, almost all products of leading manufacturers of shampoos and balms contain substances harmful to hair. If you find sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, or PEG on the label, stop using it. this tool. The best way to take care of your hair is with all-natural cosmetics. Dermatologists speak about this unanimously. According to the latest tests, best cosmetics for hair is produced by Mulsan Cosmetic. We highly recommend visiting the site and choose for yourself suitable shampoo and balm. This will keep you healthy and beautiful. in your hair.

Highlighting and coloring

For gentle lightening of hair, highlighting is used. The essence of this technique is a play on the contrast of dark (natural) and bleached strands, going from roots to ends. They are evenly distributed over the entire surface of the head or make several light lines near the face, while maintaining the color of the bulk of the hair. If a noticeable gray hair has already appeared, you can mask it by highlighting the “salt and pepper” shade. In this case, the hair is first dyed in ashy color, and then lighten individual strands by 2-3 tones.

When coloring natural curls"dilute" with bright notes. Hairstyles with contrasting strands of various, often unnatural colors (red, purple, pink, green) are suitable for bold and extraordinary girls.


Bronding is a way to combine light and dark hair. It is similar to coloring, but instead of bright colors used brown, coffee, golden hues. The coloring of the strands begins, stepping back a few centimeters from the roots, so frequent adjustments are not required. As a result, the hair looks natural, and the light lines in the hairstyle create the effect of sun glare.

Ombre hair coloring

The ombre technique involves a soft fusion of two colors along a horizontal line. The upper half of the hair is natural color, followed by a transitional shade, and below - a saturated colored one. There are more bold option with a clear border between contrasting tones. Both methods are successfully used on both light and dark curls of all shades.

Balayage hair coloring

This type of staining resembles highlighting. But the lightening of the strands is performed from the middle of the hair length, becoming more saturated towards the tips. More often, the technique is applied to dark curls, although on fair-haired girls balayazh also looks interesting.

As part of the method, instead of lightening, the strands can be dyed with one or more contrasting colors. But more often, a shade is selected that is combined with the bulk of the hair to get the effect of burning out the tips.

Advice!Balayazh is fully revealed on curly curls, so owners of straight hair should twist or perm them.

New in the paint industry

What if you appreciate the natural beauty and softness of your hair, but still want to experiment with its color? New technologies in coloring will come to the rescue.

Staining with elution

This is the most gentle method that improves the structure of your curls. For the procedure, a special composition of Elumen is used, containing only natural color dyes. The product is suitable even for very dry and brittle hair, increases their volume and returns healthy shine.

Elumination is the most gentle staining method
Elution gel contains only natural dyes

The paint successfully eliminates gray hair and is quite resistant - the effect lasts up to two months. The only negative is the high cost of the procedure. Due to the peculiarities of applying the composition, staining should be carried out by a master who has the appropriate certificate confirming the possession of elution technology.

Coloring with colored crayons

Sometimes there is a desire to try out a completely new look with vivid image just for one day. This is easy to do using hair crayons sold in specialized stores. To obtain new color it is enough to run them over dry strands, and after washing your hair they will become the same again. Them color palette It is huge and it is not difficult to find any desired shade. But remember that crayons dry out hair, so you should not use them regularly.

How to choose a shade?

The choice of a new shade of hair is a crucial step in dyeing. It is advisable to consult a professional stylist on this matter, but if you decide to do everything yourself, stick to common criteria compatibility of tones, and also consider the color of the eyes and skin. It is noted that curls are more suitable for dark-skinned people warm color, and for girls with pale skin, especially blue-eyed and gray-eyed girls - cold.

Dark hair coloring

Very dark hair is recommended to be dyed in chocolate, chestnut, blueberry, cherry and wine shades. It is not worth experimenting with a blond - there is a high risk of not getting desired color and ruin your hair. If you still want to lighten up, it is better to choose a coloring technique that does not affect the roots - ombre, balayage or bronding.

Red hair coloring

Red curls are more difficult to color than other shades. For clarification, you can use ash-colored paints that cope with yellowness after clarification. But there is no guarantee desired result at home.

From dark tones cinnamon color is recommended, red, chocolate, copper are also acceptable. In any case, it should be close to native. This applies to natural red hair, but if the shade is obtained using henna, it will not work to recolor it. Need to wait for growth old color and only then experiment further.

Shades for light and blond hair

Naturally fair-haired girls are suitable for caramel, honey, sand, ash and golden tones. If the eyes are dark, it makes sense to choose a light chestnut color and a shade of mocha. And you can lighten dark blond curls with gentle methods, for example, highlighting.

Advice! Giving a person a certain hair color, nature acts wisely. In order for your image to remain harmonious after dyeing the curls, you should not change their color by more than 3 tones in any direction.

Choosing the type of paint

Having decided on the desired color, it is important to choose the right paint. Its main criterion is durability. On this basis, three types of compositions are distinguished:

  • tinting agents of the first level of durability;
  • semi-permanent dyes of the second level;
  • resistant paints of the third level.

The first type includes a variety of tinted shampoos, balms, foams. They do not harm the curls, but do not last long - about two weeks. More often, such staining is resorted to to refresh the natural color.

The second category contains soft dyes in a small amount. They allow you to change the color of dyed strands by 1-2 tones and last up to two months. Due to their gentle effect, they are used even on brittle hair.

The third type gives a lasting result and successfully copes with painting over gray hair. This paint is also suitable for a radical change in color. But it causes more damage to the hair and, if improperly dyed, causes serious damage to their structure.

Hair length and coloring technique

In coloring short and long curls there are some differences regarding its type and technology. Short haircuts leave less room for imagination. Usually such hair is dyed in one tone, although, if desired, a combination of two shades is used. On the medium length you can implement most of the well-known techniques - highlighting, bronding, coloring. The same applies to long curls, in addition, they are ideal for creating an ombre with smooth transition flowers and balayage technique.

Coloring short hair

With monophonic coloring of short hair, you can handle it yourself. At home, do it like this:

  1. Prepare paint according to instructions.
  2. Apply the mixture all over your hair.
  3. Comb the strands with a comb so that the paint lies evenly.
  4. Cover your hair with a plastic bag or put on a shower cap.
  5. At the end of the recommended exposure time, rinse the mixture with running water.

In order for the color to “grab” well, the head is washed with shampoo only 3 days after dyeing. In the future, it is desirable to use a caring balm and other restorative agents.

Coloring for medium and long hair

The procedure for dyeing long curls has its own nuances. At the first color change, the only difference from short hair is the greater amount of dye used (two packs are usually enough).

If you need to paint over only regrown roots, the application of the mixture begins with them. First, they carefully coat the parting line, then retreat 1.5–2 cm from it, make a new one and distribute the composition over it. The steps are repeated until all roots have been processed. Ten minutes before washing off the paint, its remnants are distributed along the entire length of the curls.

Important!The strands near the temples are thinner and can be dyed faster than on other parts of the head. Therefore, the mixture is applied to them last.

The lunar calendar will tell you when to paint

It has been observed that the phase of the moon influences the staining result. A favorable time for changing the color of curls is the period of its growth. In order for the result to be stable, and the shade to lie evenly, we advise you to listen to the recommendations of astrologers for 2018, compiled taking into account the lunar calendar:

The phase of the moon affects the result of staining. A favorable time for changing the color of curls is the period of its growth.

  • March is a good period for updating the shade, natural tones have an advantage.
  • In April, pay attention to the care of your hair, refraining from radical dyeing.
  • If you were planning to change the color of the curls to a darker one, May is the right time for this.
  • In June, there comes a favorable time for lightening and staining in red tones.
  • July is also a great time to go blonde.
  • In August, let your hair rest, it is recommended to carry out restorative procedures.

Before you change the color of your curls, take a look at the coloring calendar

Hair after dyeing: care features

Colored curls need increased attention. It is advisable to take care products for them from the same series, the same brand as the paint. Shampoos, balms and conditioners used should have a color protection function.

A powerful hair dryer and a curling iron should be discarded so as not to overdry the curls. If you notice brittleness or split ends, refrain from combing with a fine comb, especially on wet hair. This exacerbates the problem and further damages them.

Restorative masks and balms are useful, but you need to know when to stop with them. Once a week is enough, otherwise the shade will quickly wash off and fade. Chlorinated water also has a detrimental effect on color. Therefore, those who visit the pool need to use a special swimming cap.

Do not forget that hair strengthens not only from the outside. Periodic reception vitamin complexes- a pledge of strong, healthy curls and overall well-being.