What can and can not be eaten by a nursing mother. Can (and should) lose weight while breastfeeding? Doctors answer. Does the appearance of a nursing mother improve with regular consumption of walnuts?


This category contains liquids and foods that are prohibited during breastfeeding, the use of which by a mother during breastfeeding can be dangerous for the baby. As a rule, it is recommended to exclude all allergens from food for breastfeeding. In particular, a nursing mother can eat vegetables and fruits, but not orange or red. I think you have heard that breastfeeding meals should not contain tangerines, oranges, red apples, carrots and other "dangerous" foods. That is, all orange and red are prohibited foods for breastfeeding, due to their possible allergenicity. However, the baby may not be allergic to these products, but it is definitely not worth checking this before 6 months, and then with caution - one slice is unlikely to be able to harm.

What absolutely should not contain food for breastfeeding is alcohol. Reassuring herself with reflections that one glass of red wine will not affect the baby in any way, the mother should be aware that any alcohol, without exception, is 100% absorbed into the baby's blood along with breast milk!

The list of prohibited foods for breastfeeding includes fresh and canned spicy and savory foods. Such as onions, garlic, hot peppers, wild garlic, mayonnaise, hot sauces and other concentrated, saturated foods. They add spice to the milk and can lead to breast rejection, heartburn, and other digestive problems in your baby.

Mustard, horseradish, black strong coffee (especially instant coffee), dark chocolate containing more than 70% cocoa, moldy cheeses and soft, so to speak "fresh" cheeses with various additives from spicy herbs, - a list of foods that make milk bitter and are not recommended for breastfeeding mothers.

Meals during breastfeeding should not contain spicy herring, mussels, squid, octopus, especially in sauce. Mom should not eat cod caviar, pollock, especially those containing additives. except possible allergies and a great burden on the kidneys, they make the milk salty.

Foods prohibited for breastfeeding are both fresh or canned tuna and shrimp. These products provoke allergic reactions.


There is whole line various products that until recently pediatricians forbade nursing mothers to eat. Modern doctors came to the opposite opinion. It is not only possible to eat these products, but even necessary, however, they should be introduced into the diet during breastfeeding carefully, gradually and in small quantities.

Eat a little and sometimes you can melon, beets, fresh kefir, beans, peas, vegetable oil... If there is an overabundance of them in the mother's diet, this leads to bloating and upset stool in the baby.

Pears, persimmons, pomegranates, rice, shortbread cookies, fresh bread - a list of foods that, when breastfeeding, can hold together and, in case of excess, cause constipation.

Cow's milk, grapefruits, oranges, black currants, red fish and caviar, eggs, semolina, corn and millet porridge - of course, healthy foods, but can cause allergic reactions in a child.


The list of foods marked with this “food traffic light” color, while breastfeeding, can be eaten without consideration or special restrictions. It is useful for you and for the baby!

Dill, parsley - contribute to the visual acuity of your crumbs.

Lettuce, gooseberries, black currants are immunity-boosting foods.

Pumpkin, zucchini, perch, cod - all contribute to rapid development and the growth of the baby.

Natural yogurt, cottage cheese - necessary for skeletal system, and dental health.

Ryazhenka, kefir, ayran, oatmeal, cauliflower, broccoli - promote better digestion.

And of course, the permitted foods during breastfeeding are:

  1. natural meat (chicken, quail, rabbit, beef, veal);
  2. porridge: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, corn, barley, wheat);
  3. lean soups;
  4. cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, corn, millet, wheat, pearl barley porridge);
  5. legumes and beans (from 6 months);
  6. seafood;
  7. fish (boiled or stewed);
  8. vegetables (boiled, baked or stewed);
  9. baked potatoes, boiled;
  10. small quantities of pasta;
  11. eggs (chicken is possible, but quail is better);
  12. fermented milk products - fermented baked milk, kefir, cottage cheese - preferably homemade;
  13. hard cheeses, mild;
  14. gray bread, bran bread, white bread - only dried or slightly stale, not freshly baked!
  15. seasonal fruits;
  16. nuts, excluding peanuts and pistachios;
  17. herbs and spices (parsley, dill - from birth; mint, savory, celery, basil, lemon balm, oregano, thyme, tarragon - from 3 months);
  18. onions (in soups from birth, fresh - from 3 months), garlic - not earlier than from 6 months;
  19. honey (rich in calcium and vitamins) - injected from 3 months, and pollen - from 6 months;
  20. drink freshly squeezed juices, combining to taste, but introduce carefully, one at a time and starting no earlier than 3 months of age;
  21. compotes and decoctions of dried fruits, fruits and rose hips without sugar;
  22. make homemade fruit drinks and fruit drinks (from blueberries, lingonberries, cherries, gooseberries) - from 1 month;
  23. herbal tea (yarrow, chamomile, linden, horsetail, mint, lemon balm, eucalyptus, nettle, coltsfoot, elderberry, Bogorodskaya grass (thyme), string, calendula - one at a time or by combining 2-3 types of herbs, no more), brew teas from the branches of fruit trees;
  24. green tea (no additives, large leaf); weak black tea; teas for lactation;
  25. distilled or spring water, table mineral water.


Let's summarize. So, eating while breastfeeding can include whatever you ate during pregnancy. By the way, this also applies to the so-called generally recognized allergenic products. An exception can only be considered cases of real allergy in a woman, to certain foods or dishes. If allergic reaction on foodstuffs if the mother has it, then the baby who is breastfed will most likely manifest it.

Of course, this rule only works if the measure is followed. That is, you can safely eat one peach, or 10 strawberries, if you really want to. A piece of chocolate will not harm you, if you are not allergic to it. To identify food that really does not suit your baby, lead food diary , and track all of your baby's reactions to new foods. Introduce everything new gradually and in stages, making sure that it is safe for the baby.

In the first months of life in babies in 90% of cases, various rashes appear on the skin - some have less, some have more - as a rule, this is normal. Often, foods suspected of being allergic, when re-sampled after a couple of weeks, do not give any allergic reaction, including a rash. The most common reaction is to flavors and dyes in foods for breastfeeding mothers. Therefore, the most important thing is that the mother's food is natural, the dishes are prepared independently, and they are consumed freshly prepared. And of course, everything should be in moderation!

You can also drink almost anything, it is advisable to be careful with new juices, and the most common drinking clean water should prevail in the diet.

Remember: before the introduction of complementary foods, that is, up to 6 months, the baby through the mother's milk should try everything!

· List of prohibited foods for breastfeeding:

  1. highly allergenic food products are caviar, fish, seafood, mushrooms, eggs, nuts (except walnuts), honey, chocolate, cocoa, coffee;
  2. vegetables, fruits and berries of orange and bright red as well as exotic pineapples, avocados, kiwi, and cucumbers;
  3. marinades, broths, canned food, spicy and salty dishes, fish and meat smoked meats, spices;
  4. products containing preservatives and dyes;
  5. sauerkraut, radish, radish, fermented cheeses (suluguni, feta cheese, Adyghe), sausages, ham;
  6. legumes;
  7. carbonated drinks, kvass;
  8. alcohol.

· Breast-feeding: products allowed in limited quantities

  1. sour cream - only in dishes, whole milk - diluted and only in cereals;
  2. pasta and bakery products from the highest grade flour, semolina;
  3. sweets, confectionery;
  4. sugar;
  5. salt.

· Breastfeeding: permitted foods

1. fermented milk products (kefir, yoghurts without additives, bifikefir, bifidok, etc.);

2. cereals (buckwheat, rice, oat, corn, etc.);

3. bread - rye, with bran, 2nd grade wheat;

4. fruits and vegetables (green, white);

5. meat - low-fat varieties of pork, beef, turkey fillets, stewed and boiled chicken, steam cutlets;

6. soups - vegetarian;

7. drinks - tea, fruit drinks, dried fruit compotes.

· Strong allergens for a nursing mother and newborn:

MILK... Until now, there is often a delusion that a woman needs to specially drink up to a liter of goat or cow's milk a day to raise nutritional value chest. In fact, it increases the risk of developing a baby's lactose allergy. V whole milk contains more than 20 substances that can cause an allergic reaction. Milk proteins are especially resistant to heat, which means that you should not drink it in large quantities, even when boiled. In a single case, an allergy can manifest itself as skin rashes, with a regular attack by allergens, the crumbs can develop intolerance to milk and any dairy products, and even to mother's breast milk, which is the worst thing. When breastfeeding, it is better to give preference to fermented milk products, and add milk to porridge, diluting with water.

Egg whites. This product can be a serious allergen for your baby. This mainly applies to chicken eggs, rarely allergies are provoked by goose or duck eggs. Quail - become irritants in extremely rare cases, almost never. It is recommended for a nursing mother to eat only one hard-boiled egg a week.

STEAMED MEAT... You should not include this product in a woman's diet while breastfeeding. This is especially true of the "lower parts" of the mascara, it is in it that most of all hazardous substances... Buy fresh, steamed meat and ship it to freezer your refrigerator - after freezing and further thawing, the concentration of allergens in the meat decreases.

P.S. There is no need to talk about what kind of "nonsense" it is, I myself do not agree with many things, This article is here for general information, it can help someone with something.

Signs of pregnancy while breastfeeding are difficult to detect, especially on early dates... Most breastfeeding women have an unstable menstrual cycle, and some do not. Sometimes the expectant mother finds out about the new position already when the tummy grows, and the baby begins to move. In order not to be trapped, you need to carefully monitor your well-being, and to prevent unplanned pregnancy use proven means of protection.

It is believed that breastfeeding and new pregnancy- concepts are mutually exclusive. Therefore, many couples refuse contraceptives and use the method lactational amenorrhea... Any gynecologist will say that this method is not reliable, because you can get pregnant even with active breastfeeding.

Women's physiology is designed in such a way that immediately after childbirth, a radical change occurs. hormonal background... The hormone prolactin promotes the production of breast milk. With increased prolactin, the ovaries stop working, and the endometrium does not grow, which is accompanied by the absence of ovulation and menstruation.

It can be concluded that pregnancy while feeding is impossible, but this is not the case. It is difficult to predict how the hormonal background will react to a new state of the body. Medicine knows many cases when, with HS, the onset of ovulation led to conception. The sex glands can actively start working as early as a month after childbirth or "sleep" before lactation stops.

The likelihood of pregnancy after childbirth increases under conditions:

  • feeding by the hour. For prolactin to be produced in enough to suppress the work of the ovaries, it is necessary to apply the newborn on demand;
  • baby sucks on a pacifier. As a result, the baby needs less of the mother's breast;
  • the baby is bottle fed. This leads to a gradual decrease in milk production;
  • there are no night feedings. During this period, there is a peak in the release of hormones that produce lactation;
  • couple does not use modern methods contraception. For nursing women, there are several methods of preventing pregnancy (condoms, spiral, mini-drank).

The first signs of pregnancy can be easily noticed if you listen to your well-being.

Signs of pregnancy when breastfeeding without menstruation

Suspect pregnancy with an established and regular menstrual cycle simply. With a delay, the woman begins to listen to herself and notices other symptoms of fertilization. However, it is irregular. Therefore, it will not be possible to recognize a new state by a delay in the physiological absence of menstruation.

In the early stages, some women from the first days feel a new position. Others determine changes in their bodies closer to the second trimester. If there is active feeding and pregnancy cannot be determined by delay, it is worth looking for other obvious symptoms.

Sore nipples

As soon as the fertilized cell is implanted into the mucous layer of the uterus, hormonal changes begin. For this reason, the nipples become sensitive and even change their color. During pregnancy with hepatitis B, it is unpleasant for a woman to feed. If earlier sucking the baby did not cause any inconvenience, now every touch of the nipples causes pain.

With hepatitis B, pregnancy manifests itself in the form of growth of the mammary glands. However, the amount of milk does not increase. It is possible to suspect pregnancy during lactation only on this basis: sensitive breasts and painful sensations when sucking.


Pregnancy during lactation, like usual, can be accompanied by toxicosis. If in some women it is manifested by nausea and morning vomiting, then in others it is a feeling of hunger. Toxicosis in future mother arises from the formation of toxic substances that are formed during the development of the embryo. In the early stages, this condition does not cause concern among doctors, if it does not lead to depletion of the body.

Toxicosis during lactation in many women is accompanied by the desire to eat something unusual. In the first months of lactation, a newly-made mother should adhere to special food and exclude some foods from the diet so that the baby does not have an allergic reaction or colic. If earlier such restrictions were tolerated calmly, then after conception the craving for salty or sweet becomes irresistible. It should be noted that not only pregnancy with breastfeeding is accompanied by hunger or, on the contrary, nausea. These symptoms may indicate other abnormalities in the body.

Changes in lactation and baby behavior

During breastfeeding, the amount of milk produced is in line with the needs of the baby. As the baby grows up, the amount of natural food increases. If a new pregnancy occurs, then a change in hormonal levels will inevitably occur. The prolactin level will decrease and the amount of progesterone will increase. For this reason, the amount of milk may decrease. The woman notes that the breasts are no longer poured as it was before. The baby has to suckle for a long time to start the hot flush. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the mother may notice that the baby is anxious. The kid gets angry that he cannot get as much food as he wants, becomes whiny and often kisses on the breast.

It is believed that the taste of breast milk changes after conception. Because of this, some children refuse to eat as usual. But the taste can change due to the mother's diet. Therefore, this feature can also be considered indirect.

Other symptoms

A woman's new conception is not like the previous one. Therefore, you should not look for all the symptoms that were the last time. They can become different.

  1. Change in bowel function. Due to the production of progesterone corpus luteum in the ovary, the muscle tissue of the body relaxes. This leads to poor digestion and decreased motor skills. The woman feels increased flatulence, especially in the evening, and sometimes suffers from constipation.
  2. Drawing pain in the abdomen. Sucking on the breast causes the uterus to contract. In a pregnant woman, this is accompanied by pain, and in medicine it is called "hypertonicity". If discomfort appear periodically, you should definitely consult a doctor.
  3. Vaginal discharge. During active lactation, the amount cervical mucus decreases markedly. If discharge suddenly appears (mucous, white, milky), then these may be symptoms of pregnancy.
  4. Formation of a strip on the abdomen. Pregnancy during feeding, as well as in its absence, is accompanied by the appearance of pigment along the abdomen. This sign is relevant for those women whose streak has already disappeared after the last gestation.
  5. High basal temperature. Reliable sign pregnancy on HB - an increase in BT. If a woman kept a schedule, then now she will be able to establish the fact of conception. Basal temperature in the early stages it is kept at 37 degrees.

Can I use the test while breastfeeding?

It is believed that it is pointless to use a pregnancy test for HB. According to women, with elevated level prolactin, which is considered the norm for lactation, the device will not show correct result... In fact, this is not the case.

The test is designed in such a way that it reacts to a single hormone that is produced from the first days after implantation. Every day, its level rises in the blood, and then in other biological fluids, including urine. If there is a pregnancy and the amount chorionic gonadotropin is large, the test will show two stripes. For a reliable answer, you should choose reliable devices with high sensitivity.

For women who do not use contraception during lactation, gynecologists recommend having tests every month. This approach will allow you to determine the pregnancy in time. Even if a woman is determined to give birth to weather children, it will be better if she finds out about the conception that took place before it becomes noticeable to others.

Doing a pregnancy test during lactation is not contraindicated, it will not harm. However, for more reliable result it is better to take a blood test for hCG.

Is pregnancy dangerous against the background of hepatitis B

Pregnancy after childbirth with breastfeeding is most often not considered a dangerous situation. Many women successfully carry and give birth to weather children. However, such a load is heavy for the body. When breastfeeding, the body spends a lot of energy on its production. Pregnancy is also a stress that requires increased work of organs and systems.

It is also believed that during gestation and simultaneous lactation, the risk of miscarriage increases. Sucking movements stimulate the nipple, and this causes an increase in uterine tone... But not all doctors support this opinion.

Gynecologists recommend planning next pregnancy not earlier than 1-2 years after the previous one. At the same time, it is advised to wean the baby from the breast in order to minimize the likelihood of problems and allow the body to recuperate.

If pregnancy occurs after cesarean during the first year, then there is serious threat for the health of the woman. Doctors advise planning conception after such an operation no earlier than 2-4 years later. It is important to take into account the condition of the scar. If fertilization occurs earlier, then it can disperse, which will lead to massive internal bleeding and fetal death.

If signs of pregnancy appear while breastfeeding, then you need to see a doctor. After the examination, the specialist will allow or advise on the need for weaning. One of the options for successful and long-term breastfeeding is tandem.

The birth of a baby is perhaps one of the most happy events in a woman's life. And every mother wants to give her baby all the best. And of course, he tries his best to follow almost all the tips and recommendations for care and especially feeding the crumbs. However, it is important to understand which ones are truly beneficial and which ones might be harmful.

For example, often young mothers are faced with such recommendations as: "Feed the child according to the regimen, no more than once every three hours, do not overfeed!", "Replace part of the feedings with water!" Where did such fears come from, are they justified, is it even possible to overfeed a breastfed baby? Let's try to figure it out.

V last years World organization health care according to which healthy children exclusively breastfed can add in the first months of life from 500g to 2000g per month. Thus, an increase of both 500g and 2 kg is absolutely normal. In addition, breastfeeding is a factor that reduces the risk of obesity and other endocrinological diseases in adulthood.

Why are we so often told about possible overfeeding? Again, this appears to have come from bottle-feeding.

A baby sucking on a bottle cannot regulate the flow rate of food in it. After all, it is enough to press on the bottle nipple or even just lower it with the hole down so that the liquid pours out. Small child simply physically unable to control the flow rate when bottle feeding. And, besides, given the high flow rate, he does not have time to realize that he is full, and, as a rule, eats more than he needs.

When breastfeeding, the baby can vary the rate of suckling and thereby regulate the rate of milk flow. With longer measured breastfeeding, nerve impulses from the walls of the stomach have time to reach the areas of the brain that are responsible for the feeling of hunger and satiety, the child feels in time that he is full, and either stops sucking or changes the rate of sucking, for example, in order to fall asleep.

Unlike feeding artificial mixtures, when breastfeeding, there is no need to maintain any intervals between latching to the breast. After all mother's milk- the most natural food for a baby, it does not overload the child's digestive tract, it contains enzymes and probiotic bacteria that contribute to the digestion and assimilation of oneself.

Remember breastfeeding is natural process, and nature conceived it to be pleasant and useful for both the baby and the mother. Trust your intuition, feel the baby and enjoy motherhood now, babies are growing so fast!

Bondartseva Galina, doctor, consultant for guards

During lactation, a woman should monitor her diet, because everything that enters the mother's body goes to the baby.

It is not surprising that nursing mothers have many questions in this regard, and one of the most popular is still the question: is wine possible with breastfeeding? We will answer it in detail in our article, because a nursing mother must know how harmful craving for alcoholic beverages can be during lactation.

Can a nursing mother drink wine

Any woman knows perfectly well that drinking wine is strictly prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding. And, despite this, many mothers often ask the question: is it possible to drink a glass of wine while breastfeeding? The answer is obvious and quite unambiguous - no.

Any alcohol (be it high-grade wine or low-alcohol beer) should not be drunk with GW.

Why is that? The fact is that alcohol is absorbed by the body of a nursing mother pretty quickly. The peak of its concentration occurs 30-60 minutes after consumption, and, sometimes, even faster, but it is excreted slowly. It usually takes about 3 hours for the alcohol to "leave" the body.

Although the above figure is pretty approximate. The exact time will depend on the dose you drink (the more you drink, the longer it takes to be excreted) and the weight of the breastfeeding woman (what less weight, the longer alcohol will "leave" from the body).

From the consumed dose of alcohol, 10% gets to the baby through breast milk... And if we take into account that the liver and body of the crumbs are not yet able to process the alcoholic drink, then the baby may experience intoxication, indigestion, and colic or allergies may also occur. In rare cases (if the mother drank a lot), a lethal outcome is possible.

Alcohol is toxic, it contains ethanol that is harmful to health (especially for children), in addition, wine drinks are often filled with preservatives and harmful additives... It is absolutely obvious that the assimilation of half of the elements of the periodic table by an infant in practice is fraught with undesirable consequences.

Wine while breastfeeding: restrictions and prohibitions

Until the child is 6 months old, the question: is it possible to use wine while breastfeeding - you should not even have a question.

After six months, if you are still breastfeeding, you should also not drink wine. But by this age, the baby is introduced to the first complementary foods and many mothers gradually begin to wean the baby from the breast.

In this regard, some people have thoughts of returning to their usual diet, and the temptation to drink a little wine may also appear. If you decide that a glass of wine will not harm you and your child, then use, at least, the following precautions:

  • While you are breastfeeding, you cannot drink more than 1 glass of dry wine, and then only if your baby is 6 months old.
  • You need to drink a drink only natural, with a minimum concentration of sugar and a low strength. Preservatives, colorants and flavorings in alcoholic beverage shouldn't be. This applies to both purchased wines and homemade ones.
  • If you drank a little wine with the guards during a feast, then do not forget to have a good snack. Do not overeat, eat only permitted foods while breastfeeding, but remember that you must eat every sip you drink.

  • Then the drink will not be so actively absorbed into the bloodstream. After all, if wine is excreted from an adult body about three o'clock, then in a baby this process lasts 2 times longer.
  • Do not try to express breast milk in order to reduce the alcohol concentration in it - it does nothing at all. Until ethanol is excreted from the body, the milk will not be cleared.
  • If you are planning to drink wine while breastfeeding, then try to feed the baby in advance, so that after the feast before next feeding breast passed required amount time.

You can pre-express pure milk so that it is enough for several feedings, then you can be sure that alcohol will not get into the defenseless body of the baby.

If until now you doubted whether wine is possible with breastfeeding, now you yourself can answer this question. Any doctor, be it an ordinary pediatrician of a city polyclinic or known to everyone children's doctor Komarovsky, without a doubt, will tell you that for a baby, his mother's hobby for alcohol is extremely dangerous.

Even if you decide to drink homemade wine, and not bought in a store, you still give up this idea for the time of feeding, because the child's health is more valuable than any pleasures.

Maintaining water balance is extremely important for human health, as lack of fluid causes malfunctioning of the body's systems and organs. Special requirements are presented to drinking regimen breastfeeding mothers - they need to get extra fluid to make breast milk.

Types of mineral water

From plain water mineral differs more high concentration trace elements and minerals. Mineral water is rich in iron, bicarbonate, sodium, magnesium, calcium, sulfates, chlorides and fluorides.

Mineral waters are classified according to several criteria, including:

By origin, mineral water is subdivided into:

  • natural (extracted from natural sources, the deeper the bed, the cleaner the water);
  • artificial (in purified water, the corresponding substances are dissolved in the required concentration).

If the dissolved mineral complex is precisely selected according to the ratio and concentration of the components, and the mineralization is carried out on quality equipment, artificial mineral water is identical to natural. Today "Essentuki", "Borjomi" and other popular mineral waters are mainly produced artificially.

According to the degree of mineralization, water is:

  • dining room (suitable for daily use) - mineralization no more than 1 mg / dm3, minimal amount biologically active substances;
  • medical dining room (intended for healthy people for the prevention of certain diseases, it is calculated for the frequency of use) - mineralization from 1 to 10 mg / dm3, a higher content of biologically active substances;
  • therapeutic (used as prescribed by a doctor during the course of treatment, not suitable for regular drinking) - mineralization more than 10 mg / dm3, high saturation with biologically active substances.

It is important to pay attention to the chemical composition of the water. Offered the following types mineral water:

  1. Alkaline. Helps to strengthen the body, weakened by stress, is useful for restoring the alkaline balance of the blood. Recommended for diabetes mellitus. With gastritis, you should limit the consumption of alkaline mineral water.
  2. Sulfate. Prescribed for obese people diabetes mellitus, with diseases of the gallbladder and liver. Since sulfates interfere with the absorption of calcium, such mineral water is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, children and adolescents.
  3. Chloride. Improves liver and intestinal function. But it is contraindicated in hypertension and arrhythmias.
  4. Magnesium. Helps the body fight stress, soothes and strengthens nervous system... Do not exceed the recommended intake of this water in order to get an upset stomach.
  5. Mixed. It is characterized by several active ingredients contained in small quantities. It is recommended to comply with the indicated consumption rates in order not to harm health.

Sulfide, iodide, bromide, etc. also differ. water, depending on the predominant biologically active substance and gas composition.

The harm of carbonated mineral water

To increase the shelf life, the mineral water is saturated with gas. It is extremely harmful for a nursing mother to consume carbonated water, since dissolved carbon dioxide accompanies the secretion of gastric juice, which increases acidity. This leads to a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, provokes the onset of gastritis and peptic ulcer... Sparkling water with regular use worsens the condition of the skin.

To remove gas from water, just open the bottle and wait a while. Soda fizzles out and becomes safer to drink.

Mineral water and breastfeeding

There is no single answer to the question of whether it is possible to use mineral water while breastfeeding. Mineral water contains a complex of substances, beneficial to the body mom and baby on GW.

In this case, it is absolutely necessary to completely abandon:

  • from mineral water with gas;
  • from water with sulphates.

Sulfate water is extremely dangerous for mother and child, as it does not allow calcium to be absorbed. During pregnancy, the bone tissue of a woman is weakened, since calcium is required for the formation of the skeleton of the fetus. And after giving birth, a nursing woman needs to compensate for the deficiency by eating cottage cheese, cheese and other healthy foods. A baby needs calcium to correct growth and development.


The beneficial effects of mineral waters on a woman's body during lactation should not be underestimated. But at the same time, it is important for a nursing mother to follow the rules:

  • carefully study the label - the water must contain a minimum of sulfates (less than 10 mg / dm3);
  • exclude mineral water with gas;
  • consult a doctor regarding individual indications and contraindications for the use of mineral water, especially if there are chronic diseases;
  • follow the recommended water intake schedule (the doctor determines the type of mineral water, volume and frequency of intake).