joint budget. Joint family budget. For which families is a separate budget more suitable?

When creating a unit of society, or, as it is correct to say, a family, few people think about finances. Sometimes it seems that everything will work out by itself, and the spouses will not quarrel on this basis. However, not everything is as rosy as it seems at first glance. Therefore, when entering into marriage, it will be better if you agree with your spouse what kind of budget is appropriate for your family.

The modern classification distinguishes three main types of family budget management: joint, shared or separate. Let us consider in more detail two contradictory methods, namely separate and joint.

joint budget

This type of budget is typical for many Russian families. By definition, a joint budget is the sum of the incomes of both spouses, added together. After that, expenses are made for the necessary needs. In turn, the joint budget is divided into three options.

In the first case, everything cash concentrated in one hand. For example, a working husband who allocates money for the maintenance of the whole family.

In the second case, the money is entirely in the hands of the wife. As a rule, with this model, both spouses work. In this case, the woman acts as the guardian of the hearth and completely closes her husband from everyday problems, somehow utility bills, purchasing food and more.

In the third version of the joint budget, money is spent jointly. That is, each of the spouses has access to money at any time they need.
Naturally, each type of joint budget has both positive sides, as well as negative ones.

The first option is optimal for a man who has his own business. Thus, the money is spent not only on the family, but also on the development of the business. By the way, you can apply such a model of a joint budget in a family where a woman is quite wasteful.
The second option is optimal for a family where the wife's word is crucial, whether big purchase or vacation packages.

The third option is suitable for those families where both spouses earn, and the income of both is quite large. Indeed, in the presence of large sums, for small expenses, you can always close your eyes.
However, the joint budget has one, but quite a serious disadvantage. If one of the spouses has more income than the other, then he considers himself disadvantaged in his spending. Indeed, in the case of a joint budget, he cannot spend money on what he would like. Any spending will have to be coordinated with your spouse. And then the stash appears, and the stash means only one thing, that the end of a happy family life has come.

Separate budget

It should be emphasized that such a budget model is the prerogative of foreign countries, where similar phenomenon not uncommon at all. However, in our state recent times The popularity of this method of budgeting is gaining popularity. Women strive for independence and therefore willingly agree to such a family model. With a separate budget, everyone spends as much as he needs. This model is quite suitable for such families in which each of the spouses earns decently.

The advantages of this type of budgeting is that you do not have to report to your soulmate where the money was spent. You don’t have to babble incoherently, with your head down dejectedly, that money was spent on another lipstick or a car magazine. However, in spite of this, joint spending is in any case indispensable. To do this, you have to sit down at the negotiating table and have a discussion about who pays for what. Of course, it is much easier to reach an amicable agreement than to engage in an open firefight. Take, for example, utility bills. Since this payment has a fixed rate, you can always agree to pay in half. It will also work for children - payment for kindergarten.

Flaws this method budget lies in the fact that the feeling of unity is lost. Each family member becomes isolated, does not take part in achieving goals. Dissatisfaction may also arise with regard to the distribution of payments necessary for the family as a whole, especially if the income of one of the spouses is lower than that of the other. Therefore, the thought arises that I have less money than my other half, for my own pleasure. By the way, this pitfall can be avoided. Just calculate the amount of your contribution, based on earnings. loving spouses always go to meet each other and be able to agree.

Don't let finances ruin your marriage and choose the best family budgeting model for you.

When we live as one family, sooner or later the question arises about spending and saving money, about how to do it right, whether it should be joint family budget, or separate, whether stash is allowed from each other and much more. Let's take a closer look at joint family budget.

This is the most common type of family budget, in which all the funds that the spouses earn are added together and then it is decided by common mental efforts what and where to spend and whether it can be postponed. There is a huge plus in maintaining a joint family budget - this is a feeling of family unity, unity and trust in each other.

This type of family budget management is preferred by couples with approximately the same income or couples where one side is completely dependent on the other: for example, where the wife stays at home with the children and the husband is the only breadwinner. In fact, in this case, the budget is the sole one, but if the spouse respects his half and recognizes it homework for full-fledged work, then psychologically it turns out to be common and joint, since the couple jointly decides on the appropriateness of a particular purchase, together plans expenses and expenses.

This approach is based, first of all, on trust in each other, because the husband must be sure of his wife that she will respect his hard work for the benefit of the whole family and manage finances wisely. The wife, in turn, does not have the question of how to beg her husband for an extra penny - she has access to the finances of the whole family, which imposes responsibility for their wise spending - she feels like a full-fledged mistress. But there are pitfalls here.

Often in such a system of spending money, a man can sharply criticize some of his wife's purchases - after all, some things may seem absolutely unnecessary to him, especially if the wife does not work and sits at home with small children. It must be understood that her job is to constantly take care of the house, children, and this work without days off, and absolutely unpaid. It helps some couples to just sit down and calculate: how much they would have to pay for a nanny, a housekeeper, a driver for children, if the second half goes to work. This helps, because in some cases it clearly shows how much work the "non-working" wife does.

In such cases, only a dialogue can come to the rescue, when a woman tells her husband about the need for some of her expenses for a child or some personal nature. An open conversation will help psychologically prepare the working spouse to add a certain amount to the expense item for the wife, which she will spend "on the go." For example, a husband can buy groceries, pay all the bills and basic expenses, and then sincerely wonder why his wife needs any more money - after all, he provided her with everything she needs?

But this is very important for a woman: to have some finances with her, even if she just goes for a walk with a child, for example, to buy ice cream for a baby, a ball, or buy herself new panties. Trust me: don't humiliate your wife with such trifles! This is just once again will emphasize its insignificance and uselessness. It is better to discuss this amount in advance and allow the spouse to use it at her own discretion.

This method, despite its prevalence, is not suitable for all couples, because here the main criterion is the ability to compromise and serve others. Agree, without these qualities, you will soon put yourself in front of the question: I earn more, which means that I order music, follow me the last word, will be as I want and so on. Therefore, such families choose a different way of managing the family budget: or completely.

“Money is not the most important thing in life. But don't forget to get them before you say something so stupid." ©J. Shaw

How important, and, most importantly, is it necessary to maintain a family budget? Why do a boring analysis of income and expenses, and then spend time planning every dollar?

The answer is simple: the amount of money in the family is by no means directly proportional to the amount of salary / income (large income = large expense), but depends directly on the holes in various places in your budget, through which they safely flow away in an incomprehensible direction and cannot accumulate in any way.

And once you take a sober look and realize for what your hard-earned money is spent, as well as to carry out work to eliminate these very holes, as soon as your financial (and not only) situation in the family will begin to gain momentum in the right direction.

It turns out that maintaining a family budget is not just necessary, but necessary for setting priorities and achieving goals.

Of all possible family budgeting schemes choose the one that will help you save your family and increase its wealth.

Option #1: Shared Budgeting

What is the point?
All incomes are added to a common piggy bank and spent together.

Who suits?
Families where husband and wife earn about the same. If we apply this model in a family where one of the spouses brings more money, conflicts are inevitable.

Possible difficulties
1. Problems arise if the spouses do not agree on the distribution of funds.

2. Many people receive a salary on a bank card, and cashing out money to put it in a common box and then distribute it among envelopes is not always reasonable. After all, paying bills, and often making purchases, is more convenient with a card.

At jointly administered budget, it is important to learn how to negotiate among themselves regarding large expenses.
If you receive a salary on the card, distribute among yourself the responsibilities for paying bills (utilities, loans, rent, etc.) and basic purchases. And the rest can be removed and put into a common piggy bank.

Please state your own pocket money- this will greatly simplify the situation and give a sense of freedom if you suddenly want to drink a cup of coffee or buy a cute trinket.

Option number 2. Joint-separate system

What is the point?
Spouses add up to the main expenses, and spend the rest as they see fit.

Who suits?
A couple in which the husband and wife are people with their own interests, who value each other's personal space. Or a family in which one of the spouses is characterized by excessive greed.

Possible difficulties
1. If the income level of the partners is different, it will be difficult for those who earn less to make an equal contribution to the common piggy bank.

2. It will be difficult to avoid insults and misunderstandings when purchasing products. After all, it is impossible to buy something delicious just for yourself.

3. There may be problems when planning leisure and vacations, especially if one of the spouses can afford an expensive cruise, and the other considers it a luxury.

It is important to understand that the personal part of your finances will still be partly shared, because you will have to plan it taking into account the capabilities of your other half. Therefore, each month, together in detail, pronounce the planned expenses. You also need to agree in advance on how you will distribute the money if one of the spouses gets sick or loses his job.

As for the purchase of products, it is better to do it together with common money. And if you buy something only for yourself, then make it a rule to pamper your loved one.

Option number 3. The man manages the funds

What is the point?
The money is with the husband, who fully supports his wife.

Who suits?
Women who stay at home and do not want or cannot work.

Possible difficulties
1. Often, with such budget management, a woman is completely dependent on a man. Every purchase has to be begged for.

2. The wife is not taken seriously and has no say in family decisions.

3. A man can get tired of his kept wife, and he will look for a younger passion.

Try to make some money on your own. Fortunately, now it is possible, even while sitting at home. Find out which are in demand - and boldly conquer the Internet!

Option number 4. Money in the hands of a woman

What is the point?
The distribution of funds is fully handled by the wife.

Who suits?
Wives who receive more than their husbands or who fully support them.

Possible difficulties
1. Big earnings can result in the collapse of the family. Men are not ready to "sit under the heel."

2. It is psychologically very difficult to pull a family on your own.

Be sure to involve your spouse in planning the budget - let him feel needed. Try to help him to realize himself.

Option number 5. Every man for himself

What is the point?
The budget is kept separately.

Who suits?
Couples who are just trying to live together, as well as spouses who do not trust each other.

Possible difficulties
1. Spouses certainly move away from each other.

2. If one of the spouses loses his job, he is completely dependent on the other.

So that the family does not break up, it is important to have common goals. Keep your money to yourself, but negotiate with your spouse about how you will spend it.

Irina Koshevets | 07/06/2015 | 588

Irina Koshevets 6.07.2015 588

Various couples they plan and spend their family budget in completely different ways. Both joint and separate have their advantages and disadvantages. Which one is better? Understood "Lady's Expert".

I grew up in a family where the family budget was shared only at first, so I know firsthand what it can be like. Mom and dad, in addition to their main work, always tried to “earn an extra penny,” as my grandmother used to say. Parents were not limited to content household and gardens, they actively shuttled in the hungry 90s.

The first story: about a separate family budget

By the age of 40, when people want stability and tranquility, they began to lead a more measured life. Father got a job money work, and my mother only slightly climbed the career ladder in catering. And then the parent seemed to have been replaced: he did not want to share his hard-earned money with his mother and with me. Therefore, the budget in the family became separate.

The disadvantages of this situation were discovered quite quickly:

  • food and utility bills still had to be paid together;
  • the purchase of each new wardrobe item for herself and me, my mother had to carefully plan to meet her small salary;
  • if there was not enough money, I had to tearfully beg for it from my father, who parted with his material resources extremely reluctantly;
  • when it was time for me to get a higher education, this issue was discussed for a long time and carefully on family council, because I had to study for a fee, and every six months I was afraid that dad would not give money for my studies.

However, there were also pluses. They consisted of the following:

Many students do not shy away from any work

  • seeing almost disaster financial situation mothers, I went to work early - while still at school as a seller in the market, and soon stopped asking my parents for pocket money, and then I began to dress at my own expense, I became financially independent early and did not expect cash handouts from my parents;
  • father very quickly collected money to buy a car, and then another, acquired all the necessary expensive tools, he did not have to coordinate his expenses with his mother;
  • mom had a hard time in the first years after the split of the budget, but this stimulated her to find a more profitable job, make a breakthrough in her career and become a leader;
  • now the parent also does not coordinate her spending with anyone, spending money on clothes, shoes, jewelry, cosmetics with pleasure, household appliances who like, and not just those that are within their means.

At first, a separate family budget did not suit my mother, but then she realized that it was even better. Now my parents are still working, but they will both retire soon. While the financial situation in the family remains the same. But who knows? Perhaps 5 years will pass and everything will change again.

The second story: about the joint family budget

When you fly out of your parental nest and earn a living with your own means, you get used to such independence very quickly. If a second half appears in your life, getting used to the fact that now you have to put money in a common piggy bank is sometimes not easy. Moreover, in my family for many years in a row it was done differently.

At first, in the joint family budget, I saw only shortcomings:

  • the need for any purchase up to hygiene items had to be discussed with her husband;
  • some acquisitions were not easy, because many men do not understand why their wife needs another blouse if there are 5 more in the closet;
  • when a child appeared in the family, I wanted to buy only new things for him, the faithful did not share my desire, so we often quarreled;
  • I took proposals to limit my wife's expenses as a personal insult and an attempt to save money on me.

However, several years have passed since the wedding, and I got used to it. Moreover, in money matters There were also pluses:

  • my salary was quite average, my husband earned about the same, giving almost everything to his mother for food, but as soon as we got married, we began to live together and spend only on ourselves;
  • since when the two budgets were merged, free funds began to remain, we were able to save some part and save up for our own housing;
  • we began to go shopping together - so unnecessary expenses were excluded;
  • in addition to the main work, we both began to take on additional work, and over time we changed the field of activity to a more prestigious and monetary one.

Now I am satisfied with the way money is distributed in my family. And I can't even imagine how it could have been otherwise. Of course, sometimes I have to give my husband strong arguments about the need for a particular purchase. Especially since modern moms pamper their children, remembering their Soviet childhood, where it was impossible to get a single beautiful toys, nor fashionable dresses. However, in financial terms, it is more convenient for our family to maintain a joint budget.

Often a young family has to learn how to budget together.

Each couple chooses for themselves the way that suits them. Sometimes some people need quite harsh conditions to spread their wings and take off financially, while others successfully do without it.

What do you think: is the division of the family budget capable of forcing all family members to mobilize their forces in order to achieve more in life?

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