Joint or split budget. Family budget planning. Joint budgeting methods

Continuing the conversation about the family budget, today I will consider the main, advantages and disadvantages of each of them. This topic should be given Special attention, since the methods of family budget planning, keeping records of household finances, ways to reduce family expenses and other nuances of the distribution of the family budget, which I will consider in the future, very much depend on the type of family budget used in your family, so for this publication I will more than once to refer.

So, as you already know, the classic includes 2 categories of income and 4 categories of expenses. Two people take part in the formation of the family budget, and the type of family budget chosen will depend on the principle on which they decide to use household finances to cover family and personal expenses.

In general, all types of family budget can be divided into 3 categories:

- Joint family budget;

- Separate family budget;

- Mixed (share) family budget.

Moreover, each of the categories may include several types of household finances, first of all it concerns the joint type of family budget. Now let's take a closer look at each of the types of family budget.

Joint family budget.

Joint family budget involves the collection of all incomes of both family members in the so-called "common pot", from which all family expenses and personal expenses of each of the spouses are paid. This type of household finance is traditionally used by most families in the countries. post-Soviet space, however, its popularity in recent times decreases in favor of the other two options.

This type of family budget can be of several varieties, depending on who is the main source of budgeting (let's call him “earner”) and who makes decisions about spending funds (let's call him “manager”).

1. The family has 2 earners and 2 stewards... Each family member takes part in the formation of the family budget and the distribution of its funds.

2. The family has 1 breadwinner and 2 stewards... The income of the family budget consists of the earnings of only one family member, but both parties control them.

3. The family has 2 earners and 1 manager... Both family members form the family budget, but one of them manages it.

4. The family has 1 breadwinner and 1 manager... The source of the formation of the family budget is the income of one family member, and one person also manages the budget. Moreover, it can be either the same family member or different members.

If one family member acts as a breadwinner, and another is the manager, this is a very essential prerequisite for the emergence of conflicts on the basis of money.


- Full "transparency" of household finances, each of the spouses will always be accurately aware of the financial condition of the family;

- It is more convenient to create for large purchases or large joint spending;

- The joint budget unites the spouses even more, makes them a single whole.


- With unequal earnings, disagreements may arise over the distribution of the family budget;

- If there are 2 managers in the family, then in case of disagreements it is very difficult to come to consensus since each of them has equal “weight”;

- Spouses do not have the opportunity to make large surprise gifts to each other, because cannot independently accumulate the necessary amount for this.

Joint family budget is the most popular way to manage household finances in post-Soviet countries. However, it is with this type of family budget that disagreements and disputes over money most often arise in families. One of the parties can always feel "deprived" financially, the earner may be dissatisfied with the decisions of the manager, and the manager of the earner's income (if it is different people). In the event that there are 2 managers in the family, and they have different point vision for a certain financial issue, it is very difficult to resolve such a dispute, because, in fact, each side has an equal number of votes (50%). Disputes over money matters may also arise if there is a breadwinner in family 1, or the incomes of earners differ significantly: the main earner may not be happy with the fact that the other party is not a breadwinner, but disposes of his income. In general, there are a great many options for disagreements here, for this very reason, in families using a joint type of family budget, quarrels most often arise over money.

Separate family budget.

Separate family budget assumes that no “ common boiler”No, each family member independently disposes of their income. This type of family budget is very popular in Western countries, where spouses are traditionally used to feel financially independent from each other. In the case of a separate family budget, each of the spouses independently pays for those family and personal expenses that he considers necessary, while decisions on large spending (in amounts above a certain limit, individual for each family) can be made by the spouses jointly.


- Spouses are financially independent from each other and therefore do not quarrel over financial issues;
- Each of the spouses manages his own income, which is easier, has the opportunity to spend on personal needs as much as he considers necessary.


- In the case when the spouses (or one of the spouses) are prone to waste and unreasonable spending personal finance, with this method of maintaining a household budget, it is very difficult to create savings for making large purchases;

- There may be disagreements about who will pay for general family or children's expenses;

- This type of family budget is only suitable for families in which each of the spouses has a sufficient level of income.

A separate family budget is well suited for families in which both family members earn good money, the financial condition of each of them is at or above. It should be noted that in families with incomes using this type of household finances, financial quarrels occur much less often, since there is no “subject” of the dispute itself: each of the spouses is free to dispose of their earnings at their own discretion.

Mixed (share) family budget.

As you might have guessed, shared family budget is a combination of joint and separate types of family budget. The principle of its conduct is as follows: there is a “common pot” in the family, but each of the spouses puts into it only a certain, predetermined share of their income. He can dispose of the rest of his earnings at his own discretion. At the same time, general family expenses are paid from the "common boiler", and from the rest of the income - the personal expenses of the husband and wife, respectively.

The lower the share of income allocated to general family needs, the closer mixed type keeping the family budget separate.


- This type of family budget intelligently combines the first two types, so families can enjoy the advantages of each of them, excluding the disadvantages;

- At the same time, the general family budget and the personal budgets of each of the family members are formed.


- Disagreements may arise with different levels of income or the disposal of the total amount of the budget, determination of the share of funds that must be contributed to the “common pot”.

Families who are not yet ready to news are mainly moving towards a mixed type of family budget. split budget(for example, when one of the spouses does not have enough personal income). In this case, the shared family budget acts as a kind of transitional stage from joint to separate. This type of family budget is also suitable for people who support other people (parents, relatives, children from another marriage, etc.), because they need personal funds for these needs. All now more families trying to move to this way of doing home finances.

I examined the main types of family budget. Which one to choose in your situation is, of course, up to you to decide. Remember, however, that money disputes are very often the cause of serious family scandals and even divorces, therefore, already at the stage of creating a family, it is necessary to jointly choose the type of family budget that would completely suit both spouses, and pay very important attention to this issue, not leaving it “for later”.

That's all, if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them in the discussion. Further articles on Family Budgeting on the Financial Genius will cover many more important nuances and the intricacies of maintaining a family budget, so do not forget to keep an eye on new publications. And in conclusion, I suggest you take part in the survey.

The ability to manage and plan your expenses is very important factor in the life of every family.

After all, the deficit of the family budget negatively affects the purchasing power of the spouses, and this is a good ground for disputes, which in turn has a negative effect on family relations.

Sooner or later each married couple(if both spouses are working) thinks about spending family funds: to spend separately or jointly all the money earned?

So, there are three options for maintaining a family budget: separate, joint and jointly-separate.

Let's take a closer look at each option.

Joint is a situation when all incomes are "put" in one common place and are spent from there. Such a system is formed on the trust of the spouses in each other and the confidence that everyone will manage funds wisely. In this case, the wife does not beg for money from her husband, she acts as an equal mistress.

Joint family budget - cons:

1. If the spouses have a joint budget, then the individual purchases of one of the spouses are criticized, since they do not always seem necessary to the other spouse.

2. When a woman goes on maternity leave and temporarily does not work, there may be disputes over budget management. It is better for spouses to discuss this issue in advance. After all, all the time maternity leave the woman will take care of the child and the house, and no one will pay her for this (only the state - a little help). Although if you hire a housekeeper or nanny, you would have to pay a lot.

3. To avoid disagreements, spouses should explain to each other the need for separate purchases.

4. You need to make all regular expenses in separate list and each month to allocate a certain amount for them (this includes payment for housing, phones, money for food, travel, etc.).

5. Each of the spouses needs to have pocket money. Moreover, if the family has money, then you need to take into account the waste on various pleasant trifles: buying ice cream, cookies, water, etc.

Joint very often they choose not only those couples who have approximately the same incomes, but also those whose earnings are very different in order to equalize the rights and opportunities of a spouse whose income is lower.

But maintaining a "shared wallet" is suitable only for those couples who know how to negotiate and make compromises.

Family by family, and income - separately:

For those who, for some reason, do not want to divide everything in half and inform the other half about their financial income and opportunities, there is a budget model where everyone is for himself.

Hello, Dear friends and readers of my blog. Artem Bilenko with you. We continue to develop the topic "Family and personal budget" and today we will talk about the types of family budget. You can not only study the advantages and disadvantages of each option, but also choose for yourself optimal way personal finance management.

P.S. Pay attention to "". Here they teach financial literacy... How to manage personal finances in order to save up for a house, apartment, car. How to invest the accumulated money and increase income. Afford annual leave and travel around the world.

This is the simplest and most common way to manage your home money. His idea is to first collect all the income of the spouses, and then use it for general needs.

See how it looks in tabular form.

Depending on who earns and distributes funds, the joint budget is divided into four types.

Let's see who is not suitable for this option of organizing finance.

Here is a diagram of a typical life situation when it may be difficult to maintain a joint budget.

  1. The couple earned money together, managed finances and did not know any problems.
  2. A child was born.
  3. The wife stopped working and her husband began to comment on her expenses, which used to be the norm.
  4. For a while, the established scheme did not change.
  5. As a result of numerous conflicts, the husband began to hide money and the harmony in the relationship was shaken.

Let's summarize and consider the pros and cons of a shared family budget.

Each of the spouses takes part in the planning and is fully informed about the state of affairsIf one earns, and another manages the money, then there is high probability conflict situations
When couples' efforts are united, it is convenient for the family to save up for large savings.If the difference in income of the spouses is significant, then scandals are almost inevitable.
If in a family both family members earn and have approximately equal income, then it helps to strengthen relations.Each family member has to be held accountable for all the expenses they make. This is extremely inconvenient during the holidays, when you need to secretly buy gifts.

Separate budget

This way of organizing finances is typical for developed Western countries, where each family member is ready to defend his independence. The idea behind this scheme is for each spouse to cover the costs of a common and shared nature.

Consider the types of families that a split budget is not suitable for.

Consider a fictitious situation that is perfectly acceptable in real life... It reveals the whole drawback of separate planning of finances.

  1. Wealthy man and woman in enough late age decide to get married.
  2. From the first days life together they chose a split scheme.
  3. Husband invests money in new project and at this time one of his relatives fell ill. An urgent and expensive operation is needed.
  4. Since he does not have enough money of his own, he is forced to seek help from his wife.
  5. At this point, the wife can make an expensive purchase and also be left without the required amount.

Result: a wealthy family in the right moment there is no amount for urgent needs.

Let's summarize and analyze this approach.

Spouses do not depend on each other's salary, therefore financial conflicts are practically excludedIf spouses are prone to waste and do not plan for the future, then it is difficult to save large sum for general needs
Each family member can spend as much on their own needs as they like.The couple may have quarrels over who will pay for the common compulsory needs.
Spouses can arbitrarily spend money on self-developmentIf the income of each spouse is not high enough, there will be not enough money for both general and personal needs.

Share budget

This is the most perfect option, covering the disadvantages of the above two approaches. The essence of the equity method is that each member of the couple gives a part of the pre-agreed funds for general needs, and the remaining amount is spent on themselves.

Let's consider the cases in which it is not advisable to use the mixed type of planning.

Let's analyze a fictional case that will show weak sides equity planning.

  1. The spouses do not initially worry about their finances and by default use the equity method.
  2. Incomes are approximately the same, so the distribution is as follows: 70% of the salary goes to joint needs, and 30% goes to personal use.
  3. After a while, the husband is transferred to new position where his salary is increased by 200%.
  4. In the general budget, the husband does not change his share and begins more money spend on yourself.
  5. The spouse becomes upset and an unhealthy atmosphere arises in the relationship.

Let's analyze the pros and cons of a shared family budget.


Friends, no matter what method of managing the family budget you choose, try to always adhere to simple rule: Add a contingency column. Take the time to check out this video to fix the topic.

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When creating a social unit, or how to put it correctly, a family, few people think about finances. Sometimes it seems that everything will turn out by itself, and the spouses will not quarrel on this basis. However, not everything is as rosy as it seems at first glance. Therefore, when getting married, it will be better if you agree with your spouse on what kind of budget is appropriate for your family.

The modern classification identifies three main types of family budget management: joint, share or separate. Let us consider in more detail two contradictory methods, namely separate and joint.

Joint budget

This type of budget is typical for many Russian families... By definition, the joint budget is the sum of the income of both spouses, added up in one pile. After that, expenses are made for the necessary needs. In turn, the joint budget is subdivided into three options.

In the first case, all cash concentrated in one hand. For example, a working husband, who allocates money for the maintenance of the whole family.

In the second case, the money is entirely in the hands of the wife. As a rule, under this model, both spouses work. In this case, the woman acts as a keeper of the hearth and completely closes her husband from everyday problems, such as utility bills, the purchase of food and much more.

In the third version of the joint budget, the money is spent together. That is, each of the spouses has access to money at any time they need.
Naturally, each type of joint budget has both positive sides and negative.

The first option is optimal for a man who has his own business. Thus, money is spent not only on the family, but also on the development of the business. By the way, this model of a joint budget can be applied in a family where a woman is rather wasteful.
The second option is optimal for a family where the wife's word is decisive, be it a major purchase or a vacation trip.

The third option is suitable for those families where both spouses earn, and the income of both is quite large. Indeed, in the presence of large amounts, for small expenses, you can always close your eyes.
However, the joint budget has one, but rather serious disadvantage. If one of the spouses has more income than the other, then he considers himself disadvantaged in his spending. Indeed, in the case of a joint budget, he cannot spend money on what he would like. Any waste will have to be coordinated with your spouse. And then the stashes appear, and the stashes mean only one thing, that the end of a happy family life has come.

Separate budget

It is worth noting that this budget model is the prerogative of foreign countries, where similar phenomenon not uncommon at all. However, in our country recently, the popularity of this method of budgeting is gaining popularity. Women strive for independence and therefore willingly agree to such a family model. With a separate budget, everyone spends as much as they need to. This model is quite suitable for such families in which each of the spouses earns decent money.

The advantages of this type of budgeting is that you do not have to report to the other half, where the money was spent. You don’t have to gobbled down your head and babble incoherently that you spent money on another lipstick or a car magazine. However, despite this, in any case, you cannot do without joint spending. To do this, you have to sit down at the negotiating table and have a discussion about who pays for what. Of course, it is much easier to agree amicably than to engage in an open firefight. Take utility bills, for example. Since this payment has a flat rate, it is always possible to agree to pay in half. It will also work for children - paying for kindergarten.

disadvantages this method budget is that the sense of unity is lost. Each family member becomes isolated, does not take part in achieving goals. Similarly, dissatisfaction can arise with the distribution of payments required for the family as a whole, especially if the income of one of the spouses is lower than that of the other. Therefore, the thought arises that I have less money left than my half, for my own pleasures. Incidentally, this pitfall can be bypassed. Just calculate the amount of your contribution based on your earnings. Loving spouses will always go to meet each other and be able to agree.

Don't let finances ruin your marriage and choose the best model for managing your family budget.

With marriage, young people face the question of what their family budget will be: will all the money they earn will be kept in a common bedside table, or will each of the spouses keep and spend their money regardless of their half?

Of course, most families spend money together, but there are also families for whom a separate budget is the norm.

Since the financial solvency (and!) Of a woman is one of the main criteria for her success, the women's site "Beautiful and Successful" decided to find out how the model of separate management of the family budget is implemented in practice, what are its advantages and disadvantages, and for which families it is more suitable.

When money is apart ...

A separate family budget in the classical sense is allocation by both spouses of equal cash shares for common expenses(utility bills, groceries, general savings, etc.), while the rest of the earned, each of the spouses spends as he pleases. Money is usually kept in different bank accounts.

If one of the spouses needs money, he borrows from the other, subject to the obligatory repayment of the debt (unless otherwise agreed).

Family budget: joint or separate?

There is no unequivocal answer to this question, each married couple decides it independently. The decisive importance here is not so much the size of the income of both spouses and their ratio, but the characteristics of the character of the husband and wife and the relationship between them.

Separate budgeting is more often practiced in families where both spouses earn a lot.

At first glance, it may seem that such an approach to managing the family budget separates two close people, in fact, they are just manage personal finances competently, and this does not affect intra-family relations.

On the contrary, oh financial well-being both spouses take care of the family at the same time, and not only the one who earns the most. True, so that a separate family budget is not a reason for quarrels, spouses need to discuss all the details of such a family budget model in advance.

Not only financially successful people prefer to share finances, but also those couples in which one of the spouses must fulfill obligations in relation to relatives or children from previous marriages.

But in a situation where the main earner in the family is one of the spouses (usually a man), and the other is dependent on him (a wife with a child), the best option there will be a joint budget. Here, the man takes responsibility for financial well-being, and the woman takes care of the children and the home.

The question of whether to choose a joint budget or a separate one does not arise for those spouses who earn equally little. In this case, all incomes by default are added to one box and disappear immediately after everything you need is bought / paid for. Well, since there is nothing to divide in the end, there is no need to divide the budget in this case.

Which budget to choose: arguments for a split budget

Despite the fact that separate budget management is alien to the mentality of Russian people, today there are many married couples for whom this is reality. Once they have dropped all conventions, they no longer imagine their financial life any differently. Moreover, over time, they find more and more arguments in favor of the separation of finances in the family.

  • Personal responsibility

Left alone with your earnings, you learn to plan your budget: you figure out how much you will contribute to pay utility bills, how much you will leave for groceries, how much you will spend on a child. You can't do without it! After all, on yourself you can spend only the amount remaining after all the deductions. This kind of planning disciplines and forces you to be more accountable.

  • Independence

A separate budget with your husband gives you independence, allows you to no longer hide your purchases from household members, eliminates the need to make excuses. Think you need a seventh pair autumn boots for the new season - please! You have every right to spend the money you earned on yourself! You are no longer wasting family money, but you are making the necessary purchases, in your opinion.

  • Honesty and openness

There is no longer any need for nesting and making excuses whenever a spouse suddenly finds one. Now every spouse can legally spend money on whatever he sees fit, or simply keep it on his bank card.

  • Lack of reason for quarrels

Many are familiar with the situation when a husband, having given his wife his salary, wonders where she is putting the money. Shared budget with spouse - great chancelet him know what his salary is really enough for. Perhaps, having lived for a month or two on his salary, the husband will finally appreciate his wife's ability to "stretch" the salary and will no longer reproach her for excessive wastefulness.

  • The ability to save

Each of us has a dream, and, as a rule, the other half rarely shares our desire to buy a house by a forest lake, get to Scotland or buy a home theater in remote control... A separate approach to managing the family's budget allows not to put all the money in the cauldron called "common needs", but to save, save, save. And so on until the dream comes true.

  • The gift will be a gift

Spouses' gifts to each other are a special topic. Since the money for it is allocated from the general budget, the gift is more like a regular purchase, the need for which was agreed upon by both spouses. A separate budget allows you to feel all the joy of gifts.

As you can see, the arguments for separation family finance quite weighty. And even the main counterargument that spouses move away from each other with this approach to the family budget does not seem so convincing.

Remember: universal recipe family financial happiness does not exist.

The main thing here is be able to openly and honestly talk with each other about money, and then you will definitely find the option of the family budget that suits you. Who knows, perhaps you will also opt for a split budget.

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