Difficulties in raising a child from an orphanage. Working program on the topic: The program of family education in the conditions of the orphanage "My home". About the money issue

Is the subject of research by many modern psychologists, since the number of this category of children is simply huge. At the same time, the state is concerned about the transfer of orphans to be raised in families.

Say, family education will be much better than government education. So sociologists conduct research, psychologists write recommendations for the best adaptation of orphans in the family, identify the features of their development.

It is known that orphanage children differ from children raised in a family in the following indicators:

1. They adapt worse in society

2. Are prone to deviant behavior

3. There is often a delay mental development

4. Experiencing difficulties in forming a gender identity

5. Necessary social, communication skills are lacking

6. Problems arise in the motivational sphere - they do not know what they want, they do not know how to choose the best ways, means to satisfy their needs

7. Family relationships are difficult.

The reasons for such psychological characteristics orphans are called the fact that in an orphanage they do not receive additional love and care, communication between an adult and a child is built in an authoritarian way, children are in a confined space, limited in communication. It is believed that if orphans get into a family, where they are surrounded with love and attention, then the problems will be solved by themselves. This is a big misconception.

A broken rake

Parental love itself (whether it be relatives or foster parents) is not a substitute for raising a child. Otherwise, children who receive maximum warmth and affection in the family would often grow up to be worthy citizens of society, but in the school of life we \u200b\u200bsee that this is not at all the case.

She loved her son, did not look for his soul in him, gave all the best to him, and he handed me over to the Nursing Home

I raised a degenerate, it's scary to go home

My son became a thief and a drunkard

Daughter grew up as a prostitute

A thirty-year-old child is sitting on my neck, complaining about the whole world ...

Thousands of revelations of mothers who love their children. Why does parental love not guarantee a happy future for children?

Uppercase truths

The fact is that all people are born different, the upbringing of each child requires special approach... Which one exactly - it becomes clear when answering the question: what kind of child was born, with what internal features? The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan allows us to understand the innate mental properties of a baby.

According to her terminology, there are only eight basic types of character, called vectors, they determine our needs, life guidelines, abilities, type of sexuality. The vectors are given to us by nature, each vector is characterized by one or another set of unconscious desires and the corresponding properties that need to be developed. The development of vectors in the right direction occurs when correct upbringingwhen parents create the necessary conditions.

In addition, an essential aspect of the development of natural inclinations is to provide the child with feelings psychological comfort, security. If a child does not feel protected, he is forced to Survive, not Develop.

Orphans in modern orphanages in Russia often do not feel the guarantor of security, the main task for them is to survive at all costs. Proceeding from the underdevelopment of their vectors, they implement an archetypal program, adapt to the current landscape in marginal ways: skin steals, profit on small things, cheat, skin-visual girls use their bodies as an asset, sell themselves, urethral girls become the head of a gang and lead it violation existing bans And so on.

They live according to the laws of the jungle: the strong is always right, such children enter into sexual relations early, the spiritual, moral, intellectual sphere remains in its infancy. What kind of development high feelings Orphans can be talked about if they are busy preserving their own lives, trying to cope with the great pressure of the outside world?

Our society has developed disastrously wrong attitude to orphanages, in best case compassionate, and at worst, contemptuous. Children fully feel the brunt of rejection russian society and naturally divide all people into "us" and "strangers", each in his own way defends himself. Skin guys, endowed with mental flexibility, hide that they come from orphanage... Anal children, rigid, difficult to give in to external pressure, take offense at their fate, at their parents who abandoned them, at society.

And now a child from a kind of primitive flock, who is used to living according to the laws of the jungle, is taken into a strange family with new requirements, with rules alien to him. It is especially difficult for those foster parents who have adopted children of adolescence and youth. Puberty is the final point of the development of vectors, then only their implementation occurs, you can collect what you have sown, you cannot plant anything new, even the brightest and best in the soul of the past transitional period, no matter how hard you try. Everything has its time.

Time to collect stones

Systems psychologists rightly point out that a complete rethinking of the existing, non-working approaches to the upbringing of adopted children, social stereotypes in relation to orphanages is required. There is no point in giving orphans to families in the hope that the problems with their full adaptation into society will be solved by themselves.

A separate item is sick children for whom the state clearly cannot provide proper care, development and treatment, as foster parents could do. In other cases, orphans can and should be properly educated in state children's institutions, carry out professional selection of employees of orphanages and shelters, create conditions for psychological comfort for children, understanding what each of them needs (for example, a visual baby needs to develop compassion, empathy, create a close emotional connection, it is important for the oral toddler that they listen to him and in no case beat him on the lips, for the sound child the atmosphere of calmness and silence is significant, for the anal one, so that he is not rushed, the skin child is not beaten and is not forced to develop uncharacteristic patience and diligence, etc. etc.).

It is much easier and more effective to train the staff of orphanages, to control them, to change the living conditions of orphans, to make their space open, say, accessible to volunteers, to develop social skills, work training, to organize that children go to the same school with ordinary children. than check every foster family. Who knows what kind of cockroaches are in the head of adoptive parents, how they see the upbringing of children, will they not embody their own dreams on them as guinea pigs, get at the expense of them in their mental deficiencies? Will they not sculpt a "doggy" out of a "kitty"?

There are no such guarantees, which means that there is very little hope that foster families will properly educate orphans, educate them to be happy, worthy people.

The article was written using materials from the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan

Socialization is one of critical processes throughout a person's life, forming a personality included in public relations, and ensuring normal social functioning. Socialization is successful if a person is harmoniously included in social relations and functions normally in various social structures, does not feel infringed, thrown out of the bounds of social relations, can independently resolve the difficulties that arise in him.

The process of socialization in children brought up in orphanages is undergoing very serious changes. Changes occur in any case and do not depend on the reasons for which the child falls into orphanage: the loss of parents, the abandonment of the child by the parents, the inability of the parents to realize their main function - educational All these cases lead to a violation of family socialization, during which the foundations of the foundations are laid.

Socialization does not stop when the child enters the orphanage, it goes on as usual, but the whole question is how it continues and how it differs from family socialization, what consequences it has for the further development of the personality. These questions are serious and require careful analysis, since the whole future life of a person depends on how socialization went in childhood, it is in childhood that everything that then helps to live throughout life is laid.

The manifestation of separation from the mother is observed from the first weeks of a child's life: they are not able to smile at the sight of a human face, often they have poor appetite, and despite proper nutrition, they do not gain weight well, and they also have poor sleep.

To develop correctly, a baby needs to constantly feel that someone cares about him, that he is loved, especially in the first years of life. In addition, at the same time, the child begins to perceive his first social roles (son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter), and therefore those requirements that accompany these social roles. In childhood, personality formation also begins, which is influenced by the interaction between people.

All processes in normal form occur in the family, which plays the role of the primary cell of socialization. A very important role is played by the emotional atmosphere in the family, how the parents relate to the child, whether he feels loved or abandoned. In addition, this atmosphere also affects socialization, whether the parents explain to the child how he should behave or not. In childhood, the foundations are laid, the soil on which the personality develops further.

Children in orphanages can be divided into the following groups based on the reasons why they were left alone:

  • - Orphans - children who have lost their parents as a result of the death of the latter;
  • - Children left without parental care (social orphans) - children whose parents are alive, but for one reason or another do not raise their children;
  • - Children abandoned in the first months of life and passed through education in an orphanage (from birth to 3-4 years);
  • - Children admitted to the orphanage as a result of the deprivation of their parents parental rights or for other reasons, i.e. children who most often negative experience family life;
  • - Street children are specific children who have experience of life on the "street".

The reasons for the children entering the orphanage are different, but despite this, all children experience similar feelings - this is melancholy, despair, aggressiveness towards the orphanage and those who work and live in it. And the reason is the destruction of the already established relationship. The child cannot compensate for this violation with anything. In addition, when entering an orphanage, the flow of information to which a person is accustomed is limited, old relationship collapsed, and new ones have not yet taken shape, and the child turns out to be, as it were, not inscribed in any relationship. And this state is deposited in the personal experience of children as a failure that has consequences for the whole life. And based on this context, upbringing in an orphanage can not be considered either as an alternative to a family one, or as a substitute. Since the separation of the child from the living space of the family leads to stress.

In addition, children who are brought up in orphanages are deprived of communication with children from ordinary families, since they most often go to schools where children like them study, or these are specialized schools. There are no examples of normal relationships between children. And even if they attend a regular school, their communication with normal children ends outside the school threshold. They are brought and taken away by a bus, and they are not even familiar with such a simple circumstance as the ability to independently get home.

Disorders of socialization in the early years of life have very serious consequences, when the child is defenseless, when he needs a lot of affection, love and care in order to develop normally. These are mental, physical and mental development, which puts children in an unequal position also in this regard.

The specific living conditions of children in an orphanage often cause a lag in the mental development of children in a number of essential parameters. They show apathy, which is expressed in lack of initiative and emotional inexpressiveness of children; they master speech more slowly, which adversely affects the development of thinking, contacts with people around and in all areas where mental activity is mediated by words.

The English scientist L. Yarrow identified 4 types of developmental lag in children:

  • - Maternal deprivation - the lack of communication between the child and the biological mother;
  • - Sensory deprivation - a sharp decrease in the child's brightness of perception and variety of impressions;
  • - Social deprivation - reducing the child's communication with other people;
  • - Emotional deprivation - a weak expression of emotionality in communication with the outside world, a sluggish response to the environment.

For children brought up in orphanages, as a rule, there is a great danger. Despite the fact that the child learned to live in an orphanage, learned the rules that reign there, this environment is artificially created by teachers, psychologists, doctors, social workers... Before leaving the orphanage, children live on everything ready, someone does everything for them: someone prepares food for them, someone buys clothes for them, etc. These are elements that, as it were, prolong the festive perception of the world. And this threatens that when leaving the orphanage, children will again experience a fracture, they will suddenly have to sharply adapt to a new life, which is not at all festive. Due to the fact that they grew up in an artificial environment, they do not know what roles they can play in this. large societywhat roles others expect from them, they do not know what everyday life looks like. And this is very important, since it is in strong crisis situations that everyday interaction and everyday roles help to get out of this state. That is, what we are very familiar with, what we do every day without thinking, helps in overcoming the crisis.

Another consequence of socialization in an orphanage is negative attitude to children from orphanages, which took shape several decades ago. This opinion lives on to this day and is viewed by sociologists and social workers as a labeling, when in a society or in a group a person is perceived through the prism of the fact that he was and was brought up in an orphanage.

People no longer care what kind of person he is, what feelings and needs he has, what he strives for, for them there is only that he was brought up in an orphanage. This is a very serious problem that can seriously affect a child. This attitude can destroy all the good that is, that was accumulated by the child, change the successful socialization to the failed one, deprive the child of faith in himself. In addition, the child meets such an attitude not only upon leaving the orphanage, he grows up and is brought up in such an atmosphere. Of course, these actions are influenced not only by the perception of children from orphanages in society, but also by the emotional atmosphere in the group.

The primary and most important problem in the development of orphans brought up in orphanages is the problem of the intellectual development of pupils. Insufficient intellectual development of a child can consist and be expressed in unformed or undeveloped cognitive processes, instability of attention, weak memory, poorly developed thinking (visual-figurative, abstract-logical, verbal, etc.), low erudition, etc. The reasons for low intellectual development can be different: from disruption of the normal functioning of the brain, to the absence of a normal educational and educational environment (pedagogical neglect).

The level of development of attention and memory of pupils does not have significant deviations from the average statistical norm. However, inmates of orphanages have a poorly formed picture of the world, increased situational awareness, which in the cognitive sphere manifests itself in the inability to solve problems that require internal operations, without relying on practical actions, a decrease in the development of abstract logical thinking, especially in children of secondary school age. The most pronounced decrease in verbal - logical thinking. Great difficulty for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren represents an extra-situational - personal conversation. As a rule, the questions "Who do you like more?", "What do you like?", "What is your mood?" etc. cause embarrassment to children, and they can not answer anything.

These data indicate that the main reasons for the decline in the intellectual development of pupils of general educational boarding schools are environmental influences, pedagogical neglect, and not congenital hereditary factors, anatomical and physiological disorders of the central nervous system... One of the reasons is the lack of high-quality, meaningful communication with adults, which would be adequate for children brought up in an orphanage.

Therefore, one of the central problems is the problem of emotional and volitional development of children in orphanages. The greatest difficulties and deviations from the normal formation of the personality of pupils of orphanages are noted in the emotional-volitional sphere: in violation of social interaction, self-doubt, a decrease in self-organization, purposefulness, underdevelopment independence ("strength of personality"), inadequate self-esteem, self-doubt, inability to build normal relationships with others, up to complete absence tendencies towards cooperation.

The results of research carried out by Academician V.S. Mukhina, testify: inmates of children's homes are autistic, their need for communication is poorly expressed, there is a general developmental delay. These children often lag behind in speech development, do not know how to play, do not know how to communicate. In their first years of life, they are distinguished by passivity not characteristic of childhood. Deprived from birth of the most important thing for him - maternal love and affection, and in a closed institution - the possibility of normal communication with adults, at the age of 6 - 8 months, the child loses his innate potential for development, becomes passive. The conditions of upbringing in closed institutions give the child a passive tendency in behavior. On the other hand, the child has a huge number of motor forms that are useless and unproductive for development, a huge number of so-called dead-end movements appear: the child sways, sucks his fingers, lip, reproduces the same action without apparent meaning. A child growing up in a residential institution, as a rule, does not master the skills of productive communication. His contacts are superficial, nervous and hasty: he simultaneously solicits attention and rejects it, turning to aggression or passive alienation. Needing love and attention, he does not know how to behave in such a way as to communicate with him in accordance with this need.

Alienation, emotional coldness, inability to communicate emotionally, lack of communication skills - this is not a complete list of developmental disabilities. The so-called emotional hunger is clearly manifested in children in orphanages: they easily come into contact with any person who comes to the institution. but joint activities, play, non-situational communication, conversation with adults, children prefer direct physical contact: to climb on their knees, hug, pat on the head, snuggle, take the hand - this is a kind of situational personal communication in which the means of communication (even including speech, albeit poor in content and lexical and grammatical composition) do not correspond to motives and needs. Business contacts with adults arise late and are carried out in a primitive form. Children can observe with interest the play actions of an adult, follow his instructions, willingly accept all offers, but children cannot join the game, be equal and active participants in it.

As in earlier ages, the main factor determining the deformity of the mental development of a preschooler in a closed children's institution, - lack of communication with an adult. However, the point is not how much or little a preschooler communicates with an adult, but what the content and form of such communication is, which is most adequate for preschoolers who are brought up in an orphanage. The next aspect of the features of socialization of orphans is their joint activities and communication with peers. In general, the need for communication with peers is less intense. Usually contacts with peers are poor in content and little emotionally saturated. In play, children are less attentive to the actions and states of their partner, often do not notice the resentment, requests, and even tears of their peers at all.

Situational behavior, inability to constructively solve problems, organize one's activities, and independently observe the rules of the game is due to the fact that already communication between children and adults in an orphanage does not provide the child with independence, but, on the contrary, sharply limits it to a firm daily routine, constant instructions from an adult, what should be done at one time or another, under the control of an adult, thereby forming the habit of "step by step" following other people's instructions.

V.S. Mukhina draws attention to serious violations in the formation of the structure of self-awareness of orphans. The initial position of the researcher is that a person's self-awareness develops within the following historically formed, socially conditioned structure:

  • 1 - a proper name plus a personal pronoun (behind which there are identification with the body, with the physical appearance and the individual spiritual essence of a person);
  • 2 - claim to be recognized;
  • 3 - gender identification;
  • 4 - psychological time personalities: identity in the past, present, future;
  • 5 - social space: duty and rights.

In orphanages, children are often addressed by their surname, the name is often combined with the surname. The name is often used for command and almost never for showing love. As a result, the child develops negative attitude to your name.

Another important problem in the process of socialization of boarding school pupils is the problem of gender identification. Sexual socialization in relation to preschool children is understood as the process of a child entering the system of cultural norms, which includes 3 components:

  • 1. The presence in children of adequate ideas about different sexes, their social functions and characteristics;
  • 2. Formation of feelings of emotional acceptance of their gender in children;
  • 3. Manifestation in children of characteristic positive behavioral signs inherent in certain gender.

A vague idea of \u200b\u200bthe future gender role in the family, a lack of knowledge about gender differences, and an indifferent attitude to one's appearance make it difficult to form standards, gender-role normative orientations and stereotypes of behavior. Distorted and incomplete identification with the body image violates the emotional-evaluative attitude to the body, creates at the same time hypertrophied fixation on the genitals and psychological tension associated with this fixation, which in the future can lead to inadequate psychosexual development and contribute to the psychological vulnerability of the individual in general.

The social situation of development in an orphanage without parental care, living conditions, violations in the sphere of communication of a child affect the development of his personality, distort his idea of \u200b\u200bhimself, attitude towards himself, make it difficult to understand himself as a person.

The lack of conditions for inner concentration standardizes a certain social type personality. Children living under the prevailing conditions of upbringing in a boarding school on full state support have a dependent position ("we owe", "give us"), there is no frugality and responsibility.

Moral development of pupils, although it is the most important component positive development personality, largely depends and is a consequence of violations of the general intellectual and emotional-volitional development of the individual.

Thus, there are significant problems in the development of the personality of the majority of children in orphanages. The greatest difficulties and deviations from the normal formation of personality are observed in the emotional-volitional sphere, violation of social interaction, self-doubt, decreased self-organization and purposefulness, which leads to a significant weakening of the "strength of the personality". Negative tendencies personality development of pupils is preserved in all age groups.

Conclusions on the first chapter

Preschool age is the beginning of all-round development and personality formation. The child rips off the world for himself human relations, different types of activities and common functions people. In addition, he strives no less strongly for independence. From this contradiction is born role-playing game - independent activity children, simulating the life of adults.

During the period preschool childhood various cognitive processes, such as memory, which begins to be arbitrary, imagination, which is formed and improved in various types of activity, perception, which develops through the mastery of sensory standards, attention associated with the interests of the child and thinking, which develops through the implementation of a mental image. IN close connection with thinking, speech also develops, the function of which is communication. Emotional life the preschooler is associated with the domination of feelings over the external aspects of the child's activity.

Personality is not only a social individual, but also an active subject of social development, and, no less important, an active subject of self-development. Thus, it is extremely important not only to talk about the assimilation of social experience by the individual, but it is imperative to consider the individual as an active subject of socialization. It seems that the idea that the individual is initially social (and does not become such) is productive in this context, therefore his development can be carried out in infinitely diverse directions, and not only from the social to the individual. In fact, it is important to consider the person as an active subject of socialization.

The family is the most important institution for the socialization of the individual. It is in the family that a person gets the first experience of social interaction. For some time, the family has generally been the only place for a child to receive such an experience. Good atmosphere in the family is a favorable "soil" for the development of all spheres of the child's life.

The process of socialization and development in children brought up in orphanages is undergoing very serious changes. Changes occur in any case and do not depend on the reasons why the child ends up in an orphanage: the loss of parents, the abandonment of the child by the parents, the parents' inability to fulfill their main function - educational. All these cases lead to a violation of family socialization, during which the foundations of the foundations are laid. Socialization does not stop when the child enters the orphanage, it goes on as usual, but the whole question is how it continues and how it differs from family socialization, what consequences it has for the further development of the personality. These questions are serious and require careful analysis, since the whole future life of a person depends on how socialization went in childhood, it is in childhood that everything that then helps to live throughout life is laid. This work will be devoted to establishing differences in the development of the cognitive sphere, namely memory, perception and thinking in children who are brought up in families with parents and attend a kindergarten group with children who have lost parental care.

In studies of domestic and Western psychologists, it is given comparative characteristics children left without parental care. Studies have shown that the general physical and mental development of children brought up without parental care differs from the development of peers growing up in families. They have a slower pace of mental development, a number of negative features: low level intellectual development, poor emotional sphere and imagination, late formation of self-regulation skills and correct behavior... (Dubrovina I.V., Ruzskaya A.G., 1990)

Children who are brought up in institutions of social and psychological and pedagogical support of childhood are characterized by a pronounced maladjustment, which is exacerbated by such traumatic factors as the removal of a child from the family and placement in various institutions (hospital, reception center, temporary shelter, sanatorium, etc.) etc.).

The behavior of these children is characterized by irritability, outbursts of anger, aggression, exaggerated response to events and relationships, resentment, provoking conflicts with peers, and inability to communicate with them.

Psychologist, educator, social teacherworking with children in such institutions should be aware that all of this is only part of the the overall picture, her outward manifestation... The other part, much larger, is inner world a child who is difficult to diagnose and correct, but very strongly affects his further life, mental development and personality formation.

At present, we have to state with regret that, in terms of their mental development, children brought up without parental care,

differ from their peers growing up in the family. The rate of development of the former is slowed down.

Their development and health have a number of qualitative negative features that are noted at all stages of childhood - from infancy to adolescence and beyond. Features in different ways and to varying degrees reveal themselves on each age stage... But all of them are fraught with serious consequences for the formation of the personality of the growing person.

All children from orphanages show a delay in psychomotor and speech development, expressed in varying degrees (mild, moderate and severe), deviations in the state of the emotional-volitional sphere and behavior. Delayed speech occurs in 95% of cases. The level of cognitive activity and ways of performing actions in all children are below the age norm, some of them do not distinguish color and shape, do not transfer the acquired knowledge to other types of activity. (Dubrovina I.V., Ruzskaya A.G., 1990)

Backlog in cognitive development for children in orphanages, this is a typical phenomenon. In part, it can be overcome within the framework of the educational process, while actually psychological correction should be aimed primarily at the formation of cognitive and creative activity, abstract-figurative thinking, voluntary self-regulation; however, these children are learnable, which indicates the validity of a favorable prognosis.

In the area of \u200b\u200battention, there is a lag, primarily in terms of its arbitrary function. Children are easily distracted, concentration arises at the level of spontaneous motivation, which in general appears as a manifestation of the lack of formation of voluntary self-regulation. Disturbances in the stability of attention are also characteristic, fast fatiguability, which may be associated with general psychosthenia, and with organic pathology in a number of children.

In the area of \u200b\u200bspeech development, the usual tongue-tied language is observed, especially noticeable in younger preschoolers, there is a lag in the area of \u200b\u200bsyntax and content of the statement. Another area in which the lag in speech development is manifested is the social one. Children comment on specific everyday events, but they are not always able to formulate their thoughts about the future.

The general characteristics of the emotional status are as follows: high anxiety and, in most cases, aggressive tendencies, explicit or repressed (according to design methods), loneliness, aggression, fears fairytale characters (moreover, according to the content of fears, one can judge the tendencies to lag in development)

With regard to emotional lability or rigidity, we can say that the predominance of one of these characteristics as typical has not been revealed; at the same time, attention is drawn to the cases of a clear severity of one or the other in individual children, which, combined with euphoric and depressive manifestations, indicates the presence of emotional disorders, a decrease in arbitrary behavior and emotional self-regulation. This is also manifested in motor disinhibition or stiffness, affective reactions during frustration, poor self-control during social interactions. (Golik A.N., 2001)

Children who are brought up in a boarding-type environment have a number of personal characteristics, in particular, they do not acquire the skills of productive communication in the presence of a pronounced need for love and attention; do not know how to establish communication with others. Due to incorrect and insufficient communication experience, children often take an aggressive-negative attitude towards other people. The emotionally unstable position of a child deprived of parental care leads to a violation of affective-personal relationships. (Mikhailova E.A., Matkovskaya T.N., 1998)

Children in a situation of deprivation are characterized by a weak expression of the importance of friendly ties, the absence of permanent dyads and triads, which are mainly situational in nature. For pupils of closed children's institutions, the attitude towards adults is determined by the practical usefulness of the latter in the child's life. In the lives of these children, there is not personal, but functional-role communication, the choice of a communication partner is carried out on a substantive and substantive basis. (Parishionan A.M., Tolstykh N.N., 1990)

A limited circle of contacts prevents the formation of productive communication skills with peers and adults and makes it difficult to form an adequate picture of the world, which, in turn, turns out to be a significant obstacle to their adaptation and integration in a wider society.

The lack of communication between a child and an adult leads to hypertrophy, the overvalue of this need, to the almost complete dependence of the emotional well-being of the child on the attitude of the adult towards him. (Lisina M.I., 1979)

Against the background of the tension of the need for communication with an adult and, at the same time, increased dependence on him, attention is drawn to the aggressive attitude towards the adult. Studies by Mukhina, Noskova, Schastnaya show that children in a situation of deprivation are not successful in resolving conflicts with both adults and peers, they are aggressive, seek to blame others for the conflict, cannot acknowledge their guilt, are incapable of a productive, constructive way out. out of the conflict. (Mukhina V.S., 1991)

To understand the reasons for the occurrence of the described behavioral features in the children of an orphanage, it is not enough to point out, on the one hand, the narrowness and limitedness of their contacts with adults, and on the other hand, the high intensity of contacts with peers as simple quantitative characteristics.

It is important to take into account that in an orphanage, a child constantly communicates with a rather narrow group of peers, and he himself cannot prefer any other to her: close belonging to a certain circle of peers leads to the fact that relations in the group are formed according to the type of kinship. In this one can see positive factor, contributing to emotional stability, security, but at the same time, such contacts do not contribute to the development of communication skills with peers, the ability to establish equal relationships with unfamiliar children, adequately assess their qualities necessary for selective, friendly communication (L.I.Bozhovich, J.Korchak, B.C. Mukhina, A.L.Shrinman). (Mukhina V.S., 1991)

The underdevelopment of the “intimate-personal” sphere of communication is based on the lack of empathy, ie. empathy, skills and need to share their experiences with another person. At the same time, Schastnaya's research suggests that in deprived children, assistance, as the ability to help another, is much broader than empathy. This phenomenon allows us to touch upon one of the most important issues of personality development - the problem of alienation, “isolation”. The situation of deprivation contributes to the development of the phenomenon of alienation, and this is what produces a lack of love, warmth in relation to the second, third generation in the family (as a kind of sequential chain of generations, which can be quite difficult to interrupt). (Happy T.N., 1997)

As the studies carried out by Mukhina show, in the conditions of the orphanage, the phenomenon of "we" is formed. Children develop a kind of identification with each other. In a prosperous family, there is always a family “we” - a feeling that reflects involvement in their own family. It is an important emotionally and morally organizing force that creates a condition for the protection of the child. In conditions of life without parental care, children spontaneously develop an orphanage (boarding school) "we". This is a very special psychological education.

Children without parents divide the world into "us" and "strangers", "we" and "they". They jointly isolate themselves from "strangers", show aggression towards them, and are ready to use them for their own purposes. They have their own normality in relation to all "strangers". However, within their group, children are often also isolated: they can abuse their peer or child. younger age... This position will be formed for many reasons, but, first of all, because of the undeveloped and distorted need for love and recognition, because of the emotionally unstable position of the child. (Mukhina V.S., 1989)

In foster homes, orphanages, the development of all aspects of the self (self-image, attitude towards oneself, self-image, self-esteem) differs significantly from the development of these aspects in children from a family. Czech researchers I. Langmeyer, 3. Matejček see one of the serious consequences of the deprivation of the need for parental love in the absence of a sense of self-confidence among pupils of children's institutions. Arising on early stages ontogenesis, self-doubt becomes a stable formation, a characteristic of a pupil of an orphanage. (Langmeyer I., Matejchek Z., 1984)

The data indicate that the self-esteem of boarding school pupils is based mainly on the assessments of those around them, while the self-esteem of students in a mass school is based both on the assessment of others and on their own criteria. It is known that a predominant orientation towards the assessment of others is characteristic of children of primary school age, and a combination of orientation towards self-assessment and assessment is characteristic of adolescents. Although, as already indicated, in our case we are not talking about the actual assessment of others, but about the adolescents' perception of such an assessment, nevertheless, the lagging of boarding school pupils, in our opinion, deserves attention because, according to this indicator, they are at the level of younger children ... (Savonko E.I., 1972)

Characteristics of the self-image of adolescents growing up in and outside the family differ in a number of essential parameters, the main ones of which are:

1) focus on own personality traits, opportunities (mass school) - orientation to the external environment, to adaptation (boarding school);

2) the intensive formation of the “I” image in the direction of adulthood, associated with it by a system of own values \u200b\u200bfrom the 7th to the 8th grade (mass school) - the stability of these sides of the “I” image in the specified period (boarding school);

3) a clear manifestation of adolescent characteristics proper (mass school) - the inconsistency of the development of some aspects of the self-image with age characteristics (boarding school). (Dubrovina I.V., Ruzskaya A.G., 1990)

In general, although, according to traditional criteria, there is a certain lag in the development of the image of the I of boarding school pupils, nevertheless, it does not exhaust the specifics of the development of this education in a boarding-type institution. The point is not that the image of the I develops more slowly under these conditions, it is important that it develops in a slightly different way, in a different way than in adolescents growing up in a family.

Adolescents from orphanages are characterized by difficulties in relationships with people around them, superficial feelings, dependency, the habit of living at the behest of others, difficulties in relationships, disorders in the sphere of self-awareness (from experiencing permissiveness to inferiority), aggravation of difficulties in mastering teaching material, manifestations of gross violation of discipline (vagrancy, theft, various forms of delinquent behavior). In relations with adults, they manifest the experience of their uselessness, the loss of their value and the value of another person.

For normal development adolescents need certain conditions:

1) information about modern life; they have the right and should receive sufficiently reliable information on all issues of concern to adolescents, check and analyze it (sex, criminal law, drugs and alcohol, religion, sects, youth movement, etc.);

2) a combination of freedom and responsibility in activities; adolescents need constructive interaction with adults, the adoption of developed rules in school, family, society;

3) acceptance of oneself (one's physical self, character, characteristics, emotions, etc.);

4) teaching the skills of decent behavior (interaction, defending self-esteem).

According to A.A. Likhanov, in adolescents deprived of parental care, ideas about a happy person and about happiness differ significantly from the ideas of children from normal families... The most common answers from adolescents at risk about the main indicators of happiness are: food, sweets (lots of cake), toys, gifts, clothes. Such “material” characteristics show that even for fifteen-year-old adolescents, a toy is a necessary attribute of happiness. Turning to a toy, perhaps, allows the adolescent to compensate for the lack of emotional warmth and dissatisfaction with social needs. Among adolescents deprived of parental care, 43% report a minimum of signs happy person, which can be interpreted as the position "I am unhappy", and only 17% of such adolescents are found in normal families.

The experience of loneliness among at-risk adolescents is 70%. Only 1% do not see a way out of the state of loneliness, while the rest see getting rid of it in finding a friend, finding a family, reaching a compromise in conflict situations, changing the emotional state. The methods of such a change in many adolescents are non-constructive (for example, to drink, smoke, go for a walk, etc.). (Likhanov A.A., 1987)

Adolescents from orphanages are characterized by a special socialization process. They usually live most of their lives in institutions of social and pedagogical support (orphanages, boarding schools, orphanages, under guardianship) or in a dysfunctional family.

Most of the inmates of these institutions are characterized by the following specific features:

* inability to communicate with people outside the institution, difficulties in establishing contacts with adults and peers, alienation and distrust of people, detachment from them;

* violations in the development of feelings, not allowing to understand others, to accept them, relying only on their desires and feelings;

* low level of social intelligence, which makes it difficult to understand social norms, rules, the need to comply with them;

* weak developed feeling responsibility for their actions, indifference to the fate of those who linked their lives with them, a feeling of jealousy towards them;

* consumer psychology in relations with loved ones, the state, society;

* lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem, lack of constant friends and support from them;

* lack of formation of the volitional sphere, lack of purposefulness aimed at the future life; most often, purposefulness is manifested only in achieving immediate goals: to get what you want, attractive;

* lack of formation of life plans, life values, the need to satisfy only the most basic needs (food, clothing, housing, entertainment);

* low social activity, the desire to be invisible, not to attract attention;

* propensity for additive (self-destructive) behavior - abuse of one or more psychoactive substances, usually without signs of addiction (smoking, drinking alcohol, light drugs, toxic and medicinal substances, etc.); this can serve as a kind of regressive form psychological protection... (Nechaeva A.M., 1994)

Senior school children stand on the doorstep independent lifefor which they do not consider themselves ready. On the one hand, they want to live independently, separately, to be independent from anyone, on the other hand, they are afraid of this independence, because they understand that they cannot survive without the support of their parents and relatives, and they cannot count on it. This duality of feelings and desires leads to dissatisfaction with your life and yourself.

Many of these children receive vocational education during this time. For orphans and children left without parental care, in 95% of cases this is a vocational school or technical school. Being educated in these educational institutions, they find themselves in the environment of approximately the same peers. (The situation of children in Russia, 1993)

All of them are supported by the state, live in one hostel, in a single cultural and leisure environment. The problems of loneliness, uselessness, insecurity remain at the same level.

Some better position from those who live in institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, and study in secondary specialized or vocational institutions, as they can return to their usual surroundings of the institution where they are cared for.

Upbringing outside the family is the main reason for these children to be unprepared for an independent life and generates personal deprivation, since the constant surrounded by a large number of children and adults does not provide an opportunity for self-identification, understanding oneself and their problems, and the ability to think over their future life. The child does not know how he will live alone, where to find friends, how to spend free timehow to organize your life.

The impoverishment of communication with adults, its limitedness (basically, these are only employees of the institution) leads to the fact that children cannot establish contacts with other adults, find common ground between the requirements of significant adults and their desires and capabilities. Contacts with adults are superficial, little emotional, which leads to the absence of the need to seek close relationships with people, to trust them, to see self-respect on their part.

In senior school age the most acute problem is the choice of a profession. All children dream of a good job. They have a special idea of \u200b\u200ba good job: they often imagine it as doing nothing, but getting a lot of money at the same time.

Since during their stay in state institutions of social support, children practically did not have pocket money, then, naturally, any amount that they call a salary is huge for them. They do not represent the cost of things necessary for life. A living wage for them is a non-existent concept, since they are accustomed to being fed and buying the necessary things. Being in government institutions, high school students do not represent the cost real life, do not know how to save money, buy only what they need, and not what they want.

The living conditions of orphans and children left without parental care, with full state support, lead to the formation of a dependent position in relation to everyone around them. It manifests itself in the statements: "You owe us", "You owe us", "Give us ...", etc. Receiving a profession, orphans are little concerned about whether their salary will be enough for living for a month or not. In case of a lack of money, they again go to the orphanage, where they will be fed, given food with them, etc.

After leaving the orphanage, graduates try to find relatives, relatives, and return to their families. It seems to them that their parents and relatives will immediately love them, they will be glad and everything will be fine. But in life they meet with a different picture. Relatives are only at first happy about their return from the orphanage, their parents do not accept them, do not want them to live with them. Relationships with relatives do not add up, the children are left alone again. Having no experience of life in a family, they do not represent family relationships. Any person who took pity on them, warmed them, seems to them a fabulous hero, and immediately they have a hope that everything will be fine. There is little they can do on their own. When they receive separate housing, they cannot live alone, most often they go to live with friends and girlfriends. Quite often, such friends and girlfriends also live in dysfunctional families. Therefore, such children unite, spend time together. (Trosnetskaya G.N., Shipitsyna L.M., 1996)

The above brief analysis of the characteristics of the personal development of children in a situation of derivation naturally raises the question of the possibility of removing its consequences, or at least smoothing, correcting them.

Creation of orphanages family type, foster families are one of the ways to change the situation. In addition, there is a way to change the consequences of deprivation through rehabilitation and correction.

DatsoPic 2.0 2009 by Andrey Datso

The system of institutions for orphans began to take shape in Russia in the 1920s, when the fight against homelessness was launched. The majority of children in orphanages were children who had lost parental carewho experienced hunger, poverty, violence. Lunacharsky at that time argued that "we have to think not about how to take children away from those who are trying to bring them up in the family, but how to arrange for those who were left behind the family." Moreover, "this will happen, the further, the more." Unfortunately, these words of A.V. Lunacharsky turned out to be prophetic.

Social orphanhood began to appear when children left their families because of the difficult financial situation, which was associated with the unemployment of their parents. Further, the contingent of orphanages began to gradually change, along with orphans, children appeared whose parents could not support and raise children due to illness, need, or an immoral lifestyle.

So the social sources of orphanhood came to the fore. If orphans are persons whose both parents have died, then a social orphan is a child who has biological parents, but they do not raise their child for some reason.

Social orphanhood has become one of the most shameful phenomena of our society, the problem of orphans with living parents has grown catastrophically due to increased alcoholism, loss of spiritual values \u200b\u200band moral decay. And the closed institutions existing in Russia, which are a system of state support for orphans, leads to the phenomena of social deprivation and hospitalism (lethargy, apathy, indifference, developmental delay) in children and adolescents.

Traces of social orphanhood are unfavorable and affect the entire life of the child. Firstly, these are irreversible consequences in case of intrauterine developmental disorders, and secondly, negative social experience during early and preschool childhood. Pupils of orphanages and boarding schools are characterized by such problems as psychological, medical, pedagogical and social. Than earlier child breaks away from the family, the more they express themselves.

The research conducted by L. I. Bozhovich shows the following peculiarity of the mental development of orphans: “children no longer have one of the most important sources of constant accumulation of experience and knowledge, they do not master the diversity of interpersonal relationships, since in a boarding school, children are constantly in the circle of their peers , in the circle of the same impressions, the same pedagogical influences ”. It is also noted that the regulation of the behavior of children in an institution and the introduction of disciplinary rules restrain the natural activity of the child.

Living and growing up in an orphanage or boarding school, children do not receive the attention and affection that could be given to them from their parents, because of the lack of parental attention and care, rudeness, emotional stress develop in their behavior, deceit, envy, and conflicts develop. Deviations in emotional development have been observed for the first time in the life of a child brought up outside the family, and in adolescence these problems become more significant, since during this period the child enters a new social position. At this time, his conscious attitude towards himself, his peers, studies, and the environment is formed, life and professional self-determination develops.

Losing parents, the child falls into a state of “maternal deprivation”. This concept includes a number of different phenomena. This is insufficient care of the mother for the child, and the temporary separation of the child from the mother, and, finally, the lack or loss of love and affection of the child to the mother - in a word, no need for anyone. On the basis of this feeling, the child forms an attitude to the world, an attitude of attachment, which not only for the development of future relationships - their direct influence helps to reduce the feeling of anxiety that occurs in the child in new or stressful situations. In addition, close people, the mother are a source of comfort for the child in moments of despair. Lack of basic trust in the world is seen as the very first, most difficult and most difficult to compensate for the consequences of maternal deprivation. It gives rise to fear, aggressiveness, distrust of people and of oneself, unwillingness to know the world, deprives the child of the possibility of normal mental, social and sensory (the need for a variety of impressions) development.

Maternal and family deprivation leads to rejection of children from orphanages among their peers. Conflicts often occur among them, there are “school groups”, deviant behavior, which results in absenteeism, vagrancy, and decreased learning motivation.

Children who are brought up outside the family are characterized by poverty of emotional and social experience, underdevelopment of communication, imaginative thinking, unformed image of "I", self-doubt, lack of life prospects, which leads to emotional deprivation... The child receives his first emotional experience in the family, and if this family is dysfunctional, and the parents are among the persons with deviant behavior, or the family is absent altogether, then this experience simply may not exist.

Communication of children brought up in a boarding school or orphanage is often limited to the age group to which they belong, and is reduced to the discussion of those topics that directly concern them or are offered by the teacher. Entering into various social contacts, such children most often fail, because they do not operate with the concepts that children who are brought up in a family use in their games when communicating - this becomes an obstacle to their further communication with each other. They try to separate themselves from the rest so as not to hear the emerging smiles and misunderstandings from other children in their address. Such children cannot further establish emotional contacts with others; they are rude, suspicious, distrustful, deceitful, and often violate discipline. Protective means of behavior in conflict situations prevail. The most important thing is to win the approval of the teacher or educator, his attention or praise. This is a manifestation of the deprivation of the need for positive emotional contact with adults.

Personal deprivation of inmates of orphanages and boarding schools consists in a violation of the attitude towards oneself, in the formation of one's "I". They are dominated by either low self-esteem, or overestimated. Moreover, getting from a socially disadvantaged family into foster family or a foster child in such children, self-esteem is sharply overestimated in a group of the same children. The reason for this I see a sharp change appearance, improvement of living conditions, the appearance of money for pocket money, often these children can speak negatively about their friends of yesterday, replace them with children from more prosperous families.

In the concept of deprivation by Z. Mateychek, I. Langmeyer, the development of the personality of a child brought up outside the family is carried out through conflicts. In the external plane - between the individual and society, in the internal - between the three substances of the personality: above the “I” (social norms, prohibitions, censorship of conscience), “I” (the perceived world of the personality) and “IT” (unconscious, unrealized, suppressed drives ). Proceeding from this, the supporters of this concept distinguish deprivation as a personal dominant, as a special mental condition child, arising as a result of long-term restriction in the conditions of an orphanage of basic mental needs and expressed in the following types:

Sensory (caused by a lack of visual, auditory stimuli);
cognitive, caused by unsatisfied conditions for learning and the acquisition of various skills, the chaotic nature of the external environment;
emotional, caused by a lack of communication with adults, especially with the mother, and peers;
social, arising from the inability to carry out social self-regulation through the assimilation of social roles.

Sociocultural deprivation is the lack of social interaction of children left without parental care with other people, primarily with adults.

LS Vygotsky said: “in the course of communication and joint activities in the conditions of an orphanage, not only are samples of social behavior acquired, but also basic psychological structures are formed, which will determine the entire course of mental processes the personality of a child deprived of a family environment ”. Scientists have proved that attitude towards the future, life plans, time perspective are largely determined by " social situation development "of the child. The social problem stems from the child's social status - he is "nobody's" child. Children entering boarding schools are characterized by impaired socialization, which has a wide range of manifestations: from the inability to behave at the table and the inability to adapt to an unfamiliar environment to new circumstances. Limitations of the child's social activity, insufficient inclusion of him in various types of practical activities do not contribute to his assimilation social norms and social experience. Pupils of orphanages are not ready to solve independently the problems of employment, further education and other life situations. He cannot, on the basis of accumulated knowledge, independently construct rules and norms of behavior and be guided by them in society.

Mental deprivation is expressed in the inability to learn according to the program comprehensive school... They perform poorly because most of them have sensory underdevelopment, mental retardation, and intellectual disabilities. This gives rise to problems of school adaptation of children brought up outside the family, which has a pronounced tendency to growth, and educational motivation is disturbed.

Increasing motivation for learning is an important issue in the education of these children. A particular difficulty is caused by indifference on the part of parents for children who live in boarding schools. They do not seek to send the child to school, thereby encouraging his absence, and therefore, contribute to a decrease in the level of knowledge of their children. Schools need to find ways to approach parents, to involve them in joint work in solving problems of academic failure. To increase the level of intellectual and sensory development in orphanages and boarding schools, additional educational and developmental circles, electives, sections are created.

Scientists' studies have shown that the development of a child who has lost a family follows a special path, specific traits of character and behavior are formed in him, about which "often it is impossible to say that he is worse or better than that of an ordinary child, they are just different."

Undoubtedly, upbringing in a boarding school does not provide what is possible with family upbringing, but the widespread optimization of education leads to the closure of many schools, which means to the emergence of boarding schools for students from other places of residence. And again the question arises about the upbringing of children in the boarding school, about the emergence of various forms of deprivation in them.

The teaching staff of boarding schools and orphanages strive to give children as much knowledge and skills as possible that will be useful to them in later life... Work in most of these educational institutions is carried out in various directions, the most important are:

1. Formation of a healthy lifestyle based on the careful attitude of each child to their health.
2. Socialization of children, adolescents and youth (on the basis of pedagogical cooperation, through the implementation of the functions of social adaptation).
3. Education of industriousness, citizenship. Respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the surrounding nature. Fatherland.
4. Preparing the child for a conscious life in society.
5. Fostering respect for culture, traditions, spiritual and moral values.
But, no matter what types of upbringing the pedagogical collectives resort to, nothing can replace upbringing, which is supported by love, care and attention from the parents and the closest environment.


1. L.K. Sidorov “organization and maintenance of work with children - orphans and children left without parental care”. Airis Press Moscow.
2. I.V. Dubrovin, A.G. Ruzskoy " Psychological development pupils of orphanages "M." Pedagogy "
3. VV Komarov “Upbringing of orphans. A Practical Theorist's View ”. Pedagogical Society of Russia M.
4. N.E. Shchurkova "School and Family: Pedagogical Alliance" Pedagogical Society of Russia Moscow
5. "Bulletin of the University of the Russian Academy of Education" No. 4 (26).

The situation of orphanhood leaves an imprint on the whole life of a child, and then of an adult. The problems existing in the personal and physical development of orphans, the lack of adequate conditions for the upbringing of this category of children in "orphan" institutions, give rise to serious problems in their social development. Among them - a low level of social and personal activity; low level of social competence; inability to make decisions, to take responsibility for your choice, for your life; a vague idea of \u200b\u200btheir abilities and capabilities and - as a result - inadequate self-esteem; a reduced level of educational, school and, in general, cognitive motivation, and many others. Negative tendencies in the development of the personality of pupils in the senior age group are clearly manifested in a decrease in professional fitness for many types professional activity, especially of an intellectual nature and social interaction.

Specialists understand the difficulty of socialization as a complex of child's difficulties in mastering a particular social role. Having been born, the child immediately finds himself in the world of social relations - the world of relations between people, in which everyone plays many roles: family man, friend, neighbor, politician, city dweller, village, etc. By mastering these roles, a person is socialized and becomes a person. The absence of contacts normal for an ordinary child (family, friends, neighbors, etc.) leads to the fact that the image of the role is created on the basis of contradictory information received by the child from various sources. In this regard, an illusory "image" often arises. social role... A false idea is formed about their social role as an orphan. This role is realized by a person throughout his life. In connection with the difficulties of socialization, the tasks of adaptation, autonomization and activation of the individual are not solved either.

Of particular concern are the problems of social adaptation and post-boarding formation of boarding school graduates. Today, a graduate of an orphanage, experiencing a deep crisis after leaving it, generated by the difficulties of socialization, is not prepared to become a full-fledged member of society. Representatives of this social group have difficulties in professional self-determination, in marriage, in the establishment of professional and friendly relations, a significant part join the ranks of offenders. Social adaptation assumes the successful development of social roles by pupils in the system of social relations.

Family upbringing of children in an orphanage is one of the most important, urgent and complex problems of the upbringing process.

The family is the first collective for the child, where his development takes place, the foundations are laid future personality... It is in the family that the child's first ideas about a particular social role are formed: father, mother, friend, neighbor, etc. Such perceptions among orphans who were admitted to orphanages, mainly from maladapted families, are significantly distorted. These children were brought up in children's homes, in preschool orphanages, and those who came from families acquired a sad experience family life... They create their own, often incorrect, image of a particular role. For an adequate entry of a pupil of a boarding-type institution into the system of social relations, special pedagogical work should be carried out, ensuring the child's mastery of a complex of social roles, including work on family education.

The orphanage brings up children who came here from different situations... There are those who have never seen their parents. In this case, they are influenced only by the people around them: educators, children, etc. Children who were brought up in a family, but their parents died, maintain good relations with the family, and indirectly, the example of members of the family in which they were they are significantly influenced. There is a third group of children whose parents are alive. These are social orphans who are still influenced by the family, although they do not live with it. Children understand the complexity of the life of such a family in which the environment and conditions are unacceptable for raising a child. But at the same time, the feeling of having parents, striving for them to some extent create special conditions under which they seek to justify the behavior of their parents, looking for something that gives them the opportunity to form a distorted impression of the people around them. They strive to visit the family, often realizing the complexity of this situation: on the one hand, being in a family is difficult for them, and on the other hand, they are glad to feel that they still have close people.

The family has that influence on the child that no orphanage, no teachers, no special or artificially created conditions can replace. In this regard, it is necessary to search for such pedagogical tools, which would not compensate for the absence of a family, but would create the conditions in which the child could adequately develop socially, despite the absence of a family. For teachers in a boarding-type institution, a particular difficulty is the work that, to some extent, would ensure the assimilation of the social role of a family man. At the same time, it is very important not to create a distorted view of the family. Not playing "Into the family", not creating a semblance of a family, but relations of care, cooperation, support, mutual responsibility should become the main ones and ensure the formation of the child's sociality in this institution.

There is also the problem of the formation of psychological sex and preparation for family life of pupils.

The formation of a person's personality in accordance with his gender occurs practically throughout the entire "childhood" stage of ontogenesis, ie. in preschool, primary school, adolescence and adolescence, and this process, of course, does not end with the end of childhood and the onset of adulthood. Each stage makes its own specific contribution to the transformation of the child into future man and woman, but adolescence as a period of puberty has a special place. It was at this time that problems related to gender, psycho-sexual development and behavior, the formation of a system of certain needs, motives, value orientations that characterize a person's idea of \u200b\u200bhimself as a man or a woman, i.e. everything that makes up the main content of the concept of "psychosexual identity" comes to the fore as in the formation of the personality of children given age, and in those directions educational workthat require the most attention from teachers.

A person's awareness and experience of his gender identity presuppose that he has formed samples, standards of male and female images, models of masculinity and femininity. They include ideas about the most significant and attractive personality traits, characteristics of relationships and forms of behavior of men and women. In orphanages, where women mostly work, gender identification can be difficult. Therefore, in order to form the standards of male and female images among the pupils of the orphanage, it is necessary to organize special activities.