Ozone therapy in cosmetology. Ozone therapy (O3) for the face is a revolutionary beauty technology. The positive aspects of ozone therapy

Rejuvenation, ways to solve all kinds of cosmetic problems. And all thanks to the development of science in areas closely related to cosmetology. Moreover, innovative techniques offered by cosmetology clinics and beauty salons are able to easily cope not only with "everyday" issues, but also with age problems: excess weight, stretch marks, cellulite, etc.

Such as ozone therapy, highly effective modern technology, used to eliminate a variety of defects in appearance, as well as to correct weight and form a beautiful figure.

What is ozone therapy? What is its effect on the human body based on? In what areas and for what purpose is the technique applied? How difficult is the ozone therapy procedure? Let's try to answer these questions.

The essence of the technique

The molecular structure of ozone is similar to oxygen. But the additional oxygen atom endows it with more pronounced oxidizing properties compared to oxygen.

Since ozone is active form oxygen, its use promotes effective cleansing the body from toxins and the breakdown of fatty deposits, normalizes general metabolic processes, blood and lymph circulation, inhibits the growth of fungi, pathogenic bacteria, microorganisms, viruses.

In a sense, ozone is a universal natural substance with numerous medicinal properties:

  • - Strengthens the immune system.
  • - Possesses anti-inflammatory effect.
  • - Successfully combats stress and chronic fatigue.
  • - It has an analgesic and wound healing effect.
  • - Promotes cell regeneration.
  • - Possesses a powerful antioxidant effect, etc.

The unique qualities of ozone have been known for a long time: back in the 19th century, it began to be used in medicine to stop bleeding and how antiviral agent, used in the treatment of burns and purulent processes. Today, therapeutic ozone therapy is no less in demand in various fields of medicine, such as vascular surgery, dentistry, geriatrics and many others.

Ozone therapy procedures use special mixture composed of 95% oxygen and 5% ozone. Delivery methods medicinal mixture into the body are different and are performed using special medical equipment.

In connection, ozone therapy has the following types:

  • - Applying ozone masks to the body and face.
  • - Massage with application aromatic oils enriched with ozone.
  • - Inhalation of ozone (sauna, bath).
  • - Local application of a therapeutic ozone mixture to problem areas of the body and face.
  • - Injection ozone therapy (introduction medicinal product intradermally or subcutaneously).
  • - Intravenous drip infusion of the mixture nutrients and ozone.

As a cosmetic procedure, ozone therapy is used to eliminate cellulite, treat problem skin, stretch marks and stretch marks, weight correction and body modeling. Ozone therapy is also recommended to eliminate vascular network on the skin, it is used to treat brittle, damaged, weakened hair, successfully fights wrinkles, the manifestations and consequences of acne, helps to quickly eliminate unaesthetic scars and scars.

V in this case the property of ozone is used as a vehicle (similar to oxygen), facilitating and accelerating the delivery of nutrients and water molecules to the cells of the body. Additional effect from ozone therapy procedures - removal of toxic substances accumulated in cells, metabolic products, toxins.

V last years ozone therapy has become an incredibly popular technique in the fight against excess weight. The slimming effect is based on the property of ozone to oxidize fats and destroy adaptocytes. During the procedure, a special ozone-oxygen substance is injected into the problem areas of the patient's body using microneedles or injection devices.

Reacting with ozone, the membranes of fat cells are destroyed, the contents of the adaptocytes are transformed, turning from thick fabric into an emulsified liquid, and then easily excreted from the body through the lymphatic channels.

Ozone therapy for weight loss is recognized as the safest and effective method removal of local fat deposits that do not require application medications or surgery.

To remove fat deposits on initial stage their formation, it is necessary to undergo a course of ozone therapy, consisting of 4-5 sessions, which are carried out with a break of 7-10 days. To cure obesity and get rid of noticeably pronounced fat deposits, the number of sessions should be increased to 10-15.

Ozone therapy is no less in demand as optimal way fight cellulite. Usually, the anti-cellulite program is included in the course of slimming procedures, but it can also be applied independently.

Due to the use of ozone-oxygen mixtures in the process of performing such procedures, sclerosed capsules that cover fat cells, are destroyed, due to which protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism is quickly restored in the skin tissues. Thus, it is easy to adjust problem areas with manifestations of fibrosclerosis and edema, " Orange peel"Disappears.

The anti-cellulite ozone therapy program is complemented by massage sessions with cosmetic oils enriched with ozone. Due to this, the effect of the procedures is enhanced, and the result is maintained for a long time.

Despite the active use of ozone therapy in the beauty industry, the technique remains curative. Therefore, there are a number of contraindications, in the detection of which procedures with the use of ozone preparations cannot be carried out. The list of such contraindications includes:

  • - Allergy to ozone and its compounds.
  • - CVS pathologies.
  • - Endocrine diseases, thyroid diseases.
  • - Poor blood clotting.
  • - Any tumor processes.
  • - Chronic systemic and infectious diseases.
  • - Menstruation, pregnancy, lactation.

Subject to the rules and conditions of ozone therapy procedures to achieve a particular cosmetic goal, complications and side effects are not observed. Therefore, in general, the technique is recognized as atraumatic, safe and most effective.

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Most of us have a very clear idea of ​​ozone. Some will say that this is a gas that can be felt after a thunderstorm, when you breathe in the invigorating and fresh air from the rain, while others will even be able to remember from school course chemistry, that this is such a special triatomic oxygen, which very quickly turns into water and emits a lot of heat at the same time. This ability of ozone has found wide application in medicine and cosmetology, becoming the basis of ozone therapy.

Why is ozone a special gas?

The odor of the gas that is released when electric sparks pass through the air - for example, after a severe thunderstorm - and helped scientists come up with a name for it: translated from Greek ozone means "smell", although the term was coined by the German chemist Christian Schönbein. In the middle of the 19th century, he described this gas as one of the most powerful oxidizing agents, and at the same time noted that when normal conditions this triatomic oxygen readily converts to water with the release a large number energy. Getting into human body, ozone moisturizes and tones the skin, gives cells additional energy, supplies oxygen to all tissues and organs.

One more unique property ozone consists in the fact that in the process of oxidation it produces substances that are very toxic to microbes, fungi, bacteria and other microorganisms unfriendly to humans. This made it possible, already at the beginning of the 20th century, to use ozone as a disinfectant - for purifying air and water, sterilizing medical instruments and processing dressings.

How is ozone good for health?

For the first time, ozone was tested by physicians during the hostilities at the beginning of the 20th century. Solutions with ozone accelerated wound healing, stopped blood well and fought purulent inflammations.

Later, the ability of ozone to accelerate metabolism, stimulate cell growth, reduce pain, strengthen the body's defenses. Ozone therapy has found wide application in surgery and traumatology, urology, dermatology.

From the point of view of representatives of aesthetic medicine, ozone therapy is very effective in combating skin aging, since procedures with ozone solve many cosmetic problems- such as acne, rosacea, sagging skin, cellulite, stretch marks, hair loss. Ozone, due to its unique redox properties, provides efficient nutrition cells and their division, stimulates the metabolic processes of all tissue fluids, ensures the production of enzymes, on which the smoothness, elasticity and moisture of the skin depend.

By medical indications ozone therapy can be carried out in such forms.

Droppers with ozone - intravenous administration of ozonized saline.

the effect: oxygenated blood is carried to all tissues, improving complexion, hair and skin condition, activating metabolic processes in the body.

Autohemotherapy with ozone - the introduction of the patient's own blood, purified and enriched with ozone. Blood is injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly.

the effect: the procedure accelerates wound healing, increases the body's defenses, is very effective for pustular and inflammatory diseases skin.

Ozone therapy for beauty and youth

The essence of ozone therapy in cosmetology is that this element in the composition of the solution is introduced under the skin or into its deep layers, or is applied to the skin as part of an oil mixture, depending on what problems are to be solved.

Most often, ozone treatments are designed to moisturize, refresh and rejuvenate the skin. Due to ozone, the ability of the skin to retain water is restored - it accumulates in deep layers and helps to smooth the skin on the face, eliminate its flabbiness, and disappear wrinkles. The release of oxygen atoms during the introduction of ozone gives the skin additional energy, increases the activity of metabolic processes, improves skin nutrition and accelerates its detoxification, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. In the presence of ozone, erythrocytes of blood are able to carry ten times more oxygen throughout the body and give it to tissues - this explains the immediate effect after procedures with ozone, when the skin looks refreshed and rosy.

After ozone therapy, many people note that the feeling of tightness of the skin no longer bothers, and the oval of the face in the cheeks and chin area is clearly tightened. Treatments with ozone after chemical peels are especially effective, laser resurfacing and contour plastics... Thanks to ozone therapy, puffiness quickly disappears, skin health is restored and soreness is eliminated, scars and seals disappear.

Treatments with ozone help to shape not only the oval of the face, but also the contours of the body. Ozone accelerates the breakdown of adipose tissue due to its high oxidative capacity, activates fat metabolism and, at the same time, prevents toxins from accumulating in the liver. Thanks to ozone therapy, the skin does not sag after the reduction of fatty deposits, but retains its elasticity. In the fight against cellulite, ozone treatments are very important, since they normalize lymph metabolism, remove excess fluid, normalize the tissue structure in the thighs and buttocks, eliminating the "orange peel" effect.

Treatments with ozone in a beauty salon

Cosmetic clinics and salons offer different variants ozone therapy depending on what problem is to be dealt with with the help of ozone.

Mesotherapy- the introduction of an ozone-oxygen mixture under the skin or into the dermal layer. The problem area is treated with small injections of a special syringe.

the effect: skin flabbiness is eliminated on the face, the contour becomes clearer, wrinkles are smoothed; on the buttocks, thighs or abdomen, the appearance of cellulite is reduced, the volume of the body is reduced.

Injections with ozone preparations - local injection of ozone in the inflamed areas of the skin in the treatment of acne, as well as in the areas of scar formation, stretch marks.

the effect: Inflamed acne dissolves quickly and does not leave scars, stretch marks and scars on the skin are visibly smoothed out.

Hardware procedures with ozone - improving the structure of the skin with non-injection treatment using ozone dissolved in oil or other components.

the effect: after liposuction and others cosmetic procedures the skin becomes smooth and even; ozone dissolved in olive oil stimulates the renewal of epidermal cells, makes the skin silky and healthy glow.

For whom is ozone therapy not useful?

Like any procedure, ozone therapy has its own contraindications, therefore, procedures with ozone can only be prescribed by a doctor after a preliminary examination. So, ozone therapy is definitely contraindicated in the presence of any neoplasms, a predisposition to seizures, hyperthyroidism, hemorrhagic stroke, poor blood clotting. Ozone therapy is not recommended for women with uterine fibroids and periodic bleeding that occurs outside the cycle. It is imperative to warn the doctor if there is a tendency to decrease blood pressure and when taking any medications, especially anticoagulants - while procedures with ozone can also be harmful. An allergy to ozone is likely, therefore, an allergic test for this substance should be done before ozone treatments.

Some experts point to the possible side effects of ozone therapy - such as imbalance in the microflora after the destruction of bacteria and fungi, as well as the likely increased frequency of urination, increased levels of liver enzymes. Usually, some time after the ozone procedure, the indicators normalize on their own, but the doctor may recommend bioactive additives stabilizing the state of the body during ozone therapy.

Despite many positive reviews about ozone procedures, there is not a single objective clinical study that would conclusively confirm the expressed healing effect ozone therapy. But experts recognize the possible toxic effect of ozone with its direct effect on the blood unsafe. In many countries, ozone therapy is used exclusively with the informed consent of the patient.

Dear ladies, do you always want to look young and attractive? Then you need to think about modern procedures face and body skin care! note that ozone therapy in cosmetology- relatively new technique, but already quite popular, because it really helps to fight wrinkles and other signs of skin aging. This direction is extremely demanded. Why? And what is it in principle? Let's figure it out together!

What does ozone therapy give and how does it work?

The skin often lacks oxygen and moisture. Because of this, it becomes dry, sluggish, sebaceous glands work overtime, which leads to the formation of blackheads and acne. Cell metabolism is disrupted, renewal slows down, toxic substances are retained in it. But healthy fit and firm skin makes a woman look attractive, and vice versa, flabby and dry, with many wrinkles, automatically adds a couple of years!

It has been proven that ozone, due to its biological composition, quickly and effectively fights against premature aging skin, and also solves a number of dermatological and aesthetic problems... It stimulates intense cell division of the epidermis, thereby providing a powerful anti-aging effect. In addition, the introduction of ozone, smoothes wrinkles and stimulates collagen production.

What is the purpose of ozone therapy in cosmetology?

Ozone is used for the following purposes:

  1. skin rejuvenation;
  2. fight against acne, acne;
  3. moisturizing, tightening skin;
  4. body shaping.
  5. Applications in cosmetology

    Face ozone therapy is aimed at improving the texture of all skin integuments (rejuvenates and tightens). For example, injections into the forehead, cheeks, and neck increase blood flow and trigger normal collagen production. Ozone-oxygen mixture helps, bags under the eyes, successfully, and most importantly, quickly heals acne. In short, ozone therapy can be applied all over the face, depending on the wishes of the client and the recommendations of the beautician.

    Body ozone therapy helps to get rid, first of all, of cellulite. Injections stimulate blood microcirculation, destroy fat deposits and, of course, fibrous capsules, which lead to the formation of cellulite nets and varicose veins. In this case, the areas of application are the buttocks, abdomen, thighs. In addition, ozone therapy makes scars and scars less visible, so injections are often injected into the breast area after breast enlargement.

    Why is ozone therapy for face and body so good?

    As already mentioned, ozone therapy is an extremely popular technique. And this is understandable!

    1. She has a small amount of contraindications, can be used at any age (of course, after 18 years).
    2. Painless.
    3. Does not require a recovery period.
    4. Ozone therapy is carried out on any day of the cycle, even during critical days.
    5. It is effective, it really helps to get rid of skin problems.
    6. Contraindications

      Ozone therapy has a mild and gentle effect on the body, and yet it has some contraindications.


  • convulsive syndrome;
  • acute phase of heart attack, pancreatitis, stroke;
  • an acute form of alcoholic psychosis, any mental pathology;
  • ozone intolerance;
  • thyrotoxicosis.


  • taking medications that reduce blood viscosity;
  • low blood glucose;
  • alcoholic or any other poisoning;
  • hypotension, hypocalcemia.


There are a lot of ozone therapy methods today. The principle of operation is the same for all - an introduction to problem areas purified ozone. Allocate:

  1. Intravenous ozone therapy.
  2. Large and small ozone autohemotherapy.
  3. Intradermal ozone administration.
  4. Application of ozonized oils.
  5. Treatment with ozonized water.

Intravenous ozone therapy involves the introduction of an intravenous dropper based on sodium chloride solution. Ozone is passed through it, a mixture is created in which the ozone concentration does not exceed 6 mg / l. You need to put a dropper immediately after creating a solution. Infusion volume - up to 400 ml, depending on the indications for the procedure. The technique is considered the most effective of all.

Large ozone autohemotherapy involves taking 50-150 ml of blood from a vein and filling it with an ozone mixture. This is done in a special container to which the anti-clotting agent is also added. Everything is thoroughly mixed, after which the blood is injected back into the body.

Minor autohemotherapy- this is the same as the big one. Only less blood is taken, up to 15 ml.

Intradermal ozone administration- This is the introduction of ozone into painful (biologically active) points on the human body.

Ozonized water take on an empty stomach, no later than an hour later, as it was saturated with ozone.

Butter applied externally or internally.

Face ozone therapy

How many procedures are needed and when to expect the first results?

For the complete disappearance of the problem, cosmetologists recommend going through from 8 to 12 procedures (1-2 per week). After completing the course, it is advisable to do repeated procedures once a month.

The first results are visible immediately after starting treatment. The skin is fresher, the pores are narrowed, dryness goes away, the complexion improves. However, you need to complete the full course for the result to take hold.

Before and after full course

How much is it?

Naturally, many women are concerned about the price of the issue.

For Ukraine, the cost is from 100 to 150 hryvnia per procedure (depending on the area and the level of the clinic).

For Russia - from 400 to 800 rubles per procedure.

Possible complications and harm of ozone therapy

If the procedure is performed by a qualified doctor in a specialized institution, it is used modern equipment, then ozone therapy will not bring complications or harm to the body. During the procedure, there should be no strong unpleasant sensations... Loss of consciousness, dizziness or vomiting indicates that the procedure should be stopped and a more detailed examination should be carried out.

At consultations, it is important to tell the doctor about all allergic reactions, if any, carried over infectious diseases currently taking any medications. However, it cannot be excluded that the natural microflora may be disturbed in especially sensitive patients. This happens extremely rarely, and is caused by the individual intolerance to ozone by the body. In this case, a violation of well-being is observed after or even during the first procedure.

Ozone, consisting of 3 oxygen molecules, has a beneficial effect on the entire body

Ozone treatment has been used for more than a century. But ozone has recently become an active part of medical use. Ozone therapy is used in very different directions... It can be recommended by endocrinologists for diabetes; cardiologists for diseases of cardio-vascular system; cosmetology uses ozone for treatment acne, cellulite.

What is the method

Ozone therapy is a physiotherapy direction alternative medicine... The impact is carried out with the help of an external or internal use ozone mixture. It is known that ozone consists of three-atomic oxygen, which, when it enters the bloodstream, forms ozonide groups that oxidize the membranes of microorganisms and contribute to their weakening. This is the antiseptic effect of ozone. In this case, healthy cells are not damaged, but rather saturated. In small concentrations, this simply has a beneficial effect on the body, helping to cope with the "syndrome chronic fatigue". In general, this therapy enriches and "refreshes" the cells, helping to remove waste and toxins. It also stimulates blood circulation and increases the body's resistance. And with the course of procedures, it allows you to speed up the treatment process, while reducing mortality serious illnesses... A wide range of effects makes it possible to have quite extensive indications of ozone therapy. And although there is no clinical evidence of the effectiveness of this method, the use of the ozone mixture is becoming more and more widespread. And the effectiveness is confirmed by many positive results personal reviews.

Indications for therapy and methods of application

Intramuscular injection of ozone by means of a special apparatus and multiple needles

Ozone is very toxic to inhalation and dangerous if given intravenously as a clean solution. Doctors use diluted ozone for injections into the bloodstream, and for injections into muscles and under the skin they use special equipment- ozonizer, which allows you to influence the body in a certain concentration without harming the body. With the participation of ozone in external influence, use special containers which allow ozone to reach only the required area, without contacting the lungs.

There are several methods for using ozone in medical purposes... They can be conditionally divided into external and internal influences.

External application

  • Ozonized oils.
  • Local ozone chambers.
  • Application of ozone solutions (water).

Internal use

  • Large ozone autohemotherapy.
  • Small ozone autohemotherapy.
  • Subcutaneous and intradermal application of the ozone mixture.

Photo of the use of ozone therapy by the subcutaneous method

Indications for therapy

In addition to the main treatment, ozone is successfully used in medical fields:

  • surgery;
  • therapy;
  • neurology;
  • cardiology;
  • gynecology;
  • urology;
  • dermatology.

Ozone therapy in cosmetology can be singled out as a separate area. Italian scientists were the first to discover the widespread effects of the ozone mixture in cosmetic purposes, at the end of the last century. Cosmetological range of ozone applications:

  • ... Exposure to ozone allows not only to renew and refresh cells, but also helps in the treatment of acne and other manifestations on the skin of the face.
  • ... Due to the effects of ozone inside the body, rapid elimination slags and toxins, as well as the general normalization of the body.
  • ... Helps in the treatment of hair loss, dandruff. Enriches hair follicles and follicles.

As with any treatment method, ozone therapy can be beneficial and harmful. As Hippocrates said: “Medicine can be poison, and poison can be medicine. It all depends on the dosage. " To make a conscious choice, you need to weigh the pros and cons well. To learn more about the use of ozone in cosmetology, you can watch the video:

Positive and negative aspects of therapy

Ozone therapy for the face is an effective focus on the inside of the skin

Doctors still do not agree on whether this method of therapy is useful or harmful. There are several opposite opinions. Some consider this procedure to be incredibly effective and beneficial. This is based on small clinical studies and on the results of medical practitioners. Others consider the procedure harmful and even dangerous for the body based on how toxic the gas is used. But even these statements are not based on long-term research, but rather more on personal opinion.

Analyzing the pros and cons of ozone therapy, one can understand that positive effect prevails over minuses in terms of quantitative values, but in quality great attention should be given to the negative indications of this procedure. Before you go to the procedure, you must consult with your doctor and make sure that there are no contraindications.

It is better to entrust the use of ozone intravenously and subcutaneously to specialists.

The positive aspects of ozone therapy

  • Improving immunity.
  • Improving blood circulation and metabolic processes in the body.
  • Rejuvenating effect on the skin.
  • Regenerating and wound healing effect.
  • Regenerating effect on the body.
  • Removing "dirt" from the body.
  • Antifungal, analgesic and bactericidal effect.
  • Saturation of body cells active oxygen, which generally enriches and heals the body.
  • The cost of the procedure compared to many other cosmetic and medical therapies.

What else is useful ozone therapy can be learned in detail from the mouth of an expert:

Cons of this procedure

Based on the above, we can decide that ozone therapy is more harmful than beneficial. But there is also a double opinion and, of course, conclusions can only be drawn from own experience... If you decide on such.

Ozone therapy in the treatment of acne, before and after photos


In addition to a wide list of indications for the use of ozone, there are also unacceptable factors. Ozone therapy has a number of significant contraindications that should not be overlooked:

  • Blood clotting disorders and internal bleeding.
  • Hypotension.
  • Stroke, recent heart attack.
  • Convulsive tendency.
  • Congenital deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenases.
  • Alcohol intoxication.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Menstruation.
  • Allergy to ozone.

In addition to contraindications, ozone therapy may also have side effects. This is a rather rare occurrence, and little studied, but it is better to be prepared.

  1. Division cancer cells... Little is said about this, but there are reviews of people who believe that after a course of ozone therapy, they began to rapidly form cancer cells.
  2. After the procedure, you may feel temporary weakness and dizziness.
  3. When ozone is applied externally, an allergic reaction may occur.
  4. Soreness of the procedure.
  5. Violation of natural microflora.

With intravenous administration of ozone, the most high probability manifestations of side effects. As well as problems with the formation of blood clots in the lungs. Intravenous ozone therapy is prohibited in all countries except Cuba and Russia.


Prices for ozone body therapy vary depending on the area and the number of treatments

The cost of ozone therapy varies in many ways. First, the wide range of services provided by the clinics. One session, for example, small autogenotherapy can start from 500 rubles. In this case, the application with ozonized oil costs from 150 rubles. Subcutaneous injection of a mixture of ozone from 1000 r. The price for one cellulite treatment procedure starts from 900 rubles. The cost of a certain procedure must be found out directly at the clinic. Secondly, we can say that the prices for ozone therapy are low in comparison with other cosmetic techniques rejuvenation and recovery.

Ozone therapy is now widely used in medicine and cosmetology. It is used in the treatment of surgical, dermatological, urological diseases, and is also used for complex treatment in therapy.

Ozone is a unique remedy

Ozone therapy - one of the most progressive directions, which is successfully applied in cosmetology ... Many cosmetic problems (acne, alopecia, allergies, obesity) and others are a consequence of diseases internal organs, an indicator of the general state of human health. Elimination of external problems is impossible without treatment of internal diseases. Ozone treatment promotes the elimination of toxins from the body, increases protective functions immune system, kills harmful germs and bacteria.

Ozone is a unique remedy for preserving and restoring natural beauty and skin health. Ozone plays the role of a stimulant for the natural processes of the skin, therefore it is widely used for skin rejuvenation, including in complex programs.

Why does the skin fade?

With age, the cells of the epidermis slow down division, the epidermis layer becomes thin, while the keratin layer increases, the elasticity of the skin decreases. These processes lead to the appearance fine wrinkles ("crow's feet"). Then deep wrinkles appear.

For the skin to remain young and healthy, it is necessary that the cells of the epidermis receive good food and multiplied. V natural conditions the vital activity of epidermal cells is provided by tissue fluid, lymph and blood plasma. natural process can be disturbed by the influence of harmful external factors.

How to stop skin aging?

The natural aging process of the skin can be "slowed down" by restoring the natural functions of the skin. Ozone therapy acts not on wrinkles, but eliminates the causes that led to their appearance.

Ozone is unique natural substance which has a beneficial effect on the human body.To treat problems on the skin and fight wrinkles in cosmetology, injections of a mixture of ozone and oxygen are used, which are injected under the skin, as well as masks from olive oil enriched with ozone. Also used intravenous injection ozone, rectal administration of ozone-oxygen mixture, autohemotherapy with ozone. An individual method of ozone therapy is selected for each patient.

Ozone therapy different from the rest cosmetic products and procedures that provide curative action not only outside, but also activates the internal reserves of the body. Under the influence of ozone, blood supply, metabolic processes in the skin are normalized, oxygen is enriched, and toxins are removed. The skin is cleansed, healed, the effect of the procedures performed remains on certain time... Ozone therapy has shown itself to be especially effective in working with patients diagnosed with skin stress.

Rejuvenating ozone treatments

When carrying out anti-aging procedures, intravenous droppers and an ozone bath "torso" are widely used. The advantage of such procedures is their convenience for other cosmetic procedures (masks, massages) of the face, neck, décolleté. Combining ozonation with other procedures saves the patient time.

The complex of treatment for skin stress includes a complete cleansing of the intestines, which helps to release it from toxins, accumulated toxins, which have a detrimental effect on the skin. After cleansing the intestines, an ozone-oxygen mixture is administered rectally, which restores the intestinal flora and has a beneficial effect on general state organism.

After 35 years, there are signs of aging of the skin (chin, cheeks, neck), this is the right time for rejuvenating ozone therapy procedures. After the ozone-oxygen mixture has been injected under the skin, it is recommended to carry out manual massage plastic thermal or cosmetic, which will help to evenly distribute the ozone mixture.

After 3-4 procedures, you can already observe good effect... Smoothing of wrinkles, reduction of skin turgor, improvement of complexion, appearance of blush are noticeable on the face.

The patients themselves say that the skin becomes moist, the feeling of tightness that appears after washing is reduced. The tightening effect on the chin, cheeks and neck is visually noted. Patients feel much better mentally and physically.

Acne treatment

Acne causes a lot of trouble for patients, but now it has appeared unique opportunity fight this ailment with ozone therapy. In the treatment of acne, the foci of inflammation are injected with an ozone-oxygen mixture.

Some cases provide for the primary disinfection of the foci of inflammation, in which the method of electrocoagulation is used with the opening and removal of pus. After that, ozone therapy is performed.

The depth to which the injection is injected and the number of injections that are carried out under one lesion depend on its size. The course of treatment involves 5-6 procedures, which are carried out every five days.

After the first procedure of ozone therapy in the treatment of acne, the positive dynamics of treatment is visible. Puffiness, soreness decrease, infiltrates soften. After the full course of therapy, the patients had no complications and side effects.

Ozone in the fight against cellulite and obesity

Ozone therapy is used in cosmetology in the fight against cellulite, obesity and skin stretch marks. Practice has shown that in the fight against cellulite, ozone therapy is the most effective and efficient.

What is cellulite, the infamous "orange peel" that spoils the mood of many women, and they tirelessly fight this problem in all sorts of ways.

Cellulite is the accumulation of fat cells under the skin in different places on the body (thighs, buttocks). Ozone injections are destructive and promote the burning of fat cells. Also, after ozone injections, circulation in the skin improves and subcutaneous layer, there is a resorption of cellulite nodules.

When treating cellulite, ozone is injected into problem areas (thighs, buttocks, abdomen) subcutaneously. The effect obtained after ozone therapy is similar to the effect of liposuction, but the difference is that, ozone therapy - the procedure is painless and not traumatic.

There are practically no contraindications for ozone therapy, no side effects were noted either. Ozone therapy in the treatment of cellulite can be carried out on an outpatient basis without changing familiar image life. The procedure does not require a rehabilitation period.