What are the diapers for children. Diapers and boys are compatible, future father-in-law and mother-in-law can sleep peacefully, future mother-in-law - do not worry. Dada Premium: high quality and economy in every pack

It will be dedicated to diapers, and it is based on my personal experience- oh, how many brands of diapers have we tried in these few years!

It's no secret that choosing the right diaper can make mom’s life amazingly easier, and that “something” in which only the name of the diaper is left is sure to bring a lot of trouble. I would like to make life easier for other mothers by telling about my own "tests" of diapers - maybe it is my words that will help you make the right choice.

Over the past few years, we have tried different brands of diapers - the famous Pampers, Libero, Huggies, not the most famous in Russia Meries and Goo.N ... And, of course, a number of obscure diapers, the names of which you cannot recognize now, because they were used in extreme circumstances. I remember well one case when we were actively walking (I was trying to restore my figure after giving birth), and during a walk in the park there was a "embarrassment", the house was far away, and I did not have a spare diaper with me (what a muddlehead!) - it's good that in the park it was not me alone with the child, but the mothers, for the most part, responsive.

Diapers Huggies

Huggies new born

It was with this brand of diapers that my acquaintance with them began - we used them in the hospital. I must admit that I was disappointed - they immediately hurried to crawl off my baby, and he is not my smallest one - 3.5 kilograms at birth! Also, diapers have a very uncomfortable little Velcro that doesn't stretch well.

And on top of that, it turned out that they were leaking. Now I know that this is the lot of almost all diapers, but then these diapers seemed to me some kind of nightmare.

Huggies classic

Honestly, I have a bad idea of ​​how someone uses these diapers - they are very rough and tough (just like paper!), Well, how can you put a baby's ass in this? This brand is the only one that did not pass the test of my son's diapers, he was capricious until they were taken off him.

The only good thing about this brand of diapers is the wide Velcro (besides, it stretches well!), Which perfectly holds the diaper itself. Honestly, I don't understand why other Haggis have some kind of nonsense instead of Velcro, if Haggis Classic already has a wonderful Velcro.

Huggies ultra comfort

Diapers are like diapers - the most common. No irritation, no chafing, and the diaper leak test did not pass, like the rest of the Haggis. The vaunted elastic waist and fasteners did not justify themselves - the diaper fell off the baby all the time.

Some Disney characters are also drawn on them - the child was happy, and that's good.

Pampers diapers

Pampers new baby

This brand of diapers is the second we tried after Haggis New Bourne. Like New Bourne, the surface of the diaper was pleasant and soft, however, unlike the hard velcro Haggis, in this brand of diapers the velcro stretched and held tightly, except that they were still narrow. Well, they did not pass the standard diaper leak test, which, I confess, was disappointing.

And a few more words about Velcro. It was well remembered that they could be fearlessly unraveled and blindfolded a lot (at first you don't know how often you need to change the diaper, so you constantly look to see if the baby has decided to do his thing), and the properties of the velcro are not lost, they continue to hold tight diaper.

Pampers Active baby

I really liked the Velcro on these diapers, which softly but firmly embraces the baby, and the sides of these are perfectly pulled together and stretched if necessary, and all this does not hinder the movements.

In general, these are ordinary good diapers. Like everyone else, it sometimes leaks.

Pampers sleep & play

When buying, we were told that these brand of diapers contain chamomile extract, which, they say, takes care of the baby's skin and does not cause irritation. Irritation did not really appear in the baby, but it did appear in me - on persistent smell diaper. It was not very pleasant - the diaper smelled like chamomile air freshener. I do not understand why there was such a strong aroma of the unfortunate diaper.

If you forget about the smell, then these Pampers are quite wow - they do not slip off the child, they do not leak so often. Fundamental difference from the previous ones I did not notice, the pattern is exactly the same. Perhaps they differ in technology, or perhaps only in smell.

Libero diapers

We used the Libero brand for a long time, mainly due to the fact that diapers successfully passed all kinds of tests (for leakage, "perseverance" in place, skin irritation, softness of the surface of the cloth). We also used Libero panties - we were satisfied.

These diapers still have a drawback - they are quite bulky and dense, which is not always convenient.

This was the end of my experience with Western diaper brands, as I discovered something new for myself. Somewhere on the Internet (perhaps even on the website), I found out that everyone praises japanese diapers they say, they both absorb and hold, and do not subside, and in general are good from all sides. In stores, I found Japanese diapers brands Marries and Goo.N.

Diapers Merries

Diapers Merries

The first time after buying these diapers, I just flew and could not get enough of it. I tried to find a flaw in their quality or design and could not. They really do not leak, and after all, Marris diapers were "tested" with "surprises" of a wide variety of sizes - and they never got dirty on their clothes or hands. On the plus side, the thickness of these diapers is ridiculous, and they absorb just like the fat Liberos.

In addition, they are very soft, very pleasant to the touch. It even seemed to me that the skin on my son's bottom became healthier and softer.

It is also convenient that diapers have special stripes, with the help of which it is easy to determine when exactly the diaper needs to be changed.

There is an excellent wide elastic band on the belt, the Velcro is reusable - everything is done so that the diapers are well adhered to the child's body, but do not squeeze it.

They have a small flaw - whether the Japanese give birth to huge children, or something else - but the pattern of these diapers is very large, if not gigantic. Therefore, the size should be chosen very carefully.

Another feature is a large number of diapers in the package. And, as elsewhere, the larger the size, the fewer diapers for the same cost.

The biggest disadvantage of this brand of diapers is their price. But believe me, it's worth it! My husband at first resisted buying these diapers (expensive), and then, once he stayed with his son for two days with one Marries diaper and a pack of Haggis, he changed his mind.

Panties Merries

After the test of Marries diapers was successful, we took a chance to buy panties from this company. And they were not disappointed. They differ from diapers of this brand only in that they are panties. And also the price - it is higher, and there are fewer panties in a pack than diapers.

The child is very pleased with the panties. I was surprised to learn that my active son can be even more active precisely because of the comfort of Marries' panties.

Diapers Goo.N

Diapers Goo.N

These diapers are my second experience with Japanese diaper brands. In terms of their qualities, they are no worse than Merris diapers - they hold well, are perfectly absorbed, change easily, do not rub. They are a little rougher than Merris diapers, but much (!) Softer than various Haggis. For the first time, Goo.N diapers were tested on the train - we could not change them long time, but they did not leak, and the baby did not start to be capricious because of the discomfort.

These diapers also have strips (there are three of them), with which you can find out the degree of fullness of the diaper.

The downside of these diapers is their cost. It is worth remembering that the packaging of these diapers is large - probably in Japan it was customary to sell a lot at once in one fell swoop.

Panties Goo.N

Panties of this brand have incorporated all the qualities of diapers: soft breathable surface, good absorbency, excellent waist elastic.

These panties are also curious about what they have different models for girls and boys (starting from 9 kilograms). And they are not at all different in drawings, I checked!

The disadvantage of panties is their price. However, even my mom justified the expense.

This is how my everyday tests of diapers from Pampers, Libero, Huggies, Meries and Goo.N. I'm not going to experiment and test diapers anymore - I've already found something that really suits me and my son (well, after a while he won't need them at all). Now we use panties from Meries and Goo.N, sometimes Libero, when we can't find Japanese ones.

Many of my acquaintances criticize me for making pro-Japanese statements about diapers, believing that spending on them is not justified. However, now I do not have any problems - I know for sure that my son is comfortable, that he does not press anywhere, does not rub and does not press. And I also know for sure that in any situation my clothes and his clothes will remain clean - and this is worth a lot.

Hopefully my little experience with diaper testing will help some of the young moms I know read this site. I know from myself that it is extremely difficult to choose something that is not for yourself, in such a situation it only saves life experience others. Let's listen to each other - it's much easier to do that right choice than finding it by trial and error.

And finally: happiness to you and easy motherhood, mothers and those who are just going to become them. Let your children delight you every hour, grow up beautiful, smart, healthy and kind!

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Even before the trip to the hospital, every pregnant woman begins to prepare to give her baby all the best. In this regard, future mom arises whole line questions, and one of them - which diapers are best for newborns?

Which diapers do not chafe the skin and do not cause allergies? How to choose the best hygiene items that will not float, provoking diaper rash? What is the difference between products for boys and girls? And much more.

To help you choose diapers for newborn babies, we have compiled ratings of the most the best products- both disposable and reusable.

Rating of the best disposable diapers for newborns

The name of these diapers speaks for itself - they are designed for single use... It is not recommended to keep them on the body of a newborn for more than 2-3 hours.

Disposable diapers are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Velcro fasteners. Such diapers are put on only in the supine position. The diaper is secured at the front with adhesive tapes that are attached to the top side edges of the diaper.
  2. Diaper panties. Such products are used, as a rule, for babies over 1 year old.

To understand which diapers are best for newborns, we bring to your attention a rating of the most popular diapers for boys and girls.

TOP 5 best diapers for newborns

  1. Libero New born... If you are looking for an answer to the question of what are the best disposable diapers for newborn boys and girls, then you need to pay attention to these diapers. They are made from natural materials and are the softest of the entire Libero range. A feature of these products is the presence of a moisture indicator, which helps the mother understand when it is time to change the hygiene item for the newborn baby. Libero Newborn pampers do not contain fragrances or lotions. On the surface of the product there is a cutout for the navel, which especially pleases young mothers, since such a notch excludes contact of the baby's skin with the materials from which it is made. Thus, umbilical wound will not get inflamed.
  2. Eco Naty. In second place in our ranking are some of the best, according to many young mothers, diapers for newborn babies. Eco Nets are made in Switzerland and can be used for both boys and girls. In addition, if you are looking for which diapers are best for a newborn baby so that they do not leak during a night's sleep, then we recommend that you consider this option. Most young mothers note the reliability of this children's hygiene product, as well as its hypoallergenicity. In addition, diapers do not rub the skin between the legs of the newborn and do not restrict his movements.
  3. Moony. Made from natural non-woven fabric, these diapers are considered by many mums to be one of the best options for newborn babies. In addition, this product is much thinner than most of its counterparts, has silent fasteners, does not contain fragrances and “breathes” well.
  4. Huggies Elite Soft. If you are interested in the question of which diapers are best for newborn boys, then this option deserves your attention. Despite the fact that this item of children's hygiene is not quite on the honorable place in our rating, it has earned a large number of positive feedback from the side of young mothers. Made from organic cotton, these items have a full indicator that shows when it's time to change your hygiene item. In addition, these diapers can be called reusable in some way. At least mom has a choice: replace the used product with a clean one and throw it away, or wash it thoroughly and reuse it.
  5. Belle Baby Happy Start 1, made in Poland. This is a "unisex" option, that is, the products are suitable for both boys and girls. The garments are made of thin, breathable material, and durable fasteners prevent leakage during sleep. However, judging by the reviews, diapers have too wide a width between the legs, which can lead to chafing of the skin of newborns. The indisputable advantage of Happy diapers is the absence of various fragrances and flavors. At the same time, they absorb liquid feces well, not letting in unpleasant odors.

Good disposable diapers for newborn babies are:

  • Pampers Premium Care 1;
  • Pampers 1;
  • Huggies 1 (there are separate diapers for boys and girls);
  • Dada;
  • Helen Harper;
  • Merries;
  • Puffies, etc.

What are the best diapers for a newborn baby? The choice is up to the parents of the baby. We presented our opinion based on real reviews young mothers, about which diapers are really safe, and therefore perfect for nursing babies.

Rating of reusable diapers for newborn babies

Which is better reusable nappies is it better to buy for newborns? Before considering the most worthy options, let's figure out what kind of products they are.

Reusable diapers can be washed and reused, which is very convenient and economical. This can be done until the diapers for newborns are completely unusable. These products are also of 2 types:

  1. Gauze, made according to the principle of those diapers that were used by our grandmothers. Such products can be made by hand. The main thing is to guess with the size.
  2. Reusable diaper panties. This is a completely new development of the manufacturers. These products perfectly absorb liquid feces, but at the same time they "breathe" and do not hinder movements. There are options for both newborn babies and older children.

It is on the last group we will dwell on diapers in more detail and consider the question of which of them are the best.

Rating of reusable newborn diapers

Young parents will find this proposal of manufacturers of hygiene products for children very interesting. All the main aspects are combined here: the quality of the material, hygiene, comfort and convenience for the baby. But such products also have their disadvantages, the main of which is the impossibility of their use during the night's sleep of a newborn.

The list of the most worthy options for this group of diapers is given below.

  1. Gloryes! Classic +. Manufacturer - Russia. The main advantage of these hygiene products for babies is that they can be used not only for newborns, but also for older children, as they are designed for a weight of 3 to 18 kilograms. These reusable diapers can be worn by both girls and boys. The product is absolutely safe for babies, it does not cause allergies, and also prevents leakage. Thanks to a special layer of high-quality, natural materials, the baby's skin remains dry, which prevents irritation and the formation of diaper rash. Due to these qualities, the product deservedly takes 1st place in our rating.
  2. Mum's Era. This product is suitable for all children except premature babies... It is intended for babies weighing 3 kilograms or more. But, despite this small flaw, the domestic hygiene product will last until the child reaches 2.5 years of age. Moreover, its design is quite varied. So, it can be either monochromatic or multi-colored, with all kinds of patterns and prints. The diaper protects against leakage and, according to numerous reviews of mothers, does not cause diaper rash.
  3. In third place are Qianquhui reusable Chinese baby hygiene products. They are aimed at newborn babies as well as children under 2 years of age. Diapers perfectly combine price-quality ratio. average cost- 200 rubles. This is the cheapest option of all that were discussed earlier. The product is not visible under clothes, it does not restrict movement and does not "float". Therefore, it is great for long walks with your baby. After washing, the diaper does not fade and does not "run off" (that is, does not lose its size).

These are the most popular reusable diapers that are suitable for newborn babies. For their manufacture, the highest quality and natural materials, so mothers need not worry about the safety and comfort of their babies.

Diapers Myths: Are They Really Dangerous?

There are many stereotypes and myths associated with the use of diapers, especially disposable ones. The most common ones are:

  1. These products, with frequent and prolonged use, lead to the development of infertility in the child. Parents of newborn boys are especially afraid of such a "complication", because, according to their convictions, diapers "float" the scrotum and testicles, thereby disrupting the mobility of spermatozoa. If you believe in this myth, we hasten to reassure you: these products will not harm reproductive function boy, because semen starts to be produced after the baby stops wearing diapers.
  2. They prevent the baby from getting used to going to the potty. The parents themselves must teach the child to go to the potty, and this is possible only when he reaches the age of one and a half. It was during this period that the nervous system, namely, it is responsible for the contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the anal sphincter.
  3. Diapers cause hip dysplasia. In fact, using these products has exactly the opposite effect. The baby's wearing these hygiene items is an excellent prevention of this disease of the musculoskeletal system.

It is up to you to decide whether or not to use diapers from renowned manufacturers, or give preference to "home-made" products. We have considered the best, according to the reviews of parents, brands of diapers designed for newborn babies. Without exception, each item of children's hygiene has both pros and cons.

The ubiquitous popularity of diapers, which can be easily attributed to their convenience, was threatened a few years ago. Opponents of the innovative device began to find out whether diapers are harmful for boys, and even made seemingly reasonable arguments demanding to abandon the products.

Most often, as a threatening factor was used increased risk the development of infertility in a baby who wears diapers. So what can you use - diapers that provoke dermatitis, or comfortable diapers? Numerous studies and tests have yielded an unambiguous answer, supported not only by theory, but also by practical observations.

Common myths about the effect of diapers on a boy's body

Over the decades of presence hygiene products in our market, the use of diapers for boys has become overgrown with numerous horror stories. Although, if you look at them from the point of view of logic, supported by scientific facts, you can get the following:

  • Diapers are the cause of male infertility. The basis of this myth is the theory according to which the temperature rises greatly under the material, which leads to a decrease in the volume of sperm produced and the death of germ cells. Actually, reproductive system begins to produce germ cells from 7-8 years old. It turns out that high temperature there is simply nothing to influence.
  • The diapers are designed to create a greenhouse effect. Until recently, it was believed that if a male child constantly wears diapers provided with protection against leaks, moisture will accumulate under the material. This will provoke a greenhouse effect, which will again lead to infertility. In reality, diapers cannot be worn in such a way as to completely block the access of air to the skin. In addition, modern diapers are produced with numerous holes on the surface, thanks to which the skin can breathe. The diameter of the holes is so small that the liquid cannot escape.
  • Diapers in most cases cause allergies against the background of diaper rash. Where did the theory come from that wearing diapers with an absorbent layer leads to skin irritation and causes allergies is not clear at all. We can say that these adaptations were developed precisely in order to prevent the listed phenomena from occurring. And practice shows that they do an excellent job with their task.
  • Wearing diapers leads to curvature of the legs. Looking at a toddler in a diaper, you might think that the product forces him to turn his legs out on purpose. In fact, this position is physiologically correct, and manufacturers take into account all anatomical features the structure of the child's pelvis. If the baby's legs are bent as they grow older, then this may be due to genetic reasons or rickets, but not wearing diapers.

Tip: Despite the fact that from a financial point of view, reusable diapers are much more profitable, experts recommend giving preference to disposable ones. This applies especially to the choice of hygiene products for boys. Their skin is very delicate and sensitive, so long-term use reusable diapers can lead to irritation, inflammation, diaper rash.

  • It is difficult to potty train a boy after wearing a diaper. Research has shown that these points are not related in any way. Many parents, using diapers for boys, simply do not notice the child's signals and do not offer him the pot on time, which delays the learning process.

Of course, you can find negative aspects in the use of practical and convenient fixtures... But they are leveled under the condition of a careful approach to the selection of products and adherence to the recommendations for their use.

How to choose the right diapers to reduce potential risks?

If accepted final decision use diapers, the pros and cons are listed and taken into account, and the type of model is set, you should familiarize yourself with the basics of selection the best option products:

  1. If the boy's weight is intermediate between the two main groups, it is worth giving preference to the larger model.
  2. How younger baby, the more attention needs to be paid to how well the material allows air to pass through. Babies have to be in such uniforms almost all the time, so their skin must breathe, preventing the formation of diaper rash. Toddlers over a year old not so demanding at this point, because they are already starting to put on panties in the process of weaning from diapers.
  3. Pampers with strong fragrances - not the best way, regardless of the age, gender and sensitivity of the baby. Even if all the rules for the use of products are followed, they can create unpleasant situations.
  4. Despite the fact that today diapers can be bought literally at every step, it is most correct to purchase them in pharmacies and specialized children's stores.
  5. Diapers must be sterile, so check the integrity of the packaging at the time of purchase. In the case of boys, ignoring the rule can lead to infection of the urinary tract. The shelf life of products also plays an important role. If it has expired, you should not buy the product, even with a huge discount, this is fraught with serious allergies.

Acquisition quality product- only half the success. There are a number of nuances in the use of diapers, non-observance of which can seriously complicate the life of the child and parents.

How to use a diaper so that it does not harm your baby?

The rules for using the products are simple. If you adhere to them, you can not worry about the condition of the boy's skin, his safety genitourinary system, comfort and tranquility.

  • For boys, diapers need to be changed every 3-4 hours, in addition, this should be done immediately after sleeping or walking.
  • The baby's skin under the diaper should always be dry. After replacing each diaper (even if the child did not use it for its intended purpose), the baby needs to be washed, his skin should be treated with cream or powder as indicated, dried and only then put on a new copy.
  • If the family has a very acute question about the safety of hygiene products, then it is recommended to change them after each urination and alternate with the usual swaddling. But for the night it is still better to choose diapers.
  • If time and the situation permit, then before putting on a new diaper for your child, you should let him walk or lie naked. You can even give him a light massage, do gymnastics.
  • If, subject to all the rules, the baby's skin begins to turn red, it is necessary to change the diaper model or brand.
  • Do not neglect the size of diapers, they are given for a reason. A bulky product will allow urine to pass through, and a narrow one will squeeze soft tissues.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use disposable diapers more than once. It is unhygienic and dangerous for the baby's skin and mucous membranes.

With all this, we must not forget that diapers are not toys. You should not give them to your child, even if he asks for it. Firstly, the product will lose its sterility and purity, it will no longer be possible to use it for its intended purpose. Secondly, children pull everything into their mouths, so there is a high risk that the diaper filler will quickly end up in the baby's stomach.

No matter how much they argue about the dangers and benefits of disposable diapers (diapers), the fact remains that they are one of the most necessary accessories for newborns. The choice of diapers is as important as the choice of a stroller, clothing, crib and other things that are necessary to ensure the comfort of the baby.

There are so many different brands of diapers in the assortment of shops and pharmacies now that it can be difficult to make a choice. How do you know which diapers are best for your baby?

Unfortunately, you can only assess the quality of a diaper by testing it at home. In the store, they are packed in a beautiful wrapper and you can only choose the size and brand. a specific manufacturer... To determine which diapers are suitable for a child, you need to buy several things from different companies, based on reviews experienced mothers and try it yourself. To choose the right diaper, you need to consider the following criteria:

    • The size of the diaper depends on what weight or age it is designed for.

Have different manufacturers its own scale of measurement. Therefore, the type and shape of diapers is also different. Some diapers of the same size differ from company to company: some are small, others, on the contrary, are large.

The smallest diapers from all manufacturers are usually # 1 to 5 kg and are marked NewBorn (newborns). For example, Pampers (Pampers Premium Care) No. 1 - New Born (NEW BABY) - 2-5 kg; Merries NB (0-5 kg); Huggies NewBorn No. 1, up to 5 kg and others.

The child grows rapidly in the first months of life and very soon he will need diapers bigger size, for example, No. 2 3-6 kg. Parents often start with this size. After all, a newborn usually weighs more than 3 kg. When choosing the size of diapers, it is better to focus on the average value, and not on the borderline.

    • The material from which the diaper is made. You need to choose natural, soft, hypoallergenic materials

Better if it's cotton. But such diapers are more expensive. Both cellulose and nonwoven fabric are used. These diapers are cheaper, but they are rougher, although they are also safe.

    • The absorbent layer of disposable diapers usually includes a mixture of superabsorbent gel and cellulose

The more gel and fewer additives, the better the absorbency and the higher the cost of the diaper.

If the diaper poorly distributes the absorbed liquid over the surface or the gel is taken in lumps, then it is better to refuse such a product.

    • Another criterion for evaluating diapers is the method of fixation

For newborns, the diaper is fixed with Velcro on the sides. In high-quality diapers, Velcro does not lose its properties after repeated unbuttoning. For older children, there are diapers in the form of panties with elastic bands. It is worth paying attention to the elastic bands around the legs, which prevent the liquid from flowing out. They should not press hard on the leg, but should fit snugly against the skin. The elastic waistband will help the diaper to hold on to the baby better.

What manufacturers offer

There are many manufacturers of disposable diapers. Their products differ in both price and quality. In terms of popularity among mothers, the Japanese diapers of the Merries brand are the best.

Slightly less popular, but also have good feedback diapers of Japanese brands Goo.n and Moony. The main disadvantage of the goods of Japanese manufacturers is their high cost.

Pampers and Huggies still have a high rating. Their premium series HuggiesElit Soft and Pampers Premium Care are almost as good as Japanese products. However, the prices for such diapers are higher than for ordinary ones.

Libero diapers are popular due to their low price and decent quality of the product.

Diaper myths - video


Based on the experience of millions of mothers, selected best brands diapers based on the price-quality ratio. Japanese diapers from Merries are recognized as leaders in 2016 ratings.

TOP 5 leading brands of diapers for newborns in 2016 looks like this:


The leader is the Merries diapers for newborns. Many parents, having tested these diapers, remain their adherents forever.

They always have a dry bottom, even with prolonged wear. They are thin and not visible under clothing, even when filled. Merries price 0-5 kg ​​1600 rubles per pack 90 pcs.

The advantages of this brand include the following qualities:

  • Very gentle and soft, suitable for sensitive skin;
  • Does not cause diaper rash even in hot weather;
  • Conveniently fixed, do not slip;
  • Odorless;
  • Good absorbency;
  • Have a fill indicator.

The disadvantages of Merris diapers are most often indicated:

  • High price of goods;
  • The size is less than the specified (small size);
  • The outer surface appears to be slightly damp.

Huggies elite soft

In addition to the fact that they are thin and absorb moisture well, we can note the presence of a special pocket on the back side. Thanks to him, it is easy to avoid any leaks. Huggies elite soft 1 price per pack 27 pcs. - 750 rubles.

Their advantages are:

  • They do not have a pungent odor;
  • Absorbs a lot of liquid;
  • Have a moisture indicator;
  • Does not cause redness and rash;
  • Soft inner layer;
  • Convenient fixation.


  • Strongly increase from moisture;
  • Elastic band at the back is imprinted on the back;
  • Not everyone is suitable (there is a leak).

Libero Newborn

Libero Newborn took third place. These are the most affordable quality diapers. They, like other brands, have a filling indicator, a soft surface, and do not cause irritation. The price of Libero Baby Soft 1 Newborn 2-5 kg ​​(30 pcs.) Is 400 rubles.

The advantages of these diapers:

  • Affordable price;
  • Fullness indicator;
  • Have a hole for the navel, which is important for newborns;
  • They have good elastic bands around the legs and an elastic belt on the back, due to which they fit well and do not leak.

The disadvantages of this brand are:

  • They have a slight chemical odor;
  • Bad Velcro
  • They fill up quickly and harden at the same time.
  • Swell greatly from filling


Goon - Goo.N (1.8-3 kg) is another popular Japanese brand. Designed for small children. The diapers of this company have natural composition... They are thin and soft.

Provides good absorbency. Small size can be attributed to both advantages and disadvantages. If diapers are needed premature babies weighing up to 3 kg, they will fit perfectly. Packing price 36 pcs. Goo.N (1.8-3 kg) - 800 rubles.

Their advantages:

  • Elastic soft waist;
  • Safe and environmentally friendly;
  • Neutralize odor;
  • Natural materials.


  • Are expensive;
  • Non-informative indicator;
  • Rarely found in stores.

Pampers premium care

Pampers premium care are the best diapers of this company. The price for PPC # 1 is about 900 rubles for a pack of 88 pieces. Thin, lightweight, with a soft surface. Absorb well. There is a size 0 (1-2.5 kg), which is rarely found in other lines and is suitable for premature babies.


  • The inner layer of soft mesh absorbs feces;
  • Sidewalls stretch well, high-quality Velcro;
  • > Impregnation with aloe extract;
  • The larger Merris diapers also have good reviews. For girls packing color pink, for boys - blue. For children who are already walking, it is possible to buy panty diapers.

    If parents are looking for more a budget option, then you can stop at the diapers of others popular firms Libero, Pampers, Huggies and others.

    Is it harmful to use a diaper?

    In our country, thanks to television advertising, a myth was created about the harmlessness of the constant use of disposable diapers, which we usually call diapers. In fact, they are not at all as harmless as it might seem. What is the danger of constantly wearing disposable diapers by a child?

    To begin with, diapers absorb moisture well, and therefore the child does not experience discomfort. On the one hand, this is good, but without experiencing unpleasant sensations, the child does not learn to self-control urination. This can lead to the fact that the child will wear diapers until almost 5 years old.

    Another reason why it is extremely undesirable for a child to constantly wear diapers, unfortunately, is unknown even to most of our doctors, but is well known to doctors in the West. The fact is that at the age of several months, Leydig cells are laid in boys, which will produce the male sex hormone - testosterone. However, this process can be prevented by overheating of the testicles, which can occur if diapers are used around the clock. Modern diapers keep the skin dry and prevent diaper rash, but acting as a heat compress can cause testicles to overheat.

    The consequences of such overheating can appear in twenty years in the form of infertility. A small number of sperm, their poor motility - all this can be a consequence of the constant wearing of diapers in childhood. Therefore, it is highly undesirable for the child to wear diapers around the clock - for at least 3-4 hours the child must be kept without a diaper or slightly tied with a diaper.

    An interesting way to sterilize sheep is used by Australian farmers. They put warm fur bags on the ram's testicles, and after a while the ram turns into a eunuch. Unfortunately, many moms use the same method when dressing boys. Tights are put on the diaper on top, pants are on them, and leggings are also on top. But according to male anatomy, it is not desirable for boys' genitals to overheat, it is best when they are constantly ventilated and kept cool.

    Laboratory manager integrated assessment products medical purpose Institute of Ecohygiene and Toxicology Tatyana Kharchenko notes: “In our opinion, the use of diapers is advisable not for all newborns. For children with hypersensitivity or allergic diathesis, it is better to use traditional gauze diapers. In addition, the use of diapers should be short-term, no more than 3-4 hours, regardless of the flow of advertising information from manufacturing companies. "

    Yuri Polonsky, a practicing psychotherapist, notes: “A child who grows up in diapers may not be ready to take responsibility for his actions. A person should understand that each of his actions entails consequences. On subconscious level it is laid literally from the cradle. "

    I agree with him and child psychologist Anna Svetitskaya: “A child who grows up in diapers will not learn to overcome difficulties (after all wet diapers- the first of them) and can grow up to be a conformist: a person who will go with the flow without trying to resist and argue. "

    And here is the opinion about disposable diapers I.V. Kazanskaya, doctor medical sciences, Chief Pediatric Urologist of the Russian Ministry of Health: “How many times is a pot in demand? This is important for every mother to know. Does the child often make his pants wet and how much does he run into? It is bad, for example, if the baby, as experts say, does not completely empty the bladder: it comes off several times and a little bit, and on the last "run" will give out a lot of urine. This is not visible in diapers. A incomplete emptying Bladder leads to the occurrence of infection, the development of diseases requiring long-term treatment... And it’s very bad if the child urinates very rarely. Once again, diapers make this a mystery with seven seals. Unfortunately the reason rare urination may become a malformation spinal cord or urinary system. The consequences are the most dire. Boys are especially at risk - at the age of 17, such a teenager suddenly develops a severe renal failure... The signs by which the urologist would recognize the disease manifested themselves in early childhood - little, rarely wrote, while shuddering, crying. But can you really notice this if your son is in waterproof panties all day and it’s a pity, as one mother told me, if he ruins the new sofa ...

    No, we are not against progress. If it is reasonable to use waterproof diapers (not around the clock, but to put them on only for a walk or on a visit), they are not in trouble. Just with early childhood you need to monitor how the child urinates, and at the very first violations that you learned about today, consult a doctor. Then we, pediatric urologists, will have fewer patients who need long, tiring, and sometimes expensive treatment. There will be fewer suffering, notorious children. "

    However, diapers certifiers believe that they simply cannot "breathe". This is not allowed by the design of the products. All diapers are made up of three layers. Children's sliders (or parental sofas) are protected from getting wet by the lower layer, protected by a polymer film (unlike the middle layer, there is no perforation in the lower one). And, according to experts, if this layer does not allow moisture to pass through, then it will not allow air to pass through either.

    As A. Melnikov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, notes: “Theoretically, it can be assumed that unusually microscopic perforation is used in diapers, which makes the polymer film“ breathable ”and at the same time does not allow moisture to pass through. But then this disposable personal care product should cost ... how jewelry made of pure gold ".

    For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that there are myths about diapers, attributing to them negative properties that they do not have.

    So, for example, it is often said that due to the fact that a child wears diapers, he will have crooked legs. However, in fact, the curvature lower limbs in children under two years of age, it is in no way associated with wearing diapers. The cause of the curvature of the legs is either some kind of disease (primarily rickets), or the use of still actively advertised (but no less harmful) walkers.

    Experts note that disposable diapers not only do not bend the baby's legs, but even provide position hip joints infant, which is similar to the situation inherent in the so-called " free swaddling", For which in recent times the majority of pediatric doctors around the world advocate.

    Attributed to disposable diapers and "responsibility" for cystitis ( inflammatory disease bladder) in children. Its cause is usually improper care for the child, including irregular or untimely diaper change. But are the diapers themselves to blame? By the way, doctors note that during the treatment of cystitis, you should refrain from using diapers - it will be more convenient to monitor the frequency and volume of urination, and it will not long-term contact wet material with genitals.

    It would be wrong to blame only diapers for another nuisance - the appearance of the so-called diaper dermatitis (redness, irritation, diaper rash appear on the skin). The explanation for this phenomenon is partly physiological - the urine of newborns in the first weeks of life contains a large amount of salts that irritate delicate skin... And numerous studies carried out in different time v different countries, showed that the frequency of "diaper dermatitis" at gauze diapers and with diapers about the same: 50-50 air baths, smear folds. In addition, the "compromised" diaper must be replaced at least temporarily: the diaper - with gauze or, accordingly, vice versa.

    Finishing the conversation about disposable diapers, it should be noted that this invention of mankind certainly makes life easier for parents. But just as you can cut bread with a knife and cut your finger, diapers can be both beneficial and harmful.