Where to meet a rich man? How to meet and get his attention? Rich man: habitat. Extraordinary ways to attract the attention of the future husband

It's only in fairy tales that princes marry modest girls looking at her with my heart hidden virtues... In real life, if you want, you need to purposefully and firmly achieve your goal.

But there are precedents when rich men marry ordinary women? This happens, but if you carefully consider the situation, you can understand that very rich men marry not very wealthy, but famous, or "not very" rich ladies.

If this option is not your case, then you will have to make significant efforts to fulfill your own "want".

What does a wealthy man mean

When deciding how to find a rich husband, you first need to define what is meant by the term “rich husband”. Money is not the same for money.

Men with money can be classified into the following categories:

  • Wealth came from wealthy parents or by accident: won, inherited, etc. Most often, such males lead a wasteful life, do not take care of money, dress fashionably, change cars. At the same time, snobbery blooms in my soul in a double color: if I am rich, I am special;
  • Wealth is inherited, and the family is used to it and perceives wealth as something natural. All things are worn with dignity, cars do not change because they came out new model and as you use it. He does not boast of means, but tries to communicate with a certain circle of people;
  • Workaholic at a venerable age. I earned everything by my own labor. He did not marry on time, because it was not before, or divorced because his wife “ has ceased to correspond to the status". If such a man is married, then it will not work to divorce him, and you should not try;
  • Lucky with his parents, but he knows how to make money himself, for example, he takes part in family business... The fact that things are expensive can only be seen by those who know a lot about them. Modest, restrained, moderately hardworking.

The last option is the most suitable for husbands. But how to attract the attention of such a man?

Characteristics of the above options

  • The easiest way to attract the attention of the "player" is if you are young and attractive, and, being around, make others sigh enviously. Such men are usually not greedy, showing the breadth of the soul. Many hangers-on revolve around them. However, if you run out of money - and all good things have such a property - then you stay close to a nervous, twitching individual, which, most likely, will have to be carried on yourself. He does not know how to earn;
  • You can get acquainted with such a copy if someone gives recommendations and manages to penetrate into a closed society. They may even be interested, and take care until they find out real status. Fairy princes- in such cases - they take their beloved "dirty girl" to their palace and give her the status of a princess. Real princes- in most situations - change the mobile phone number;
  • It is possible to interest such a man. The only negative: he chooses and "buys". You can be a "bird in a golden cage" or just in a cage. It is unlikely that the one who achieved his position himself will allow spending own funds... He will consider that he has made the "dowry woman" happy;
  • The most optimal male specimen. It can be an excellent contender for creating a happy and strong family.

As you can see, marrying a rich person does not mean getting rich. When starting the search for a wealthy husband, it is worth considering all the alignments. But if there is a dream, why not make it come true?

Take care of yourself

Rich people pay attention to women:

  • well-groomed;
  • well dressed;
  • interesting.

How can this be achieved?

You need to take care of your appearance... To do this, you need to tidy up the skin and hair - visit a beautician and hairdressing salon... Tidy up the figure; choose a wardrobe corresponding to the future status. Clothes should be bought not defiant, but from famous designers... All this is worth a significant material investment. You need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to save on a lot.

Rich people only spend time with sexy passionate women... They prefer to marry worthy clever women, with whom they will not be ashamed to go out into the world. You need to learn to speak well and beautifully on business, to behave with dignity, to know the rules of etiquette, to be able to use cutlery. This means that it is necessary to increase the amount of known information, to read the literature, affecting the sphere of interests of the man, who is “hunted”.

You need to be able to strike up a conversation yourself and choose a topic unmistakably. If you meet in a car dealership, it is desirable to talk about cars, in an art gallery - to be able to evaluate works of art. In a restaurant, during the dance, “smart conversation” can interest the candidate for the role of husband so much that he will not only invite again, but will also go to see him off.

When striking up a conversation, you should not convey information about a subject of interest to men, showing your superiority. Smart women ask for advice.


Where is it possible to find a rich husband? Worth considering various options « chance encounters».

The easiest way to meet a rich man is by visiting a restaurant or club where he often spends time. But if he arranges business meetings there, then it will be difficult to divert attention to himself, and in entertainment establishments a lonely girl may be mistaken for a “night butterfly”.

It's best to try to be with him at a corporate party, theme party, a closed buffet reception. And for this, you should take care of your acquaintances in advance who will help you get there.

There is an option to meet a rich man on a tennis court, in a gym, an elite pool or an equestrian club. In such places, men are less alert, they easily make contact. You just need to know how to ride a horse or play tennis a little - then common topic there is immediately to talk.

The simplest, most famous and commonplace method. Having stopped by the side of the road in your car, brake the gentleman in a luxurious "car" and ask for help: change a wheel, deliver a "accidentally" broken unit to a service, etc. Don't throw yourself under the wheels. Even if they run over and take you to the hospital, they will prefer to pay off.

If the meeting took place, you need to turn on the mind, charm and charm and achieve what they take from you or give you a phone number. The former is preferred.

Chance of success

If a woman wants to marry a wealthy man, she will definitely be able to meet her happiness.

After all, not every woman dreams of a millionaire. If you are content with a stable and prosperous candidate, then there is always a chance for success.

There are several ways to grab the “tail” of fate:

  • Agree to all kinds of options, and try. Clever and beautiful women do it. Just do not forget - the female age is short-lived. Clever and younger beauties step on the heels;
  • Wait for your "prince", considering other candidates from afar. There is a chance to remain an old maid, but there are men who like women who know how to value themselves.

When dating a rich man, you shouldn't break yourself. If you like melodramas, you can watch an action movie a couple of times, but it's very difficult to force yourself all your life. Do not create a deceptive impression. Sooner or later, a man will see your real face, and then both will experience disappointment.

Before going to bed, my mother read to many of us fairy tales before going to bed, in which beautiful princes always rescued their princesses, and after that "they lived happily ever after." So we grew up, and the desire to meet our prince remains to this day. But where should we look for our prince? Where to find a rich man who knows how to love us and live a long life?

Today we have to find out the answers to these questions and sort them out.

So, what is the prince today? Modern "princes" are wealthy men engaged in big business possessing luxurious driving and non-driving property, as well as traveling to the most intimate corners of our vast world.

It is these representatives of the stronger sex who are able to give us everything that we can only dream of. Thanks to their capital, they can provide us with a vibrant and eventful life.

Which Do successful men prefer girls?

In order to answer the questions of how to find a rich man and turn him to look at themselves, the fair sex needs to use their female secrets and tricks. But in order to arouse interest and a desire to get acquainted with the means, you need to understand who they like.

So, let's consider the main qualities that everyone who wants to know how to find a wealthy man should have:

    We all know that men love with their eyes. A potential suitors spoiled not only by their money, but also by the beauty of the female sex. In this regard, it is worth giving your appearance great importance if you are wondering: how to find a rich guy. To do this, you should go to a beauty salon, get a neat manicure there, choose a haircut and hair color that suits you with the help of a stylist, and also do a light, elegant make-up.

    In addition to beautiful appearance, the looks of potential grooms are attracted by graceful, graceful and self-confident ladies. It is these representatives of the fair sex that remind them that they are wayward natures, which should be achieved and tamed. Having learned where to find a rich guy and having noticed the desired goal, in no way should you rush to meet it yourself, you need to give young man make the first step yourself.

    Erase the inscription from your face: "I urgently want to get married", behave easily and naturally!

    Communication is important for the stronger sex. If you wish to build strong relationship and find a life partner, and not a lover for one or several nights, then make sure to be able to maintain a conversation with a person who has achieved great heights in his career and managed to see a lot in his life. Take an interest in his business, career. Listen to him, but don't be smart. Show interest in what he has to say.

    Believe me, there are very few in his life who, without envy or rivalry, want to hear about his deeds.

  1. Cheerful, optimistic and satisfied beauties always delight the eye, and wealthy people are motivated to accomplish new feats. Therefore, forget about all your problems and learn to live happily.

How to attract the attention of a wealthy man?

If you are a rather relaxed and self-confident person, then in order to attract the male gaze, you can use some extraordinary ways.

For example, you might wear a bright and sexy T-shirt that says “Looking for a Husband” that screams. If, in combination with this T-shirt, a convex chest and a graceful figure are sexually presented, then you will definitely be able to get attention from the male sex. You can also duplicate this message on the glass of your car, where you also indicate your personal phone number.

Of course, you can run into calls of strange and crazy types, but if you go to the right places and near the right cars, that is, where it will be easier for a girl to find a sponsor, then you can quickly achieve the desired result.

How to recognize if a man is wealthy

In pursuit of a future husband, it is very important not to get hooked and not become the bait itself. Therefore, even if you know where to find a wealthy man and regularly visit "cereal places", it is very important to be able to recognize them in order to be sure of whether they are really wealthy and whether it is worth spending your precious time on them.

Consider the main criteria by which you can determine the status of a person:

    Shoes. If from expensive clothes people with high status prefer to rest, then from quality shoes they will never give up. This element of appearance is for them not so much an indicator of a large income, but how much it gives them comfort. The shoes of such people are always clean and tidy, because they attach great importance to them.

  1. Accessories. Pay attention to his watch. People with high incomes do not follow the latest fashion trends in clothing, but they prefer prestigious brands... So, learn to distinguish real brands from fakes.

Where to find a wealthy husband in Moscow

We found out who is a modern prince and what girls he likes, it's time to find out where to meet a rich man.

Successful people prefer certain habitats. It is there that they feel great and have the opportunity to communicate with their peers. If you want to find a rich man, then you should definitely know about these places, and immediately go there in search of your future husband.

You can meet a rich man in the following places:

    A restaurant. Everyone loves to eat well and tasty. And people with a certain income love to do it in expensive, elite establishments. In these places, they can taste really delicious dishes, as well as maintain their status in society. Do you want to meet such a person? Then "arm yourself" and rather go to dinner to meet a rich man.

    A fitness center. Today correct image life comes first. Therefore, many people value their health very much and devote a lot of time to it. If you want to know where to find a rich lover, then boldly put on the most stylish sports kit that successfully emphasizes your dignity, and go to the gym.

    Charity evenings gathers in one place many potential sponsors who want to help sick children or endangered animals. On such evenings, they feel especially acutely that they need them. So get to know wealthy person telling him what a great thing he is doing will not be too difficult for you.

    Social events. Not all successful business people like to "go out", but to maintain their status and new acquaintances, they still do it. Come to such a party, and you will definitely understand how to find a sponsor man.

    Dating agency or dating sites. If you dream of moving abroad and living, say, in Sweden, Canada, England, USA or in other countries, then you already know where to look for a rich husband. It is up to you to independently search the sites or entrust this business to the professionals in the agency.

    Expensive resorts in Monaco, Cannes, Nice, Maldives, Miami. These cities are the places where it is easy to find a wealthy man. There they are always in a great mood, and do not mind spending free time with a pleasant beauty.

  1. Business trainings, seminars, forums - this is a central place where people gather who already have a financial foothold behind them, but for whom this is still not enough, and they want to improve themselves in order to get more in their lives.

In our article, you learned about which girls are preferred by enviable gentlemen, as well as where to find a rich man who may soon become your husband. So, armed with knowledge, you urgently need to take action.

Go for it, because you deserve it!

Where to meet a rich man: 5 "fishy" places + TOP-5 restaurants in Moscow where wealthy bachelors dine + 8 tips on how to interest a rich man.

Life in a metropolis is like this: I didn’t have time to blink, as bustle and eternal traffic jams pulled you on this day of the groundhog called "weekdays". I surfaced - and you are 30. So, in fact, it happened to me.

In line for cat food for my "while the first cat" I froze in place with bulging eyes: where is my man? No, I'm serious. When did I manage to turn into a "strong independent"?

Then, having skipped my turn and a glass of cappuccino in a nearby coffee shop, I firmly decided - I want to.

Arriving home, I immediately plunged into the Internet. Poking around with a spoon in ice cream, I stubbornly searched for answers to the questions: Who is this "rich man"? What are you interested in and why is it so in demand? And the most important thing: ?

You are also interested, I know. Catch the answers below.

TOP 5 ideas where it is easiest to meet a rich man

Of course, many of the girls are eager to meet a rich man ...

Everyone has a different motive. For silicone dolls, this is never to work and be something like a man's personal adornment. Some want to get out of the oppressive financial situation.

My motive is the following: by my 30s, I stand well on my feet, I smear bread with butter regularly and with a less successful man I will be frankly bored.

Whatever motive you have is your life, and no one has the right to condemn you for your choice.

Idea number 1. Dating websites

“A rich man, above all a successful man,” I wrote in my notebook. “He knows how to achieve his goals, conducts business correctly, values ​​his time, so he spends it efficiently. A rich man is often stubborn and hardworking. Or just ... a foreigner! "

Yes, the first item on my list of conclusions is dating websites with foreign suitors! I drove into Google "sites where it is possible" - and there is a place for the soul to roam.

Frankly, several of my friends did get married this way. All you need is to go to any site you like and register. I liked that for girls, registration on almost all sites is free - men pay for communication.

To start meeting men “with money”, you just need to press the “Register” button:

The method is really simple, but there are also pitfalls. For example, on the Internet and in person, a man with whom you managed to meet can turn out to be two completely different people.

But if you're ready to practice your English and fly out of your mother's nest, then this way of getting to know you is definitely yours.

Idea number 2. Sport - is life!

The second place where you can get acquainted with the rich and beautiful is deservedly occupied on my list sports clubs .

Wealthy representatives strong half mankind's free time is catastrophically small, and therefore they spend it efficiently. I can't imagine the head of the oil company, Arnold Aristarkhovich, in a disco bar over a glass of unfiltered.

Prestigious sports centers, yacht and golf clubs, tennis, swimming pool ... Raising their life to a new quality level, these guys cannot imagine it without physical activity.

And, girls, there is no need to pretend drowning in the pool in order to get acquainted with the most daring "lifeguard" - moderation is the main thing in everything.

Idea number 3. The way to a man's heart lies through ...

I also understood from my intercourse with Google that a rich and successful man is a living being. And he eats sometimes. Typically in good and expensive restaurants... Because successful men want quality service, impeccable presentation, and delicious taste. Not butrik and sausage from a bag.

Surely come in your best outfit and ordering a glass of water is not the best good idea... From the lonely glass on the table and the gaze wandering around the hall, it is immediately clear - the "bait" that came to meet someone. It is unlikely that a worthy man will fall for such a cheap trick.

By the way, especially for you, I have prepared TOP-5 restaurants where rich men dine (look for this information below).

Idea number 4. For those who love sports ... from afar

Theaters, exhibitions and concerts are places where rich men hardly go alone or with friends.

Rather, a man can be dragged there by his wife. And this is not best condition where you can get to know.

And here car racing, horse racing, football matches, boxing and anything steeped in testosterone and money is likely.

I was especially interested in the fact that rich men fly to the matches of their favorite teams in different countries... I wonder how many suitors I missed out on when I thought football was boring?

Idea number 5. A rich man is a kind man

Charity events.

To be honest, I was surprised at how popular charity has become. The wealthy and successful increasingly want to share their wealth with people in need.

I respect this, and such men seem to me the most interesting, I really want to meet them. Therefore, the next charity event is mine!

Rich man - where else are they found?

If you are now a free bird and are just looking for a job - this option, where to get acquainted with the rich and beautiful, is just for you. Load your shotgun of success and kill two birds with one stone!

Expensive shoe and clothing stores, car dealerships, shops sports equipment, luxury beauty salons, class A sports clubs, premium-segment restaurants ... Such professions always require young and energetic ones.

If education and qualifications allow, set the bar higher. Oil companies, large construction firms, banking and legal spheres - a good chance to meet a rich and successful man.

... and you can also look for a man "with money" here:

Trips- an integral part of the life of every person who wants to expand his horizons. A rich man certainly loves to get to know the world. AND !

I’m not hinting at anything, but dozens of travel agencies are regularly looking for tour operators or guides.

Ski resorts, countries of Europe and Asia, America, the best beaches in the world - here every year you can meet thousands of the rich and even famous men who come on vacation with friends. Therefore, there is someone to meet.

... True, there are those who come on vacation with their halves, families and mistresses or lovers. But this is no longer our field of action.

TOP 5 places where rich men dine to meet them

On next morning I made an appointment with the dentist. On the same day I arranged general cleaning in the apartment, threw out half of the closet of things "someday I will wear", rubbed with a scrub and stuffed the refrigerator with vegetables.

Does that surprise you? Explanation to my strange behavior you will find in the next section with recommendations,.

In the meantime, let me return to my previous promise: tell us about 5 Moscow restaurants where you can meet the “prince with money”:

    Who doesn't know this incredible restaurant at the top of Moscow?

    Wealthy cities often come here for a stunning wine list and stunning views. Moscow is clearly visible here, and the dishes melt in your mouth.

    Average check: from 300 thousand rubles.

    La Maree restaurant.

    In this seafood restaurant you can taste various exotic and not particularly reptiles, as well as royal lobsters.

    Expensive, of course.

    Restaurant "Mario".

    Secretly - there is a rumor in the air that the place is popular with the rich and ... criminals! Allegedly criminal authorities and various mafiosi are regulars of Mario.

    Believe that here you can get acquainted with dangerous man, or not - everyone's business.

    The only thing I can say for sure is that it is sooo expensive.

    Megu restaurant.

    Too expensive and very luxurious.

    The probability of meeting a rich man in such a place is almost 100%.

    Soluxe Club restaurant.

    Asian restaurant. Very expensive.

    And if you love petite Chinese men, your soul will have a place to roam. The regulars are mostly businessmen from China, Korea, Japan.

Having decided where I can meet my future groom, I asked myself another question. Frightening with his intrusiveness, he has been hanging over me since the 7th grade.

Then I fell in love with Igor Kladov and spent every day thinking about how to win his heart. "What if he never likes me?" - I was tormented.

Years have passed, but the question remains the same. In search of an answer, I called a council - my unmarried friends.

Already at 21:00, armed with a notebook and a pen, I sipped "Margarita" in the bar at Andryusik, the man of my friend Sonya.

Sonechka always acts as an expert at our meetings. A living confirmation of this is her wonderful and successful husband in business.

"How to interest a wealthy man" flaunted on the top line. And here are the 8 tips we brought out during our "meeting":

    Nonsense - no.

    A rich man will never choose his companion stupid woman... This is the first thing that the girls and I unanimously agreed on.

    It is important that you have a hobby that you enjoy and develop from.

    Explore the difference between Baroque and Gothic, Monet from Van Gogh, Beethoven from Bach. And finally sign up for piano lessons, you have been wanting for so long!

    You may be infinitely smart, but what's the point if a man's ears are bleeding from your screeching?

    Endless research by scientists has shown that low velvet voices are better perceived.

    And find the golden mean in conversation - Sonya had to listen to more than one story about the fishing of her future husband before he proposed to her.

    The body is our temple.

    A rich man is unlikely to want to meet a woman who treats her body without love and shoves fried potatoes with mayonnaise into it. Remember that dimples only adorn the cheeks, not the hips!

    Sports are a must!

    This has an additional plus: you can do joint jogging with a man, and his desire to change position in bed will not result in pinching of the sciatic nerve for you.

    A rich man is not a "bag of money."

    It is important to understand that a rich man has achieved his position through hard work. Respect his money, demand nothing.

    Sonechka paid for herself on her first date with Andryusik.

    Of course, the choice is yours. But looking at them happy couple, I'll take my wallet to my first meeting.

    Show wisdom.

    Do not arrange intellectual debate with a rich man, do not try to suppress him, show your superiority.

    At the very least, any person does not like it if someone tries to humiliate his dignity. And secondly, a worthy man simply won't let you. And again you will remain at the broken trough.

    At the same time, it is not worthwhile to pretend to be silly. Be yourself, speak sincerely, speak boldly and broadly, listen more.

    Health and appearance.

    Don't forget to take care of your appearance. If you have extended eyelashes, but "there are crumbs on your mustache" - you will definitely not get to know a rich man.

    Clean hair, neat manicure, radiant skin and healthy teeth are the foundation.

    Throw away the rhinestones, summer knitted boots and a cap with an embroidered crown from the luxury closet. If for you the word style and "leopard" are on the same plane - we have problems.

    Take care of your health equally. A rash on your skin can indicate a number of diseases, bad smell from the mouth or flatulence - also reduce your chances of meeting a rich man to zero.


    Why are men crazy about Sonya? Yes, because when communicating with her "I want to live," as our mutual friend Makar.

    Laugh more, learn to see the beauty in the little things. Don't complain and don't whine. Ask for help - yes. Whine and take offense at the whole world - never!

    Remember - every day is a holiday. For this we together took a sip of "Margarita".

    No availability.

    We have such a tradition: take a second cocktail and go to intimate topics... Voted unanimously against sex on the first and even the second date.

    Andryusik, who sat next to us, assured: affordable girls rich men are not interested. And Marina told how she did not do the depilation on purpose before the date in order to protect herself from rash acts.

Who knows better "fishy spots" than a charming sexologist and psychologist?

Where to find a rich man in Moscow? - Secrets from Inna Paustovskaya:

After analyzing a bunch of articles, having gathered a consultation of friends + Andryusik, I groped for several answers to the question that dawned on me on that ill-fated Thursday: where to meet a rich man?

Now, with cured teeth and an eye twitching from the diet, I am ready to go to my bright future. I hope I will meet you in one of the "fishy" places for rich suitors ...

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Moscow is the center of concentration of the richest and successful men... That is why the capital attracts girls from different corners countries to find an enviable groom.

Psychologists have long established that the most important thing in fulfilling a dream is correct wording your goal. By sending your thoughts out into the universe about wanting to meet a rich prince, you increase your chances of making them a reality. However, it is not enough to rely only on luck. In achieving the goal, you must make your own efforts. If you want to marry not a poor simpleton, but a respectable and wealthy handsome man, then it is important to look for your happiness in the right places. Where can you meet a rich man in Moscow?

11 "fish" places to find a rich groom in the capital

Having started the hunt for millionaires, be prepared for the fact that this will have to spend a lot of time, effort and money. Remember that even lottery tickets are not distributed free of charge. And to find a noble groom, you will have to spend a decent amount on own appearance, self-education and visiting prestigious places to enter the social circle of the elite of society.

If you want to find a rich boyfriend, then first of all it is important to understand the lifestyle of enviable suitors, to visit those places where representatives of the capital's elite most often spend their free time.

To increase your chances of success, follow a few rules:

  • try to settle in one of the elite districts of the capital, the Moscow region or the Moscow region (Ostozhenka, Patriarshiye Prudy, Arbat, Tverskaya, Rublevka, Barvikha) or more often walk in these places with your friends;
  • visit expensive restaurants;
  • at lunchtime, drop by the cafes located next to the State Duma;
  • visit the lobby bars of prestigious hotels;
  • sign up for an elite fitness club;
  • try to get a job at the Moscow-City business center;
  • stroll through the expensive boutiques located in the center of the capital, including those designed for respectable men;
  • use the services of elite marriage agencies;
  • place your portfolio in the VIP matchmaker database;
  • start a new hobby that wealthy people choose (golf, tennis, collecting rare things, sailing);
  • participate in charity events.

5 tips on where to meet a wealthy man in Moscow

5 tips to help you move to active search worthy man and increase your chances of a good acquaintance.

  1. Girlfriends experience. Ask your friends who are already in relationships with rich gentlemen how they managed to catch " goldfish". Try to get information about where these men are more often and how you can get to know them. Ask wealthy girlfriends to introduce you to promising bachelors from their circle of friends and do not forget to invite you to private parties.
  2. Study gossip to understand the interests of today's rich and where they love to relax. It can be thematic exhibitions, restaurants, closed clubs. Nobody canceled acquaintances at parties, but you have much more chances to successfully meet at extreme driving courses, quests in Moscow, board games clubs.
  3. Useful acquaintances. Wealthy male friends can be your guide to private events, where enviable bachelors often live. You can always ask for a private party, an interesting exhibition.
  4. Business centers. Remember that wealthy men devote most of their time to work or business. Most often, such wealthy suitors "settle" in business centers. That is why you should visit such places as often as possible.
  5. Trainings and courses personal growth... There is a direct relationship between a man's financial condition and the development of a man's intelligence. Rich men are constantly improving themselves and gaining new knowledge. Business trainings - a great opportunity understand how the rich think and be a little closer to them.

Need to reset overweight, visit a beauty salon and learn to be social. For example, it is elegant to expose a leg when leaving the car, to have a casual conversation in society, to eat correctly in a restaurant.

After the initial training has been completed and the lessons learned, places are chosen where acquaintances with the rich will take place. It can be an auto show or a car showroom. A spare parts store will do as well. The main thing is that the prospective groom chooses spare parts for an expensive model. Men believe that they better than women understand technology, so for the first contact you can come up and ask for advice.

Distract in the restaurant rich man from business meeting very difficult, in a nightclub or bar a lonely girl is associated with a "night butterfly", so the most the best solution- find rich at buffets, social parties and similar events. It is worth being smart about getting an invitation, although some organizations often host open parties by appointment. What is so good about such events that there you can introduce yourself first and start a conversation about your experience.

It is clear that you want to be a husband rich, but young man with beautiful figure... And where can you find this? Of course in gyms, on a tennis court, in an equestrian club and similar places. You will have to sweat on the simulators and learn to ride, but what you can't do for your happiness. Acquaintance should begin with a question that cannot be answered briefly, for example, how to use the simulator.

Find rich husband can be at dog shows and other animals. Moreover, usually the pet of such a man belongs to rare and expensive breeds. It is not difficult to start at an exhibition, a man will talk endlessly about his beloved animal.

You can meet on the road, just have your own car. Stopping at the side of the road where there are no pedestrians, you can, for example, deflate the wheel and wait until real gentleman will stop and offer help. And then a few mysterious looks will do their job.

And finally, you can search rich applicant for groom on the Internet on sites. This method is fraught with the risk of running into scammers, but it is still very popular among fair half humanity.


If you are interested in the life of a rich and powerful woman, one way to achieve this is to find a rich husband who will love and adore you. But on this path you will find a lot of tough competition, be able to present yourself beautifully (in good sense) as much as possible: 1. Attend the right parties.

Helpful advice

Finding a rich husband, although the task is quite difficult, it is still possible to complete this task. First you need to understand what potential rich husbands look like. These men are of two types. Such men achieved their wealth, as a rule, through their mental labor or their business qualities... For this type of men, a car is just a means of transportation, so they drive a reliable and respectable foreign car (such as Volvo, Mercedes, Audi, Ford, as well as Japanese cars).


  • how to find a rich husband

Young girls dream of marrying rich man, let him not be a prince on a white horse, the main thing is that the wallet should not only ring, but also rustle. This desire should not be condemned, because everyone has their own priorities and goals. So how do you find a wealthy husband?


First of all, think about: can you meet a rich man using public transport dining in the cafeteria or working as a nurse? The chances are reduced to zero (although there are exceptions). So try to get a good education, for example, to get a job as a translator in an international company in the future.

Men love independent, smart and self-sufficient women... Therefore, try to improve your knowledge, because you must be able to maintain a conversation.

Do not look for your husband on a dating site, in the media, or in other public publications. Yes, no doubt, some wealthy people apply to marriage agencies, but in order to become one of the applicants, you will have to pay a fairly large amount of the fee to the organizers.