Cream for young normal skin. The main mistakes of young skin care. Criteria to help determine a quality product

The largest human organ - the skin needs systematic water supply. Moisturizing makes it supple, smooth, prevents premature wrinkles and wilting.

Fundamentals of the basics

“Recommend a good and budget moisturizer!” - a request that is very often heard by consultants in the cosmetic departments of supermarkets. And even get, you can not instantly. The choice of this “simple” remedy requires knowledge of skin type, age and tendency to allergic reactions.

Dryness and peeling, flabbiness and loss of elasticity are the consequences of insufficient water content in the cells. It is important to drink a large number of liquid, but in this way the moisture content in the cells of the epidermis is unlikely to be replenished. But what cosmetics will really help solve the problem and is it really inexpensive means are in no way inferior to premium analogues. it is easy to find on the shelves, and they will already saturate the skin with the necessary moisture.

Signs of dry skin

How to choose best antiperspirant for women, read at. And to give your loved one confidence in any situation will help.

How to make the right choice

As already noted, Individual selection of a cream for moisturizing depends on several components:

  • the person's age;
  • skin type;
  • general health.

When buying a product, it is better to be based on indicators specific person, exclude the factor - "the cream came up to my friend, so it will suit me."

Hydrant creams belong to the category of basic products. Their job is to bring water to the inland subcutaneous layers, prevent drying of cells, subcutaneous tissue.

Purified water is the basis for keeping the skin in good shape. No moisture nutritional composition will not cope with the problems of wilting and aging. And even more so, you should not count on the help of decorative cosmetics. should also be of good quality.

The saying of the French - "the best cosmetics is the one that is not visible" has not yet been canceled or challenged. Makeup should be the final touch for perfect image well-groomed modern woman. Work on your appearance need constantly, choosing the right means care, following a balanced diet. Yes, most often it is not presented on the market, but this does not mean that it is of poor quality.

Garnier Invigorating hydration

Find out which cream is best for dry skin on hands.

Very dry or dehydrated...

A simple recipe for luxurious curls -.

By skin type and age

Moisturizing creams designed for different categories consumers. They are maximally adapted to age-related changes and skin type.

Creams for moisturizing the face should be appropriate for the type of skin and the age of the person.

Loose, dry skin requires active moisturizing. Such difficult cases it is better to pay attention to pharmacy cosmetics. She works harder. The effect of these drugs is more therapeutic than cosmetic. This is the effect they are trying to achieve.

La Roche-Posay Hydreane Legere

Is not it mayonnaise mask for hair will help restore shine and strength to curls, read.

TOP 9 of the best

The modern cosmetics industry is constantly working on the development of new skin care products. Domestic and foreign firms present moisturizing creams designed for various categories of consumers.

Russian moisturizers meet high quality criteria at lower prices.

We hide imperfections correctly -. And it will help to hide bruises under the eyes.

Vichy Aqualia Thermal

Here is a list of the most effective products:

  1. Cosmetics for moisturizing La Roche-Posay Hydreane Legere- a universal development of a new generation, which is suitable for all ages and skin types. Absorbs well, doesn't leave oily sheen on a surface. There is a hand cream similar in properties.
  2. Vichy Aqualia Thermal. The basis of the creams of the series is the famous French thermal water, which is unique in its properties and effects on the dermis. Moisturizes the skin, eliminates peeling.
  3. Skinniks Hydra Protector. An overnight moisturizer recommended for women aged 25+. Well moisturizes and nourishes. The main disadvantage is the high price.
  4. Garnier Revitalizing Hydration. , very popular with consumers. Famous brand created a good cream-hydrant, which is part of a series of complex facial care.
  5. Uriage AquaPRECIS Recommended for girls over 18 years old. Works well with young skin, softens, relieves peeling, does not leave a greasy sheen. Absorbs quickly.
  6. Clean line - a popular domestic series for face care. Inexpensive, but at the same time quite high-quality drug. Made from natural raw materials, suitable for all ages. It absorbs well and has a light texture.
  7. Deep Restore means not cheap, for those who do not save on themselves. Has a pronounced anti-aging action. Suitable for ladies who need moisturizing for aging skin.
  8. Loreal. Relatively inexpensive, but quite a quality product. The famous company has developed a series of products for complex care. Moisturizer has become one of the representatives of this series. It works well for moisturizing, for an ideal effect on the surface of the dermis, it is advisable to purchase other creams from the general group.
  9. White Mandarin. Actively works with the skin. Counts remedy sold in the pharmacy chain. The disadvantages include its rather high cost.

When choosing a face cream, you must carefully read the composition. Highest value have the first 5 items in the composition. Glycerin, water and chia seeds are some of the leading ingredients if a lady is interested in active hydration.

An expressive look in 5 minutes is easy to create with.

Uriage AquaPRECIS

You will find an overview of the best Maxfactor foundation creams.

Prices and customer reviews

To purchase a cream today, just press a button on your computer and place an order. On the other hand, in a regular store there is an opportunity to smell the product, choose the consistency that you like best.

“Clean Line” - rich hydration

Many women actively use moisturizing cosmetics. All of them agree that hydrants are necessary for skin care:

  • Victoria, 19 years old, Smolensk:“I never thought that a moisturizing cream would help my skin care so well. After using it, the face became softer, more elastic.
  • Ekaterina, 34 years old, Krasnodar:“A light moisturizer saved me in the summer heat. I didn't have much hope at first. positive result, but a friend persuaded me to buy such a cream. I'm glad I agreed to try the cream."
  • Veronika, 29 years old, Moscow:“I have been using facial moisturizers for a long time. They are light, well absorbed, soften the face. Of course, I use an expensive tool, but I don’t want to save on myself.”

Moisturizing creams are necessary to keep the dermis in good condition. The moisture that the drugs deliver inside is needed for the elasticity and youthfulness of the face.

Probably, I will not discover America if I say that today girls are trying to start using cosmetics as early as possible, while, as a rule, they do not focus on their quality at all, preferring bright and “fashionable” cosmetics. Meanwhile, most cosmetologists agree that skin care should be given increased attention from the age of fifteen, while the quality of cosmetics should come first when choosing cosmetics. A frivolous attitude to young skin during this period leads to the appearance of serious problems in the near future.

Up to twenty years old.
From skin care in the period up to twenty years will depend on its condition in adulthood(acne marks, early wrinkles, etc.). Young consider the skin up to twenty-five years. Of course, at the age of twenty-six, wrinkles will not suddenly appear, but it is from this age period that the first signs of aging begin to appear on the skin (elasticity, tone and elasticity decrease, there is a tendency to dryness and flaking, the complexion worsens due to a lack of vitamins, it becomes thin).

Usually, until the age of twenty-five, girls are concerned about the same problems: fat in the T-zone, black spots, clogged pores, acne or acne, which can manifest itself in the form of several pimples before menstruation or extensive lesions, signaling hormonal or other disruptions in the body . It is at this moment that in an attempt to get rid of and make imperceptible pimples, girls make a lot of serious mistakes. Using various mass-market cosmetics, they cause serious harm own skin. Pores clogged with impurities and tonal means do not allow the skin to breathe freely, as a result of which it develops inflammatory process, which can be dealt with not with the help of powder, but with regular and competent care.

It's no secret that acne is the result of puberty, so once it's over, it's likely to go away as quickly as it appeared. However, this process can be quite lengthy, and walking with “such an ornament” on your face is not very pleasant, especially during periods of love and romantic relationships. So how do you take care of problematic young skin?

First, I would like to note that in the care of young skin it is not recommended to get involved in anti-acne creams. Undoubtedly, some positive effect these funds have, however, strongly dry out the skin, as a result of which, after twenty years, it will begin to fade, losing its youth and attractiveness, the first signs of aging (wrinkles, lethargy, decreased tone, deterioration in complexion) may appear on it. Therefore, such cosmetics should be used pointwise, applying a small amount directly to the pimple. Remember, never squeeze a pimple! This can play a cruel joke on you.

Let me remind you that under the care of any skin, including young, they understand cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nutrition. I must say right away that washing with soap is harmful, regardless of the age period. This procedure gradually washes off the protective film, greatly drying out the skin, and it's no secret that it is dry and dehydrated skin that ages early. You need to clean it twice a day (even if you did not use decorative cosmetics), morning and evening, using a special gel (foam, mousse, lotion) for young and matte skin. By the way, it is better if this remedy is without alcohol and soap (dry the skin), with the addition of natural herbal extracts, fruit additives and vitamins. In the presence of acne - use anti-inflammatory agents. After this procedure, the skin needs toning, for which it is recommended to use a refreshing tonic lotion, the action of which regulates the process of sebum secretion. By the way, an excellent means of cleansing dirt and makeup are hydrophilic oils(light oils in combination with water turn into milk).

After toning, young skin needs to be moisturized, for which you should use a cream that suits your face type. normal type practically has no problems, therefore, for day care, the use of a moisturizer is sufficient. Combination young skin is characterized by dryness in the cheeks and oily sheen in the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin). To care for her, you can use two types of cream - one for the dry type, and the other for the oily one, or apply ready-made creams, designed specifically for the combined type of face. As for the care of young and dry skin, it must necessarily include moisturizing (morning and evening) with products intended for this type of face, and nutrition (usually a nourishing cream that is applied in cold and windy weather). Once a week, preferably in winter, instead of a night moisturizer, you can use natural cosmetic oil (apply for an hour, remove excess with a paper towel).

To care for oily skin, you should choose products containing zinc and having a matting effect as a day cream. Such a cream not only relieves it of oily sheen, but also moisturizes, while it is perfect as a base for makeup. Light-based creams, emulsions, gels are ideal for night care, which effectively restore the skin, tighten pores and have a healing effect in the fight against acne.

Depending on the skin in your daily day or night cream you can add a small amount of essential oil.

To remove makeup from the eyes and face for young dry skin, it is better to use nourishing milk, but for owners of oily and problematic skin For removing makeup, alcohol-free lotions are more suitable.

To care for the delicate skin around the eyes, it is necessary to use cosmetics specially designed for this area. Never apply your day or night cream to the eye area.

Black dots especially disturb young skin in the period from thirteen to twenty years. To eliminate them, it is recommended to use steaming masks, scrubs and mild peels. These include creamy products containing scorlumin, pine nuts, fruit extracts and acids (malic or citric). It is effective to prepare homemade scrubs to cleanse young skin, which excludes the possibility of injury. Scrubs and peels this age period you can use it once a week, that's enough. Means gently cleanse the skin of comedones and keratinized particles.

To solve the problem of youthful acne, masks based on cosmetic clay, which can be done once or twice a week, effectively help.

There is an opinion among some cosmetologists that it is better not to use creams at all until the age of twenty. They cause this by the fact that the skin gets used to regular additional hydration and nutrition, as a result of which the production of the necessary amount of fat required to maintain a certain level of moisture in its layers decreases. I believe that in this case you need to consider your feelings. If young skin feels great without a cream, that is, there is no peeling, tightness, dryness, redness or itching, then you can do without it for now. But mostly such cases are observed if the girls do not use the means, and do not carry out procedures that greatly dry out the skin (washing with soap, using alcohol lotions, etc.).

Over the years, when the level of fat produced naturally decreases, the skin becomes drier, as a result of which it needs additional hydration and nutrition. As for the skin around the eyes, care for this thin and delicate area should be started as early as possible (apply special means twice a day).

Today, youth in pursuit of the beautiful and even tan solarium services are often neglected. Of course, the minimum doses of ultraviolet radiation are even beneficial to our skin, they help to dry out inflammation, however, its excessive doses dry out the average salts of the epidermis, which leads to increased work of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, the amount of radiation received by your skin must be strictly monitored.

I will say a few words about decorative cosmetics for young skin. This mainly applies to foundation creams. Most girls make the same mistake, covering inflammation and pimples with a plentiful layer of foundation. It should be recalled that tonal foundations and creams have a dense structure that clogs pores and provokes increased production of sebum. That is why, until the age of twenty, it is better not to use tonal means at all, but to give preference to light powders.

Caution should be taken with other products of the decorative line, which can also clog pores. These include blush and red lipstick. Cosmetologists recommend that young girls replace blush with eyeshadows of suitable shades. As for lip cosmetics, it is naturally necessary to choose products from reputable companies, and not buy dubious glosses at a low price.

Masks for young skin.
At a young age, it is good to make natural fruit and vegetable masks that will saturate the skin with moisture and give a feeling of freshness. masks from fresh cucumber, strawberries, zucchini, in general, from everything that is in your refrigerator in the summer, perfectly refresh, tone and moisturize it.

For oily and problematic young skin, a mask with a degreasing and soothing effect will help. To prepare it, it is necessary to grind to a homogeneous mass a tablespoon of fat-free cottage cheese with three tablespoons of kefir and add a tablespoon of crushed apple pulp of sour varieties. Apply the resulting mass on the face, and wash off after fifteen minutes. boiled water room temperature.

To moisturize the normal skin suit such a mask: beat the yolk of a chicken egg and grease your face with it, wash your face after fifteen minutes warm water. To soften and obtain a refreshing effect, beaten yolk can be rubbed with a tablespoon of cottage cheese, to tone and moisturize, combine beaten yolk with a tablespoon of fat sour cream (preferably rustic), to improve complexion and fortify the skin, effectively add a tablespoon of chopped on a fine grater to whipped yolk carrots. The mixture is also kept on the face for fifteen minutes.

For problematic young skin with excessive work of the sebaceous glands, as well as for the combined type, this mask is good: apply evenly on the face natural yogurt without additives and dyes. To withstand the procedure for fifteen minutes, then wash with warm water. This mask soothes, degreases, moisturizes and tones the skin. You can mix yogurt with sour cream in equal proportions. This mask is effective for any type.

For problematic young skin, apply whipped protein on the face, when the mask dries, rinse with cool water. This procedure perfectly narrows pores, dries up inflammation, and also degreases the skin. To obtain a softening effect, the protein can be ground with sour cream, cottage cheese, or yogurt can be added (one tablespoon per protein).

Cosmetic clay masks are effective for young problematic skin, they narrow enlarged pores, have a matting and anti-inflammatory effect. Mix half a tablespoon of blue or white clay powder with clean water until a creamy (not thick) mass is obtained. Apply the composition for ten to fifteen minutes, then rinse with cool water. Instead of water for diluting clay powder, you can use a decoction of chamomile (a teaspoon of raw materials in a glass of boiling water, boil for five minutes, insist until cool and strain) or milk (for combination skin).

After 20 years.
After the age of twenty, skin hydration should be in the foreground, because it is during this period that the skin begins to gradually dehydrate. This is facilitated by active life or stress. After twenty, girls worry about anything: love, study, work ... All this, of course, affects the condition of the skin: early wrinkles, especially around the eyes, poor complexion, tired look and circles under the eyes. By the way, in addition to careful skin care, it is important to healthy lifestyle life, eat right, play sports, otherwise the effect of skin care will be low.

Green tea is known to be an excellent antioxidant. At this age, it is good to replace the use of coffee or black tea with them. For toning, radiance of the skin and improvement of complexion, it is also good to use creams containing extracts of green tea, ginseng, cornflower, kinkgo biloba. Similar funds are very efficient. They not only serve as an excellent moisturizer, but also eliminate existing inflammation and irritation on the skin.

In our time, when young girls spend a lot of time behind monitor screens that dry out their skin, it is recommended to use thermal water in aerosols in care. Water droplets not only soothe the skin, but also saturate it with minerals, vitamins and trace elements, enhancing the natural resistance. Thermal water is very often included in cosmetic care products. sensitive skin th.

By the age of twenty-two, the problem of acne, as a rule, disappears. Now in skin care you should use products of a different nature. To cleanse it, you should choose products that have a heavier creamy texture. A mild oily scrub, a vitamin mask-film for the face, a clay mask to eliminate secretions of the sebaceous glands and a fruit mask to improve complexion - all this should become mandatory set any girl. During this period, the skin of the face becomes less oily, which is why it is important to choose a high-quality moisturizing cream (day and night), which will also be good as a base for make-up.

Regarding decorative cosmetics, the products should only have high quality, especially tonal means, because they stay on the face throughout the day. In youth, the skin has high elasticity, so the use of "tonal" is not justified, you can get by with a light powder or corrector. After twenty years, preference should be given to light in composition tonal fluids and mousses with a mattifying effect.

Garnier brands are considered good manufacturers of cosmetics for young skin. Clean skin”, L’Oreal, Pure Zone, Greenmama, MIA, Anytime, Clinique hypoallergenic cosmetics and pharmacy brands Uriage, Lierac, Avene, Bioderma and La Roche Posay having huge selection therapeutic non-comedogenic products.

Whether or not to use skin care cosmetics is a purely personal matter. Only, in my opinion, it is better to prevent the occurrence of problems than to try to fix them later.

There is an opinion that the skin of the face at the age of 20 does not need care, you need to pay attention to its condition from the age of 30. This is not true; In order for the skin to look young and beautiful at the age of 30, it is necessary to start taking care of it much earlier.

In addition to cleansing, skin after 20 years needs protection, hydration and nutrition. Face creams cope with these tasks, the choice of which is not an easy task. After all, cosmetics at the age of 20 should be light, inconspicuous, while providing sufficient skin care. It is absolutely unacceptable to use cosmetics for older age category so as not to harm young skin.

The main directions of facial skin care after 20 years

  • cleansing. The skin of the face is cleaned of dust and skin secretions several times a day, using foams, gels, and cleansing creams for this.
  • Protection. In summer, the skin is protected from ultraviolet radiation, in winter - from frost and wind with the help of special creams.
  • Moisturizing. Hydrated skin is six times slower to age, better able to resist negative factors. Well suited for moisturizing creams and thermal water, which can be used several times throughout the day.
  • Food. Nourishing creams are necessary if the skin of the face is dry, reacts sharply to water or UV rays.

It is necessary to be guided by the principle of choosing natural cosmetics that gently care for the skin of the face without overloading it. potent substances such as biostimulants.

Cream selection

When choosing a cream designed for skin care from 20 to 30 years, you first need to determine the type of skin. Often the skin of girls in their 20s is oily or combination, prone to rashes, acne and irritation. Cream for such skin should be on water based, in no case should you use fat-containing products.

If the skin is dry and sensitive, the cream is chosen more saturated, which allows you to retain moisture in the epidermis.

For normal skin choose light moisturizers that can be quickly absorbed.

It is a mistake when choosing a cream after 20 years - the desire to use popular products marked lifting (lifting) and anti-ages (anti-aging). Such cosmetics can lead to the appearance of edema, accelerate the formation of wrinkles. Saturation of young skin with biostimulants and other components leads to the fact that the natural recovery mechanisms in the epidermis stop working, as a result, the skin condition worsens significantly.

It is important to use a day cream during the day, and a night cream at night, due to the different composition, the products are not interchangeable.

The composition of creams from 20 to 30 years

Creams for young skin should contain components that provide gentle care:

  • Vitamin A (retinol) is responsible for the renewal of epidermal cells, accelerates regeneration, gives elasticity, firmness and smoothness to young skin.
  • Vitamin E– accelerates metabolic and recovery processes in cells.
  • Vitamin C- helps the skin fight against negative effects environment, takes part in the production of collagen (this substance is responsible for the elasticity of the skin).

Vitamins A, E and C belong to the group of antioxidants, they are able to fight free radicals - substances that accelerate the aging process of the skin; they are formed as a result of the harmful effects of toxic substances on tissue cells. Without the participation of antioxidants, the body is not able to get rid of excess free radicals.

Vitamin P, added to creams, helps the work of antioxidants, reduces the permeability of small blood vessels.

Also, the composition of creams after 20 years may include the following components:

  • Phytoestrogens- plant compounds of non-steroidal structure. Their use is justified in the presence of acne, oily skin. Phytoestrogens also prevent skin aging.
  • Bioflavonoids- water-soluble natural compounds that can neutralize free radicals.
  • fruit acids- stimulate the production of collagen.
  • Extracts from plants(oats, wheat, seaweed, ivy, grape seeds, aloe, chamomile) - help soften and moisturize the skin, increase its elasticity.
  • Oils: jojoba, olive, grapefruit, tea tree. Oils have antiseptic, softening effects.
  • Dexpanthenol– heals microcracks on dry skin.
  • UV-filters- protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. The degree of protection is determined by the SPF factor - the larger its digital value, the better the skin is protected. Filters are included in all day face creams; if you have to stay in the sun for a long time (for example, on the beach), use special sunscreens.
  • Honey, wax- bee products have a beneficial effect on the condition of skin cells, saturating them with natural nutrients.
  • Salicylic acid- its use is justified in products for oily skin.

Eye cream

The skin around the eyes undergoes age-related changes in the first place; at the age of 20, wrinkles appear due to squinting, a lively display of emotions. Special creams have been created to care for the skin around the eyes, they cannot be replaced by ordinary day or night skin care products.

Eye creams are not divided into day and night, their task is to simultaneously nourish, moisturize and protect the skin. Their texture should be light, allowing the cream to be quickly absorbed. The composition of creams for young skin around the eyes usually includes floral acids, vitamin E, plant extracts (echinacea, soy).

Cream recipes

At home, you can prepare a face cream that is suitable for skin from 20 to 30 years old:

  • Need beeswax, carrot juice, olive oil in a ratio of 1:3:1 and two egg yolks. The wax is melted in a water bath, the ingredients are mixed. The cream is applied at night. Store the cream in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.
  • Cream mask: a tablespoon of fresh rowan berries is crushed into gruel, a tablespoon is added butter, the yolk of one chicken egg, a teaspoon of honey. The components are mixed, the resulting mass is applied to the skin of the face for half an hour. The peculiarity of using the cream-mask: it is not washed off, but removed half an hour after application with a napkin. Such a cream is prepared immediately before use; during storage, it loses its beneficial properties.

Homemade face creams can contain a high concentration of active ingredients, so it is better not to use them for sensitive skin.

Frequent use of homemade face creams is not recommended due to the fact that fixed oils, which are part of them, can cause acne.

Benefits of homemade creams natural composition, availability and low cost, the possibility of individual selection of components depending on the condition of the skin.

Young girls should remember that their skin is naturally beautiful, so it needs to be taken care of and its natural properties preserved. Excessive passion for decorative cosmetics, smoking, alcohol, improper daily routine leave their mark; taking care of the skin of the face is not only the choice of a good cream, but also a healthy lifestyle.

Face creams 25+: what's in the tube?

If you're 25 and haven't started caring for your skin responsibly, now is the time to start doing it! At 35-40 years old, the skin will respond with gratitude. But how to choose adequate care for skin that is still young, but already needs protection and increased attention? "Expert Price" decided to collect opinions in one article professional cosmetologists and ordinary women about the best face creams category 25+.

Criteria for choosing the best face cream from 25 years old

If thrown aside marketing moves and advertising ploys of cosmetic companies, there is only one thing left - efficiency. It does not depend on the brand of the product, nor on its price, but solely on the composition. Let us immediately state that ideal composition, suitable equally for everyone, does not exist, just as there is no super-component that can solve all skin problems at once. However, there are such ingredients (and there are many of them) that cosmetologists recognize as the most effective and beneficial for the skin at 25-30 years old.

Ingredients of a good cream for moisturizing the skin after 25 years

Cream 25+ should provide adequate skin care, give it the necessary nutrition and hydration. For this purpose, look in the cream:

  • allantoin(moisturizes and soothes the skin);
  • b isabolol(softening and anti-inflammatory effect);
  • lactic acid(natural moisturizer and exfoliant);
  • panthenol(moisturizes, regenerates, protects against sun damage);
  • salicylic acid(cleanses pores, fights acne, has an anti-inflammatory effect);
  • vitamins A, C, E and bioflavonoids(antioxidants, reduce the damaging effects of free radicals), sorbitol(increases the effect of other moisturizing ingredients),
  • hyaluronic acid(strong humectant that traps moisture in upper layers epidermis, improving the biomechanical properties of the skin).

In addition to the above components, most cosmetologists pay special attention to retinol(vitamin A) and its analogues, as well as azelaic acid who are considered the best fighters with age-related changes skin. But the use of a cream with such strong ingredients is still better to postpone until the age of 33-40 years.

Sun Protection Ingredients

At any time of the year (including winter and autumn), even young skin needs a cream with a sun protection factor of at least SPF 15. Look for the appropriate label on the product packaging. At the same time, to protect the skin from sun exposure, the right cream should contain at least one (and preferably two) of the following components: zinc oxide, titanium dioxide and avobenzone. An additional plus for the cream is the presence of Mexoryl SX and Tinosorb in it, which neutralize the action of beta rays that are especially harmful to the body (essentially radioactive).

Cream packaging 25+

"Price Expert" considers it necessary to remind you that any cosmetic cream should be ONLY in a bottle with a pump / dispenser or in a tube. Means in jars with a lid, even elite ones and even with special spatulas, should not be taken - they quickly become dirty and become best case ineffective.

The best manufacturers of face creams since 25 years

Speaking of the best manufacturers creams from the age of 25, the concepts of "quality" and "effectiveness" should be separated. How more expensive means, the more it contains expensive components and the better it is - this is a fact. However, is it more efficient? Beauticians unanimously argue that the effectiveness of the cream is determined only by its composition, but not by the brand.

Moreover, if you pay attention and read the information on the packaging of various cosmetics, it will become clear that most of the popular creams belong to just two cosmetic giants - Loreal(brands L'Oreal Paris, Maybelline, Garnier, Vichy, Lancôme, etc.) and Estee Lauder(Bobbi Brown, Clinique, Estée Lauder, La Mer and others). This does not mean at all that all creams of one corporation are the same, but you should not look for a direct relationship between a big name and the effectiveness of a cream.

In addition to those mentioned, creams from Johnson & Johnson (Neutrogina and RoC brands), Beiersdorf (inexpensive Nivea and luxury La Prairie), Proctor & Gamble (Olay) are popular in Russia. For the Russian audience, Russian and Belarusian creams from the companies Kalina, Svoboda, Vitex, Natura Siberica, Green Mama, Bark, Librederm, etc. are relevant. Their price is usually much (sometimes several times) more affordable than luxury brands, the quality is good, but the effectiveness, as mentioned above, is determined solely by the composition of a particular product.

Pharmacy creams stand apart: Nuxe, Vichy, La Roche-Posay, Avene and others. Their average price starts from 1000 rubles, but it is among them that you can find especially successful care for both healthy and problematic skin: oily, dry, allergy-prone, pigmented, etc.

Rating of the best creams 25 +

"Price Expert" offers to evaluate together the characteristics of creams after 25 years from different brands and choose the best ones.

Cream name

Estimated cost, rub.


Avene Hydrance Optimale UV Legere SPF 20

one of best creams complex facial

Face cream La Roche-Posay Anthelios XL 50+

most efficient sunscreen after 25 years

Day face cream Natura Siberica for dry skin "Nutrition and hydration"

a successful analogue of luxury face creams 25+

Clarins UV PLUS HP SPF 40 Day Cream harmful effects environment

effective protective cream after 25 years for life in the metropolis

Hyaluronic Cream Libriderm (Librederm)

excellent moisturizer 25+ for oily and problem skin

Garnier Moisturizing Face Cream Skin Naturals Basic care

the best combination prices and quality among mass-market creams for skin after 25 years

Lumene Sensitive Touch 30ml

successful instant care serum

"Clean Line" Light phyto-cream Cornflower + barberry 50 ml

best budget cream for skin care after 25 years

1. Avene Hydrance Optimale UV Legere SPF 20
one of the best face creams
for skin after 25 years


Average price in Russia: 1000 r.

Good arsenal cream pharmacy cosmetics deserves special attention of those "over 25". Cream Aven on thermal water saturates the skin with moisture, makes it more elastic and resistant to external influences. Combines everything necessary for the skin for 25 qualities: moisturizing, nutrition and protection against premature aging. The result of using Aven is naturally smooth, soft, slightly matte skin on which make-up fits perfectly. For dry skin, there is a richer version of the cream marked Riche (Rish).


  • light texture;
  • instant absorption;
  • SPF 20;
  • tinosorb (screen from beta radiation) in the composition.

Minus: price.

Typical cream reviewsAveneHydranceOptimaleUVLegereSPF 20:

“For combination skin, it is very difficult to find a good face cream, but I found such a cream - this is Aven Hydrans. The cream turned out to be good in everything, from packaging and smell to luxurious care properties.

“Aven Hydrance does not work miracles and has no special effects, but it consistently changes the condition of my facial skin for the better!”

2. Face cream La Roche-Posay "Anthelios XL 50+
most effective sunscreen after 25 years


Average price in Russia: 1000 r.

it pharmacy cream, which is sold in many "serious" pharmacies, where you can even get a free sample of the product. Anthelios XL 50+ is a must have for sensitive skin prone to pigmentation. It has a high SPF factor (SPF 50) and a fairly large PPD factor (PPD 28), which protects against dangerous UVA rays. Effectively fights pigmentation. Unlike most strong sunscreens, it spreads well on the skin, absorbs without leaving residue, and can be used as a make-up base.


  • high level of protection against UVA and UVB radiation;
  • eliminates superficial pigmentation;
  • without perfume fragrances;
  • packaging - tuba.


  • less comfortable on oily skin;
  • relatively high price.

Typical reviews of La Roche-Posay "Anthelios XL 50+" cream:

“The cream literally melts on the face! With everyday use, it does not clog pores, does not leave a greasy shine and is spent very sparingly.

"Used after chemical peeling face when it was necessary to protect the skin from the sun as much as possible. The cream worked great! I left it in my cosmetic bag as a day cream for constant use.

3. Day face cream Natura Siberica for dry skin "Nutrition and hydration"
inexpensive successful analogue of luxury face creams 25+


Average price in Russia: 280 r.

The cream is liked by many owners of dry skin, as it comprehensively solves the issue of nourishing and moisturizing the skin after 25 years and has the necessary sun protection effect at this age. The composition contains hyaluronic acid, titanium dioxide (solar screen) and extracts of Siberian herbs.


Minus: According to reviews, it can clog pores.

Typical reviews of Natura Siberica cream for dry skin "Nutrition and Moisturizing" 50 ml;

“It has a very pleasant texture, it is creamy. Quickly absorbed, well nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Makeup goes on great. I tried to find a replacement for him from the more expensive ones, but I was convinced that Natura Siberica was no worse.

“The cream is slightly oily, but light and absorbs well. For dry 25-year-old skin, this is just a gift - no tightness, just a pleasant feeling of well-groomed, soft skin.

4. Clarins UV PLUS HP SPF 40
the best protective cream for skin after 25 years for life in the metropolis


Average price in Russia: 2000 r.

This tool can be used at any age, but it is from the age of 25 that its use is especially relevant. Ultra-light cream-milk protects the skin from three threats big city: UV rays, free radicals and pollution. Thanks to its strong sunscreen action, it prevents the appearance of age spots and freckles. Depending on the characteristics of the skin, it can be combined with a moisturizer or used alone. Can be used as a make-up base at any time of the year.


  • incredibly light (for a cream with high SPF) texture;
  • mattifies the skin;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • convenient and hygienic packaging - a tube with a spout;
  • very economical.

Minus: price (but with the fantastic cost-effectiveness of the cream, this is not so noticeable).

Typical reviews about day cream Clarins UV Plus HP SPF 40:

“Not all Clarins products suit me, but this cream is just great. He has no flaws! Very light, after absorption is not felt on the skin at all, make-up falls on it perfectly. Well, the sun protection factor is a big plus.

“I use it under a moisturizer, and without, and under the tone, and under the powder - the product is perfect. Perfectly hides enlarged pores: the face looks well-groomed, sleek, as if polished.

5. Hyaluronic cream Libriderm (Librederm)
best moisturizer for oily and problematic skin after 25


Average price in Russia: 370 r.

The Russian cream has a weightless texture and is enriched with effective moisturizing (low molecular weight hyaluronic acid) and nourishing (camelina oil) components. Contains substances that stimulate the production of the skin's own hyaluronic acid. Ideal for oily, clogged skin.


  • relatively affordable price;
  • strong moisturizing effect;
  • suitable for face, neck and décolleté;
  • convenient dispenser.


  • no UV filter;
  • not suitable for dry skin.

Whether a cream is needed for young skin is one of the most controversial issues in modern cosmetology. The opinions of the luminaries of this sphere differ. Some believe that it only clogs pores and accelerates the aging process. Others argue that competent and regular care of the young epidermis will make it possible to prolong its freshness and youth in the future. So which one is right? It's time to find answers to these questions of concern to young people.

Beneficial features

The skin aging process starts differently for everyone. Someone already at the age of 23 has crow's feet in the corners of their eyes, and someone at the age of 35 does not even think about it. anti-aging care. But on average, it is believed that the mechanisms of aging start at the age of 25. And a face cream up to this boundary line is needed only for prevention and daily care. Its main functions:

  • cleansing- purity as a guarantee of the health of young skin, which looks natural and fresh, it will not have acne and comedones, such a cream is good for caring for problematic epidermis under the age of 20;
  • hydration- maintenance of the water balance of cells in the norm and control over the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • food- prevention of beriberi, which entails a deterioration in complexion and the appearance of dryness and;
  • protection- reflection of external attacks to which young facial skin is exposed under the influence of low temperatures in winter and ultraviolet radiation in summer;
  • prevention anti-wrinkle - this is a chance to prevent early aging of the epidermis, and the cream can be directed both against age and against mimic wrinkles.

A cleansing cream is especially useful for young facial skin, since contamination of the pores by decorative cosmetics and atmospheric particles is its biggest problem under the age of 25 years. Other functions of such funds can act as auxiliary from time to time. For example, it is good to take a protective cream with you to the beach, and use a nourishing cream in winter, when the body lacks vitamins. So be sure to pay attention to what kind of problem this or that tool solves.

Interesting fact. As scientists have found out, two main factors influence the rate of aging of the epidermis - heredity and a healthy lifestyle. And if the first cannot be changed, then the second is entirely in the hands of the girls.

We study the composition

So that the cream does not harm the young skin of the face, you should carefully study its composition even before buying. This will allow you to purchase a product that will not clog pores with its heavy consistency and will not provoke early aging of the epidermis. The presence of the following components in such a tool is welcome:

  • bee products (wax or honey) have a cleansing effect, protect and nourish;
  • olive oil is a natural moisturizer;
  • salicylic acid allows you to get rid of such pressing problems as irritation, inflammation, and acne;
  • glycerin moisturizes;
  • yeast and foci of inflammation;
  • essential oils soothe irritations;
  • plant extracts nourish;
  • oatmeal restores metabolism at the cellular level.

If these ingredients appear in the first places in the composition of the cream you have chosen for young skin, you can safely purchase it. Such a tool will be very useful and will take care of the most problematic epidermis as carefully as possible. In addition to the composition, when buying, keep in mind a few more nuances.

For your information. If, despite your young age, your skin literally fades right before your eyes by the evening, be sure to choose a remedy with soothing essential oils: bergamot, cedarwood, chamomile, frankincense, geranium, lavender, patchouli, valerian, lemon balm, sage, neroli, vetiver, basil or jasmine.

Young people take note

Despite this abundance useful properties creams for young skin, yet some cosmetologists warn young girls use them. In fact, this does not mean at all that such funds should be abandoned. Just be mindful of their uses.

  1. It is recommended to choose a cream that does not weigh down young skin with all kinds of lifting and acids.
  2. If you do not feel any special problems with the epidermis, you should not provoke their appearance by intensive use of creams. Until the age of 25, it is not necessary to use them at all if you are the happy owner of healthy, problem-free skin.
  3. We all experience emotions that one way or another are displayed on a beautiful young face. Therefore, it is worthwhile from time to time to resort to creams for young skin against mimic wrinkles, the first of which will begin to appear already by the age of 25 (in particular, crow's feet around the edges of the eyes).
  4. Do not be seduced by moisturizers that can disrupt the natural processes that take place in the cells of the epidermis. This will lead to early fading of the skin. Prioritize nutrition.
  5. For sensitive skin prone to allergies, you will need.

To purchase best cream for young facial skin, which has gained fame on modern market cosmetology, study ratings and reviews. They will help you create an objective picture and determine for yourself the price niche of the product.

Useful advice. Ideally, before you go in search of a good, high-quality cream for young skin, you should visit a beautician. He will determine the type of epidermis, outline the range of problems, prescribe treatment if necessary, and even advise a line of products that will be most effective for you.


The ratings usually include not only the most expensive and branded products, but also creams from the budget series, which, however, collect a lot positive feedback. What exactly you choose from this TOP is up to you. Perhaps the purchase will not be successful the first time. This is not at all a reason for frustration, but an incentive to continue searching. miraculous remedy farther.

  1. The best night cream for young skin is offered by the Swiss company Cellcosmet & Cellmen. The cost is 9,100 rubles.
  2. Advanced Night Repair - the best anti-wrinkle cream for young skin from Estee Lauder(France). On sale is from 3,000 rubles.
  3. Vitality by M VitaminiC Cream by Matis (French quality). The cost is 1,900 rubles.
  4. Mosquetas Elicrisia jeunesse - the best moisturizer for young facial skin from the joint French-Italian company Mosquetas for 1,300 rubles.
  5. Dream from the Korean manufacturer Skin79 at a price of 1,000 rubles.
  6. The secret of perfection is great tone cream for young skin from the French brand Garnier. Price - 200 rubles.
  7. Day mattifying nourishing cream for young skin from Russian company Black Pearl in the program from 25 years. It will cost 150 rubles.
  8. Young Control shine from Nivea from Germany for 150 rubles.
  9. Young - moisturizing from Faberlic for 120 rubles.
  10. Perfect Skin - The best eye cream for young skin from Russian manufacturer, companies Clean line. It will cost you only 60 rubles.

Do you want your young skin to be radiant and just perfect? In this case, it's time to provide her with decent care for your age and take care of prevention. early aging. Choose a cream for her in accordance with the above tips - and most of the problems with the epidermis will stop bothering you.