Dry skin in winter. How to care for oily skin in winter. Daily care for dry skin in winter includes

In winter, the face skin is subject to real stress: low temperatures, burning wind, precipitation - all this annoys and dries the skin. When a woman should remember that the skin care in winter is simply necessary to always look young, fresh and beautiful.

Even if there are no visible reasons for anxiety, it is very important to provide appropriate face care in winter in winter - both men and women:

Fresh air and good sleep cause miracles

If you are well packaged and the skin takes care well, fresh air Provides an additional shining color in winter. Cold cannot harm you. Regardless of, summer or winter, when it comes to the skin, you must come to eight hours of sleep per night. If you fall asleep, you can massage the legs by almond oil. Almond oil It has a calming effect on the whole organism, and you sleep deeper. It improves the skin better and looks better in the morning.

Balanced diet supports your skin from the inside and improves skin tone. Many fast foods damage the skin anyway and thanks to you with an admixture and spots of the skin. We advise you to eat or drink fruits or vegetables every day. Use seasonal fruits and vegetables from their region, they usually have more vitamins.

  • with the oily skin of the face in winter it is recommended to go to cosmetics for normal skinand for the remaining skin types you will need maximum moisturizing agents;
  • all face masks in winter are recommended to do more often than usual: every 2-3 days;
  • take care of the air in the office and houses to be moistened: hang wet fabrics on the batteries or put bowls with water;
  • it is recommended to use special cream For the face in winter, possessing protective function for skin;
  • moisturize yourself not only outside, but also from the inside: increase the consumption of liquid to three liters per day.

Compliance with these universal rules provide necessary care behind the skin of the face in winter all. However, more than the rest suffers in winter time Problem skin, which should be spoken separately.

Mix yourself a cocktail that contains a lot of vitamins in addition to liquid! Help for your delicate skin. Get here tips and help for well-groomed skin Faces with ice in winter! Thus, your skin remains soft and shining beautiful. Transfer from warm house Rapping winter cold requires most of our skin. It must adjust over a few seconds to the temperature difference more than 30 degrees. The reason is enough to help our skin slightly. But why is our skin so sensitive in winter?

How can we optimally protect your face from the cold and from which optimum procedure Face care combined in winter? Have you ever wondered why you are especially prone to dry skin, itching or tense in winter? This is due to the fact that the production of high skin Sala decreases at temperatures above eight degrees. The body applies to the flame of Spar, and the remaining protective fat cannot satisfy the need. The protective coating is fragile. As a result, the skin loses a lot of moisture as a result, leaving its dry air indoors.

Prevention of problem skin in winter

If the skin of the face is problematic, winter is for it - the most heavy period time when all these problems are exacerbated. It is very important to prepare for winter and hold a number preventive events Face care in winter, which will reduce the risk of exacerbation:

  • actively and regularly clean the skin tools on the gel base, in which the pH is elevated;
  • increase consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • constantly use cleansing masks;
  • if necessary, seek help to a dermatologist or experienced cosmetologist for recommendations.

If you prepare the skin for winter in advance, problems during this period will be much less. However, the care of the face in winter does not deliver special hassle.

If it is additionally exposed to cold, the skin is compressed and less perfused. Result: Dry, scaly and itchy leather. If you want to walk through the park in the minusGarden or have fun with young children on playgroundYou must be well protected from cold. With gloves, hats and scarves, we keep our limbs from the cold. The forehead, cheeks and nasal tips are usually not exposed to no weather. Because of their lower blood flow, these body points also tend to be cold.

Caring for the face in minus degrees

In order for the skin of the face to remain soft and soft even in ice temperatures, the optimal behavior procedure is important. Regular use Provides no skin drying. Thus, avoid painful cracks. If the skin is already underlined, it must be supplied with fat and humidity. Therefore, we give her her elasticity back.

"Winter" masks: testimony and contraindications

If you are looking for maximum effective methodHow to protect the skin in winter, use the "winter" masks. They are able to solve many face skin problems:

  • sensitive skin will not be able to do without a mask, since it is this type of skin that the trauma moves the temperature differences;
  • already very dry skin of the face in winter begins to dry and lose moisture even more under the influence of severe frosts and winds, it begins to peel and even crack;
  • fatty skin in winter is lacking for vitamins and nutrition, which can be fill in precisely with masks;
  • problem skin suffering from acne and acnemay be even more inflammable;
  • fading, aging skin becomes even more wrinkles, as a person has been wrinkled with strong gusts wind and precipitation - smooth these mimic wrinkles Masks will help.

A number of restrictive rules are made, which is not recommended for the skin in winter Time:

To protect the face from the cold it is important to use proper product. Not every skin needs the same care. therefore special attention should be given own type Skin. If you are more prone to fat and cooled skin, use the best creams For greater humidity. For dry I. thin skin Saturated fat plan care. Water drops are surrounded by oil. During applying, a layer protecting moisture is formed.

The care of products with too much water should be avoided if the temperature is too cold. Water can freeze in products due to small particles, which leads to damage to the skin as frostbite. Peeling and alcohol facial care are additionally enhanced by dry skin of the face. Therefore, in winter it is worth using it economically.

  • you can not consume a lot of coffee, tea and carbonated water, which contribute to the withdrawal of moisture from the body;
  • you can not apply the cream immediately before going out: it can lead to the supercooling of the skin of the face.

Masks are genuine and effective protection The skin of the face in winter, they do not have contraindications, but able to solve most of the problems arising from the skin in winter.

Provide extra humidity. Use night creams in daytime. More rich in fats and nutrient substancesthan daily creams. That is why they are very well suited for day care for low temperaturesoh. Experiment with the amount used to prevent excessive adipose films on the face.

Our products for the winter

What to look for in the care of faces. If you already have winter in the summer, in the first snow there is only one thing: go to the mountain, ride skiing or snowboarding and down the slope. Unprotected facial leather occurs with motorcycles and crystals thin ice. That's just best defense and best care The face is good enough. But what is the best defense?

Take care of the skin of the face in the cold time

Magic effect of masks on the skin of the face in winter

The mechanism of any mask is determined by the components. At the heart of any winter mask should be at least a few drops of any vegetable oil: Olive, linen or pumpkin. They form a protective barrier for the skin, which will protect it from low temperatures and wind. Auxiliary ingredients can be:

High fat care products are particularly suitable for active winter athletes. If you want to spend free time On the mountain, you must have products with you. Protect your ears and face from home from home with suitable clothes or care products. Creams for cold Protection Protect sensitive sites Skin optimally from external influences.

Lips, nose and cheeks can be immediately protected. Our lips are particularly delicate and gentle. This is because the skin of the lips with several skin layers is very thin. On the one hand, the advantage is because we can thereby be intensely feel kisses, on the other hand, a disadvantage, because the cracked lips can be very painful and unpleasant.

  • banana masks : Provide maximum moisturizing the skin of the face in winter, since the banana is a natural humidifier, which in the composition of the mask using vitamin A will feed dry, irritated from winter winds skin;
  • gelatin masks: gelatin is distinguished by the rejuvenating effect, as part winter masks pulls up diryAn skin, soothes the tired, improves blood circulation, whitens dark spots, smoothes wrinkles, gives the skin elasticity;
  • lemon masks: Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C - natural antioxidant, which in the winter period actively strengthens and cleans the skin, reduces the pores; It is in it that is so needed dry skin of the face in the winter, which requires not only moisturizing, but also food;
  • carrot masks: Carrot tones the skin and improves the complexion;
  • Chamomile masks: Chamomile extract in the composition of winter masks will calm the irritable skin and remove inflammation.

Carefully take advantage of the selection of the recipe for which you will do for your face a mask.

So we enjoyed many advantages gentle lip. In winter, he needs proper care. Lips do not have song hardware, like the rest of our skin. Therefore, they do not have a protective fat film that does not allow them to dry. Therefore, large temperature fluctuations between the rooms with warm, dry heating air and cold cold in the open state are a large load. Special gels for the care of lips facilitate the symptoms of dry lips.

Valuable ingredients help with regeneration and help in preventing inflammation. For special sensitive and painful lips We offer special eye sockets. Olesite eye ointment has a high content of vitamin and is often used in hospitals for the treatment of fragile and cracked lips.

The best recipes for winter masks

A huge amount of masks can help survive another winter skin of your face. We offer only a few most effective and simplest recipes.

For any skin

  • 1. Bananova

A quarter banana to smoke, beat with nutrient cream (teaspoon), lemon juice and olive oil (3 drops). It is especially recommended for those who will dry the skin on her face and hands.

Red cheeks belong to winter as christmas markets and christmas. In the having cold blood circulation, the cheek decreases. If you enter warm roomWe are rewarded with red cheeks. In the case of constantly red-free skin or extended, bluish-red veins in the field of cheeks or nose, however, it is recommended to be careful!

It is also known that if the vessels can not normally hide, it is known that blood overload is known as "Cooperoz". If this condition persists for too long, the fabric can become condensed, and during chronic inflammation Rosacea may complicate the life of the victim.

  • 2. Curd

Degreased cottage cheese (2 teaspoons) stir with tightly brewed tea (teaspoon) and linen Oil (tea spoon).


  • 3. Gelatinova

Gelatin (10 gr) pour cold water, stir, leave for an hour for swelling. After that, the zinc oxide (10 gr) and glycerin (40 gr), heat and cool down in it. Up to the liquid state, a mask can be heated in a water bath. In the mask, wash the gauze and impose on the face.

Household for facial care in winter

So it does not reach it, friendly skin care. special care. Thus, red cheeks remain reserved only for important moments And do not become permanent. Even if they look so cute. Winter also means that you spend the time at home in a good room. Quieter hours for playing, reading and handmade. You can also make your own funds Personal care. If so, we have excellent recipes For you!

You know the problem: in winter, the skin of the face suffers especially often with dryness. Shan glands work on the fin. The difference between the inner and outdoor means stress for the skin. What does she need now? Additional humidity. And there is only one trick to swear by beauty experts.

  • 4. Lemon

Lemon juice (teaspoon) stirring with fat cream (teaspoon) and sour cream (half spoons).

For oily skin

  • 5. Belkova

White protein, mix with lemon juice (teaspoon), finely chopped with lemon crust and bran (2 teaspoons).

For dry skin

  • 6. Herbal

Pharmacy chamomile, plantain and mint mix (one teaspoon), boil, add potato starch (teaspoon). An herbal mask will help those who have an excessive peeling of the skin of the face in winter: it will moisturizes and eliminate the feeling of the depth.

Facial masks are used differently

Instead of a night cream or facial care, a face mask, which usually lasts only 10 to 20 minutes, you can simply wear overnight. But not some, it is obviously a moisturizing mask - no cleansing mask for removing makeup or mask based on alumina. These products will deprive dry skin only moisture.

So you go to the cold season

Of course, there are also specially marked "night" masks. But a new generation has already been created facial masks For the effect "Overnight". They are sufficiently easy to allow the skin to breathe, but contain especially high concentration active ingredients.

  • 7. Apple

Apple juice (teaspoon) stirred with cottage cheese (2 teaspoons), halm egg yolk and camphor oil (tea spoon).


  • 8. Medovo-lemon

Preheated to the liquid state of the honey (teaspoon) mix with lemon juice (40 drops) and white clay (tablespoon).

  • 9. Carrot

Couring carrots (tablespoon) dilute with olive oil (several drops).

It can be natural oils almond or sesame, as well beeswax and shea oil. Plan this new step in your skin care procedure for every second or third day, depending on how much it really is. Every day it may be too useful for your skin. You do not want you to stress. Try three or four times a week. And prefer a thin layer.

What are you waiting to take care of your skin?

This article offers products for dry and dehydrated skin. They are very easy to follow the advice that will help us look great. As soon as summer season It will end, with everything that is required to enjoy the most anticipated season of the year, it is time to refresh our skin and prepare it for winter that we do not forget and destroys our skin.


  • 10. Romashkova

Yolk beaten with olive oil (teaspoon) and chamomile extract (teaspoon). Especially good mask will be if you have the skin on the face in winter under the influence of low temperature or wind.

If you do not help your skin move all the time of the winter period of time, you can prepare for her premature fading and exacerbation of various kinds of problems. But to avoid it all so easily: be beautiful and healthy at any time of the year.

How do we find dry, dehydrated or cracked skin?

The most obvious symptoms of dry and dehydrated skin are the absence of lightness, excessive dryness, peeling, wrinkles and dark spots Due to the long stay in the sun without sufficient prophylaxis.

What are the advice to return it

It's obvious that healthy diet helps to keep the skin with its smoothness and elasticity, but we will give some natural means for dry skin that easy way Let it return to the skin so that we "punished" this brightness and elasticity, which deserve it.

1. Low humidity

In winter, cold dry air on the street and hot indoors takes all the moisture from the skin, from which it becomes overwhelmed and often begins to peel.

How to solve the problem. Increase moisture in the room (at home or in the workplace) with the help of air humidifiers, which make moisture reserves in the skin and hair. Also carry gloves to prevent dryness and crack formation. To fill the lost moisture, moisturize your hands every time you washed your hands and do not apply before going out on the street (so your hands will dwell even more).

How can we "feed" the skin?

Because it is normal that after summer we have dry and dehydrated skin, although it is true and the fact that there are people who have round year. Dry and dehydrated skin is only a reflection of our body. So, if our diet is richer fruit, water, vegetables, legumes and whole grains will look much better.

In many cases, dry skin is not associated with a lack of water, but with indispensable fatty acids. Ask the advice from your herbalist, pharmacy or specialist. If we drink instead of a typical latte green tea Or we pour depuctivative plants, the result will be much better.

2. Hot shower and bath

Usually in winter, we find another use of the bathroom - we become under the shower, we turn on the hot (il very hot) water and warm. If you do that, too, know that by this you dried the skin. The same applies to the adoption of the bath: Too hot water And long adoption of the bath negatively affects the skin condition.

How to solve the problem. We strongly recommend to warm in any other way, but to wash warm water. Take a shower or a bath no more than 10 minutes, then dry and moist the skin while it is still wet. Moisturizing cream acts more efficiently than lotion. If you have a tendency to dry skin, moisturize the skin twice a day during the winter.

3. Dehydration of the body

As a rule, in the summer we drink a lot of water in order to cool and overcome thirst. During the winter, we do not feel thirst, therefore tend to drink less waterAs a consequence leads to dehydration of the skin.

How to solve the problem. Everything is simple - try to drink water! If drinking 1.5 l a day is false, drink the quantity that can.

4. A large number of clothes

Yes, yes, it is the multi-layered clothing in winter affects the state of our skin. Than more clothes, the more friction it carries about the skin. This is especially true of such wardrobe items as stockings and tights. Wool clothes can also cause irritation and dry skin.

If your skin is prone to eczema, do not wear wool products Directly on the naked skin, as it can cause irritation and anclamp.

How to solve the problem. Choose soft, breathable fabrics (for example, cotton) instead of itching woolen fabrics or polyester. Free, not fitting clothing will reduce friction, and will also save you from such a problem as excessive sweating.

5. Excessive cleansing Skin and hair

Frequent bathing or hot shower or bath can deprive your skin protective layer, from which it becomes dry and sensitive.

How to solve the problem.Do not use soap and skin care products containing alcohol. Instead, use soft soap Without fragrances and moisturizing body care products (shower gel, etc.).

When the skin becomes dry, her sebaceous glands do not produce sufficient number Protective film. It makes skin vulnerable before adverse factors. external environment. The absence of a protective film and lack of moisture in cells lead to drying, peeling and rapid aging of the skin. To avoid this, you need to competently care for dry skin. And in order to fight dryness, you must first know the causes of dry skin.

The reasons:

How to care for dry skin:

  • drink up to 2 liters of water per day;
  • wash water room temperature. Eliminate the use of hot or too cold water. Best wash with milk, cream or oil for washing;
  • do not use alcohol-containing lotions that dried the skin;
  • use moisturizing masks several times a week;
  • pick the cream correctly (there should be an inscription on the label "for dry skin");
  • use the air humidifier;
  • do Procedures for Dry Skin.

Today is the most effective procedures For dry skin, faces are:

* Piling. (Mechanical, hardware, chemical) remove dead cells, updated skin covering;

*Collagen masks (tighten, moisturizes and tone the skin);

*Different kinds Facial massage(improve blood circulation, refresh the complexion);

* Mesotherapy

*Biorevitalization (introduction hyaluronic acid by injection, which is distinguished by a moisturizing effect);

* Leaves salon treatments active nutrition and skin moisturizing.