Is the day of delivery counted at discharge. On what day are mother and baby discharged from the hospital? Special requirements for newborn clothing

When discharged from the hospital? In what situations discharge term can be changed? Responsible obstetrician - gynecologist with twenty-five years of experience, candidate medical sciences, Nadezhda Yakovlevna Zhilka, who headed the Department of Motherhood and Childhood of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Being in the maternity hospital (in what terms are discharged)?

An extract from the maternity institution is made under the condition of physiological (normal) childbirth on the 3rd day after childbirth.

Under what complications - the conditions of a woman in labor, a woman is discharged later than 3 days?

Conditions in which childbirth is considered pathological or complicated can be very different. "Holding" the patient in the maternity facility, medical specialists determine the degree of complication, the possibility of treatment in the maternity hospital, or the need for transfer to another medical institution to provide, sometimes, surgical treatment. For example, with heart disease.

Specialists treat complicated childbirth very responsibly, since pregnancy and childbirth are a serious burden on a woman’s body, and many chronic diseases escalate, and the course acute illness proceeds more severely than outside pregnancy, due to a decrease in immunity, the body's defenses, as well as the adaptation of the woman's body after childbirth. In each individual case, the doctor decides how long the treatment will take.

The main complications are the following:

  • Multiple births.
  • Premature birth if the woman is discharged with a live baby.
  • Severe preeclampsia, eclampsia.
  • Childbirth by caesarean section or other operation.
  • Childbirth when using the operation - extraction of the fetus by the pelvic end;
  • Childbirth with the imposition of obstetric forceps;
  • Childbirth with the use of a vacuum extractor;
  • Stillbirth
  • Childbirth with manual separation of the placenta
  • Massive bleeding during childbirth (hemoglobin 80 g/l and below).
  • Cervical rupture III degree, perineal rupture III degree
  • Divergence of the pubic articulation (symphysis).
  • Severe inflammation of the uterus;
  • Postpartum inflammation of the veins or thrombophlebitis
  • Postpartum parametritis
  • Postpartum peritonitis;
  • Infection of the postoperative wound
  • Purulent inflammation of the mammary gland (mastitis)
  • Anemia (hemoglobin up to 80 g / l and below).
  • Childbirth in women with serious diseases that existed before or arose during time of birth with violation of their function (cardiac, respiratory, renal, hepatic, etc.)
  • Heart disease, malformations of the heart, active rheumatic process, persistent forms hypertension(increase blood pressure), persistent hypotonic syndrome (low blood pressure)

What conditions of the newborn are the reason for transfer to the neonatal pathology department?

V modern conditions maternity facility best conditions stay of mother and child after childbirth is cohabitation when they're a minute away from being discharged from maternity hospital do not break up. They should be separated from other postpartum women in an individual ward in accordance with the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated May 10, 2007 No. 234 “On the organization of prevention of internal infections in obstetric hospitals” in order to prevent infectious diseases. Therefore, women, knowing these requirements, can demand such conditions for themselves, absolutely rightly. Although today not all maternity institutions can organize such conditions due to the complex process of restructuring the maternity hospital. They were given the task of a phased transition to the creation of individual delivery rooms and postpartum wards. Today, a pregnant woman herself can choose a maternity institution for herself, having become acquainted with its device, while staying in maternity leave. So, maternity hospitals work in all developed countries of the world: "healthy competition and the struggle for the patient." There are several maternity hospitals in Ukraine where people come to give birth several hundred kilometers away. because healthy child- it healthy start life, which is the duty of parents and medical workers.

  • healthy newborns who cannot stay with their mother due to her complicated health condition

What tests are required and procedures for Rh - conflict?

Examination for Rh - conflict is a very difficult process for understanding a person who does not have medical education. And yet, it is worth talking about it just so that the pregnant woman knows indicative list examinations and was able to “control” the process:

  • study of the woman's life history in order to determine whether there was a blood transfusion without determining the Rh blood, abortions, stillbirths or the birth of children with hemolytic disease, information about the treatment of Rh - conflict in previous pregnancies.
  • determination of the titer of Rh - antibodies (Rh -At) in dynamics with early dates pregnancy. An increase or unstable dynamics of the Rh-At titer indicates an Rh-conflict.
  • carried out during pregnancy, the diagnosis of hemolytic disease of the fetus: ultrasonography gives the possibility of signs of early dropsy of the fetus in Rh - conflict; cardiotocography (recording on the fetal heart rate machine) determines the signs chronic hypoxia (oxygen starvation) fetus; transabdominal amniocentesis (study amniotic fluid) after 26 weeks. pregnancy, depending on the antibody titer, which is determined by the doctor.

Under what conditions is the presence of a child in the children's department mandatory?

The conditions of newborns in which he is placed in the neonatal care and treatment of newborns are as follows:

  • healthy newborns who cannot stay with their mother due to a complicated health condition or infectious diseases ( active form tuberculosis, mental disorders)
  • newborns with diseases that require constant monitoring and intensive treatment.
  • newborns who were born before 34 weeks. pregnant and weighing less than 2000 g.

When can you stop breastfeeding your baby?

General contraindications to breastfeeding by the mother:

  • HIV infection;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • acute mental disorders;
  • treatment with cytostatic, antithyroid drugs (oncological diseases)
  • lymphogranulomatosis.

Temporary contraindications to breastfeeding by the child:

  • Apgar score less than 5 points (at the birth of a child, the condition is assessed on the Apgar scale according to 5 criteria: respiratory activity, heartbeat, skin turgor, skin color and reflex activity. Each criterion is normally estimated at 2 points)
  • the birth of a child before 32 weeks. pregnancy;
  • serious condition child;
  • hemolytic disease;
  • birth injury.

Temporary contraindications to breastfeeding by the mother:

  • severe condition of the mother, associated with surgery or severe complications. When the mother comes out of this state, the woman can breastfeed the baby.

What documents must be issued upon discharge?

Upon discharge from the maternity ward, the following documents must be issued:

  • extract of the patient from the history of childbirth;
  • document ( sick leave for employees or a certificate for non-workers), which indicates temporary disability in case of complicated childbirth;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • Talon 2 "Vidomisti povydny podinku, povydіlennya vіddіlennі vіdіlennі vіdіlennі pro porіdlі" Exchange card (approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 13.02.2006 No. 67 "On confirmation of the forms of primary oblіkovoї documentation in mortgages, scho to give medical assistance to children, parents, and breeders zapovnennya"). Voucher 2 is stored in the "Individual card of the pregnant woman and the puerperal woman;
  • Talon 3 “Vidomisti povydny boudinka, povydіlennya lіkarnі pro neonarodzhenny” Exchange card (approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated February 13, 2006 No. 67 “On confirmation of the forms of the primary oblіkovoї documentation in pledges that provide medical assistance to children, parents, and breeders of backfilling"). Talon 3 is stored in the "History of the development of the child.

Which of them are required for LCD, children's clinic?

  • Talon 2 "Vidomisti povydny podinku, povydіlennya vіddіlennі vіdіlennі vіdіlennі pro porіdlі" Exchange card (approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 13.02.2006 No. 67 "On confirmation of the forms of primary oblіkovoї documentation in mortgages, scho to give medical assistance to children, parents, and breeders backfilling"). Issued for transfer to the antenatal clinic. .Talon 2 is saved in the “Individual card of the pregnant woman and the puerperal woman;
  • Talon 3 “Vidomisti povydny boudinka, povydіlennya lіkarnі pro neonarodzhenny” Exchange card (approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated February 13, 2006 No. 67 “On confirmation of the forms of the primary oblіkovoї documentation in pledges that provide medical assistance to children, parents, and breeders of backfilling"). Issued for transfer to the children's clinic. Talon 3 is stored in the "History of the development of the child.

The birth of a child is a whole event in the life of a woman and her family. She carries the baby under her heart for nine months, waiting for the day of birth to come. But unfortunately, this day is not always happy. Many suffer terrible torment or complications before the long-awaited event. But everything ends someday, and then the day of childbirth comes, the baby is born, and all the suffering suffered by the mother seems insignificant in comparison with the happiness of holding her child in her arms. And now she can only think about how everything would be fine with him, and they would be sent home as soon as possible. What day are you discharged from the hospital? It depends on how the birth went and how the baby and his mother feel. Now let's take a closer look at this issue.

What day are you discharged from the hospital? Necessary investigations before sending patients home

At normal course childbirth registration of an extract from the maternity hospital is standard. Mom and the newborn are released already on the fourth, in extreme cases - on the fifth day. During this time, the child must be vaccinated against tuberculosis (BCG). Yes, in many European countries, doctors refused to vaccinate infants. But in countries where TB is already in the epidemic stage, vaccination is the only way child protection. For example, in Ukraine, the death rate from tuberculosis is growing every year. To date, more people die from this disease than from cancer and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, when mothers do not want to be vaccinated with BCG, they better think carefully about the consequences that their refusal may lead to. However, this is a topic for a completely different article. So, after the child has been vaccinated, on the fourth day it is necessary to take blood for comprehensive examination baby. This study allows you to identify congenital diseases and other pathologies that can lead to disability in the future.

Your child will also need to have a hearing test to check for hearing loss. early stages and start correcting them. At the request of a woman, it can also be discharged after vaccination - on the third day, and the rest mandatory procedures it can be done privately - independently - in any children's clinic. But as practice shows, in the first weeks after discharge, a complete turmoil begins, and many simply forget to do this. And remember when it's too late. After all, these examinations are carried out precisely because in the first days of a child’s birth, that work on eliminating problems begins immediately, when irreversible consequences can still be prevented. Therefore, doctors strongly advise to be discharged after all necessary examinations. A couple of days won't change much for you, but it can save your child's life.

How is the preparation for discharge going?

On what day they are discharged from the hospital in the normal postpartum state of the mother and child, we have already decided. Now let's talk about another topic. How is an extract from the hospital processed?

Several experts inform the woman about the discharge. This is a gynecologist, pediatrician and midwife. All this happens on the morning tour. Already on the same day, after 12 o’clock, everything is processed Required documents, and relatives can take the long-awaited child and his mother. But if any of the doctors believes that it is too early to send patients home for any reason, then the discharge is postponed for the required period. Also, many newly-made parents are interested in the question: "Are they discharged from the hospital on weekends?" Here everything is decided on an individual basis and in each hospital in different ways. And yet, are they discharged from the hospital on weekends? If the bypass is carried out on Saturday and Sunday, then nothing can interfere with the discharge. In the case when doctors come only to weekdays, sending home on weekends or holidays is out of the question.

What documents are issued for a child?

For a pediatrician who will observe a newborn, the following is issued:

1. birth certificate. This is a document that is started even when mom gets registered with antenatal clinic and continues throughout pregnancy. Upon admission to the maternity hospital, a woman gives it along with her medical card. Upon discharge, it is returned to her, but not in full, but only a coupon. She will have to take it to the pediatrician at the place of residence or give it to the nurse on her first visit to the house. According to the certificate, a child under one year old will spend all necessary procedures and surveys.

2. Statement of health of the newborn. It contains all the information about the child:

Name, surname of the mother of the baby;

Date of his birth;

How the pregnancy proceeded (if there were complications, they must be indicated in the extract);

How did the birth go?

Data on vaccination and examinations that were carried out by the baby in the maternity hospital;

Whether the woman is breastfeeding the baby or the newborn is breastfeeding;

Recorded data on weight, head circumference, chest.

Documents for the registry office and antenatal clinic

For bodies of registration of acts civil status a certificate is issued with a note about the birth of the baby and the surname and name of the mother. This document must be taken to the registry office in order to issue a birth certificate for the child.

Within three days after discharge from the maternity hospital, the woman must take her outpatient card to the consultation, which is returned to her at the maternity hospital, and an extract with notes about her state of health after childbirth.

Why might a checkout be delayed?

But not everything is so wonderful. In case there were difficult childbirth The release is delayed for a number of reasons. Then doctors examine patients more carefully. The week after giving birth is the most important period in a baby's life. He is under constant medical supervision. It also happens that the child is placed in an incubator and not brought to the mother. Since any contact with outside world can be dangerous for a newborn.

If a caesarean was done, when will they let you go home?

Difficult childbirth can adversely affect the health of not only the newborn, but also his mother. Therefore, in such cases, doctors do not allow patients to be discharged home during the first week.

If a woman had a caesarean section, then she will be discharged from the hospital no earlier than on the seventh or ninth day. It all depends on how the stitches will heal and how she will feel in general, how quickly her body will recover. Even if everything is fine with the baby’s health, he is waiting for mommy to get better. Then they will go home together. It also happens that the mother quickly returns to normal, and she can be discharged, but the child still needs to be under the supervision of doctors. Then she is discharged, and the newborn is transferred to children's department to a hospital or left in an incubator at the maternity hospital.

When are women who bleed to be discharged?

How long is discharged from the hospital after childbirth in the event that the woman in labor has opened slight bleeding Or did you have to carry out additional scraping? Doctors leave the woman in the hospital for a few more days. This is to make sure that the bleeding has stopped and there is no infection, etc. When profuse bleeding anemia may occur. A blood transfusion may be needed. Then the mother is left for that period until hemoglobin returns to normal. Also in mild case forms of anemia, doctors may prescribe a course of iron-containing drugs.

It is also very important to ensure that the woman in labor does not develop inflammatory processes. Then a course of antibacterial drugs is prescribed, and in cases of complications, it can be carried out surgical intervention. Even after childbirth, the level of protein in the urine may increase in a woman - this will lead to edema different kind, which also delays discharge from the hospital.

If you have problems with your baby...

As for newborns, they, like mommy, are constantly monitored by doctors. And if the baby is diagnosed physiological jaundice, which happens quite often, then the child is in the hospital until complete recovery. They may even give him a blood transfusion or put him under artificial light. In cases where the baby experienced oxygen starvation at birth, he may experience a malfunction nervous system, and until the doctors are convinced that there is no danger, he will be in the maternity hospital under constant supervision. Infectious diseases require a course of antibiotics.

You also need to take into account such a moment that the baby may be born underdeveloped or premature. This happens in cases premature birth when the fetus has not had time to fully form. The child all the time until he gains required weight will be under medical supervision.

Baby weight

So, even if the baby is healthy, but not gaining weight, he will not be discharged until the body weight returns to normal.

So with what weight are newborns discharged from the hospital? In general, the weight loss of a baby after birth is normal phenomenon. Each charmed already on the fifth day loses up to seven percent of its mass. But then he picks them up quickly. But in any case, at the time of discharge, the child should not weigh less than two kilograms.

Released in summer or autumn. What things are needed?

When the dangers for the mother and her child have passed, and their health is normal, the doctors examine both and begin to prepare for discharge. Its procedure in case of complications is the same as for normal course postpartum period.

Now mommy is starting to have pleasant chores. Beyond all collected documents, with it there should be things necessary for the newborn.

If you are discharged during the warm season, you must have a diaper with you, a bodysuit from cotton fabric(vest with sliders), light socks, and you can put a thin cap on your head. And you can put the baby in light summer an envelope or wrapped in a diaper. In autumn or spring, a jumpsuit is added to the outfit and warm cap, insulated envelope or blanket.

Hooray! We are being discharged! What are the things you need in winter?

What do you need to be discharged from the hospital in winter? If you are picked up on a frosty day, you need to make sure that the baby is well wrapped up. Be sure to put a diaper on the baby, then a warm bodysuit or sliders with a vest.

And what else do you need to be discharged from the hospital in winter? From above, put on an already warmer flannel jumpsuit. And up - winter. You will also need a wool hat. The child's hands must be covered, and after that it is necessary to put him in a warm winter envelope. In severe frost, the baby's face should be covered with a cape.

Meeting from the hospital

How are they met from the hospital? An extract can be a standard sample, or it can be solemn. The procedure itself takes no more than half an hour. Paramedics escort the mother and child to the changing room. First of all, a woman puts herself in order. Then he starts dressing the baby. Nurse mom should help with this and show how to do it right.

If desired, you can order video or photography of the process of preparation for discharge. After that, the newly-made mother and the nurse with the child in her arms go to the hall, where relatives are already waiting for them. Here they are met by the father of the baby, to whom the nurse hands over the child. Further, the celebration takes place depending on how someone prepared.

Interesting ideas for mother and child meeting

How are they met from the hospital? Often, happy daddies don’t know how to thank their wife for born child, and begin to show indefatigable imagination. For example, they order a limousine to the entrance of the maternity hospital (unless, of course, finances allow) and fill it up with flowers. Or they decorate an apartment with all sorts of posters and balloons. Some young fathers, to their taste, while the wife was in the hospital, equip the baby's nursery in an original way.

Many dads, in joy, decorate the threshold of the maternity hospital with flowers, balls, and in general everything that comes to mind. Also, in front of the maternity hospital, you can lay out flowers, if the season and finances allow, a huge heart. You can write words of gratitude for your son or daughter with balloons. Be sure to order a cameraman who will film it all. He will do it professionally, taking into account all the nuances. Entrusting such an important mission to relatives, you run the risk of being left without good memories.

In addition, in gratitude for the birth of an heir (or daughter - it doesn’t matter), dad can give his wife a gold ring or other jewelry. In any case, no matter how you meet your loved ones from the hospital, be sure to make sure that it is safe for the baby.


Now you know what day they are discharged from the hospital. We also talked about what is needed for mom and baby. And they indicated what documents are issued upon discharge. We hope that the information provided in the article was useful to you.

Discharge from the maternity hospital is an important, exciting, long-awaited event. Mom has already recovered a little after a difficult test, the baby is slowly adapting to life outside the womb. To go home, they both need to be ready for this. So, we will find out when it is customary to discharge a woman in labor from the hospital, and why sometimes the discharge is delayed.

About the release date

The term for discharge from the hospital usually depends on the condition of the baby and his mother, the method of delivery and the absence of complications in childbirth. If they went well, the baby and mother are healthy, then usually you can go home on the 3rd day after the birth of the crumbs. When a woman gave birth with caesarean section, then she is discharged home on the 7-9th day after birth. It all depends on the rate of recovery of the body, the course postoperative period, healing of seams.

During the period of a woman’s stay in the maternity hospital, she and the baby are observed by an obstetrician-gynecologist and a neonatologist, that is pediatrician. If she has complications after childbirth, then the baby and mother are left in a medical institution until she recovers. And when, on the contrary, she is healthy, but the baby needs additional examination or treatment in a hospital, then she is discharged. The child is left in a specialized children's department.

About observation of obstetricians

The specialist evaluates the general well-being of the woman, how her uterus contracts, the nature of lochia ( postpartum discharge). He also watches how the stitches heal, examines the woman's mammary glands for cracks, inflammation.

Before discharge, the doctor refers the patient to ultrasound diagnostics internal reproductive organs. Yes, not all maternity hospitals do this today. But in most clinics, such a study is carried out for women after natural childbirth and caesarean section. It is ultrasound that makes it possible to make sure that part of the placenta does not remain in the uterus of the woman in labor, that there are no blood clots there.

And even before discharge from the maternity hospital, the doctor prescribes to the patient general analysis blood. It allows you to identify anemia, inflammation and assess the general condition of the newly-made mother. Urinalysis is prescribed in order to exclude ailments urinary system or gestosis. If, according to the results of the examination and analyzes, there are no obstacles to discharge, then the woman recovers home.

What delays discharge from the hospital? Deviations in childbirth and in the postpartum period. For example, suturing the perineum, cervix. In this case, the discharge is carried out 4-5 days after the birth, if the doctor believes that the patient still needs to be observed. When the gaps were minor, they heal well, then the standard discharge time of the woman in labor does not change.

On the 5-7th day, she is lowered home when there was bleeding in childbirth, a manual separation of the placenta was performed. Sometimes, after the birth of the baby, a woman develops inflammatory processes, for example, endometritis, or the scar does not heal well after a cesarean section. In such cases, antibiotic therapy is mandatory, and often surgical intervention.

About monitoring pediatricians

Neonatologist examines daily cord remnant the baby, his skin, evaluates the urination of the crumbs, stool, muscle tone and reflexes.

The baby is taking a blood sample to check for congenital diseases: phenylketonuria, galactosemia, hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis and adrenogenital syndrome. Before discharge, the baby is given the first vaccination against hepatitis B and tuberculosis.

The following conditions lead to a delay in the discharge of a newborn:

  1. Weight loss. Its decrease is considered normal on the 3rd-4th day of life, when it does not exceed 6-8% of the indicator with which the baby was born. If the loss is greater, then the neonatologist looks for the cause, and then discharges the baby.
  2. Pronounced jaundice. For treatment, infusion therapy, phototherapy is carried out.
  3. Prematurity of the child. Such a baby is prone to a large loss of weight, heat and needs to be placed in an incubator for nursing.
  4. Nervous system disorders. They may be due to hypoxia.
  5. Infectious diseases. Skin infection, identified cytomegalovirus require a course of antibacterial, antiviral therapy.

All of the above are rare exceptions to the rule. Most of the births in women observed during the gestation period in the antenatal clinic proceed favorably, which means that they are discharged from the maternity hospital without delay.

That very happy day has come - your discharge from the hospital - accept our congratulations! As a rule, in recent weeks or even in recent pregnancies any future mommy, although he is incredibly worried and even somewhat afraid of the upcoming labor activity, after all, she is also looking forward to that very soon-to-be meeting with her baby.

And after quite successful delivery and after meeting her baby, the woman begins to wait just as patiently for that happy moment when discharge from the hospital can come and when the woman can afford to return home with her baby.

So, in fact, we approached the question of interest to many women, when exactly should an extract from the maternity hospital take place, and in fact, what indicators usually become a sufficient basis for this discharge?

Standard discharge from the hospital: the usual terms for her

We note right away that the timing of discharge of a woman with a child from the maternity hospital, as a rule, depends on many factors:

  1. From the method of her delivery.
  2. From the state of health of the baby as well as the mother herself.
  3. From the absence of any serious complications arising after childbirth.

The final decision on the possibility of discharge, as a rule, is made by two doctors - this is always the one who monitors the condition of the woman in labor and the pediatrician (more precisely, the neonatologist) who monitors the baby's health, and such final decision only after the next examination of the mother and her child. Moreover, we note that in the event that the state of health of the baby does not allow timely discharge from the hospital, which usually happens in the near future, then the doctors themselves may well discharge the mother, but only without the baby, since in this case the baby has to be left under strict the supervision of doctors.

But if for some reason a timely discharge is not supposed to be given to the mother herself, for example, due to the state of her health, then the baby is forced to stay with her mother in the maternity hospital until she fully recovers. So usually, if your birth went on your own and at the same time passed without any serious complications, if both the mother and her newborn baby feel normal or at least satisfactory, then the standard discharge from the maternity hospital occurs directly on the third or maximum on the fifth day after how the baby was born.

However, if your delivery was carried out with some complications or by caesarean section, then you will probably need a little more long time for complete recovery - this is a time ranging from seven to ten days. As a rule, this period of time is necessary for the partial recovery of the body of the woman herself, and for correct processing and also the primary healing of existing sutures. Of course, it will take place at home and this process can take quite a while. for a long time. But the most important thing is that they will still let you go home, because at home, as they say, even walls heal.

Standard discharge from the hospital: a general examination of the mother and her baby

As you understand, an extract from the maternity hospital will be clearly allowed to you only after the woman in labor is examined by her leading gynecologist, and the newborn baby, respectively, by a pediatric neonatologist. Typically, such an examination always takes place in the morning, when all the laboratories are working and, accordingly, you can easily get everything necessary tests confirming your health.

And, of course, if the results of such an examination are positive and practically nothing prevents a young mother and her child from allowing a standard discharge, then the actual discharge is made, and already right in the afternoon.

So usually mothers with babies begin to be discharged immediately after two in the afternoon. The main criteria for the readiness of a woman in labor for discharge are considered to be: positive results after ultrasound diagnosis of the pelvic organs, positive results of blood tests and urine tests. Normal for this time, as well as normal amount, normal smell and normal color discharge of a woman from the vagina, well-established lactation. Moreover, it may not be fully installed, but this, of course, does not prevent the standard extract. Usually, full recovery lactation will occur already at home, the most important thing that doctors check is that milk is at least a little released from the mother's breast.

Further normalization full lactation- it's a matter of time and sucking labors of your baby. Examinations of the baby will be able to tell about the fact that for discharge and for a full-fledged meeting with the whole world around him outside the maternity hospital. And this: his general well-being (it is important that the baby does not sob constantly and uncontrollably), normal condition his skin, his baby's umbilical cord without any signs of infection, absolutely normal stool crumbs and the same normal full urination.

In addition, doctors always check the beginning normal increase in the weight of the baby and the decline is quite typical for babies, or rather for their postpartum period or erythema. And, besides, even before being discharged from the maternity hospital, your baby will have to receive all the vaccinations that are so necessary and mandatory in our country, again, if he does not have any excuses for such.

Standard extract from the hospital: all the documents you need

A standard extract from a maternity hospital, as a rule, involves the issuance of strictly defined documents to a woman who has given birth. So, usually a woman is given a special extract, and a general conclusion about the real state of health of the mother herself. It is important to remember - subsequently, the woman in labor in without fail will have to transfer such an extract with a conclusion about the real state of her health to the same medical institution, where the woman in labor was actually observed during the entire period of her pregnancy. Further, the young mother will receive one more conclusion with the actual information available about general condition her baby's health.

Again, it must be remembered that this conclusion about the state of health of the crumbs should be transferred by the woman directly to the children's clinic, as a rule, at the place of residence. By the way, ideally it should be, and it happens almost everywhere, that this conclusion is transferred to the children's clinic, regardless of the woman in labor.

And, as a rule, upon receipt this opinion literally on the first or second day of a young mother's stay with her child at home, their children's doctor or at least a nurse should definitely come to visit them from the maternity hospital to the children's clinic. This is necessary to meet and receive new recommendations for mommy regarding proper care for the baby. We go further, also when discharged from the maternity hospital, a woman is also given a certificate of the birth of her child. Moreover, this certificate has a form strictly defined by our legislation.

This certificate contains information about the exact time and, of course, about exact date the birth of your baby, it also always indicates the gender of the baby, and the last name, first name, patronymic of the midwife who was on the shift who took these births. It is important to know that it is this certificate that cannot be lost in any case. Since it is this certificate that you will need for the subsequent receipt in the district department of civil records (or in the registry office) of your baby’s birth certificate and, accordingly, for obtaining the law adopted lump sum for the birth of a child. A young mother receives all the above documents directly at the nurse's post or in the doctor's office, but sometimes it also happens that doctors can give you the papers "separately": let's say the obstetrician will give his part of the extracts, but strictly his own.

Standard discharge from the maternity hospital: general preparation and final meeting with relatives

As a rule, the exact time of the meeting of the woman in labor is clearly indicated by the maternity hospital itself, of course, having previously agreed with the woman in labor. Moreover, quite a lot of women can be discharged on the same day, and therefore sometimes a whole queue can form in maternity hospitals, when exactly 20 or 25 minutes are allocated for each specific discharge. Further, when your relatives and friends come to meet a young mother with a child from the maternity hospital, they will have to report this directly to the "post of information or transfers."

And, of course, at the same time, the staff will definitely inform the woman herself that her relatives are already waiting for her, and therefore, she will only have to go out and take the baby out to meet her loved ones. As you understand, collect all your things, and it is better to prepare for such a long-awaited meeting in advance. This is necessary in order not to make your own, and even other people's relatives, wait too long and no matter what to detain the doctors themselves, who, believe me, will also be waiting for your discharge. Although, of course, no one will really limit the time for your fees.

Your baby will need to be dressed strictly according to the season, and usually women use an elegant or solemn envelope for such an extract, and indeed it is perfect for such an occasion. After all, the baby, too, like his mother, will have to appear before his relatives in all its glory, you see, this is his very first birthday. But if we talk about the clothes in which mom herself will be discharged, then she should definitely take it with her in advance, say at the stage general fees v maternity hospital. You ask what to do if the birth began completely suddenly, and the woman arrived at the maternity hospital, as they say in what she was at home at that very moment? We answer that it’s definitely nothing to worry about in this case, all the necessary things for the subsequent discharge can be brought to her by the same relatives the day before.

Further, when both the young mother and her baby are fully dressed, and things are also fully assembled, the woman herself with the baby simply goes out to her greeters. Moreover, as a rule, according to our traditions, it is the nurse who always hands over the baby to the hands of relatives. Note that one of the latest newfangled trends has become the so-called solemn meeting the woman in labor and her baby. Often this ceremony is arranged as widely as a wedding, with video or photography. It must be said that in the case when this important point If the parents themselves want to capture on film in this way, then they will be able to arrange such a shooting with one of the really numerous companies that offer such services. Moreover, you will be able to advise a company offering such services right there in the maternity hospital.

And the last thing that expectant mothers so often ask about. Is it permissible and possible to allow free visits to relatives literally on the same day when a young mother and baby were discharged from the maternity hospital? According to doctors, it is possible, although with a caveat if such a visit is not too long and tiring for both. In fact, it is desirable that such visits of relatives do not last longer than 30 minutes. And, of course, as you understand, at the same time, absolutely all guests, without any exceptions, will strictly observe the standard rules of personal hygiene, be healthy and avoid too close direct contact with the newborn himself.

To your attention, dear readers, video site beautiful extract from the Novokuibyshev maternity hospital:

Finally, all the anxieties and worries of the whole nine months are over, and happy parents they solemnly hand over the most expensive, small and wonderful bundle ... Festive fuss, and then - the first days with a new, tiny and beloved family member.

In the hassle and getting used to the new order in the house, there is not always time to carefully understand the meaning of each of the whole pile of papers issued in the maternity hospital. Meanwhile, the execution of various documents is a considerable and very important part of the worries that have arisen after the birth of a baby.
What should be given to the mother upon discharge, and what is each of the documents intended for?

  1. Exchange card: a page about the mother's health, a page with information about the newborn.
  2. Two coupons from the birth certificate.
  3. Certificate of birth of a child.

Exchange card

Yes, yes, the same card that accompanied future mother several months. Only now all the information about the course of pregnancy, which has been accumulating for so long, remains in the maternity hospital. And only the last sections remain in the map.

Information about the mother (exchange card of the woman in labor)

One of the sections is devoted to childbirth from the moment a woman enters the maternity hospital. All basic data is entered here:

  • date and time of admission to the hospital,
  • date and time of birth,
  • method (spontaneous or by caesarean section),
  • drugs and medications used
  • features of the postpartum period,
  • date of issue.

This sheet will need to be taken to the antenatal clinic- within two weeks after discharge, women are strongly recommended to visit there for an appointment!

Information about the child (exchange card of the child)

Another section contains the first information about the newborn. And, imagine, there are already a lot of them! This includes:

  • the state of the child at birth, Apgar score;
  • his condition at discharge;
  • weight, height, head circumference, chest;
  • blood type;
  • marks on vaccinations, if any, on tests;
  • about procedures and drugs, if the child received them;
  • knowledge of audio screening (hearing test),
  • examination by a neonatologist;
  • the first recommendations - for example, the need for consultations of narrow specialists.

This page needs to be submitted. to the children's clinic. Perhaps the pediatrician will take it with patronage visit in the first weeks, or the mother will bring it to the first appointment when the baby is one month old.

birth certificate

This document, which the pregnant woman received at the antenatal clinic and had to present before the birth, will also partially remain in the maternity hospital. You will be given only two coupons in your hands, on their basis during the first year of the child’s life at the local children's clinic examinations will be free of charge: ultrasound internal organs, ECG, examination by a pediatrician, neurologist, ophthalmologist, surgeon, necessary tests.

birth certificate

A very important document that gives grounds to receive your child's main document for the coming years - a birth certificate, after which it will be possible to apply for a childbirth allowance.
The birth certificate states:

  • date and time of his birth;
  • surname, name and patronymic of mother,
  • the number of the hospital where the baby was born;
  • the name of the obstetrician.
  • Check: the certificate must be signed by the doctor who took delivery, it must have the stamp of the maternity hospital!

Attention! The certificate is only valid for one month! Her need submit to the registry office, along with parents' passports and marriage certificate.