Child 3 years old wants. There are two reasons for this behavior. years is an important stage

Physical development... The weight of a girl or boy at 3 years is more than 4 times the body weight healthy newborn... The opinion about the specific weight of a child at 3 years old - the norm may vary. So, when asked how much a boy should weigh at 3 years old, domestic pediatricians answer - from 13 to 17.4 kilograms. In turn, when it comes to how much a girl should weigh three years, the range is slightly reduced - 12.5-17 kilograms.

By the age of three, children have already formed a complete set of milk teeth of 20 pieces.

By various reasons the formation of the milk dentition on the upper and lower jaw may lag behind. This delay is normal and may be due to various factors, including genetic (especially influenced by the genetics of the mother).

The boy's foot size at 3 years is about 16 centimeters.

In turn, the size of a girl's feet at 3 years old can and should be similar.

Daily regime... The daily routine of a three-year-old baby contributes to his development, education, good health... After all, this:

  1. Makes internal organs child's body work properly.
  2. Increases immunity, strengthens nervous systemprotecting it from stress.
  3. Simplifies and speeds up.
  4. Organizes the child.

If your child sleeps when he wants and only eats when he is hungry, it's time to change that. And here's how:

  1. Introduce the regimen gradually. Take your time, do not demand to follow the rules if your son or daughter is in a bad mood.
  2. Make sure all key activities are done at the same time every day (getting up, eating, swimming, resting at night).
  3. Eliminate nighttime meals. Dinner is enough for a three-year-old child so as not to feel hunger until the morning.


Here's what a three-year-old can already do:

  • Walks on tiptoe, runs on uneven ground, can stand or bounce on one leg.
  • Knows how to alternate legs when going up or down stairs. Can also use the staircase.
  • Jumps over obstacles, crawls under them.
  • Throws and catches objects.
  • Paint. A three-year-old can draw an object from a circle, sticks and lines on paper or cardboard. He knows what he is drawing and can explain it to his parents.
  • Your kid confidently uses plasticine, dough or modeling clay, tears off individual pieces, makes balls or "cakes", rolls sausages, glues and joins parts.
  • Create applications. From the cut geometric shapes, together with you the child will be able to "fold" the house, tree, person. He knows how to distribute elements on the background and glue them.
  • Sing, dance, recite poetry. Children of 3 years old like music. They move to the rhythm, easily memorize melodies, learn the first simple poems.

Your baby knows at least 4 main colors of the palette, he will be able to find them in the picture, among colored pencils or watercolor paints... A three-year-old child distinguishes between sizes and shapes, knows how to feel them and manage these characteristics. So, your children know well how to assemble a pyramid in the required sequence and a simple constructor with large blocks.

Of those 1200-1500 words that a child should know at three years old, the baby uses no more than half. But, using this stock, he can make complex detailed sentences. Children of this age know how to correctly build sentences and phrases using all the simple parts of speech. Although the word order in these sentences may be out of order. Often in the stories there is a logical chain, a link between cause and effect. A three-year-old knows prepositions and uses them correctly in conversation.

The speech of a child at 3 years old should normally be sufficiently developed for dialogue, independent monologues, role-playing games... At this age, your baby will be able to:

  • Tell about yourself. Give the name, gender and answer how old he is (say in words and show on fingers).
  • Compose correct sentences of 3-5 words minimum. They will be with pronoun, verb, noun and adjective (the presence of grammatical errors is a natural phenomenon).
  • "Reduce" the word with the suffix (dog - dog), make the noun an adjective and change the form in general.
  • Use prefixes (come, leave, call in), synonyms.
  • Use generalizing words in conversation (dog + cat \u003d animals, jacket + trousers \u003d clothes).
  • Correctly pronounce almost all sounds except for complex ones ("w - w", "z - s", "h - w", "p", "l").

At this age, the child is curious. He asks a lot, is interested, tries to figure out the essence. Having received the answer to his questions, the baby quickly and easily remembers new information. Receiving questions in response, he is ready to think and reason. Children develop associative and logical thinking... He knows how to find a pair of an object on a certain basis, he can come up with an antonym.

If a child at 3 years old has the correct development, he knows some letters and numbers, he counts to three. He can show the number of fingers corresponding to the named number and his age. Your little one already knows the names of animals, trees, cars, fruits and vegetables. Children in age three years familiar with body parts, seasons, natural phenomena.


Your child is already three years old and, most likely, the baby will go to kindergarten... Don't think that you will have a lot of free time right away. - the most difficult one. Rarely, when children go to the garden immediately and enjoy. Most often, the adaptation period is very tearful and nervous. Prepare for it in advance. Customize yourself and customize your child. And you are not given decoctions of herbs with a sedative effect: lemon balm, mint, motherwort.

If you decide to go to work after maternity leave, be prepared for the fact that the first time your child visits kindergarten will affect your ability to work - frequent sick leaves are possible. If there is a grandmother who will help in this case, do not refuse her help.

And, of course, don't forget about own health... Preventive visits to the gynecologist are very important.

What is the condition of your hair and teeth? Maybe it's time to take a vitamin course?

Joint weekdays

About the crisis of three years... Parents of three-year-olds are worried about another age crisis... What is a three-year crisis? This is the time when independence begins to awaken in children for the first time, and they experience new sensations, desires and needs. Frequent tantrums at child of three years are associated with the fact that he opposes himself to his parents and wants to do something to spite them, show his character and show that he is also an adult person.

According to psychologists, this period time you just need to endure, because after a few months, constant tantrums in 3 year old child pass.

Parents will need help and attention to the baby, as well as compliance simple rules behavior:

  1. Be adequate to the fact that three year old child arranges tantrums. Do not be offended and do not be angry with the baby, in any case do not show aggression. A sincere desire to help him overcome this difficult period for him is necessary.
  2. Stay calm. If your 3-year-old is throwing tantrums, do not react the same way. No need to break the stubbornness of the kid. If he doesn't want - well, don't. If he likes to cry, let him cry. Most children, not seeing a response from their parents, simply calm down.
  3. Allow your child to be independent, be more flexible. Let him try to make his own decisions. But in no case indulge the baby in every little thing.

About adaptation to kindergarten... Not all children go to nurseries. Most often, kids start going to kindergarten from the age of three. To make the adaptation period as smooth as possible, parents are encouraged to tell from the summer how it is good and interesting in the garden. Show children playing there. Prepare food for the baby to be fed in the garden. To bring the child's regime closer to what he will be in kindergarten.

What should you teach your child... Let him already learn how to use a handkerchief, take off and put on shoes with an adhesive fastener or short laces.

Teach your child safety rules: do not talk to strangers, do not run away from parents, do not hide from kindergarten teachers, do not take anything from strangers.

Pay attention to the child's speech. If your baby speaks faster than necessary, repeats individual sounds and syllables of the whole word, pulls them for a long time ("mmmmmama", "cuckoo") - this indicates stuttering. Sign up for a consultation with a speech therapist and neurologist. Engage articulatory gymnastics, develop speech breathing.

Be sure to take action when you notice that your child:

  • Does not remember simple text, does not understand the text when read aloud, cannot link words to retell it.
  • Does not hear soft sounds, does not recognize their direction and source.
  • Turns the TV volume up.
  • In the presence of such symptoms, the causes of speech delay in a 3-year-old child may be associated with hearing impairment. Visit a pediatric therapist, psychiatrist and psychologist, neuropathologist and speech therapist.

If physiological and psychological reasons there is no lag in speech development, create situations in which the baby cannot be silent. Ask which of the two dishes he wants for lunch, whether he will go to the store with his dad, draw or sculpt. Nods, sounds and monosyllabic words are better than silence.

Give your child a handset when calling people he knows. Your baby will willingly talk to his grandmother on the phone, even if he is used to keeping silent during live communication.

Constantly discuss everything you see around you. On the way home, talk to your child about trees, passers-by, cars. Let not immediately, but over time he will be involved in the conversation.

Develop the mobility of the tongue, like muscles, do exercises to develop breathing, work with the setting of intonation, speech volume, correct stress.

By the age of three, children become quite independent, they want to learn everything and visit everywhere. This is the age of "explorers", they cannot be alone for long. ? The main thing that you need is to give an idea to the child.

To-do list

  • Start preparing your child mentally for kindergarten. Parents need to be calmer about this themselves and not show their child their excitement. After receiving a voucher to kindergarten, buy everything you need: sets of clothes, stickers with the name and surname of the child (so that things do not get lost), shoes for play and sports.
  • Before visiting kindergarten, there is a "quest" - medical board ... The lesson is tedious, since there are many specialists (you will find out the list in the clinic). So that the child is not tired, "break" the passage of the medical examination for 2-3 days.
  • Upgrade children's toys. At this age, kids are very fond of logic fun.
  • It's time to start visiting the different sections (sports, developmental).


For three-year-old children, vaccinations, according to National calendar vaccinations do not. An exception is if, due to various circumstances, you missed previously required ones.

And once a year the Mantoux test is done. Remember that three days after the test, the injection site should not be wet and rubbed.

Three years is the first transition period in the lives of your children. A defenseless fragile baby is already becoming, albeit a smaller, but a copy of an adult. In order to independently monitor the progress in physical, psychological, intellectual and creative growth at this stage, parents must know the norms for the development of a child at three years old. And today's material will help you get acquainted with them.

What a 3-year-old child should know

Your kid crosses the line of three years with a sufficiently voluminous baggage of knowledge. He knows at least 4 main colors of the palette, he will be able to find them in the drawing, among colored pencils or watercolors. A three-year-old child distinguishes between sizes and shapes, knows how to feel them and manage these characteristics. So, your children know well how to assemble a pyramid in the required sequence and a simple constructor with large blocks.
Of those 1200-1500 words that a child should know at three years old, the baby uses no more than half. But, using this stock, he can make complex detailed sentences. Children of this age know how to correctly build sentences and phrases using all the simple parts of speech. Although the word order in these sentences may be out of order. Often in their stories there is a logical chain, a cause-effect connection. A three-year-old knows prepositions and uses them correctly in conversation.
At this age, the child is curious. He asks a lot, is interested, tries to figure out the essence. Having received the answer to his questions, the baby quickly and easily remembers new information. Receiving questions in response, he is ready to think and reason. Children develop associative and logical thinking. He knows how to find a pair of an object on a certain basis, he can come up with an antonym.

If a child at 3 years old has the correct development, he knows some letters and numbers, he counts to three. He can show the number of fingers corresponding to the named number and his age. Your little one already knows the names of animals, trees, cars, fruits and vegetables. Children aged three are familiar with body parts, seasons, natural phenomena.

Growing up is not complete without the development of social skills. The child knows the names of mom, dad, grandparents, he can answer the question "What is your name?", "What is your surname?" The kid is familiar with elementary standards and the rules of conduct adopted in your family, in kindergarten, in any other environment where he spends most of the time.

What a 3-year-old child should be able to do

The skills of a three-year-old baby provide for complete independence of movement. At this age, your child:

  • Walks on tiptoe, runs on uneven ground, can stand or bounce on one leg.
  • Knows how to alternate legs when going up or down stairs. Can also use the staircase.
  • Jumps over obstacles, crawls under them.
  • Throws and catches objects.

Until the age of 5 years, children develop in the same way, regardless of gender. Everything that a boy should be able to do at 3 years old should be learned by your daughter, including physical and sports skills.
Sanitary and hygienic skills are mastered by the onset of the third year in full. This includes choosing and changing clothes, using a handkerchief, removing and putting on shoes with adhesive fasteners or short laces, washing, brushing your teeth. The kid understands the simple laws of etiquette: he sits at the table on an "adult chair", takes food on his own, wipes his mouth with a napkin. He understands that one cannot walk around the house in dirty shoes, does not go without clothes in front of strangers, for example, after waking up.
The creative skills of a child at 3 years old include the ability to:

  • Paint. A three-year-old can draw an object from a circle, sticks and lines on paper or cardboard. He knows what he is drawing and can explain it to his parents.
  • Sculpt. Your kid confidently uses plasticine, dough or modeling clay, tears off individual pieces, makes balls or "cakes", rolls sausages, glues and joins parts.
  • Create applications. The child will be able to "fold" a house, a tree, a person from the cut out geometric shapes. He knows how to distribute elements on the background and glue them.
  • Sing, dance, recite poetry. Children of 3 years old like music. They move to the rhythm, easily memorize melodies, learn the first simple poems.

In this article:

At three years and three months, a child's development allows him to master riding a tricycle without the help of adults. In addition, at this age, children independently know how to ride a swing, slide down a sled from small slides. They show great interest in their peers, exchange toys with pleasure, play joint games.

Babies at three years and three months still find it difficult to perform several activities at the same time. At the same time, children are distinguished by courage and even despair: almost all three-year-olds are not afraid of water, heights, they gladly take risks if they feel the support of an adult. Three-year-olds are very energetic, they run a lot, dance, jump, play with a ball with pleasure.

Features of the cognitive development of a three-year-old

At three years and three months, the baby knows several basic colors, and also tries to identify some of the shades. If you ask the baby to find this or that color in the picture, he will do it with enthusiasm.

Babies at three years and three months demonstrate an active cognitive development... They play with in-ear toys, putting smaller ones into bigger ones,
play with the pyramid, collecting it in the right order - by the colors of the rings or by size.

At this age, the development of the child can be accelerated by choosing games for him based on flat geometric shapes, for example, a trapezoid, a circle, a square, a triangle. Children at three years and three months already know how to distinguish them from each other, moreover, they will be able to orient themselves in the configuration volumetric figuresselecting, for example, suitable holes for them.

How else is the cognitive development of a child expressed after three years? Here are his main skills in this area:

  • the child is able, while playing, to identify geometric shapes by touch and name them;
  • collects a pyramid from more than 10 rings;
  • folds a mosaic according to a pattern or pattern;
  • knows how to name large, small objects, giving a name to what is between them - "middle";
  • puts together simple puzzles from several parts;
  • remembers the place where the toy was hidden by the adults and points to it;
  • imitates writing and reading by adults;
  • completes the missing details in the drawings;
  • draws geometric shapes;
  • draws author's pictures, explaining what is depicted on them;
  • sculpts simple shapes;
  • makes simple applications according to templates.

After three years, children show a keen interest in role-playing, enjoying playing the roles of adults, such as mom, dad or caregiver. During the game, kids fantasize, come up with rules, actively use objects and substitute toys.

Features of the social and emotional development of the baby

At three years and three months, the social and emotional development of the child switches to new level... It is very important for a baby to feel the support and approval of adults during this period. Children try to be more independent and independent, they are not afraid to take initiative,
are genuinely upset if things don't work out as intended, and pride themselves when things go as planned.

The feeling of dominance over peers is especially pronounced at this age. It is very important for babies after three years to prove to themselves and to adults that they are the best, regardless of whether it is a competition in a race with the same babies or climbing a gymnastic ladder.

The three-year-old is curious and shows interest in everything that surrounds him. Interesting that long-term memory crumbs are based on experienced impressions, the shelf life of which can exceed a year or a half.

One of the achievements of the child fourth year life is about controlling emotions. In crowded places, the child already knows how to restrain screams and tantrums, tries to follow the rules of behavior, listens to the requests of adults and tries to fulfill them.

The baby's disobedience is manifested in the case of a deliberate limitation of his desires, as well as a lack of understanding by adults of what he wants to convey to them. The child insists on his own and is genuinely upset if he is punished or scolded.

Acting, in his opinion, is bad, the child suffers from shame and remorse. He knows that he did something wrong, and already foresees the negative reaction of adults to his act. Also, kids are able to evaluate the actions and behavior of other children, judging them or encouraging them.

At this age, it is normal for babies to show a variety of emotions, ranging from jealousy to anger or joy. The kid already knows how to apply in practice
non-verbal communication methods, uses facial expressions, gestures, postures and expressive movements.

It is also noteworthy that at three years and three months the baby understands humor perfectly, listens with pleasure to fairy tales, songs, stories, experiences the emotions of the main characters, showing a desire to discuss their actions with adults.

At three years and three months, babies are especially emotionally responsive, respond positively to singing and music, try to dance, observing the rhythm, clap their hands to the beat of the music and stamp their feet. Children give preference to fun music, bright pictures... Kids are interested in drawing and modeling, they just love outdoor games.

How does a child's speech develop?

At three years and three months, babies already speak confidently enough, in their active vocabulary there are many new words that they use when communicating, as well as to express feelings, desires, impressions.

In speech three year old child simple, grammatically correct sentences prevail. In some cases subordinate clauses begin to appear in it. Very often the child comments on his own actions.

At three years and three months, the child's speech development is accompanied by the improvement of his oral literacy. The crumb already changes words in cases and numbers, knows interrogative words, replenishes adjectives and adverbs, and uses prepositions. The child listens to adults, remembers and repeats whole phrases from songs, fairy tales and poems, tries to pronounce sounds and words as correctly as possible.

At the same age, children develop a desire to rhyme. They are happy to come up with rhymes, invent their own children's words, incomprehensible to adults, and monitor the reaction of others to them. Kids willingly enter into dialogue with both adults and children, name animals, insects, objects and phenomena in pictures, give them simple descriptions.

Very often, at the age of three, parents decide to send their babies to kindergartens, believing that they are sufficiently strong and their psycho-emotional development allows them to communicate with peers and caregivers without the presence of their parents. Nevertheless, not all children, even at three years and three months, are ready to enter kindergarten. The development of each baby is individual, therefore, before making such a decision, it does not hurt to consult a pediatrician.

After three years, the child's active physical development continues, which is expressed in a change in the proportions of his body, an improvement physical qualities... The baby is stretched out in growth, becomes more coordinated, fast and resilient. He does a lot, and most importantly, he practically never gets tired, trying to be constantly on the move.

In order for the development of the crumbs to proceed correctly, parents must take care of the organization for him correct regime days, preferably from daytime sleep or at least rest.

If you plan to enroll a child in a kindergarten, then you need to try to bring the home routine of the day as close as possible to the garden one. The baby will need to wake up no later than eight in the morning, feed him breakfast no later than nine, go for walks with him twice a day, be sure to teach him to be independent in respect of hygiene rules, if adults have been responsible for this so far.

It will be useful to take a walk with the baby near the kindergarten where it will be decorated, to get acquainted with the teacher, the children. Such simple actions help the child prepare for admission to kindergarten, and his subsequent adaptation will be quick and painless.

Read in this article:

Children fill their parents' lives with special meaning and new colors. Raising and raising a child correctly - that's the main taskstanding in front of mom and dad. The child, surrounded by love and care, grows by leaps and bounds and does not notice how many sleepless nights parents spend at his cradle, how they worry about each, even small sore and the temperature rise, how many times a day the sheets and sliders are washed. It is especially hard for mothers in the first 2 years, when they almost always have to be with their children.

But, finally, the moment comes when three candles are put on the cake on the birthday of a son or daughter. Can parents breathe a sigh of relief when their child turns 3 years old? What should be child education and development at this age, and how can parents and their children overcome the new difficulties they will inevitably face at this time?

On the features of subject and play activities

Psychologists call 3 years of age the first stage of growing up a baby, at this time he realizes his place in the world. At the age of 3, children also have their first separation from their parents, since the kindergarten opens the doors for them. It would seem that the life of moms and dads should become easier, because they will have more free time. This is true, however, at the age of 3, a child suffers from another crisis, which causes many problems for everyone. Parents should be prepared in advance for this phenomenon and know how to cope with it. The development of children under 3 years of age continues with noticeable intensity. What skills and abilities in the emotional, everyday, game and speech spheres should be formed in babies during this period?

For children 2-3 years old great importance have items. Toddlers are very fond of touching different things, feeling them, folding and collecting, which is good for the development of motor skills. But if in early age they mastered only single subjects and did not understand the connections or differences between them, then at 3 years old children already realize this. They can sense the difference between flat and three-dimensional geometric shapes and can identify them by touch, select at the request of adults, compare with a drawing, and even name them. Correct objective development is that children 3 years old are able to compare things by size (choose a larger or smaller object), add pyramids from them, determine the texture of things (softness or hardness). At three years old, babies can match about 7 colors according to a sample, they already know some colors.

Children at this time draw with pleasure, but they visual activity has its own characteristics. Now, not just scribbles appear on sheets of paper, but the same ovals, circles, rectangles. Child normal development can not just paint over an object in a coloring book or add some missing detail, he already knows how to draw in a drawing simple items according to their own design (rain, clouds, sun). The love for drawing is so great that at the age of three, kids cover the walls of the room and pieces of furniture with their "masterpieces". Even children of 3 years old begin to master modeling: they roll out plasticine or clay in their hands, connect the flagella into rings, and can mold a ball.

By the age of 3, babies already have the prerequisites for playing, which will become their main occupation until the age of 7. Features: game development consist in the fact that the guys first start building houses, cars, fences from cubes according to the model or according to the existing drawings, and then they attract other geometric figures (trapezoid, triangle) to the construction game. At the same time, development begins role play, that is, children try on the roles of a driver, mom, dad, doctor. They can invent and execute game rules ("Direct") or imitate the actions of their peers. Instead of some things, kids 3 years old easily use other objects (substitutes) in the game, for example, a finger instead of a comb.

How to develop the baby's motor skills and motor activity?

During play activities and manipulation of objects is developing fine motor skills in children. Especially in this regard, all kinds of feeling with the right and left handles of objects or rolling pencils with palms are good. To develop motor skills, you can spend drawing games with children at the age of 3, for example, race to circle geometric objects with them, draw tangled lines of mazes. It is also good to use any available material in the house: buttons, cereals, peas. From it, you can lay out various figures and even insects with children: butterflies, caterpillars. To improve motor skills, you can teach kids to shift peas or matches from one container to another with two different fingers alternately: pinky and large, medium and large. Correct development motor skills - a guarantee that the child will learn to write, draw faster, and hold small objects well in his hands.

At the age of three, kids have already learned to walk, run, jump up and in length on their own, so you can teach them to master and more complex actions... At this age, they should be shown ball games - let them try to throw it, catch it, kick it with their legs and arms. Motor development is that you can start teaching children to swim (naturally, with the support of an adult) and ride a tricycle. In winter, you should try to put your little son or daughter on skis or skates. Thanks to such actions, motor skills and child development will occur faster and more efficiently.

About the development of memory and speech of a 3-year-old man

At the age of 3, the baby is developing memory, so it is important at this time not to miss the moment and give him the opportunity to absorb many things. The most significant phenomenon, along with memorizing the names of objects, is learning numbers, letters with the baby, folding letters first into syllables, and then into the simplest words. Children of 3 years old easily and simply memorize fairy tales, learn rhymes and songs.

Essential element child development speech is, it needs to be constantly enriched with new concepts, to teach the child to build phrases correctly. At three years old, a child must know his first and last name, show his age on his fingers, know the names of body parts of people, animals, birds, compare them and understand what they are intended for (legs walk, eyes look). Should know what gender it belongs to, name people by gender and age (girl, grandmother, uncle). A 3-year-old kid knows how to name dishes, furniture, clothes from pictures and live.

Features: speech development a child at three years old is that he is able to speak in phrases and simple sentences with the correct endings, gender and number of words.

He asks parents cognitive questions, can conduct a dialogue with them. The kid knows how to finish off unfinished sentences, answers questions from adults and is able to retell a fairy tale from a picture that he heard several times. At 3 years of age, a child can maintain a long-term interest in the listening story and in the conversations of the parents. While playing, he begins to accompany the actions of the dolls with speech and gradually begins to call himself not Petya, Misha, Masha, but the pronoun of the first person.

Emotions of three year olds and babies

The emotional development of a child at the age of 3 enters a new phase. He does not just cry or laugh - the baby begins to experience such feelings as fear, shame, shyness, jealousy, slyness. He already knows how to restrain his emotions, for example, he does not shout uselessly in crowded places, he listens to the requests of adults. During this period, the child likes to be praised, and he also understands whether he did well or badly. The kid begins to be upset because of his failures and rejoices at his small successes.

Emotional empathy develops fairytale heroes or cartoon characters. A 3-year-old child is already able to realize and understand the state of the people around him, can imitate them. He remembers good and bad adults and behaves with them in different ways: boldly, kindly or shyly, with fear. The child begins to express his feelings with gestures, facial expressions and glances.

A few words about the crisis of 3 years

Towards the age of 3, parents begin to notice that their child has become nervous and irritable. It refuses food and favorite toys, does not want to obey elders and fulfill their requests. Many adults are frightened by such phenomena, believing that the development of the baby is giving some kind of failure. In fact, the child is going through a crisis for 3 years. This process is usual and necessary, since upon its completion a new phase of life will begin for the baby, he will overcome the first stage of development. The crisis of 3 years is associated with the beginning of the child's realization that he is an independent being, and not part of a mother. That is why the baby is so abruptly trying to free himself from her care and do what he wants. The child needs his parents to ask his opinion, he wants to become independent, but does not yet know how. Therefore, he conflicts with loved ones, realizing that without them he will not be able to do everything he wants.

What should parents do at this time? First of all, do not scold the baby, do not take offense at him and not forcefully persuade him to do something. Better to approach the parenting process more gently. For example, asking a child for advice, giving him adult objects (old watches, ballpoint pen). If he does not want to do something, it is necessary to perform this action with his toy, then he will repeat the process and join him (for example, feeding or washing). The scope of children's rights should be skillfully expanded, but also their responsibilities should be reminded. The main rule of this period of development is that the baby should not become parents, but friends. But do not go too far, otherwise in the future the son or daughter will twist ropes from adults.

How to prepare a child for kindergarten?

For several years, the kid will attend kindergarten. Already in advance it is worth accustoming him to this event. First of all, he must have special skills, such as undressing and dressing independently, washing hands, drying them with a towel, making light requests, using a napkin and handkerchief, holding a spoon, regulating his physiological needs. The child should know and say in the right situations the words of greeting, gratitude and goodbye.

It is important to teach your baby to communicate with peers and the ability to play with them. A painful moment for a child is separation from his mother. Therefore, you need to accustom him to it gradually and at first leave the baby in the garden for several hours, so as not to injure his psyche. Proper parenting and the development of the child is a guarantee that in the future he will be able to become independent, responsible for his actions, able to be friends, love and respect people around him.

What should a child be able to do at 3 years old? What games will help him develop? We learn about speech and physiological characteristics baby 3 years old.

Features of the development of a child 2-3 years old

At 2 years old, a child is interested in learning this world himself - most children at this age are already running and using it with might and main. And by the age of 3, the coordination of movements is improving: children are able to independently climb stairs, jump.

Runbikes and scooters develop coordination of movements and the ability to keep balance. Any physical activity, including gymnastics, is useful for the development of the child.

Child 3 years old: educational games

A three-year-old child is fluent enough (fine finger movements). This allows him to draw with felt-tip pens, crayons and paints, sculpt simple figures from plasticine. He likes to paint coloring pages and collect large jigsaw puzzles from the picture. A 3-year-old child also develops analytical abilities characteristic of this age:

  • determination of the shapes of objects: circle, square, triangle, oval;
  • knowledge of colors (8 primary colors) and the ability to distinguish them from each other;
  • the ability to distinguish between the right and left sides;
  • the ability to determine and compare the sizes of objects based on at least one feature (color, shape, purpose): it is good to add a pyramid or a tower of cubes.

Sensory development of children 2-3 years old

In order for a child to develop fully at 3 years old, this process must be multifaceted. Attention must be paid to the physical and intellectual development, which includes touch.

Sensory development of children 2-3 years old is the formation of systems of vision, hearing, smell, touch and taste in babies. At the age of two and three, it is very important not to waste time, since this is the peak of childhood development, when the crumbs literally grab everything on the fly.

How to develop sensory skills at 2-3 years of age? First of all, do it in game form... For example: to teach a child to add a picture from geometric shapes - as in the picture. Or find objects that resemble geometric shapes known to your baby.

Sensory development is very important for children - it promotes mindfulness, concentration, tactile sensitivity and imaginative thinking.

Options for educational games for children for analytical skills

  • Invite your baby to look closely at 4 objects and find two identical among them.
  • Offer to compare different subjects in size (largest, smallest) and other characteristics.
  • "Who lives in which house?" or “Who has what kind of mothers?”: a dog in a kennel, a bird in a cage, a hare in a hole, etc. Any of the variants of this educational game for children is based on the child's ability to find a connection between phenomena and objects, combining them according to certain criteria.
  • Ask your child to tell you what he sees in the picture.

All children, with the exception of newborns, enjoy watching cartoons. But you need to limit the viewing time to 2 hours a day. Cartoons for children 3 years old should be educational.

Start any educational game for children with a simple task, then gradually complicate it, thereby maintaining the child's interest.

Development of speech in children of 3 years old

A sharp spasmodic development of the speech of children in the period between 2 and 3 summer age leads to the fact that vocabulary the child expands significantly, speech becomes coherent and consistent. But it still needs to be encouraged by asking questions, asking again if something is not clear, and listening carefully.

The emotional, patient participation of adults is important in the development of speech. Because the opposite behavior on their part can lead to complications.

One of the reasons for stuttering in children is due to the fact that the child is just learning to build complex sentences, speaks slowly, gets confused. If an adult listens inattentively, interrupts and rushes, stuttering may develop.

Speech development of children 3-4 years old

  • asks a lot of questions: "why" wakes up in him;
  • builds sentences with a verb, noun, adjective and preposition;
  • masters the concepts: vegetables, clothes, animals, etc .;
  • able to learn short poems and songs;
  • owns the primary skill of retelling: with the help of an adult, he can tell a fairy tale or events from a day he lived.

What a 3-year-old child should be able to do

The degree of possession of sanitary and hygienic skills depends on at what age and how persistently parents instill independence in the baby. Those who have not the first child, but the second or third, usually "lead" the process of learning the baby faster household tasks... So, what a 3-year-old child should be able to do at home:

  • going to the potty;
  • brush your teeth;
  • dress (albeit not always correctly);
  • fasten at least one button on the clothes;
  • blow your nose and wipe your mouth with a napkin;
  • to wash hands.
A daily routine and a clear understanding of when to go to bed, when to eat, and when to play can help reinforce skills more effectively.

Table of physical development of a child at 3 years old

When assessing a child's development at 3 years of age, the pediatrician usually checks his height and weight, as well as skills and abilities. However, parents need to remember that the table physical development a child at 3 years old is just average... And each child develops individually.

What other parameters are there for the physical development of a child at 3 years old? The kid already knows how to ride