You can combine cosmetics from different manufacturers without harm to the skin. Skin: structure and function. general characteristics

Any woman always wants to look attractive, and healthy and beautiful skin at the same time has great value... The face is an open area of ​​the body, and therefore it must be remembered that throughout the day the skin becomes dirty with dust, greasy and sweat glands secrete metabolic products that negatively affect her condition. Regular skin care prevents the appearance of blackheads, dryness, acne, irritation and wrinkles.

Complete care includes cleansing, exfoliating, toning and moisturizing the skin.

You should only wash clean water room temperature... When using hard water, the skin will begin to peel off, irritation and dryness will appear. Should not be overused hot water or cold. When washing hot water the pores and blood capillaries on the face expand, the skin becomes flabby and sensitive to cold, reddening of the cheeks and nose appears. If you constantly wash yourself cold water- the skin can lose its elasticity, become dry, which will contribute to its premature aging.

If you have problem skin, it is better to give up using soap, and switch to more gentle means, for example, a gel for washing acne. It not only cleanses the skin, fights germs, but also soothes it.

Cleansing the skin of make-up and impurities is essential. To do this, use gels for washing, foams or moisturizing milk. Cosmetologists advise against using soap, as it dries the skin, tightens it and dehydrates it. V individual care needs the skin around the eyes, as it is very thin and vulnerable. To remove eye make-up, use special means.

For normal state skin cleansing alone is not enough. It is recommended to remove dead skin cells with scrubs twice a week. At home, you can easily make a scrub from ground coffee beans with the addition of sour cream, yogurt or cream. It is applied to wet skin and rub gently in a circular motion for several minutes, then washed off with warm water.

The use of face masks is recommended once a week. They must be applied on clean skin washed hands for 15-30 minutes, then rinse. But, if your skin is inflamed, with acne, then masks can worsen the condition. It is better to use PROPELLER gel, by the way, it is suitable not only for problematic teenage skin, but also for the skin of adults who, for one reason or another, have acne on their face.

After cleansing, the skin is perfectly soothed and toned by a tonic that helps to narrow pores, removes residues cosmetics and has an antiseptic effect. The tonic not only refreshes the skin, but also enhances the effect of applying creams after it.

Moisturizing the skin with a cream is important aspect in caring for her. It is applied in a thin layer along massage lines gentle movements. The remnants of the cream that has not been absorbed are removed with a napkin. It is important to choose the right cream for your skin type and age. The skin around the eyes also needs to be nourished with special creams.

With complete and systematic care, your skin will be healthy, firm and youthful. Do not forget that deep sleep, healthy eating and absence addictions have a positive effect on the condition of the skin of your face.

Introducing you Interesting Facts about human skin that you probably did not know about.

The skin covers the entire human body and is the most large organ human body, which has a variety of functions and is closely related to the entire body.

The value of human skin is enormous. It is the human skin that directly perceives all influences the environment.

First, there is a reaction of the skin to any negative effect, and only then the whole organism. The surface of the skin contains numerous folds, wrinkles, grooves and ridges, which form a characteristic relief, which is purely individual and persists throughout life. These are the facts about human skin.

About 70% of human skin is water and 30% - proteins (collagen, elastin, reticulin), carbohydrates (glucose, glycogen, mucopolysaccharides), lipids, mineral salts (sodium, magnesium, calcium) and enzymes.

People have different height, completeness, respectively, and skin area at different people will differ, but on average this figure is at the level of 1.5-2.5 m2.

  • The weight of the multi-layered skin is over 11-15 percent of a person's weight.

Skin function

Its main function is protective.

  • protective function against overheating of the body and mechanical damage, from radiation, including the ultraviolet part of the light spectrum, from microbes and harmful substances;
  • the function of regulation through the mechanism of sweating of equilibrium in the amount of water, the presence of certain substances;

  • through the skin, the body and the external environment exchange the necessary substances, the skin is to some extent an auxiliary respiratory organ;
  • Leather under certain conditions can serve as a synthesizer nutrients... For example, when hit sun rays complex processes occur on the skin that contribute to the synthesis of vitamin D. From this point of view, tanning is useful, but one should not forget about the destructive properties of ultraviolet rays for all living cells, an amazing fact;
  • tactile function: receptors are built into the skin, due to which a person has a sense of touch;
  • function of an appearance shaper: the features of the facial skin and subcutaneous mimic muscles allow you to visually distinguish one person from another and convey your emotions.

Skin structure. The skin consists of three layers, upper layer- epidermis, middle - dermis and lower layer - hypodermis (subcutaneous fatty tissue).


The epidermis is approximately 10.03-1 mm thick. Every three to four weeks, this layer of the skin is renewed, this is due to the deepest layer of the epidermis - the basal, in this layer of creatine - a very important protein for the skin - new cells are formed. Within a few weeks, these cells rise to the surface of the epidermis. By the end of their journey, they become dry, flat and lose their cell nucleus. Amazing facts about human skin!

The epidermis, or outer layer, covers the dermis and is the surface of the skin with bulges and depressions, and includes approximately 15 layers. It is an epithelium permanently created by the basement membrane layer. The epidermis is divided into 3 layers. The outer or stratum corneum, durable, impervious to water, consists of dead cells, which are constantly separated from the epidermal layer by small scales under the influence of new cells originating from the inner layers.

The middle layer of the epidermis contains adult (squamous) cells that renew the outer layer, facts about human skin. The middle layer or layer of the basement membrane creates new cells, which usually turn into squamous cells. The basement membrane layer also contains melanocytes, cells that create the pigment melanin.

Sun exposure stimulates the production of melanin to protect the skin. That is why tanning appears after exposure to the sun. Some creams for artificial tanning stimulate the formation of melanin, others contain a component (dihydroxyacetone), which gives the skin red-brown color tan-like fact!

Human Skin Facts. Dermis

The dermis is the main layer of the skin. The dermis is rich in connective fibers (75% of the structure) that support the elasticity (elastin) and resistance (collagen) of the skin. Both substances are extremely sensitive to the sun's (ultraviolet) rays, which destroy them. Cosmetics based on elastin and collagen cannot restore them, because their molecules are too large and cannot pass through the external skin covering... The dermis contains receptors that perceive various external stimuli.


This layer includes adipose tissue, subcutaneous nerve and vascular channels. The hypodermis also contains hair follicles and sweat glands.
Color of the skin, gender and racial characteristics are possible due to the distribution of four main components on the surface of the skin:
- melanin, a brown pigment - carotene, the color of which varies from yellow to orange
- oxyhemoglobin: red
- carboxyhemoglobin: purple

Skin color is influenced by genetic factors, the environment ( solar irradiation) and a factor related to nutrition. Complete absence the first two pigments cause albinism.

♦ Freckles most often appear in adolescence and almost disappear by the age of 30. They darken for a reason.

The presence of freckles means that in the human body it reduces the level of melanin, a photoprotective pigment. That is, freckled skin is most vulnerable to harmful ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, people with freckles are strongly advised to apply a protective cream and avoid too open clothes... One can only wonder at such amazing facts about human skin.

♦ Skin thickness varies depending on the areas under consideration from 0.5 mm to 2 mm on the palm and sole.

  • In an infant, the thickness of the skin is one millimeter. With growing up, it remains thin only on the eyelids. In an adult, the average skin thickness increases several times.
  • The skin is highly resistant to stretching.
  • The thinnest skin is located on the eyelids and eardrums - from 0.5 mm and thinner, but the thickest skin is located on the feet, here it can reach a thickness of about 0.4-0.5 cm.

♦ Nails and hair also refer to the skin - they are considered its appendages, fact!

The skin has about 150 nerve endings, about 1 kilometer of blood vessels, more than 3 million cells and about 100-300 sweat glands.

Vascular system skin contains a third of all blood circulating in the body - 1.6 liters. The skin tone also depends on the condition of the capillaries (they are dilated or narrowed) and their location.
♦ Sweat glands act as a temperature regulator.

  • In approximately every square centimeter of human skin there are about a hundred sweat glands, 5 thousand sensory points, six million cells, as well as fifteen sebaceous glands.
  • Their total number is from two to five million, most of these glands are located on the palms and feet, about 400 per square centimeter, then the forehead - about three hundred per square centimeter.
  • Asians have fewer sweat glands than Europeans and Africans.
  • Human skin secretes about 1 liter of sweat per day.

♦ Skin cells in the body, there are from 300 to 350 million. During his life, each person loses up to hundreds of kilograms of horny scales, which turn into dust. Wow facts about human skin!

  • The body must produce over 2 billion skin cells per year. The fact is that in a year, all skin cells change at least 6 times (complete replacement - in 55-80 days). The process of completing the cell cycle occurs at a rate of 0.6 million horny scales / hour (this amount corresponds to a weight of 0.7-0.8 kg).
  • In a lifetime, a person renews the skin about 1000 times.
  • The skin that a person sheds in a lifetime weighs up to 18 kilograms.
  • With age, skin cells are renewed more and more slowly: in newborns every 72 hours, and in people from 16 to 35 years old, only once every 28-30 days.

For one day sebaceous glands the skin produces approximately 20 grams sebum... Then the fat is mixed with sweat and forms a special film on the skin, which protects it from fungal and bacterial damage.

  • The number of sebaceous glands depends on the area of ​​the body. There are few of them on the back of the hands, but on the T-zone of the face (forehead - nose wings - chin), under the hair on the head, in the ears, as well as on the chest and between the shoulder blades, there can be from 400 to 900 per 1 sq. Cm. It is there that acne and the so-called blackheads appear - comedones, by which a clogged pore can be identified.

On the surface of the skin, there are colonies of beneficial microorganisms that help in the fight against pathogenic bacteria.

If you achieve absolute sterility, you can weaken the double protection: excessive sterility is harmful to the skin.

  • For one sq. Cm. the skin accounts for 30 million different bacteria.

♦ On average there are 30 to 100 moles on the skin of an adult, but sometimes their number can exceed 400. British scientists saw in this a connection with the speed with which the body is aging.

According to the results of the study, the number of moles is proportional to the length of telomeres - the terminal fragments of chromosomes that contract with each cell division. There is a hypothesis that people with many moles are less likely to suffer from age-related diseases.

♦ The skin is aging due to ultraviolet radiation, stress, lack of sleep, decreased collagen and fibroblasts.

♦ The smoothness of the skin depends on the condition of the collagen. In a young body, its cells are twisted, which makes the skin surface taut and smoother. With age from lack of nutrition and bad water collagen cells are filled with heavy metals and straighten, and skin tone decreases

  • Collagen makes up 70% of dry dermis and decreases by 1% every year.

♦ Vascular mesh or asterisks can occur if there is a lack of vitamin D in the body, this disease occurs in 90% of people, therefore good skin needs good nutrition.

♦ Waterproof leather provides its outer layer of the epidermis. Its cells are very tightly in contact with each other and have a layer of fat on the outer surface.

If the body is in water for a long time, the extracellular layer of fat becomes thinner and the water gains access to the skin cells, as a result it swells. Have you seen the skin of your fingers wrinkle in the water? This transformation serves to improve grip (just like the treads in car tires).

♦ Syndrome flabby skin rare disease connective tissue, in which the skin is easily stretched and forms loose folds.

In flaccid skin syndrome, it is mainly the elastic fibers that are affected. The disease is usually hereditary; in rare cases and for unknown reasons, it develops in people with no precedent in the family.

Some hereditary forms are quite mild, others are accompanied by some degree of delay mental development... Sometimes the disease leads to death.

When lethargic, loose skin, it easily folds and returns to its original position with difficulty.

In hereditary forms of the disease, excess skin folds exist at birth or form later. The "excess" and sluggishness of the skin is especially evident on the face, so that the sick child has a "mournful" appearance. A hooked nose is typical.
In general, flaccid skin syndrome is a pathology of connective tissue. Unthinkable facts about human skin.

Since connective tissue is part of all body systems, the manifestations of the syndrome are very diverse. The osteoarticular, pulmonary, cardiovascular, and digestive systems are also affected.

No treatment has been developed. In people with a hereditary form of the disease, reconstructive surgery significantly improves appearance... However, excess skin can form again. Reconstructive surgery is less successful in the case of the acquired form of the disease.

Here are some amazing facts about human skin.
Based on materials from, popular- medicine.rf

50 facts about our skin (summary)

1. Skin is the largest organ in the human body
2. If you stretch the skin of an average person, then it will occupy an area of ​​2 square meters
3. Skin makes up about 15 percent of your body weight.
4. There are two types of skin: hairy and hairless.

5. Your skin has three layers:
-epidermis - water-repellent and dead layer
-derma - hair and sweat glands
-subcutaneous fat - fat and large blood vessels

6. Every inch of your skin has a certain elasticity and strength, depending on the location. This is how the skin on the knuckles is different from the skin on the belly.
7. There are no hair and sweat glands on the scar tissue
8. The thinnest skin on your eyelids - about 0.2 mm
9. The thickest skin on your feet - about 1.4 mm

10. A person has an average of 100,000 hairs on his head. People with blond hair about 140,000 hairs, for dark-haired ones - 110,000, and for redheads about 90,000.

11. Each hair has a small muscle that lifts the hair in cold and various emotional states
12. Body hair grows 2 to 6 years old
13. We lose 20 to 100 hairs a day.

14. Keratin forms the outer dead layer of skin and nails
15. More than 50 percent of the dust in the house is made up of dead skin.
16. Every 28 days your skin is renewed
17. Lipids are natural fats that keep the outer layer of the skin hydrated and healthy. Detergents and alcohol destroy lipids.

18. Every minute the skin loses more than 30,000 dead cells

19. As we age, we begin to shed our skin less frequently. In children, old cells are shed faster. This is why babies have such a rosy fresh complexion.

20. The skin produces about 500 ml of sweat per day.
21. Sweat itself is odorless, and it is thanks to bacteria that body odor appears.
22. Your skin is a microcosm in which more than 1000 species of bacteria and about 1 billion individual bacteria live.
23. The glands that produce earwax are special sweat glands.
24. On average, you have about 14 types of fungi between your toes.

25. Skin color is the result of the action of a protein called melanin. Huge skin cells in the form of tentacles - melanocytes, produce and distribute melanin pigment.

26. People have the same number of melanin cells. Different colour skin is the result of their activity, not quantity.
27. Human skin varies greatly in different parts Sveta. According to the well-known classification - the Lushan scale, there are 36 main types of human skin color.
28. 1 in 110,000 people are albino, meaning they do not have melanin cells.
29. Melanin is also responsible for the color of the eyes, and the very skin covering the eye is transparent and very sensitive.
30. A child develops a permanent skin color within about 6 months.

31. Acne or pimples are caused by overproduction of cells lining the sweat glands.
32. Even babies suffer from acne. Some newborn babies develop acne in the first few weeks of life. The cause of neonatal acne is not fully understood, but it does not require treatment and goes away on its own.
33. About 80 percent or 4 out of 5 teenagers experience acne.

34. But this is not only a problem of adolescence. One in 20 women and one in 100 men suffer from acne in adulthood
35. The appearance of a boil is associated with staphylococcal bacteria. It penetrates tiny cuts in the skin, entering the hair follicles.

36. The look and texture of your skin speaks volumes about your health. With illness, the skin turns pale, and with fatigue, bags appear under the eyes.
37. Smoking negatively affects the condition of the skin, depriving it of oxygen and nutrients by slowing down blood flow and also contributing to the appearance of wrinkles.

38. The skin heals very quickly. Since the top layer of the skin is a living tissue, the body begins to immediately heal the wound. Blood from the cut forms a crust and holds the wound together.

39. Most moles are genetically predetermined even before our birth.
40. People who have more moles on the body, live longer and look younger than those with fewer moles.
41. Almost every person has at least one birthmark.
42. Moles can appear anywhere, including the genitals, scalp and tongue.
43. Freckles most often appear in people with light color skin.

44. Freckles turn pale in winter because melanin is not produced in a large number in the winter months.
45. Freckles can be red, yellow, light brown and dark brown.
46. ​​Unlike moles, freckles do not appear at birth, they appear after a person has been exposed to sunlight.

Human Skin Facts. What vitamins are needed?

47. Vitamin A heals skin from sun damage and cellulite
48. Vitamin D - reduces rashes and neoplasms
49. Vitamin C - antioxidant, restores vitamin E and protects from the sun
50. Vitamin E - antioxidant, protects against sun damage and aging.

Owners thin skin seem graceful and sublime to many. Weightless translucent covers, from under which a cobweb from the veins peeps out, seem to be an attribute of an exclusively aristocratic appearance and endow a person with appropriate manners.

But in reality, everything is not so fabulous. Thin skin requires special handling and gives the owner a lot of problems - from the inability to disguise the circles under the eyes to injuries during regular washing.

This one is very similar in properties to dry and differs only in some individual characteristics.

You can recognize thin by:

  • lack of oily film and shine;
  • matte velvety structure;
  • even smooth surface without enlarged pores;
  • excessive dryness, flaking and tightness;
  • redness due to capillaries located at the surface;
  • excessive pallor due to a low melanin content;
  • persistent bruising under the eyes due to visible veins;
  • reactions in the form of irritation to the sun, frost, wind, salt water, smoky air, new cosmetics and other factors.

In youth, a face with weightless integuments looks good and tidy, but over time it ages faster than others. The skin loses its elasticity and firmness early, sags and by 25 it can be covered with the first fine wrinkles. It is necessary to take care of her already from adolescence, despite the fresh blooming appearance.


The main reason for the formation of thin skin and the appearance of characteristic deficiencies is considered to be a genetic predisposition. In this case, you will not be able to change the type of care products.

Heredity determines the thickness of the dermis and hypodermis. The first contains collagen, elastin and reticular fibers, while the second is the necessary fat layer.

If the layers are thin, they are not able to fully fulfill their functions.

You have to take some of the work on yourself and maintain the necessary water-fat balance in the cells throughout your life, otherwise the skin will age quickly.

However, genetics is not the only reason. During life, the integument can also become thinner.

Affect this:

  • aging of the body;
  • slowing down of metabolic processes;
  • avitaminosis;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • circulatory problems;
  • uncontrolled use of certain drugs, in particular those related to the group of topical steroids;
  • improper and excessive care.

The situation can be aggravated by exposure to the sun without protective cream, unhealthy love To , dry cleaning and cosmetic procedures using a laser.

Care rules

The organization of the beauty routine in people with weightless covers is similar to. The differences are mostly found in products.

Of all the rules here, at least 6 main ones should be remembered:

  1. Thin skin requires very respectful attitude... All products based on aggressive components such as alcohol, active detergent bases and acids should be excluded from care. Even the water in contact with the integument should be soft and comfortable temperature- Better boiled and lukewarm.
  2. Treatment procedures begin with cleansing with special milk, micellar water or lotion. Traditional washing in the morning should be excluded, and in the evening should be carried out only with a mild product created for this type of skin. From regular soap refuse, it will give nothing but a feeling of tightness and irritation.
  3. Once a week, it is allowed to use soaked in milk or sour milk as a scrub cereals... The integument is gently massaged with a soft gruel, and then washed off with water. Be careful not to damage, rub or allow the skin to wrinkle during cleaning.
  4. Cleansing is followed by toning. Moisturizing and soothing toners are best for this type. They will remove the feeling of tightness, relieve redness and increase the absorption of the cream.
  5. In the morning, weightless skin must be well saturated with moisture and prepared for the application of cosmetics. Moisturizers are recommended to be replaced by serums in courses. The latter have a more concentrated composition and, due to this, retain a radiant and healthy look faces all day long. In the evenings, the integuments need to be helped to restore the lipid layer, which means that preference should be given to fatty ones.
  6. From early spring to late fall, be sure to use high or medium SPF indicator... In winter, replace it with an oil-based nutritious product.

How to get rid of blue under eyes

If you are ready for radical methods, to deal with circles under the eyes, you will have to consult a specialist.

Blue is removed with:

  • mesotherapy;
  • laser correction;
  • lipofilling - when the hypodermis is formed artificially, from the patient's adipose tissue from other parts of the body;
  • microcurrent, which stimulates lymphatic drainage.

Owners of translucent skin will not be able to completely get rid of bruises under the eyes without the intervention of professionals. At home, you can only make them less visible or disguise them with decorative cosmetics.

The first way involves avoiding fluid intake before bed and light massage. The amount of water you need to drink during the day, but in the evenings, drinks can cause swelling and increase the blue under the eyes.

Massage tones the skin and stimulates metabolic processes in cells, removing excess fluid. There is nothing complicated in it: it consists in lightly patting the surface of the face with the pads of the fingers.

To disguise dark circles, owners of thin integuments will need a pink concealer that matches the skin tone. A product with a pink undertone will perfectly cover the blue, and the second will give the makeup a holistic look.

Eye cream

The right makeup for thin skin under the eyes simultaneously moisturizes, soothes, regenerates, nourishes and reduces blue. That is why the composition of such a cream must be balanced and thoughtful.

It's good if the ingredients list contains:

  • vitamins A, E, C;
  • lanolin;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • bisabolol or allantoin;
  • shea butter, argan, jojoba, camellia.


All care cosmetics for translucent integuments will literally have to be tested on yourself - the skin can react to a product even with the best composition.

It is best to give preference to products labeled sensetive or “for the sensitive”.

From the premium segment, reviews highlight Bioregene Creme Peaux Sensibles from Methode Cholley. A cream containing only plant extracts and hyaluronic acid, perfectly moisturizes, restores water-lipid balance and soothes thin skin.

Average price segment it is worth paying attention to:

  • Delicate Care Recovery Cream of the Japanese brand Otome - pleasant in texture, well absorbed and creates a protective breathable film on the surface of the face;
  • Idrasensitive 24-hour Cream from Eldan - replaces the lipid layer, moisturizes, relieves irritation and eliminates redness;
  • anti-aging Redermic C brand La Roche-Posay - soothes, nourishes the skin with moisture and corrects the thickness of the integument.

From cheap funds, the girls celebrate the work of Wildrose from Weleda and day cream Anti-Wrinkle by Olay.

The first is used in the evening, mainly for signs of aging. It perfectly nourishes weightless integuments, eliminates irritation and increases elasticity. Olay's Anti-Wrinkle Cream is also claimed to be anti-aging. It moisturizes and nourishes the skin, eliminates fine wrinkles and protects from sun exposure with an SPF15 filter.

In addition to creams in the marked lines, you can find other products necessary for a daily routine. Products from the same series will perfectly complement each other and will act on the problem in a complex way, caring for the face and getting rid of imperfections.

Video about a mask for thin skin

The most exposed part of our body is always the face. This means that it is the face that needs the most correct care, because more than the other parts are subject to negative impact environment. For the same reason, we want to have well-groomed skin faces to be attractive. What do you need to know for this? First, you need to remember school biology.

This information about the structure and the cell helps to understand the processes that take place deep inside. And understanding how everything should work out normally, you can notice problems in time and choose the right cosmetic product.

Facial skin structure

What is a skin cell made of?

  1. Ribosomes- work on protein biosynthesis based on genetic information.
  2. Lysosomes- consist of enzymes that are involved in the digestion (breakdown) of nutrients.
  3. Membrane- a kind of membrane that separates the inside of the cell from the external environment, consists of proteins and lipids, provides an exchange between the cell and the external environment. Internal membranes are partitions, the purpose of which is to maintain a certain environment in one of the compartments of the cell.
  4. Cytoplasm- the internal liquid medium of the cell, unites all cellular components and supports their interaction.
  5. Vacuoles- they look like bubbles with cell sap (water + solutes and other components), they perform many functions of secretion, storage of reserve substances, and removal of decomposition products.
  6. Mitochondria- energy stations of cells, oxidize organic compounds and use the energy of decay, thus participating in the respiration of cells.
  7. Centrosome with centrioles- the main cell center, plays important role in division, forms flagella and cilia.
  8. Core- stores, transmits and implements hereditary information, provides protein synthesis.
  9. Microvilli- transportation of the substance through the shell.

Functions, properties and nutrition of the skin

  • Protection of body tissues from external negative impact , does not allow penetration dangerous microorganisms inside. With a reduced protective function infection can easily enter the lining of the skin. Save skin from exposure free radicals can special cosmetics with an antioxidant effect.
  • Thermoregulation- provided by subcutaneous fatty tissue and sweat glands, this is how stable temperature both in summer and in winter period... Due to the fact that the skin has a low thermal conductivity, an external decrease in temperature to -18 degrees or an increase of more than +25 degrees negatively affects the general well-being of the skin. To support the thermoregulatory function, it is necessary to nourish the skin of the face in winter special cream for care in winter, and in hot weather, use products that have high degree sun protection.
  • Allocations- sebaceous and sweat glands remove waste products to the surface of the skin, so the skin at any age needs regular cleansing with specialized cosmetics.
  • Breathing and gas exchange- gases and volatile liquids can get inside. Oxygen lifting uses this function and is able to work wonders with the skin: the skin is saturated with moisture, the elasticity increases, and the first signs of aging are defeated.
  • Sensitivity- the skin has receptors - nerve endings that allow us to feel cold, pain, pressure. Thanks to the receptor function, we experience discomfort or pleasant sensations.

Even the healthiest skin cannot do without external protection and food !!! The upper layer of the epidermis does not have blood vessels, which means that it needs to be fed from the capillaries of the dermis. Over time, the adhesion of the epidermis and dermis weakens, so the upper layer of the skin of the face becomes deficient in oxygen and nutrients, which means that you cannot do without cosmetics (for example, the same face masks).

The main types of facial skin

The structure of the skin is approximately the same for all, so skin types are distinguished by the intensity of the sebaceous glands. Your skin type depends on its appearance and choice. proper care for her.

Traditional skin types:

  • Dry- very beautiful matte soft skin, pores are almost invisible. But dry skin is overly sensitive to weather, sun or wind, but also to improper care. Negative reaction manifests itself in peeling, irritation, early wrinkles, moisture loss. Requires regular, thorough care.
  • Bold- Availability oily sheen, pores are enlarged, presence acne, capillaries are visible, the most common skin type. The problem begins in teenage years and with the right care, it can change. Reason: abuse fatty foods, alcoholism, hormonal disbalance, metabolic disease, improper care. Oily skin almost insensitive to weather changes.
  • Normal- skin without pronounced problems, matte and even, not afraid of weather changes. Minimal care is required, overuse of creams can knock down the natural fat balance by blocking pores.
  • Combined- different facial areas have their own skin type. Usually, in the T-area (on the nose, forehead and chin), the skin is oily, in other areas it is normal or dry, but there are exceptions. Care is selected individually for each area of ​​the face, based on the existing skin type.

How to correctly determine your type?

  1. We cleanse the skin from any cosmetics and dirt.
  2. We are waiting for 2-3 hours.
  3. In good light (preferably daylight), we examine the skin in a magnifying mirror, looking for enlarged pores, peeling, shine.
  4. We take a dry napkin and apply it to the skin - if there are greasy spots, then this section of the skin of the face has increased sebum secretion.

Premature aging of the skin

Natural aging is at the cellular level, but premature aging can be fought or avoided altogether.

What are the causes of premature aging:

  • Improper lifestyle and nutrition.
  • Environmental factors.
  • Ultraviolet irradiation.
  • Diseases of a different nature.
  • The habit of expressing emotions-experiences or joys vividly is imprinted in the form of wrinkles on the corresponding parts of the face.
  • Improper skin care (too frequent use scrubs and peels, premature going outside after using certain products, using alcohol-based tonics or lotions, applying too thick a layer of cream, makeup that has not been washed off at night, etc.)

Cosmetology: how to prolong the youthfulness of the facial skin

All the factors of aging primarily affect the skin, the beauty of which has not been cared for before. Therefore, it is imperative to lead healthy image life and properly care for the face after 25 years (care after 30 is effective, but not so in the fight against aging processes during menopause).

And what will help when the age has already approached:

  • Masks and creams for mature skin, preferably with placenta and retinol.
  • Botulinum toxin injection - stimulates the production of collagen, but does not give a real rejuvenating effect, only externally.
  • Massage courses and thermolifting - the production of collagen is stimulated, the skin becomes denser, the color and condition improves even for those over 70.
  • Refusal from the sun and tanning, the use of lightening procedures to avoid the appearance of age spots.
  • Botox injections and contour plastic but they do not replace the tips listed above.

And most importantly, at any age, in order to have a beautiful and healthy skin, learn to relax and get enough rest!