Instructions for a smart girl on solving the problem of deception by a guy. How to understand when communicating that a person is lying

Men and women reason and think differently. It is because of this that quarrels, misunderstandings and disagreements often arise. And, if your boyfriend is cheating on you, then what to do in this case?

You should not immediately announce the termination of the relationship and file for divorce: try to find out the reasons for this behavior and talk with the person.

Lie about your whereabouts

Situations often arise when the question of where a person was in certain period, men answer a lie, try to get off with on-duty phrases (“the car broke down”, “was in a traffic jam”, and so on). After a while, you will find out that he was actually spending time with his friend. Of course, at this moment you can feel a sharp resentment from the fact that your significant other is lying.

What to do in such a situation? Do not rush to panic: it is quite possible that the guy is just afraid of your backlash for a true answer. Some women simply force their significant other to cheat on them. In this case, it remains only not to express obvious disdain for his friends and try to come to terms with the fact that a man’s life is not limited only romantic relationship with you.

Constant embellishment

Often, guys, wanting to please a girl, embellish their virtues, ascribe to themselves non-existent talents. It's perfect normal phenomenon for some people, so if the lie is harmless enough and touches on little things, all that remains is to close your eyes to it and, perhaps, play along with your boyfriend.

If embellishments cross all boundaries, and acquaintances begin to laugh at the guy, talk to him alone, gently point out this feature. In no case should you say all this in a common company: in this way you can simply ruin the relationship between you!

pathological lie

The most difficult case is if the guy constantly cheats. This can happen out of place and completely for no reason, such people live in a world that they themselves have come up with. In this case, there is psychological problem, which needs to be solved together with a specialist.

If you care about relationships, try to talk to your loved one, make sure to sign up for a session with a psychologist. Otherwise, the only way out of this situation is separation.

cheating in a dream

If in a dream you see that a young man is deceiving you, do not rush to worry about this: most likely, this is one that will soon be forgotten. However, if such a vision periodically haunts you, it may be worth sorting out the relationship with your boyfriend.

Such a dream may indicate that you are overly picky about your soulmate. Try to become more tolerant of the shortcomings of your man, support him and learn to trust.

How to spot cheating

How to understand that a guy is cheating? First of all, it is recommended to pay attention to his facial expressions and postures. Here are a few phenomena that may indicate that a person is cunning:

  • constant crossing on the chest of the arms or crossing the legs;
  • touching the tip of the nose with fingers;
  • tie manipulation;
  • unbuttoning and fastening buttons on clothes.
In addition, a man can look away from you, and his voice often changes. Another sign is the presence of a wide smile, the so-called friendly grin. This can be a direct indicator of insincerity, because bare teeth are considered a sign of aggression and self-defense.

Of course, if you notice these gestures, you should not immediately think: my boyfriend is cheating on me. You should always listen to your own intuition, in addition, some men are very good at hiding their feelings and true intentions: in this case, it is quite difficult to recognize the deception.

A clear sign of deception is secrecy in behavior, a change in one's habits. If a person has something to hide, he will probably hide his phone and other personal items from his beloved.

If a man feels that his deceit is about to be discovered, his behavior pattern changes dramatically: he may begin to snap at his partner, go on the offensive, or, on the contrary, become overly caring and affectionate to mask his guilt. However, a lie should be suspected only if the person’s behavior has really changed: sometimes a person is simply secretive and withdrawn by nature, in which case one should not invent something superfluous.

Monogamous - a man who deceives only the woman he loves.
Don Aminado

What to do in case of fraud

If you are sure that the young man is hiding something from you or the deception is completely revealed, do not rush to make a scandal and collect things. Here are some tips to help you save a relationship or protect yourself and loved one from excessive worries.

  1. Try to understand the reasons for cheating. It is necessary to analyze what caused the lie. There is a so-called lie for the good, for example, to save relationships. The guy said he doesn't smoke, and you noticed him doing this? Most likely, he just decided not to upset you. Remember: you should only be offended by serious reasons(for example, when changing).
  2. Take for yourself suitable solution . If a guy is cheating, you should consider what would be the best way out of the situation for you. Keep in mind that the pledge of preservation healthy relationships- the ability to find a compromise. The solution must suit both parties. For example, a guy spends a lot of time with a friend, but he deceives you and does not pay enough attention. Offer to meet in a common company or determine the order of meetings.
  3. Talk frankly. Good negotiation is an important part of conflict resolution. It is important to confidently tell your partner that you know about his lies, to tell what exactly the deception is. During the conversation, be sure to bring a few facts: otherwise, the person will have the opportunity to manipulate and find excuses, to avoid direct answers.
  4. Explain to the interlocutor his offense. Tell him that lying does not lead to anything good, that his behavior is unpleasant for you. Invite him to apologize and suggest a way out of this problem.
  5. If a person begins to promise that this will not happen again, perhaps should give him a second chance. Offer him an option that suits both sides, this will make you rise in the eyes of your partner. Most likely, he will no longer want to deceive you.
Remember that a quarrel with scandals will not lead to a solution to the conflict, but will only delay loving people. That is why when talking, it is not recommended to raise your voice and break into tears.

Video: What the guys are lying about


Thus, from almost every deception and subsequent conflict, you can find a way out. The main thing is to understand the reasons for such an act: it is quite possible that the guy did not want to offend you at all. To forgive or not to forgive serious things (for example, treason or a committed crime) is up to you. In any case, it should be remembered that by depriving a person of a chance to improve, you are depriving yourself of a future with those who are close to you.

Men and women have a different nature, this has been known to everyone for a long time, but, unfortunately, on the basis of this knowledge, conflicts have not diminished. Often different sexes it’s not possible to agree on anything, they worry and suffer from this and eventually part.

But situations are different, those that have reasons for conflict or not, those that are sufficient for parting or not. Very often, such a reason is a lie on the part of a man. If you look into the depth of the situation, then men tend to deceive, invent or conceal. But again, the situations and the reasons why they do it are so diverse that deciding how to act as a result is a rather thin question.

To begin with, before deciding on further relations, you need to figure out how to understand that a man is lying. If there are suspicions that he is not sincere, it is worth trying just to talk to him about it. Of course, if he hides something serious, this can make him more vigilant and careful, and then it will be even more difficult for a woman to get to the bottom of the truth.

But, nevertheless, an attempt to talk is the most correct in such a situation, the main thing is not to go too far. Worth planning well the right conversation, and if it was not possible to get intelligible answers from a man, pretend that attention is not focused on this issue.

A man is more likely to be lying if, instead of trying to explain something, he makes a joke and changes the topic of conversation, or if he explains something very confusingly. Questions and the moment for the conversation should be unexpected so that he does not prepare for them in advance.

At the same time, the circumstances should be comfortable enough, if the omission is not significant - this will help the man relax and, possibly, tell the woman everything. In such a conversation, it is important for a woman to follow the gestures and facial expressions of a man. Some elements and movements may involuntarily indicate that a person is lying or hiding something.

In addition to these more obvious signs, there are also those that can simply be tracked in the process of daily life. If suddenly a man suddenly becomes secretive and taciturn, puts away his phone when a woman approaches him or put secret passwords everywhere, then most likely he has something to hide.

There are also two models of defensive behavior in the case when a person is lying. In men, they are expressed by aggression and excessive attention. That is, when a man feels guilty, he either begins to react sharply, "with hostility" to his woman, or surround her with care that is absolutely not characteristic of him, thus compensating for his deceit. But conclusions should be drawn only if the man's behavior has really changed, and it has not always been like this. For example, if he himself is quite reserved, then you should not think that this is some kind of new trait in his behavior.

There are also such rare cases when a man does not feel guilty for his lies and, accordingly, it is very difficult for a woman to reveal a deception, most likely such a man simply does not care about the woman who is next to him. But in any case, before judging what it is, it is worth understanding the situation and trying to understand the reasons for his deception.

If a man is lying, lying, what to do? And indeed, the most correct answer to this question: understand. Do not decide in haste, do not make a scandal, but first try to understand why he is doing this. Most women immediately think that if a man is lying, then he is cheating, but these are far from identical concepts. There are many more reasons to lie.

Such examples include the so-called “white lies”. This type of deception implies that a man is worried about his woman, does not want to upset her, or this does not concern him at all, but one of his friends or some circumstances.

At the same time, he may not lie, but for example, not finish some information. A man in this situation may think that his actions are for the good. As a rule, if such a lie comes up, it is possible to solve the problems that have arisen in the process of an ordinary heart-to-heart talk, naturally, if such circumstances do not repeat constantly.

Most often, it is precisely the same motivation that underlies deception over trifles, concern for a partner, unwillingness to discuss any problems, failures or blunders, etc.

In such cases, men often lie, exaggerate, etc. Of course, when a man lies all the time on trifles, you should take a closer look, perhaps he is deceiving a woman in the same way on a grand scale, but here a woman needs to be careful, you can blame your loved one without reason. If we are talking about minor exaggerations and small deceptions, then it is best to put up with these. As sad as it is to admit, it is natural for men, just as it is for women to cry.

The deep basis of these phenomena lies in the fact that men are used to exaggerating facts, and women are used to exaggerating emotions. That is why men lie and women roar, and, unfortunately, nothing can be done about it. These are partly related phenomena. That is, because of some event, a woman gets upset, cries, a man, in order to avoid the next tears, lies.

Further, if the deceit is revealed, the woman is upset again and cries. Thus, events continue in a circle until someone breaks it. But, as a rule, instead of eliminating problems, one of the partners simply breaks off the relationship, not seeing or not wanting to see another way out. Or such relationships last a lifetime, further fueled by even greater deceit on the part of the man and suffering on the part of the woman. Such a standard model of behavior of most couples of our time.

At the heart of male lies, in addition to his natural qualities education plays a role. If in childhood there were many restrictions and punishments, then it was easier to lie and avoid them than to tell the truth. And this stereotype is clearly eaten into their minds.

And if a woman behaves according to psychological type like "mommy" and similarly real parents bakes a man, then he involuntarily begins to lie to her. Such children's complexes, of course, affect relationships in general, and it is best to resolve them with the help of a psychologist.

There are also cases when a man has a constant need to deceive, this is accompanied by constant problems not only at home, but also at work. In such a situation, the desire to deceive turns into a pathology, which cannot be solved even with the help of a psychologist, but it is necessary to contact specialists in this profile.

And only with their help and faith in success, it is possible to overcome this disease. There is also not a pathological lie in itself, but a deception based on pathologies or addictions. For example, if a man has bad habit smoke or play in the Casino, and because of this he lies. In this case, it is also worth contacting specialists, but prerequisite it must be his desire to get rid of it.

Naturally, there are very often situations where a lie is associated with treason, this is the circumstance that scares women the most. How to act in this situation is a personal matter for everyone. But psychologists believe that a one-time betrayal is a consequence of the behavior of both partners, and does not necessarily entail further ones, that is, if a woman is ready to make contact after such an event, then it is quite possible to restore partners' trust in the future.

If deceit for the sake of betrayal or some kind of addiction is repeated many times, then it is best to break off such relationships completely. At the same time, it would be optimal if a woman expresses all her emotions and feelings (preferably calmly) so as not to experience them in herself.

In any case, each situation and each deception of a man is individual, so a woman should start by finding out the reasons and circumstances and discussing problems, and then relying on her inner feelings to make the final decision.

A slight distortion of information about yourself for a man is a mere trifle. Judge for yourself, just as women like to slightly dramatize, exaggerating the size of a real catastrophe, so men like to embellish the events of their lives, making achievements even more significant. In some ways, both of these phenomena are even interconnected: she reacts too violently to the world and cries, he begins to lie in order to avoid her tears. However, this does not negate the pain that a woman experiences when she catches her beloved in a lie. Why do men lie? Let's figure it out.

3 reasons male lies: psychology of the stronger sex

1. Make an impression

As a turkey fluffs his tail to attract the attention of a female, so a man wants to score as many points as possible in the eyes of the lady he likes. His logic is simple - in any way to lure her into his networks, fall in love, and then come what may. And at the very beginning, this tactic often works. He lies enthusiastically about his age, status, education, and even financial position, if only the woman would be tempted. He does not understand only one thing - the secret becomes clear, and the companion, most likely, will be jarred by the very fact of lies, rather than real situation of things.

2. Avoid consequences

There is another story: a man dreams of going fishing, but he knows that his wife will be against it. Therefore, he does not find anything better than to lie, having gone fishing under the guise of "business negotiations". And than more woman will resist the wishes of the partner in the future, the less he will dedicate her to his plans. Under the guise of meetings, drinking parties with friends will take place, under the guise of a pay cut, a man will begin to save money to repaint the car. Who is to blame? Rather, a woman who has established too tight control, cutting off her beloved's breath. After all, if you tell him how he is, he is unlikely to get anything but discontent and repression.

3. Save freedom

It also happens that a man lies on trifles even when he does nothing reprehensible. For example, he says that he is leaving for work, and he goes to his parents. Or he swears that he drank one glass of milk for dinner, while he ate a pot of soup. And how to understand it? Most likely, in this teenage way, he tries to rebel against excessive control women fighting for every breath of freedom.

How to recognize his lies?

Lighter than easy. As soon as he jumps off the topic, tries to explain something in a very intricate way, begins to put passwords on equipment, generally behave atypically and secretly - catch it red-handed! If a man is really lying, his reaction will speak for itself. Or he will turn on the aggression mode, starting to react with hostility to common questions. Or the opposite behavior will follow - excessive attention, which before that was not characteristic of him. In this way he will try to compensate deep feeling guilt.

What to do if a man is cheating?

Our best advice is to get it right. Do not accumulate resentment in yourself, so that at the very wrong moment explode and make a scandal by doing stupid things. But, having caught the setup, start a frank conversation.

Sometimes a man lies to save himself. Not because a scoundrel or a rogue, such as the world has never seen. But because he wants to save the woman he loves from unnecessary worries, so that she does not get upset because of his mistakes, does not worry about the lack of some benefits. The purpose of a man in this case is noble, albeit unjustified. Having caught on this kind of lies, it is better to talk frankly with your partner in order to come to a common consensus.

It happens that a man’s lie is nothing more than a consequence of bad upbringing. Often the childhood of such liars was not sugary, they were often punished, limited in their desires, which is why they learned to get out, hiding the truth. If such a man subsequently chooses a mother woman as a companion, who takes care of him and bothers him in everything, he can return to a childish pattern of behavior, which only a family counselor can help get rid of.

If a man is subject to various kinds of addictions, a lie in this case becomes a means of survival. Agree, it is much easier to lie to a partner than to confess your love for gambling Or smoking marijuana? The primary step in this case will be precisely the fight against addictions, rather than with lies. And of course, the man himself should want recovery first of all.

There is also a pathological need to deceive, the causes of which are hidden deep in the bowels of the subconscious and are associated with a variety of children's complexes. This kind of lies is treated exclusively by specialists in this field, and even then not always successfully.

Finally, the most common and painful reason for lying is a man's concealment of the fact of infidelity. In this case, restoring the previous level of trust between partners is really a titanic effort, but still it is possible if both are ready and want to change. The only option in which it is better to terminate the relationship is the repeated repetition of treason.

So, each situation of deception is deeply individual and requires clarification of all causes and circumstances. But it is quite possible to change a man's attitude to this problem, especially if both are set up for a constructive dialogue.

Lies are common modern world communicative phenomenon. Scientific research and polls show that people lie on a daily basis. However, deceiving every day, people themselves do not know how to understand that a person is lying.

Only a "professional" liar and manipulator knows how to regulate his behavior so that others do not reveal his deceit. Psychologists and physiognomists are able to determine a lie by observing a person. But everyone can learn to recognize deception.

There are many definitions of lying. In logic, a lie is the opposite of truth, a statement that obviously does not correspond to the truth. In everyday life, a lie is called a deception realized by a person.

In psychology, a lie is a deliberate attempt to form in another person a belief that the speaker himself considers wrong. Conscious utterance of a lie is a kind of communication tactic chosen in a particular situation.

There are many types of lies:

  • hoax,
  • falsification,
  • simulation,
  • plagiarism,
  • flattery,
  • fairy tales,
  • slander,
  • bluff,
  • self-incrimination, self-deception,
  • exaggeration or understatement
  • perjury, perjury,
  • a good lie
  • good lies,
  • naked,
  • children's,
  • pathological
  • involuntary.

Why do people cheat

Why do people lie several times a day? Everyday lie is not a gross deceit, but the concealment of insignificant information, it is a lie “on trifles”. Everyone wants to appear better and does not want to spoil relations with others.

A weighty and significant lie is always associated with some significant situation for the individual. It can destroy the structure of personality and spoil the life of the individual.

A person who is dishonest with himself and others is forced to live in constant tension from the need to hide the truth. The truth will sooner or later be revealed, and the revealed deception will entail a lot of negative consequences.

Scientists have two main versions of why people deliberately lie, even when they understand that lying will not lead to anything good:

  1. Fear. Why does a person lie? Because he is afraid to tell the truth, even if he cannot admit it to himself.
  2. Belief in the necessity of lying. An individual can be sure that it is better for the interlocutor not to know the truth, since it is difficult to accept, understand, and experience it.

Unfortunately, people are used to deceiving each other, but an unscrupulous lie is not a normal phenomenon, but an immoral act.

Every child is taught from childhood to tell only the truth and tell everything to his parents. But the baby still learns to lie over time, looking at adults. Children easily detect inconsistencies in the words and actions of adults and soon realize that untruth can be used as a way to get what they want.

Unless the person is an inveterate liar who takes delight and pleasure in deceit, he will feel negative emotions and feelings when speaking lies. Lying generates shame, fear, and guilt for making the decision to deceive someone and taking that action.

Saying and experiencing lies is. negative emotions during the lie worry in direct and figuratively of this word, in the body begin to occur physiological changes expressing excitement. The brain sends nerve impulses to the muscles, which cause visible to others and manifestations of deception.

Signs of a lie

How to know if a person is lying? What are the signs of a lie that help declassify it?

No known sign of a lie can be regarded as direct evidence of it. Conversely, the absence of signs of deception does not mean that a person is sincere.

You need to evaluate the behavior of the interlocutor as a whole. Separate actions and movements are considered in combination with other manifestations of a person in relation to the interlocutor.

The behavior of the subject who is lying differs from his normal, usual behavior. Therefore, it is much easier to determine that a person is lying if he is close or familiar. Determine if a stranger is lying or unfamiliar person much more difficult.

When determining deception, a person is carefully observed, signs of a lie are noticed and his situational behavior is compared with normal behavior accepted in a particular situation and environment. Without knowing a person, it is easy to make a mistake and confuse his habitual action with a sign of a lie.

It is possible to catch the interlocutor in a lie, knowing the truth in advance or having the opportunity to verify the information heard. And how do you know that a person is lying when it is impossible to check his words? In this case, knowledge of the signs of a lie will come in handy.

Signs of a lie are verbal and non-verbal. Verbally, deceit is expressed in verbal form.

Non-verbal signs are divided into:

  • physiological,
  • mimic,
  • gestural.


  1. Increased sweating and increased heart rate. Moisturizes the palms, forehead and skin area above the upper lip.
  2. Dry mouth. From experiences, the throat dries up, a person often drinks water or swallows saliva.
  3. Heavy, irregular breathing or its delay; deep breaths and heavy exhalations.
  4. Constriction of the pupils, rapid blinking; gaze in the eyes or, conversely, the inability to look at the interlocutor.
  5. Change in complexion, redness, blanching or blotching of the skin.
  6. The appearance of goosebumps on the body.
  7. Facial tension: twitching facial muscles, wry smile, furrowed brows.
  8. Trembling in the voice, stuttering, coughing, change in timbre, tone, volume of the voice (provided that these speech defects are not caused by anything).
  9. Inappropriate and untimely smile or smirk.
  10. Chaotic and fussy movements: walking back and forth, rocking the body and the like.
  11. Rubbing and scratching various sites body.
  12. Frequent touching of the neck and face: nose, lips, eyes, forehead, ears, back of the head.
  13. Biting lips, fingers or nails.
  14. Nervous twitching and tapping of limbs on the floor or other surfaces.
  15. Crossed arms or legs, so-called bodily locks.
  16. The desire to hide hands behind the back, in pockets, under the table.

All of the above manifestations can be observed when a person is simply worried, worried, trying to please. For example, before a public speaking or meeting new people. To determine for sure that a person is lying, you can compare his actions with words.


  1. Unwillingness to discuss the topic and constant attempts to change it are clear signs of withholding information.
  2. Reticence, evasion, or short yes or no answers. When there is something to hide, a person will be afraid to say too much.
  3. Oaths. The interlocutor zealously tries to prove his case, swears and repeatedly gives his word of honor.
  4. Long reflections before saying or answering something; protracted pauses in conversation.
  5. Repeated flattery and attempts to enter. So the liar is trying to switch attention, reduce the vigilance of the interlocutor.
  6. Attempts to arouse sympathy and self-pity. This is done so that the interlocutor does not even think to question the incoming information. Is it possible to doubt the sincerity of the "unfortunate" person?
  7. Demonstration of indifference, ostentatious indifference to the topic under discussion.
  8. Another significant sign of lying is behavioral. The deceiver never keeps his promises and always finds excuses for this.

It cannot be said that a person is lying if only one sign of lying is found. There should be several of them, both verbal and non-verbal.

How to deal with a scammer

According to statistics, the vast majority of women believe that the truth is better than deceit, while at the same time, every second man is sure that a sweet lie is simply necessary in difficult situations. life situations. But with age, men lie less, try to be frank.

Unfortunately, some people lie so skillfully that it is difficult to declassify them, relying only on the signs of a lie. On the help will come. Having sufficient life experience, you can guess that a person is lying and protect yourself from the consequences of deception.

Lies are classified depending on the degree of complexity, the level of "skill" of the deceiver:

  • First level

Manipulation without the intention of influencing beliefs. Such a lie is called childish. The deceiver utters a clear lie, not realizing that it is not difficult to declassify him. Why do people lie like children? Because they are afraid of punishment or want to receive a reward, hiding negative or inventing positive actions, respectively.

  • Second level

The manipulator convinces the interlocutor of the veracity of the information, realizing that this will affect all subsequent thoughts and actions. Roughly speaking, second-level liars know how to "show off", mislead.

  • Third level

A liar knows how to deceive so that he is not caught in a lie. This is skillful manipulation and skillful deception. Fraudsters use tricks, techniques and deception strategies. Such "advanced" lies are not uncommon in politics, journalism, commerce, and entertainment.

Having noticed several signs of lies in the behavior of the interlocutor at once, it is worth considering why the person is openly lying and how to continue to behave with him. But do not rush to bring charges without checking your guesses.

Suspecting the dishonesty of the interlocutor, you need to:

  1. Try to keep calm. The natural reaction to untruth is resentment and indignation. But if you express them in the heat of the moment, the deceiver will find a way to justify himself.
  2. Guess why the person is lying now. Say exactly why special person he's lying, only he can.
  3. Check your assumptions, if necessary, find evidence and facts.
  4. Talk to the deceiver, giving him the opportunity to explain the situation, confirm or refute the truthful information.
  5. Establish fraud. Having understood the situation, you need to make a decision to forgive the deceiver or stop due to the loss of trust in him.
  6. Not everyone will find the courage to expose a liar, sometimes it is dangerous to do so. But when it comes to intra-family conflicts or disagreements at work, it is simply necessary to find out why people lie and dot the i's.

Once a person who lied, it is difficult to regain trust, and if deception becomes a habit, others cease to respect and love. Liars and deceivers often become outcasts, stop in their development, degrade.

Lies can destroy any relationship personal life and career. Why people lie knowing this remains a mystery. It is much more effective to communicate sincerely, openly, honestly express the available information, your thoughts and feelings to others.

To twist and turn the guy in love with her. Now let's look at it from a completely different point of view.

After all, not all the fair sex is exactly like this: “I need money and more money!” There are a lot of girls, they are so wonderful, cute, with a wonderful character. But they can't meet the same young man, after all, they come across uncultured, rude and absolutely dishonorable men.

Such a girl, if dating someone, absolutely trusts him and refuses to believe that he is lying.The guy is cheating and completely cooled offin your feelings!

Why is he doing this and why?

If a guy is in love with you, he will never lie, get out and come up with all sorts of fables. But when he does not experience any feelings, his fantasy begins to work to the fullest. For example, it is beneficial for him to receive something from you and have fun.

Maybe this is a completely banal reason why he is dating you - he simply has nowhere to live. And the girl will always feed him and even leave him to sleep.

For a guy, there is still a very good motive for deception - he needs something from you. For example, to move to the city from some village. It is beneficial for him to find a fool who will fall in love with him and will believe in any fairy tale that he tells her.

There can be many reasons, but they are all ugly.

A girl in love is so arranged that she is ready to forgive everything, even if she doesn’t like something.

Suppose you dated a guy and everything was great, but then the meetings became more and more rare. After a while, he had constant excuses. Either he has a job, or he doesn’t have time at all, or he was sent on an urgent business trip, or he needs to go to his parents.

And the girl feels that the relationship has become different, her beloved treats her worse. But she continues to deceive herself and justifies all his actions.

You probably know this story:

A young man writes an sms to his girlfriend with the following content: “Now I am with my parents, they asked me to come urgently. There will be guests, I will have to stay there for the night, so we can’t meet.”

If you read carefully and think a little, it will immediately be clear that the guy is lying. If he really was with his parents at the time of writing this message, then instead of the word “there” there would be the word “here”.

Often a young man can cheat because he doesn’t like you, but he is comfortable with you. He, as they say, takes advantage of a fool in love with him, about which he tells all his friends with a laugh. It's not only ugly, it's just mean.

And the girl will know about it anyway, will get psychological trauma and sheds many tears.

If you notice that a loved one is lying to you, try to figure out why he is doing this.

He can just be a liar in life, such is his character. This, of course, is not good, and it is hardly necessary to consider him as a candidate for husbands. Can you imagine what will happen after the wedding? One lie will pull another, and so on ad infinitum. It will be impossible to live with such a husband, and the marriage will fall apart anyway.

If your chosen one is lying, he may be doing it for some reason. For example, he wants to profitably marry you in order to get an apartment or money. You can, of course, ignore all this, but then he will leave you anyway, as soon as he finds a new and richer candidate.

He can also play in front of you passionate love just. Well, adjust to your sincere feelings. In principle, nothing like that came to his mind, but you constantly ask him if he loves you, and you get a positive answer.

And this young man is not at all going to marry in the next five years.

To promise is not to do. Do you want to hear from him? pleasant words and he tells them to you. But he doesn't have any feelings for you. He is now comfortable, comfortable, and it suits him perfectly.

But as soon as a man truly falls in love, he turns from such an idiot into a real hero who is ready for any exploits and folly for the sake of his beloved woman.

If a guy does not love you, then he simply responds to your feelings, but nothing more. He often does not want to meet with you, so he begins to come up with various excuses. For example, the phone went dead, the money in the account ran out, and therefore he could not get through to you.

During your conversation, the connection may suddenly break off, although this has not happened before.

He constantly does not have time for dates, because a very urgent job has fallen on him.

The girl does not want to believe in the bad and continues to deceive herself. But psychologically, she kind of prepares herself that the relationship has deteriorated and is moving towards an end. From this, she even becomes depressed and begins to blame herself for the fact that it is she who is to blame for all this.

Sometimes a guy meets two girls at once and fools one and the second.

He can even mix up the names and pretend that this is just a joke.

And what should a girl do if she understands that not everything is in order? How to calculate that she is not alone with such a guy?

There are several signs by which you can find out that a young man is interested in not only you and often changes girls. Conducts conversations about endless love and each promises to marry her.

Pay attention to how he calls you. If by name (Lenochka, Tanechka, Irochka, Olechka), then everything is in order. But if you constantly hear such words from him on the phone: bunny, fish, sun, etc., this clear sign that you are not alone with him.

When the phone rings, he cannot immediately remember who exactly he is talking to, which is why he uses these affectionate words. During the conversation, he, of course, understands who is calling him, but at the first moment he can accidentally blurt out and say the wrong name. And so everything is in order, no one will suspect anything.

Is the guy going to marry you?

If he cheats from the very beginning and dates two girls, then naturally he is not going to. After all, he cannot marry two at once. For marriage, he will not look for the one who is in love with him and is ready to endure deceit, but will find his own, special one. He himself will fall in love with her, and she will already be able to twirl them as she wants. And the story from the previous article will repeat itself.

The guy hangs noodles on his ears, feeds with promises, but does not start a conversation about marriage himself? So he is doing well.

I had a friend, she met a guy for a long time, their relationship lasted several years. But somehow it so happened that she did not dare to ask him specifically about the wedding, and this guy was silent like a fish.

Then the grandmother of my friend carefully started a conversation on this topic and asked him how he imagines his future, the young man quickly replied that he wanted to have big dog. After all, living alone is so great, but he is not going to have a family.

Well, then why did he need this girl? The answer is simple - convenient, comfortable and no responsibility.

Therefore, if a guy is dragging his feet and often gets confused in his testimony during an interrogation about where he is and with whom, it is best to talk frankly with him.

Why would you waste time on this person, and then still break up and get depressed?

A difficult state after a breakup can last for a long time. During this period, the girl completely closes on her problems, worries, sad thoughts constantly climb into her head and upset, making it difficult to live.

What to do?

You need to take a break and start dating a new person. If one guy cheated on you, it was not because you were to blame for something. It's just that your choice accidentally fell not on the one you were waiting for. The girl blames herself completely in vain.

The daughter calls her mother and complains:

Mom, this ungrateful husband doesn't want to eat buckwheat again!

Daughter, tell me how you tried when you cooked it ...


There are many in the world different people good and bad, decent and not so good. Keep looking and you will definitely meet your love. It will be mutual and will help you regain faith in people.

For some reason, girls often think that a useless guy can be re-educated. You won’t be able to do this, and you will suffer with him all your life, such a husband will wag your nerves and bring you to tears.

If you suspect that the guy is just using you, but does not love you, break off all relations with him.

This is easy to say but hard to do. Although it all depends on your character.