Why are animals important? What is on the mind of cats and dogs? Pets extracens are divided by secrets. I love myself first

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  • Warm feelings
  • Fidelity
  • Medicine from solitude
  • Totems and Talismans
  • Repetition of the path of mankind
  • Maternal instinct

Their popularity of excavation - animals today are even more famous on the network than world stars and politicians. Hundreds of sites are dedicated to them, and the most unusual pets become famous and earn millions of dollars for their owners. Animals accompany us everywhere and become members of our family.

Why do we love animals? Why fluffy and feathered pets occupy so much space in our life, what are we ready to spend a lot of time and money on them? Doctors, sociologists and psychologists can answer these questions.


The imitation of our behavior subconsciously causes our confidence in our essence and the desire to be his friend. So, psychologists say that the most the best way Lose in confidence in man is to copy his gestures.

In the same way, the animals are "rubbed" to us in trust - falling into a human environment, they adopt our habits, manners and even character. No wonder they say that dogs are always like their owners. There are animals that brought copying to perfection. For example, parrots who repeat the words.

But there are animals and natural habits that we tend to think. See how gently Mama-monkey presses the young or how elephants are gathering at the body of the deceased relative, having grown up with the ears and lowering the head ...

Note that animals in the circus, too, first of all teach to imitate a person. Dogs carry cats in wheelchairs, bears ride a bike, and horses dancing with trainers. And even animals from cartoons talk to human Language, wearing clothes, live in homes and experience only your experiences.

Attraction of opposites

Choosing a pet, a person is often looking for an animal, which has opposite qualities of appearance or character. Sometimes the owner subconsciously finds the animal with those properties that he does not have enough. Impulsive I. emotional person It can stop its choice on cold-blooded python, and a closed and unavimary will make friends with a cheerful loving fellow.

Psychologists believe that lonely people choose an animal in which they see the quality of their potential partner - Tenderness, dedication, strength or beauty.

Warm feelings

Animals help people replenish the emotions, which they lack in dealing with people. The harsh world, where a man is a wolf, tires the need to always be on guard and protect his emotions from the invasion of aggressive personalities. Animals have credulity, openness and friendliness more than we - which is why people love animals.

Such emotional attachment More peculiar to residents of cities - they usually hardened animals simply so that they brought positive to the owners and disinterestedly loved them. Residents of the villages belong to the pet with a solid fraction of pragmatism - the chicken should carry eggs, cat cat mice, and a dog watching the courtyard.

Nevertheless, this does not mean that the owner of the rural housewife does not feed any feelings to his animals. He can love his chain ps and affectionately clapping a silent burenka on the side.

It is known a lot of stories when the military died with hunger, but could not score a beloved horse, or participants in the polar expeditions divided the latest fish with riding dogs. Thus, they argued that harsh men are also typical of the feeling of love and care about those who can be so sincerely wondering.


The greatest dream of every person - to love him just for what he is. But it happens so rarely ... people love for beauty, wealth, communications, status, and so on. And each of us knows that, being in trouble, he can lose friends, family, a loved one.

But animals love us just like this - it doesn't matter how much money from the owner, as far as it is beautiful, smart and noble. Dogs love even the owners who beat them, stray dogs loyadedly look into the eyes of the homeless owner. They forgive all the mistakes, never reproach anything, do not require anything.

The pet is always happy to see his master, and if you need, give my life for him.

Animals can be trusted, they do not turn away if you get sick or lose the property. Therefore, they cause us a sense of love and gratitude - in the world, where so much betrayal, they remain reliable pillars of loyalty and devotion.

Medicine from solitude

Not all people have a family - no matter how sad, but loneliness lives in apartments and houses for many. Here they are nodded to whom to return to someone to wait for them. For such lonely people, the animal replaces family and children, helping to implement one of the most important needs - take care and punitive someone weak and defenseless.

The more the person suffers from loneliness, the greater the chances that he will lead home of an ordinary mongrel obscancing, finding it on the street.

Totems and Talismans

Long ago, people worshiped animals, seeing the embodiment of Divine Forces. There were Totems of the genus, whose representatives could not be killed, because the patron he could take offense and wrap to the Cara's tribe.

Today, the echoes of a reverent relation to representatives of fauna can be found in animal talismans and signs about pets. Three-color cats bring good luck, and black distilted with evil spirits - many and now believe in it. People are still inclined to endow animals with magical qualities, so they try to set them at home. After all, everyone is nice when a piece of miracle lives nearby.

Repetition of the path of mankind

There is a theory according to which each person repeats his life to the development of civilization. Therefore, in childhood, we want to start a dog or a cat, because the taming of animals is one of early stages Formation of people.

Maternal instinct

One of the most stable images fixed in our memory is the image of a child, which in the collective consciousness of all generations of people is the same. According to one of the versions, we will teach animals so much, because many of them have the proportions of children. What animals cause us most warm feelings? Bear, raccoons, cats, koala ... It is their forms that are closest to the structure of the child's body: a big head, small legs.

When looking at such an animal in us immediately wakes up parental instinct - Milashka want to feed, heal, stroke. By the way, activation maternal instincta Increases performance and attentiveness. Therefore, we can say that the animals inspire us to work and life feats.

Self-esteem and ambition

In his devotee and blind love, animals are defenseless before us, they are completely dependent on our will and solutions. They are never growing children.

By the way, psychologists have noticed that children growing near her pets are much more curious, friendlier and open to everything new. In addition, the egoists are rarely obtained. Small child Communicatives with animals on equal, while an adult man is more higher and a difficult creature.

Animals are able to worry most of the senses inherent to man - love, jealousy, insult. Therefore, they are for us something like truncated copies of man.

There are owners that awareness of power over the animals makes more significant in their own eyes. The life of the dog depends on the owner: from whether he feeds it, will it take to the veterinarian in case of illness.

Moreover, the pet can be learned to execute teams - then there are generally extensive prospects for satisfying the unrealized ambitions of the great commander.

Doctor who is always with you

Doctors and psychologists have long discovered the relationship between the presence of a pet in the house and the health of his owners. Where animals live, more comfortable energy. They help to normalize pressure, raise the mood and in the literal sense treat their owners.

Most succeeded in this question cats - they themselves climb on sick place And he is heated by setting up his purrin on the necessary power field of the owner.

People who live in no wonderful pets, are less susceptible to stress, more vitality, optimistic, healthy and sports. It can be said that animals bring harmony, joy and positive look for life. And how not to love them after that?

P.S. About how to choose a pet, Tips of the psychologist.

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We get acquainted with them from the cradle: the baby from the very first days is surrounded by toy animals. So accepted, and we are not particularly thinking about what we buy teddy bears, hares or dogs. Perhaps unconsciously we act as Fay from a fairy tale about sleeping beauty - we put the newborn with excellent properties of character, whose symbols are certain animals. And maybe our actions are the echoes of the beliefs of distant ancestors who have worked on the fact that animal wanings will protect the child from evil spirits ... but in mental life Infants Soft toys play another role.

"AT early age Children constantly need the presence of a mother and, when she is not near, they can press to themselves or suck a soft toy (however, just like the corner of the blanket), "said Elena Ratner psychoanalytic psychotherapist. - Soft toy It becomes the so-called "transitional object", in some sense it replaces the mother, helps to cope with the temporary separation, reduces the alarm. Tactile sensations Something warm, fluffy, soft, who brought calm in childhood is stored in our memory. It is possible, so we, already adults, so nice to hug and stroke a dog or a cat. "

Small children perceive pets as their reflection: their silence, vulnerability and addiction to them well acquaint. "The child does not feel the differences between himself and animals," said Sigmund Freud's founder of psychoanalysis. "Only an adult becomes so alien to the animal that he insults another, calling him the name of the animal" *. What remains in us from children's years, when the animals were the object of our early affection? "Sympathy for their fate," answers the zoopsychologist Eric Bonfua (Eric Bonnefoi), - the tendency to empathize with them and calm down next to them. "

I love them because they love me

We easily attribute animals of feelings of people, traits of character and motives of behavior (this phenomenon received the name "anthropomorphism"). The dog is loyalty and dedication, cat - affectionateness and sensitivity. Even the parrot "gently kisses" with their beak. "He loves me!" - This is convinced by the owners of domestic animals. After all, how my dog \u200b\u200bis rejoiced, as she jumps and hesitates from delight, when I come home, - well, of course, she missed me. And how delicately understand me, my cat: when I have a traumatized knee, it comes and "cures" pain. And most importantly (it seems to us) - they love us as we are, they don't care whether we are successful, are happy, beautiful whether.

"For this fantasy, long-term long-term long-term member may be hidden maternal love- Elena Ratner comments. - Child B. early childhood Mother loves just for what he is. Mortification, we are less and less like this love from other people. Memory of her, the need to survive it again strong feeling It provokes many of us to unwittingly "think" animals, to project their desire for them to be loved without any conditions. " Eric Bonfua adds: "The tendency to" anthropomorphism "more often show those who have difficulties in relationships or experience financial problems. A pet helps to forget about these difficulties, because he instantly responds to the need of the owner in attachment and love. "

We are to blame for them

"The main feelings that modern man He is experiencing to animals - wines and compassion, "said the writer and philosopher Tristan Garcia *. Animals stopped being sublime-mysterious for us, as in the era of romanticism, and are no longer our co-workers like in rural culturewhich destroyed urbanization. Now "animals become an object of projections for our remorse." We are especially sensitive to their sufferings in those moments when ... Some people turn as cattle with other people. Paradoxically, today's movement for animal rights has grown out of the Holocaust. There is an obvious connection between the industrial cattle and how it was organized mass destruction People, therefore, initially among the defenders of animals in the US and Europe there were a lot of those who survived the Holocaust and their children. To get rid of the feeling of guilt, from the point of view of the philosopher, it is important for us not so much to defend the legal rights of animals, how much to develop forms general Life, Cooperation with them, restore tangible reply-day relationships with different living beings. So, to strengthen our top Qualities As people and at the same time recognize the animal part, hidden in each of us.

* T. Garcia "Nous, Animaux et Humains. Actualité de Jeremy Bentham »(Fr. Bourin, 2011).

I love myself first

We are all different and pets choose different. "Our attitude towards animals often depends on their external data, attractiveness, having wool (nice) or mucus (unpleasant)," writes zoopsychologist Hel Herzog **. Special tenderness causes animals kids. Natural attachment to everyone who is like a baby is to kittens, puppies, ducks - Etologists are called "custody reaction." Young animals are similar to young children - they are lably, with big heads, Bolsheglase, cheeky and clumsy. These features, according to the Etolog of Conrad Lorenz, serve as triggers, instantly awakening your parent feeling.

Someone loves little, someone's large, someone's purebred, someone docking. And someone is ready to lay out pretty amounts for a long pedigree, anticipating how to spectacle will look with the "fashionable" (this season) or an expensive dog or shook at the exhibition with your petalist. In this case creature becomes material value along with brand clothing, dear foreign car and country cottage. Or, on the contrary, the only status thing compensating for the absence of other symbols of success. "Animal as if confirms the prosperity achieved by the owner," Elena Ratner explains. - The surrounding this person may seem unnecessarily narcissistic. But in fact, in the depths of his soul, a child is hidden, confident in his own imperfection and injustice that has given him a life lot. He is forced to assert themselves due to the attention of others - only he can (for a while) believe that it really is worth something. "

I love him more than people

"The more I recognize people, the more I love dogs" - this famous phrase You can find blogs, forums and social networks. "So consider those who in childhood were injured episodes in relations with parents or sister brothers," said Elena Ratner. - Becoming adults, they are not able to experience confidence in others, it is difficult for them to take duality, inconsistency of relations with others. And fantasy arises that self-safe (unambiguous) relationships can be installed with pets. After all, they will not betray, they will not be offended, will not cause peace of mind. "

Sometimes for increased sensitivity The suppression of sadistic impulses is hidden, Jean-Pierre Winter (Jean-Pierre Winter) adds. He gives the case of his patient: "In primary school He said that he wants to become a butcher, and over him mocked the whole class. A few years later, he began to answer the question of profession, which would be a veterinarian. His destructive impulse was subjected to renewing other people (and his "super-i") and transformed into care about those who were previously the object of aggression. "

In the end, as Michel Montae noted, "only from empty and stubborn vanity we prefer themselves to all other animals" ***. Especially since we have no need to choose between love for people and love for animals, because through the love of animals, a person saves his own humanity.

I love him because I understand his feelings

The question about the rights of animals was first put in the late XVIII century Philosopher Jeremia Bentam (Jeremy Bentham) in the book "Deontology, or Science of Morality". Arguing about the difference in relation to people and animals, he wrote: "What could be the demarcation line? The ability to think or maybe talk? The question is not whether they can argue if they can speak. But: Are they capable of suffering? " The subsequent discovery of genetics, biologists and etologists showed how close these live creatures are close to us. "Many of them are able to think elementary," says Etolog Boris Cyrian (Boris Cyrulnik), - mammals and crovens, for example, have an idea of \u200b\u200bdeath and are able to suffer from loss. "

The boundary between man and (other) animals is becoming more and more blurred, and even disappears at all. And the spread of ecological consciousness exacerbates our understanding of the community of fate of all living beings on Earth.

* Z. Freud "Major psychological theories in psychoanalysis" (Aletiaya, 1998).

** H. Herzog "Joy, Victim and Lunch" (Career Press, 2011).

*** M. Monten "Experiments" (Science, 1981).

"Police simply do not want to open another front of work and create a precedent of investigating and initiating cases of crimes related to animals." About how kinds workers work in St. Petersburg, the correspondent of "Philanthrop" talked to the volunteer inna Sergienko.

Whatever they say, the public consciousness is still capable of positive change. And therefore it is logical that after more attentive attitude We are gradually starting to think about the "brothers of our smaller" to socially excluded or simply needing assistance to people. The emergence of various volunteer organizations and groups involved in animal in 2000 has become a noticeable phenomenon in social Life Russia. First of all, this is due to the fact that the life of animals (both street and domestic) in the conditions of the metropolis creates problems for which there is no ready-made legislative decision yet, and those who are not indifferent to the fate of animals have to act independently.

Among other zooplaschable volunteer organizations of St. Petersburg in 2009, the "Saved Life" group was established, the founder of which became a zoofer Love Sharganov. The group actively declared itself in 2009-2011: her volunteers helped animals, organized rallies, pickets and other public events designed to draw attention to serious and painful problems of urban animals, and to draw public attention to the fact that our legislation in this regard is still Very imperfect. In 2012, "Saved Life" ceased to exist - many volunteers for one reason or another came from affairs, only a few active participants left in the group, and solve some large-scale tasks, as well as engaged in systematic zoe proceedings, as a group became It is impossible. But some still continue as they have the opportunity to work in this direction. I'm talking to S. Inna Sergienko, one of the active participants of the "saved life":

Why it is so difficult to apply the article of the Criminal Code Russian Federation About the ill-treatment of animals?

Because, for example, that article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation formulated rather unbelievable. For example, it says that criminal punishment follows cruel treatment With animals "in the presence of minors." Or if the animal's cruel treatment was carried out by the "sadistic methods", "for mercenary purposes", "from hooligan motivations", and these concepts are not specified. All these circumstances prove under the existing conditions of legal proceedings is quite difficult, but sometimes they still succeed.

In St. Petersburg, there is also regional law No. 7127 of 12.10.10 "On administrative responsibility for the ill-treatment of animals located in St. Petersburg", according to which the penalty is facing: individuals - up to 5 thousand rubles, officials - up to 10 thousand rubles, legal - up to 50 thousand. Whenever we succeed in achieving the initiation of a violation of this law and punish the guilty, we consider our great victory.

But even then, when an article could be applied, the police are reluctant, since, according to the police themselves, their bosses do not encourage all these "cases about animals." Some policemen sympathize with us, but can do a little. There is an installation from above - not to give a special course to these cases, that is, applications about such cases are accepted, but they are separated, as a rule, by unsubsions. Police complains: "We say the bosses:" I do not need this "". Why? We can only assume. First, the situations of ill-treatment of animals are really not such serious crimes as the murder of a person, for example, or robbery. "Well, do not rob anyone, do not kill ..." Representatives of the police or administration say to the zoofers, implying that nothing really terrible happens. It is clear that the protection of the safety and interests of people is priority, but this does not mean that already existing Law It should not work, and animals remain defenseless, especially if according to existing legislation, they are already objects of human rights. Secondly, I personally believe that the police simply do not want to open another front of work and create a precedent of investigating and initiating cases of crimes related to animals. You will start one thing, you will have to start and second, and there, you look around and the following ... Why strain and do something when you can do anything? I have a whole pack of posts from the police sent in response to my statements. These responses are said that either no violations have been identified, or someone has been made a warning, and sometimes these unsubscribe are clearly copied with some previous answers to some other applicants and so on.

Well, and the main factor, I believe that the state with us, in principle, is not humanistically oriented - it does not want to protect even socially vulnerable groups of their citizens, treat children, integrate disabled people and so on. And animals - the more not want to defend. Therefore, one of the goals of kindsmanship is the humanization of the relationship of the whole society to animals.

- What did your group do first of all?

Basically the problems of cats and dogs, ordinary city animals. There are other zoofer organizations that are engaged in different areas - For example, focused on wild animal, exotic animals, birds. For example, the center of "Vita" specializes in the struggle for changes in the legal and legislative sphere, for the adoption of more humane laws and change public opinion, There are groups paying more attention to ecology issues, or individual groups that help, for example, dogs of specific breeds, such as the "Staff-team", "Package assistance", "Chau-Chu" fund and the like.

Many mistakenly believe that the zoofers officers advocate that the homeless cats and dogs are uncontrollably frozen, the whole city was filled and bused passersby. But this is not the case: we are against the cruel kill of animals, against the content of them in bad conditions. At the same time, we are both hands for the reduction of the number of neglect animals. For example, stray dogs in the metropolis are not needed and dangerous. But cats living on the streets are still needed, however, in small quantity. This is due to the features of urban ecology: if cats disappear, then mice will come. As, for example, it happened in 2012, when in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Commandant Prospectus, they began to grow very actively with fearless cats, and then mice were found in apartments even on upper floors New buildings. But the mouse is the spreaders dangerous infections. And they go, even feeling feline smell. Therefore, some kind of cat population is needed. To regulate the number of cats, they need to be sterilized than our group periodically and was engaged.

- What is it like?

For example, in St. Petersburg there is one clinic, in whose territory cats live. The administration of the hospital to cats is loyal and even well, but, of course, does not want them uncontrollably. And the natural selection does not cope with the regulation of the number of cats, and also local residents Often they are being thrown there. At some point we concluded an informal agreement with the administration of the hospital: they allow cats to live on their territory, provide them with food and create conditions for wintering, and we control the number of PRIDE, one or twice by conducting sterilization. We agree in advance with a physician doctor who agrees to conduct operations or free or at a reduced price - and in this case we collect money from everyone who wants to help, mainly with our groups in in social networks. Then come by S. special equipment - Automatic trap cell, we caulate their cats and wait for the doctor. And then, two or three days after the operation, we release our wards back.

Because of this automatic catcholovka cells, we are sometimes taken for styles. There were already several cases when older women were ready to fight us, defending their street pets - we had to calm them for a long time, only after a long conversation managed to prove them that we, on the contrary, we want to help animals.

As for dogs, there are volunteer groups that deal with their sterilization - smallly caught, adults are shooting off sleeping pills, then sterilize.

That is how the problem of street animals at the urban level can be solved. There must be a program, in which the population of street animals in the city would be controlled humane methods. You can travel to the raid on catch and sterilization one or twice a year. And now it turns out that the volunteers like us do this for their money. In essence, we do what social services should do. Well, except that we are sometimes sometimes, if the animal is affectionate and stretches towards people, taking it to the overexposure, treat, teach it to the tray and then add.

The key problem is that there is no distinct state program on the organization of life of street animals. A few years ago, the city program sterilization of dogs was launched in St. Petersburg, the essence of which was that the dogs are caught, sterilized, and then they are returned to their habitat. The implementation of this was instructed by Specialtrans. It was assumed that in case of excess stray dogs, they will be humanely killed using modern drugsallowing it to do painlessly. Also, within the framework of this program, the construction of shelters for homeless animals was planned. The program was criticized by many specialists, including for the fact that it did not reduce the likelihood of dog attack on residents of the city. But what was in this program is appropriate, also not fulfilled. As a result, for some reason, there was no sterilization, nor a humane showlon, nor the creation of shelters, but was just a slaughterhouse - dogs scored with shovels and iron rods in front of children and adults, as it happened in Vsevolozhsk. Therefore, in 2011, a rally was held against this program, which gathered about 2,000 people. As a kind of tomorrow, I definitely speaking for the mass sterilization of domestic and street animals because otherwise, alas, an oversupply of this live biomass comes in the city - all the animal shelters are overcrowded, finding new owners for a cat or dog is becoming harder and harder.

- How does the society perceive the function of the zoozhechnikov?

I often have to engage in a kind of liberation. When our group was still active, people came to me with complaints like: "My cat climbed onto the tree" or "Neighbor is tormented by a dog." We had to explain that we are a volunteer organization, not the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations or the veterinary service, and tell where to turn to what problem. Of course, as they did try to help the animals alone. For example, one elderly womanliving in a hostel, the cat is stuck in the garbage chute, and no services wanted to deal with this problem. So I got a cat.

There are very wild cases. For example, one day one zoofrotter was called from one district administration and said: "We have here in a dwarf, some kind of stigpier hung high on the Rottweiler tree, we cannot remove the corpse - we do not have an autotower. Can you remove you? And then there are women, children ... "What kind of kind replied:" You know, actually I am a music teacher. " And she: "But you are engaged in animals, you are a volunteer!" And indeed, Rottweiler was removed with her help - she found those people who could do it.

- Have you had problems with the city's communal services?

In 2011, the employees of utility services for some reason began to studit the basements of houses for some reason. Often, cats remained in these basements that could not get out and died with painful death without water and food. Sometimes homemade cats turned out in the basements. But utility services for the elevation of basements, naturally, did not agree.

- And zamovyovy, why?

As they themselves explain, cellars are stirred in order for homeless people or terrorists to penetrate there, that is, to avoid emergency situations. But, by the way, even ventilation products were closed in some houses with gas heating, which is a security disorder. Then the city was applied in the city that the hermetic tinning of the basements is unacceptable. As far as I know, it was associated with the explosions of household gas in the basements of residential buildings. True, these tragedies happened in other cities - in Biysk, in Gus-Crystal, Voronezh, but also in St. Petersburg, it was attentive to relate to the safety rules for the operation of gas equipment.

But it happened that residents of the houses could not find a consensus with public utilities. Then the tenants called us, we came and spoke about ill-treatment of animals, about violation of the standards for the content of residential foundation and so on. Most often, representatives of the HOA and utility officers went to meet us. Next, we agree on the establishment of automatic cat in the basement - because the cats in the basement are not caught with bare hands. This operation can last a few days. Volunteer must have a certain time resource, because it often has to do something in working time. We, for example, had to visit many basements - on the Commandant Prospekt, in the Ladoga Metro district, on Rzhevka ... And the basements in the area of \u200b\u200bthe station "Forest" I know how my five fingers (Smiles - I. L.). Of course, the content of cellars of residential buildings in order can only be welcomed, but animals should not die because of this painful death.

- Your group broke out because its participants lacked time for volunteering?

Not really. One of the main reasons is an emotional burnout. When you understand that you can achieve only "point" results, and animals that cannot help, more and more enthusiasm passes, sometimes even despair comes. The motto of any volunteer, in whatever area he worked: "Examine the sea with a pipette." Sometimes the vital circumstances of Volunteer are changing - the situation at work, the state of health, personal problems.

- The one who decided to engage in the protection of animals needs some special training?

We must armared common sense, Combate safety and master some specific skills. For example, you need to understand that the cat is, first of all, predator, albeit small size. Bare hands touching outdoor and even to someone else's domestic cat Not recommended - only in non-mittles. And in such mittens, it is very difficult to keep the cat, because this is a clever beast with a slippery skirt. Therefore, most often we use the automatic catcher. A volunteer working with animals should always be some disinfectants with them. And if the wound is deep, then you need to urgently go into the trauma. Once I, already being an experienced zoofer, rudely broke the security technique - took a three-month-old kitten for a shake with bare hands. I thought that he was small, and it was not scary. He turned around and hesitated to bite me for the finger, the joint thumb, after which I began an anaerobic infection, I had to spend a lot of money and strength to restore the functionality of this finger and hands.

It happens that the ill-treatment of animals is not obvious for ordinary citizens. For example, when animals are used for begging so-called boxes: people are asking for money allegedly on the content of animal shelters, and next to them in boxes are sitting these the most animals - dogs, cats ...

- "Boroccians" is a sore theme. In 2009-2010, the "saved life" the main efforts focused on to somehow prevent their business. We managed to achieve something only because then we had a lot of volunteers, and we were sent by the appeal to all possible instances. We wrote to the president in State Duma, Governor of the city, to the district administrations, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to the prosecutor's office. As a result, "boxes" for some time turned their activities. With the help of animals, they collected money allegedly on the maintenance of shelters for these most animals. But in fact, this is a very cruel business: animals are contained in some basement, in the garage, sometimes in the apartment in very bad conditions, when they are not needed, they are simply thrown to die without water and eating, or cruelly killed, for example, scoring Sticks. Sometimes in the boxes closed alive together with the dead ... In general, it is monstrously. It happened that we simply took animals from the "boxes".

- Someday the police or did you manage to get to the organizers of this criminal business?

Some time ago, a criminal case was initiated for one of such organizers - he was accused of fraud, and he received a period of four years. By the way, he was engaged in the organization "photo-like". In general, it's no secret for us as "boxes", and "photo-pointers", and begging with children is one business. But as for the aforementioned criminal process, it is still a rare case.

"Boroccians" has now become much smaller. But there is another topic - the photobusiness with animals. Here we are watching the ill-treatment of animals that are on the street for 8-10 hours, are under actions. narcotic substances. The latter can be seen at least by how apathetically and unnatural animals behave. Often such animals are sick, infected, and small children are photographed with them. An animal is enough to scratch a person to apply infection. In response to questions of the activists of the hosts of animals, they often behave aggressively, threaten and even begin fighting.

What can an ordinary citizen make, if he understands that his neighbor manifests cruelty to animals?

Contact the police. Police This statement is obliged. But in each particular situation it is necessary to deal with especially. I recently filed a statement to the police on a man who contained a cat in a closely closed space - did not let out for days from the toilet. I was pleased that the application immediately accepted. Previously, it happened that they did not take it so easily, said: "Woman, go better home cooking soup." With young volunteer girls, the police began to flirt, said something like: "Throw these cats, get married for me." And now they took quickly - perhaps something changes in best side. True, we wrote that we demand the removal of this cat from the owner and the transfer to us, and we undertake to provide documents on the proper content of the animal.

- If you see the animal seizure, what happens to him then?

We take it on the so-called overexposure. That is, they contain them in our own apartments, although someone has specially equipped for this room: garages, sheds, balconies, private houses. If necessary, we carry an animal in veterinary clinic. Some branches make substantial discounts from zoo, for which we are very grateful to them, some organizations, for example, the Baltic Care Foundation for Animals helped us purchase medicines at preferential prices and so on. Then we adapt these animals to household conditions, teach to the tray, to communicate with a person, we see the behavioral features, and then find the best of the new owners. In my head, the whole table is constantly spinning, in which familiar is divided into subject and not subject to "vocabulary" (Smiles - I. L.). When we find those who wish to take the animal, we give it to new hands only under the contract - if only this person is among our close friends, whom we already know well, and which we trust. According to this agreement, the host undertakes to comply with the proper conditions for the content of the animal and allow the volunteers to control it in this regard. After all, there were even a few cases when we later found out that animals were taken from us for experiences. And the police helped us with these animals to withdraw - in this case the agreement signed by the owner turned out to be a means of moral influence on it.

I have a familiar family they do not harde the two children any animals, because they do not imagine how to console them, because animals die. They say so seriously, and they would have experienced such - so it was not! For some reason, they are so sorry for me ... they don't have to persuade into their family. I do not know what to do. I had a frost cat, and she lived with me about 15 years, died. The next day me ex-husband Digured exactly the same Marus. An ordinary permanent cat, rebelled to them in the garage of the kitten. Marusya is sick, asthma, but lives with me for the sixth year. Scared, worried - begins to cough. I wore it in the doctors, they said it would not live, a maximum of a month, almost 5 years passed. She gives me so much joy. She is manual as a monkey. I consider to raise a child without animals not correctly, it is some kind of full-fledged childhood. Many refer to allergies, more often it's just not desire once again Make cleaning from wool at home. There are generally different breeds and almost without wool, and completely bald. there is different love: Maternal, father, friendly, love for homeland, and there is love for animals. Very good, all these types of love are described by Erich Frochma "Art of Love". Love is the main opportunity to full existence on Earth, to life. It is true that the art, in every understanding of love, is the ability and work. It's like if you didn't get into the water - then you would never swim. If you do not take a cat in your hands, if it does not grow on you since childhood, then with what fig she will then be affectionate with you. With animals, we ourselves see the result of your ability, the desire to get along with a cat, like a dog. The result of your love is reciprocity. It is not possible to fake, portray, and buy an impossible animal love. It is more difficult with people, but the point is the same as a result. My personal conviction, I do not pretend to the truth, but people do not loving animals who do not know how to love - will never be loved by people. Parents refuse to children in love for animals deprive them a lot. We still cannot measure these forces, but I am confident so after 500 or 1000 years, these knowledge will be known and are simply measurable. After all, 30 years ago cellular telephone He was a fairy tale. Many do not even know that there is a reverse side of this medal. It's not just to love and not love, or hate. Hate this smoothed such concept more often regards love connections allegedly. Reverse side "Love" is to "destroy" (or kill). In the sandbox there are children who build, and there are those who break. Some of them can change, and someone just hides in the mass of the rest of the people. Scientific love - scary peopleAnd externally they will be white and fluffy. God forbes you, comrades to face the essence of such people in life It seems to me that the upbringing and love of a little man is more important than the inevitability (commonness) of death. Life is more important than death. I do not know how to say ... Help something ... regarding my understanding of death, it also did not always have such a calm and peaceful, my life taught me and animal deaths, including.

My dog \u200b\u200bspent four days from the veterinarian, we put an account of $ 4,000, and anyway, no one knew that she was wrong with her. I met a girlfriend, and she told me: "So take it to the dog psychic." "What? - I was surprised. - Is there a dog extrase in our city? It is not joke?" The next day we went to him at the reception. For some time, he looked at me, then on my husband, then on our dog, and then finally said: "Well, she is sick, because the corn corks are frustrated and because of this. And it is upset because you and your husband quarreled because of the mother. " We really quarreled because of the trip to the mother-in-law.

It was the moment of insight. I studied in college business administration, I worked in the corporate world from 9 to 17, I was moving on the service staircase, and I coped well, but at that moment I understood: I no longer want to do this. I understood what my destination and what I needed to do.

And you immediately quit?

No. It would be nice, but no, because I received the salary of the IBA. Instead, I opened an additional business that was engaged only in the evenings and weekends. Everything went well, but during meditation I continued to receive messages: "It's time, Daniel, your business is able to flourish, and you can leave the corporate world," and others said the same thing. Then we bought a new home, and the day before that I was reduced. I accepted it as a sign and said myself: "Well, that's the moment. New home, new life, I'm not going to go back to the corporate world, I'm going to make my business to my main work. "

How did you understand that you could teach other people in this profession?

I worked with one owner and his animals, and revelation appeared on me: "Hey, you could do it," and that man said: "Yes, this is my dream!" And around the same time, several people asked: "Can you teach me this?"
At first I started teaching people one on one, by phone. Then I began to spend living classes in classes with a lot of people. It's so cool - see how people look around with the words: "I got it! And you got it! " Now I teach hundreds of people a year, but everything will change when at the end of the year I will open my own school to communicate with animals. These will be live webinars.

What do you start teaching this wisdom?

There are two main points. First: If you think about trying to communicate with animals right now, will you be a little scary?

Yes, it will be. But I really love dogs, so it seems to me that it will be exciting.

Good, it happens when people love animals and want to try it. But then they think: "Can I? I really want me to do. But is I able? " All are experiencing these emotions. Therefore, the first classes are devoted to how to cope with all these fears, how to deal with them to be, as I call it, in the "zone". When you are in the "zone", you can communicate with animals. This is the first part.

The second part is the training of people how animals will communicate with them, because there are several different ways that animals transmit intuitive information to you. Most people are accustomed to watching tv, and they think: "Probably, the animal is going to send me a picture of", - and they spend time waiting, but in fact there are many ways as information you can do.

Yes, she can come in the form of a picture, but can come through words, but this is usually short phrases Like "Favorite Boy", "Big Ball" or "Always Cold". People can feel those feelings that animal broadcasts them, and if it is nervous, then during the communication session they say: "Oh, I'm so nervous," but in fact it is nervous animal. I get a lot of information, without seeing, not feeling and not hearing - I just suddenly find out something from the animal, and that's it. It's hard enough - trying to do such things and go beyond when you do not have any real facts, and not to be based on what you feel, you think or hear, but just know. It scares.

Dogs and cats communicate in different ways?

No. The difference is based on their personality. You can make a closed cat or a closed dog, and when trying to communicate with them they will behave equally. And if you have an easy-made dog, then most likely when you try to communicate with her, she will say: "Hello! I love you! I love you!"

You noticed that alone animals are more intelligent than others?

No. This is the key moment of my work. What I understood is that the animals know everything in the deepest level, and I know what I will look crazy if I say it, but my dog \u200b\u200bis aware of my financial situation; My dog \u200b\u200bknows when my son is going to school; My dog \u200b\u200bknows everything about me. It may be a dog, a cat, a mouse, a hamster, but if this animal leaves me with me, then it knows everything, it just prefers not to go on this level.

Animals work with people to teach us unconditional love; them natural condition - This is the adoption of love, pure energy. The person is characteristic of distrust, we yourself do not believe, we do not feel safe. When you are intuitively talking to animals at the deepest level, there is no difference in intelligence. In fact, many of them seem much smarter than most of us.

Do you need a person with whom this animal is connected to communicate with the last?

No, whit. You can communicate with animals in the shelters and with wild beasts, and they don't have to have people who are somehow connected with them. It just so happens that the animals give me the owners. But I found that the animal can help a person. I love to communicate with people and animals, because healing happens during a session.

I'm not sure what I understand. Can you give an example?

One woman led to me his dog named Hessus, which in the most unacceptable manned in pots with kitchen plants. I said: "Jesus and I have to solve this problem together." So I first set a connection with this woman, then with Jesus and asked him: "What's the matter? You do not know where the courtyard? " He answers: "I know where the courtyard, Daniel." I asked him to tell me what was going on, and he told me that he was overlooked on the plants every time the kitchen occurred in the kitchen. I was not as follows as follows to talk about it with a woman who did not say to me that he was physical violence. It is very difficult to talk about it with someone who waited for that I just say: "You know, he has an infection of the bladder, take it to the vet," and instead to declare: "It turns out that you are beaten, and he is going out of - This, and it is poured into such forms. "

I had to build my business in such a way that people understand: when they come to me, I would not just deal with the problems of their dog, because it's not about it; The case in connection between man and animals, so they can emerge deeply intimate things.

What problems do people most often come to you for help?

Their animal is sick, and they do not know what to do. Behavioral problems - For example, the dog leaves all the time or tears the wool on itself. Sometimes people come just like this: "I love him so much and want to make sure that he knows about it." The most ridiculous thing I go to contact with the animal, and it informs me: "Yes, I know, I know. She Taldychits me every minute. "

Do you think, how much does it matter how long the cat or dog lives from this host? For example, my mom has a puppy a month ago. And she…

Out of my mind from happiness?

Yes, but at the same time a little disappointed. He is terribly restless, and I tell her: "Wait, you have only a month. He needs to get used. "

I do not think that with time it will be better or worse. Difficulties arise from the fact that the animal takes out something in humans. So the concern of the puppy in this case Reflects your mom's concern. Is she an impressionable person? And not the most calm?


So, this puppy will work with her above it. So, if your mother does not start to fight with his alarm - and you know that she is most of time alarmed and it is not easy for her to calm down? - Then the puppy will remain so while your mom does not start solving his problem. You can attribute a puppy to the trainer, and he will calm the animal, but the puppy will continue to work at this level with your mother to help her, so the only solution to the problem is that your mother has coped with his anxiety and inability to live in their own pleasure.

Wow. That is why I wanted her to start a dog! What about those cases when people come to you, because they saved the animal and do not know anything about him?

If this is all that they want, I usually say that we should not hold a session. Animals wish to live real and do not want to talk about what happened to them in the past. I can say that from those animals with whom I speak, only one of the hundred will go into the details of what happened to them in the past. So this is a really small percentage. Most often the dog will understand: "Yes, something happened, but it doesn't matter, now I want to talk about my human daddy, because it behaves funny ..." Do you understand what I mean? They change the topic and go to what they seem more interesting or appropriate.

What do you do when skeptics say: "She invented everything" or "it can not be"?

I sometimes see such comments on my page on Facebook, but I never worried about this. I do not accept this close to heart. There are people who absolutely don't like what I do, because it scares them or they think that I am a terrible person, and I calm towards it. If I spend time to run and try to prove something to them, it will mean that I do not quite believe what I do.

It happens that people who recognized you about you are suitable and asking so that you quickly talk to their pets?

I often had to face it, but I had to establish a clear framework. If I'm in the gym, I can not sit on mats and talk about your dog. Some people think that this is such a radish, since I don't want to talk about it overotherly, but you will not get to the doctor if you meet him in the grocery, with a question: "Doctor, you quickly do not look what I have here - Just rash or cancer? "

One more question. One of my colleagues to death wants to know: Can animals feel the presence of ghosts?

I do not believe in the ghosts, but I believe that our souls and energies roam everywhere. An animal from our world will definitely communicate with an animal or man who are on the other side. Do you know these moments when the cat suddenly stares into the space and it seems that she is a little with greetings? Most of the time this happens because they establish communication, talk, look at someone's other or spirit.

But dogs do not do that.

Make. And how. Suppose you have two dogs. If one went to the world of other, the dogs still support communication with each other, so the dog that remains may begin to do the same that the dog that has not become. This is because the dog that did not make it seems to be pushing it: "Hey, go under the staircase, as I usually did." Sometimes it turns people to horror, but they still communicate, and the dog that did not want you to know that.