I want to become a real woman. Purposefulness and a wide range of interests. Laws of the ideal woman

The question is how to become real woman, relevant to everyone. After all, as the famous phrase says - a woman is not born, one becomes one. In order to understand how it is, it is enough just to reconsider your personality in terms of how feminine you are. That is why books like "How to Become a Bitch" are by no means a manual for real women.

What does it mean to be a real woman?

A real woman is, first of all, womanly woman, and by no means a bitch, a business woman or a chamomile girl. This is manifested in everything - in manners, and in clothes, and in interests, and in behavior, and in appearance. There is only one criterion in everything - femininity. To figure out how to become a real woman, you need to discard the now fashionable masculinity and turn to the origins.

Secrets of a real woman - appearance

First of all, let's look at how to become feminine, starting with appearance, because, as you know, they are met by clothes.

  1. For a woman, there is no question of what to wear - trousers or a dress. Of course, the dress! A woman avoids men's clothing and shoes.
  2. If a woman wears trousers, then in addition to the nickname, there is a very feminine blouse.
  3. A woman chooses shoes with heels, even if they are low.
  4. The woman does not look vulgar - she is elegant and attractive.
  5. A woman is always neat!
  6. light makeup will not interfere with any person - and the woman knows about it.
  7. No one should ever see a woman in ugly clothes, with a "crow's nest" on her head or with badly done makeup.
  8. A woman follows fashion, but never chases after it.
  9. A woman takes care of her figure, makeup, manicure, pedicure and clothes with the same care.
  10. The woman looks good even when she went for bread to the nearest store.

All the rules of a real woman boil down to the fact that she must be neat, well-groomed, change from time to time, and most importantly, remain feminine. Still, it's easier to be a lady in a skirt than in Afghan trousers.

What should a real woman do?

Everyone knows that a real man must build a house, raise a son and plant a tree. But what a real woman should do is still a mystery. Perhaps simply because a woman does not owe anything to anyone, as it is now fashionable to say. If we talk about the behavior of a real woman, we can refer to the following postulates:

The most important thing that a real woman knows is how easy it is to tie a man to her. If while he is in love with you, he will spend all his money and time on you, he will adore you. Men always value what they give over what they receive. A woman knows how to use her advantages - and is not a bit shy about it!

Surely everyone has heard famous phrase Simone de Beauvoir on how a woman is not born, but made. And it really is. You can only become a true woman. How to do it? Just use the rules of a true woman.

How to become a true woman: 7 rules

Rule number 1. Ode to myself alone

This is not selfishness or narcissism, this is a very important and necessary step in becoming a true, real woman. After all, a woman is a source of the energy of love, and she can generate it only through herself. So, constantly, dozens of times a day, say the phrase: “I, (name), unique, exceptional, the only one! A real Woman who came into this world to live her life, and only hers!”

It is useless to endlessly improve something in yourself with the help of operations and silicone, since this process can become endless, but never lead to desired resulttrue love to yourself. By loving and fully accepting yourself, you will accept every cell of your body.

Do you believe in your uniqueness and exclusivity? Believe it! After all, this is how it is. No, there has never been and never will be another woman like you on the planet!

Rule number 2. Be beautiful not for someone else, but for yourself

Take care of your body constantly and then it will serve you for a long time. Your body is the repository of your beautiful soul, so take good care of it. A true woman dresses up only for herself, and an ordinary woman dresses up for others. Besides, ordinary women they torment themselves too much with various botoxes and diets, not caring at all about their body and health, but simply trying to get the perfect outer shell. A true woman strives to be healthy and like herself first. She takes good care of herself, and can even go on a diet if necessary, but she will not scream about it at every corner, as is now fashionable. It is absolutely not necessary for men to know how many grams you have thrown off today, and what enemas you are doing to yourself in order to lose weight!

Yes, we can say that you were in a beauty salon today, but without going into details. Remember, a man is a MAN, not your girlfriend.

Rule number 3. Living your life, not the life of your husband, children, parents, or friends

How often from elderly woman you can hear: “Yes, for your sake I ruined my youth, lost my health, didn’t sleep at night, and so on.” And it immediately becomes clear that the woman is devastated, as she constantly devoted herself to others, tried to please them, took care of them, but she did not wait for gratitude and recognition. That is, she simply lived someone else's life, and not her own. In the life of a true woman, in addition to her husband, children and work, there should be a place for creativity, a hobby that pleases her. After all, it is you who are the source of energy, so fill yourself up, and do not empty yourself!

Don't try to do everything for everyone. Save yourself. For example, imagine. that you have a temperature, the older child asks for help ironing clothes, the younger baby is crying, and the husband asks you to help tie his tie. What are you going to do? Most likely, you will say that first you will rush to to an infant and calm him, then help the eldest child and husband. But! Wait a minute... First you have to lie down and drink an aspirin, then ask the older child to babysit and calm the younger one, and ask your husband to help iron the clothes of the older child and sort out the tie yourself! Take care of yourself, first of all! Again, for the sake of the children. After all, no one will love them the way you love them. So take care of yourself and your health! If you are sick, tired and exhausted, you are unlikely to be able to give your children and husband much love and support.

Rule number 4. Feeling special and unique

In the first rule, we talked about clothes for yourself, which helps to feel your uniqueness. This feeling is very important for a true woman. She can safely enjoy the male company without calling for help from her girlfriends. A true woman never fights with rivals, because she simply does not have them, since she is exceptional! Her motto is: "Let 40 women stand in front of me, and I will not envy all forty."

Rule number 5. A true woman chooses a man as a gift

Rule number 6. A real woman knows how to say "No"

An ordinary woman is always afraid of offending someone and endures a boring company or people she does not need, just so as not to offend them. A real woman can just get up and leave. And if, for example, she decided to make herself a day off and lie on the couch with a book all day, then no invitations from her friends for shopping will make her abandon her intention. So don't beat yourself up and don't try to please everyone.

Rule number 7. Jealousy - NO!

No wonder they say that a man is jealous because he loves himself very much, but a woman is jealous because she does not love herself enough! Most often, when a woman has a reason for jealousy, she falls into hysterics, screams, swears, but at the same time she is very afraid to leave and lose a man. A true woman can accept betrayal as a fact and instead of tantrums, she simply makes a decision. If a man is very needed and loved, she simply will not tell him anything about her awareness and will work to strengthen the relationship. Or, if she decides that with such a man she is no longer on her way and she cannot be with him and then she will simply leave.

And if a woman becomes hysterical, informs her man that she knows about the betrayal, but at the same time continues to live with him further, then the situation may repeat itself, and as a result, they will simply wipe their feet about such a woman. So either accept it as a fact, realizing that both are to blame for the betrayal and work to improve relations without arguing and not saying anything to the man, or just leave right away. If a man loves, he will get scared, think about the situation, then he will start to get bored and will do everything to win you back. And if he does not love ... Well, then there will be another man, faithful and loving.

Here are the rules True Woman. And finally, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with ten commandments that you can write down on a piece of paper and read every day so that you do not forget them.

Commandments of the True Woman:

1. All changes in my life are for the better!

2. I love myself with unconditional love.

3. I take care of myself

4. I respect myself

5. I maintain my spiritual and physical health

6. I believe in myself

7. I take care of my body because I love it.

8. I enjoy my life and every day I live

9. I am always open to new ideas.

10. I love Life!

Love to you and harmony!

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To become a woman, it is enough to be born one - isn't it? But why, then, in the world sometimes there is so little tenderness and beauty? Perhaps because it is not always clear to young girls how to become a woman. And they make different mistakes, becoming too rude, or emphatically dependent. Meanwhile, becoming a woman is not so difficult if you understand what femininity is and why it is necessary.

What does it mean to be a woman? Is it necessary to dress exclusively in lace dresses or you can afford pantsuit or even ripped jeans? It is necessary to pamper the family with a variety of dishes, and how to become a woman, gobbling up the ordered pizza? Everyone decides for herself what is her priority. And she can become a woman, being passionate about a career, rock music or mountaineering.

But there are traits that are expected from women. These qualities include:

  • diligence;
  • the ability to create comfort;
  • tact and accuracy;
  • ability to empathize.

Even such qualities do not have to be primordially feminine - nothing prevents men from being attentive to trifles and respecting other people's feelings. But if such features are absent in the fair sex, she should think carefully. And it's not about gender stereotypes. Such feminine traits as gentleness, patience and the ability to care are inextricably linked with her important role- with motherhood.

Some of the girls do not see themselves as a mother at all. And one can hardly reproach them for wanting to manage their own lives on their own. However, changes can occur in their worldview, an unpredictable change of circumstances - and then they will look at femininity from a different point of view. In the end, until humanity has come up with other ways to reproduce, women are required to be ready for this role.

And if we talk not about social responsibility, but about personal advantages, being feminine can simply be very pleasant. strong women used to decide controversial points pressure, stubbornness and inevitable conflicts. But there may be another way - to gently, unobtrusively persuade the enemy to his point of view, leaving him with the feeling that this is exactly what he was trying to achieve. This is an easier, more economical and mutually beneficial way.

How to Become a Woman: Cooking

If you love to cook, then this way to become a woman is not a problem for you. Those who are thinking about enhancing their femininity, but do not cook anything more complicated than scrambled eggs, should ask themselves: do they not know how, but want to learn, or simply do not like this activity and find more interesting things to do? Both experienced cooks and fans of ready-made food can benefit from such ideas for the kitchen.

Make your stay in the kitchen enjoyable. For some, daily cooking has long become a routine and a boring duty. And someone does not want to start, because he does not see any interest in this. Whatever it was - diversify this activity. So you will breathe more flavor into your life rhythm - even in a literal sense.

Look around your kitchen: do you like being here? Maybe the reluctance to cook is due to a lack of comfort? Hang new curtains pleasant little things(up to a vase of flowers), to get beautiful dishes, a towel, an apron - all this can create several advantages at once:

  • you will expand the territory that you consider yours, create a new one for yourself favorite place in the apartment;
  • the cooking process will become more enjoyable and can even turn from a routine into an art;
  • relations with family members will improve;
  • you may start a new hobby: cooking is a multifaceted field, and even the most diverse personalities can find something to their liking.

Cooking is often disparagingly referred to as kitchen slavery. Change this attitude - be not a servant, but a mistress in this possession, with your own rules.

Connect relatives. Joint lesson unites, gives a reason to communicate, exchange experiences. Create family traditions– try new recipes or add new notes to familiar and familiar dishes.

Try new recipes different cuisines peace. Cook your favorite dishes - it's more economical and healthier than ready-made food.

Place flowerpots with plants on the windowsill. It can be chlorophytum, which purifies the air, or a mini-garden - parsley, basil. They smell good and are a pleasure to take care of. By the way, this applies not only to the kitchen: growing flowers is a very feminine occupation.

Don't be afraid to fail - even if the recipe fails, at least it will give you a reason to laugh with your friends.

Being a woman doesn't mean spending all day in the kitchen. It means to have a sparkle in the eyes and sincere desire please loved ones. Both can be achieved in your own kitchen.

It so happened that the women's mission is to create an atmosphere of comfort, wherever it is. If she does housework, her relatives want to return from work or study to the house where they are expected, where they will be helped to relax and recover before a new day. Cooking is just one way to please them. The house should be a place where you want to return, and the main thing that is needed for this is a sincere desire to maintain favorable weather in the house.

How to become a woman: mind and hobbies

Someone can say that to become a woman is certainly to be obedient, indecisive, without manifestations of one's own will. But is it interesting?

An independent, self-confident woman invariably attracts attention: favourite hobby gives a sparkle in the eyes, the gait becomes flying, and the very opportunity to express oneself inspires. And the ability to do many different things - not only cook dinner, but also put up a tent or set up the Internet - makes a person deeper. Femininity does not mean helplessness. WITH smart girls it is interesting to talk - they can always keep up the conversation, and often they are forced to correspond to their level.

What can you choose for your development? Here are just a few of the many options.

Foreign languages. Maybe you are into anime, or you dream of walking around Barcelona or London, or you want to read Baudelaire in the original, or you just love the sound of Italian or Norwegian... There are many reasons, and any of them can bring new impressions to life and give an intellectual passion for many months. . And maybe over time it will grow into something more - new job or prospective acquaintance.

Programming. If you have a penchant for orderliness and exact sciences, get a new skill that can be of great help in the future. This also includes web design, although it requires a slightly different mindset: if you feel a penchant for beauty and hard work, at least get a general knowledge in this area.

Culture and art. What you need for femininity and a sense of beauty, as well as for the ability to carry on a conversation. There are many online courses that show that art galleries are not necessarily something for narrow circle selected intellectuals.

Any handicraft skill: pottery, drawing on fabric, the same knitting or embroidery. The ability to do something with your hands is another step towards diversified development.

The photo. To capture emotional moments not in the form of blurry photos against the background of the carpet, but in frames that will be pleasant to view even after many years. To save moments not only for yourself, but also for family and friends, or strangers which also need memory.

Economics and marketing. In order not to fall for the tricks of the series “buy two products for the price of four” and have critical thinking.

Time management - to keep up with all of the above.


What woman doesn't want to be beautiful? Even if she is indifferent to the latest fashion, she still has a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow she should look better in order to become a woman. However, if we talk about femininity, then here, too, we can highlight some common points.

Some things are traditionally considered feminine:

  • long hair, especially wavy;
  • light and flowing clothes;
  • skirts, especially long ones;
  • light colors or bright, lively shades;
  • jewelry, accessories.

But there are pitfalls here too. For example, unkempt long hair can look worse than a neat short haircut - especially if it is properly chosen and emphasizes facial features. Yes, and feminine stilettos will not add pluses to the hostess if they only interfere during a long walk.

Appearance should not be repulsive. What is hidden in this concept? These are very different, but equally unsympathetic features:

  • carelessness;
  • aggressiveness;
  • irrelevance.

If you want to always remain feminine, carry a small first aid kit with you: a thread with a needle or pins, dry and wet wipes, sponge for shoes, not to mention such things as a comb and a pocket mirror. Small everyday troubles can happen to anyone. But a real woman will not walk around with a stain on her blouse or with a button torn off.

We will not talk about personal hygiene, because this is already clear. Well-groomed nails and hair, as well as the skin of the face and hands, fresh breath, clean clothes and shoes are the foundation on which the feminine appearance is based. Regularly paying attention to all this, a woman gets used to treating herself with respect - and as you know, this gives her an appropriate attitude towards herself. And besides, such elementary self-care rules provide the bulk of a pleasant appearance.

But let's assume this is okay. The lady is neat and well-groomed, she loves herself to the tips of her nails and is proud of her appearance. What's bad about it? Of course, nothing if arrogance is not visible in this - one of the enemies of femininity.

Too much bright makeup or a provocative style of dress in the office or at lectures is inappropriate and therefore not feminine. Busting with perfumes, even with very expensive and good ones, is no less an attempt on someone else's personal space, and will not add any pluses either. When going anywhere, think about what your goal is and how it aligns with the goals of your colleagues or companions. If you go to work or study, and others come there for the same purpose, a light one is appropriate. business makeup and simple style of dress. Training is not a reason to overdo it with perfume. And a hiking trip is an occasion to test yourself for strength, so they will come in handy comfortable clothes and sturdy shoes.

And after that - taking care of your convenience and the absence of someone else's bewilderment - you can move on to the pleasant. To create your own image.

How to do it - find your own style that reflects and emphasizes your personality? To begin with, decide what is close to you, in what you feel “at ease”. Clothes can be fashionable and of high quality, but if her mistress is tense, then a whole image will not work.

Think about this moment too. What you like doesn't always match what suits you. Here, for example: once upon a time there was a girl who was condescending to the generally accepted ideas about femininity. She listened to rock music and preferred black in clothes - and in extreme cases, red. But here's the bad luck: nature, not knowing about her preferences, endowed her with a delicate tone of the face, which was ideally suited to shades of pink.

How to be in this case - and in many others? Push your hobbies into the far corner or neglect the features of your appearance? Of course, neither of these is an option. Femininity manifests itself precisely in being able to find a balance and compromise, being able to make friends with what initially seems incompatible. This can be an interesting challenge, and as a result, turn into your own style.

So, we came to the point of deciding on the creation of our appearance. The challenge is to embrace all of your characteristics without dismissing any of them. Remember that there are no people with the same set of features as you - which means you can afford to stand out and be special. And yet, remember the appropriateness.

Decide on the type of figure and color type. To pick yourself suitable images you need to know yourself.

Create accents: knowing your strengths, you will want to emphasize them, draw attention to them. This may include unusual color eyes, graceful and well-groomed hands, beautifully defined cheekbones and many more features.

Don't be afraid to experiment. Now you can see how stylists combine the most seemingly incompatible shades, fabrics and styles, and it looks extraordinary and inspiring. If you want to achieve the same in your appearance, consider different images, look closely at those that you liked, and evaluate: due to what exactly did you like it?

If any style has found a response in you, then you should look in this direction. Every time you find an impressive photo or even see such an image live, note the key moments for yourself. Write down observations and group them together, and over time it will become clear: for example, hats suit you better than hats, and loose clothes are better than tight-fitting ones. Consider not only how the image looks, but also how you feel in it.

How to develop good taste

Good taste can be innate quality, but in this case it is worth developing. But what about those who doubt their ability to become a woman and distinguish beautiful from ugly? If you wish, you can also develop a good artistic taste.

And this concept applies not only to the ability to dress beautifully. The ability to create a cozy interior, set a table or arrange a page on your website - all this requires attention to both details and the whole picture.

What is needed for this?

Develop a sense of beauty. Study the works of old masters - artists, architects, fashion designers. Many important things have already been established before us - such as the laws of composition, proportionality, color combinations. Use it. If you look at high-quality and thoughtful things for a long time, sooner or later it will have an effect.

Explore the possibilities of color. Read about color, about the combination of colors and color circle- about how shades are combined with each other: contrasting or complementary colors. This will give an understanding of how you can achieve the desired, attractive effect in clothes, makeup, interiors or anywhere else. And besides, viewing palettes is easy good way relax looking at beautiful pictures.

The optimal number of colors is three: two primary and a third for accent. And if we are talking about patterns, then there should be no more than one - do not combine them with each other. The same applies to metals: it is extremely rare to successfully combine, for example, gold with silver, or a precious metal and jewelry.

In addition to the combination of colors, there is also such an important area as the rules and techniques of composition: rhythm, symmetry and asymmetry, diagonal directions. How can it help? A simple example: ascending diagonals give the viewer the impression of something cheerful, growing, and by slightly raising the corners of the eyes with a pencil, you can give the face a more cheerful expression. And this is just one of many examples.

Feminine appearance: what is it based on?

Attractive appearance is usually an indicator good health and right image life and thoughts. For example, body weight means absolutely nothing until it begins to directly affect its owner. Shortness of breath and problems with movement for unnecessarily full girl or the irritability and egocentrism of a fan of diets - all this equally causes problems, by and large, for themselves.

The same applies to the skin. You can use a lot of care products, but the most important of them are proper nutrition and healthy sleep. They provide not less than half good manners face, and to this it remains to add only simple hygiene procedures.

Speaking of external attractiveness, there are two other aspects to be mentioned. They are given quite inexpensively, and the effect of them is huge. It's about walking and posture. The way a woman holds herself gives her confidence both in her own eyes and in the eyes of others.

How can you improve your speech? Here are some ways:

  • read aloud;
  • record yourself on a voice recorder, then to listen and catch the shortcomings;
  • replenish vocabulary- so the speech will become richer and more interesting;
  • listen to established speakers, such as those who voice favorite characters in films;
  • listen to audiobooks. This is useful for those who do not have time to read, and besides, it reveals a variety of intonations and speech techniques.

Femininity is based on self-love. And self-love is manifested, among other things, in taking care of your health. Just as important as taking care of your appearance is taking care of your inner well-being.

Remain calm and optimistic. Stress, especially regular stress, can lead to serious problems - so do not let everyday trifles take you out of a state of balance and goodwill. What can be done for this?

Breathe deeply, practice breathing exercises. This helps both on a regular basis and in extreme situations. Better do it on fresh air or at home, calm environment, to pleasant music and with the use of essential oils.

Walk more often in places you love. It could be a park Botanical Garden or the historic center of the city - the main thing is that you come there with joy and leave with satisfaction. Such walks are also suitable for reflection. important issue and to meet up with friends.

Listen to your body. It often gives signals - too cold or hot, you need to walk and stretch your back, not enough water, these shoes are uncomfortable - and it suffers greatly if these signals remain unheard. But he replies with gratitude if the hostess acts in his interests.

Pay attention to medical examinations: for women's health it is especially important to visit your specialists once a year - just to make sure that there is nothing to worry about in this area.

Avoid hypothermia - no swollen nose from a cold, no more serious problems do not add femininity. Get beautiful scarves, shawls and snoods, dress for the weather and do not sit in the cold, and also avoid drafts.

Don't lift heavy things. Maybe you are working out in the gym, and the load is only a joy for you, but remember that the body has its own resource. It is better to go grocery shopping in two instead of one, take a taxi or ask relatives to help, but do not turn yourself into a traction workforce.

In all this, in addition to caring for physical health, there is also such an element: in this way you show yourself and others that your health and you yourself are important. Femininity does not mean sacrifice to the detriment of one's interests. Taking care of yourself in order to be able to remain tender and caring for longer is also femininity.

Another component good health is optimism. Celebrate good and good things. Be grateful for what you have. Instead of worrying about the unfulfilled, focus on your opportunities and advantages. Keep track of your achievements - get a beautiful notebook or photo album, give yourself gifts for those things that you are proud of.

Let go of situations that have already outlived their usefulness: from time to time, conduct an audit in your head, identify annoying thoughts and regrets, and decide for yourself: to refine to some result or get rid of uselessness.

Ability to rest

To stop horses and enter burning huts, and in between these noble activities to cook, create comfort, raise children, drive in nails and screw shelves - you need to have a source of energy.

It also happens that work does not annoy, but brings joy and satisfaction. Troubles never happen in your favorite hobby, and the family always understands, supports and goes forward, and all things - both personal and domestic - go exceptionally well. But to be blunt, even the most successful people with a fully planned life happen bad days and unfortunate circumstances. Not to mention that for most women, their rhythm of life is racing at high speeds with attempts to make and career growth, and household chores, and personal development.

In the midst of all this, moments of peace and relaxation are needed.

It also happens like this: both at work and in the family, everything is in order, and favorite hobby brings joy. But at the same time, they all require effort: a family, although pleasant, is still work, not to mention work. Yes, and doing your favorite dancing or knitting still sets a certain bar, below which you don’t want to and should not fall. As a result, it turns out that even successful life fatigue occurs. Therefore, have an activity that does not require achievements, but brings joy in itself.

Know your places and activities that help you relax and recover. Agree with yourself to devote time to them at least once a week, or better - once a day, even if it's only a quarter of an hour in a cafe near the house. It's not a waste of time if it helps make the next day more productive.

Visit the pool, sauna or massage therapist - this will have a great effect on your well-being and will give you the opportunity to be in peace and tranquility. Or go to a concert or party with friends you haven't seen in a while. Try a new hobby - not for the result, but just for the sake of interest and learning new things.

Find joy in small but pleasant moments: a sunny day, the flight of a bird. Take pictures, at least on the phone - over time, this will develop the ability to notice more and more positive moments.

Engage in creativity, whether it be poetry, stories, or crop drawings. Life becomes more colorful if you create something new.

Sociability and other feminine traits

What else is expected of a woman? As a rule, responsiveness and the ability to sympathize, as well as sociability. Not everyone is given this by nature: there are people who feel great in a close circle or alone. But since we all live in a society, it makes more sense to be able to interact with it.

Keep in touch with friends and family. Inquire about their affairs, talk about your successes or ask for advice. Don't ignore family meetings: even if not all relatives have developed warm relationship, you can allocate not so much time, but you can contribute to the atmosphere of friendliness in the family.

Don't overload with problems unfamiliar people, and at the same time - do not be silent if help is needed. For example, if you are looking for a job, do not retell all the ups and downs that led to this situation, but tell us about your position and your skills - maybe the interlocutor is just looking for just such a specialist or knows those who are looking for. In general, as regards the discussion of problems, there is nothing wrong with speaking them out, if you are discussing not the problem itself, but ways to solve it.

And besides, femininity is kindness, understanding and patience. It means to value the personality of a person and put it above his shortcomings. Any person at certain moments can cause bewilderment or even irritation - but we do not always know what exactly makes him be like that, so we should not judge him. If his behavior does not suit you, you should offer him advice or just walk by. But what should not be done is lecture him against his will, discuss him behind his back and do something for him without his consent. Even if it comes with the best of intentions.

The exceptions are situations where someone is clearly harming themselves, their loved ones, or you. Sometimes, to be feminine, you need to be firm, persistent and consistent. But even in such cases, do not stoop to gossip or slander. The main female traits are love for the world around and self-respect.

Do you want to attract the views of the surrounding men? Become feminine and feel truly irresistible? If so, then read the advice and change yourself.

May be beautiful woman from nature, you can create with your own hands fashionable image but not be feminine. And it happens that outwardly not flashy lady with enviable constancy calls male interest, and they usually say about her: "She is very feminine."

You have to think about what is invested in this concept, how to achieve the femininity of your image, and whether this is achievable at all.

What is femininity

The very concept comes from men. It is their eyes that evaluate the image of the weak half of humanity and how close it is to the ideal.

Men see if there is tenderness, sensitivity and fragility in a woman, whether she is capable of sincerity and fidelity, how weak she is. These qualities make up the concept of femininity.

Such a girl evokes in men an irresistible desire to protect and protect her, help in every possible way and constantly take care of her. Next to such a woman, a man feels strong, necessary and able to move mountains.

It is important to know that femininity is internal and external.

Its external manifestations include:

  1. Figure. A girl should always watch her diet, play sports in order to have fit figure. No need to strive for thinness or focus on models. A figure resembling an hourglass in silhouette is considered more feminine.
  2. Hair. Male psychology long ago determined that a woman's hair should be long. At the same time, they are valued well-groomed appearance, healthy shine and natural color. Girl with short haircut will be perceived by men simply as "your boyfriend".
  3. Makeup. A woman with a natural, neat make-up looks attractive in the eyes of men. Aggressive "combat" coloring on the girl's face makes a repulsive impression.
  4. Clothing style. Dresses, skirts, flowing materials, shoes with heels are designed to create a feminine image. In clothes, you must adhere to watercolor colors, patterns in the form of peas, flowers and plants.

Inner femininity:

  1. Emotionality. Sincerity and sensitivity are precisely those qualities in communication with a man, the presence of which in women, they consider mandatory.
  2. openness. clear look and a smile on her lips show that their owner is open to communication, she can tell her secrets and feelings.
  3. Empathy. Sympathy and the ability to listen to the interlocutor make the girl attractive in the eyes of a man.

What to do to become a gentle and elegant girl

Having figured out what femininity is, you can safely proceed to reincarnation and create your own unique look of the desired girl.

This process will consist of three stages: you will have to take care of yourself, adjust your style and revise your behavior.

Personal care

Glowing skin

For the skin to have attractive appearance Don't forget to take care of her. Wash your face twice a day and wipe your face with lotion or milk. Washing is important because it helps prevent the appearance of completely unaesthetic acne on the face.

If at the age of 14 or 15 their occurrence is due to a hormonal surge, then at more adulthood this is due to a violation of the rules of personal hygiene. Dirt and make-up residue, mixing with the secret sebaceous glands skin, cause inflammation of the pores, so acne pops up.

In the morning and at night, apply a cream suitable for your skin type.

Remember that one of the main culprits of facial skin aging is sunlight. Creams with sun protection factor should become your constant companions.

Do not forget about the skin of the body. After taking a shower, be sure to use a moisturizer or body milk. Your skin will be soft, tender and velvety

Flawless makeup

For elegant makeup will definitely need foundation, which evens out and enhances the beauty of your natural complexion.

Day makeup with shadows pastel shades, mascara and blush Pink colour will make your look flawless.

When applying makeup, you need to be careful and know the measure. Use a cosmetic sponge when applying foundation and fix what you've done makeup light with a wave of powder puff.

Silk hair shine

How often you wash your hair depends on the type of hair. The main requirement is that the hair should look shiny (not greasy), healthy and well-groomed:

Gentle hands and feet

A woman cannot be called well-groomed if she does not monitor the condition of her hands and feet. Treat yourself to a manicure and pedicure. In the beauty salon, all procedures to transform you into real lady will be done by professionals.

But if this is not possible, then tidy up your nails by filing them with a nail file and removing the cuticle. Use a hand cream, and the skin on them will become moisturized and smooth.

Treat your heels with a foot bath and a stiff brush and soften with foot cream.

Pay no less attention to nail polish. To start, choose gentle, natural colors, For example, light shades pink, beige, lilac or blue.


Style is something that should give charm to a woman and certainly decorate her. The concept of style includes the manner of dressing, applying makeup, demeanor, and even the choice of perfume.

Clothing style includes dresses and skirts, blouses, and jeans and shoes without heels will be out of place.

It is difficult for women who do not use cosmetics and perfumes to achieve a feminine look. It is important to highlight your natural beauty and present it in a favorable light.

In creating style great importance have jewelry and accessories. Earrings, beads, bracelets will decorate the curves of the neck and arms, add charm to any look. Beautifully tied scarf or neckerchief, an original handbag or clutch can transform a casual, boring look.

Take the time and effort to become a stylish and graceful woman.


  • Be charming and nice.
  • Become a good conversationalist.
  • Get good manners.
  • Get rid of harshness, assertiveness and aggressiveness in your behavior.
  • Engage in self-development, expand your circle of contacts.

Feminine behavior does not accept narcissism and inflated self-esteem.
Be tolerant even of those whom you consider a loser, because every person deserves a chance.

Don't gossip and keep your promises. well-bred girl will never be mean and always keeps himself in hand.

How to become feminine

To become feminine, you must first do the most important thing - to love and accept yourself.

accept yourself

A woman is allowed a lot. She can be weak and fragile, or she can be sexy and loved. A woman can be bold and bright, or she can be mysterious and seductive.

The main thing to remember is not to lose yourself and your style. Don't let anyone make fun of you or criticize you evilly. You are who you are. You are unique and inimitable.

Don't let yourself be remade or manipulated. Do you think it's very difficult? Not if you love yourself.

If you doubt your abilities, then try auto-training. Do not underestimate or be skeptical. Just remember and repeat one phrase: “I am feminine and beautiful”!

Appreciate and develop in yourself what nature has given you. Be happy with your personal charm and charm, the ability to communicate with people, individual beauty.

Love to take care of yourself

To be feminine, you need to constantly work on yourself and, more importantly, love to do it.

Should become a habit:

  1. Get up early.
  2. Take time to perfect your look: take a shower, put on makeup, do your hair, choose an outfit, shoes and accessories. Do not spare time for yourself, beloved.
  3. Monitor your health. Special attention pay attention to the condition of the teeth. Your dazzling smile depends on them.
  4. Do sport. Choose the sport that you like and your figure will become thinner and your movements softer. Proper nutrition, passion for sports will definitely make a girl self-confident.

Cultivate good manners

Try to be graceful:

  • Sharp and clumsy movements do not decorate the girl and do not add femininity.
  • Shoulders should be straight, keep your head up.
  • Do not slouch and hunch over. Sit straight on the chair.
  • Move smoothly and gently, let the gait be leisurely and as if flying.

Pay attention to how you behave at the table:

  • Do not bite too large pieces and take your time when chewing.
  • Remember a little rule - take a bite, count to 20 in your mind, swallow it.
  • Beware of eating foods that can stain or stick to you.

Rethink your wardrobe

Changing through your appearance is natural for every woman. A new skirt or shoes appears in the wardrobe, and the woman’s internal state immediately changes, her mood rises.

  1. For creating feminine wardrobe you will need dresses and skirts, blouses and blouses.
  2. Everything should be made of light, flowing material. It can be delicate silk, noble velvet, smooth satin, transparent chiffon and, of course, lace, guipure.
  3. Stick to soft, pastel colors.
  4. V festive attire cleavage is welcome open shoulders. Mini skirt to create feminine image not suitable, as it has a defiant look.
  5. And don't forget the beautiful underwear. It is not visible to others, but for your inner mood and self-confidence, it is irreplaceable.

Self-development and self-education

  1. Always be interested in something new. If you are visiting educational institution then concentrate on your studies. Become more organized, put your study materials in order.
  2. If you work, try to attend courses advanced training, read additional business literature. Be interested in professional innovations and achievements.
  3. Visit psychological trainings, choosing the direction that excites you the most.
  4. Find yourself a hobby.
  5. Most importantly, read more books. It is books, not magazines and newspapers. The classic works of great writers will develop your refined, refined taste and broaden your horizons.

Develop communication skills

  1. Chat and spend more time with other women.
  2. In dealing with people, show sincere interest and benevolence.
  3. Know how to listen to the interlocutor and show empathy for what he said.
  4. When communicating, be nice and generous.
  5. Learn to speak beautifully and well. Correct speech is a great art.
  6. Read literature on rhetoric and the development of oratory skills in yourself.

follow the speech

A feminine girl never allows herself to swear and shout. A loud voice and a raised tone of conversation is not at all attractive and definitely not feminine.

To smile

Become a bright, happy and cheerful person. You should not laugh all the time, you may be considered not quite mentally healthy.

Give your smile and good mood other people. Don't take yourself too seriously.

Smile and charm those around you. Let everyone around be good from your positive.

  • love yourself and believe in your strength;
  • show respect for others;
  • do not quarrel or argue, especially with men;
  • happy to communicate with people;
  • review your behavior and speech;
  • find yourself interesting hobby, hobby;
  • constantly work on yourself and develop;
  • eliminate negativity from your thoughts;
  • be happy with yourself and your life.

Video: Concept and development

Having been born a woman, everyone could be a real woman, but only a few know how to become a real woman, what needs to be done for this and how to behave.

In the endless race of life, most women began to forget their true purpose and turned into a wound up mechanism that should work out its potential to the maximum.

How to become a real woman - who is she?

1. She lives in the present day and does not pursue ephemeral happiness, which should happen as soon as certain circumstances develop.

Having plans for the future, she enjoys what is happening at the present time.

2. Cultivating her femininity, she is infinitely grateful to fate for being born a woman and, feeling her peculiarity, accepts it as a gift. She is well aware that being a woman is a great blessing, not a difficult test.

3. She has the ability to live according to her own rhythm and harmoniously distributes her obligations, setting the pace for the current situation. Avoiding excessive vanity, she realizes what needs to be done and when, so as not to lose the feeling of life.

4. She is loved by herself. This has nothing to do with selfishness or callousness, she is simply interested and dear to the values ​​\u200b\u200bof her life. She knows how to provide support and show concern for others, but she does this not out of fear of condemnation, but at the behest of her heart.

5. She does not need to earn the approval of others, to whom she allows herself to be evaluated at their discretion. Creating her own guidelines, she follows them without much concern for the opinions of others. Improving, she does this not out of a desire to receive praise, but solely for her beloved.

She accepts other people's assessments, but does not try to prove something to anyone, and she has learned to take her shortcomings calmly.

A real Woman is wise about obstacles. Not playing a fighter, she will try to take advantage of the situation in order to develop a strategy for further actions.

6. She never plays the victim. According to her appearance you never guess the weight of the burden it carries. Knowing perfectly well that the complexity of circumstances is due to the attitude towards them, she knows how to recover and take care of herself.

7. She is so self-sufficient that she takes moments of loneliness for good and does not seek to attract random people into her life, being afraid to be alone. She enjoys loneliness and uses it for her development and recovery.

8. A real Woman gratefully accepts her age and treats it with love. In an effort to look good, she does not try to look younger, but uses all the advantages of her real age.

But, it would be wrong to think that the female gender is initially divided into happy, successful, real women and ordinary women, who can not even try to reach out to the first.

It should be understood: real women are not born - they become!