How can I make a crown of leaves. Various ways of making a crown of leaves. Video: Roses made of maple leaves

Autumn is the most beautiful time of the year. Despite the marvelous weather and rain, autumn is saturated with a wonderful atmosphere, a huge abundance of paints and tart smells. Multicolored forest and frosty air beaten our soul. With the fading of the heart, we encounter and escort every sunny day. This time is quiet family nights, comfort and warm hugs. And this time is associated with our autumn ball. This is one of the most anticipated holidays for schoolchildren. He gives an excellent opportunity to demonstrate his talents and beautiful outfits, Welcome autumn and in kindergartens, conducting matinees. For our little fidgets, this is the beginning of a creative path. They are hard to prepare: they teach poars and songs, play scenes, thereby trying on themselves different images. And the parents are responsible for creating a suitable costume and a selection of necessary accessories. Crown by autumn Ball It will be an excellent addition to any image for both the girl and for the boy.

We disassemble the steps

Before you start work, decide what material you will do it. The crown of paper is done very easily and quickly. You will need to print a suitable template from the Internet and, choosing the color of the product, cut out the sketch. Bear the edges, decorate various things, and everything is ready.

But these are children, they are in constant rhythm. One awkward movement - and your works will be irreparable. Paper is good, but the main disadvantage is that it is easily tall, quickly rushes.

Another thing is cardboard, because it is dense and reliable. You can already be calm for your creation. And one more plus crown from cardboard is that it will not get under the abundance of jewelry. So do not skimp and boldly create.

  • in terms of the scope of your child, cut the rectangle of the desired width. If you do not have the desired color cardboard, then you can enclose it with the paper required shade;
  • attach the leaves in any order, in any way that suits you;
  • in order for the leaves do not bored, after being dried, cover them with a large transparent scotch.

Great decoration will serve the real autumn leaves. For a girl you can pour leaves with sparkles with sparkles.

Do not be discouraged if you have no desired attribute at your hand. They can be cut out of colored paper, and they will not be worse than real. Look in detail in the pictures.

One important Council: Attend your child's craft and make it together. This will help develop accuracy and thrift towards things. And it's just fun and interesting, and this day will stay in child memory for a long time.

Decoration from leaves

For the manufacture of this product, take your baby and go for a walk to the park. Well, in front of you a rich multicolored carpet from the leaves, but we only need maples. Try to collect the brightest and most beautiful. Optionally, you can add a couple of green leaves, it turns out very original.

So, you came home with a multicolored bouquet. Put it on the table, taking one leaf, start wearing the crown. We think many of you in childhood weathered wreaths from flowers or at least have an idea of \u200b\u200bthis, here almost the same principle.

First, remove the thickening on the stems, then gently bend a small part of the sheet and pour it in two places to the next stem. The feeling as if you sew, only instead of a needle you have stalks. By making these actions, rely on this photo.

Option from Watman

To make your own hands head decorationFollow the following steps:

  • take Watman and draw a maple leaf on it;
  • cut out the sketch and same of the fabric. The fabric should be the shades of autumn;
  • then cut out of the two materials of the rectangle, which will correspond to the scope volume;
  • connect the two main parts with tissue cuttings;
  • it remains only to decorate. To do this, you can use sequins and a golden braid.

Such a crown will be able to try on even an adult man, it will be relevant to look and serves several years. If desired, one large sheet can replace three small. The principle of operation is the same, only stencil another.


Another simple and fast way - This is a crown of felt. Felt is an indispensable material in creativity. It is easy to work with it, it is not whimpically and the same from any parties. Your product will look original and luxurious. Another plus - you can insert a gum or ribbon here. This will make it convenient to fix the crown on the head in the child.

All decorations will also be made of felt. And so that your leaflets look natural, woof their contour and veins of the threads.

Video on the topic

Here are video that will be interesting to study this topic:

In kindergartens approach the first matinee in the new academic yearwhich is called the "autumn holiday" or "Autumn Ball". And the first tasks appear before the parents, including how to beat the holiday to the holiday thematically. If you do not have time to sew original costume Or you do not know how to do it - not scary. Very little skill and most ordinary dress Or trousers with a shirt will play autumn paints. And they will help us in this thematic accessories.

Autumn - time of multicolored leaves and crop. It is these components that we will use to create autumn image. The boy and the girl and the crown of the autumn leaves are equally suitable. It's not difficult to make it. Of dense paper (Cardboard) Cut the base of the crown, glue it into the cylinder. You can attach a rubber thread to the crown, with which the crown will hold onto the head. Next, proceed directly to decorating. There is enough fantasy. You can cut out the leaves of the color (you can be made of white and decompose) or gold paper, glue or attaching scotch. You can add the composition autumn Daras - Ryabina, decorative vegetables and fruits, branches, girls can add colors. If you can glue only the leaves, the usual paper glue is suitable, if you want to complicate the image, use thermocons.

In addition, the crown can be made from real autumn leaves. Leaves should be combined with a base. Such a simple on the technique of execution of the crown can be pleased with the child not only for the holiday, but also for a walk.

For the girl you can make not only the crown, well, and the rim. He will look no worse. Manufacturing technique is also simple. Take the base of the rim (you can take from the old rim or buy the easiest) and with the help of a thermoclaus, attach everything that you consider it necessary. Additionally, the rim can be decorated with ribbons.

Olga Zhurbenko

Origami"Modules for autumn leavesev "

1 step. Take colored paper, in this case of red color. Cut the square so that all parties are equal. Here is presented module size 9 * 9.

3 step. Then, bend along the fold line in the next photo.

4 step. Then we begin the right and left corner to the middle and sweep the lower angle, as in the photo.

5 step. This lower angle from step No. 4 wrap in inside and sweep the lower right and left corner along the fold line as in the photo to the middle.

6 step. Then you need to try and unscrew the corners outside as in the photo.

7 step. You should get that corners look down, then they need to bend them so that they looked up. As in the photo.

8 step. This is what happened module.

9 step. Then from three identical modules We glue the figure similar to autumn leaf.

10 step. Of such leafs I made a crown for autumn holidays.

The idea is not mine.

The children were delighted!



October has come - the grove docks

Last sheets with naked branches;

Dacked autumn Cold - the road freezes.

Zhurch still runs for the mill of the stream,

But the pond has already frozen; My neighbor is hurry

In the departure of the field with her hunt,

And they will be guided by Ozimi from mad fun,

And wakes up the dogs asleep dubrava.

Publications on the topic:

Well, finally, I decided to make the crown Russian Empire, I went to this for a long time, everything was afraid or not, even made a master.

So autumn came. The first autumn signs appeared. On birings, yellow leaflets are peeled, a cool breeze under the breeze.

Yes, not far from the mountains, and although it is beautiful in its own way. I do not want to part with the most mysterious sometimes - in the fall. As if romantic.

To make a basket we need: plastic bottle (large 5 liters, glue two types, scissors, tape, "autumn gifts" (.

Master class "Paints of Autumn" Purpose: Show beauty autumn Nature. Tasks: 1. Secure the ability of children to work in a team, distribute work.

good day dear Colleagues. Winter fabulous season. Every day there is a blizzard, then snowfall, then the trees will decorate. And all this is practicing.

Good evening! We want to show you a craft master class from cotton sticks "Autumn flower". Autumn is a wonderful time. Leaf Fall, Indian Summer. Probably.

Natalia Belogurova

W. The autumn crown golden ...

W. Autumn crown golden.

In Ne. sun bunnies Shalyat sparkling.

She is made of maple leaves and decorated with mushrooms,

Close to the leaves of apple ruddy sides.

Nuts are also here and rowan berries

And silver the threads of the web.

W. Autumn crown golden,

So far I do not knock the winter by the winter gray.

N. V. Belogurov

Became traditional matinees dedicated to autumn. Often Sama Fall Comes to visit children for the holiday. A few years ago in our kindergarten appeared nice dress for Autumn - sewed to order, O. he immediately did not think immediately. On the eve of the Matrennikov urgently had to solve this problem.

I love very much fall and immediately wanted to do crownbut what and how? The fabric I was impregnated with PVA glue, laid out on the cape, smoothed and gave dried. On the territory of our garden, males grow, walking towards one of them, I found a few beautiful leaf. Circled them and cut the patterns from the cardboard. When the fabric dried, with the help of templates cut leaves from the fabric. The leaves painted artistic gouache and gave a breath again. The leaves from the fabric gently changed the iron through the paper. And then there made a streak. Since special tools for flowers, such as bung glasses, hooks for curling, cutters and other things I do not have, I got used to the fact that there is at hand - spoons, screwdrivers, stacks, scissors, to which fantasy is enough. The streaks did and with a screwdriver, heating her above the candle and the sparkle of the iron is that they put the shape. Thin wire wrapped corrugated paper, smeared PVA glue (thick) and put in the main branch, which divides the sheet in half. For the base of the thick wire, the ring made a ring and wrapped his capron ribbons. They walked again, fixing the wire legs of the leaves.

With the help of a glue pistol fixed each other large leaves and added small, stuck apples, mushroom, golden decorative "Gusts"there were real nuts, they also became decorative element. Ryabina made out paper napkins red color - rolled tight berries, handled PVA, made a cruciform center of the middle and draws them black flomasterand after gathered berries on black "iris" (Knitting) And formed a bunch. Was still my gold glue (Glitter) And I went on the leaves - autumn because golden!

This is what happened crown For our beloved guest Autumn. Although crown used actively on matinees for several years, perfectly keeps the form and has not lost initial view. Similar crown From the leaves of viburnum for dance "At Karinushka", we did together with educators and children preparatory group. Children with pleasure and big diligence painted prepared leaves.

Fall entered into their rights and maybe someone will use my experience in making crown for autumn

Publications on the topic:

Good day, dear colleagues! Everyone knows how nature is transformed in autumn. Autumn-artist paints all trees and bushes bright.

Necessary materials: children's rim, Satin Satin Tape (30 cm, White Dense Cardboard, Simple Pencil, Scissors, Glue (Titanium, Organza (or.

Good day Friends and colleagues! And again Talash or the leaves of the corn card. Master work and acquaint children with this natural.

In our kindergarten, the release of children prepared for the school of the group "At Lukomorya", in whose scenarios I was offered to play a role.

For the manufacture of this craft, the following materials are used: -Cut, skirt made of a piece of paper shape, -pilling of roses, x-detects of hydrangea, pansy.

Decorate the autumn photo session - and just a walk on good weather! - Help the crown of leaves. Autumn leaves are as bright and attractive that they are sitting in their hands and, maybe something to make something. And if the air is still warm, teach the daughter, as quickly and easily make the crown from the autumn leaves with your own hands.

How to make a crown of leaves: what will be needed

And it will be necessary to us all:

some beautiful maple leaves.

And at home, it is possible to use a seboard - it is very convenient to calculate the holes, in which the stalks of fallen foliage will come.

Crown of leaves do it yourself: master class

The crown leaves are better to choose about one size. To create a doll or child accessory, give preference to miniature leaves. So, fresh, beautiful autumn leaves in front of us. We take any of the leaves and bend as shown in the photo.

The stem of the second sheet or a seboard is done by holes.

In the holes immediately do the stem of the second sheet.

Madely slightly shift both sheets. It becomes possible if you do not make holes too large. We begin the second sheet according to the first - flexing low part Sheet back.

We continue to ride and bending the leaves, forming a web for the future "crown".

We ride the leaves until you want the desired length.

Watch the canvas ring and the first sheet's skeleton insert the last sheet of familiar to us. That's all made by your hands of the crown of leaves ready!

The front of the crown can be decorated with small maple leaves.

Of course, such an accessory is a decoration for one day-evening. And the next day the leaflet will be hurt. But let's rejoice at the current joyful moment and catch the last warm rays of the sun and enjoy bright colors Autumn generous. Moreover, tomorrow new leaves will fall. And you can make another crown of leaves!

And if you want to capture the beauty of the autumn more durable way - at your service. Beautiful, unusual and for development small Motoriki Useful.

Eva Casio specially for the site master classes on needlework