Emotional girl. Emotional girl

“Run your fingers across my soul. Just once, just once, feel what I feel, believe what I believe, feel what I feel, see, realize, study and once, at least once, understand. Understand this quote and that's all you need to know to understand why women are so emotional. Don't see it as a problem, just accept it as a fact. Women are meant to be, so men should love them for who they are, not for who they want them to be. Men express their emotions in few words, but women need more details. There are many more of these differences between men and women that need to be respected rather than attempted to be corrected. This article will help you understand why women are emotional, expressive and talkative. It contains factors that you should definitely pay attention to.

Left and right hemispheres of the brain

Men and women have different body structures, so it's not surprising that the brain also works differently. Women use the left and right hemispheres of the brain approximately equally, while men use the left hemisphere more. The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for logical thinking and problem solving skills while right hemisphere responsible for prosodic language functions, creativity, face perception, and emotion generation. Accordingly, the left hemisphere takes care of a person's IQ, that is, the intelligence quotient, while the right hemisphere takes care of the EQ, that is, the emotion quotient. Thus, since men use the left brain more often, they deal with problems more effectively by applying a rational and logical approach. Women, on the other hand, use both hemispheres of the brain, so they act with creativity, while appealing to emotions. Also, the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the ability of a person to express his feelings and thoughts, as well as for understanding languages. That is why it is known that women are much better at learning foreign languages ​​and are more creative.

Women are better at expressing emotions

Women have a much more developed limbic system. The limbic system is responsible for such aspects of human life as behavior, emotions and memory. It allows a person to better express their feelings and better form bonds with other people. However, the problem manifests itself in that it opens the door for depression, especially during the hormonal surges that appear during menstrual cycle or pregnancy. Thus, during these periods, a woman may seem too emotional or depressed.

Stress management

Women also deal with stress differently. A hormone called oxytocin is released into human body when a person is under stress. This hormone works differently in men and women. When a man is under stress, testosterone in his body reduces the effectiveness of oxytocin, which makes men more aggressive and angry. Women, on the other hand, have estrogen, which enhances the action of oxytocin, which leads to a feeling of calm and caring. Men are not very good at expressing their thoughts and feelings, so they react aggressively or angrily. Instead of dealing with the problem through conversation, they are always ready to join the fight. Women, on the other hand, prefer to deal with stress in more peaceful ways. IN stressful situation a woman is more likely to try to talk and understand or communicate with other people, feeling better after such communication.

Women feel more pain

The amygdala is a region of the brain that is activated when a person feels pain. The amygdala is also part of the limbic system, but is only responsible for the emotions associated with pain. The amygdala is present in the brain of both men and women. However, despite this, men and women experience pain differently. Women feel pain more than men. This is supported by the fact that men receive a lower dose of morphine when they experience severe pain to achieve the same result as with a higher dose of morphine in women. And since women feel pain more than men, they are more likely to report it and more likely are asking for help.

Men and women are different

So the fact is that women are more sensitive than men and feel things differently. They cry and grieve over little things, especially during PMS or when they are pregnant. In the female body every month there are such Big changes that even the most everyday tasks during such a period can seem overwhelming work. That is why they seem to be more emotional when they are in pain or in a stressful situation. Men are worried similar situations with less intensity, it's not easy to touch them emotionally. They are. Accordingly, when viewed from the point of view of a man, women seem to be more emotional. Yes, women are emotional, but they are only "very emotional" when compared to men. Often women are really overly emotional, but in most cases this is due to hormonal changes that occur in their body, as well as because of what happened in the past. Some people, both men and women, can't just pick up and forget what happened in the past. Such people do not let go of their past for a long time, and therefore they are often very emotional over trifles.

Men must be strong

Another factor is that a priori it is assumed that a man must be strong, and this perception is imprinted in his brain with early childhood. As a result, even if a man wants to cry or talk about something that has happened to him, he will be forced not to. This is due to the society's perception of the norms of male behavior. Men are also emotional, but they rarely share their emotions.


Even though men and women are constantly being compared and judged against each other, the truth is that they are created different and have different features. Understanding that a man and a woman are different from each other, but at the same time are inseparable, will help you understand that problems or conflicts between the sexes can be resolved. mutual understanding. People should respect each other for who they are. It is very important for both sexes to understand why women are so emotional. It will help women overcome depression or Bad mood, and it will help men understand why women act in one way or another. Find out what women want and you will live a happy life.

Logical answer: it is better not to speak. But sometimes you still have to, for example, when she is a passion, how sweet you are. Or at work it is very necessary. Or ... yes, a lot of why else. Dealing with emotional girls is a great art that needs to be learned. I haven't met many dudes in the world who understand how to deal with girls. Even fewer I have met those who can communicate with emotional specimens. The reason why bros don't know how to deal with emotional girls and girls in general is, in my enlightened opinion, that we guys just don't want to give importance to girls' feelings and their behavior. It seems to us flawed, while it is just a little more emotional than ours. Feelings, tears and other elements of emotional girls scare bros who give up the idea of ​​understanding their girlfriends and just go to their online games or friends. And the girl gets even more upset because they don’t want to pay attention to her and don’t want to listen to her. Yes, and she is, in fact, right.

Emotional girl is a girl to the n-power. What to do with them when they are upset about something, cry and feel bad?

1. "Everything will be fine"

When a girl cries, we are used to saying "Everything will be fine" like the characters in the movies do, but this is a disgusting way of comforting. “Well, thank you, Captain obvious, of course, everything will be fine, give me a minute to cry!”, the girl thinks. The best alternative to comfort yourself by saying, “I see you are REALLY upset right now. Come here…".

2. "Don't cry!"

“Maybe you will order me not to breathe yet?” The girl will think to herself. Any phrases in the spirit of "Don't be sad!", "Smile!" equally infuriate both girls and bro. When a girl has tears, it’s not so easy to stop: you need to wait until they stop going on their own, that is, when resentment or sadness passes. Best Alternative:: "Let me give you a handkerchief." Dudes who approach girls in tears with a handkerchief increase the chances of adoration and sex after tears many times over!

3. "Don't cry, let's have sex!"

Do you even need to say how lame that phrase is? “Yes, sex is actually the last thing I think about. Does he think his penis is magic? Instead of a stupid proposal, after which you may well lose a couple of teeth, just start hugging her, kissing her, stroking her hair ... And everything will be

4. "Be strong for me!"

"Are you implying that I'm weak?" or “Being emotionally vulnerable is a weakness.” In fact, this phrase is disgusting, because it is terribly hackneyed. The girl will remain strong, but only for her own sake. Best Alternative:"You are strong, you can handle it!"

5. "…"

She is crying and you are silent. She cries, and you are silent again. She cries, and you sigh sympathetically and heavily. Insensitive beast! Best Alternative: eye contact. A light sympathetic smile and a pat on the shoulder. Pinnacle of Empathy: Cry with her.

6. “Well, why are you crying? It doesn't really matter! Stop making an elephant out of a fly!”

“If I cry, then it already matters,” the girl will answer you to herself. Best Alternative: explain why you're so upset.

7. "Do you have PMS?"

“Can I be sad and cry on other days?”, the girl will be sincerely indignant. By the way, not always girls these days have changeable mood oh, not always! Best Alternative: do you have today hypersensitivity, Yes?

8. “There's nothing you can do about it. So why are you so upset?"

Alas, many men try to avoid sensitivity, empathy and emotional dependence. Similar words are pronounced after something difficult, such as death. loved one. In my opinion, to say such words is a bit blasphemous. Unfortunately, these people cannot understand that if every person living on earth followed your logic, the world would be even more unpleasant place, than now. Best Alternative: I know it's hard to accept...

9. “You take it too personally!”

If a girl cries, then it still makes sense for her. Best Alternative:“I understand that now it seems to you that everything is worse than ever, but everything can change with time!”

10. "Pull yourself together"

“Oh wait, where is my emotion switch… Ah yes, I don’t have one!!! Go to hell!". Best Alternative:“Cry as much as you need. I will be near"! And it's yours, man, with giblets! Because it was incredibly beautiful!!!

Hello, this is Lesha Doc and in this article I will answer the question of a guy who sounds like this: Emotional girl»

favorite girl right now, That

Click: Get a girlfriend

I will answer you personally.

My personal mail: [email protected] (everything is free)

Here is his letter that he sent me:

Hi Aleksey. I'm sorry I didn't find you earlier. In general, the story is like this. I write, maybe even absolute nonsense, but I would like to hear your opinion. Not so long ago I met a girl, the sympathy is mutual, I didn’t communicate much either on the network or on the phone, I immediately called me for a walk, adequate, with humor, Recently I broke up with boyfriend, was in a relationship for 2.5 years, in general, hooked, on the 4th date I made a test.

Although she said that she was not ready for this and for a new relationship, that she had sex with her ex-boyfriend only six months later. Decided on a relationship. I realized that I strongly dominate in our relationship, began to overestimate its significance on a previous date. Everything was fine.

This morning she left me, drove home, wrote that she had gathered before her girlfriend for an iron, asked for some reason, if I didn’t mind, it’s possible that they, if they don’t meet, go somewhere to have fun, both work a lot and seldom get out, but as I understand it aptly, in general, the girlfriend is a bit of a tearaway.

I said you have to, so go. Everything, I do things myself. I call at 11 pm, the phone is switched off. An hour later, he turns on the receiver, calls, cries, says, that you dated an ex-boyfriend, talked and everything, there was nothing else, like everything is bad with him.

He didn’t find out what exactly they were talking about, but she was crying, because she was ashamed in front of me that the phone had landed and that she had gone to him, said, calm down, call back, hung up, calls back in five minutes, says, I felt sorry for him, I went to talk.

I did not arrange any clarifications, I said that I did not want to talk now and that we would talk about it later at the meeting. How to behave in this situation? Basically nothing happened. but the aftertaste remained unpleasant ...

So let's take a look at this situation.

And I can immediately say that dating a girl who recently broke up with a guy (not on her own initiative) - this is a stupid idea doomed to failure.

To make it clearer for you, I will give another example.

Imagine that you met for two years a girl who you really liked and without whom life is not sweet to you. And then this girl leaves you for one reason or another.

You walk, you can’t find a place for yourself, you try to return, but she doesn't come back. And then another girl appears on the horizon (nothing special), just a nice person with whom you can spend time in a cozy atmosphere. And after a while you already sleep together and wake up in the same bed.

And then your friends invite you to a party, you get drunk, of course, you don’t take a girl and the first thing you start to call ex girlfriend.

Why is that?

Because drunk you feel sad for your ex-girlfriend who you still love and want back. And it seems to you that if you dial her now, she will forgive everything and come running to you again.

And in fact, the girl picks up the phone and starts telling you that now at home alone, sits and drinks tea, is sad, plus she tells you her problems, how bad she is now.

And naturally you fall for her, forget about everything, turn off the phone so that you do not call new girl and did not interfere with the conversation. And now you are already at your ex-girlfriend's house, smelling her perfume, seeing her beauty, etc.

And after talking, she tells you that no, she already has a boyfriend with whom she sleeps, everything is getting better for her, she just wanted to see you one last time and drink tea with you and pass to. And he takes you outside.

Naturally, you turn on the phone and you see a bunch of missed calls there and you realize that there is no point in lying. And in a drunken state, you tell her the whole truth about your ex-girlfriend, because you are afraid to be alone.

Now back to the girl.

What I described above applies to her as well. She loves her ex boyfriend , and meets with you only to remove melancholy. But still she is for a long time will think about him, and if he calls her to sleep, she will come and do it.

Its only plus is that because of its emotionality she can't lie and constantly puts the whole truth on the table for you. Since it is difficult for emotional girls to lie, everything is written on their faces.

What do we have to do?

Leave her let her understand herself and her feelings. No need to look for a girl who just ran out long relationship, reject such immediately, because if you do not do this, then everything will repeat again.

This article is only a small part of what is on my sites, they contain a lot of useful and practical information on this and other topics of interest to you. You can immediately successfully use this information in practice with girls without wasting your time. Now I have 2 sites this is lesha-dok..

Click here for more articles on this topic

By the way, if you want your favorite girl right now, That

Click: Get a girlfriend

If you have a question for me, then write, I I will answer you personally. In the topic of girls, I have been giving advice for 9 years, the experience is huge. (all confidential). Copy from here to yourself my mail below and write.

My personal mail: [email protected] (everything is free)

What the guys say about the articles:

“Lesha, from the moment I started reading your articles, I have changed my life a lot. If you apply your advice, then not only relationships with girls change, but in general the whole life. Now I live like a MAN, and the girls feel it))”
Egor, Moscow

“Thank you so much, Lesha!!! The tips from your articles are useful, they change own psychology and tune in to the world and to the girls. Now everything in my life has changed dramatically. Thankful to you!"
Maxim, Ukraine

"Alexei, thanks a lot you for what you do. You help people find each other, while breaking all the stereotypes of the behavior of guys with girls. After your advice, it becomes easier to communicate with girls and live in general. It turns out that everything is simple!)

As a rule, women are by nature more emotional, vulnerable and impulsive than men. Many are well aware that women need to give positive emotions, but they often forget about the other side, or sometimes they simply don’t give of great importance the fact that women also need to splash out negative emotions are two important components female happiness. This eternal question- what women want, in particular, what women want from men. And today we will talk about what women sometimes lack so much - emotional support.

Emotions are the nature of a woman. About women's emotions

I never cease to refer to this amazing book from time to time, as it opens my eyes to many things, including the answer to the question "What do women want." Women are also very sensitive to the emotions and intonations of men, so men often do not understand why women are offended, they do not notice and do not attach much importance to their words (intonation). “How could you say that,” the woman says, “How so,” the man answers in bewilderment, he is shocked, what is it about, “Don’t you remember, or something,” the woman continues, “What I don’t remember,” turning over into head all day, the man replies, “Mmm, I didn’t even pay attention,” the woman says offendedly, “What are you talking about in general,” the man is defeated. Or just try to joke about the appearance of your beloved woman - they will be offended right away, it’s better not to take risks in this way, don’t even think about saying something bad about their beauty, this is a very vulnerable place for most women.

Men sometimes dismiss "Yes, these women do not understand" - it means that they simply do not want to understand them. This is the same thing that the car does not go — come on, it constantly breaks the pancake, what she needs, went and went, and she took it out of the blue and died out. And sometimes the problem is simply that the gasoline has run out, but many in relationships do not want to delve into even small problems - it means selfishness, everyone wants to be understood, but he does not want to understand others, but at the same time does not want to admit it. Modern culture how it was built - it became worse in relationships, they went to throw tantrums and look for another, which means - the gut is thin to love. Love does not mean only taking all the best, and when there is nothing left, then send it to all four sides, you need to learn to endure the shortcomings of a loved one.

“To educate another person with the power is called exploitation, and to learn to accept is already called love” Oleg Torsunov

“But I can’t stand the hysteria of a woman, I was offended - her problems, that being offended over trifles, the same reason for me, and nothing - she asks me for forgiveness later,” many men say. And what do you think, she was freed from negative emotions and experiences, no - then she will explode even more, and not only there will be no apologies, there will be no mercy, and you yourself will be to blame, and all because you did not want to understand feminine nature, you would female body You wouldn't go a day unprepared. Now, if your wife listens to you when you yell at your boss after work, then you listen to your wife - this is exactly what women want from men, although it is harder for women to listen to this, they have nowhere to put it, except to tell another. But a man can experience it inside himself, or at least not take everything so close to his heart.

It’s much harder for women to listen to guys. “Darling, what’s bothering you, I see something is bothering you,” the woman asks, “It will get worse, it’s better not to ask,” the man answers, “Yes, everything is fine, speak,” the woman continues to insist, “Well, listen,” the man breaks down, and as a result, “Why did you tell me all this,” the woman answers, “Well, you shouldn’t say it,” the man ends the conversation. Men inside themselves can survive all this, they just don’t need to be touched at this time, although sometimes they also need it. Yes, it worries you, you feel that something is wrong, but if he starts to share, as a rule, it doesn’t get easier, it only gets worse. Sometimes, not only a man, but also a woman needs to be alone, not to touch her for a while, let her just stay in silence, away from the hustle and bustle and endless streams of information. Don't pressure the person to open up to you, but at the same time show your loved one that you're ready to listen when they're ready.

What women want from men is attention and care, sincere, and not for show. For many men, unfortunately, giving a gift is just doing something for show, and you try to show sincere attention to her needs and needs, and at least ask how you spent your day - and really listen, and not like some kind of formality. Listening to a woman is what they really want, and what they often lack, or when it’s bad - hug and kiss, in a word, reassure. When a person does not put his soul into his actions, then such falsehood is often noticed, especially by women. They don’t need fur coats and diamonds in the first place, but attention and care, but, unfortunately, even many women are convinced that happiness will come primarily from a fur coat and diamonds, but still, after countless gifts, they remain in deep down unhappy and unsatisfied.

Why do many women want more and more things and there is no end to this - the guys are perplexed. But the fact is that they want happiness, they will not be satisfied with gifts alone, not gifts, but love are not enough for them. They are trying to artificially create such an atmosphere around themselves - yes, this also plays a role, but without close relationships, a woman cannot fully become happy. And the problem is that women look at others and begin to imitate them, seeing that many are striving for this - as a result, neither many women are aware of their deepest needs, nor men. “What they only need, what the girls want,” the guys are surprised, well, I give her everything - an apartment, and a car, and dresses, and jewelry, but she is still not satisfied, but she needs a deep relationship, she needs to give love - this is the main gift.

Women want communication from men, deep warm heart-to-heart communication., many women themselves have distorted the concept of real happiness in their minds, and they sincerely believe that happiness lies in material gifts alone. Like it or not, you won’t leave with some gifts, and if a man can’t have a heart-to-heart talk with his wife, then there will be another man to whom she will open up, and then you don’t have to be surprised “Yes, how dare she, I give her everything, and she repaid me” – there is nothing surprising at all, you didn’t give her the main thing. They need emotional support, they need a person nearby who could listen to them and endure them in good sense their words female behavior: sudden and unpredictable, often seemingly causeless manifestation of emotions, also whims, resentments, sometimes tantrums and the like, relieve them of fears and protect them from themselves, help to cope with own emotions. Yes, they need it - such a person is able to save a woman from experiences, from the accumulation of negative emotions, and gifts, jewelry, courtship, attention, and the like - this is what fills women with positive emotions.

A man himself must also understand that not everything rests on the fact that he brings home a salary. Family is team game where everyone has their own equal role. A man scores goals in an attack - excellent, but you should not think that everything rests on this alone, since the question is also how many balls hit your goal, where exactly. A man must learn to accept the feminine character.

“If a man controls his feelings, a woman feels very calm in the family. If a man does not control his feelings, a woman is constantly worried and twitching. If a man says to his wife: “Calm down in the end”, this means that he does not understand who should calm down first, he does not fulfill his duties” Oleg Torsunov

Where a woman can feel more love- when she is hugged at times when she feels bad, or when she is good - of course, when she is in a bad mood. It's easy to calm her down when she's a little sad, sometimes it's even nice - don't cry, don't cry, everything is fine. And when she really suffers, pushes you away, does not want to hug you back, and it is not clear what she needs, she is like a cobra at this time - the desire to stay away from her. Now, if at this time a man dares to approach and reassure a woman, a deep trace of gratitude remains in her heart, this is real love. It manifests itself when a loved one is hard, not good., a woman sits at this moment as if rooted to the spot, and she does not even have the strength to say a word of gratitude, it is at this time that she creates faith in a man that he a real man. But if a man reassured a woman and drags her to bed, then this is a real goat who took advantage of the situation, and deep feelings he doesn’t have anything for you, he doesn’t really feel your feelings.

The woman was offended that they didn’t hug her, and she hinted all evening - but men often don’t notice this, they don’t understand at all what they are talking about, what hints. Then she gets sick, you hug her and then the second test of strength - “You can only hug me when I feel bad” - the man is in a panic, I don’t hug - it’s bad, I hug - too, but what does she need - try to endure this. Then he says “Let me go” and breaks out, and resists for a long time, and if you let go, then he will be offended even more, saying “I couldn’t even hug me tightly”, and your any excuses will be smashed to smithereens. Then he can say a bunch of nasty things, all the sediment that accumulated from time to time, such a specific outburst of negative emotions, and you have to endure it all with dignity, without saying anything in response. This is the real test of how much you love your woman, how much you understand and realize what women want from men.

Men are able to experience emotions within themselves, the psyche works this way, but we are talking about real men, and not those who are as emotional as women. And for this you need to be able to control your feelings, a man should not be strongly attached to a woman, otherwise he will react very strongly to the mood of a woman, and their mood changes very often . Women are different, they can only accumulate and splash out their emotions. So, when women do not throw out their emotions, crush them, or there is simply no one to throw them out, then in this case problems arise both with the psyche, general emotional background as well as health. As a rule, women endure, endure, and then an explosion and the end of the relationship means that either the woman herself, or the man did not allow expressing emotions. And as we have already said, what women want in a relationship is to express their emotions so that people around them accept not only positive, but also negative emotions of a woman, they want others not to devalue their feelings and experiences.

It is very good when women understand that it is necessary not to put emotions in the farthest closet, but to learn how to express their emotions correctly. When there is a person nearby to whom they can speak out - great luck. Breakdowns, throw tantrums, burst into tears - this is all an outburst of emotions, the same " critical days” also contribute to the release of accumulated emotions to the outside, and rightly so, this is normal! There is a way out of what women sometimes didn’t seem to worry about, it just sat somewhere in the depths, and on the part of the listener, usually a friend or husband, the main thing is to recognize what to listen to and what not at this moment. In this stream of words and emotions, some aspects are just a pretext for the release of emotions, so women can sometimes be so zealous about a broken nail or peeling varnish, but there is something that you need to listen to, what you should pay attention to, what you need to change in your behavior .

Finally, I just want to say following words: and accept the nature of a loved one, but just do not force another person to accept your nature, especially when you do not accept his nature.