I am a very emotional girl. Increased emotionality of a woman

Hello, this is Lesha Doc and in this article I will answer the question of a guy who sounds like this: Emotional girl»

favorite girl right now, then

Click: Get a girlfriend

I will answer you personally.

My personal mail: [email protected] (everything is free)

Here is his letter that he sent me:

Hi Aleksey. I'm sorry I didn't find you earlier. In general, the story is like this. I write, maybe even absolute nonsense, but I would like to hear your opinion. Not so long ago I met a girl, the sympathy is mutual, I didn’t communicate much either online or on the phone, I immediately called me for a walk, adequate, with humor, Recently I broke up with boyfriend, was in a relationship for 2.5 years, in general, hooked, on the 4th date I made a test.

Although she said that she was not ready for this and for a new relationship, that she had sex with her ex-boyfriend only six months later. Decided on a relationship. I realized that I strongly dominate in our relationship, began to overestimate its significance on a previous date. Everything was fine.

This morning she left me, drove home, writes that she had gathered before her girlfriend for an iron, asked for some reason, if I don’t mind, it’s possible that they don’t meet so they go somewhere to have fun, both work a lot and seldom get out, but as I understood it aptly, in general, the girlfriend is a little wild.

I said you have to, so go. Everything, I do things myself. I call at 11 pm, the phone is switched off. An hour later, he turns on the receiver, calls, cries, says, that you dated an ex-boyfriend, talked and everything, there was nothing else, like everything is bad with him.

He didn’t find out what exactly they were talking about, but she was crying, because she was ashamed in front of me that the phone had landed and that she had gone to him, said, calm down, call back, hung up, calls back in five minutes, says, I felt sorry for him, I went to talk.

I did not arrange any clarifications, I said that I did not want to talk now and that we would talk about it later at the meeting. How to behave in this situation? Basically nothing happened. but the aftertaste remained unpleasant ...

So let's take a look at this situation.

And I can immediately say that dating a girl who recently broke up with a guy (not on her own initiative) - this is a stupid idea doomed to failure.

To make it clearer for you, I will give another example.

Imagine that you met for two years a girl who you really liked and without whom life is not sweet to you. And then this girl leaves you for one reason or another.

You walk, you can’t find a place for yourself, you try to return, but she doesn't come back. And then another girl appears on the horizon (nothing special), just a nice person with whom you can spend time in a cozy atmosphere. And after a while you already sleep together and wake up in the same bed.

And then your friends invite you to a party, you get drunk, of course, you don’t take a girl, and the first thing you do is start calling your ex-girlfriend.

Why is that?

Because drunk you feel sad for your ex-girlfriend who you still love and want back. And it seems to you that if you dial her now, she will forgive everything and come running to you again.

And in fact, the girl picks up the phone and starts telling you that now at home alone, sits and drinks tea, is sad, plus she tells you her problems, how bad she is now.

And naturally you fall for her, forget about everything, turn off the phone so that you do not call new girl and did not interfere with the conversation. And now you are already at your ex-girlfriend's house, smelling her perfume, seeing her beauty, etc.

And after talking, she tells you that no, she already has a boyfriend with whom she sleeps, everything is getting better for her, she just wanted to see you one last time and drink tea with you and pass to. And he takes you outside.

Naturally, you turn on the phone and you see a bunch of missed calls there and you realize that there is no point in lying. And in a drunken state, you tell her the whole truth about your ex-girlfriend, because you are afraid to be alone.

Now back to the girl.

What I described above applies to her as well. She loves her ex boyfriend , and meets with you only to remove melancholy. But still she is for a long time will think about him, and if he calls her to sleep, she will come and do it.

Its only plus is that because of its emotionality she can't lie and constantly puts the whole truth on the table for you. Since it is difficult for emotional girls to lie, everything is written on their faces.

What do we have to do?

Leave her let her understand herself and her feelings. No need to look for a girl who just ran out long relationship, reject such immediately, because if you do not do this, then everything will repeat again.

This article is only a small part of what is on my sites, they contain a lot of useful and practical information on this and other topics of interest to you. You can immediately successfully use this information in practice with girls without wasting your time. Now I have 2 sites this is lesha-dok..

Click here for more articles on this topic

By the way, if you want your favorite girl right now, then

Click: Get a girlfriend

If you have a question for me, then write, I I will answer you personally. In the topic of girls, I have been giving advice for 9 years, the experience is huge. (all confidential). Copy from here to yourself my mail below and write.

My personal mail: [email protected] (everything is free)

What the guys say about the articles:

“Lesha, from the moment I started reading your articles, I have changed my life a lot. If you apply your advice, then not only relationships with girls change, but in general the whole life. Now I live like a MAN, and the girls feel it))”
Egor, Moscow

“Thank you so much, Lesha!!! The tips from your articles are useful, they change own psychology and tune in to the world and to the girls. Now everything in my life has changed dramatically. Thankful to you!"
Maxim, Ukraine

"Alexei, thank you so much you for what you do. You help people find each other, while breaking all the stereotypes of the behavior of guys with girls. After your advice, it becomes easier to communicate with girls and live in general. It turns out that everything is simple!)

Today we will talk about how the emotions that you evoke in a girl affect her seduction.

I once wondered: why do some girls fall for me and some others don't? How to seduce? My actions did not differ much and almost repeated each other, and now, one is already hinting at a desire for intimacy with me, and the other stops making contact. Why can the same seduction techniques be either a lifesaver or useless?

When I was starting to learn the art of seduction, my trainer gave me a list of tools for a bunch of different situations, possible variations. I was interested in details and soon it was impossible to invent situations that I did not know what tools could be used in it. And then I began to understand that different girls In the same situations, you need to use different tools. Then I concentrated on the question: how to determine which technique to use right now and with her in order to seduce her?

I went on my own easy way. I began to classify girls by types of behavior, and therefore by types of temptation. I started to get better, but there was no process. But one morning after have a great night the girl told me: “Actually, you are not my type, if I had been told earlier what would happen, I would. But you cling ... You have such emotions that you want more. Have you seen how insight comes to Dr. House? It was exactly like that. It dawned on me - manage emotions! The girl wants emotions!

It also opened up to me the question of why 7-9 girls (really beautiful, sexy, who could woo any man) often date guys who look like gorillas, weird-looking, fat, just obviously ugly men. Society immediately hangs up a label - a super-dick, a bag of money, a girl is a whore. It happens, but not as often as it sounds in society. It's all about what these men give to the women next to them feel emotion and emotions are different. The wider the gamma, the better. Very good is also not good.

For more than a year, talking with guys on the topic of seduction, I realized that for a man, achieving the attention of a girl is a solution to a problem, a combination of certain techniques and tools. It turns out something like an order:

Given: girl, height - 177 cm, chest - 2.5-3 size, skin - swarthy, velvet, sophisticated face, round ass, etc.

Required: get sex.

Solution: Get closer, tell her “…”, then use the tools “…” to arouse interest, pick up the phone, dial in the evening, ask for a date, and so the scheme is painted until the moment of sexual intimacy or until consumption.

And the guys wonder why, having done everything “according to the instructions”, it didn’t work out, forgive her to fuck. The lion's share of the answer is to understand what emotions you evoke, and which ones you need to evoke. Pickup tools are actually aimed at the explosion emotional world girls, but a combination of these instruments with each separate girl may give different amounts. The girl will most likely forget what you said, what you ordered at the cafe, what movie you went to, but the emotions that she experienced at that time will remain in her head. And henceforth, each your action reflects on the emotions that she experiences, complementing and shaping the image of you in her mind, which is involuntarily compared with the image perfect man, which is dictated life experience, preferences and even subconscious. If the comparison evokes the emotion of satisfaction, you're on a roll!

Initially, they influence emotional sphere nonverbal signs. By the way, this is why it is also important appearance. Based on the perceived non-verbal signs, the first stones of the impression of you, and hence the image, are formed. If the sent signals did not completely miss the installed image, you have every chance. Therefore, the girl wants to complement your image, which means continuing to communicate with you - give a phone number, come on a date, during which, feeling the emotions from being with you, she understands more and more whether you are suitable, whether you call her the right emotions and, therefore, desires, whether it is worth experiencing sexual emotions with you. There is also an answer to the question why everything goes well before the first date or even on it, and the further you go, the less interesting you become to the girl - the first image was suitable, but the formation with the addition was not.

There are "generally accepted" qualities of a man who will be of interest to a girl. And no, this is not a model beauty, not a Bentley, although this will only universally facilitate seduction. Any girl wants to see next to her, wants to give herself to a man who is in demand among women, which is proof of his attractiveness to her consciousness and subconscious, a man who is ambitious, wants, and achieves what he wants, who enjoys authority among other men, which speaks of his competitiveness, which will emphasize the individuality, unusualness, chosenness of the girl, will be able to excite her emotions, both positive and negative.

Already in a conversation on a first date, you can demonstrate many of the above. It is reasonable to often mention your girlfriends, to make it clear that you have a lot of them, it is possible to mention ex girlfriend, an accidental passion, but you should not do this with sexual overtones. Speaking of ambitions, you need to make it clear to the girl what you are doing, have already done, what you are planning and what you want in general. It can be quite bold, but don't overdo it, riding the tram and studying at the institute is not worth saying that you are planning a purchase two-story house and a jeep to next year. You can also remember the scenes when your opinion was decisive, when you led some process, maybe it was even at work, or maybe it was barbecue. Well, of course, it is worth demonstrating interest in her personality, and not just the body, not only sexual interest. It is also important to use the "carrot and stick" - to encourage something among her qualities that you like and make it clear that you do not. This will let her know that you have a feeling. dignity, you do not lack the attention of girls and do not rush to everyone who has somehow shown interest.

It should be remembered: the image of an ideal man, a guy exists in everyone's head!

Now you know how much girls need emotions, and how to use such tools effectively. Good luck!

Today on the women's site Beautiful and Successful we are reading a chapter from the book “Women don't know how to park, and men don't know how to pack! Psychology of stereotypes». The author of the book, Jeff Rolls, is trying to figure out whether some of the characteristics of women and men are true, or are they just superstitions.

You and I got the chapter "". Is it true that we more emotional than men Or is it just a myth?

Emotional woman

The stereotype that women are more emotional than men has been around for a long time.

The word "hysteria", denoting the extreme manifestation of emotions, comes from the ancient Greek hystera(womb), and thus hysteria is, by definition, an exclusively feminine expression of emotion. When answering a question about the qualities of another person, 90% of people use the concept of "emotionality" more often in relation to women than to men.

During childhood, boys and girls cry about equally often, but during puberty, girls cry more than boys, and around age 18, girls cry four times as often as boys (Witchalls, 2003). One explanation for female tearfulness may be based on the fact that women have more of the hormone prolactin, which is present in tears. It is also known that tear ducts in women have a different shape than in men, although whether this is the cause or effect of higher tearfulness remains unknown. More high probability depression in women - some of them believe it is due to the way men treat them - may explain why they cry more often.

There is also a biological explanation for the higher emotionality of women, although it does not manifest itself until the onset of puberty. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in the West we usually encourage boys to be strong and tough, and girls to be gentle and caring. In this sense, emotional women may be the product of our specific gender expectations. A person whose behavior is inconsistent with gender stereotype(for example, crying man or domineering woman) may attract more attention and be seen as more sincere than a more conformist person. While a crying woman is seen as "just another emotional person" showing "overreaction", a crying man is seen as fair man who is not afraid to show his feelings and whose grief should be taken more seriously. Or at least it was until 1990, when soccer player Paul Gascoigne burst into tears at the World Cup in Italy and thus began the male tradition of openly crying in public.

Harvard University professor Ron Levant believes that men in the West are subject to a process of socialization that makes it difficult for them to emotional development. Women have a wide range emotional reactions, which enable them to understand the point of view and emotions of other people and thus develop "emotional empathy". Men, with their strong focus on "getting things done" and "overcoming problems," have only "empathy in action" at their disposal. Levant also argues that most men have only two responses to emotional problems in their arsenal: problems associated with vulnerability (such as fear or shame) are overcome with anger; problems associated with caring (such as love or close attachment) are overcome through sex. The "traditional male stereotype" so widespread in the West encourages such reactions: the Marlboro ® cowboy, leading movie stars, sports stars, competitive dads... All of these reinforce the stereotyped idea of ​​what it means to be a "real man", and any boy who deviates from this stereotype runs the risk of becoming an object of ridicule and an outcast among his peers (Levant, 1997).

One of the reasons why women can seem more emotional than men has to do with how our memory works. Women have been found to be better at remembering emotionally important events: for example, they recall faster, more vividly, and more emotionally than their husbands everything related to their first date, last vacation together, or recent argument (Fujta et al., 1991). There are two possible explanations for this. The first comes from the “feeling intensity” hypothesis, according to which women code these memories better than men because they experience current events with greater intensity. The second explanation comes from the “cognitive style” hypothesis, according to which women with more likely than men code, rehearse and process the emotions associated with the experience, which helps them reinforce and consolidate memory.

Kenley (Canli et al., 2002) invited 12 men and 12 women to consider 96 images of various emotional significance: from a book cover that does not imply any emotions to an emotionally rich picture depicting dead man. Three weeks later, when participants were asked to recall images shown to them, women were 15% more likely than men to recall images that were emotional. While the participants were recalling the images, they were given brain scans. The scan results showed that the two areas of the brain used separately for emotional processing and for memory formation seemed to overlap more in women than in men. Perhaps this points to a biological reason for women's better ability to recall emotional events, but it is equally likely that the difference in the "electrical connection" of parts of the brain developed in response to cultural socialization processes and is thus an effect rather than a cause. However, it is interesting to note that current scientific evidence supports the claim that women hold on to emotional memories more than men, a fact that women have known for many years.

It is possible that women are considered emotional because of physiological changes affecting their emotions at certain points in their menstrual cycle. A man may secretly ponder for a long time over whether the harsh words he heard addressed to him can be attributed to the approach of menstruation. Premenstrual syndrome(PMS) or premenstrual tension occurs in 90% of women; about 30% find it causes a real negative effect, and 5% to 10% find the effect severe. More than 100 symptoms are associated with PMS, and the most common of these affect emotions particularly strongly, causing irritation, mood swings, depression, and unexplained tears (Owen, 2005). However, the topic of PMS causes a lot of controversy. Some feminist scholars argue that the normal functioning of the body cannot be called a "disorder" and point out that PMS has only been considered in its own right since many women started working. They also claim that PMS is used by men as a method of "social control", allowing them to dominate women and stereotype them as the "weaker sex".

In some societies, attitudes towards menstruation are more positive than in most Western cultures. With regard to PMS, neither the diagnosis nor the definition of this condition is universal, and the main "credit" for this belongs to the West: since other cultures recognize that women are affected by the menstrual cycle, they do not consider it necessary to classify these effects as a syndrome. Psychologists do not agree on how PMS should be viewed. Feminist psychologists, notably Caplan (2005), believe that the very term PMS leads to unnecessary stigmatization of women, as it implies that they lose control of themselves once a month; other psychologists believe that it helps us all to better understand the potential consequences of this symptom.

An interesting study reported by Aubeeluck at a conference of the British Psychological Society ( BPS) in 2004 ( BPS, 2004) found that men also suffer from monthly mood swings. Obilak asked 50 men and 50 women to complete a questionnaire that assessed several symptoms commonly associated with menstrual cycle. The men reported at least as many symptoms as the women, but attributed the observed effects to other causes. Obilak suggested that two conclusions can be drawn from this: women do not suffer from PMS, and / or men can also suffer from cyclic monthly changes, which have not yet been diagnosed. A third conclusion could be that men develop symptoms in response to their partner's PMS-induced behavior.

In conclusion, we can say the following: it is quite obvious that women are more likely than men to show their feelings - regardless of the reasons that caused these feelings. However, men can be taught to be more adept at expressing their feelings and more aware of their emotions; actually, emotional intellect may soon be regarded as a necessary precondition for successful life. Men are no longer required to simply go out and hunt for food; it is now essential that a man be able to work in a team, be able to listen to other people's opinions and be emotionally connected with his work colleagues, and also better interact at home with his wife and children.

All rights to the book belong to the publishing house "Piter"

Girls are creatures so complex that it is almost impossible to understand them. Sometimes even they themselves cannot find out what they really feel and why they behave this way and not otherwise. There are many different explanations for female emotionality. The website of the US National Center for Biotechnology Information published a sensational in terms of narrow specialists opening. It turns out that in girls with negative experiences - distress, anxiety, feelings of humiliation, etc. - such a metabolite of dopamine as homovanillic acid is released. In boys, this substance is not released during stress. Somewhere here lies the key to the chemistry of women's experiences. But for people far from pharmacology, this information does not provide practical benefits and understanding of the causes of girlish experiences. Female emotionality can be tiring for the woman herself, but evolutionarily this useful property. From the point of view of the ability to survive, a woman should be emotional, sensitive and anxious. Unlike a man. Let's imagine: a man follows a bear's trail, tracks down prey and sits in an ambush; a bear appears - a hefty carcass full of rage. The beast must be lured into a trap and killed. All this time, no emotions should act on the man, the hunter should be calm and quiet.
And the hunter's wife, who remained on the farm, on the contrary, is better to constantly worry about the most seemingly insignificant reason. Moreover, the reason for excitement arises in her precisely at the moment when everything is quiet and calm. Why is baby Girkh quiet there? Had he caught the tarantula again to tear off its paws? Why are little Brugh and Hrugh laughing so merrily? Haven't they played too much, won't they start hitting each other with an elk's tibia? Will the fire go out in the hearth? Did rodents get into the pantry? But this applies to adult women who are responsible for children and families. BUT emotional girl simply enjoys the privilege of obeying impulses. Emotional girl - pure poetry and romance. An emotional girl captivates the eye and allows less sensitive people to see such fragments of reality that they themselves would never have noticed. A feature of girlish emotionality can be considered that the reasons for the surge of her feelings are not external circumstances, but internal ones. When a girl explodes, the immediate cause for frustration is only the last straw that overflowed her cup of patience. In most cases, she can easily brush aside any trouble. But if there are too many disappointments that follow one after another, the girl feels like a helpless and cornered victim.
Her sudden flash is essentially a signal flare that tells all observers in range that the girl is in distress. Some emotional girls manage and quite mature time to keep the impulsiveness of one's nature as a universal justification for one's extravagances. "I'm an emotional girl, what can I do." Here, for example, is the song by Canadian country singer Terri Clark, which is called “Emotional Girl” (Terri Clark, Emotional Girl). The video sequence of this clip seems to hint to us that Terry can easily kill someone and she will not get anything for it, because, well, she is so unpredictable. Enjoy. Free translation of this song. I see how you look at me. Bet I know what you're thinking? How would you get what you see. But under the cold steepness of my appearance beats a frantic stream of passions. Therefore, before you come closer, I want to warn you: I am an emotional girl. Chorus: I am an emotional girl and I can not cope with myself. Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I cry, sometimes both. I have a passionate heart and there's nothing you can do about it. You and I could spin a whole whirlpool, but I warn you, young man: I am an emotional girl. I like the music to play loud and the lights to burn far below. I like to drive fast and dance slowly. Some people say that I'm extreme, because when I start something, I can't stop. But I can't help that half of my heart.

Write your questions and wishes in the comments. Bye!