How to distinguish just flirting from love. Other facial features. The main differences between flirting

For some reason, it is believed that only girls know how to skillfully flirt, attracting the attention of the opposite sex. But this is far from the case. Male flirting is a concept that, although very rarely found in literature, is very often used by men in life. Male flirting, like female flirting, can be multidirectional, can pursue several goals. Let's consider in more detail what this phenomenon is.

Secrets of the pick-up artists
Not so long ago male flirting became a whole "science" whose name is "pick-up". This art came from Europe, where in this way men get to know girls, trying to tie them up brief relationship and raise your own self-esteem. But usually male flirting is a manifestation of sympathy and attraction for a particular woman (not even one). Flirting, a man tries to attract her attention to himself, to win her over, that is, to please. Flirting can have several goals: to strike up a relationship with a girl he liked, in the form of entertainment or a kind of game, just to cheer up himself and the woman.

Sincere intentions
In order to recognize male flirting, as well as to find out what goals he pursues, it is necessary to carefully observe the gestures and words of the man. There are no trifles in flirting, and even the most innocent movements can carry any subtext. If the flirting is demonstrative, that is, a man begins to smile slyly, wink, correct his hairstyle or flaws in a suit invisible to the eye - this is sure sign that he's trying to flirt. Only this flirting is frivolous, rather comic in nature. If a man, caring for a woman, which is called "goes out of his way" to show himself smart, sensitive, attentive and talented, interesting companion and honest man, then his intentions to win this particular woman are serious. He is trying to gain her sincere affection and trust. The purpose of even such flirting is to arouse interest on the part of the interlocutor in his own person, to do everything so that the person is interested in the answer.

Accidental hug, accidental kiss
Another sign of flirting can be considered an accidental - non-accidental touch, an attempt at a friendly hug. These touches are designed to determine how much the interlocutor is disposed to this kind of communication, since any touch makes one person invade the personal space of another. If such inclinations are perceived positively, then the man is on the way to success - they are interested in him, his tricks have not gone unnoticed.

Gaining trust
The most clear sign desires to get to know each other better will be the look with which a man looks at his interlocutor. If he is sincerely interested in her, if all his instincts now want one thing - to conquer the woman sitting next to him, then he will look almost only at her, his gaze will be alive and with some brilliance. It has long been noticed that the overtones of the voice of a flirting man change. He becomes deeper, stretches the words, and the voice will rise no higher than half a whisper, so that the interlocutor listens to him and moves closer. At the same time, the man's words will be soft, he will use diminutive forms of words and softer vocabulary, because his main goal is to win the woman's trust, to win her over.

The interweaving of cunning and interest
Flirting in both men and women seems to be a rather complex phenomenon, in which not only sincere personal sympathies, interest in a person are intertwined, but also a note of cunning, prudence. The main thing in such a case is not to say too much, otherwise the confidence of the interlocutor will be lost, which means that the attempt to flirt has failed. Flirting with genuine interest should be distinguished from flirting that is aimed only at the urgent conquest of a woman. Usually men with such intentions try to please externally, but not internally. Such men are called womanizers. They are sweet, smiling, but at the same time they say little about themselves, pouring out streams of words and compliments on a woman. You can respond to such flirting if the interest in short relationship is present in both man and woman. Based on materials.

"Flirting can be confusing, and we don't always read the signals our counterpart sends correctly," says Teresa Didonato, a social psychologist and professor at the University of Maryland. - Often a person is afraid of being rejected and therefore flirts with us not directly, but indirectly: he tries to be very attentive, tells something funny, jokes. And it leaves us with the question - what did our interlocutor mean? "

A study from the University of Kansas makes it clear how well we actually recognize situations when someone is trying to flirt with us. Psychologists observed how strangers talked to each other for 20 minutes. Then the subjects shared their first impressions. And what turned out to be?

1. Physical attraction. The more we are attracted to a person of the opposite sex, the more willingly we begin to flirt at the first meeting. However, as a rule, we keep a sober view of things. In other words, even if we really liked someone, we do not see his politeness hidden hint that he became interested in us.

2. Men and women in equally are wrong. The vast majority of people do not realize that they are trying to flirt with them. So, only 18% of women guessed that men provided them special signs attention. Representatives of the stronger sex showed several best result- 36% were able to determine that women wanted to please them. In most cases, flirting was simply not recognized.

3. People are better at recognizing lack of flirting. The fact that they only communicate with them amicably, without any sexual connotation, was noted by 83% of women. And this was in line with the intentions of the interlocutors. Almost the same - 84% - the result was shown by men. In other words, both sexes very soberly evaluated the friendly disposition towards them, not trying to pass it off as a manifestation of special interest. However, they showed complete naivety in a situation when they really tried to flirt with them.

“It's good that we share a friendly disposition and romantic interest even when we like the person. However, due to the inability to recognize the romantic signals addressed to us, we risk missing a potentially close person and passing our love, ”Teresa Didonato believes.

1. Observe your body movements. In a certain context, smiles, long glances, tilting towards your side of the body or head, as if accidental touches to the hand can speak of a special interest in you.

2. Be attentive to what the other person says. Still, we trust words more and with their help we better recognize the desire to please. So if you want your signals to be read correctly, compliment them.

3. Choose a meeting place. If you are in the mood to flirt, go to places where you can communicate with strangers at ease: clubs, bars, parties. If it is also a club of interests, the "ice" will melt even faster.

“Unconscious attraction works towards any nearby object, even regardless of gender or age,” says Jungian analyst Lev Khegai. “But at the same time there is also suppression due to socio-cultural prohibitions. So even the thought of flirting may not arise. However, if the situation permits, then the suppression is less and thoughts reach consciousness. "

How it's done?

By the way a man flirts, one can guess exactly how he will look after. In the art of seduction, everyone has their own style.

Traditional flirting

People with this "handwriting" of flirting prefer parties, hobby clubs or schools- the places where the interlocutors did not meet by chance and an easy, non-binding conversation is an unspoken part of the program. Such people are often more introverted, they do not come up first and wait to be introduced by third parties. Their romantic interest is sometimes difficult to recognize. Most likely, this is exactly how, with emphasized delicacy, without pressure, they will look after.

Physical flirting

More overt style: implies body language, eye contact, light touch. If you send your counterpart signals of reciprocal interest, this will motivate him to move further. Your obvious approval of all his actions is an unspoken condition of his activity.

Game flirting

Demonstrates a model of extroverted behavior. They joke, do not skimp on compliments and try to establish physical contact: touch the shoulder, take your hand. If you are unfamiliar, this can be disconcerting. However, for quick dates, the purpose of which is to meet a large number of applicants and for a short time choose the most appropriate, such a bold tactic can be successful.

Body language speaks volumes! Especially in the relationship between a man and a woman, when a connection with an erotic connotation is felt between two strangers on a non-verbal level. How to read another person's body language, understand what they are tuned in to light flirting, or maybe something more? Here are 10 of the most obvious signs that you are sure to be liked by someone!

Flirting- a very delicate form of communication between a man and a woman, which in a veiled form makes it clear to the other person that the interlocutor likes him. It's a form of rewarding and at the same time exploring how much a person we like shares our desire to deepen the relationship. Sometimes we flirt involuntarily, purely for the sake of flirting, sometimes - in search of a partner, and maybe even a sexual adventure. Regardless of the result of the flirting (and it may be love story one night and an oath of allegiance before the altar), we must learn to recognize it. After all, body language speaks more than words! Here are 10 signs that you are flirting.

Signs of flirting

Sign 1 - eye contact

It usually starts with eye contact, doesn't it? From these characteristic "sparks in the eyes" that tell us that a person has something on his mind. If a man flirts with a woman, being with her in the company of other people, then, first of all, he will try to make eye contact with her more often than with others.

Women do it a little differently. They usually make a strong eye connection with the man they like for a split second and then quickly look down or turn away from obvious embarrassment.

In a one-on-one situation, pay attention to the other person's gaze. If he looks at you often enough, then you can be sure that he is interested.

Sign 2 - getting attention

Obviously, we intuitively sense cues that someone likes them. Attempts to attract attention can be more or less pronounced: from female baits in the form of an attractive outfit or perfume, hair / make-up adjustments to more active actions - attempts to start a conversation, submit something, courting (as a rule, this is the prerogative of men).

One thing is for sure: if someone clearly likes us, they will no doubt do their best to stand out from the crowd and get our attention.

Sign 3 - I am a woman / I am a man!

Attracting attention can completely take the form of showing off your femininity / masculinity. Men will try to prove to the woman they like that they are "the most attractive male in the herd." In body language, this means straightening the shoulders, tension chest, pulling up the abdomen and more or less deliberate demonstration of the genital area (for example, holding hands in trouser pockets).

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At the same time, women are trying to show in all their glory. feminine charm, straighten, exposing the chest and buttocks, straighten hair, lightly stroke themselves in the neck and face.

Sign 4 - accidental touch contact

When you are no longer strangers to each other, eye contact is established, and moreover, you are even connected by some friendly relations, the next stage of flirting is supposedly casual touches. If a man sits down close to the object of his attention, and a woman removes nonexistent threads from his sweater, something is clearly outlined between them!

Sign 5 - changes in tone and timbre of the voice

Sign 6 - tilting the head while talking

If during a conversation our interlocutor tilts his head a little to one side, this means that he is interested either in what we are talking about, or in us! This applies like u. This is especially easy to notice when you are sitting close to each other - thus, an easy attempt is made to be at least a little physically closer to the object of the flirting.

Sign 7 - sincere smile

Again, another one of non-verbal signals, thanks to which we intuitively feel that we are interested. A smile, especially sincere, but even impudent, flirtatious is a clear sign of flirting. Judge by yourself: being in the company of the person we are interested in, we often spontaneously laugh, and we do it even louder and more cheerful if the object of our attention is joking.

Sign 8 - flirting is staring at the object of his sigh

Sign 9 - being around

Long-term flirting requires more commitment, which will make it clear to the person you like that we are interested in him. Constant contact and repeated indirect hints will help convey to him that we are not indifferent to him. Therefore, if someone is constantly looking for your company and catches your eye more often, trying to show signs of attention, then you can not even doubt that this person really likes you.

Sign 10 - subtle jealousy

It is characteristic of both sexes in relation to the object of sympathy. manifests itself in an irritated voice or even nervous behavior in a situation when someone else shows favor to a person you like, or even worse, when the object of sympathy itself begins to be interested in someone. Also, a person becomes jealous when it becomes difficult for him to compete for the attention of the object of courtship.

Flirt or seriousness? Probably every girl asked herself this question at least once. The more a man likes, the greater the danger of wishful thinking. How not to make a mistake and not adjust the air locks? Read how to tell flirting from serious intentions!

1.Call me, call ...

At the very beginning of a relationship, a man's feelings and emotions are at their peak. He constantly wants to see you, hear you ... Therefore, if you are waiting for a call after a date, and he still does not, the man is not interested. Believe me, even if he works as a lumberjack in remote regions of Siberia, he will find an opportunity to call. If his calls are chaotic and rare, then most likely it is just flirting for him.

2. How to distinguish flirting from serious intentions: meeting your parents

If a man is serious about you, he will definitely introduce you to his family. This does not guarantee fast wedding but be sure random girl, which has no meaning for a man, parents will not see. If you have taken a certain place in a man's heart, then his family will first of all know about it.

3. "Look in your eyes!", Or the Japanese technique

According to Japanese scientists, if there are doubts about male intentions, you need to pay attention to the direction of his gaze. A man in love only looks in the eyes! When eye contact lasts only a few seconds, the man is not ready for serious relationship with you, this is definitely flirting! By the way, pay attention to how the man looks at other women. Trust me, a guy who only needs you won't be staring at anyone else.

4. Tell me who your friend is ...

You still don't know his friends? Perhaps he is just hiding you! And if in society he seems to keep his distance and pretends that he is not with you - run, this man is definitely not for you!

5. Was there a boy?

If a man is announced only when he needs to, and at other times you are in permanent state expectations - you can be sure this man has no serious intentions. Otherwise, he would try to spend as much time with you as possible.

6. Not my problem!

A man who is not interested in you in the long run will not listen to your problems and, moreover, will not solve them. Flirting means lightness, and problems with this approach are unnecessary. By the way, if a man gets angry when you're in bad mood- think about it! Perhaps he only needs you for fun.

7. Joint future

Seen by a man with serious intentions always sees you in his future. Plans and dreams are connected with you. If you have never heard from him the phrase "We are with you ...", most likely, this is just flirting.

8. Joint present

Do you often hear the enthusiastic stories of a man about how wonderful he had a rest in a club or went on a hike (there are a lot of options)? Think, why did he do all this without you? If he does not take you into his busy life, then he does not see you in it. Generally. And the point!