Hair and energy. The power of long hair is the secret of hair. Divine energy of hair

Since ancient times, people have given special meaning long hair. If you remember old legends and myths, then you can find a large number of plots, which said that the strength of heroes and heroes is hidden in the hair.

Esotericists claim that there is a lot of truth in these legends. Hair stores the energy of a person, his emotions and feelings. And astrologers say that it is through the hair that a person exchanges information with the cosmos.

Haircut ritual

Hair cutting is not just a necessity or following the canons of fashion and style. This is primarily a ritual aimed at getting rid of unnecessary energy accumulated in the hair. If you often feel tired, you regularly have anxious thoughts, you hold resentments and negative thoughts then cutting your hair will help get rid of it all. To improve your internal state, it is not necessary to radically change your hairstyle. You just need to trim the tips. Together with them, all your negativity and memories of bad things will go away.

Fulfillment of desires

Hair stores information and human energy. That is why they can make wishes come true. If you remember old man Hottabych, it was thanks to his hairs on his beard that he worked miracles. Don't believe me? Try it yourself. Make a wish, then pluck a hair from your head, rip it and burn it. In this way, you will release your energy, which will help you in the implementation of your planned business.

Long hair magic

Long hair contains a special magic. Since ancient times, long hair has been a symbol of wealth and fertility. Women who wore long hair were considered wise and happy, since the longer the hair, the stronger the connection with space.

In addition, long hair provided protection from the evil eye and damage. They close one of the chakras, which is located at the back of the neck. If this energy point is always open and accessible to the eyes of people, that is Great chance that a large amount of negative energy enters through it.

Remember, there is magic in your hair that you can use to your advantage. Good luck and don’t forget to press the buttons and

26.07.2014 09:01

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Can pregnant women get their hair cut? Do I need to shave my baby a year? Why do women in church wear a headscarf? Why are recruits shaved? And how to become Hottabych? Look for answers to these and other riddles in our article.

The modern world gives complete freedom for experiments with hair. With both color and length. Now you can find girls with a "boy-like" haircut or even a shaved head, and men with waist-length hair, pigtails and dreadlocks. Someone follows fashion, someone is in search of their own style and their own self. And someone, choosing this or that hair length, is guided by his own intuition, personal feelings: with what length of hair he is now comfortable and cozy.

It turns out that hair length matters to humans. Many ancient traditions, rituals and beliefs are associated with hair. But many traditions have long been forgotten, only some echoes have come down to us, which in modern world are considered only as omens or even prejudices. However, hair is still important for women. AND pretty haircut instills confidence and gives great mood, and the failed experiment of the hairdresser is frustrating to tears. There are several legends (signs, beliefs) that give a person long or short hair. Let's look a little into the past, traditions and science, and we will find out what mysteries our hair keeps.

Hair memory

Riddle number 1: can pregnant women get their hair cut?

Scientific approach. Hair has a very specific physical memory. By the structure of the hair, you can determine, for example, with which harmful factors faced in a person's life. So, by analyzing the structure of the hair, it is possible to determine with an accuracy of almost 100% whether a person has used drugs. Analysis of Napoleon Bonaparte's hair revealed the content of arsenic in it, which makes it possible to put forward one of the hypotheses of his death - poisoning with this poison. And the longer the hair, the more information can be extracted from it.

Traditions, myths, legends. Hair has an energetic memory. Hence the superstition that pregnant women should not have their hair cut: since the hair contains information, necessary for the child for correct development... And the mother in childbirth will receive less strength, which can go away with cut hair.

This property is used and vice versa. For example, to forget the past, "cut off" a piece past life, you should have a haircut. This recipe is well used by girls when they go to start a new life and begin to change their appearance, including hair. Only, according to some traditions, it is not possible to cut hair on every day (there are favorable and unfavorable days for haircuts according to the lunar calendar). For example, in order for hair to grow better, it is recommended to cut it on the growing moon (but it is better to do epilation on a decreasing one - it will take longer to grow back).

A modern look. A student's omen is associated with the memory of hair that you cannot cut or wash your hair before the exam, otherwise all the information will be washed off, and you will not remember anything on the exam.

Magic recipes. To remove the excess information accumulated during the day, it is recommended to comb before going to bed.

Protective power of hair

Riddle number 2: is it possible to cut small children?

Scientific approach. According to Darwin's theory, modern man descended from the ancient great apes. The head and body of our ancestors was covered with hair that had a very specific protective function: warmed in cold weather and was a thermostat in hot weather. Men still have a genetic memory, so they like girls with long hair - such a “female” can protect the baby well: wrap it up from the cold and cover it up from the heat.

Traditions, myths, legends. Earlier in Russia, girls braided their long hair in a braid, which was located strictly along the spine. This was done for a reason. It is known that the main energy centers (chakras) are located along the spine. The braided braid is in in this case powerful amulet.

In general, braided hair (braids, knots) are powerful protection from spirits, evil forces. After all, it is not in vain that during all fortune-telling the hair should be loose - otherwise fortune-telling simply will not work.

Hair is believed to be a strong defense for young children. So, according to tradition, children were not cut at all until they were one year old. If the children were cut after a year, they still left a small strand of hair intact. And the cut hair was kept. Closer to adulthood, a haircut was allowed, since it was believed that excessive protection from outside world already interferes with the full development of the personality. By the way, there is an assumption that girls are developing faster than boys because they are cut less.

A modern look. And in the modern world there is an opinion that it is impossible to cut children under one year old. And although many cannot clearly explain the reasons, under the influence, so to speak, of public opinion of the older generation, they try not to cut their children under one year old. Well, whether children should be cut (or even shaved) a year is also a favorite topic of controversy, in which both superstition and belief in best growth hair after cutting. But based on common sense the following per and against. Little child no need to cut if: the hair does not bother him, it looks nice and tidy; the child is not able, by virtue of his temperament, to withstand the haircut procedure. And a child can be cut if: the child is hot from the hair, the hair is unkempt, lying carelessly, reaching into the eyes; for a boy, the hair is already clearly long; the child can sit quietly while cutting (do not run away, do not crawl away, or he can be lured by something for this time).

Magic recipes. According to ancient legends, hair protects us, but we, in response, can also protect them from negative impact... What is needed for this:

Wear hats for the weather;

Minimize thermal effects on hair (hair dryer, iron, curling iron);

Minimize the effects of hair dyes, varnishes, gels, mousses;

Use comprehensive care for hair: firming masks, oils, balms;

Proper nutrition, healthy image life, no bad habits.

The magical possibilities of long hair

Riddle number 3: how to become a Hottabych?

Scientific approach. Science and magic are like two opposite pluses, therefore traditional science is silent about the magical power of hair. Only esoteric sciences can tell about the magic of hair.

Traditions, myths, legends. Hair is believed to store information about a person. Therefore, there are many rituals where hair is used. In black magic, using a person's hair, you can bring trouble or even death to him.

By the way, for this reason, girls cut their hair when they go to nuns - by cutting their hair, they renounce their past life.

The ancient Slavs believed that loose hair gives a girl witchcraft and magical powers. And they guessed by the cut strand of hair.

A modern look. Did you feel a lot of relief after the haircut? This is not only due to the physical ease that short hair gives the head. But also with energy. As if the past was cut along with the hair: negative emotions and feelings, unnecessary experiences.

Magic recipes. Remember how old man Hottabych made wishes come true with his beard hair? Female version the fulfillment of desires lies in the belief that if, while combing your hair, you concentrate on any desire, then it will come true.

Hair strength

Riddle number 4: "a woman's strength is in her weakness" or braids?

Scientific approach. The strength of human hair has been measured by physicists and it is noted that human hair is as strong as steel. So, one hair can easily withstand the load in the form of a bar of chocolate. If we take into account the total number of hairs, then middle braid able to withstand already several tons of chocolate.

Traditions, myths, legends. In Russia unmarried women they used to wear a braided braid - so they saved and accumulated energy and strength for their future husband. When they got married, women already braided two braids - they kept strength and energy for themselves and the child.

There is also a biblical legend about Samson and Delilah. The great hero Samson was famous for his incredible strength, and his strength was in his hair. Delilah charmed the man and tricked him into discovering the secret of his power. Enemies, having learned the secret of the hero, cut him off and imprisoned him. But soon the hero's hair grew back again, and he managed to escape from the dungeon and destroy the temple, where the enemies worshiped their deities.

A modern look. It is very important for modern girls-beauties how their hairstyle will look after the salon. Therefore, they choose the masters according to the recommendations and for years they can go to the same master. Because after the master with " light hand"Hair grows well, does not lose its strength and attractiveness.

Magic recipes. To strengthen and restore the strength of the hair, add the following mixture of oils to the shampoo-base (250 ml): 5 ml of jojoba oil and 5 ml of St. John's wort oil; as well as essential oils: lemon - 5 drops, grapefruit - 5 drops, carrots 10 drops, black pepper 10 drops, rosemary 5 drops, beat 5 drops, pine 5 drops. Mix well, use to wash hair and scalp: apply on wet hair, massage the scalp for 2-3 minutes. Wash off with warm water and repeat the procedure. Use 2-3 times a week for 2-3 months.

Hair energy

Riddle # 5: Why does a priest need a beard, and a woman needs a headscarf in church?

Scientific approach. Today, scientists are increasingly expressing the idea that the structure of the hair is identical to the structure of the energy receiver. Namely: the hair has a peculiar tubular structure, radio engineers confirm that waveguides (antennas), through which high-frequency energy is transmitted, have a similar structure.

Traditions, myths, legends. Hair can receive energy from outside (from space) and transmit it to a person. For example, it can be yin and yang energies (female and male), thanks to which a woman becomes feminine, gentle, calm, and a man courageous, decisive, active. There is an opinion that the beard and mustache in men are precisely the receivers of masculine energies.

A modern look. Modern clergymen traditionally still wear long hair and beards, and women wear a headscarf in church (to “muffle” their energy).

Magic recipes. The next time you are outdoors, let your hair down and you will feel like you are recharged with positive, feminine and harmonious energy from nature.

Hair - a certain social status

Riddle # 6: Why are army recruits shaved?

Scientific approach. Long hair among many peoples they were a symbol of power and noble birth. History and culturology tells us about this. So in ancient Greece, the government was different from the slaves with long hair. During the Middle Ages, long hair was worn free people, and the short ones are enslaved peasants. In England, people with long hair were adherents of art - artists, musicians. In Russia, the clear supporters of long hair are rock musicians.

Traditions, myths, legends. Previously, the length and generally the presence of hair spoke of this or that social status... So, for example, in the ancient world, long hair was worn only by free citizens, slaves and criminals were shaved bald. Eastern monks also shave their heads - with this they emphasize their slavish obedience to God.

A modern look. Why are recruits in the army being deprived of their hair? It is believed that the traditions of the Russian army society to shave soldiers go back to the times of wars: the enemy cannot grab a soldier by the hair or beard if he does not have one. Modern recruits who do not take part in hostilities explain short haircuts by the ease of caring for such hair. But this is only one side of the coin. Having parted with hair, a person loses his individuality, his strength, it becomes easier for him to control; a person becomes more susceptible outside influence... A man with long hair - he is, as it were, outside the system, it is difficult for him to control; the one whose hair is cut short is, as it were, under the control of society.

Magic recipes. There are special programs for the selection of hairstyles. After uploading your photo to the program, you can choose long and short hair, straight and curly, light brown and fiery red. So you can try on yourself romantic image or the image of a business woman, the image of a shy or temptress, choose a hairstyle for a wedding or for a stylized party.

Beauty and attractiveness

Riddle # 7: What kind of hair do men like women?

Scientific approach. What hair lengths for women do men like more? According to scientific research (according to women's magazine MissEva) men prefer long hair - 64% of respondents, 25% of men favored shoulder-length hairstyles, but short haircuts gained 11% of men's votes.

Traditions, myths, legends. Long, well-groomed hair has always been considered beautiful and attractive. In Russia, a long blond braid was a symbol of beauty. Heroines of ancient fairy tales and modern princesses all had beautiful long hair. Artists have always been inspired by long-haired models: how many paintings have been written where long hair flows over the half-naked shoulders of girls ...

A modern look. Currently, advertising for everything feminine and charming (perfume, cosmetics, jewelry) most often appear modern long-haired beauties. From them and breathes charm, attractiveness, femininity. And it's not in vain that women, trying to charm a man, loose their long hair - it works.

Magic recipes. The following recipe can be used to stimulate hair growth. Butter grape seed- 4 tbsp. and jojoba oil - 2 tsp. warm up in a water bath to body temperature. Add 3 drops of essential oils of cedar, thyme, lavender and rosemary to the heated oil. Rub the warm mixture into the hair roots for 10 minutes, then distribute the remaining oil over the entire length. Insulate hair with plastic or a towel for 30-60 minutes, then rinse. The procedure should be carried out 2 times a week.

Sexual energy

Riddle number 8: what do Sigmund Freud and Patrick Cameron think of long hair?

Scientific approach. According to Freud, men like long hair purely reflexively. Since they show the ability to have healthy offspring. Long, thick, healthy hair is a sign of good health and heredity. Excellent women Health- this is the possibility of healthy offspring, therefore men like the girl's long-haired purely subconsciously, like a healthy female to a fighting male.

Traditions, myths, legends. Long hair is an indicator of sexual energy. For a woman, to cut her long hair is to waste sexual energy... Perhaps for this reason, in Russia, unfaithful wives or libertines were cut short, which was a great shame for them.

In the East, women still cover their hair with a scarf. Here, long, loose hair symbolizes sexual desire, therefore, for their strict moral laws, the display of hair is simply unacceptable.

A modern look. The modern stylist, the famous "maestro of long hair", Patrick Cameron does not get tired of remarking: "Remember, long hair is sexy, it is an integral part of the sexuality of any girl!"

Magic recipes. If you have long hair, it is best to wear it tucked up in everyday life. Then, being fluffed up on a certain occasion, they will manifest their magical properties to the maximum extent.

Wealth and prosperity

Riddle number 9: how much does hair cost in monetary terms?

Scientific approach. If you approach hair care from a financial point of view, then coloring, cutting, shampoos, balms, masks, oils for care - this, of course, requires certain financial costs (it is not difficult to calculate them). If you want to build up your hair, and then maintain it for a long time, then the amount will be significantly rounded (from 10 to 30 thousand). This is a tangible amount, but all the same it will not be a direct "whole fortune".

Hair is accepted at a price of 10 to 50 thousand per kilogram with a length of 30 centimeters, which, in general, is not very tempting, given that hair weighs a little and grows for a long time. Thus, the concept of "wealth" applies to hair exclusively from an intangible point of view.

Traditions, myths, legends. Long hair since ancient times was considered a symbol of wealth, fertility, abundance. It was believed that if a girl with loose hair runs on the floor, then this is a rich harvest. It is not for nothing that Veles (Volos) was the god of wealth in Slavic mythology.

A modern look. A girl with long hair is said to have her hair as her wealth. By the way, some husbands can financially estimate the cost of the wife's hair. So one Egyptian scientist filed a lawsuit in which he accused his wife of cheating: it turns out that her own hair on her head was missing, and she wore a luxurious wig, which she carefully hid from her husband. The deceived spouse demanded a divorce and moral compensation in the amount of 8 thousand dollars in court.

Magic recipes. According to psychologists, hairstyle and characteristics human are inseparable from each other. Therefore, if you want to be successful, rich and famous, then make yourself a "star" hairstyle and your life will "pull up" after it.

Our hair is our treasure

Riddle number 10: hair - cut, grow or leave it as it is?

Long hair is a woman's treasure and happiness, because how much they can: protect, decorate, give strength, confidence, wisdom, help to be attractive, feminine and sexy. And men will not hurt to look at their hair differently.

However, the owners of short haircuts will bring a lot of their own advantages: a good haircut is young, makes a woman stylish, creates business image; per short hair easier to care for.

We wish you to find your hair length and hairstyle: the one with which you will be most comfortable in this life period!

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Human biofield energy passes through human hair. In other words, hair is the conductor of this energy. Energy passes through the hair to the outside, joining together, forms an energy current. Such a current can arise spontaneously, depending on the case, it is not always advisable and necessary for the energy of a person as a whole.

Hair length determines the strength of a given current. At first, long hair, growing by fifteen centimeters, constantly increases the amperage. Then the process stabilizes and, with further growth, gradually drops to zero. This pattern is inherent in healthy people with stable energy. In weakened people, the current may not be observed at all.

Long hair perfectly accumulates energy, energy is not wasted in vain. Such hair serves as an additional energy protection. Plus, they increase their owner's intuition.

A person with a subtle perception of energy is constantly convinced of protective properties his hair: with negative influences on him, the hair irritates its owner, he seems to want to get rid of them. They seem to him sometimes dirty, sometimes too dark, and so on. It's just that the hair takes away the negative sent to its owner from the outside. The blow would have fallen on a person if he did not have long hair. Gradually, negative energy comes out of the hair. Normal brushing is very good cleaning.

In addition to this property, hair also accumulates personal energy of a person. If you change your image dramatically: cut your long hair and make short hair, then some enlightenment will come, energy - tone will increase, lightness will be felt. These are all indicators that the energy accumulated for a long time has been released, now given energy spent on a short-term flash of tone.

That is why people say that the hair stands on end from a sharp fright of a person. All this comes from a sharp energy release, which in this case protects a person. Their energy raises a little and dissipates, like electrification.

A man's beard and mustache play an equally important role. Energy accumulates in them, strengthening intuition, and sometimes even helps to predict events.

Our ancestors knew about energy force hair, so each class had its own haircut. Ukrainians wore a beard and mustache; they tried not to cut their hair as long as possible. The class of priests, the brahmanas, never cut their hair at all, for them it was unacceptable, since the possibility of interaction with the matter of the spirit decreased significantly.

The Cossacks made up the class of warriors, their head was shaved, but a braid was left on the top of the head. The Cossacks were called at that time - Kasaki (from derived words - scythe and sword). The scythe, located strictly on the top of the head, was in the area of ​​the seventh chakra, and the rest of the shaved part of the head intensified the passage of energy - current through the scythe, activating the seventh chakra. The reaction of the Cossack, with such a haircut, was aggravated, motor power increased, helping the Cossack to be always on edge, to burn in any business, to react vividly to what was happening.

The class of lackeys, on the contrary, resembles a dumpy domestic goose. The lackeys wore short hair, shaved their mustaches and beards, like most modern men... This is the root of the esoteric reasons.

Uncut hair (curls) is a highly effective totem (or source) of power and symbolizes the lion's mane. Belief in the magical power of uncut hair is also supported by the Bible (the story of Samson and Delilah); one can also recall similar curls that adorned the Jewish scribes and even Jesus Christ himself.

Uncut hair is also prescribed by African traditions. Esteban Montejo (Este-been Montejo), a fugitive Cuban African slave, lived for 10 years in the mountains like a lion - lion-maned, independent, cocky, distrustful, inclined to contemplation, as he writes in his autobiography. However, after leaving his hideout, he cut his hair. He himself explains the ensuing change in the following way: “I felt strange, when all this wool was removed from me, I was terribly cold. It looks like blacks. I've never seen a bald black man - not one. It was the Galicians who brought the fashion to cut their hair to Cuba ”(see“ Autobiography of the Fugitive Slave ”).

And now in Jamaica you can hear the warning that "too much hair no suit lily face" - that is, "the weak should not try to look strong."

It has long been believed among different peoples that hair is one of the places where the vital force of a person is concentrated. So, for example, Frankish kings walked uncut from childhood, a haircut was tantamount to giving up the right to the throne. Young ancient German warriors did not cut their hair and beards until they killed the first enemy. Inhabitants of the Marquesas Islands, it was customary to leave one long strand when cutting a haircut, in which the soul could "hide". In ancient Egypt, children were also left with the so-called "baby curl" - a long strand on the temple, which was cut off when the child came of age. Magicians, sorcerers, and also priests do not cut their hair, since long hair is a conductor of subtle energies.

Even in the Old Testament, it is told about the hero Samson, all the strength of which was in his hair - the beloved who betrayed him cut them off, and the colossus lost its strength. The enemies defeated him, made him a slave and chained him, but in their carelessness they did not notice how Samson's hair grew back. And then the hero decided to take cruel revenge on those who had blinded him - he brought down the vaults of the building, under which the enemies were feasting.

There is a hypothesis that hair has its own memory. That is why, for example, there is a student omen that prohibits cutting a hair before the exam: it will lead to failure. Otherwise, all knowledge will be "cut off" along with the hair, and then you will have to learn all over again or wait until the old head of hair grows back. For the same reason, pregnant women try not to have their hair cut - hair stores information that is necessary for an unborn child. In the evening, before going to bed, it is recommended to comb your hair in order to remove the negative information accumulated during the day from it. It is better to use wooden combs made of birch, pine, and preferably oak or juniper for this.

Eastern astrology, unlike Western astrology, draws attention to the fact that any human action entails a change in the quality of life. Even the most regular haircut hair can radically change destiny. Tibetans divide lunar days on favorable and unfavorable for cutting (shaving) hair. The days of hair cutting have as a beneficial effect on the future fate of a person - they have a positive effect on longevity, good luck and external attractiveness and negative, as a haircut these days can damage a person's vitality and bring trouble.

There is a belief that in order to get rid of unrequited love, just cut your hair and the feeling will go with it. The sign of belonging to the clergy in Catholicism is tonsure. Hair shaved at the top of the head symbolizes the loss of fertile strength, asceticism, rejection of carnal desires. If the tonsure is under the Apostle Paul, then the hair is cut above the forehead, and if under the Apostle Peter, a circle is made on the crown of the head. When taking monastic dignity in Orthodoxy, as well as at baptism, a lock of hair is symbolically cut off. Shaving the pilgrims' heads to Mecca is evidence of the offering of hair as a sacrifice to Allah. By the way, in Japan, a shaved head is a symbol of finality. the decision... The Manchus, Chinese, Golds, Ainu (front part of the head), Chukchi (only the top of the head) sacrificed hair to God. Having joined the Buddhist monastic community, he renounced everything, including hair.

In the ancient world, cutting hair served, on the contrary, as a sign of slavery, that is, acquiring a new status. The braid among men was an attribute of the pre-Muslim Turks. She also adorned the heads of the Chinese. They were forced to wear a braid as a sign of submission to the Manchu emperor. That is why in 1895 the Chinese revolutionary Sun Yat-sen in the Japanese port of Kobe cut his scythe as a sign of insubordination. History testifies that when in 1902 the founder of Chinese modern literature, Lu Xin, came to Japan and entered the university there, he also cut off the braid, which he considered a symbol of enslavement, which would have cost him his life in his homeland. A small braid - a shikkha - is on the head of modern Hare Krishnas, a "sedentary" - formerly a distinctive feature of the Zaporozhye Cossacks.

In Central Asia, it is customary for girls to braid forty braids, and then tie gold coins and pearls to them as amulets. In other regions, tiaras, wreaths, metal rings, laces, etc. were attached to the hair. Tibetan women braid their hair as many as one hundred and eight braids. In ancient times, unmarried women wore their hair loose and long. The ancient Slavs believed that loose hair gives their owner magical, witchcraft and even witchcraft power. In Russia, married women covered their heads with headscarves. It is possible that this was done so that, entering someone else's house, not to harm him with his magical power.

Experts believe that hair is a strong energetic substance of a person, a kind of antenna that connects him with the Cosmos and performs a number of functions that we have not yet known. Lack of hair, as experiments have shown, helps a person not to get sick and ... hide information about himself! Is this not where the answer to shaved heads lurks? Buddhist monks and ancient warriors? Lack of illness during the campaign and less likelihood of injury in battle, as well as a certain guarantee of "closeness" from the enemy magician trying to penetrate your thoughts.

Look at a woman: trying to charm a man, she spreads her hair over her shoulders, acting on them magical energy on the chosen one. From time to time she shakes her mane of hair, enhancing their energetic effect and expanding the field in which the man of interest to her should be. Twisting curls on her finger and smiling invitingly, a woman conducts an invisible conversation of energy with the energy of the opposite sex. It is so arranged by nature that each woman is a little bit of a witch - one more, the other less.

Many signs have been associated with hair. There was nothing better for sorcerers to cast a spell on someone than a lock of the victim's hair. Lots of magic rituals related to hair - it was considered possible to spoil by harming the victim's cut hair. On the other hand, with a lock of hair, you can enlist good attitude by their owner. Is it not from here that the romantic custom of the Middle Ages arose - to wear a lock of a lover's hair in a medallion?

They were guessing by the hair. During the christening, the infant's first cut hair was rolled up in wax and thrown into the water. If they were drowning, then there was a high probability that the child would die. There is an ancient ban on throwing your hair anywhere, and even worse - letting cut hair into the wind - this can lead to serious illnesses brain and soul, because through them any black witchcraft can be brought to you, because hair is a part of your body and carries its energy. You should never neglect the basic rule of the ancients and never cut your hair on a full moon. And if you are sick, try to follow the advice of the ancient Slavic Magi - slightly trim your hair so that it will go away with trimmed ends. negative energy diseases and the body could heal more easily.

Hair cut on the waxing moon will grow back faster, but if you want your haircut to last longer, it is better to go to the hairdresser when the moon is at a loss. You can't cut your hair yourself - luck is cut off. If the hairdresser absent-mindedly left you a long strand while cutting, then the road awaits you soon. By the way the hair grows on the head, you can predict the fate. It is common knowledge that someone with two tops will be lucky. Also, the hair on the back of the head can grow towards each other, forming a kind of braid - "fontanelle". The owners of the "fontanelle" are always led through life by fate, in which they can hardly change anything.

Hair taboo. If the head is attributed to such a degree of holiness that it cannot be touched without inflicting a grave offense on its owner, it is clear that cutting the hair must be a delicate and complex procedure. Hair cutting, according to primitive man, is associated with a twofold difficulty or danger. First, there is a danger of disturbing the spirit of the head, which can be damaged and take revenge on the person who annoyed him. Second, it is difficult to dispose of the cut strands. It seems to primitive man that there is a sympathetic connection between him and every part of his body and that it continues to exist even after the termination of physical contact. From this he concludes that if the cut hair or nails are damaged, he himself will suffer damage. Because of this, he takes care not to leave hair and nails in places where they can disappear as a result of some accident or fall into the hands of intruders who, having put on them magical effect, will cause the death of a person. All people are exposed to these dangers, but sacred persons have more reason to fear them. They, accordingly, take stricter precautions. The easiest way to avoid danger is not to cut your hair at all. This remedy is used when the risk is considered to be unusually high.

Frankish kings were not allowed to cut their hair at all; they have been unshorn since childhood. To trim off the curling curls to the shoulders meant giving up the right to the throne. When the treacherous brothers Clotar and Childebert harassed the kingdom of their deceased brother Clodomer, they cunningly lured to themselves two young nephews, the sons of Clodomer. Then they sent to Paris to Queen Clotilde, the grandmother of the children, a messenger with scissors and a drawn sword. The messenger presented the queen with scissors and a sword and put her before a choice: either to cut the children off and they will live, or death awaits them. The proud queen replied that if her grandchildren were not destined to wear the crown, she would rather see them dead, but not trimmed. So the children fell at the hands of their cruel uncle Chlothar. The king on Ponapa, one of the Caroline Islands, was required to wear long hair; the same applied to his nobles. In the Negro tribe of the Gos (West Africa) “there are priests whose heads have not been touched by a razor throughout their lives. The god living in such a person, on pain of death, forbids him to cut his hair. If they eventually get too long, the owner should pray to God for permission to cut at least the ends of the hair. They see the abode of God in their hair, so if they were cut off, God would lose refuge in his priest. " Among the Maasai, members of the clan credited with the ability to cause rain do not have the right to pluck their beards, because this, according to local superstition, would entail the loss of this ability. The same custom (and for the same reason) is observed by the leader and sorcerers of the Masai: as soon as they plucked out their beards, they would have lost supernatural abilities... People who have taken a vow of vengeance also do not cut their hair until they fulfill their promise.

Thus, regarding the inhabitants of the Marquesas, it is known that “from time to time they completely shave their heads, with the exception of one strand on the crown, which they leave to curl or tie in a knot. They wear such a hairstyle only in those cases when they made a solemn oath, for example, to avenge the death of one of their close relatives, etc. In such cases, this strand is not cut until the promise is fulfilled. "

Hair cutting rituals. When the need to trim hair does arise, steps are taken to minimize the risk associated with this procedure. The chief of the Namosi tribe on the Fiji island, faced with the need to cut his hair, always ate a man out of caution. "The obligation to supply a sacrifice lay with a certain clan ... at the solemn council, its members made a decision in order to turn away the attack from the leader, and arranged a sacrificial feast."

When cutting hair, the Maori recited many incantations: one, for example, was pronounced in order to consecrate the obsidian knife with which the hair was cut; the other was pronounced to avert thunder and lightning, which local belief is believed to be caused by cutting hair. “The person whose hair is cut is under the direct care of the spirit (atua)… he is isolated from communication with his family and tribe… he hesitates to touch food with his own hands - someone else puts it in his mouth,” for several days he has no right to go about his usual business and communicate with friends. " Whoever cut their hair also becomes taboo. Since his hands came into contact with the sacred head, they dare not touch food or do anything else; one of the tribesmen feeds him with food cooked on a sacred fire. The taboo cannot be lifted from him until the next day. On this day, he rubs his hands with potatoes or fern root, also cooked on a sacred fire; and after this dish is brought to the head of the family on the female side and he tastes it, the taboo is lifted from the hands of the “hairdresser”. In some parts of New Zealand, haircut day was considered the most sacred day of the year; on this day, crowds of people gathered from all over the area.

Removal of clipped hair and nails. Once the hair and nails have been safely cut, the difficulty is getting rid of them. Indeed, from any harm caused to them, the damage will be suffered equally by their owners. The idea that a person can be bewitched by strands of his hair, clippings of nails or any other part of his body is widespread almost all over the world, and the evidence that speaks in his favor is too extensive, known and unambiguous to subject this question here to a detailed study. This superstition rests on the general idea of ​​a sympathetic connection that supposedly exists between a person and everything that has ever constituted a part of his body or has any intimate contact with him. We will restrict ourselves to a few examples. They belong to the area of ​​sympathetic magic called contagious magic. In the past, the inhabitants of the Marquesas had a particular fear of witchcraft.

The sorcerer picked up a hair, spit, or anything left over from the person he wanted to hurt, wrapped it all in a green leaf and put the bundle in a bag tied with an intricate knot. He buried the bundle in compliance with certain rituals, after which his victim died from a debilitating illness that lasted 20 days. The life of such a person could be saved by finding and digging up nails, hair, etc., since after that the magic remedy lost its power. In an effort to kill someone, the Maori sorcerer tried to take possession of a lock of hair, clippings of nails, spit or a piece of clothing from his victim. Having obtained what he needed, the sorcerer sang spells and curses over him in falsetto and buried him in the ground. While the buried thing was rotting, its former owner was supposed to die. When an Australian aborigine wants to get rid of his wife, he cuts off a strand of hair from the sleeping person, ties her to a spear thrower, and heads to a neighboring tribe, where he hands her over to a friend. Every night, he sticks a spear thrower into the ground in front of the fire: a sign that the woman has died is the fall of the spear thrower. The mode of action of this magical agent was explained to Dr. Howitt by a native of the Virad-Yuri tribe. "You see," he said, "when our medicine man grabs something that belongs to a man and roasts it with spells, the fire absorbs the scent of that man, and it finishes the poor fellow." The Hutsuls living in the Carpathians imagine that if the mice take possession of someone's cut hair and build their own nest out of it, their owner will suffer headaches or, moreover, be mentally damaged. The Germans also believe that if birds get their hair cut off and build a nest out of it, the owner of the hair will get headaches; or it is also believed that a rash will appear on his head. The same prejudice has, or had, circulated in the west of Sussex.

It is also believed that trimmed or combed hair can affect the weather: cause rain, hail, thunder and lightning. We already know that when cutting hair in New Zealand, in order to prevent thunder and lightning, a special spell was cast. In Tyrol, witches are suspected of causing severe hail and thunderstorms with their hair cut or combed out. The Tlingit Indians, as you know, attributed the storm to the rash act of the girl who combed her hair when she left the house. The Romans apparently held the same opinion: on board the ship, they cut their hair and nails exclusively during a storm, that is, when the misfortune had already struck. Among the Scottish Highlanders, the sister is said not to have to comb her hair at night if her brother has gone to sea. When a member of the Mani tribe from Chitomba, or Jumba, died, people in droves ran up to the corpse and pulled out its hair, teeth and nails: all this they kept as a magical means to cause rain that would not otherwise fall. Natives of the Makoko tribe of Anzikos asked the missionaries to give them half of their beards in order to use them to make it rain. If clipped hair and nails maintain a sympathetic connection with their past owner, then anyone who takes possession of them can use them to enlist a good attitude from their former owner. Indeed, in accordance with the principles of contagious magic, one has only to harm hair or nails, as it will simultaneously harm a person. Therefore, when the Nandis take someone prisoner, they shave his head and hold his shaved hair as a guarantee that the prisoner will not attempt to escape; when a ransom comes for him, they return his hair with him.

In order to protect cut hair from damage and from danger from sorcerers, you need to hide it in a safe place. The Maori chief's trimmed locks were carefully collected and buried in a nearby cemetery. The Tahitians buried the cut strands of their hair in temples. One traveler noticed on the streets of the city of Soku pyramids of large stones with tufts of human hair inserted into the cracks. When asked what this means, he was told that when local he cuts his hair, he painstakingly collects the fallen strands and sticks them into one of these pyramids, which are dedicated to the local fetish and are therefore inviolable. Pyramids from sacred stones, as the traveler later learned, were a common precaution against witchcraft: if a person treats his hair carelessly, some of it may fall into the hands of the enemy, who will be able to entangle its owner with a spell and destroy him. When the people of Siam, with great solemnity, cut the tuft from the head of a child, strands of hair are placed in a small jar of banana leaves and allowed to flow along the course of the nearest river or canal. As the hair floats away, everything bad and harmful in the child's character supposedly floats away with it. Long hair is retained until the child makes a pilgrimage to the Buddha's footprint on the sacred hill in Prabat. There, the hair is given to the priests, who, having made a brush out of them, allegedly sweep the Buddha's footprint with it. However, in fact, every year so many hairs are donated to the priests that they cannot use it entirely. Therefore, they calmly burn the excess hair as soon as the pilgrims set off on their way back. The cut hair and nails of the Roman priest Jupiter were buried under a tree that brought happiness. The severed braids of virgin vestals were hung on an old lotus tree.

In other cases, the cut hair and nails are saved not so that they do not fall into the hands of the sorcerer, but so that during the resurrection of the body, which some peoples rely on, they will be at the disposal of the owner. Thus, the Peruvian Incas kept the clippings of nails and hair cut or combed out with the utmost care; they inserted them into recesses in walls and niches. If they fell out of there, the Indian who noticed it picked them up and put them in place. V different time I asked various Indians why they did this, and each time they answered me the same way: “Know that all people who are born must return to life (they have no words to express the concept of resurrection) and their souls, along with everything that belonged to them bodies must rise from their graves. So, in order not to be forced to search for our hair and nails at a time when there will be a lot of haste and disorder, we put them in one place so that it is more convenient to collect them together; we also try to spit in one place whenever possible. " And the Turks also never throw away the clippings of nails, on the contrary, they diligently put them in cracks in walls or in boards, confident that they will need them on Sunday. Armenians do not throw away the cut hair and nails (as well as pulled out teeth), but hide them in places that are considered sacred (for example, cracks in a church wall, a pillar of a house, a hollow). They believe that during the resurrection they will need all these parts of the body, and whoever does not hide them in a safe place will rush about in search of them on this great day. In the village of Drumkonrath in Ireland, there were once old women who, having learned from the scriptures that all the hairs on their heads were counted by the Almighty, expected that on the Day of Judgment they would give an account for them. To be able to do this, they hid their cut hairs in the thatched roofs of their homes.

Some nations burn unnecessary hair so that they do not fall into the hands of sorcerers. This is what the Patagonians and some of the tribes of Victoria do. In the Upper Vosges, the inhabitants say that clippings of hair and nails should never be scattered around oneself so that the sorcerer does not use them for his own purposes; it is best to burn them. For the same reason italian women unnecessary hair is either burned or thrown away in a place where it cannot be seen by anyone. The widespread fear of witchcraft prompts blacks in West Africa, makololo in South Africa, and Tahitians to burn or bury their cut hair. Many inhabitants of Tyrol burn their hair so that the witches could not use it to raise a storm; others bury them or burn them so that they are not used to build bird nests, as in this case those to whom they belonged would have a headache. There is a clear inconsistency in the practice of destroying hair and nails. It aims to prevent the parts separated from the body from becoming a tool in the hands of sorcerers. However, the possibility of their use in this capacity depends on the sympathetic connection supposedly existing between them and the person of whom they were a part. And if such a connection continues to exist, then how can these parts of the body be destroyed without harming the person himself?

Hair in esotericism

Human biofield energy passes through human hair. In other words, hair is the conductor of this energy. Energy passes through the hair to the outside, joining together, forms an energy current. Such a current can arise spontaneously, depending on the case, it is not always advisable and necessary for the energy of a person as a whole. Hair length determines the strength of a given current. At first, long hair, growing by fifteen centimeters, constantly increases the amperage. Then the process stabilizes and, with further growth, gradually drops to zero. This pattern is inherent in healthy people with stable energy. In weakened people, the current may not be observed at all. Long hair perfectly accumulates energy, energy is not wasted in vain. Such hair serves as an additional ...



There are many examples of the "cosmic" meaning of hair. In ancient Russia, no hair was cut. This custom has survived in modern monasteries even in relation to men. Hair is perceived as "antennas" that receive cosmic information. In evil witches, they are disheveled, disheveled, confused. And vice versa, the image of long beautiful flowing hair evokes good feelings in the soul. The fact that hair is a carrier of information has been known since ancient times. Brushing your hair daily is a kind of magic rite... Since ancient times, people have given Special attention hair care. From an early age, girls' hair was braided into one three-pointed braid, for this symbolized the unification of the vital forces of the Worlds of Reveal, Navi and Prav. The braid was located along the spine and it was believed that all the bright Celestial forces through the hair pass into the spine and fill the body, Soul and Spirit of the girl with a special vitality, preparing her for the future Sacred mission of motherhood. When the girl got married, her maiden braid was unraveled and instead of her two braids were braided, for from that time she received through her hair, gathered in braids, vital Divine forces not only for herself, but also for the future pe6yonka. In Russia, women necessarily covered their heads with a warrior, to rip off a headdress was considered the most terrible insult (to go wrong means to be disgraced).


They are not only different colors, but also of a different structure: thick and thin, straight and curly. Thin hair speaks of the versatility of a person in connection with Heaven, i.e. the ability to catch a wide "range of waves". Coarse, thick hair in a simpler person with a constant "range". Therefore, people with thin hair they are more often mistaken, it is easier to confuse them, but they are easier to recover from any trials. curly hair there is a great possibility of "interference", turbulence, as a result of which their owners are distinguished by increased emotionality, spontaneity. But curly-haired people are never fans, unlike people with straight hair. It is believed that if a person's hair is straightened, then at best he has taken a more direct path. With graying, the structure of the hair changes. It is believed that until a person turns gray, he lives his own life, but as soon as gray hair appears, resonance with other people turns on.


In Hindu mystical symbolism, hair, like a cobweb or threads of yarn, denotes the "lines of force" of the Universe, permeated by the "hair of Shiva" - a powerful god. Ancient and ancient gods, evangelists and apostles were most often depicted with long hair, which indicated their physical strength and spiritual strength. It was believed that it was in the hair that the soul lived, and if they were cut off, then a person could lose mental and physical strength. Cutting your hair means changing your life, it was well known in the old days. Only people who were in a state of emotional turmoil voluntarily and even happily cut their hair, following the Old Testament prescription in sorrow, "renounce their hair and throw everything evil on them." Since the hair is the source of our cosmic Power, it means that everything that happens to them changes the course of the invisible river, which washes us with its bioenergetic waves. Therefore, any effect on the hair can change in one direction or another not only our appearance Probably with the same mystical attitude and the accumulation of life force energy in the hair is a long-standing omen - not to cut the hair of pregnant women. Combing the hair was a kind of sacred ritual, during which one could touch the cosmic currents and feel in direct In the sense of this word, streams of life force descending from Heaven. The Sacred ritual was performed with the help of a comb made either from the Sacred Metals or from the branch of the Sacred Tree. The girl could only allow her chosen one or her husband to comb her hair.

Hair color and your personality

Not only the color of her eyes, her favorite makeup or a tube of lipstick can tell a lot about a woman. Weight interesting information"Coded" in the color of her hair. Please note - all of the following applies to natural color hair. If you dye your hair, then, most likely, you are unhappy with your natural data, and strive to correct not only your image, but also some character traits. How richer shade, the more pronounced these or those qualities

BLONDE (all shades of light hair - from blond to light brown)

"Adorable, what a fool" is a sexy and at the same time naive dummy, who cares only about her own appearance ... This standard portrait of the heroine of jokes has little in common with real blondes. Unless the statement about sex appeal is true. Natural blondes- a species that is disappearing from the face of the Earth, there are not many of them left - about 16% of the world's population, but more than half of the men (about 70%) dream about them. At the same time, men, as a rule, deceive themselves, believing that such a wife "by default" will be docile and gentle. Perhaps the reason for such ideas is that many blondes have several childish facial features (the "fault" of that is genes), which are associated with the qualities described above. But how wrong men are!

Girls with blonde hair are not dumb, naive, or soft. They are the best at ... math and science. And, like no one else, they know how to trust their intuition. Hidden behind their composure and endurance are many strong emotions, but blondes prefer to keep them to themselves, not showing them to others. No girl with this hair color trusts another person so much as to allow him to look into his soul and see what is really going on there. Due to the discrepancy between male expectations and reality - instead of obedient and soft woman they "suddenly" get a prudent clever girl who will not miss her profit, a misunderstanding arises, which, as a rule, ends in divorce. By the way, public "opinion" and clichés put pressure on fair-haired people sometimes with such force that their first (it's the last) date with a man with very likely may end in bed.

Ash blondes are distinguished by a passionate desire to stand out from the crowd by any means, if in order to achieve a goal you need to go over other people's heads, they will do it without hesitation.

BRUNETTE (black, blue-black, very dark Brown hair)

Girls with black or very dark hair are very often, as they say, "on their minds." There are a lot of melancholic among them - easily injured, sensitive persons, prone to deep feelings of even minor failures and self-criticism. Brunettes know firsthand what self-doubt and a sudden lightning-fast mood change from good to disgusting are. "A spoken thought is a lie" - most of them agree with this passage of Tyutchev, because brunettes prefer not to talk about their experiences and problems especially. They instantly flash like matches and also instantly calm down.

One of the favorite ways for brunettes to assert themselves is breaking men's hearts. And the point here is not at all in the fiery sexual temperament- in this way they get rid of doubts tormenting them about their beauty and need for other people. Dark-haired people are more interested in psychology in general and psychotherapy in particular, art and religion. The lighter the tone of the face, the more pronounced the described qualities and the more clearly the sentimentality is manifested. Brunettes are very purposeful persons: natural born tacticians and strategists - in most cases they achieve what they want. It is interesting that men dream of blondes, and usually marry "femme fatale" - brunettes - this rule also applies to billionaires. One study collected data on the color of their wives' hair. Almost 70% of the hundred billionaires surveyed had brunette wives. And only 22% turned out to be blondes.

RED (from orange to copper shades)

Red-haired girls are more nervous than others and have an "explosive" temperament. The fact is that they produce less anti-stress hormones than women with other hair colors. Such persons are emotional, impetuous and sometimes inconsistent. Redheads hate being pressured and have a hard time putting up with different kinds conventions, preferring to be branded as big originals, rather than stepping on the throat of his own song and behaving "as expected." They are firmly convinced that no one owes anything to anyone, and are actively implementing this principle. The redheads wanted to sneeze at the authorities, the opinion of one single person is important to them, and this person is themselves. They find it difficult to get along in a team, just because they prefer to “keep up” and prefer the status of “loners”. Red-haired very rarely "filter" their statements, they are not busy with spontaneity. By the way, this spontaneity, as a rule, extends to all spheres of life, including sexual. Redheads not only have sex more often than others, but also manage to do it with different partners. In addition, these girls are good at thinking outside the box.

BROWN hair (brown hair of all shades, except very dark)

Delicate, “cozy”, as if radiating warmth, brown-haired women are often underestimated by men - and in vain! Most brown-haired women have a fairly even, calm character. They are sociable and pleasant in communication - they make new acquaintances with pleasure, it is not necessary to choose a suitable topic for conversation with them for a long time and painfully, as a rule, a casual conversation seems to be tied up by itself. To their strengths also includes poise and stress resistance. With a sweet smile on her face, the brown-haired woman is able to extinguish the "fire" in the office in a couple of minutes and find a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation without succumbing to panic. But in a “peaceful life”, when there are no rush jobs, and, as a result, unplanned bursts of adrenaline in the blood, monotonous, routine work is given to her extremely hard, bringing melancholy. Brown-haired women often, without realizing it, rely not on their appearance, but on their mind, and then they wonder why men perceive them as "guys in a skirt", highly value their intelligence, professional competence and ability to think logically, trust piquant details personal life and ... have romances with other women.

As our grandmothers also said, a braid is a girl's beauty. But our hair is not only curls or luxurious curls that make us cute and captivating. Since ancient times, it has been believed that hair is the invisible power of a woman, her dignity, an indicator of hidden strength. The way a girl or woman treats her braid affects her relationship with her lover, his career, and the health of children. Our hair needs not only to be cut and washed - it also requires our love. And deservedly so, because they "work" for our benefit.

Hair energy: contact with the upper spheres

Many people call human hair "antenna", with the help of which our soul is connected with space (from here, by the way, the word "cosmas", "shaggy" came from). So our body is filled with new energy, and in the same way we give ours to the world. Each hair is hollow inside - radio waves from God (Universal intuition) go through these "channels".

Divine energy of hair

Yes, the Russians believed that hair is very difficult. All girls at that time (with a total lack of shampoos and conditioners) wore a long braid. This hairstyle "covered" the chakras located near the vertebrae from the evil external energy- thereby saving vitality the girl herself. And, in addition, with all the variety of hairstyles of this type, we braided exactly three-piece braids. This is a kind of code: the union of body, soul and spirit. The youngest walked around with one braid connecting their mistress with the higher spheres. After marriage, the young woman already made two braids for herself - one for God, and the second in order to establish good connection with your beloved and share with him your inexhaustible feminine energy. The hair of every woman is the comfort and wealth of the family. Even the barbarians heard about this - therefore, having attacked the city in those distant times, they were looking for the princess in such a way. By cutting her hair, they deprived most of her husband's power, as well as other defenders of the city.

Natural "accumulator"

Each hair is not only a conductor, but also a place of accumulation of energy. The longer the hair, the stronger the woman will be and the stronger her health (which will be passed on to the babies she gives birth to). If you loose your hair and they cover your chest, this means that they can protect the heart chakra (Anahata), which is responsible for love, kindness, mercy. It is this point in the center of the chest that connects our 3 higher and 3 lower chakras.

Many believe that by cutting off the braid, her mistress loses contact with cosmic energy, which affects her strength, mental and physical.

Why are girls in Russia in common days did you go with your hair loose? Not only for convenience. They believed: tied hair will not be "collected" negative energy from all over the street. But at home it was possible to unbraid a braid - so the woman gave part of her strength. Often her beloved unraveled the braid - also for a reason.

Hair energy: a connection with the past

Newborns are not cut until one year old - the fact is that their hairs are associated with the memory of their ancestors, and it is not necessary to deprive the little ones who know the world of this information too early. Conversely, after going through grief, people cut their hair to “cut off” painful memories. Some also try to say goodbye to illness or grave sin. In general, any haircut is a request for change addressed to God. The memory is with you - but the lived emotions go away.

Hair strength and your health

A sick woman will rarely have healthy curls. Hair is a litmus test that shows how your body feels, and above all - hormonal system... Diligently combing all the "cosmas", we comb out bad energy from them, thereby contributing to the relaxation and health of the body.

Esotericists say: different hairs "catch" forces from the outside in different ways. Yes, if you have thick and coarse hairs, you have practically no lack of strength - but you are very purposeful, because it is difficult for you to "jump" from stream to stream, "bend". Well, women with thin hair are more flexible, and there are few situations in which they would not find a way out - however, their energy is often inferior to someone else's due to a weak connection with God. Interestingly, when the hair turns gray, it grows thinner - this is the reason for the physical ailments of pensioners (owners of split ends and breaking hair are also painful). But morally grandmothers are very strong, because they are emotionally flexible.

Hair and your family circle

The strength of a woman with a long braid is so great that it can serve as a talisman not only for the woman herself, but also for her husband. Men protect the family from physical problems, while the woman's task is to energy protection... In the old days, it was believed that the hair collected and covered by the warrior was a circle-amulet for the whole family. Therefore, it was considered a bad sign for a married woman to go foolish, that is, to open her hair in public. And if the headdress was torn from her by force, they did it with the aim of humiliating and insulting.

The veil of the bride is also difficult decoration... You never know who sits among the guests - the veil will protect you from both an unkind eye and a bad word. In addition, a comb thrown through the wedding threshold protected everyone present from evil spirits. And the same comb, but with 7 teeth and 2 skates, which was brought by the young, served as her amulet.

It was impossible to just let your hair down - so you could pick up someone else's misfortune, and give your happiness. But if the husband loosened the braid, it was on the contrary, gave him strength.

Who could appear in public with loose hair?

Ordinary women do not - their neighbors and relatives would have scolded. But the priestesses often used the power of their scythe. True, after such a "exit" they cleansed themselves - washed their hair with herbs, accompanying the ceremony with conspiracies, as well as prayers. Moreover, this was not only in Russia, but in all ancient cultures of the world.

Of course, you live in the 21st century, and mysticism for you is nothing more than the theme of a popular film. When choosing a hairstyle, you first of all look at the ease of styling or the number of celebrities who have tried on this or that haircut ... But if you want the energy of the hair to work for you even now, follow a few tips.

1. Do not wear long hair loose. Ponytail, braid, hairpins - you have a lot of options.

2. If you nevertheless decide to "disband", do not do it in a crowded place - on the street, in a supermarket, in transport, and especially in a hospital or in a cemetery.

The energy force of the hairstyle

Order in the head - order on the head. Now "free styling" is in vogue - and in vain. Neat hairstyle for women with an open forehead (did you know that in Russia they did not wear bangs, not wanting to cover their fate with them?) - this is what a woman needs.

Styling such as a low bun promotes the development of humility, calmness, meekness and other peaceful qualities. Well, a high tail gives strength, energy, activity. And of course, the longer the hair, the better! Do not forget also that your destiny can change not only from a haircut, but also from painting.

Does hair affect the well-being of its owner?

If your hair is well-groomed, fate will not deprive you of wealth. So the treatment of brittle hair, restorative procedures is a contribution not only to your appearance, but also to abundance - after all, more heavenly energy comes to your family through healthy hair. So do not skimp on cosmetics - and of course, trust the experience of your ancestors, rinse your hair in herbal decoctions. And pamper them with a comb in the evenings longer!

You also need to be able to comb your beauty

Hair is like a sponge - it absorbs any emotions. A wooden comb will easily "clean off" all this. No sharp movements! In addition, you can ask your loved one to comb your braids - he will receive a powerful energy charge, which will be extremely useful after a hard day at work.

How do I get my hair cut correctly?

If unhappy love befell you, they are persecuted bad memories, cut off all unnecessary things from your head. But of course, no one wants to cut off their luck along with the negative. So only cut your hair on the right days.

In full moonlight or solar eclipses and also "satanic" numbers lunar calendar- 9, 15, 23, 29 - don't even come close to the scissors.

  • Favorable days for hair cutting according to the lunar calendar

To get rid of a boring disease or remove some events from your life, cut the ends of your hair. Yes, yes, they are the abode of our annoying problems.