How can you diversify family life. Become a "bad girl." Gifts diversify the mood

Very few spouses can boast the freshness of relationships and feelings in a few years of living together. But if a fading light in family focal The result of ordinary and habits - not all is lost!

Tradition - the basis of a solid union

A distinctive feature of relationship is the formation of traditions. Family breakfasts, movies in the cinema or in the park, trips to nature with friends (or just together) - the list can be very long.

The main thing is to find time on their observance. If the work does not allow you to breakfast together, you can modify the tradition and arrange lunch, lunch or dinner in the company of your loved one.

Let it simply be joint gatherings behind a glass of milk before bedtime - sometimes it is enough to raise an emotional background.

If the family is completely young and traditions are not yet - it's time to establish them.

Take a course for romance

The husband gives flowers only on March 8 or a birthday. A woman lacks romance, and a loved one can not guess.

Men are not the most guess creatures at all. Sometimes you need to say that I want to get it. Not everyone will understand that the wife wants to go to a new restaurant, for her sighs while watching a booklet.

Nowadays the equality of floors, modern technologies, limitless opportunities Service Woman herself can organize a romantic adventure.

Almost everything is available:

  • joint visits to the spa;
  • equestrian walk;
  • extreme entertainment;
  • visiting game centers;
  • rest parks.

Reasonable prices and a variety of discounts will not be allowed to go on such events. When complete absence Ideas can be paid to a specialized agency for organizing events.

Be sure to pay attention to the interests of the spouse. If a puppy delight appears in his eyes while watching the motorcycle racing, you can arrange a test lesson for extreme ride on the motorcycle (under the supervision of professionals is absolutely safe).

Perhaps then he will pay attention to the sighs of his beloved woman and organizes a hike to a new restaurant.

No one has canceled more traditional events: a bath with rose petals, strawberries with cream, dinner with candlelight.

Do not think that it is trite. Any attention is nice near man And will not be left unanswered.

Irresistible in the plate

Any man will be proud of their half, if, when entering the light, it looks brilliantly. But it is not necessary to forget that vanity and pride are not the only qualities of a strong half.

The man loves his eyes. Before arranging romantic rods, the spouse should carefully look at yourself in the mirror. A woman should be well-groomed not only outside the apartment, but also in the simplest atmosphere.

And you should not be surprised if the relationship with my husband get colder when the wife walks around the house in a stirable bathrobe, dilated sneakers and cramped in a unpretentious tail with hair.

No one says that every day you need to run into the beauty salon, cook food with hair lying on your back, and clean the apartment in one lace apron and on the hairpins.

But you can always stay at the intermediate version. Clean hair, Related B. neat beam... Silk gown and beautiful lace apron ... Cute room shoes and spirits of perfumes at the base of the neck ...

Even if the cleaning is not finished, and the potatoes are a little digested - the man will not notice. But changes in appearance Mark and appreciate immediately.

You must not forget to follow the figure. It is possible to go to fitness club - wonderful, there is no possibility - not trouble. Special programs designed for performing at home, take no more than 15 minutes a day, and as a result - tighted leather, normal weight and good mood.

It has been scientifically proven that after a while, the spouses begin to copy each other. Therefore, the attempts of a woman to keep themselves in the form will have a positive effect on her husband.

Near the beautiful wife rare man will allow yourself a "beer" tummy.

Camping, Walking, Trips

The easiest way to return the feelings honeymoon - Arrange another one. It is not necessary to repeat the previous route. The purpose of the trip is to relax, be alone, gain good impressions And closer to know each other.

Romance of Paris, coastal walks under the moon, rest on ski resort - All this will help forget about domestic problems, monotonous days And diversify family relationships.

Two well-known people will be able to not just revive fading feelings, but recognize each other from the new sides. Perhaps it will be possible to detect new joint interests, which will be allowed to spend more time together.

No need to restrain your emotions in such trips. A man must understand that he loves and interesting.

If in everyday life There are always some cooling feelings factors, then on vacation can be completely liberated. It is possible that the spouses have already forgotten how interesting they seemed to each other earlier.

If there is no financial support for the implementation of such plans or simply no opportunity to leave on for a long time, You can arrange a picnic outside the city and even in the park.

You only need to prepare and create an appropriate atmosphere:

  • soft plaid
  • basket with light snacks and wine
  • the proximity of nature and the opportunity not to be distracted by the world around
  • disabled phones (this will help focus on each other)

You can just take a habit of walking before bedtime around the house.

Pleasure, entertainment, extreme

All people have common interests. They just need to find them. Very easy to sit on the couch, arguing with my husband that today you will watch (serial or football), and then sighing that you have nothing to do and get bored for you.

It is quite difficult to activate and begin to do something yourself, it is even harder to connect to this spouse. Here you can play on the elementary envy or even jealousy.

First you need to find a passion (dancing, movies, sports, self-education). First of all, there will be free space from both spouses, it will give them the opportunity to bother with each other.

After some time, the beloved will notice that his wife is something to do, and will begin to show interest. Maybe everything will not end with joint campaigns on tango lessons, but it may be interesting to both the spheres of both. Even in the evening, the dinner will already be more for the conversation.

Now there appeared extreme species Sports, interesting both men and women. You can take several test lessons from different spheres and directions and find something suitable for both.

Gifts, surprises

Start with romantic notes in the most unexpected places. Original reminders on the refrigerator, lists of products with hearts - all this will bring not only the benefit, but will raise both mood. The stereotype that gifts should make a man went into the past.

No need to wait until festive dateTo please your man's spinning, which he louded a circle in a fishing magazine.

The main thing is to complicate anything and not turn it all into competition or extortion of response. For have a good gift Or a surprise is needed a good mood and the desire to delight your beloved person.

Ways to refresh sexual soil

Sex is one of the most important aspects of family relationships. To succeed in this area, it is necessary to find out what the partner lacks. It is better to just sit down and talk, and only then draw up a plan for the implementation of joint fantasies.

Bed is not a place for surprises or unplanned actions. The partner may not be ready for leather collars, and such attempts will only get a relationship.

It is important to remember several tips:

Marriage rehabilitation with a small child

A child is not only a huge joy, a long-awaited gift, but also a big responsibility and testing of relations for strength. According to statistics in the first year after the child appears, disintegrates a large number of families.

So that this does not happen, a man should have a female help, and a woman should not forget about the needs of her husband.

As a result hormonal changes In the body, fatigue, a woman sometimes simply cannot force himself to do something for her husband, all her thoughts are engaged in a child. A man may, it understands, but after a few months the role of the second plan is no longer satisfied.

These moments can become turning in the life of a young family. At this time, the maximum support of relatives is needed. Young parents should have enough free time on each other.

When a child is growing, joint entertainment must be compulsory:

Constant communication brings together family members, removes the tension that has accumulated per day, raises the mood.

We must not forget about the importance of sex after the birth of a child. A woman should not be shying to her more feminine forms, because men practically do not notice such little things. And considering changed hormonal backgroundThis sex will give both new feelings.

We must not forget that all the listed tips will help only with mutual attempts to revive feelings in relationships.

One person will achieve anything, if the interest of the partner of UGAS or because of temporary difficulties, he simply not before that.

In some points, one of the spouses simply need space and the opportunity to be alone. Of course, it is difficult to take the fact that you want to relax, but sometimes you need to go and for such a step so that as a result everyone was happy.

Video: how to breathe life in marriage

If you are in long relationship And it seems to you that there are no secrets and intrigues between you, it means you need to diversify your family life Or change something in it. Do not forget that love and sex kills monotony.

How to diversify family life intimate life

When the family lives under one roof for more than one year and had wipes in the first years of life, feelings in such a family are read to quiet, and all the time it takes routine and occupation common deeds. Why there, time soothes feelings, and in the fire you always need to pour oil. Therefore, it is impossible to allow love to leave your family.

To diversify family life, you need:

Change your usual order of things or change the situation. Start first with rearrangements to the house or make repairs if your home needs it.

If you do not want to spend the forces on repairs and, in fact, you have no time on it, do what it will be nice to both and help you change the situation - this is a joint journey. If you have a crisis reached finally, and you have no opportunity to travel or repair, then psychologists advise you to change the responsibilities in the house even for some small period;

Add romance to your relationship. Woman can organize romantic dinnerAnd a man can invite his wife for a date, as if you just met. Make sure that you will spend time together at least once a week;

Add role-playing games at sexy life. If for the time you married you have not yet studied the doctrine of "Kama Sutra", then you should do it now. Buy a book and explore it every night together.

Do not regret money and time to go to the sexshop, where you could find something piquant. Give a couple of suits, both for you and for him. Perhaps your man has some old old sexual desire, Help him to realize his desire, and he wakes up to you.

If you do not know how to diversify your sex life, contact your specialists for help to specialists, a lot of books are written on this that will be able to help you. And remember that both a man and a woman can seek comfort on the side if this part of life is cooled;

Find joint hobbies where you could dilute your calm family Stroy. Find something extreme so that you can shake well;

There are several common techniques that allow you to diversify family life, each of which can be adapted to your own situation.

First of all, these are gifts. Be that as it may, the gifts remain the most significant mark of attention. This is especially true of unexpected and long-awaited gifts. The "second half" will be very pleased to get what I have long wanted.

At the same time, it is not necessary directly interested in - "What to give you?", It is better to go long way - and find out the requested information from acquaintances. In this case, the effect of the present will be much greater. Great value They have presents endowed with some sense that is understandable only to this pair. For example, resembling a joint holiday.

Both women and men love to receive wardrobe items. The lady, it will be especially nice to wear a dress or shoes who gave her a beloved man.

There is a way that every girl can use success. It is especially relevant for couples that do not live together, but are only at the stage of meetings. Carefully cooked lunch or dinner will not only refresh feelings and please the man, but also to make him once again Think about what to legitimize the attitude.

A huge role In strengthening relationships plays joint rest. It is necessary to make an effort to be not only memorable, but also pleasant for everyone. Whatever enough, but very good brings together what is used to call "guys" - for example, homemade pillows and other entertainment.

If you summarize all of the above, you can select several practical recommendationsHow to diversify family life:

Spend more time together. Make each other massage - it not only relaxes, but also brings closer.

Try to be near not only during leisure, but also during collaboration (Wash the dishes together, work in the garden, go shopping).

Despite the love and desire to be together, - from time to time relax from each other, go to different companies. Let yourself miss yourself, because nothing is refreshing the relationship as the long-awaited meeting after the short separation.

Communication with partner

It is important that the meaning of changes in us will be correct by our partner. What, for example, thinks the spouse if his spouse starts to stand for hours in front of the mirror; If the one who has frowned from one mention of the exhibition halls until yesterday, will suddenly wear literature on art historian studies? etc. IT. P.

What we change should not scare or disrupt the unity and integrity of the family. To diversify family life, it is not necessary to call the partner an extra tension and anxious expectation that something can worsen in our relations. Otherwise, he can prepare for his "means" to meet an alleged surprise.

We will not strive to surprise your partner in some individual situations, but try to change the meaning of your interaction with him. With a situational change, the wife does not necessarily "fall out of surprise", if suddenly every three months of her husband will go To the market.

And it is unlikely that there is some significant change in its attitude towards it. Just as if the spouse is gaining shopping. However, another thing is, if it starts to give more and more time to communicate in the family.

It is clear, with the routine it is necessary to fight, and not only because it is a routine. Getting rid of her, cease to feel in a trap. But in no case do not let yourself, getting rid of the routine, get rid of both bed jaths.

The fact that sex should not be engaged in the same place at the same time at the same time, does not mean that they do not need to do at all. With routine, it is best to fight, adding elements of spontaneity and diversity.

It is worth only to get rid of the routine, as the sweet excitement and excitement will come back. Yes, he will still know what the gift unfolds, but now he will have to guess when and what he will receive as a result. To diversify family life so that sex ceases to be a familiar duty, you must try to turn everything from the legs. How to do it? Opportunities to diversify sex a few.

Option number 1: No schedules

If you can check the clock, it means that you are working on schedule. And even the word "schedule" itself should not appear in a conversation about sexual life. No one said that you can do love only at night.

Sex is possible at any time ... in the morning before work, on a lunch break, during the change of dishes or even when the last season of your favorite TV series is repeated on TV. Remember - no rules to diversify sex does not exist. Just go on your hormones. If suddenly wanted, and the situation at least it allows, why not?

Option number 2: Let's do it quickly

It seems to me that the rapid sex in vain belongs to such prejudice. He can also diversify family life. The process of process allows you to make an erroneous conclusion that a man has rather sprinter than marathon qualities, but from such a point of view, it is impossible to approach quick sex.

Fast sex is perfect option For those cases when there is no time for something more intricate and long. Most often it is unexpected improvisation, the possibility of quickly enjoyed.

The coolest of everything in fast sex is a factor of complete suddenness and the inability to predict when everything happens. So, your man will have to constantly keep the ears on the painter.

Option number 3: Return to the sources

As you are mutually addiction easier to forget why everything started with you. You remember, how did you first put it in a bed and what tide of the excitement did all this accompanied? And where and when did you first try each other?

Was it some kind of special place or the back seat of his car? And what circumstances did this precede? Although attempts to immerse themselves in the past and look at the gesture of despair, there are no contraindications to such travel time.

After all, at that moment I had to have something that I remember with joy. To diversify sex, focus on these items and experiment. If I remember how great was to have sex in nature or on rear seatWhy not repeat this?

Option number 4: Do not lose curiosity

You studied his body. You know what he likes him in sex, and what he does not like. He knows the same thing about you. Anything new will not come up with. Truth?

No it is not true. (At least, I hope that it is not true.) People change. And their tastes change. And this means that it is possible to re-study everything from "Oh, no, no, it's not necessary" to "Wow, my God, do so more than a barrier."

Do not consider it an open book. You both can avoid certain sexy pieces for quite specific reasons. Maybe he does not like when you spend it in a certain way, because his previous partner has always done it wrong.

But this does not mean that you will not be able to do correctly. You are ahead - long living together And there is plenty of opportunities to learn how to do everything, as it should, and therefore, there is enough time. And let him be your guide in this journey.

The same applies to those receivers that you manage to glory and help diversify family life. If you have already understood, to which button you need to press so that it starts, it does not mean that this button is only alone. No limits perfection. And now - it's time to drag your skills.

Option number 5: Try to fill

Surprise him, let's say, returning home in a causing suit, and ask to punish bad behavior. Prepare him a feast where you yourself will be the main and only dish.

Use the game element to diversify sex, that is, play with him for stripping into some classic table games Or enter the erotic component in the "Twister". Or come up with your game guaranteeing sexy pleasure.

Option number 6: Draw inspiration from external sources

See how many auxiliary materials are in the world. For example, Kamasutra enjoys well-deserved popularity. Maybe it's worth looking into it. And there are so many videos on the market that Hugh He Hefner is frightened. Maybe it will be interesting to see one or two or three.

We hope that this article will help you diversify family life.

Greeting readers of the site . In this article we will raise very an interesting topic: "How to diversify family life."I think many will be interested in this topic, because, as I noticed, people have learned to live interesting. Especially when the family life and the moment of the birth of the child comes.

What does it mean, have learned interesting to live? Of course, it does not mean here that you need to take off on a complete coil, go to clubs, in restaurants, etc. Sometimes you need to live just saturated. And all that we have listed - all this is trite and was in youth. We need to learn how to live when family life comes to passion and respect for each other to do not lose. All about this we learn from this article: " How to diversify family life. "

Why is family life becomes a boring routine?

The point of the epic becomes the birth of a child. There are care, fatigue, lack of money, everyday problems. And all this gives rise to irritation, which couples are dumping each other. Arise permanent quarrels, and lovers, as it, probably, already in the past, prefer to stay alone with themselves in silence. Even just say - in full insulation. It seems that the child will grow up and everything will become like before. There will be less concerns with him, which means there will be more time for each other. But, all this is fence. Everything happens somewhat differently. There are new things that will never end.

Each family lives this period in its own way. Someone continues to quarrel and disappointed each other more and more every day. Others can seek decisions, such as reading this article. Probably when you were a child, ourselves watched when your parents did the same as you are now in your family life. It turns out that in those moments, you have not taught your parents and may not even warned what family life is and what is better to prepare before you have a family. Usually in family life, the love of each other is lost. Why? We already talked about it. You can also read an article: "Family relationship crisis. How to overcome."

As they say: "Before the wedding" Gold ", not a husband, after the wedding."That is, it turns out the husband of Grubian, Tyrant, Lazy, etc. What is the saddest, you can occasionally see married couples, which are satisfied with family life. As I said, the family is a permanent and routine work. Therefore, it is better to always be prepared for family life. For everything good you have to pay. You can also read the article: "9 common marriage myths."

Before we begin to consider options that allow us to diversify family life, I will recall once again that it is very important to prepare for family life in advance. Because many it brings disappointment. And why? Because young couples do not know that they are waiting for them when they start living together. So that this is not happening, read the article: "Wedding. 10 surprises in the first year of living together."

How to diversify family life

  1. It is impossible permanently " dissolve" Friend in each other and in children. Each of the spouses should have a personal space: work, his hobby, their friends. All this allows spouses to speak on new themes, as well as worse to miss each other. Therefore, it is sometimes separated for a while. Remember when you started only to meet. It was worth it to part and go to their homes, you immediately started to miss our half. Sometimes separation (for a while) refreshes relationships. Take time, and take it apart. So you want. This is the first option;
  2. An important component of a component for a saturated family life is sex. Over time and it starts to bother. And all because intimate life takes place one by the same scenario. That's the problem. For a woman, even the place for sex is very important. So what is recommended to do? It is best if the sex occurs spontaneously in an unusual setting. For example, in the kitchen or in the shower. You can in the car. It is also worth learning the topic of sex and everything that is connected with it. This will help spouses to learn something new. Intimate life must please. This is one of the reasons why spouses lose interest to each other - the inability to satisfy the partner in sex (especially for men);
  3. Arrange yourself a date as in former times. Remember those moments where you went to youth, then they talked about and what was tested at the same time. Remember the place: Museum, Restaurant, Park, shopping centerwhere you first met and play everything again. It is so romantic and makes spouses to fall in love again. This option should not be ignored. It is very effective.;
  4. We are together where there were not yet. This is especially true for people who have the opportunity. In the article: "How to get rid of boredom"You remember that our brain always strives for something new. If every day live the same and walk in the same places together, then of course, family life will be routine and passion for each other. This can not be allowed. Therefore, look for the places you both like and in which you have not been. If you have the opportunity to travel, it is beautiful. To be together at different ends of the world, infinitely romantic and interesting.;
  5. Give each other emotions at least once a week. This concerns men. They, first of all, should give women emotions at least once a week and then for 30 seconds. Why women? Women need emotions, and men are not. It is not so important for them. Therefore, from time to time, give your favorite emotion. Do some surprise !!!;
  6. Make things that are unusual for you. We all know that we are interested only in yourself and their interests. But why not do it out of any other times. If, let's say, you are boring fishing that my husband loves so much, then why do you not have this business at this time and do not know from this, something new?! Perhaps you yourself will like it !!!

Actually, these are all the tips that you should accomplish. Maybe it will seem difficult to you at first glance, but it is not quite so. It is more difficult to live a routine family life. Therefore, I hope again that this article was useful and interesting. Happy and interesting family life !!!

During which the spouses feel devastation, lose interest in each other.

If you do not solve this question, the risk of divorce arises.

Psychologists are often treated with the question: how to diversify family life. They lead several tips like make a relationship more interesting, full and harmony.

Why is family life becomes monotonous?

Specialists in the psychology of family life say that marriage is similar to work: Spouses, follow some rules.

Only instead of money they get love, care and support.

However, so that there is always comfortable with a beloved person, you need to work hard. It is necessary to accept with some features of nature, find a compromise.

If the spouses cease to pay each other attention, give love, family life becomes monotonous. Loving friend Friend people cease to feel Euphoria, being near.

If they previously tried to make a pleasant, gave gifts, gently treated each other, then after it began to give it much less attention. As a result, the marriage becomes gloomy, loses bright colors.

Reasons of monotony Family life are the following points:

Family life is like a routine if spouses i am not surprised by each other, do not try to make a pleasant.

Attention, care, gifts and surprises can save marriage, and family life will play again with bright colors.

What to diversify marriage to newlyweds?

Young people are very active seek to experience new sensations, quickly without any bright moments in life.

That is why in marriage young people should have a lot of diversity.

We must not forget about intimate life. Erotic suits, sex toys should be purchased, examine the basics of erotic massage. It will also help make family life more diverse.

How to refresh family relationships if there are children?

If there are children in marriage, responsibility of spouses is significantly increased.

It is necessary to take care not only about yourself, but also about.

AT routine daily duties Very easy to lose interest in the second half. However, there is a problem solving methods.

Family life will become more diverse if the spouses together with children get to walk, the picnic, go hiking, will visit the festive event.

Family responsibilities best divide equally that both spouses participate in child care. Sometimes you can perform duties together.

For example, together to bathe a child, to cook for him together, tell the fairy tale before bedtime too together. It diversifies and rallies family bonds.

This will allow you to better understand each other, you will heal both and definitely will not let me be bored. the main thing- Do not criticize the partner, be able to laugh at yourself.

If the spouse does something wrong, it should be gently corrected, but not shout. This method is designed to have fun and joining each other.

At least once a week follows send children to grandmothers Grandparents or leave with nanny.

This is required for the spouses to stay together, went to the restaurant, arranged romantic evening, dedicating yourself to each other.

They will feel close to each other, will be able distract from domestic duties.

How to diversify an intimate sphere?

Bright, full of pleasure sex life may not only diversify, but also

If you are married more than a few years, then, most likely, you, like a partner, experienced all the delights of the routine: who will bring garbage, who will wash the dishes, and who will take a child from school \\ mug / occupation, etc. From passion sometimes there is no trace, and so I want to return in the first years of the relationship. In such circumstances, the question of how to establish an intimate family life appear how to establish an intimate family life?

Sexy life B. family couple absolutely accurately one of the main components sturdy relationship. This is not only pronounced at trainings to improve the atmosphere in the family, but first of all psychologists and sexologists. But what is its benefit? Let's figure it out in order.

First of all, of course, I want to talk about the benefits of permanent intimate relationships between spouses. We present a few examples of a positive impact on the body, as well as a psyche of a person who have been proven by scientists throughout the world.

1. Sex is aerobic activity, that is, it is useful for heart health. One energetic sexual intercourse burns 180 calories. This indicator Equivalent to about 20 minutes by running a coward. Want to lose weight? A great opportunity Make it nice.

2. Good intimate family life also increases the mood, releases endorphin (hormone of pleasure), reduces the level of depression and anxiety and increases immunity. Regular proximity will improve sleep, as well as protect important brain functions. You should also not forget that if you suffer from menstrual pain, this is a great painkiller.

3. In addition to the first two advantages, it is worth mentioning that the frequent sexual acts between the spouses bring them emotionally, giving calm and peace.

This list can be continued to infinity, because every year scientists open an amazing positive influence sexual intercourse human body. So how to diversify intimate life In marriage and what is the secret of maintaining the "hot" relationship?

Make sex priority number one

In family life, it is quite often a desire to first remake a bunch of home mandatory affairs or just sit down after a difficult day and only then maybe in the evening, to have sex "on the machine". Sad picture, do not find? But it's time to change everything!

The main way, as you can diversify intimate life - refer to this sphere in a special way.

When you put proximity to one of the first places in life instead of routine, no matter how long you were with my spouse together, you can feel unexpected big changes in the bedroom.

If you do not give sex enough attention, then in the end it will come to no, psychologists say and sexologists. Unfortunately, this happens with most couples in long-term relationshipWhen they assume sex with each other into the background. But those who were able to leave him in priority retain the fire of passion among themselves for many years.

Perhaps the Council on how to establish an intimate life with his spouse or spouse, now sounds easily fulfilled, but believe it will require both efforts from both. Our psyche always works in energy-saving mode. As soon as we change the habits, the first time it will oppose this by all means, as if inserting sticks into the wheels. But it is worth a little wait, and you will get the fruits of effort. Violation of the established habits of the pair extremely positively affects the level of entry into each other. Yes, and the process itself is very pleasant. Make a variety of bed, it means that you don't do everything on the machine every night before bedtime, when you are already exhausted, but to try to make sexual life better.

What to do

After you put priorities, you need to decide what can be done really to establish a sexy family life with your second half in the bedroom.

We recommend discussing erotic fantasies in which you could both participate. Just talk about what can be psychologically interesting. Do not rush each other, just ask and listen carefully to the interlocutor. You do not even need to immediately implement everything, it is enough to try some of the proposed.

You can use eyebroke to change the usual perception of things. You can challenge yourself and find out what it is like to have sex with completely closed eyes. As scientists are noticed when a person cannot see objects around, other senses are instantly sharpened. This applies to both women and men. Feelings from standard blowjob or cunnilingus will be fantastically bright, which is, talking about sexual intercourse.

You will be surprised, but even just talking about secret dreams can become very exciting. Maybe this will already be enough to transform a quiet family dinner or a walk in a public place.

Try a new one, be careful and responsible, listen to each other. The initiator can be any. Tell me a couple of vulgar hints or send SMS or message in the messenger during the day. Definitely, the second half will be on the platoon all day, and in the evening at home you will be waiting for a stormy adventure in bed.

Do not want - this is normal

Most important condition To improve sex life - do not initiate it "for the tick". Otherwise, you will get the situation inversely proportional to the one that you wanted to get - intimacy will be one more damned thing Along with the cleaning of the apartment, cooking and waking up dishes. If you sometimes have no desire for sex - this is normal and even naturally.

You both are no longer 15-year-old teens with hormonal spermaloxicosis that wish to have sex day and night. It should not also assume that the wishes of sex will constantly accompany you both, everyone has their own emotional bursts and decline. Treat this with understanding, but do not forget - sometimes the appetite comes while eating.

Similar to delicious food Raders over time and proximity sometimes turns into a routine. That is why you need to change the usual order, add bright details to the process and even change the time of the day when you usually do this pleasant process.

The desire will not always be with you by default, so it is important to help create it by choosing special time and place. Try to start with a small and very cute message "I want you" in the middle of the day. This little prank will help to avoid everyday life and will open up new aspects of desire. In addition, after such "hot" messages, the working day passes very quickly. You and your spouse will look forward to the moment when you see again.

5 ways for two

Now it's time to bring some tips how to diversify sophisticated life At home.

1. Try something new

Over time, most couples use the same predictable scenarios that will absolutely lead to the result, but they come. In order to change the position of things, try something new. Start with a simple, for example, another place or adding an eye bandage, which was mentioned above. You can also use sex toys, role-playing or changing clothes.

2. Awaken an internal teenager

In each of us lives an inner teenager, reckless, with an irrepressible thirst for everything new and vivid impressions of what is happening. Direct it on the accomplishment of good deeds, allowing you to kiss, hugging and pressing to the partner, as if you are sixteen. Or how would you like to do at this age, but something prevented.

3. Create romantic events

Select time for romantic date. And it does not matter whether there will be a hike in a restaurant or evening walk through the park, the main thing is to spend this time together, completely by communicating with your partner. Time spent in such a rhythm new wave Interesting you both, letting the opportunity to relax and reveal.

4. Share your fantasies

If you feel shy, create a situation that will help relax and tune in to the desired way. For example, burn the candles, while turning off the electrical lighting, turn on romantic pleasant music. After you both feel relaxed, it will be much easier to open up each other. it good way Stop embarrassed during frank conversations.

This advice sounds almost always, but few know that from the joint viewing of films for adults you can learn a lot of new things for yourself. If something seems interesting or exciting, then it can always be discussed with a partner and continue to apply.

Thanks to these small tips, you can diversify your life in bed and not only.

Despite the fact that the image of a man in society is represented as a removed and cold person, but it is not at all. Questions about improvement sexual relations With his wife worries no less than women with husbands. There is a proven way how to diversify intimate life with your wife.

If you often began to look at other women, then it is connected not only with natural desire Look at something beautiful, but also the first signs of loss of interest in your permanent partner. What to do? As in the current situation, everything is changed in best side? Use your imagination and try to play a role. Imagine that you just met with your wife, put on best suit, use the perfume that she likes, and invite your favorite restaurant or other place. Such a romantic evening ended with intimate is strongly refreshing the relationship.

And of course, do not forget about erotic massage for your beloved. No need to do it too often, but if the wife asks you about it, why not try? Moreover, he can pull from the usual massage to erotic. This will add the perch in the usual plan for receiving sexual pleasures.

Of course, any representative of the beautiful sex wants bright impressions In bed, especially, it becomes apparent after a couple of years of marriage. There are several options how to diversify intimate life with your husband.

Remember, men love eyes. Buy erotic lingerie and read the most on the Internet simple moves From siphylation or eastern dance. You will not believe, but it will give a stunning result! Men literally fall in love again in wives and begin to look at them on the other side after such seductions.

There is nothing worse than the spouse losing sexual attraction To his wife. This is especially true of those women who recently become mothers. Several unnecessary kilograms - no reason to wear a formless men's clothing. Tell me "no" laziness and, if not enough time for morning exercises, go to the store underwear. Now presented wide choose Seductive corsets that will help hide some disadvantages of appearance and emphasize the merits, as well as a huge number of peignoirs of any degree of openness and transparency.

If the husband loves something more exciting, you can suggest try role-playing games. For example, nurse and patient. Since most of the strong sex representatives attract young nurses, it is a good option How to diversify sexy life with husband for women. All you need is to find a silk medical dress and buy white linen. If the husband enjoyed the game, these new impressions will remain with him for a long time and maybe he will suggest you next time to try something exotic for his part.

You can also try erotic massage. Many men work a lot and get tired. If you start with an ordinary massage, giving it to relax, and smoothly go to his intimate partsThe effect will be great. Massage can be used both a separate option and as a supplement to other methods described in the article.

The main rule

What is the main conclusion can be done? The secret how to diversify family intimate life is that sex is not for you something that is never left for. Spouses should afford to pay more attention to this pleasant process, pushing everything else for later, be it home, work or children.

True love is gentle, multifaceted and charming, so do not let the absence of proximity to spoil it. After all true love So damn it is difficult to find. You do not want the cause of parting to be the absence of sex? It's time to take the situation in your hands and make sex between you the best!

The desire of K. good sex + You + your partner \u003d answer to the question of how to establish a family life between spouses.