Prayer for colds. A spell to ward off a cold. This conspiracy for colds and coughs should be read in the morning

The common cold is a disease that all of us have experienced. With unpleasant symptoms, people try to cope with the help of various means, ranging from the use of traditional medicine recipes and ending with medicines. Unfortunately, often the treatment with pharmaceutical preparations does not pass without a trace for the whole body and, trying to get rid of the symptoms of a severe cold, in the future you have to deal with negative consequences the use of medicines.

Not everyone knows that it is not at all necessary to poison your body with chemistry, if you turn to the use of magic. A simple conspiracy for colds will help reduce fever, reduce cough and runny nose, give strength, remove pain in the throat without drug treatment.

The ritual for a child's cold will be a lifesaver for loving mothers who care about the health of their children. Such spells are effective and very powerful. With their help, you can get rid of SARS and influenza not only for children, but also for adults.

Seasonal catarrhal endless race through pharmacies and hospitals in search of salvation from the flu and acute respiratory infections exhausts a person so much that he is forced to drink handfuls of pills, and this is not always good for a sick body because it is already attacked by a horde of viruses or microbes and here chemistry is added in addition. How to ease the flu or cold by resorting to magical treatment? Most likely, such conspiracies need to be read before you notice that you have a cold, then the effect will be much stronger. Also note that such conspiracies are used as a general strengthening action, and let the forces of magic protect against any harm. necessary for a person misfortune.

Whisper on a decoction of raspberries

We all know that raspberry jam is useful for colds and not only. But not only ripe berries bring health, but raspberry sprigs can also be brewed and infused with boiling water, and then the decoction made can be spoken on good health from colds and flu. Making a decoction is very simple, the main thing is to find a garden where raspberries grow, you need to cut off a twig of 40 centimeters, finely chop into an enameled container, pour 500 ml of water. and boil for 3 minutes. Then let stand for 2 hours and the broth is ready. You need to divide it into two times - in the morning and evening. Each time before you drink, put it to your lips and whisper to it conspiracy words 7 times: “The forces of nature invite all diseases, I drive out (name) to myself, I don’t let it in, as I drink this healing decoction, I wash myself with health, I get rid of ailments. Amen!" Then drink in one gulp.

Treating colds in children

If you want your children to be healthy and not catch the flu, then in the morning read the conspiracy for their breakfast, you can eat it on a piece of bread, or whisper for tea. And make sure that they eat all the food that they have been enchanted to the end.

“Tsyla Batsyla didn’t go to the house, she didn’t follow the children (the names of your children), she didn’t climb the porch, where she sat there and got down, where she stuck and peeled off, my words are strong and strong, all diseases are transferred to health. Amen. Amen. Amen!" During the flu period, the plot can be read even every day until the epidemic passes, and once a month is enough.

Conspiracy for colds and flu

To conduct the ceremony, you will need to pour dried blackcurrant or raspberry leaves with boiling water. Take 100 grams of foliage per liter of water. As soon as you fill the ingredients with liquid, say following words: "None in the North is there such a marvelous tender beauty, neither in the South there is such a magical deep sea, nor in the West there are such extraordinary heights, but on the eastern side all living creatures unprecedented have gathered, high mountains have spread, seas with deep oceans have spilled. There in the palace sits the queen of unprecedented beauty, all living things obey her and are carefully guarded. She has a magic tree in her heavenly garden, fruits grow on it, and bees protect it. As honey bees collect, so the health of the servant of God (the name of the patient) will be brought. May it be so. The word is spoken, a lock hangs on it, and the key lies deep in the ocean.

Leave the decoction for about an hour. Let the patient drink four times a day in equal parts. Please note that the infusion must be consumed hot and with a teaspoon of honey. If you give a decoction to an adult to drink, then you should not devote him to the magical details of the origin of the drink. People who are biased towards rituals can, with their distrust, nullify the effect of the conspiracy or even refuse to use the infusion.

Strong conspiracy for colds

If a cold is accompanied not only by weakness and chills, but also severe runny nose with a cough, then deal with it painful condition the rite will help on any liquid that the patient drinks.

For the ritual, take left hand a cup of tea, water or decoction and say a conspiracy in such a way that the surface of the liquid fluctuates a little from your breathing: “Let Nicholas the Wonderworker and George the Victorious, Mother of God Mary and the Prophet Peter, Saint Elijah and Saint Catherine, King David and wise Solomon help. May the Lord our God Almighty direct them to help the servant of God (the name of the patient), so that his illness passes and goes into oblivion. I beg you by this conspiracy and act according to your order. Amen".

Perform this ceremony at least three times a day.

A conspiracy from a cold to the water

During the ceremony, take clean water and sea ​​salt. Three spoons per glass of liquid white gold. Throwing salt into a glass, stir it clockwise and say a conspiracy: “The water is clean, I pray you wash away his disease from the servant of God (name), take it to the deepest depths of the seas-oceans and lock the inclement ailment in the underworld so that it is a slave I forgot God's (name) forever.

Wash the patient with charmed water three times, while saying: “I wash you with pure water, health is in your body return."

Conspiracy from the common cold

Take a clean handkerchief of the patient and cast a spell on it: “From the nose of the servant of God (name), as he takes this handkerchief, nothing else flows and does not hurt. My word is strong. May it be so. Amen."

cough conspiracy

Make a yeast dough and, while kneading it, say the following words three times: “There are a lot of living creatures in the swamp, sea reptiles in the deep bottom of the ocean, unprecedented animals in the thicket of the dense forest, as soon as I mix the dough to the end, the cough of a servant of God (name) will go to these places and will not return. May it be so. Amen."

Make pancakes, pies or a pie from the dough. All households and guests can eat ready-made pastries, but it will only help the person for whom the ceremony was performed. The family should not be devoted to all the details of your cooking, otherwise the magic will not work, and you risk eating up the charmed shortbreads yourself.

Definitely do not neglect the doctor's call if the symptoms worsen and the condition worsens. But conspiracies also should not be ignored, they can speed up the healing process.

Water and salt for an effective plot

For a conspiracy, an ordinary salt(three pinches) and water from the well slightly heated, but not boiled. Salt and water perfectly preserve the information that was uttered over them, therefore, having hit the “healed”, they immediately begin to influence.

So in warm water put salt and mix well, saying:

“Water-voditsa, wash off my aches, hoarseness and fever. Take away all misfortunes into the abyss of your waters, and put them in eternal shackles in the whirlpools, so that they never return to me. And they were not remembered forever and ever!

After the words have been spoken, it is necessary to apply a few drops of the water-salt mixture to the patient with the middle finger in the following sequence: forehead, chest, right shoulder, left shoulder.

“Come out of all the aches and pains from the violent head, curly lock, from the joint and bones, from the zealous heart and the heart of the obstinate!”

Conspiracy with a bell

If the conspiracy is read directly by the person who was overcome by the disease, then he needs to stand on the threshold, taking the left hand bell in his hand.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, remove sickness from my blood. Words are strong, but let the disease not return to me.

After the utterance, it is necessary to ring the bell, thus scaring away the unclean from your home. If a conspiracy is pronounced over a sick person, then the room in which the patient is located must be “ringed” with a bell. Every corner, all walls, thus, "ring out". There will also be no particular difficulties with the text and it is compiled by the person who performs the ceremony.

First you need to say that you are calling, driving away the disease and the unclean power from the patient, so that the disease leaves the house far, far away. In the process of describing, substitute those symptoms that are inherent in the "patient" and talk about how they leave the threshold of your house.

A spell to heal the sick

For the spell, you will need a green candle and eucalyptus ether. Green color visualizes health and vitality, therefore, it is precisely such a coloristic solution that is used in the healing of ailments.

Put the candle in the candlestick and smear it with eucalyptus ether. Sit in front of a candle and light it. Imagine the image of a sick person, and mentally wish him get well soon. Say a spell:

“I send peace and goodness to you,
Love and healing to boot!”

After that, imagine how from the words of the conspiracy and your magical power a golden clot of energy grows overhead. Mentally send it to the sick person you visualized. Envelop the person with the received healing energy. You can repeat the ceremony until the entire candle burns out.

Flu conspiracy for decoction

In order to save the patient from the flu and his unpleasant symptoms, it is worth giving the patient tea from a decoction of blackcurrant and raspberry twigs. Prepare this tea, let it brew, get everything beneficial features. In support of this, make a conspiracy over him. The text is quite simple, but the point is not to read verbatim, but sincerely and wholeheartedly. The caster can correct any spell, depending on the characteristics of his situation.

“There is a distant island in the sea-ocean.
It grows tall and branched oak,
And the queen bee lives on it.
She flies every day, saves primed,
Primed saves, heals the sick.
May she bring health (name)
Yes, sickness, the fatigue of their bones, joints, muscles will take away.
The power of the word is limitless, as it is said, so be it!

On the day of a person who has been overcome by an illness, it is necessary to drink a charmed decoction: four glasses each.

This spell is effective if you are already sick. If you feel fine, but the flu is rampant around, you should protect yourself from the disease and such prevention by conspiracy will not be superfluous. During an epidemic, be sure to use a large number of liquids: it can be ordinary pure water(slightly heated), tea or herbal decoction, but in any case, its amount should be at least two and a half liters per day.

The liquid will remove all the "garbage" from the body, thereby protecting against SARS, influenza, acute respiratory infections. By reading the following spell, you will protect yourself from possible disease, that is, instead of injections, tablets, it is worth saying a few lines that will protect your health.

For a conspiracy, you will need two mirrors. Sit near the window at the table, so that you can put one mirror in front of you and one behind. After you have seen the back of your head, confidently read:

“As my eyes do not see the back of the head from birth,
And the back of the nose and lips, and let any ailment not see me.
Let no disease come from animals or birds,
It will not fly by the wind, nor will it run by the earth.
Lord God, save, save from illness.
Till the end of time. May it be so!"

Conspiracy to the Virgin Mary

If there is an icon of the Mother of God in the house, consider that you are protected from most problems and you can ask for help from the intercessor for any question. So, if you feel health problems, you should immediately seek her help. Getting up early in the morning, go to the washbasin, look in the mirror and read aloud, full of faith in what is happening:

“In a dense green forest, the Mother of God in a golden crown sits on an oak throne. She sits, manages, protects me from colds. So it was and so it will be. The word is strong. It doesn't get any stronger! May it be so!"

Conspiracy from high temperature

Colds that manifest themselves with an increase in temperature can be cured with the help of appropriate conspiracies. One of them is quite simple:

“Dawn-dawn, savior, red maiden! It is in your power to save (name) from the twelve shaking sisters: jaundiced, volatile, chilling and shaking. My faith is endless! May it be so!"

Intermediate conspiracies

To consolidate the effect of other conspiracies, you can also use intermediate - reinforcing ones. So, during the day, taking a pose on your left side, say out loud:

"I'm lying on my left side, I overcame half the illness."

“So I lay down on my right side, I overcame all the illness.”

“Now the night is coming to an end, I don’t turn back the disease.”

Waking up in the morning, gather all your strength (it is important to show that you feel good even with weakness) and say, lying on your stomach:

“So the day is over, the disease does not return to me!”

If you miss the night treatment - it does not matter, during the period of illness healthy sleep far more important than the slurred words of waking up.

Cough conspiracy for a cold

Often a cold is accompanied by unpleasant phenomenon how coughing and fighting it turns into a real torment. magical effect and in this case does not stand aside, perform a specific ceremony, for which you will need to knead the yeast dough. While kneading, say the words:

“In a swamp, a toad sits on a hummock, teaches her daughter:
You are a daughter while croaking, (name) is constantly coughing.
How can I take a tree frog, mix the knead and cough
Yes (name) I free from coughing!

After that, you can bake pancakes, pies from the dough and distribute them to all family members: everyone will eat, and the patient will cough.

For any symptoms of a cold

Before pronouncing the conspiracy, be sure to blow your nose well, drip your nose with drops, clear your throat, do everything so that for a few minutes you do not feel a single gram of discomfort. Only now say the words (very quietly, in a whisper):

“Does not hurt and does not itch, and does not burn and does not itch. May it be so forever and ever!”

Nobody likes to be sick. Recovery will come much faster if you use healing magic along with traditional medicine. A conspiracy against colds and flu will speed up treatment, give strength and strengthen immunity. Reacting to the words of spells, our body will begin to fight viruses and bacteria more effectively. The conspiracy will alleviate the condition of a sick person, help to recover and save from complications.

You can quickly cure a cold with the help of conspiracies

Given that the human body contains a lot of water, which perfectly stores the embedded information, most healing conspiracies from a cold they slander on the liquid. The most suitable for this will be various decoctions of herbs and berries, which themselves have medicinal properties. Magic words enhance the effect of decoctions and infusions, turning them into a full-fledged medicine.

Not all people can take pills - this is due to individual intolerance to certain drugs, and there can be no allergy to words. Habituation also does not occur, so the immune system does not suffer.

Healing conspiracies can be used for both adults and children, as well as for pregnant women. They are absolutely harmless, since a special type of spell is used, which can be compared to a prayer for a cold. Suitable conspiracies can be found in the book of Natalia Stepanova, a well-known folk healer, or use the ones suggested here.

Conspiracy for raspberry decoction

The anti-cold properties of raspberries have been known for a long time. A decoction of berries or jam reduce the temperature and increase immunity. You can use not only berries, but also leaves and twigs. The process of preparing this remedy is very simple:

  1. Berries or a sprig of raspberries (preferably a young shoot from the ground) put in a bowl. Cut the branch into small pieces.
  2. Pour in boiling water.
  3. Cook for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Turn off and insist 1.5-2 hours.

For the ritual you need berries and raspberry sprigs

Strain the finished broth and, ebb required amount in a mug, say in a whisper:

“I call on the forces of nature, I drive out all diseases, I don’t let (name) near me, as I drink this healing decoction, I wash myself with health, I get rid of ailments. Amen!".

A conspiracy against a cold will enhance the effect of the decoction several times.

With a severe cold

Colds, sore throats and flu are often accompanied by a severe runny nose and high temperature. The tonsils become inflamed, the eyes water, the body aches. In order for a person to recover faster, serious condition use strong conspiracy- a prayer to the holy miracle workers. When performing the ceremony, words are slandered on any liquid: tea, milk, herbal decoction or plain water:

“Let Nicholas the Wonderworker and George the Victorious, Mother of God Mary and Prophet Peter, Saint Elijah and Saint Catherine, King David and wise Solomon help. May the Lord our God Almighty direct them to help the servant of God (the name of the patient), so that his illness passes and goes into oblivion. I beg you by this conspiracy and act according to your order. Amen".

Read the conspiracy for a cold in a whisper so that the liquid in the cup slightly ripples from your breath. Repeat every time the patient is given a drink. It is better not to talk about the fact that the liquid is spoken. The patient's disbelief in the power of magic can ruin everything.

On an egg

Many young children - both boys and girls - do not want to drip their nose with a runny nose and take medicine for a sore throat, but something needs to be done about the disease. In these cases, in order for the cold to pass, the plot can be read on the egg. It can be used during pregnancy when medications are contraindicated. Egg must meet certain parameters. It should be:

  • fresh;
  • whole;
  • white.

Checking the freshness of an egg is very simple - if you put it in a mug of water, it will lie at the bottom.

“You, egg, roll, and you, cold, calm down. Get out of the dense forests, high mountains, dark swamp. Get out and never come back. Go to the egg, get out of the body of the servant of God (name)!

During the conspiracy, the egg must be rolled on a plate

pronouncing magic words, the egg is rolled clockwise:

  • at high temperature - on the forehead;
  • with angina and inflamed tonsils - in the throat;
  • when coughing - on the chest;
  • with a cold - around the nose.

The plot is read three times, then the egg is taken out of the house and buried in the ground. Don't tell anyone about the ritual. The rite helps to cure many diseases, but is contraindicated in skin diseases. It cannot be carried out with herpes on the lips - a vial with viral contents can accidentally burst and spread the infection. Before performing the ritual, the egg must be washed well under running water.

For water and salt

During a flu epidemic, so that the child does not get sick, you can use a ritual with water and salt. Both components are indispensable in many magical rituals because they know how to store and transmit the necessary information.

The conspiracy is used not only in preventive purposes. It helps a lot if a person is already sick.

Pour 3 pinches of salt into a mug with warm spring or well water and say, stirring with a spoon:

“Water-voditsa, wash off my aches, hoarseness and fever. Take away all misfortunes into the abyss of your waters, and put them in eternal shackles in the whirlpools, so that they never return to me. And they were not remembered forever!

After wetting three fingers in the solution, cross the child three times, alternately touching the forehead, navel, right and left shoulder. After that continue:

“Come out of all the aches and pains from the violent head, the curly lock, from the joint and bones, from the zealous heart and the heart of the obstinate!”.

The rite will save the child from the disease, help to cure the sick baby.

Orthodox prayers

Deeply believing people prefer to turn to the Lord and the holy great martyrs for healing. Prayers heal not only the body, but also the soul, and faith works real miracles. To address the saints, it is not necessary to go to church, especially during illness. It is enough to have icons of healers at home.

Appeal to the Matrona of Moscow

With a severe cold, when it is not possible to leave the house, it will help Orthodox prayer. You need to turn to the icon without undue anguish, invoking the Lord, sincerely and with hope. Prayer to the Matrona of Moscow:

“Blessed Staritsa, Matrona of Moscow. Help me heal from a cold, enlist your blessing and support. The cough is choking, the runny nose is pressing on the temples, do it so that I do not suffer from melancholy. Commanded to get stronger, and not to lose heart, to love and glorify God. Don't let the disease plague your soul, tell me which path to follow. May your will be done. Amen".

After prayer, you need to cross yourself

Prayer is read at moments of relief, after pronouncing the words one should cross oneself.

Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon

If the recovery is delayed, and the disease is especially difficult, then an appeal to the healer Panteleimon will help:

“Saint Panteleimon, I humbly ask you to turn your gaze to the servant of God (name of the patient). You, who knew all the torments on Earth and the blessings in Heaven, who suffered not only for yourself, but also for faith in the Almighty. I beg you for help. Come and heal the servant of God. (name of the patient), protect him from diseases and from all kinds of ailments. Let him live his life in health and clear mind and praise your name and the Lord God. I trust in your mercy and thank you sincerely. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Prayer is read 3 times a day. Relatives of the patient can go to the temple and light a candle to the Blessed Panteleimon.

Using conspiracies, you need to remember that they have almost no effect on a bewitched person. For his recovery, you need to remove the love spell.

The common cold is the most common type of illness. You can cope with it with folk remedies or using medications. For greater efficiency, you should turn to magic for help and read a simple, but effective conspiracy from a cold.

You can fight a cold with conspiracies

Hex from a cold

In the book Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova is strong ritual, which is used to treat colds. To carry it out, it is worth preparing the following attributes:

  • church wax candle;
  • paper;
  • a pen.

Candles must be inscribed on wax given name. After that, on paper you need to write a conspiracy for a cold:

“I, the servant of God (name), want to get rid of negative energy that caused the disease. I wish the sun to send me its beneficial rays and save me from the symptoms of the disease. I don't want to experience headaches and body aches. I read a strong conspiracy to feel relief. I ask you, Lord, save me from negativity. Save my sinful body from suffering. Amen".

You need to set fire to the paper from the flame of a candle. The ashes are collected in a separate red bag and stored near the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. After 2-3 days you will feel a change for the better.

Getting rid of the disease through prayer

There is a ritual related to white magic that allows you to cope with the symptoms of the disease. When you go to bed at night, read the words of the following prayer:

“I, the servant of God (name), read a conspiracy for a cold so that relief passes through my whole body. I will read a prayer, turning to the Lord Almighty. May he forgive all my sins, give me the opportunity to cope with diseases. The temperature does not give me peace, I can not sleep at night. I hope that in a few days I will be able to get back on my feet and go to work. I can't get sick, my family is counting on my earnings. Amen".

After that, you need to drink a glass of holy water. Put the second one by the bed, you will need to drink it immediately after waking up.

Prayer for colds and fever

Hex from the flu

From the flu will help a strong ritual, which is carried out with the help of healing ingredients. To do this, add 2 tbsp to a glass of holy water. l. pure fresh honey. After that, you should read the words of a strong conspiracy from a cold:

“Let my disease turn into a tall tree and grow into open field. The archangels, the servants of the Lord, knock it out and save me forever from a terrible disease. This tree will take away all the flu symptoms that I have been experiencing for several days now. I hope that all my sins will be forgiven. They made me sick. I will read the words of the prayer for the remission of sins. Flu symptoms should leave me today. Amen".

After this, the charmed tincture should be drunk and go to bed. By the morning you will feel relief. You must conduct the entire ritual according to the indicated rules, sincerely hoping for a positive result.

Ritual for colds

A tincture made from birch buds will help to get rid of a runny nose forever.

  • Stir in a glass of water 1 tbsp. l. birch buds.
  • Let the liquid stand.
  • Strain it through a gauze bandage.
  • The patient should drink the decoction, and close relative must read the words of the following magical hex:

“With the help of liquid, let the runny nose come out of my sinful body. The birch will take all the cold on itself, and leave me alone, the servant of God (name). May my nose be cleared of infection so I don't have to sneeze anymore. Amen".

If the ritual from the common cold did not work, then you will have to do it again, the next day. Literally in a few days your condition will improve, you just need to believe in a positive result.

Ritual on red cloth

Prepare a red rag. In it, a sick person should blow his nose. When he does this, the person standing next to him should read the words of a strong slander:

“I, the servant of God (name), read the words of the prayer so that my native person got rid of the discomfort in the nose area. I don’t want to watch how he suffers, so I turn to the help of magic so that higher powers come to the rescue. Holy Mother of God, forgive all the sins of the servant of God (name). Help him escape the flu and cold so that viruses can never enter his body again. Amen".

The red rag must be buried under an old tree. It is desirable that it be away from home.

Magic for a cold in a child

If your child is ill, and you do not want to stuff him with medicines, which only destroy more immune system should seek help from higher powers, they will save the health of the baby. Before the ceremony, you need to knead the sheet dough. The words of the following conspiracy from a cold in a child are read on it:

“May my baby, the servant of God (name), be healed of an annoying disease. I don't need anyone but him. I can't watch him suffer unbearable pain. I, as a mother, want to take all the suffering on myself, if the Almighty allows. If this is not possible, then all discomfort will pass on to someone else. As soon as my child eats a cake made from this dough, he immediately feels relieved. Amen".

Make a pastry in the morning and give it to your child. By the evening he will feel better.

A conspiracy for a cold in a child


It is easy to get rid of a cold with the help of medicines which are often used ordinary people. If you are worried about your immunity, pay attention to magic. With its help, you can easily affect your well-being without consequences.

With the advent of winter, absolutely everyone is faced with such a problem as a cold. This applies not only to children, but also to adults. To cope with such a disease quickly with the help of folk remedies and drugs are simply not possible. Often there are situations when, after drug treatment, you have to deal with the consequences, and then on help will come cold spell.

Not every person knows that it is possible to be treated not only with the help of drugs, but also with conspiracies for colds. It will help get rid of symptoms such as fever, runny nose, cough and boost immunity. Such a ritual will perfectly help if a child is sick, because children do not really like to take different medicines. This type of spell is very powerful and takes effect instantly. With the help of such conspiracies, you can get rid of not only colds, but also flu.

Conspiracy for colds in children

A conspiracy against a cold in children acts much faster than in an adult. The child has strong immunity and is considered closer to God, especially since they also believe in the existence of magic and miracles.

A cold is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • heat;
  • rashes on the lips;
  • sneezing.

The main element of the action of any rite is faith in it. Therefore, such rituals act faster and more efficiently on children. After all, adults most often consider such actions to be nonsense, and faith in it is considered the key to any conspiracy from a cold. A conspiracy for a cold small child reads the same way and works with the same efficiency. Simple words correctly said and right time help you recover faster.

Conspiracy at elevated temperature in children and adults

Often colds, flu, bronchitis are accompanied by fever, and many begin to stuff themselves and the child with antipyretics. You shouldn't do this, because effective conspiracy, which helps lower it. The ritual should be performed before going to bed, if you are reading for a child, then lay him down and read the following words on holy water:

“I dare enemies, I drive out illness, I drive away all troubles, I remove pains, I apply protection to the Lord Almighty.”

After that, it is necessary to cross the child with water 3 times. A conspiracy from a cold to water in the morning will relieve the baby of the symptoms of the disease, this is a strong weapon against any cold. And if you are reading for yourself, then follow the same steps, only cross yourself with water.

A conspiracy for a candle from a difficult cold

You can also carry out such a conspiracy for a cold, for this you need to purchase a church candle and buy a fresh egg. Then put the candle on the table, bending it so that the wax drips onto the egg, and set fire to it. A person is seated on a chair in front of a candle, which should be near the window. After that, the person should read the following words:

“Fire, burn the stabbing-shooting, the cough-fever, so that the servant of God (name) is clean inside. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Next, the drained wax must be wrapped in paper and thrown away from home. Wrap the remaining candle in a clean cloth and place it so that no one can find it. Until the child or adult is completely cured, the candle cannot be used. After that, you need to bow 40 times standing near the icon of "All Saints". Then wash your face with water, wipe your face with a towel and lie down to rest. As a rule, in the morning it becomes much easier and half of the symptoms simply disappear.

Strong conspiracy from the common cold

Absolutely any cold is accompanied by a runny nose, which is most often treated for a very long time. Therefore, in such a situation, it is better to use a strong conspiracy for a cold. To do this, you need to take a red cloth and give it to a person who is sick. He must blow the mucus from his nose into it, and then wrap a nail with this cloth and stick it into the gap. Next, you need to pronounce the following words:

“I don’t insert a nail, but I pin the disease. As this nail is no longer useful anywhere, So the snot from the nose will no longer flow. My words are strong and molded, Stronger than hard stone, Harder than strong iron. Key, lock, tongue. From now on and forever!”

In addition to this conspiracy, you can use a decoction on birch buds. To do this, take half a teaspoon of kidneys and pour boiled water. After they brew, cool them down and let the sick person drink. At this time, read the following prayer:

“Water will wash away the snot, wash the nose, so that it doesn’t burn, doesn’t get damp, doesn’t sneeze, doesn’t hurt. Amen".

If after the first time the runny nose did not go away, then the ceremony should be repeated again, a conspiracy for colds, acute respiratory infections and flu may not work on the first day. In general, conspiracies for colds help well from everyone colds. Such rituals can be performed not only in order to recover, but also for prevention.

Conspiracies during colds and flu

Colds and flu are the most common viral diseases that a person endures throughout his life. Today there is no such person who does not suffer from these infections. They are easily transmitted to both adults and little child. Sometimes traditional medicine does not help, therefore it is advisable to read prayers in parallel with it, and pronounce a conspiracy.

In order to conspire against acute respiratory infections and influenza, you need to pour currant leaves with boiling water. For 1 liter of water you need about 100 grams. After you have poured boiling water over the leaves, you need to say the following words:

“Neither in the North is there such marvelous tender beauty, nor in the South is there such a magical deep sea, nor in the West are there such extraordinary heights, but on the eastern side all living creatures unprecedented have gathered, high mountains have spread, seas have spilled with deep oceans. There in the palace sits the queen of unprecedented beauty, all living things obey her and are carefully guarded. She has a magic tree in her heavenly garden, fruits grow on it, and bees protect it. As the honey bees collect, so the health of the servant of God (name) will be brought. May it be so. The word is spoken, a lock hangs on it, and the key lies deep in the ocean.

After that, the broth should stand for about an hour. And only after that it can be given to the patient 4 times a day. Tincture should be given only hot and it is desirable to add honey to it. If the decoction is intended for an adult, then it is not necessary to devote it to the details, because often people do not understand this.

Cold conspiracy.

Conspiracy for colds

Conspiracies against the flu.

Why are such conspiracies effective?

Cold conspiracies are great for people of absolutely any age, and if you don’t want to stuff yourself with various synthetic drugs, then this treatment method is just for you. It is not for nothing that our grandmothers used similar prayers and rituals. It is still worth trusting the ancestors. Be healthy!

If you are tired of constantly looking for a way to treat colds, then it is best to apply folk methods. They will be more effective if you add a cold spell to them. Such methods have previously saved more than one generation. So, spells can really be trusted.

Conspiracy for colds

Why is it worth using this particular method of treatment?

The answer is quite simple: This method used as an adjunct to the main treatment in order to speed up the result.

Yes, they will help the first time, the second and the third, but they will significantly spoil the immune system, and the body will no longer be able to fight any disease, not just a cold. Colds tend to be seasonal and every year we get sick and spend a lot of money on medicines. Maybe you should try folk remedies for colds, for example, slander. With the help of magical texts on ancient Russia almost all diseases were cured.

The proposed spell helps against colds in cases where the disease is not accompanied by a high temperature of 38.8 degrees. And it's definitely not the flu. You can pronounce it on any drink that is given to the patient. Accordingly, pronounce directly on a glass of liquid and immediately give to drink. The runny nose will go away after the first application, and the cold itself will disappear on the third day. In some cases, the very next day there will be no trace of it.

Put your hand palm up under the glass, so your pure energy will flow into the drink, and read the plot:

“Water, widow, flowed underground, flowed into my mug. As it hit, it disappeared, and the ailment with fever and a leak took it from the nose. She took it to the depths of the earth, hid it, and saved the servant of God (name) from the sore, delivered. Amen".

cold spell

This slander is read with the use of millet, used for children and adults. In the morning you need to buy millet and come home to sift through a sieve. Put in a cloth bag solid color. We lower both hands into the bag, pour it from place to place and pronounce the plot:

“I didn’t buy millet for myself, I didn’t collect it for porridge. She sowed, removed the dust, and took away the disease from the servant of God (name). You don’t get sick, you don’t cry, you don’t talk about illnesses. Take away from the servant of God (name) a cold, a red sore from the lips and body, from the head and legs. I'll take you to the birds, and I won't even cook porridge. I close the words with the key, and send the key to a distant pond. Amen (3 times)."

Put the bag under the pillow, on the second day, shift the cereal under the feet, and on the third day, scatter it under the mattress. On the morning of the fourth day, feed the birds. There is no difference between home and street.

A conspiracy from a fever in a child

When reading, you can wipe the child's body with cool water. At the same time, pronounce a conspiracy from temperature:

“Heat, hot retreat. Do not disturb the servant of God (name), do not torment. With all my heart I will love, listen to the servant of God (name). You came to me, the servant of God (your name), gave me the mind. I indicated the mistakes, and now go the other way from the body of the servant of God (name), step back. Amen".

cold remedy for lips

Colds do not always leave marks on the body. But there are cases and the person always suffers. It's hard for the female gender. To get rid of the effects of a cold on the lips and around the nose as quickly as possible, as well as the presence of abscesses or boils, you can always use a milk spell. Used only natural milk and honey. Milk (20 ml) is heated to 45 degrees and 3 tbsp. spoons of honey. In the process of adding and mixing, say a conspiracy:

“What is left by the sore - disappear, what is given by the disease - take away, and return my face. So that it is clean and attractive, without acne and boils, without red spots and abscesses. Key. Language. Lock".

This mixture is rubbed daily on the face. To quickly get rid of the effects of a cold, you can do lotions and rubbing not one, but several up to 9 times a day. Lotions are made no more than 3 times a day for 15 minutes. Liquids must be allowed to dry on their own.

Do not wipe with other means than milk. It is advisable to take herbs or linden honey. It will also be better if the honey is liquid, but it cannot be specially heated.

Spell to ward off a cold

Mixing equal amounts of fresh applesauce and honey, brew the infusion. We read a plot on him:

“Heat and flow out of the nose. I persuade the ailment with honey, I discourage the forbidden fruit. What is said is fixed. It's set up by me. Amen (3 times)."

For Get well soon take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Words from a cold

By instilling a saline solution (200 ml of water / 1 teaspoon of salt) into the nose, read the slander against the common cold:

“For the nose to breathe, I didn’t know the leak, I forgot about the runny nose. Burns, bakes, but forgot the ailment. Key. Language. Lock".

A conspiracy from colds for a child

If the temperature has receded from the child and you can bathe him. So, it is possible to talk water in the bathroom. We pour water, baptize three times, and read the plot:

“Consecrated by God, purity of body and soul must be given. Amen".

Bathe your baby in person. At the same time, imagine how the disease falls off in pieces from the body of the child.

Ritual for colds for babies

The rite is called licking the cold, suitable for infants and children up to 6 years of age. It is necessary to lick off the tongue from the heels to the top of the head, then from shoulder to shoulder. After each movement, spit over the left shoulder. In the process of licking, they say a spell:

“Like water off a goose, thinness leaves the servant of God (name)”

You need to do this three times each time you bathe your baby.

Conspiracy against flu + video

Three times a day, clasping your head near the temples of the patient with both hands, say a conspiracy against the flu:

“I will take away the heat from the body, I will take away the illness from the body. Let the disease sink in the swamp, but find no way to the servant of God (servant of God) (name). There is her life, there her life, with worms and toads to while away the eyelids, but the sickness in the body does not know the way back. Amen".

Then wash with holy water and let dry.