Proper skin care around the eyes. Proper ways to moisturize the skin around the eyes. Massagers for the care of the eye area

The area around the eyes is the first to undergo changes during the aging process. This is explained by the fact that the layer of the epidermis in this area of ​​the face is too thin, and the content sebaceous gland and minimal muscle. To maintain the elasticity of the skin for a long time, careful care should be provided as early as possible, based on the observance of the basic rules.

Basic rules for skin care around the eyes

TO binding rules care should include:

Top best funds

According to the reviews of the fairer sex, who care for the skin around the eyes, a list of the most effective remedies is given.

The best of them are:

  • - a gel that can effectively deal with bags and dark circles under the eyes. In addition, the presence of caffeine in the composition makes it possible to get rid of mimic wrinkles. Experts recommend applying the gel to the cleansed skin covering 2 times a day in circular motions. Due to the presence of a roller, the foundation is not only simply applied to the surface of the skin, but also makes it possible to achieve a relaxing massage effect, which undoubtedly favorably affects the outflow of lymph. The caffeine roller can only be used after reaching the age of 25. average cost cosmetic products is in the range of 280-340 rubles.

  • - cream mass intended for the contour of the eyes. Application for 40-60 days guarantees complete elimination of mimic wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes. The elements that make up the cream can not only smooth out existing wrinkles, but also prevent the appearance of new ones. Experts recommend using a hypoallergenic agent once a day, applying it with light movements in the direction from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner ones. The cream is ideal for sensitive skin. The average cost is about 1500 rubles.

  • - Serum intended for the area of ​​the skin around the eyes contains caffeine and hops, which has a moisturizing effect, smoothes mimic wrinkles, strengthens the surface of the epithelium. In addition, the tool improves microcirculation and relieves swelling. Experts recommend applying serum 1-2 times a day with light circular movements. Ideal for all skin types. Serum goes on sale at a price of at least 2200 rubles.

  • - anti-aging cream base allows you to get rid of wrinkles and. Cosmetologists recommend applying the cream 2 times a day, while applying light patting movements with your fingers. It has been noticed that bags under the eyes and puffiness disappear after several procedures, and to get rid of wrinkles, at least 15-20 sessions should be completed. The cost of the cream is about 500 rubles per jar.

Folk remedies at home

Optionally, you can use folk methods, which will relieve eye fatigue, puffiness and will assist in the fight against wrinkles. The following folk remedies are very effective:


If desired, you can use special exercises as skin care, which is very affordable and effectively reduces the number of wrinkles in this area. Apart from gymnastic exercises for the eyes in the struggle for elasticity and youthfulness of the skin is actively used massage technique. The combination of the two complexes will achieve therapeutic effect, and in the future it will become excellent prophylactic fight against age-related changes epithelial tone.

The following gymnastic exercises were the most effective:

  • fast blinking of the eyes for about 3-5 seconds, then closing them for a couple of seconds should be wide open;
  • slow rotation of the eyes from top to bottom and right to left;
  • gaze translation with holding for 4-5 seconds in the directions left-right, top-down while holding the head motionless;
  • soft sipping of the outer corners until the eye section is almost completely narrowed, in this position, open and close the eyes (do not let go of the fingers from the corners);
  • shifting gaze with close scrutiny from objects located far to objects located close;
  • tightly closing your eyes, raise them up and hold for 3-5 seconds, then completely relax.

The gymnastic set of exercises should be repeated 3-6 times each workout. Every day, it is desirable to carry out at least 3 workouts, which will not only improve vision, but also increase the tone of the skin around the eyes.

Reach maximum efficiency the combination of exercises with a massage complex will allow, which quickly normalizes the blood circulation of the skin. The complex does not cause any difficulties:

  • pads ring fingers carry out soft circular movements in the direction from the outer corners of the eyes to the bridge of the nose (repeat at least 4 times);
  • with the fingertips, easily massaging, go from the inner to the outer corners of the eyes, where, by slightly pressing, it is necessary to carry out drum movements and again return to the starting position;
  • fingertips to carry out drum movements on the upper and lower eyelids.

It is very important before using the massage complex to clean the skin and moisturize it with a specialized cream a few minutes before the session. The duration of the complex should not exceed 10 minutes, after which it is recommended to wash.

To fight the signs of aging, many women spend an incredible amount of energy and Money. We are trying to remove cellulite, deep wrinkles around the mouth and on the neck, forgetting that skin care around the eyes should be the most thorough. How to tighten and protect this delicate dermis at home? What creams to choose?

Homemade skin care folk remedies

To the first place while caring mature skin the eye must rise protection. Of course, nutrition and hydration also play an important role, but it is very important to protect your face from tearing factors, especially in winter.

For this we recommend using olive oil. Its clear advantage over all other recipes is that home care for the skin around the eyes with its use is not limited in time. Those. it can be applied at night, and before leaving the house, and for the whole day, without checking the time every minute, so as not to miss the deadlines for removing the mask.

If olive oil is not on hand, then use aloe. This plant is known not only for its antibacterial properties but also protective. Thanks to the unique substances that aloe juice contains, the thinnest protective film is formed on the skin. It can also be applied before bed.

A wonderful recipe for protecting and caring for dry skin around the eyes is jojoba oil and green tea brewing. Together, these ingredients give us hydration (oil) and protection with antioxidant properties (tea). The neck, by the way, will also noticeably smooth out with this method.

With help proper protection can be effectively prevent crow's feet and dry eyelids. Cleopatra's recipe is very popular. Itself Egyptian queen devoted her entire conscious part of her life not only to the development of various economic strategies, but also to the search for ways to prolong youth. According to rumors, to some extent, she managed to stop the natural aging process. Since the age of 21, she has placed the protection of her beauty in milk baths.

With this approach to self-care, even after 35, the queen looked 20. What is the reason? Milk proteins provide intensive care and protection of the dermis from irritating factors, whether it be heat in summer or cold and wind in winter.

Further, nutrition. How more skin receives nutrients, the better it looks. This is an axiom. In order to look several decades younger after 40, rub into the skin daily for 20 minutes Castor oil. Thanks to its properties, not only wrinkles around the eyelids will be smoothed out, but eyelashes and eyebrows will also begin to grow better, they will become darker and more expressive.

It is very useful to wipe the skin around the eyes with vitamin E oil, with its help you can quickly get rid of mimic wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new grooves. This The best way keep youth. When nourishing the skin, we recommend using a complex of oils, which will not only eliminate the need for blepharoplasty of the eyelids, but also create the effect of a neck lift.

To nourish and tighten the skin, we need:

  • oils (linseed, castor, coconut);
  • honey (natural flower);
  • fabric strips.
Photo - Vegetable eye masks

We heat honey, and mix it with oils (two drops of each). Then we apply the resulting mixture to strips of fabric, and make compresses in the area around the eyes. With the neck, you can do otherwise. Take not thin strips, but a napkin, smear it with a product and put it on the problem area. We hold a compress on the dermis near the eyes for 10 minutes, on the neck - 15. Such a treatment program is also suitable for tightening and nourishing problematic aging skin, the main thing is regularity and correct execution. Repeat the procedures at intervals of three days.

Far from last in the nutrition of the skin around the eyes are vegetable masks. Folk medicine is generally very fond of various means, which are based on herbal ingredients. The most famous is the cucumber mask. It is also the simplest - just crush the vegetable in mashed potatoes and apply to the eye area.

Very good feedback and about natural remedies based on potatoes. The fact is that starch, which is the basis of this root crop, helps aging skin resist external factors saturates it with useful amino acids. There is different ways preparation of potato anti-aging masks:

  • grate a fresh peeled vegetable on a fine grater, mix with olive oil and apply a dense layer around the eyes. We hold 20 minutes;
  • boil the root vegetables, make a puree, add to it essential oils apricot and rose, a spoonful of milk, apply to the problem area.

Good care sensitive skin face and around the eyes will provide fruit masks , whose folk recipes are often used in professional cosmetics.

For example, to whiten and moisturize the skin around the eyes, you need to prepare the following mixture:

  • oatmeal - two tablespoons;
  • milk - one and a half;
  • strawberries - five pieces.

Wash the berries and crush them in a puree, first pour the oatmeal with milk and leave overnight. In the morning, mix all the ingredients and apply the mask on the skin. Keep 20 minutes.

Variations of this tool are possible. For example, to improve blood circulation and increase the elasticity of the dermis around the eyes, use cherry puree (of course, in the spring such a remedy is more available).

If you need to eliminate deep wrinkles around the eyes and nourish the skin, then regularly make masks from oatmeal, milk and apples in the fall.

Exercises and gymnastics for the skin of the eyes

Photo - Gymnastics for the skin of the eyes

Compresses cannot provide complete care for the skin after 25 around the eyes and on the contour. Definitely needed special gymnastics. To perform it, you need to prepare a restoring balm (its recipe is given below), a massager (you can do without it, although a roller for mesotherapy is very desirable) and a coarse fabric, such as terry or natural cotton.

Gotta get the blood circulating problem area, so we will tighten the skin, get rid of bruises under the eyes and remove dark circles. Proper massage are soft but confident movements and knowledge of technology.

Gymnastics Tips:

  • if you use a massager, then it should be smooth, without needles;
  • you can successfully replace this procedure with the use of ice (cryomassage at home is an excellent anti-aging care for the skin of the face and, in particular, around the eyes);
  • use jade balls.

Balm recipes vary for manual and training use. In the first case, it is honey, aloe and coconut oil. In the second, serum, vitamin E and rose (extract). Why are the recipes different? The point is that doing finger massage around the eyes, the skin needs to be worked out, honey makes upper layer dermis to stretch, which has an excellent anti-aging effect.

In the second, the skin is saturated essential substances, due to which it is smoothed out. The composition is extremely important here.

How to do gymnastics for the skin around the eyes?

Close your eyes with force, open sharply - repeat the movement 10 times.

Ideal for tired skin around the eyes next exercise- apply honey balm around the eyes, rub it with your fingertips, pull the skin towards the ears, relax, pull it again. Repeat 20 times.

Squint your eyes, open them fully. Repeat 20 times.

The whole secret is to alternate massages, gymnastics and masks - in the complex you get an excellent anti-aging system.
Video: how to care for the delicate skin around the eyes

Review of professional cosmetics for eye skin

Taking care of the skin around the eyes with folk remedies is a very laborious process. Agree to pick suitable recipe, buy ingredients, prepare a mask or balm according to the instructions. Moreover, all folk beauty recipes are united by one drawback - they quickly deteriorate. So sometimes professional care more appropriate. We have created a table in which we tried to describe all the most effective modern anti-aging agents. Quality and professional tools self-care: an independent review.

Name Peculiarities
olay total effects This series has an excellent eye gel with coenzyme Q 10
Owl About Beauty All for the beauty of the eyes, contains seaweed extracts.
advanced eyes A great way to smooth wrinkles around the eyes.
Ahava Contains useful material, including nona juice.
Biodroga This is German-made cosmetics, affordable, but at the same time very high quality.
Koko Chanel Chanel is made from materials that protect, nourish and moisturize the skin at the same time.
Christina This is Israeli professional cosmetics with the unique substances of the Dead Sea.
Clarins Elite cosmetics of the French production.
Guerlain One of the most popular French beauty brands.
Lierac French brand of luxury cosmetics. Main Feature Lierak is that each remedy solves a specific problem of the dermis.
Mary Kay Mary Kay - french cosmetics luxury
Be Loved This is a very good and affordable American cosmetics. We recommend trying a lifting complex for the skin around the eyes.
Estee Lauder Idealist Micro-D This is a unique system that contains skin whitening ingredients.
Akkura Japanese cosmetics that are different natural herbs in composition.
all inclusive Good funds.
Clinique There is one very entertaining serum in Clinique cosmetics, which is suitable for extended eyelashes and nourishing the delicate skin around the eyes.
Diacosmetics posh anti-aging cosmetics, will help get rid of wrinkles and prevent their appearance. Allowed to use from 21 years old.
avon anew Does not contain parabens. Makeup is essential at any age decorative cosmetics Avon organizes appropriate care for the skin of the face and around the eyes and will become a worthy companion in applying make-up.
Shiseido (Shiseido) Another Japanese company that uses herbal extracts in its products.
Skin Doctors Eyecircle An excellent remedy from Australia for dark circles under the eyes. This gel emulsion truly works wonders, the whole program is designed for a month of use.
vichy oligo 25 Oligo cream from Vichy will help improve the complexion and skin around the eyes in particular.
Muse Illuminating Gommage Another professional cosmetics made in Israel.
Cosmetics Roland A Japanese company that constantly releases new products in the beauty industry.
Hydradermie It is also used for the décolleté area.
PAYOT AOX Contour des Yeux These cosmetics are often used by Shahnoz Shaha herself, so the company can really be trusted.
system nanogreen profi Excellent medical cosmetics for daily use.
Modo Good anti-aging cosmetics that contain Vitamin B 5.
Fluid Contains yoghurt fluids that effectively smooth out wrinkles.
natura siberica Natural remedies based on extracts of medicinal herbs.
Academy Hypo-Sensible Normalizing & Matifying Care On this cosmetics there is a sticker “hypoallergenic”, suitable for any type of dermis.
secrets of east Chinese cosmetics, which has no analogues in the world
Yoshi Ya Mamoto Alginate complex that tightens the contour of the face, smoothes wrinkles on the neck and around the eyes.
Alpecin Hypo-Sensitive Hypoallergenic.
sea ​​of ​​spa Another Israeli cosmetics.
Rich & Beauty A very famous company, quite widespread in our country.
Loshi Excellent Japanese cosmetics.
care & beauty This cosmetics of the Dead Sea.
Jade Manufacturer - Israel.
Amrita Medical cosmetics from natural ingredients
Bremany cosmetics Elena Krygina praises her very much
Green Mom This quality creams and gels for lips, eyes and face. This company is skin health in tubes.
Garnier High-quality cosmetics, hypoallergenic and affordable.
Black Pearl Thousands of girls have already seen excellent quality this cosmetics, which is produced by the Nevsky Plant.
Loreal Basically, this French company produces care products for 30+.
Oriflame This stylish way look young and fresh.
Avon Remarkably, there are series for both men and women.
sisli We recommend trying the antioxidant complex.
Clean line Domestic company, very good and affordable.
Eyebright eye cream Original ATOK Good care for young skin.
Helena Rubinstein We highly recommend trying regenerating eye capsules.
Tiande This cosmetics is quite widespread in Russia and Ukraine.
Medical cosmetics Rassvet Often used in salons, aesthetic cosmetology praises this company very much.
Doctor nona cosmetics It is clear from the name that the main methods by which Doc Nona products are made are nona juice extracts.
Eye cosmetics Styx A great way to cure wrinkles and age spots.
Crimean rose Excellent and affordable domestic company, which is located in Simferopol. Its products can be bought in St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Cheboksary, Zaporozhye and Saratov.
Ayurveda Chic oriental cosmetics for the eyes, which has a reasonable price and hypoallergenic ingredients.


For which diseases you can not use cosmetics and the device gezatone:

  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • lichen (of any kind);
  • individual intolerance.

Visit our form to share how eye care has impacted your appearance and what makeup you prefer.

Most soft skin face is around the eyes. Exactly small wrinkles around the eyes can treacherously give out your age, and bags under the eyes will indicate that you didn’t get enough sleep today. But thanks permanent care behind the skin folk recipes and little tricks can hide it all.

Folk recipes and secrets of skin care around the eyes - all this is the topic of today's post.

Recipes for dark circles under the eyes

  • Mix the crumb of white bread with milk and soak it for 5 minutes. Apply this crumb under the eyes and hold for 15 minutes. It is better to make such a lotion every other day;
  • Apply peeled potatoes to the eyes for half an hour;
  • Wrap cottage cheese in gauze and apply to the eyes for 10 minutes;
  • Apply grated potatoes with dill or parsley to the eyes.

We remove inflammation and swelling under the eyes at home

  • We brew dried chamomile or mint flowers and make lotions;
  • We apply cotton swabs dipped in brewing black or green tea to the eyes;
  • Apply chilled strawberry circles to the skin around the eyes, make a mask;
  • Just as effective cucumber mask.

Recipes for wrinkles around the eyes

  • Mix grated potatoes with cream. Lie down and apply the mixture on the lower eyelids. We apply cotton pads moistened with strong tea on the upper eyelids. We make a compress for 15 minutes;
  • Take 50 ml of olive oil and mix with 10 ml oil solution vitamin E. Every evening, drive this mixture with your fingertips into the skin near the eyes for 5 minutes. We remove excess oil with a napkin;
  • We take half of the grated boiled potatoes and steam it with a decoction of parsley, while dripping a little sunflower oil. We spread it on gauze and apply it for half an hour before going to bed;
  • Take 1 egg yolk and add 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix everything and apply on the eyelids for 10 minutes;
  • Wet the crumb of white bread in heated vegetable oil and apply for 30 minutes, after which the oil is washed off with water.

Tibetan wrinkle mask

Whip 3 egg whites from 15 gr. olive oil and 1 tablespoon of broth bay leaf.

A decoction of bay leaves is done like this:

5 leaves pour 300 g of boiling water and cook on low heat for 10 minutes.

Add 10 burnt alum (look at the pharmacy).

Thoroughly mix everything until a homogeneous mass. Doing sheet mask from flannel, after making a hole for the nose and eyes, soak it with the composition and apply it to the face all night. If we remove only the "crow's feet" around the eyes, then the mask can be made only in these areas.

Massages and gymnastics for the eyes and skin around the eyes

These exercises not only help maintain the elasticity of the skin around the eyes, but also restore vision.

Self-massage and gymnastics for the eyes according to the "Qigong" system

  1. We press on the eyeball with the tips of the index and middle fingers 8 times;
  2. With the same fingers, lightly press on the inner edge of the eye, moving the fingers to the eyebrow from the inner edge of the eyebrow to the outer, and then back, ending the pressure on the bridge of the nose;
  3. We make 18 rotations of the eyes with closed eyelids clockwise and 18 rotations counterclockwise;
  4. With closed eyes, 18 times - move the eyes from side to side;
  5. Everything is the same, but we move our eyes up and down;
  6. Look, focusing on an object located nearby, and then on an object located far away.

Separate exercises for the eyes

  • You can relieve tension from the eyes by closing your eyes tightly and holding it for 5-7 seconds;
  • Close your eyes, relax. Then wide-eyed, look into the distance. We repeat;
  • With index fingers, lightly press and hold the muscles located on the eyelid under the eyebrows. Without lowering the fingers, through the resistance of the tension, we try to completely close the eyes and hold them closed for 5 seconds.

Massage for bags and wrinkles under the eyes

  • On the cleansed skin around the eyes, apply an anti-wrinkle cream and drive it in with your fingertips;
  • We stroke the upper eyelid from the nose to the temple - 5-10 times;
  • Stroke the lower eyelid on the contrary - from the outer part to the nose.

Massage with cold spoons from swelling under the eyes (do 3 times)

  • Apply cream on spoons and place them near inner corners eye;
  • Wave-like movements move the spoons to the temples;
  • Spoons press on the whiskey 3 times;
  • We move the spoons from the temples to the ears.

Cosmetic ice for swelling and wrinkles around the eyes

Cosmetic ice is not only an excellent remedy for wrinkles, but also an excellent skin tonic.

Recipes cosmetic ice many, here are the most common recipes


Mix milk and water in equal proportions, heat slightly. Pour into an ice cube tray and freeze in the freezer.


Freshly squeezed juices (both individually and mixed) are suitable for freezing: watermelon, apricot, banana, avocado, melon, tangerine, persimmon, plum. Also pour into a mold and freeze.


2 teaspoons of whole flax seeds pour 250 grams of boiling water, close the lid and leave for 4 hours. Then strain and pour into ice molds.

Ice massage technique

It is better to do this massage in the morning or in the evening before going to bed. We move the ice over the skin around the eyes, without stopping it in any area.

- Try not to get bright light into your eyes, as you start to squint, and wrinkles appear - "crow's feet";

- Work less at the computer, take breaks;

- In sunny weather, wear Sunglasses;

- Get enough sleep - rule number 1;

- Eliminate coffee, alcohol, tobacco;

- More plant foods;

Love yourself, even with wrinkles.

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Everyone knows that the first signs of aging in a woman appear around the eyes, since this area has the thinnest layer of the epidermis and almost no sebaceous glands and muscles, due to which the skin becomes dry and loses its elasticity. That is why the skin around the eyes needs regular, thorough, and most importantly, proper care.

Care of the skin around the eyes, namely constant hydration, must be started as early as possible. Since the skin of the eyelids is constantly mobile (facial expressions, blinking), with the exception of sleep, stretching of the skin and the first wrinkles with insufficient moisture can appear quite quickly. From 20-25 years old, the skin needs special care, which includes cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing. It is necessary to carefully choose skin care products for the eyelids. In addition, until the age of 25-30 it is better to refrain from using anti-aging products for skin care around the eyes, of course, unless the skin is in a “deplorable” condition. It is best to use light, moisturizing gels and creams in care. In addition, various natural oils, which provide effective action. They can be purchased at any pharmacy at an inexpensive price. When choosing skin care products around the eyes, be sure to pay attention to their composition. It is very good if the products contain vitamins A and E. In addition, when choosing various products for skin care around the eyes, one must not only forget about the type of skin, but also take into account age. For example, when choosing skin care products around the eyes after 40 years, it is best to give preference to products that promote cell renewal and restoration, as well as the production of collagen and elastin, thereby helping to restore skin elasticity and firmness. For young skin, cosmetics, which include extracts of fruits and plants, as well as vegetable oils, will be the most suitable. Special attention it is necessary to give cosmetics from the occurrence of mimic wrinkles. These products are most often temporary, but discontinuing them can usually worsen the condition of the skin. The reason lies in the fact that the effect of cosmetics from mimic wrinkles is mainly aimed at weakening muscle contractions, which contributes to a slow supply of blood to tissues. As a result, we have a lack of nutrition of skin cells around the eyes, sagging skin, on which wrinkles appear even more.

And now let's look directly at the main stages of skin care around the eyes.

Cleansing is important, regular and mandatory procedure. Eye makeup is usually removed with a special cosmetic milk. Today, the cosmetics industry offers the latest eye make-up removers, which are two liquids that do not mix with each other: the top liquid contains ultra-light oils that perfectly remove waterproof makeup, the bottom liquid contains soothing plant extracts, is used to remove "normal » cosmetics and irritations. Apply greasy creams and products based on oils for eye make-up removal is possible only in the case of using waterproof cosmetics. For those who wear contact lenses, fatty products Not recommended for removing eye make-up. For this purpose, it is better to use a fat-free eye makeup remover and discard waterproof mascara in favor of the ordinary.

Rules for removing makeup from the eyes.
First you need to remove the mascara. To do this, apply an eye makeup remover to cotton swabs, apply to the eyes for 2-3 minutes, and then gently remove the remaining makeup. Mascara must be removed along the lash line - from the roots to the tips. The rest of the makeup is also removed with a cotton swab and the selected special means, and cleansing must be carried out along the massage lines. The swab must be carried out from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, and then in the opposite direction. It is very important not to rub or stretch the skin. In addition, it is not recommended to rub the makeup remover into the skin so that it does not absorb into it. It is better to remove cosmetics and impurities with a light patting of the skin. It is strictly forbidden to remove makeup from the skin around the eyes hot or very hot. cold water, or, even worse, with soap. This can cause huge damage to your skin, which will not be so easy to eliminate.

Hydration and nutrition.
Special lotions, gels and creams are used to moisturize and nourish the skin around the eyes. These products, unlike conventional skin care products, do not contain various oils that, when applied, spread and can get into the eyes, thereby causing irritation. Such funds must be approved by ophthalmologists. The use of creams is more suitable for dry skin, as they replenish the supply of fats that are so lacking in the area around the eyes, smooth out fine lines that can be caused by a lack of moisture, and also make the skin smooth and supple. It is better not to apply creams on the upper eyelids and on the area directly under the eyes, as various fats and oils contained in them can get into the eye, which is very harmful. Be sure to read the composition of the purchased funds. The presence of a substance such as lanolin in creams must be avoided, since this substance can cause redness and irritation of the eyes when applied.

It is very important to properly apply skin care products around the eyes, because incorrect application even the most efficient and expensive means can have the opposite effect: wrinkles, swelling and bags under the eyes will not take long. It is strictly forbidden to smear the cream on the skin of the eyelids. It is recommended to apply the cream for the skin around the eyes with the ring finger, as it is the most “non-working”. Drops of cream must be applied with light, circular, barely perceptible movements along the massage lines around the eyes. In addition, you can do light tapping with your fingertips, but this is the case if you have circles under the eyes. This method of application contributes to the effective penetration of the cream, prevents stretching of the skin, stimulates blood circulation. Cream for the skin around the eyes must be applied from outer corner to the inner, and not vice versa, as many of us do.

Lotions are lighter in composition than creams, so they are absorbed faster. They also help to smooth wrinkles, make the skin smooth and shiny. Gels for the skin around the eyes are the most effective and useful, especially in cases hypersensitivity eyes, a tendency to swell, and wearing contact lenses. Products such as gels for the skin around the eyes can also be applied to the eyelids. To avoid any allergic reactions, as well as conjunctivitis, it is necessary to periodically change skin care products around the eyes, namely once every four months.

The use of lotions, gels and tonics based on plant extracts soothes and refreshes the skin. To do this, moisten a cotton pad in one of these cotton products and apply to the eyes for 5-10 minutes. The skin around the eyes requires a different attitude, especially if there are any problems. Frozen ice cubes made from a decoction of calendula, chamomile, mint, parsley or lime blossom, or simple drinking water. It is very good every day in the morning after washing to drive an ice cube over the skin around the eyes for several minutes, and then let the skin dry on its own. Cosmetologists recommend using cosmetics based on plant extracts toning and moisturizing the skin twice a day, in the morning and in the evening after cleansing the skin. It is very useful for the skin of the eyelids, especially after 30 years, to make various nourishing, refreshing and tonic masks that help smooth wrinkles, eliminate age spots and edema.

Toning cucumber mask. For this you can use cucumber juice 1 tsp and 1 tsp. dry milk. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin of the eyelids for 10 minutes, then removed with a damp swab. In addition, it is useful to apply cucumber slices on the skin of the eyelids for 5-10 minutes.

Very useful for moisturizing the skin various oils such as: jojoba oil, castor oil or olive oil. Apply the oil to the skin around the eyes in a clockwise direction.

Refreshing mask: 2 teaspoons of dry dill, pour 0.5 cups of boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes. Moisten cotton swabs with plenty of water and, squeezing them slightly, apply to the eyes for 20 minutes.

Nourishing mask: mix 1.5 tbsp. spoons tomato juice with 1 yolk. Then dissolve 2 tbsp. children's nutrient mixture in a small amount water and combine with tomato-yolk mixture. Apply to the skin around the eyes.

Mask for tired eyes: it is useful to nourish the eyes grape juice, for which you just need to take a cut grape and hold a half on the skin around the eyes.

natural mask for dry skin around the eyes: mix 1 yolk and 1 teaspoon of honey, apply the resulting mixture on the eyelids for 10 minutes.

Everyone knows the saying that the eyes are the window to the soul. Poor sleep, worries and many other factors are reflected in our eyes. Here are some tips on what to do when dark circles under the eyes or puffiness appear after sleep. For the morning cleansing procedure, you can use a special cooling eye gel based on plant extracts. This gel is applied in a small amount on the upper and lower eyelids for a few minutes, and then you can start makeup. The most common remedy for puffy eyes can be considered the use of cold black tea bags. To do this, you need to brew bags hot water, cool and put on the eyelids for a few minutes. After that, you need to apply thin layer cream on the area around the eyes and be sure to do physical exercise, you can even run around, because tea lotions in combination with sweat and physical activity quite quickly contribute to the elimination of edema. In addition, in pharmacies you can buy special masks for the eyes, which are made of plastic and filled with gel. They must be stored in the refrigerator. Such masks, if necessary, are applied for several minutes on closed eyes. You can also cook herbal mask at home. To do this, it is necessary to pass the parsley roots through a meat grinder, apply the mixture to the eyes and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then wash away warm water. In any case, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist for consultations to make sure that your kidneys are in order.

To hide dark circles under the eyes, there are special concealers called concealers. These funds have a fairly light and delicate texture, although their ability to hide imperfections is much higher than any foundation. Before applying concealers, it is recommended to use a lifting cream, which will smooth fine wrinkles and increase skin tone. Be sure to allow the cream to absorb so that the skin looks smoother. A means that masks dark circles under the eyes should be applied only to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "bruise". The final touch will be powdering the area of ​​​​the lower and upper eyelids.

Bags under the eyes.
Bags under the eyes are also a common problem in the eye area. What you need to do to prevent their occurrence:

  • it is necessary to sleep so that the head is slightly above the level of the body;
  • don't use too much oily creams for the skin around the eyes, since they only contribute to an increase in puffiness;
  • do not abuse beer and other alcoholic drinks, salty and spicy food, since all this leads to the accumulation of fluid, and, consequently, swelling.
In the fight against bags under the eyes, contrast compresses from a decoction of sage help: this requires 1 hour. l. sage herbs pour half a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain and divide into two portions - hot and cold. Make two gauze pads and alternately apply cold and hot compresses for 10 minutes. This procedure must be done within a month before bedtime. In addition to sage, chamomile or dill are suitable for this compress. You can use a mask of raw grated potatoes: the mixture is laid out on gauze, applied to the eyelids for 10-15 minutes 1-2 times a week. In addition, a special massage (lymphatic drainage) gives a significant improvement, which is best done by a specialist cosmetologist. Bags under the eyes can be disguised foundation, which must be applied in a very thin layer, which should be slightly darker than your natural skin tone.

Irritation and inflammation.
Eye baths are very good for inflammation of the eyes. A convenient small dish (cuvette) must be filled with soft liquid cream for the eyes, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, gently apply it to the open eye and rotate the eyeball until it becomes wet. In addition, you can use eye drops, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. However, some drops contain substances that constrict blood vessels, so they are not recommended for long-term use. Redness of the eyes can be removed with infusion of chamomile or linden. This requires 1 tsp. dry flowers pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes and strain.

Small wrinkles around the eyes.
To prevent the appearance of fine wrinkles around the eyes, it is necessary to use special cosmetics that affect the production of collagen; in bright sunlight, especially in summer periods wear sunglasses to avoid frequent blinking and squinting. In addition, it is very important to regularly massage the area around the eyes with oils (olive, almond), which prevents the premature appearance of wrinkles: apply a few drops of oil with your fingertips to the area around the eyes and with light circular and massaging movements in the direction from the inner corner of the eye to the outer . After that, close your eyes, put your bent fingers on your eyelids and try to open your eyes. Under tension, simultaneously raise your eyebrows.

Masks from the "mesh" around the eyes.
Infusion from fresh leaves birch: 1 glass of birch leaves pour 1 glass cold water and insist for 8 hours, strain. Use as a compress. Melt 1 tbsp. l. honey and mix with 1 tbsp. wheat flour and whipped protein. When the mask dries, wash it off with warm water.

Wrinkles can be masked with products containing ultra-fine powder particles that reflect light, thereby making wrinkles less visible. Bio-hyaluronic acid and malt oil strengthen the skin and make it more elastic. This type of product should be applied in the morning with light patting movements before applying makeup.

Organization proper care for the skin around the eyes, as well as eliminating the causes (smoking, stress, lack of sleep, fatigue) that can lead to the above problems will contribute to a beautiful elastic skin without any wrinkles and unpleasant defects.

The look of a woman can tell everything. Dry skin around the eyes, dark circles, puffiness, wrinkles do not add attractiveness to the look, but make it tired and add years. To keep the skin around the eyes young and supple, it is important to carefully and carefully care for this area from youth, regularly nourish and moisturize it. To cope with such a task is within the power of homemade masks.

Rules for the use of masks for the skin around the eyes.
Masks for the area around the eyes are most conveniently applied with cotton pads. The prepared composition is distributed on them, applied to the area around the eyes and pressed. To withstand such masks should be twenty minutes. It is advisable at this moment to lie down, take comfortable posture and relax. After the specified time, remove the cotton pads, wash off the remnants of the mask boiled water room temperature or use milk or herbal infusion. After the procedure, the skin around the eyes must be moisturized, for which it is ideal to use natural oils (jojoba, olive, sweet almond, sea buckthorn, grape seed), gently driving in with your fingertips. After ten minutes, wet the skin paper napkin. Oils can also be used other than as additional procedures, but in the form of independent masks. Masks may have miscellaneous action(rejuvenate, nourish, moisturize, eliminate swelling, etc.). They can be alternated. Enough 2-3 procedures per week.

Mask for the skin around the eyes for nutrition, moisturizing, skin rejuvenation, combating swelling and dark circles under the eyes, recipes.

Oatmeal honey mask.
Perfectly nourishes the skin, supplying it with the necessary substances.

Honey - 2 tsp.
Oatmeal - 2 tbsp. l.
Strongly brewed tea - 1 tsp.
Warm water - 1 tsp.

Combine the ingredients, put on water bath and warm up a bit. In a warm form, apply to the area around the eyes and leave for twenty minutes. After the specified time, wash off the mask with boiled water at room temperature and lubricate the skin under the eyes with a moisturizer.

Mask of sour cream and parsley.
It nourishes, refreshes, has a decongestant effect, reduces the so-called "bags under the eyes", softens, relieves inflammation.

Chopped parsley - 1 tsp.
Sour cream 30% fat (or cream) - 2 tsp.

Grind sour cream and parsley into a paste, put it on the eye area and let stand for twenty minutes. Rinse with boiled water at room temperature and apply a moisturizer.

Berry mask.
Nourishes, vitamins, tones.

Honey - 1 tsp
Strawberries - 2 large berries.

Crush the strawberries into a pulp and combine with warm honey. Distribute the mixture in two gauze swabs and apply to the entire eyelid area for twenty minutes. After the specified time, remove the swabs, and wipe the area around the eyes with a cotton pad previously moistened with warm milk. At the end of the procedure, moisten the skin under the eyes with a cream.

Nut mask.
It has an intensive nourishing effect, refreshes.

Crushed into coffee grinders walnuts- 1 tsp
Butter - 1 tsp.
Lemon juice (or pomegranate juice) - four drops.

Combine the ingredients and apply to the skin around the eyes. After twenty minutes, wash off the mask with cool water or any herbal infusion and apply a cream with a moisturizing effect.

Aloe mask.
It has a moisturizing effect, softens the skin, makes it soft.

Aloe leaf - 1 pc.

Cut off the aloe leaf, hold in the refrigerator for ten days. Then squeeze the juice and moisten the skin with it.

Honey mask with aloe juice.
It has an intensive nourishing, moisturizing, refreshing, anti-edematous effect, smoothes wrinkles.

Aloe juice - 1 tsp
Honey - 1 tsp

Aloe leaves cut off, hold in the refrigerator for ten days and only then squeeze the juice. For one procedure, one medium leaflet is enough. Combine the juice of the plant with honey, spread on gauze swabs and apply to the skin around the eyes. After half an hour, remove the tampons and wash with warm water. At the end of the procedure, moisturize the skin with cream.

Herbal mask.
Moisturizes, soothes, relieves inflammation and fatigue from the eyes.

Sage herb - 1 tsp
Herb chamomile - 1 tsp.
Boiling water - 125 ml.
Olive oil - 1 tsp
Cottage cheese 9% fat - 1 tbsp. l.

Chop the herbs and pour boiling water, wrap and let it brew for twenty minutes. Drain the water, add cottage cheese and butter to the herbal mass. Grind everything into a paste and refrigerate. Before applying the cold composition, the skin around the eyes should be well lubricated with a nourishing cream. Keep the mask for twenty minutes, rinse with cool water. At the end of the procedure, lubricate the skin with a cream with a moisturizing effect.

Cucumber mask.
Moisturizes and tones the skin.

Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.

Grate cucumber on a fine grater. Distribute the cucumber mass on two gauze swabs and apply to the eyelids for fifteen minutes. After the specified time, remove the tampons, wash with cool water and apply a moisturizer.

Mask with carrot juice.
Vitaminizes, smoothes fine wrinkles, rejuvenates. Apply daily for a month.

Carrot medium size- 1 PC.
Almond oil - 1 tsp

Grind the carrots and squeeze out the juice. Add oil to it. ready mix Place in a jar with a lid, shake and leave to cool in the refrigerator. After two hours, apply the mask on the area around the eyes and leave for forty minutes. Rinse off with cool water. After the procedure, moisturize the skin with cream.

Spinach mask.
Rejuvenates, refreshes, relieves swelling and reduces circles under the eyes.

Spinach juice - 1 tsp
Sea buckthorn oil (or grape seed) - 1 tsp.
A solution of vitamin A in oil - 5 drops.

Squeeze juice from fresh spinach leaves and mix it with the rest of the ingredients. Spread the mixture on the area around the eyes and hold for half an hour. Remove the mask with a cotton swab dipped in warm milk.

Cabbage mask.
Smoothes wrinkles, refreshes, tones.

White cabbage leaves - 2 pcs.
Brewer's yeast - ¼ tsp
Honey - 1 tsp
Almond oil - 2 tsp

Squeeze the juice from the cabbage and combine with the rest of the ingredients. Apply the mask on the eyelid area and the skin under the eyes for twenty minutes. Rinse with cool water and apply a nourishing cream.

Apple mask.
Removes or reduces swelling, refreshes, tones.

Fresh apple - 1 pc.

Grind apples, spread the mass on gauze swabs and apply to the skin around the eyes. After fifteen minutes, remove the swabs and wash with cool water. Be sure to lubricate the skin under the eyes after the procedure with a nourishing cream.

Potato mask.
Relieves swelling, vitamins, refreshes, tightens the skin, removes dark circles.

Raw potato small - 1 pc.

Rinse the potatoes thoroughly and dry them, without removing the peel, chop in a blender. Distribute the finished gruel (1 tsp each) into two gauze swabs and apply to the skin around the eyes, pressing down slightly. After fifteen minutes, remove the swabs, and wipe the area under the eyes with a cotton pad dipped in tea leaves, and smear with cream.

Potato-milk mask.
Removes puffiness and dark circles under the eyes, fortifies.

Chopped fresh potato mass - 2 tsp.
Flour - 2 tsp
Warm milk - 2 tsp

Combine all the ingredients in one mass and distribute it in two gauze swabs and apply to the eyelid area. After ten minutes, remove the tampons and wash with cool water. Moisturize the skin after the procedure.

Parsley Root Mask.
It has a decongestant effect, eliminates dark circles under the eyes.

Parsley root - 1 pc.

Chop the parsley root and apply the resulting slurry to the skin around the eyes. After twenty minutes, wash off the composition with warm water, and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

Cucumber mask with sour cream and coriander.
Stimulates blood circulation in the skin around the eyes, fights bruising and swelling, tones, refreshes, moisturizes.

Chopped on a fine grater fresh cucumber- 1 tsp
Finely chopped coriander - 1 tsp.
Fatty sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.

Combine the ingredients into a homogeneous mass, which is applied to the area around the eyes. After fifteen minutes, wash off the composition with cool water and lubricate the skin with cream.

Cucumber mask with sour cream and cinnamon.
Nourishes, tones, moisturizes loose skin, eliminates circles under the eyes.

Chopped cucumber - 1 tbsp. l.
Fatty sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.
Cinnamon powder - 1 tsp

Mix the components, distribute the area around the eyes and leave for fifteen minutes. Wash off the mask with boiled water at room temperature. At the end of the procedure, moisturize the skin with cream.

Bread mask with milk.
Nourishes, smoothes wrinkles, tones, tightens.

White bread crumb - 1 slice.
Warm milk - a small amount.

Soak the crumb in milk until a homogeneous slurry. Distribute the resulting mass on two gauze swabs and apply to the eyelid area, slightly pressing down, for fifteen minutes. Then remove the tampons, wash with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.

Potato mask with sea buckthorn oil.
Nourishes, moisturizes, tones, improves skin elasticity, smoothes fine wrinkles.

Boiled potato - ¼ part.
Warm milk - 1 tbsp. l.
Sea buckthorn oil ½ tsp

Mash hot potatoes with milk and butter. Distribute the warm mass on gauze swabs (single) and apply on closed eyes. After ten minutes, remove the tampons, wash with warm water, lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

Mask with chamomile and arnica.
Tones, refreshes, soothes, relieves puffiness and irritation.

Chamomile grass - 1 pinch.
Arnica herb - 1 pinch
Boiling water - 100 ml.

Herbs combine and pour boiling water. Insist under a lid and a towel for twenty minutes. Soak cotton pads in warm infusion and apply on the eye area for fifteen minutes. After removing the mask, you do not need to wash your face, just additionally moisturize the skin with cream.

Mask with chamomile and linden.
Eliminates puffiness, relieves inflammation, improves firmness and elasticity, prevents the formation of wrinkles.

Chamomile herb - 1 tsp
Linden blossom - 1 tsp
Boiling water - 200 ml.

Mix herbs and pour boiling water, insist under a warm cap for twenty minutes. Soak cotton pads in warm infusion and apply on closed eyes. After twenty minutes, remove the discs, additionally moisturize the skin with cream.

And finally. Before using any mask, be sure to test for allergic reactions. Masks for the skin around the eyes are an additional supporting procedure for maintaining youthful skin. It is very important to lead healthy lifestyle life, eat right and give up bad habits including squint and frown. In sunny weather, do not forget about special glasses, never go to bed with unremoved makeup. For the rest, live brightly and smile! Good luck!