How to build the right relationship. How to build a relationship with a man. Psychologist's advice. How to build the right and healthy relationship with a man

Psychology 0

I am glad to welcome you, dear ladies, on my Internet blog! It's no secret that a woman and a man are different in nature. They have different logic emotional condition, psychology.

But this is how it should be according to the laws of nature, because opposites are drawn to each other. For each of us it is important.

How to choose the right life partner?

Worthy girls choose worthy grooms as their gentlemen. However, how among the many boyfriends to notice one, the best applicant? So often people make the mistake of wasting their time in a destructive relationship.

Girls usually put forward whole line criterion, what should be their potential boyfriend, but they forget about the most basic. Perhaps the most important thing to pay attention to is the presence common interests. At first glance, this may seem primitive to you, but if you look at it, this is the most the most important criterion.

When both people have the same thoughts, opinions, views on life, they will never be bored together, and they will always support each other. Even if you are opposites, it does not mean that you will be bored. In this case, you can find in your partner what you lack and learn something useful and new from him.

We attract the right partner

A woman should be a person, and real lady does not envy others and knows his own virtues well. She knows that she is so alone and period. When a person loves and accepts himself with all the shortcomings, others begin to love and appreciate him. If she wishes to meet a worthy passion and interest her, she must be interesting to herself.

Today there are many opportunities for reincarnation own image and emphasizing their merits. First of all, you should go in for sports, watch your figure, visit a spa, take care of yourself and your style.

Check out the lessons for women to help build strong relationships with a man.

accept yourself

Someone wise once said that a person should learn to be happy alone with himself and it will be easy for him to find happiness with his soul mate. We are mistaken in believing that the person who comes into our life will suddenly make us happy, like in a fairy tale.

The world depends on the internal state. Start with yourself: smile at life and every day, cheer yourself up, be an optimist and charge other people with your energy.

Don't try to get to know someone intentionally. Surely everyone can confirm that the most successful acquaintances Happen absolutely spontaneously, when you don't expect it at all. When a person is positively tuned, it is immediately visible and other people begin to be drawn to him.

Do what you like and what brings true bliss.

Work out in the gym, visit interesting events, travel, find your hobby. This lifestyle will provide you with new acquaintances with the right people that will be of interest to you. Moreover, new hobbies make you richer inner world and do not require you to make a significant investment.

Don't idealize

One very famous edition of Time conducted a curious experiment. It was found that the female gender is prone to idealization of her partner, which is why she rejects potential candidates for husbands. The stronger sex, on the contrary, begins to idealize a woman after entering into a serious relationship with her.

Such ladies should ask the question, what do they get from such behavior? After all, there are no ideals a priori and it is foolish to wait, hoping that the prince will soon ride on a white horse. Perhaps the ideal can be called someone with whom it is good and comfortable, in general, good.

Even if you once had perfect man who courted you and tried to please you, this is all an illusion. People can put on a mask and become perfect for a while in order to get theirs. When will you start after candy-bouquet period live together, you will immediately notice all the shortcomings of a mere mortal. After all, someone snores loudly, someone grinds their teeth in their sleep, someone sips tea, and so on.

What do you think, is it worth to endure such trifles for the sake of a serious relationship? That's right, it's worth it. Moreover, not only endure, but learn to simply ignore them, so as not to spoil the mood either for yourself or your chosen one. If you really don’t like something, you should tactfully say it and solve the problem.

For the sake of his woman, a man will and wants to change. If you still hope to meet your ideal, realize that you must be ideal too. And that's not true, no one is perfect.

Idealists have always found it difficult to build strong relationships. These people are self-critical and demanding of others. They keep their partner on a tight rein and never let him relax. Do you know what a normal self-respecting man would do? She will run away to a far from ideal one, but she will be happy with her!

It should also be said that you should not build illusions before meeting a man. You think that you should marry a handsome, muscular brunette, but fate believes that you will be happy with a green-eyed blonde and you can’t argue with her.

Find out interesting:

Let him be a part of your life

If you meet a new guy who wants to pay for you at a restaurant, let him do it. Men have always been and will be hunters, and for many of them this is simply insulting. Give him the opportunity to please you.

If you intend to build right relationship with a man, you must love him, be passionate, seductive and wise. Then he will never look to the left, but only at you!

Dear ladies, there are still many interesting things for you on my Internet portal. Subscribe to updates to get acquainted with them and share information with friends on social networks. Good luck!

An ideal relationship with a girl is the dream of every man. Yes, this is a banal truth, but the importance of personal life is often unfairly downplayed. Everything seems to work itself out. Meanwhile, relationships do not just occupy a significant part of your life, they gradually come to the fore, influencing everything else. So if a relationship brings tension instead of joy, it is unlikely that the girl next to you corresponds to your ideal.

And here there are two ways: to find the very one, the only one that meets all the parameters for this role, or to “educate” the most the right girl bringing it to perfection.

But before you start acting, you need to understand what they are - ideal relationship With girl.

How to build the perfect relationship with a girl?

What future awaits you?

Most clear sign An ideal relationship can be defined by answering a simple question - do you see you together in the future? If yes, how far can you imagine it?

So you listen to your feelings, which, as you know, do not lie. If there is a clear feeling that you will be together further, then this is perfect sign.

If you often plan the future, set goals for a month, six months, a year ahead, then there is a reason for joy.

You can check it out if in doubt: just start a conversation about the future and watch how she reacts. If you see that the topic inspires her, she herself offers something - this is very good. But if a girl somehow leaves the conversation, or he clearly does not arouse her enthusiasm, this is a bad sign.

But there are other factors that will help you make the final verdict on a relationship.

What are you ready to go for?

No matter how trite it may sound, but an ideal relationship implies readiness for self-sacrifice both partners.

Try to ask yourself a question - what are you willing to do for her comfort? Can you change something about yourself that was good for her?

You can also analyze her behavior. If you hear from her phrases like “Your expectations are your problems”, “I’m not going to change myself for someone else”, then this means that she is just does not consider you as his man. Just a temporary option until there is nothing better.

Ideal relationships are defined in a completely different way - in them a girl tries to change in her behavior what her man does not like.

The same goes for you. Yes, these rules apply to both partners, no matter how much you would like the opposite.

You need to make sure that your behavior does not cause discomfort to the girl, and if this happens, change it.

But it is not necessary to consider sacrifice only as something global. It is worth paying attention to the little things - that's where we really show up.

What do you invest in each other?

Here it is worth considering not only material, but also emotional "investments".

With material things, everything is more or less clear - you both have to spend money on each other. Although many girls believe that a man should pay for everything, even if she has her own means. If she thinks so, then it is, though not so significant, but still negative indicator.

The same goes for her emotions. If she does not give, but only takes - this does not look like an ideal relationship with a darling.

But emotions are more difficult. How do you know if she's investing in a relationship?

Here, too, your feelings should help you. If you are asking this question, then something is wrong.

I know a lot of cases when a girl managed to give a lot, although she had absolutely no material freedom for this.

And she did it at any moment, even when there were some problems.

Think about it the next time you decide that today is not the best right moment do something for her.

Do you inspire each other?

An ideal relationship with a girl makes you feel energized and motivated after talking with her. You just talked on the phone, and you feel that you are charged positive emotions and ready for new challenges? This is a great sign. As in advertising: "Red Bull inspires!". =)

If she experiences something similar, then this is another good sign.

The secret of a perfect relationship is in sex

How important do you think sex is in an ideal relationship with a girl?

This is at least 90% of all factors, because it is because of him that you are together now.

This cannot be changed. And you should not believe her if she assures that everything suits her in bed, and you yourself understand that you are far from being a giant or you feel that not everything is so smooth. Imagine if you had problems with oxygen or nutrition - would everything be fine in this case? Of course not. And sex is just as important, and our nature is to blame.

Can you satisfy your girlfriend?

How dangerous is dissatisfaction in sex, you probably understand yourself. In such a situation, it is impossible not only to build an ideal relationship with a girl, but their complete collapse is inevitable. It's just a matter of time.

I hope now you understand what an ideal relationship with a girl should be like:

You dissolve in them and do not torture yourself with questions. You both give each other strength and constantly give emotions. There is no fear that the girl will leave you if you do not do something.

And if you are still not sure that your relationship with a girl is ideal, do not close your eyes to it. Do your best to make sure of this as soon as possible. The sooner you understand this, the sooner you will leave her (don't be afraid, it's not difficult at all), and the sooner you will find the girl with whom you are ideal in terms of building relationships.

Do not worry, she will cope with the breakup, and you will not lose precious years that cannot be returned.

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      How to build the right and healthy relationship with a man?

      I am glad to welcome you, dear ladies, on my Internet blog! It's no secret that a woman and a man are different in nature. They have different logic, emotional state, psychology.

      But this is how it should be according to the laws of nature, because opposites are drawn to each other. It is important for each of us to realize ourselves in terms of serious relationships, to create strong family give birth to heirs.

      How to choose the right life partner?

      Worthy girls choose worthy grooms as their gentlemen. However, how among the many boyfriends to notice one, the best applicant? So often people make the mistake of wasting their time in a destructive relationship.

      Girls usually put forward a number of criteria for what their potential boyfriend should be, but they forget about the most basic one. Perhaps the most important thing to pay attention to is the existence of common interests. At first glance, this may seem primitive to you, but if you look at it, this is the most important criterion.

      When both people have the same thoughts, opinions, views on life, they will never be bored together, and they will always support each other. Even if you are opposites, it does not mean that you will be bored. In this case, you can find in your partner what you lack and learn something useful and new from him.

      We attract the right partner

      A woman should be a person, and a real lady does not envy others and knows her own virtues well. She knows that she is so alone and period. When a person loves and accepts himself with all the shortcomings, others begin to love and appreciate him. If she wishes to meet a worthy passion and interest her, she must be interesting to herself.

      Today there are many opportunities for reincarnation of one's own image and emphasizing one's merits. First of all, you should go in for sports, watch your figure, visit a spa, take care of yourself and your style.

      Check out the lessons for women that will help build a strong relationship with a man here.

    There is an opinion in society that after 30-40-50 it is impossible to arrange personal life. We will try to refute this erroneous opinion, and determine the course in which we need to act in order to find our only one, exactly the one we need. We also need to know where and how to look for him, how to behave when you meet him, what should unite and what needs to be done so that he does not leave. Well, consider the cases when you are in long term relationship with a man, but the relationship is in jeopardy. The wrong behavior of a woman in a relationship with a man usually leads to a break, no matter how bright and famous woman was not. An example of this is the story of love, passion and betrayal, the famous opera diva Maria Callas.

    Where to find a decent man

    Men, if they are in search, approach the issue from the point of view of practicality and convenience and consider options suitable for themselves at a close psychological or physical distance. After all, many families are formed through mutual friends and acquaintances, when partners are engaged in a common cause, are employees at work, study at the same institute, etc. So you need to consider options for single men in your environment, among like-minded people, and if there are none or these options are not interesting, you can be helped out social network, a dating site or contacting a dating agency.

    What should be a man

    After you have decided where to look, you need to figure out what you want from a man, what qualities he should have. You should not approach this with too high requirements, but at least the minimum is necessary. On dating sites, there is a special questionnaire for you to simply formulate the image of your knight and tell about yourself. But if you do not want to contact a dating site, you can take their profile as a sample to fill out. For example, there is a question, who do you want to find?

    From my point of view, any of us wants him to be smart, strong and well-to-do, and such a man may well be in a long-term relationship with you, but his plans do not always include marriage. Then your main need is not fulfilled, you feel insecure, vulnerable and the relationship is threatened.

    What does a man need

    It doesn’t hurt to figure out what a man needs from a relationship, and if you simply answer this question, you get the following:

    • he must feel like a real man;
    • find mutual understanding at home;
    • he must have regular sex;

    If married to a man, any of the points is not carried out, marital relations can fall apart, even if the remaining items are performed at the highest level.

    It happens that when you met, many years ago, you possessed qualities that your lover once really liked, but now these qualities have disappeared. For example, as a young girl, you had a slender figure, carelessness and cheerfulness, admired your partner. And this was very important for your husband, he fell in love with you thanks to slim figure and cheerful laughter. And the way you looked at him with admiring eyes and your support became the determining factor in his desire to marry you.

    Years passed, you got excess weight, often criticize the actions of your husband, express dissatisfaction aloud, and even if the claims are fair, this causes rejection in any man. If you want to save your marriage, make an effort to get back at least some of what your husband loved you for. And there will be an opportunity to update the relationship.

    How to build a relationship with a man

    It happens in a nascent relationship, you must have a unique quality that other women do not have, but which your partner really needs and he will definitely distinguish you from others and make a choice in your favor.
    For example, your man is an artist, not all women understand painting, but you understand and this is your advantage over them. You know how to talk about styles and trends in painting, highlight his talent and admire him. And if, in addition to this, you cook well and easily cater to his culinary passions, you have a second bonus. And of course, the attraction factor and the third bonus will be your sexuality, complete with a good figure.

    And the fourth bonus, say compliments to men, it turns out that they also love with their ears, but compliments need to be said about his BUSINESS, which he does or the activity where his hunter instinct is realized, experiencing satisfaction from his activities from positive results. From such a woman - a man will never leave.

    If a man is looking for a relationship for one or two meetings, he does not particularly meticulously consider the qualities that a woman possesses, she can be hysterical, with high material demands for clothes, entertainment, or not be able to cook at all, because he can’t live with her. But when a man serious intentions, he chooses a partner with whom he will be comfortable, with whom he will be happy and not always a woman of outstanding beauty, she may have quite modest external data, but be calm and gentle.

    Thus, we choose men, you may like the actor Brad Pitt, but he is not within your reach, you can wait all your life and hope that someday you will meet him or meet a person very similar to him and connect your life with him. You need to think about whether it is worth spending time on such a dream or maybe pay attention to real ones. worthy men. Or another extreme, at the stage of the candy-bouquet period, you are annoyed by the frequent and excessive use of alcohol by a man. You should not hope that you will be able to re-educate him and he will stop drinking - this is naive, and years of life with such a person will be irretrievably lost.

    You ask: "And how to determine the seriousness of a man's intentions?"

    If he treats you with respect and strives for you to be together as much as possible, this man is serious. If he violates his plans, in order to help you in difficult situation, is not indifferent to your problems, sacrifices his time and interests for you, takes care of you, then we can talk about the seriousness of intentions. Score it on those factors that relate to the long-term aspects associated with you, from which you can make a pleasant conclusion that he wants to be with you for a very long time.

    Sooner or later, each of us enters into a relationship, someone has relatively little experience in this matter, and other men have already managed to mess things up and lose a few worthy girls. This article will be useful for both the second and the first, because we all somehow want to find a beloved woman and find a spiritually close person.

    Dear friend, the concept of relationship means long-term prospective communication with a possible transition to a family, and not just “dating a girl” for more or less fun pastime with sex. If you dream of becoming real man and you want to know how, then you must take into account the three fundamental factors that a woman needs in a relationship:

    • give a birth to a baby
    • build a family
    • realize at the expense of the chosen man

    The last is your money, connections, opportunities and prospects that you can give her. Roughly speaking, this is barter, and the more status or beautiful the girl you want is, the higher her requests will be.

    Therefore, if at the current stage you do not correspond to the above three points, then you do not need such a relationship in this moment. Think! Better use all the resources for self-development, achieving goals and making money, instead of marrying just anyone. Dear friend, this is the most important idea of ​​the article, so carefully reread this paragraph several times.

    After all, most guys, instead of, or at least think about it, marry real crocodiles! Mustache under the nose, small breasts, fat ass and more, mono eyebrow, unshaven genitals, do you think this is the worst?

    This list is endless. How I feel sorry for these guys ... But all this could have been avoided and got the best.

    It's not even that girls are so bad, no, all men are also not without sin. The biggest problem in our society is upbringing: instead of men growing up confident and self-sufficient, weakness and suppleness are laid in them from childhood. Many guys are forced to marry by their mothers and grandmothers because “it’s time”, “age”, “you need to be like everyone else”, “when will you start a family?” and a bunch of other stupid reasons.. Therefore, approach everything with your head and do not marry the first crocodile that comes across. Cultivate in yourself aspirations for the best and raise standards. The fact that there is sex in your life and some kind of love does not mean at all that you should fall at the feet of this woman.

    Now I propose to analyze a step-by-step algorithm for creating strong long term relationship. I hope it doesn't need to be mentioned that before that you have to get an impressive amount of experience with the opposite sex, be able to seduce them effectively and be popular with women.


    It is necessary to have a clear intention in your head that you want a deep relationship with the prospect of creating a family, and not something else. In my closed focus group, together with one client, we are engaged in this particular area. By the way, the New Year starts, don't miss it!

    You need to understand this fact very consciously and deeply in your head. Accordingly, you will have to look for a girl with similar intentions and goals. That is, the usual pick-up for the sake of sex, dating sites, clubs and dating sites automatically fall out of our search area, because there are mostly girls who are amenable to easy seduction and intercourse without obligations. Of course, there are exceptions in the form of stray girls who accidentally ended up in those places, but their number is too small to be taken seriously.

    Where to find a girl for a serious relationship?

    A casual acquaintance is ideal, when neither you nor she expected to meet each other. Various courses, developmental trainings, contextual events, social circle, especially the latter can work well for you. If suddenly you don’t know how to get acquainted, then I invite you to live bootcamps, where everything is sorted out to the smallest detail and students learn all the knowledge in practice.

    Instead of trying to fuck everyone in a row, it’s better to focus on targeted actions, that is, describe in great detail and detail the portrait of your potential wife, and the more accurately you do this, the best girl get. This applies to both appearance and internal qualities, thinking and lifestyle. Next, you need to approach precisely such girls, you should not even approach others. If after a couple of minutes of conversation you see that she is not your type, feel free to go to the next one.

    As it is well known, any relationship begins only and only after sex. Everything that happens before this is only a preliminary stage. Until you close it, consider that there is nothing. Many girls, even if they are not the most beautiful, use manipulation through the lack of sex to get resources from you and satisfy their whims. So don't fall for this nonsense!

    All women are well aware that after they give, a pliable and generous boyfriend can immediately evaporate, therefore it is more profitable for them to delay this moment. Your task is to take yours like a man and not waste a lot of time and money. From your side, sex should be very cool and bring her orgasms, this is one of the ways to control a woman. If you do not do this, she will find another male who can satisfy her sexual needs. Therefore, I advise you to master the course "", because it is useful not only for keeping girls.

    Now is the time to pass her tests.. In the initial stages, even before sex, your woman will try !!bend you in every possible way!! and throw great amount checks. Hand on heart, this will never stop, so you need to initially be a self-confident man with a strong inner core. However, you can get smarter and include reverse seduction frame so that she, and not you, passes your checks.

    How can I do that?

    Put her in harsh conditions, but keep in mind that if you go too far, then your beloved may open her real essence after which you won't want to see her. You do the toughest things at your own peril and risk. Can you imitate serious illness or injury, loss of your fortune or job, or any other accident. If a girl really loves you, then she will not evaporate under the pressure of circumstances. And if she is indifferent to you or only cares about money, then the “beloved” immediately fades.

    To more soft ways checks are Cohabitation , life test, meeting parents, vacation or trip, hike and so on. During which time she can play anyone, but after a while the girl will not be able to hide her nature to the end, therefore it will be very useful to go to the village and work together in the garden or in the garden, go on a trip, let her take care of the children of relatives, and in general to look at what she is good for and how she copes with household duties. 🙂

    All this is also necessary so that you get used to each other and learn to overcome obstacles in difficult time, because at the beginning of a relationship, both men and women make mistakes, so you need to learn how to smooth corners and support each other.

    Impossible for a long time be with one woman if you don't have the right position. That is, you are in first place, she is in second. Of course, you should not become an insensitive creature and turn your wife into a slave, but you should clearly see the moments when she tries to manipulate you and impose her vision. You are a man, remember this always. It's you who leads the relationship, not her!

    How can you know what you did right choice when you have nothing to compare to? That is why, after some time in the current relationship seduce another girl. This is necessary so that you make sure of the initial decision, do not bend under your beloved and maintain your seduction skills at the proper level. After all, to be successful with one of the fair sex, you need to be successful with women in general. There is simply no other way.

    So try and try again, dear friend. Yegor Sheremetiev was with you, bye!

    When a man and a woman meet, they involuntarily begin to consider each other as life partners. This behavior is typical for many couples, but not everyone knows how to build relationships correctly. In most cases, such a question is resorted to by girls who seek to keep their companion and make him happy. Experienced psychologists developed a number actionable recommendations, they must be taken into account.

    Don't rush things

    No need to rush, do not try to get everything at once. You cannot build a strong relationship in a week or a month, it will take more time. Otherwise, there is a risk of scaring off a man who thinks that you are too intrusive.

    You can have unlimited sympathy and passion, but not every partner is ready to plunge into the pool with his head. This does not mean at all that a man does not want to make you a part of his life, not at all. He needs more time to get out of the shell and reach his potential. Take it like that, don't push it.

    If you can say with confidence that you have found not a soul mate, but your person, you will succeed. If the connection is made quickly and thoughtlessly, there is a risk that the man will never open up under strong pressure or manifestation of feelings on your part.

    Because the modern world different from the Middle Ages, do not try to start talking about the wedding after the first sex or a month of spending time together. Do not interfere with the companion to receive true pleasure from the candy-bouquet period, relax and accept courtship.

    It is not uncommon for only a girl to invest in the development of relationships. The man, in turn, wants to get physical satisfaction and a little fun. It is important to find out in time true intentions gentleman, then understand whether you need it or not. If a man is not serious, your attempts will be in vain.

    Many girls are distrustful of the newly-made companion. In such cases, we recommend conducting an “investigation” on initial stage relations. However, you should not suffer from paranoid inclinations, by your actions you can provoke a breakup.

    Dare to be weak

    The true male mission is to protect and protect his woman. Let the companion be strong, you will not always be able to win back your honor and answer the offender. A man should get “rights” to you, show himself as the head of the family and protector.

    The ability to be weak lies not only in the possibility or impossibility of rebuffing the offender. It's not about extreme situations but about everyday issues. Do you feel uncomfortable arguing with colleagues? Tell your partner about the situation, let him take you in his arms and calm you down.

    Sometimes it's enough big hugs and words of support to make the girl feel protected. Do not try to solve pressing issues on your own, assign some of the responsibilities to a partner.

    Let go of ideals

    Women tend to invent an image perfect companion and then try to remake a man to fit your ideals. If you consider yourself to be in this category of people, stop. Learn to accept your partner for who they really are. Does a man snore loudly in his sleep or is he not expressing himself correctly enough? Accept it or direct it affectionately, without reproaches, be tactful.

    Take advantage psychological technique, which will prevent parsing. Take a landscape sheet, divide it into two columns, first write down positive traits, in the second - negative (what you do not like). Try to understand which traits prevail. Can you tolerate the cons with so many pros? If so, calm down and close your eyes to the negative qualities.

    Some girls claim that men don't change, however this delusion extremely erroneous. Clever woman knows how to influence a partner in order to “sculpt” him for himself. It is important to remember forever that ideal people do not exist a priori. A man is not perfect, you are not perfect. Much easier to build serious relationship, if you do not find fault with yourself and others, try it.

    A man who keeps in touch with an idealistic woman can never feel relaxed. After a certain period the fair half will start to suppress him manhood, as a result of which the satellite will leave forever.

    Let your partner provide for you

    A man's mission is to be a breadwinner and breadwinner. If a partner doubts his ability to feed his family and provide for a companion, he suffers significantly. male ego. A man begins to doubt his strengths, often closes, becomes depressive. A woman needs to create all the conditions to prevent the development similar condition at the satellite.

    Of course, the modern world leaves its mark on society. Everything more girls achieve heights in their careers, drive a car, buy real estate and acquire other benefits without the participation of a man. Gone are the days when girls were considered the weaker sex.

    Your the main task- to move a man to new achievements, to become a muse for him. The partner must understand that your future depends only on his ability to earn money. Even though you make good money, keep your femininity.

    Learn to be happy

    No man wants to spend his life with a depressed person who does not see a happy future. Stop complaining about appearance, circumstances, colleagues, friends. Love yourself and enjoy life, no matter the situation. Stop discussing your trip to the dentist and your broken nail with your partner, look for happiness in simple things.

    It's no secret that internal state person is directly dependent on wealth. If you're worried difficult period lack of money, try not to focus on it. Work, but don't work hard. Strive for more, while always cheering your partner. Say “We will succeed!” more often, give the man an incentive to live.

    The most beautiful things happen unexpectedly. If you enjoy every day, the satellite will begin to adopt good mood from you. In the end, you form a happy cheerful couple who went through everything and did not break.

    Find a hobby that will bring you pleasure. Sign up for gym or the pool, start dancing, consider stretching, Pilates, yoga. If it is not possible to visit specialized sections, read books, listen to relaxing music. Similar life position greatly broaden your horizons. Remember how long you've been trying to start playing sports, but do not find time for it? It's time to act!

    Eliminate Scheduled Sex

    The beauty of sex is that it doesn't have to be on schedule. In a relationship between a man and a woman important role plays not only spiritual intimacy, but also physical. During love pleasures, partners approach each other, open up to each other, say out loud what they would never talk about under normal circumstances.

    Try not to dose sex, make love where and when you want, whether it's the kitchen table, washing machine, the roof of a skyscraper or a fitting room in a boutique underwear. Do not set limits, otherwise the man will find another lady for a supporting role.

    In a relationship, it is important that the companions satisfy their sexual desire, embodied fantasies in reality and discussed possible difficulties in the intimate sphere. Try to be as open and sexy as possible, but at the same time moderately accessible.

    Do not skimp on words of praise

    In order for a man's self-esteem to be at the proper level, it is necessary to recognize his authority as the head of the family. Do not skimp on the words of praise, even if it seems to you that the partner has done ordinary things (washed the dishes, went to the store, etc.).

    For you, such manipulations are a routine, but for him - a reason for pride. It is important to clarify that you are obliged to express your admiration when it comes to more serious things (buying an apartment, moving up the career ladder, getting a new specialty, etc.).

    Talk about whatever comes to mind. “Darling, thank you for taking care of us. You are ideal man!" or “You make such delicious chicken in the oven, I love it!”. Don't wait for your partner to start asking for compliments, give them often and heartily.

    Such tactics work many times more effectively if you raise male authority in the presence of relatives and friends. It is not necessary to use hackneyed phrases, speak sincerely. Find what you really like, focus on that quality.

    Stay loyal

    No matter how trite it may sound, but many couples forget about simple things. Girls demand fidelity from men, although they themselves regularly glance to the left. If you want to build a strong relationship, be faithful in any situation. It doesn't matter if you have a fight or lack of attention, do not stoop to such meanness as treason.

    Loyalty must be kept not only in the intimate sphere, but also in life situations. For example, you know for sure that the partner is wrong. There is no need to “ring” friends and relatives about this, do not take out the shortcomings of the gentleman for all to see.

    Always stay close, no matter the situation. Support a man even when it seems that he will not succeed. True love overcome all obstacles, become a support for a partner. You will notice how the man begins to blossom before your eyes, this will be a signal that the direction is chosen correctly.

    Listen to your intuition

    To build a strong bond, you need to listen to inner voice. If the relationship between a man and a woman develops correctly, you will begin to experience an upsurge, you will flutter and enjoy every day. It turns out that a strong connection inspires, energizes, and not vice versa.

    Frequent quarrels and misunderstandings, which sometimes happen during grinding, take all the energy. A manifestation of tenderness will help to fill it, spending time together and sex.

    If you feel that you do not have enough strength for ordinary things that used to give pleasure, run away from the man and do not look back. Next to a loving partner, a woman should flourish, not wither.

    It is easy to build a relationship with a man if you show care and devotion. Do not rush things, let your partner open up. Do not idealize your companion, learn to be weak, let a man provide for you and protect you. Enjoy every passing day, find a hobby that will make you happy.

    Video: how to competently build relationships with men