Formation of fine motor skills of hands. Fine motor skills of hands in preschool children. Why you need to develop fine motor skills

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Knowing the world, the baby tries to perform numerous movements with his fingers: he grabs objects, sorts out small details, dresses and undresses dolls, sculpts or makes applications, tries to fasten zippers, buttons, buttons ... to the extent that it competes even with adults. In order for your baby to advance more intensively in his knowledge of the environment, we offer several great ideas how to develop fine motor skills in a child up to three years.

Development fine motor skills children have three main tasks:

  • improvement of grasping actions (capturing objects with the palm, pinch, "tweezers");
  • development of correlative movements (the ability to correlate several objects with each other);
  • training fingers to perform household, gaming, creative and other activities.

Let's look at concrete examples what developing games for fine motor skills can be used at home.

You will need:

Paper exercises

Paper is of great interest to the baby: in addition to the fact that you can draw on it, it is fraught with many fascinating things.

  • It can be crushed, torn, crafted from it, wrapped in it small items.
  • From crumpled paper balls you can arrange a real sports game on accuracy: hitting them into the basket from a short distance.
  • You can please your indefatigable dreamer with an interesting creative idea: create wonderful appliqués from pieces of torn paper.
  • Teach your little one to tear paper into strips. By putting them in a box and turning it over, you will get a real paper rain, from which the child will be delighted.

When giving paper to a toddler, clearly discuss with him the rules for its use. Having carried away, the baby can use wallpaper on the walls, and his mother's favorite books or magazines ... To prevent these unpleasant incidents from happening, provide the baby with old wallpaper rolls.

Even if you have unnecessary books or magazines, do not let them be torn apart by a little researcher: he will transfer his disrespectful attitude towards them to any other books.

In addition, often pieces of books can end up in the baby's mouth, and printing ink is by no means useful for him. Better show me how to turn the pages of books. This is also a great developmental exercise that teaches your little one to grasp thin and naughty pages. Start with cardboard pages and gradually reduce their density.

Development of finger strength

fingers small child not only disobedient, but also weak, which reduces the arsenal of his movements and is often the cause of the annoyance of the crumbs. To develop their strength, use several exercises.

Give the kid rubber bulb and show how she "shoots" the air. You can play “football” with a blown air stream by driving a small piece of cotton wool into the goal. You can experiment with a pear in the bathroom, playing with water.

Also among the games pressing objects into dough or plasticine. A great activity is playing with raisins. Show the little one how to decorate the future cake with raisins. Plasticine is harder to work with.

Give the kid material for applications: small pebbles, shells, beads, buttons - and give free rein to his indefatigable imagination.

Fine motor skills are well developed kneading plasticine. This preparatory stage before sculpting is very important. It’s hard for a baby to start working with naughty frozen plasticine, so this work is useful for training physical strength.

Games with clockwork toys, music boxes also contribute to development. Give your child the opportunity to make them himself.

Grasping movement training

One of the most challenging tasks for a child under three years old - learn to confidently take small objects using the “tweezer grip” method - thumb and forefinger. At first, the baby will take objects with a pinch, that is, with three fingers. But over time, he will develop the ability to capture with “tweezers”. Set a few feasible tasks for the baby, performing which, he will train this skill. You can take note of the following exercises:

Sorting small items. There is no limit to your imagination here: sort by color, shape, size, etc.

First, mix two types of fairly large items (for example, peas and beans), then you can complicate the task by adding new types of them.

It is possible to use multi-colored beads, small pebbles, shells, buttons, pasta of different varieties, small toys.

Pushing buttons different sizes into the corresponding holes. You can easily make this simple sorter yourself from an unnecessary box with a soft plastic or cardboard lid. In our article about diversity you will find a lot more exciting activities for a child.

Dropping small items into the bottle(you can use beans, peas, pasta) . At the end of this game the baby is waiting interesting surprise: he can play with the resulting homemade rattle.

We develop correlative actions

The ability to correlate two or more parts of one or more objects is a job that requires special concentration and effort for a little worker. The following activities and games will help your child improve this skill.

Any parent understands the importance of a child's development. Gymnastics, massages, special toys and cards serve this purpose physically and intellectually. No less important for the baby is the development of his fine motor skills. When should you start working with your child?

The benefits of developing activities

Fine motor skills of fingers are necessary for us in everyday life, for writing and working. But the functionality of these vital skills does not end there. Physiologists have long proven a close relationship between the ability of children to perform small actions with their hands and their speech.

The sooner and better baby develops his fine motor skills, the sooner and more clearly he will speak.

This close connection comes from the adjacent location of the motor and speech centers in humans. When a child actively uses his fingers, nerve impulses are transmitted to the appropriate part of the brain and affect the nearby area responsible for the ability to speak.

Lessons that develop fine motor skills will be useful not only for the child's speech. AT Eastern countries believe that we have special areas on the pads of each finger, stimulating which we can influence absolutely all systems of our body.

Thus, the development of fine motor skills cannot but have a beneficial effect on the health and development of the baby. When to start training with a child? Experts believe that the development of the fingers of the crumbs should begin from the first days.

  1. For your classes to bear fruit, they must take place daily. It is not necessary to devote a lot of time to training - just start with 2-3 minutes, while the child is in a good mood.
  2. Be sure to praise your baby for progress made encourage him with hugs and kisses.
  3. Keep an eye on the cleanliness and sterility of the "props" - the kids of the first year of life tend to put everything in their mouths.
  4. Use objects of different sizes and textures for classes - this is how the baby will learn to control the handles and begin to explore the world and the properties of the objects that surround him.

Development in the first 3 months

The development of fine motor skills in children 1 year old can be devoted to classes from the very first days. The sooner you begin to interact with the baby and teach him to take objects in his hands, the sooner he will be able to move on to manipulating medium-sized objects.

In the first three months, it will be useful for the development of the baby's arms finger massage . You need to do it at any convenient moment - during air baths, during still brief periods of wakefulness, or when the baby falls asleep.

  • Gently stroke each finger of the newborn from palm to tip;
  • gently knead the child's fingers, paying special attention to their tips;
  • it will be useful to tickle the palms and fingers of the baby in those moments when he opens his fists;
  • gently unclench the baby's fists, stroke and bend the fingers again.

Such gymnastics will contribute to the speedy removal muscle tone on the handles of the crumbs, will improve the formation of his tactile experience and prepare the child for further success.

Development up to 5 months

  1. At the fourth month of life, children begin to control their handles better. During this period, it is important to actively use the not yet extinct grasping reflex and “put” the baby under the palms of the toy.
  2. Now it is more convenient for the baby to grab a variety of rattles. Give them to him alternately in the hands - even brief episodes of holding objects in the cam will be incredibly beneficial for the development of the baby. Gradually, the duration of the capture will increase, and the baby himself will study the rattle with interest.
  3. It is important to choose for classes with crumbs different toys- so that they differ in material, shape and grip option. Give the child objects from different directions so that his hands and fingers learn to turn.
  4. Useful for the development of motor skills in infants at this stage will be home-made "rosary" - buttons strung on a short cord, large beads, wooden coils that the baby will touch in his fingers, enriching his tactile experience and stimulating the fingertips.
  5. Encourage the baby to reach out with handles - to your face, outstretched toys.
  6. When you notice that the baby has begun to "wield" both handles and touches himself, you can put on a sock or mitten on one of them. The baby will actively try to look, feel and remove new object from yourself.
  7. Continue to do finger massage to accelerate the removal of muscle tone from the hands. You can play with your child traditional games(for example, "Forty-white-sided") and unbend and bend the baby's fingers to rhythmic verses.

From 5 to 7 months

An infant is already actively interested in toys, explores them and holds them in their hands for a relatively long time. To continue the development of the crumbs at this stage, it is important to select only useful objects for the baby.

  1. For the hands of babies during this period, toys with rings and beads that can be touched with fingers are useful. You don't have to spend money on expensive game centers or educational toys - you can make several sets of short beads for your baby with different strung objects.
  2. At this age, children like to click on different kind buttons. Keyboards for children's musical instruments, an old keyboard and interactive toys will be useful in the play area.
  3. Continue to develop the baby tactilely - sew several bags from pieces of fabric that are different to the touch, fill them with interesting contents - peas, beans, sand, buckwheat, pasta, semolina - sew up tightly and give it to the child.
  4. You can sew additional bright buttons, ribbon bows on the bags - it will be interesting and useful for the baby to feel them and try to tear them off.
  5. Toddlers at this age not only get great pleasure from finger games, but also quite demandingly ask to work with them, so at any convenient opportunity, repeat “Magpie-white-sided” and “Boy-finger” with the crumbs.
  6. Surround the baby play mat items different sizes- Grasping small and large cubes and balls, the baby will continue to actively develop the abilities of his hands.

7 to 9 months

The "grasping" activity of the child from the second half of the year increases significantly. He is interested in more and more new objects that he needs to touch, however, and they get bored with him pretty quickly. Continue to develop the baby, inviting him to feel completely miscellaneous items- not only purchased ones are suitable for this expensive toys, but also absolutely any non-hazardous household items: new foam rubber kitchen sponges, lids, clean food trays, clothespins, etc.

When playing with small objects, never leave your child alone.

Already, the baby's arsenal is replenished with new toys, with which he gradually learns to interact. You can buy crumbs:

  • a pyramid, which the baby will only disassemble for now;
  • active development centers, where you need to press something, move it, sort it out;
  • rubber tweeters that need to be squeezed in the palm of your hand;
  • textile cubes;
  • floating bath toys.

From 9 months to a year

During this period, the baby makes progress literally every day. Now he already has favorite activities and toys that can occupy him for a while. The fingers of the baby are already moving well enough to begin to master the necessary skills.

  1. Offer your baby toys that require “calibration” when inserted into each other (sets of cups, mtareshki).
  2. The baby will be delighted with all kinds of boxes and containers that need to be opened. It will be good if, after lifting the lid, a pleasant surprise awaits the baby inside.
  3. Containers with wide screw caps will also be useful for the development of baby's motor skills.
  4. Introduce the "grasping" technique into everyday games - roll the ball to the baby, ask him to give you some object, hide toys from him under the diaper and ask him to find the "lost". Such a variety of movements will be useful for the baby's hands.
  5. Some children already have enough patience by the age of one to deal with large sorters - toys that require parts to be inserted into different shapes.
  6. Bath games are also becoming more diverse. The child can catch small toys and put them in a bowl, pour water from one container to another, etc. All these seemingly simple activities require great concentration and dexterity from the crumbs.
  7. The child can already be alone for a long time, being carried away by his games. But still, you can’t leave the baby unattended - not only for security reasons. You must be there to teach the child new ways to interact with the environment and direct activities.
  8. Toddlers become interested in playing in the sandbox by the year. If it’s not summer in the yard, you can arrange such classes at home - with sand or semolina. The baby is unlikely to be able to turn over the little ones, but it is quite possible for him to fill them with handles. For such games, you can cover the floor with oilcloth or deal with loose material at the table.

As you can see, in order to develop a baby’s motor skills, it’s not at all necessary to purchase expensive specialized toys, you always have everything you need to work with your baby at home. Daily Exercise, your care and love will help the child learn to control his hands and fingers, as well as have a beneficial effect on the speech center.

Fine motor skills - a set of coordinated actions aimed at precise execution small movements fingers and hands and feet. The nervous, muscular, bone and even visual systems take part in this. It includes a variety of movements: from all the usual gestures to the smallest manipulations.

From the point of view of anatomy, 1/3 of the motor projection on the cerebral cortex is precisely the projection of the hand, located next to the speech zone. Therefore, the development of fine motor skills in children aged 3-4-5 is so important: the formation of speech skills, success in schooling, and the successful socialization of the child will depend on it. What are its age characteristics and how to achieve its maximum progress in children preschool age?

At preschool age, normal motor skills become more diverse and complex compared to 2-3 years. The proportion of manipulations requiring coordinated hand actions is increasing. Need to know what age characteristics characterized by the development of fine motor skills in children 4-5 years old to direct it in the right direction.

  1. By the age of 3, the movements of the fingers of children become at least somewhat similar to the movements of an adult.
  2. Fine motor skills acquired earlier are improved.
  3. Children learn to put things in a certain place.
  4. Until the age of 3, the baby grabbed and held mainly with the palm of his hand, and now he uses his fingers more actively.
  5. Preschoolers aged 3 to 5 try to draw circles and lines, cut paper with scissors, take off and put on loose, loose clothing.
  6. Fine motor skills are now formed in conjunction with kinesthetic sense. The child begins to be aware of position and movement own body in space. The process of development of visual-tactile-kinesthetic connections is launched. Thanks to this, hand movements are performed under visual control.

Thus, the development of fine motor skills of hands in children of 3-4 years old occurs sequentially, gradually. First you need to learn how to reach for the object in order to grab it, and then manipulate it. Importance in this process has the coordination of movements of both hands and eyes. Teachers, psychologists, physiologists have determined the norms and deviations in the development of fine motor skills in preschool age.


According to experts, the development of motor skills in children 4 years old and even 5 years old must comply with the following regulatory requirements.

  1. Knocks object on object.
  2. Takes a bead or crumb of bread (any round small detail) with two fingers, and it should be thumb and forefinger.
  3. Draws on a sheet of paper, and then crosses out the drawing.
  4. Pulls out small objects from a transparent jar.
  5. By analogy, builds a bridge of 3 cubes.
  6. Self-builds a tower with at least 3 blocks.
  7. He tries to draw a vertical line: the error should not exceed 30 °.
  8. Redraws a cross, a circle, a square.
  9. Draws a man with at least 3 elements.

It is to these standards that the development of fine motor skills of hands in children 4-5 years old should strive: if your child has learned most of the skills from this list, the formation of his thinking and motor abilities does not require correction. When there is a partial delay (and even advance) in 1 or 2 indicators, they talk about the inharmonious dynamics of the functions of thinking, speech and fine motor skills. In the case when the child has not mastered most of the listed skills, a more accurate diagnosis is needed for lagging behind to one degree or another.


If the development of fine motor skills in children 3-4 years old is insufficient for this age, the child will experience characteristic deviations from the norm:

  • impaired movement technique;
  • suffer motor qualities: dexterity, speed, strength, coordination, accuracy;
  • psychomotor deficiencies are diagnosed;
  • poorly formed elementary self-service skills;
  • weak technical skills in drawing, modeling, designing, application;
  • inability to properly hold a brush or pencil, to regulate the force of pressure on them;
  • difficulty using scissors.

If the development of motor skills in children 4-5 years old occurs according to this plan (5-6 violations), these are deviations. Despite the absence of gross movement disorders in them, the level of physical and motor progress is much lower than in normal developing toddlers preschool age. And here it is very important to recognize it in time.


To identify that the development of fine motor skills in children 3 years and older is impaired, diagnostics are needed. Accurate results the specialist will say, but it can also be done at home. Ask your child to do the following simple exercises.

  1. Read him a nursery rhyme, while performing simple movements with your fingers and hands, and then ask him to repeat them after you.
  2. Extend your arms in front of you. One hand is clenched into a fist, the other is straightened. It is necessary to slowly, but at the same time, change the position of the brushes.
  3. He should be able to “walk” on a flat surface with his fingers (index and middle in turn).
  4. He should be able to “bend his fingers” in turn, starting with the little finger.
  5. Ask him to do the pinch-palm exercise. It is proposed to connect the fingers of the left hand into a pinch as if it depicts a woodpecker's beak, and knock on the right palm, which should be vertically opened. Do the same by changing hands.
  6. Ask to deploy both hands at the same time in a strict sequence: fist - edge of the hand - palm.
  7. Dismantle the pyramid in front of the child and give him the task of putting it back together.
  8. A similar exercise with a matryoshka: first they take it apart before his eyes, and then they ask him to assemble it.
  9. Ask to draw a house, consisting of ordinary elements that are easy to reproduce even in the absence of the artist's talent. Check how accurate the resulting copy is. Special attention give such small elements, like a porch, a chimney, a door - they will indicate the dynamics of development in the hands of fine motor skills.
  10. Offer to circle the drawing in dots, but at the same time agree in advance that it is impossible to tear off the pencil (pen, felt-tip pen) from the paper.
  11. It is necessary to shade the figure with straight lines, while trying not to go beyond its contours. Ask your child to use different types of hatching: horizontal, vertical, diagonal, wavy.

Now sum up. If at 3 years old he is allowed to perform at least 30% of all these exercises, then by the age of 5 fine motor skills should be so developed that 80-90% of these tasks are considered the norm. If you have these indicators below, you need to do more with the baby. Otherwise, this will then have a deplorable effect on his further speech and even intellectual development.

The most important factor that determines the development of fine motor skills in children aged 3 years and older is timely organized assistance of a correctional and pedagogical nature. Children with disabilities should be referred to correctional groups at specialized kindergartens. To prevent this from happening, parents should do as much as possible with a preschool child, developing fine motor skills in their fingers: there are a lot of methods and methods.

Development Methods

In order for the development of fine motor skills in children 3-4 years old to be within the normal range, it can be accelerated. There are different methods.

Small object games

From the age of 3, a child simply needs to be offered all those games where you need to assemble small parts into a single whole:

  • mosaic;
  • puzzles;
  • constructor.

Such games not only contribute to the development of fine motor skills, but also form creative imagination, orientation in space. You can read more about games and exercises.

finger games

Finger games for the development of fine motor skills

Finger games for the development of fine motor skills for children 3-4 years old can be based on:

  • colored sticks;
  • Tongue Twisters;
  • poetry;
  • finger alphabet;
  • finger theater.

For the first time for three year olds repetition of movements after an adult will be the norm. But at the age of 5, hearing a poem, which contains the task of performing the simplest finger movements, he must do them on his own.

Hand and finger massage

This method of developing fine motor skills in the hands involves several methods:

  • professional massage by a specialist;
  • independent warm-up of fingers and hands by parents (“as they can”, as they say);
  • offer the child to run a small top so that it spins as long as possible;
  • let him put his hands into the cereals (rice, millet, buckwheat) and sand, touching each grain individually with his fingers.

Games with elements of massage very well contribute to the development of fine motor skills in the fingers and hands.


It is difficult to formulate any specific tasks here. Just give the preschooler plasticine in his hands: let his fingers create from him what his indefatigable imagination comes up with. The main thing is that modeling should be present in the daily activities of the baby from 3 to 5 years.


Despite the fact that drawing, just like modeling, requires a flight of fancy, it is aimed at a more specific development of fine motor skills. Therefore, there are certain tasks to be performed here:

  • stencil drawing;
  • hatching;
  • drawing on curly rulers;
  • work with entertaining copybooks especially for preschoolers.

Work on the development of fine motor skills is recommended to be carried out regularly for 5 minutes several (5-6) times a day. Results can be achieved using different activities: playing, modeling, drawing, applications, designing. Regular classes contribute along the way to the formation of perception, speech, a sense of color. Only in the aggregate of all these efforts, which will be required from both parents and preschoolers themselves, the development of fine motor skills of children 3-4 years old can be successful.

The development of fine motor skills in children: myths and truth about finger games, how to do finger gymnastics and finger games with preschoolers, exercises for the development of fine motor skills, massage of hands and fingers for the little ones.

Games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills especially needed by today's children. After all, now kids, unfortunately, do not train the movements of their fingers a little: on clothes and shoes they have Velcro instead of buttons or laces (this is how it is more convenient and faster for us adults), buttons on games, few of the children embroider, sew or knit, cut or burns, helps mom sort out cereals, wipe dust, wash toys or wash doll accessories. This shift life situation development of preschool children was also reflected in the development of fine motor skills of the hand, which had previously developed in everyday life, imperceptibly, without special training. Now the development of fine motor skills began to require special exercises and activities with kids.

It is believed that any exercise that develops fine motor skills develops speech and thinking. Does the child not speak or speak poorly? Assemble the puzzles, lace up, and the speech will appear! Do you want your baby to develop well? Develop your fingers, and the brain will develop much more efficiently. But this is not so, or not quite so. Let's try to understand and separate the truth from the myths. And also learn how to use fine motor skills exercises to really develop our little ones.

The development of fine motor skills in children: video

The development of fine motor skills, speech and thinking of the child.

It has become a classic statement that The development of the hand helps the development of the speech of the preschool child and develops thinking. And all educators and speech therapists know the words of M.M. Koltsov “There is every reason to consider the hand as an organ of speech - the same as the articulatory apparatus. From this point of view, the projection of the hand is another speech area of ​​the brain. This provision entered pedagogy in the 70s of the 20th century and was substantiated both by the results of the experiment with children and by the anatomy of the brain (Brock's motor speech center and the center that controls finger motor skills are located nearby).

But families have always met and still meet in which they do a lot of development of fine motor skills with children, buy special toys and aids (laces, sorters, beads), but the result is not encouraging, and for some reason there is no shift in the development of speech and thinking.

And there are other families where they didn’t seem to be specifically involved in the development of fine motor skills and are not doing it, the child simply sculpts, draws, plays, helps his mother around the house, and everything is in order with fine motor skills, and the baby is clearly very smart and well advanced thinking and speech.

So special games are not a panacea? Or - here a seditious thought appears - we do not conduct them this way? Is there something we don't know? Yes this is true!

After all, finger games and exercises are just a tool. And you still need to know how to use it! After all, we also learn to use other instruments - we learn to play the violin, sew on sewing machine or crochet. If we try to play the Paganini violin without training and without special knowledge, we will not get the desired result from this.

And the basis of my story is Scientific research child development. I strongly advise experts to get acquainted with them in the book "15 myths about children's speech." The authors of the book Oleg Igorevich Efimov - pediatric neurologist and Viktoria Leonidovna Efimova – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, speech therapist. The book was published by the Dilya publishing house this year.

And for non-specialists - interested parents and educators - I will give the most important recommendations in this article. And I will share what I know and use in my work with children.

First fact. So, where did it all start. In the 1970s, child development research was conducted infancy. Children from the Orphanage were divided into three subgroups. One subgroup of children sat in the arena, the second could easily crawl along group room. And the third subgroup collected pyramids, stringed beads and did other exercises to develop fine motor skills with the experimenter. And the children of the third subgroup significantly surpassed their peers in development, they had sudden jump in the development of speech. It turns out that "engage in the development of fine motor skills - and everything will be fine"? But it's not.

Second fact. The author of the book V.L. Efimova conducted another experiment in orphanage in 2001. And he gave a completely different result. It turned out that children in the orphanage already at the age of one and a half eat soup with a spoon, fasten the buttons on their clothes themselves, do a lot of work with them - they endlessly collect pyramids, liners, sort them. But at the same time… they don’t speak!!! What is the reason? Maybe that's not how we communicate with kids? Or do finger games really not affect the development of speech and thinking so much? Did the fact that they just started talking to these kids affected the result of the previous experiment? And all the other subgroups of children did not have such communication with an adult experimenter, and therefore lagged behind in development?

Third fact. It turns out that the answer to the question can be given not by pedagogy, but by physiology! Scientists prove that early age the primary center of speech in children is by no means Broca's center, but the anterior part of the cingulate gyrus, which means ... the development of the fingers does not directly affect the development of the child!?

What then influences? The limbic system is the center emotional life man! So, does communication with an adult affect first of all? After all, we know how quickly kids grasp information in a state of joy and interest.

Modern biological studies suggest that Wernicke's and Broca's zones mature no earlier than the third - fourth year the life of the child (as we remember, it was the proximity of this very Broca's center to the motor control center that made it possible for scientists to assume the great influence of finger games on the development of children's speech).

Scientific work in this direction is still underway, but what should we do at this time???

Fourth fact. The answer to all questions! And a key for educators and parents!

It turns out that it is not the fact of finger games and exercises that is important, but WHAT exercises and HOW are carried out with the baby. And therefore, either there will be a result of such games and exercises, or it will not be! And it depends on whether it is involved in finger exercises and in games for the development of fine motor skills, motor planning. What it is?

motor scheduling stands between an idea and action. There are automatic movements that do not require motor planning and are performed in the usual way. And motor planning appears when a new task appears, when you need to use new tool when it is necessary in life to do something unmastered, unusual.

Dear readers who attended our April "Educational Games Workshop" - remember the first webinar about the mechanisms of development of babies. And the concept of "zone of proximal development"? This is what we are talking about now. For those who weren't at the webinar, numerous requests I made a newsletter where you can get his recording for free. To do this, you need to subscribe in the subscription form after the article.

It is known that in all children with developmental problems it is motor planning that is poorly developed. And this is precisely the root of all the troubles in many cases of developmental delay. But how can it be poorly developed if the baby has a lot of educational toys at home for the development of fine motor skills, there are pyramids, and laces, and beads for stringing? What is the answer?

As we already know motor planning appears in the case of new tasks, new unusual situations, new materials, new actions. The key word here is new, unusual! When a child already knows his only pyramid by heart, but collects it many times, even quickly collects it to the delight of all adults - this is not a new action! There is no motor planning here! When he plays the same lacing, this is also not motor planning, but almost a skill. After all, such a toy is no longer new to him, but is familiar! When he sees the same cards for many days, with which the adult performs the same actions, there is no motor planning here either! Namely, motor planning provides the developing effect of exercises!

So what is the conclusion. Where can we find our Key to Success?

  1. It doesn't matter if it's done exercises for the development of fine motor skills, important what exercises we do with the child and how.
  2. The main principle of conducting exercises and games for the development of fine motor skills is- if the baby has this movement quickly and easily, then we quickly do it, skip it and move on. But what if the exercise fails? Then we stop at it and work out this movement until the movements become easy, simple, fast, beautiful, clear. And we move on to the development of new movements.
  3. It is necessary to do such complexes of exercises and games that are difficult for the child regularly until they are fully mastered, that is, every day (for 4-5 minutes).

Previously, in kindergartens there were special five-minute finger exercises before breakfast - every day! It was when I started working, and I remember it very well. The kids did the same complex of finger gymnastics for at least one week, until they fully mastered it. Every day they got better and better. Now, for many years, there have been no such regular minutes in ordinary kindergartens, alas, or almost none. And finger gymnastics exists as a fragment of classes with children, and almost always exercises are given to children in different days different weeks! And it happens that the exercises are too easy for children, which they already do so easily! But it is precisely in the regular gradual development complex movements is the essence of such gymnastics.

The secret of successful fine motor skills training is already known. Now let's figure it out what is included in the development of fine motor skills and what exercises the child needs.

Why do you need to develop fine motor skills? What is the problem modern society and why was it not specifically developed before, and the children had no problems? Why are long cartoons harmful? What is thread painting and how to do it with children? You will learn about this in the video of the first educational channel.

What includes the development of fine motor skills in children under three years of age:

1. Grasping movements:

  • Capturing an object of various shapes with the whole palm with one hand or two hands (rattles, cubes, balls, etc.), for which it is necessary to take into account its shape, size, location, details.
  • Grasping an object or substance with a pinch (three fingers)
  • Capturing an object with two fingers - index and thumb (tweezer grip).

2. Development of correlative actions

The ability to combine two objects or two parts of one object (liners, sorters, pyramids, nesting dolls and other similar toys).

3. Development of finger movements - performing a variety of figures and finger movements(bunny, wolf, house, chair and others).

At first, these movements are clumsy, with errors, and over time they become more and more subtle and clear. It is also important to be able to imitate the movements that an adult shows.

These skills are developed not only in the process of special finger gymnastics, but also:

  • while putting on your clothes with buttons, buttons, zippers,
  • during labor assignments(from 3 years old - water, wipe the dust, wipe the leaves of plants with a sponge, brush clothes and others),
  • in visual activity— drawing, modeling, application, designing,
  • in games - dressing and undressing dolls in the game, using substitute items, making toys, attributes for your games, etc.

How to develop fine motor skills in children?

Development of fine motor skills: massage of hands and fingers for the smallest (up to a year).

Hand massage is done for the smallest children. He is uncomplicated. Here is the technique of such a massage, given by O. Prikhodko

  • pat baby's arms to the elbow towards the center six to eight times, separately for each arm. You need to iron both the inner and outer surface of the handle.
  • The fingers are dancing. Bend and unbend all the fingers of the handle at the same time except for the thumb (2-4 times on each handle).
  • Exercise "Klub". Draw spiral movements with your finger along the baby’s open palm from its center to the base of the fingers (recall the well-known nursery rhyme about the “magpie-crow”). After that, without interruption, the movement passes to the inside thumb. Draw such balls two to four times on each palm.
  • Exercise "We walk top-top" - point pressing with a large and index finger adult. We press on the middle of the phalanx of each finger from the tip to the base. We say: "top-top, that's how we walk." You need to press in two planes: between the fingers and from the back of the palm. So massage all fingers 1-2 times. At the same time, we say nursery rhymes, rhymes, we talk with the baby.
  • Thumb exercise. Move your thumb to the side, and then return it to its place. You need to move your finger in three directions in turn: forward and backward, sideways - they returned to their original position, in a circle.
  • Stroke with light strokes each hand of the baby towards the center five to six times.

Development of fine motor skills: games and exercises for young children (from one to three years old)


  • Games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills are difficult for toddlers and therefore should not be long.
  • They should be carried out in the game so that the baby is interested (to go through the cereal for Cinderella, help the hedgehog hide under his needles from the fox and other game situations).
  • If the movement fails, the fingers do not obey, then the game must be played repeatedly until the movement is easy, correct, and clear. In this case, you need to change the plot of the game, objects every time, bring in something new so that the child is passionate about the game and not tired of the monotony (first lay out a bridge for the dog out of small pebbles on plasticine. Next time lay out a path for the doll. In the third lay out a river for fish and so on).
  • All games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills should always take place in the presence of an adult in order to ensure the safety of such games.
  • Don't play games with buttons. They do not develop fine motor skills (no matter what their manufacturers say), but only distract the child.

List of exercises and games for the development of fine motor skills in children

1.Rubber pear(sold in a pharmacy). Choose a small pear. By pressing it, a stream of air is obtained, with which you can blow off a cotton wool or leaflet from the table. You can even play football, trying to drive the cotton wool into the goal with a jet of air. For children of the first year of life, a pear is not needed, this role is performed rubber toys- squeakers, playing with which the baby develops hand strength.
2.Kneading plasticine. Before sculpting a child of any age, be sure to let the plasticine knead. This is very useful exercise for the development of fine motor skills. In this regard, ordinary domestic plasticine is much more useful than soft imported one.
3. The game with raisins is always very joyful for both mother and child and useful for the whole family. Make dough, roll it out. Invite your child to decorate the dough with raisins. Show how to take the raisin correctly (“tweezer grip” with two fingers - thumb and forefinger). Show that the raisins should be laid out throughout the dough at a distance from each other. Then bake the resulting pie and eat it with the whole family! Joy is guaranteed!
4. Stringing rings on the pyramid rod (development of correlative hand movements). First, the baby learns to disassemble the pyramid toy (it's easier), and only then assemble it. Please note that even the smallest children easily remember the color sequence in the pyramid and collect it simply from memory, and not by comparing values. Therefore, if you want to teach them to compare the size of the rings and arrange them from largest to smallest in sequence, then you need a pyramid with rings of the same color!
5. Exercises with paper:

1) kneading - the development of hand strength (after that you get a “ball” that can be thrown into the basket from a distance),

2) tear (development of correlative movements) - we grab the sheet with the fingers of both hands and pull it in different sides. You get stripes. We put these strips in a box and make a “rain” by pouring our strips out of the box.

Important Tips:

- Offering the baby paper for this exercise, you should always show him where you can get the paper from. And they themselves should always take paper for this game only from this box. Otherwise, the baby will understand that you can tear everything that is around and tear books or something else you need. There is always a place for this exercise.

Don't let's tear up old books and magazines. Any game we bring up attitude to life. And this is an example of unacceptable handling of the book. In addition, printing ink is not at all useful for young children.

- You can give old rolls of wallpaper for this exercise.

3) make applications from paper balls (crumple the paper, tear it into strips, then tear the strips into squares, roll each square on the palm into a ball, a silhouette is laid out with balls - for example, a cat, a lamb, a cloud)

4) make applications from pieces of paper that the baby has picked. Draw a picture on a piece of paper. And stick pieces of paper on it according to the plot. White glued pieces can depict snow or clouds, blue ones - a river, yellow ones - autumn foliage of trees.

6. Pressing small objects into plasticine (beads, seeds, shells, small pebbles). So we can make pictures - mosaics on plasticine. And you can also help the hero of the game - for example, make a “blue river” (smear plasticine on a strip of cardboard) and build a bridge across the river (press pebbles into plasticine). And then toys will pass along this bridge and thank the baby for their help.

7. Sorting small items- it is very important that the baby does this either with a pinch (with three fingers), or with the “tweezer grip”, that is, he grabs it with two fingers - thumb and forefinger. In this case, the remaining fingers should be bent and not interfere. Show the kid The right way doing this exercise.

Mix two types of beads in one box (or peas and beans; or shells and pebbles, or buttons of different shapes and sizes) and ask you to help. You can sort by color (if you mixed beads of two colors), by shape, by size. First, the baby sorts two kinds of objects enough big size. Then the task becomes more complicated - smaller items are taken and sorted already into 3-5 groups (for example, beans in one box, peas in another, beads in a third, pebbles in a fourth, shells in a fifth).

Sorting happens all the time in the game. For example, our chicken loves peas, and our cockerel loves beans. They need to divide their food into bowls.

Or one doll likes pasta and another likes beans. Give everyone what they love.

Sorting small items is very important in the third year of a child's life.

8. Oversleeping. Pour with a funnel, scoop, spoon various bulk substances from one dish to another. You can pour sand, cereals, peas, lentils). Use different dishes - you can pour into a glass, a vessel with a narrow neck using a funnel. You can pour sand into the box with your hands, hide and look for various small toys in the sand.

9. Use of cutlery- spoons forks. The ability to independently eat with a spoon, fork, drink from a cup is also a very important component of the development of the baby and the development of fine motor skills.

10. Unfolding a paper-wrapped object - a surprise - “What is there?” When the baby unfolds the paper and finds a gift, plays with it, wrap it again - hide it in another paper. And try to find again. Teach your baby to wrap - hide an object from older sister or brother, father, grandmother. Let them rejoice when his surprise is unwrapped.

11. Filling the bottle with small items. You can put beans, pebbles, balls into a plastic bottle.

To make this exercise effective, show your baby how to do it correctly:

- Grab small objects with either a pinch or two fingers (thumb and forefinger) - just show how you grab the object.

- Hold the bottle with one hand, and take one part at a time with the other hand. It is very important to ensure that the baby takes it correctly and one by one!

- At the end, close the bottle with a cap and rattle the resulting rattle.

12. Constructors. Different designers develop fine motor skills very well. It is important to have several designers at home (but always with a DIFFERENT principle of connecting parts). It is also very useful to make handicrafts, work with clay.

13. Winding. Winding a thick thread on a stick, on a spool, on a ball and unwinding. Winding a thick lace around your hand - your own or your mother's

14. Stringing beads with large holes on a string. Highly good idea for stringing, I saw in the kindergarten "Solnyshko" in Moscow. The teachers of this kindergarten collect old unnecessary felt-tip pens with a plastic case. This body is cut into pieces. It turns out multi-colored "tubes" that are strung on a cord.

You can also string spools of thread, rings for curtains, designer parts, beads made of clay or salt dough, rings from small pyramids.

15. Turn the pages of a book one at a time. This exercise is available to a child from a year old. For this, the pages of the first book must be thick, made of cardboard.

Show your child a book. And put a picture on the next page - a surprise. To find it, you need to turn the page. If it is difficult for the baby, then help him by slightly lifting the page.

16. Games - lacing(lace up an apple to the back of a hedgehog, clothing details and other plot laces). But these games quickly bore the baby. Therefore, it is better if you have a doll whose shoes or clothes are tied with a lace. Putting on and undressing this doll in play will make it easy and fun for your little one to practice lacing.

17. Untie and tie knots, bows, weave pigtails, unbutton and fasten Velcro, buttons, buttons, hooks, zippers, take off and put on a hat, pull off socks, take off shoes.

Although most often modern families task of mastering babies different types fasteners are solved with the help of a developing book or rug, but this is just the first stage. Then the kid trains to do it in life in everyday life.

The baby's clothes should have different fasteners - buttons of different shapes and sizes, buttons. It should be borne in mind that it is much easier to fasten the clasp on a rug or another person than on yourself.

The situation when a child has only velcro on clothes and shoes throughout the entire preschool age leads to the fact that even second-graders at the age of 8-9 are not able to dress themselves if the clothes have a different type of fastener, and they cannot even lace up the laces, changing into clothes. physical education! But the lack of independence of the child and dependence on an adult directly affects his further conduct and success in life.

Already at an early age, the baby can take off and put on a hat, stretch out your arms when putting on a sweater, put on and take off mittens and gloves, pull off your socks, take off your shoes, put your hands in the sleeves and legs in the pants, take off the unbuttoned pants, coat, jacket - and this is also a contribution to the development of fine motor skills baby, and a very big contribution.

18. Tops. First, the baby learns to launch the spinning top, and then the tops of large sizes. And after that, give the baby spinning tops small size. Instead of a top, use any other items: pyramid rings, balls, plastic bowls, etc. It is also useful to wind clockwork toys with a key.

19. Open and close jars (unscrew and twist the lids) To make it more interesting, hide a surprise inside by wrapping it in paper. And at the same time, the baby will practice unfolding and folding paper. What is hidden in the jar?

20. Lay out figures from sticks, from different types of mosaics.

21. Rolling balls. Children roll small balls table (on the playing field, on which you can draw different paths - straight, curved, in a spiral). During the game, the ball should not slip out from under the palm of your hand. Tell your baby: “Naughty balls! So they try to run away. Don't let them go!" Balls can be rolled both with palms (in the first games) and with one finger (in subsequent games).

22. Rolling a pencil between the palms. First, try rolling the pencil across the table with your palm. Then show your child how to roll the pencil between the straightened palms in the hands (the pencil is in an upright position). At the end of the pencil, you can stick a picture that will “dance” - spin.

More about the development of fine motor skills of children on the website "Native Path":

We will talk about how to develop fine motor skills in children from 3 to 7 years old in the next article (for children from 3 to 7 years old). In it you will find finger games, Maria Montessori exercises for the development of fine motor skills for preschoolers, finger theater, games with clothespins, tests to determine the level of fine motor development and many other interesting ideas.

List of "20 most interesting and unusual items for the development of fine motor skills of children "You will find


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Olga Raevskaya

Perhaps every modern parent aware of the need development of fine motor skills. But not everyone finds the time and desire to seriously engage in this fun and rewarding process. But each group of skills needs develop in right moment . It is very important to understand that fine motor skills will help your child in the future to perform various household activities(fasten buttons, wash hands, wipe, study (write, draw, play.

Fine motor skills can be developed through various board games(mosaic, puzzles, lotto, dominoes, finger games and exercises, massage, special techniques.

There are many different ones in the shops educational games and manuals. However, having shown imagination, it is quite possible to get by with improvised materials. In order to interest the child and help him master new information, you need to turn learning into a game, do not back down if the tasks seem difficult, do not forget to praise the child.

Games on development of fine motor skills in children

using available materials.

An excellent effect is given by beans, peas, cereals "baths". Pour dried peas, beans or buckwheat into a saucepan or large bowl. Then we hide among legumes or small cereals items: toys from "kinder surprises", constructor details or something else. The task of the child is to find and pull out funny toys.

Take a bright tray. In a thin, even layer, scatter any small groats . Run your child's finger over the rump. Get a bright contrasting line. Let the kid draw some chaotic lines himself. Then try to draw some objects together (fence, rain, waves, letters, etc.).

Pour 1 kg of peas or beans into the pan. The child puts his hands in there and depicts how the dough is kneaded, sentencing:

"Knead, knead the dough,

There is room in the oven.

Will-will be from the oven

Buns and rolls."

Give the child a piece of cardboard and a simple pencil and ask him to draw some simple drawing. Then give him glue and beans. Let the child smear the cardboard with glue along the pencil line, and then stick the beans on it - you get a voluminous application.

Pick up buttons different color and size. First, lay out the drawing yourself, then ask the child to do the same on their own. After the child learns to complete the task without your help, invite him to come up with his own versions of the drawings. From a button mosaic, you can lay out a tumbler, a butterfly, a snowman, balls, beads, etc.

Give your child a round hair brush. The child rolls the brush between the palms, sentencing:

"At the pine, at the fir, the Christmas tree

Very sharp needles.

But even stronger than the spruce forest,

The juniper will prick you."

The child rolls a walnut between the palms and sentences:

"I roll my nut,

To become rounder than everyone.

Two walnuts the child holds in one hand and rotates them one around the other.

Get a sink grate (usually it consists of many cells). The child walks with his index and middle fingers, like legs, along these cells, trying to take steps on each stressed syllable. "Walk" you can alternately with one or the other hand, or you can use both at the same time, speaking:

"We wandered in the zoo,

Each cell was approached

And looked at everyone:

Bear cubs, wolf cubs, beavers.

We take a dumpling. Its surface is like a honeycomb. Child with two fingers (index and middle) depicts a bee flying over honeycombs:

"Fingers, like bees, fly through the honeycomb

And each includes checking: what's there?

Will there be enough honey for all of us until spring,

To avoid hungry dreams?

Pour dry peas into a mug. For each stressed syllable, the child transfers the peas one by one to another mug. First with one hand, then with both hands at the same time, alternately with the thumb and middle fingers, thumb and ring finger, thumb and little finger. Any quatrains are chosen.

Two plugs from plastic bottles put on the table with the thread up. It - "skis". Index and middle fingers stand in them like legs. Moving on "skiing", making one step for each percussion syllable:

"We are skiing, we are racing down the mountain,

We love the fun of a cold winter."

You can try to do the same with both hands at the same time.

Child collects matches (or counting sticks) with the same fingers different hands (pads): two indexes, two middles, etc.

We are building "log" from matches or counting sticks. The higher and smoother the frame, the better.

Clothespin (check with your fingers that it is not too tight) alternately "bite" nail phalanges (from index finger to little finger and vice versa) on stressed syllables verse:

“A silly kitten bites hard,

He thinks it's not a finger, but a mouse. (Change of hands.)

But I'm playing with you baby

And if you bite, I will say you: "Shush!".

We pull the rope at the level of the child’s shoulders and give him a few clothespins. For each stressed syllable, the child attaches a clothespin to rope:

"I'll pinch the clothespins deftly

I'm on my mother's rope.

We cut out blanks of various shapes from colored cardboard and invite the child to complete the work - attach clothespins of the corresponding color along the edges. For example, turn yellow circle into the sun with rays, a green triangle into a herringbone, etc.

We take the rope (as thick as a child's little finger) and tie 12 knots on it. The child, sorting through the nodes with his fingers, names the month of the year in order for each node. You can make similar devices from beads, buttons, etc.

The child crumples, starting from the corner, a handkerchief (or plastic bag) so that it all fits in the cam.

Stringing beads and buttons. In summer, you can make beads from mountain ash, nuts, pumpkin seeds and cucumbers, small fruits, etc.. d. Interesting activity for development of the imagination, fantasies and fine motor skills of hands.

Be sure to supervise your child while playing with small items!