If a woman is pregnant, she is often nervous. Nervous breakdown during pregnancy. Causes of increased nervousness in pregnant women

Negative emotions and stress harm not only a pregnant woman, but also have a detrimental effect on the condition of the baby in the mother's belly.

Nervous state and disorders have an unsatisfactory effect on overall development the child and before his birth, and after birth. And although everyone knows these facts, mothers continue to keep their energetic lifestyle and plunge into depression. Women, knowing about this fact, do not fully understand what is the matter, why pregnant women shouldn't be nervous.

Surge of hormones

When a pregnancy is planned, the storm of feelings cannot be avoided, because future mom cannot suppress the emotions of what will soon become a mother, get a new one social status... The gestation period is the most emotionally experienced time. During this time, frequent hormonal changes take over. However, despite this nervous period, doctors strongly recommend that a young mother, with the advent of pregnancy, try not to experience a wide range of feelings, since this is the primary cause of nerve tension.

Of course, everyone understands that the weaker sex it's hard not to worry, in which case you should try to minimize emotional outbursts. Because when a pregnant woman feels various negative emotions: fear, irritation, anger, her hormonal background changes, as a result, the hormonal background of the unborn baby also changes, negative emotions are fully transmitted from mother to her baby.

The mother's hormones accumulate in the fluid surrounding the fetus and which the baby often swallows, subsequently the baby removes this fluid from his body. Such an increase in the level of negative hormones, will entail the development of diseases of cardio-vascular system The child has. Here is the explanation, why pregnant women shouldn't worry.

Why shouldn't pregnant women be nervous? Sleepless nights

Canadian scientists concluded that a child whose mother experienced various negative emotions during pregnancy may suffer from asthma in the first years of life. Such a child will be capricious, irritable, eat and sleep poorly. Therefore, if moms and dads want restful sleep at night, it is necessary from the very first days of pregnancy to take care so that the baby in the womb is calm. Here why pregnant women shouldn't be nervous and cry.

Especially you need to monitor the second half of pregnancy, you need to minimize nervousness, by this period the child has already formed a nervous system, he is extremely sensitive to changes in the mother's mood and begins to worry himself.

A constant state of nervousness in a pregnant woman is fraught with serious consequences. Getting bad hormones amniotic fluid, becomes an extremely hormonal substance. The baby may feel short of breath, which leads to the development of a disease called hypoxia. This is the name of delayed child development, it can lead to different kinds anomalies and a decrease in the child's ability to adapt to the world around him after birth.

Future moms are obliged to draw their conclusions from this article and start taking care of the baby's peace from the very first days of pregnancy. Try not to experience serious emotional stress, do not be nervous about trifles and your baby will full development... Now you know, why you shouldn't worry during pregnancy.

Every pregnant woman has heard that being nervous during gestation is dangerous and harmful, primarily for the development of the unborn child. This is because at the time of pregnancy, a woman is very strongly connected with the baby: breathing, nutrition, the growth of the baby is due to the life of the woman. Therefore, every change in mood, change in lifestyle automatically affects the child.

At the time of pregnancy, registering, the expectant mother will always hear about what is on this stage during the entire pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to be nervous. After all stressful situations and bad mood Are "transmitted" to the baby in a chain. Experts say that crumbs born to women who were nervous during pregnancy are more likely to suffer from increased mobility and anxiety. They are also sensitive to changes - bright light, sun, stuffiness, smells, noise.

During pregnancy, it is contraindicated to be nervous already in the second half: at this moment, the child's nervous system is already developed, and therefore he can already feel the minimal excitement of his mother. With constant nervous shocks of a woman in the second half of gestation, the baby may develop hypoxia - very dangerous condition for its development. Already after the birth of a child, the woman's frequent excitement at the time of pregnancy will affect the well-being of the child. In such children, wakefulness and disturbances in the rhythm of sleep are often observed.

In pregnancy, the problem of women's nerves has even been discussed by some research groups of scientists in many countries. For example, scientists from America say that it is contraindicated for women to be nervous during pregnancy, because the anxiety of the mother greatly affects the weight of the child. Scientists have found that persistent anxiety in the third trimester often ends with the birth of an underweight baby. Canadian scientists say that constant anxiety and irritability during pregnancy greatly increases the risk of developing asthmatic diseases in a child. Also, aster can manifest itself in a child, even if the woman is depressed in the first years of his life. In the first and the other case, the risk of developing asthma increases by 25%.

However, even knowing about everyone undesirable consequences various emotional upheavals during pregnancy, many expectant mothers do not know what to do in order not to get nervous in this position. There is nothing strange - in the body hormonal changes greatly affects the susceptibility of a woman. If she, before pregnancy, could otherwise react with a smile, then during pregnancy this situation can cause excitement, anxiety, resentment, or tears. It's always easier said than done. That is why, knowing that it is undesirable to be nervous during pregnancy, many women will not just cope with their “nerves”.

But a woman will have to hide her nerves in a “box” - if she wishes well for her baby. And what woman does not wish well for a child? Therefore, you need to do your best to tune in only to the prosperous and do everything possible so as not to get nervous during pregnancy. For this, experts advise on early stages pregnancy to devote a lot of time listening to light and light music, watching interesting films, communicating with loved ones and loved ones. You need to constantly walk on fresh air... Since during pregnancy medicines undesirable, with bad emotional distress and a gloomy mood must be dealt with with just such methods. Aromatherapy can come to the rescue. Essential oils, sandalwood, rose, patchouli, ylang-ylang are good for emotional background... Therefore, it makes sense to buy an aroma lamp and arrange an aromatherapy session for yourself.

After the sixteenth week, some intoxicating preparations can be used with caution. However, potent tranquilizers are strictly prohibited. Valerian does not harm the child, you can also drink. There are already ready-made soothing herbal preparations that can be used during pregnancy. Often, after appropriate consultation, a specialist can attribute, expectant mother drink glycine or magnesium medications so that you do not get nervous during pregnancy. However, during pregnancy, you cannot choose at your own discretion sedatives... Before using a sedative, you need to consult a specialist.

Almost all women during pregnancy begin to get nervous and worry about trifles.

Sometimes the condition of a pregnant woman even reaches panic attacks.

The thing is that in the body of the expectant mother there are hormonal changesaffecting her emotional and physical state.

What are the consequences of these changes and how not to get nervous during pregnancy? Experienced psychologists answer this.

The influence of nerves on the condition of mother and baby

Excessive nervousness during pregnancy can provoke unpredictable consequences. It is especially dangerous to be nervous after 20 weeks.

  • Constant stress can provoke fetal hypoxia, which is dangerous for the baby's life.
  • Also, according to the doctor, if the expectant mother is nervous all the time, then she runs the risk of giving birth to a child with insufficient weight or lung disease.
  • In addition, unstable emotional condition can cause hyperactivity and anxiety in her child. Such children often suffer from sleep and wakefulness disorders.

This is what it can lead to constant stress and experiences and why pregnant women should not be nervous.

How to deal with nerves?

So, the emotional state strongly influences the formation of the unborn child. And when a woman understands why she shouldn't be nervous during pregnancy, it becomes easier for her to monitor her emotional health.

Outbursts of anger and sudden mood swings are a thing of the past. And they are replaced by peace of mind and self-confidence.

To make it easier for pregnant women to tolerate hormonal changes, psychologists give several tips that should not be neglected.

1. Learn to plan.

It seems that there is less and less time left before the baby is born, and things are only getting more and more timeless? Pregnant women who have carefully planned their time often manage to stay calm.

To do this, you need to focus and think about what you need to do before the baby is born. Once you've made a to-do list, it will be easy for you to follow the plan without fear of forgetting anything.

2. Learn more about pregnancy.

In order not to get nervous during pregnancy, take an interest in all its nuances. Especially if you are pregnant for the first time.

It is very useful to communicate on forums for new mothers. There you can get answers to many relevant questions for you.

The experience of other women will help you understand why this moment you are experiencing certain sensations, for what reason they occur, and whether it is worth wasting time and going to a doctor because of them.

However, under no circumstances use any folk remedies and medicines that have helped others, without consulting a doctor!

3. Find support.

According to psychologists, this the best way do not get nervous during pregnancy. Reliable support in the face loved one is the strongest shield that protects you from unnecessary fears and worries.

Knowing that pregnant women should not be upset, native person will constantly guard your peace of mind. Tell your loved one what is important to you right now - this will make it easier for him to support you.

4. Talk to the unborn child.

Communication with your baby will help relieve stress during pregnancy. Stroking your belly and talking with your child will give you and him the opportunity to relax.

In addition, by communicating with him, you establish a strong emotional connection child with the surrounding world. It has been proven that a child after birth recognizes the lullabies that he heard while still in the stomach.

5. Pamper yourself.

When, if not now, to pamper yourself with your beloved? You cannot deny yourself the pleasure of taking a course of relaxing massage, doing beautiful manicure or a new hairstyle.

Positive emotions from these procedures will have a beneficial effect on your psycho-emotional state. And they will give you a boost of energy.

6. Don't do everything at once.

If during pregnancy you continue to live in the same rhythm, without giving yourself a break, naturally, you will have to be nervous.

Do only what you have the strength to do at the moment. Pay more attention to your favorite activities, reading and communication with loved ones.

7. Eat right

One of the reasons why pregnant women are nervous is improper nutrition... It will also help you control your weight.

To maintain a stable emotional state, you need to consume fresh fruits, vegetables and dairy products every day. Protein-rich foods are also very useful for pregnant women.

8. Rest.

Carrying a baby is hard work for the mother's body. Therefore, she definitely needs a good rest.

If you have a moment to spare, why not sleep or just lie on the couch? Even a short rest brings noticeable benefits to both pregnant women and their babies.

9. Positive environment.

Your emotional state can be disturbed by negative emotions and bad attitude people. The consequences of communicating with them are not pleasant.

The hurtful words they said and hypersensitivity during pregnancy can lead to deep stress... Therefore, be very selective in your surroundings and limit communication with people you dislike.

10. Think about the future.

Imagine your baby more often. In your head, draw pictures of how you walk with him, swim in the sea, relax in nature, etc.

Such thoughts during pregnancy are inspiring and uplifting. Explain your dreams to your child out loud, this will have a good effect on his development.

By following these tips and understanding why pregnant women should not be nervous, you can easily manage your psycho-emotional state.

The main thing to remember is that your child's health is in your hands. Paying him enough attention, you calmly endure and give birth to your little one.

The human body is arranged in an amazing way: nature has created an almost ideal mechanism that regulates not only all systems human body together, but each separately, forcing people to grow, age, develop physically, psychologically and emotionally. More work needs to be done female body - pregnancy, carrying and giving birth to a baby is natural mechanisms, which are laid down at a deep level of the subconscious. Nevertheless, one should not be careless and let the "interesting situation" go by itself. For the child to be healthy, the expectant mother needs to eat right, lead healthy image life and try not to react too emotionally to a variety of life circumstances. Why shouldn't a pregnant woman be nervous? What is so terrible that can happen from fear or stress, a strong manifestation of joy or anxiety?

First difficulties

At the very first stage of gestation, a woman's body is under maximum stress. Embryo formation, intensive growth the unborn child, which appears literally out of nothing, developing from several cells into a person, is an incredibly complex process, during which the baby transforms and changes every day. Central to all these metamorphoses is the growth of nerve cells that form the head and spinal cord baby. Violation psycho-emotional state mother can lead to disorders and pathologies of the neurological nature of the fetus. This is the main reason why a pregnant woman should not be nervous.

Any failure in normal condition mothers can entail irreversible consequences: a lag in the subsequent development of the child, and according to the latest data, even autism. It turns out that a lot depends on the sex of the fetus, and nervous shocks affect girls and boys in different ways. Since this effect is in any case colored in negative tones, it becomes clear why pregnant women should not be nervous and worried, and it is simply necessary to try, if not to exclude various factors that badly affect mood, then at least to minimize them.

Small miracle

It has been clinically proven that the body initially perceives the child as foreign body, and if a woman does not have time to adapt to the new conditions of existence, the changed hormonal background, there are bursts of emotions, and toxicosis, and general poor health.

First trimester of pregnancy - difficult period... A woman may not even guess about such significant changes in her body and about what is expecting a child, therefore she does not always understand the nature of irritability, fatigue, what happens to her in general and why. A pregnant woman should not be nervous throughout all nine months of carrying a baby, but it is at initial stage excessive emotionality often becomes the reason for the termination of pregnancy.

Give in to your instincts

For those who are going to become a mother, they plan their every step, it is easier to prepare for future difficulties, but they can also expect many frightening changes for which the girl simply will not be ready. What can we say about expectant mothers, for whom the new position was a surprise, and in addition to realizing the shocking fact of the coming birth, the body sends various incomprehensible messages that need to be correctly interpreted and deciphered.

In fact, pregnancy is not a disease, the body prepares for this every month, and ideally everything should go naturally. The most important thing is to listen carefully to what the subconscious mind, sensations and emotions suggest, then there will be no problems and worries, and the question of why pregnant women should not be nervous and cry will not bother either expectant mothers, or fathers, or their leading doctors ...

Strong man

Western doctors love to do all kinds of research, including with expectant mothers. One of last works pundits monitoring of 500 pregnant women became. The task of the doctors was to study the effect of stress on the process of bearing a fetus, as well as on subsequent childbirth and the psyche of babies in general.

In the course of research, doctors have received interesting results. It turns out that stress in a mother, if she is carrying a boy, can cause such problems:

    overburdening of the fetus;

    prolonged labor;

    psychological disorders in the baby (nervousness, tearfulness, autism).

The most dangerous consequenceexplaining why pregnant women should not be nervous is possible miscarriage... During stress, the strongest pressure surges occur, blood circulation, air circulation in the body, and the supply of substances necessary for vital activity are disturbed, which as a result leads to very serious pathologies.

Cute baby

It's a little different with girls. Scientists claim that mom's increased nervousness can provoke premature birth, entanglement of the fetus with the umbilical cord, possibly asphyxiation.

The adverse effect on the psyche of the newborn, which brings nervous tension mother during gestation, subsequently manifests itself in a variety of neurological and psychological problems.

The greatest impact of stress as a factor affecting the baby is manifested in later datesstarting at 28 weeks, but why shouldn't pregnant women be nervous in the first trimester? This period is significant, up to 12 weeks the fetus is so fragile and tender that even the strongest emotional stress can provoke its death. Therefore, having learned about interesting situationit is important to avoid any stress.

Woe from happiness

What does the phrase "any stress" mean? What is stress anyway? This is a reaction human body to a variety of external stimuli, which can be not only bad emotions or impressions, fatigue or overstrain, but also good, joyful events, moments of strong happiness.

Some people, with positive emotions, experience such strong feelingsthat they can cause serious, albeit short-term, disorders in the body. For a pregnant woman, this can result in her contractions, spasms or even premature birth, and the baby will experience mother's delight in the form of a lack of oxygen and discomfort, sincerely not understanding what is disturbing his peace and why. A pregnant woman should not be nervous, but what to do if a stressful situation still happened, how to recover faster?

How to deal with stress?

Many moms recall the slight feeling of lethargy they experienced during pregnancy. In this way, nature protects both mother and her baby, creating a natural barrier to all kinds of stress. Such a measure is sometimes not enough. How can a woman in this case help herself to find a sense of peace and tranquility?

    soothing herbal teas;

    environment favorable for recreation;

    light sedatives, tinctures and fees (as recommended by a doctor);

    foot massage;

    if the term is not late, you can take a warm bath, go to the pool, rinse under contrast shower, but without sudden changes in temperature, it perfectly relieves irritation and fatigue, tones the body.

Every woman, probably, from the moment of growing up, has heard at least once that it is categorically not recommended to be nervous during pregnancy. Indeed, during this period of life, you are connected with the baby as closely as never after, his condition also depends on your condition, and directly. Many scientists confirm that you shouldn't be nervous, it's quite dangerous, you don't want to harm the child, do you?

What is the threat of excess nervousness during pregnancy, how to get rid of it

Any doctor, when they put you on the register, of course, will repeatedly repeat about the dangers of a nervous state. The development and growth of the baby is directly related to you, therefore, if you are often nervous, such an anxious state is transmitted to the baby. Many doctors agree that for mothers who were worried and worried a lot, children are more anxious, mobile and sensitive, they are characterized by frequent and sharp drops mood.

It is especially contraindicated to be nervous in the second half of pregnancy. By this time, the baby has a sufficiently formed nervous system, so he is very sensitive to the slightest changes in your condition, frequent experiences can provoke the development of hypoxia in the baby, and after birth he will be excitable and restless. Foreign experts are inclined to believe that mothers who are exposed to frequent stress increase the risk of having premature babies with a lack of weight, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy. They also do not exclude the risk of developing asthmatic diseases in a child, if his mother was constantly nervous during the gestation period or in the first years of the baby's life.

How do you avoid getting nervous during pregnancy? You need to try hard to do this, but it's worth it. Of course, expectant mothers have heightened reactions to everything around, so you should not attach importance to everything that happens around you. You must clearly realize that the most important thing now is the health of the unborn baby, let everything else fade into the background. Try to walk as often as possible, get out into the fresh air in the park, forest. Such walks will have a positive effect on your health with your child, and will also have a beneficial effect on nervous system.

Try to limit communication with people who know how to create unpleasant and stressful situations, surround yourself with calmness and positive emotions... Listen to good music, dreaming of good things, read your favorite books, eventually watch old films that only bring positive things, in general, do what brings you only pleasure, which means benefits. Do not rush to take sedatives, they are allowed, but not all and not always, only your doctor can prescribe their intake and dosage. If you cannot calm down the raging storm of emotions, drink chamomile tea or motherwort broth, from time to time you can take valerian. But remember, all your actions must be approved by the doctor, he knows everything about the course of your pregnancy, so he will help you decide what you can and what not.

Aromatherapy helps soothe shattered nerves. Ask the doctor's opinion, if he does not mind, find out which of essential oils are permissible for you in this position and relax on your health. Again, do not forget that you need to know when to stop in everything, so be sure to consult how often you can arrange aromatherapy sessions. And try to leave all worries and worries behind, soon you will meet with the child, expect this miracle in sunny mood and good location spirit.

okean-160 16.10 18:28

In my opinion, one should not be nervous during the entire pregnancy, and not only in its second half. I remember that in the first weeks I was quite stressed. Apparently there were changes hormonal backgroundthat influenced my mood. The husband, his attention and care, helped to calm down and relax. In the second trimester, I became calmer and more balanced. Even minor troubles at work did not hurt as much as they did before pregnancy. This condition was also promoted by nightly walks in the fresh air, a couple of slices of chocolate and tea with mint before bed. In the third trimester, I was so immersed in thoughts about the future baby that even worries about upcoming birth didn't bother me too much. Even a couple of days before the expected date, I was not nervous. Perhaps that is why my son was born quickly and almost painlessly: at about 21.30 the water receded, and at 00.55 a baby was born. From my experience, I can tell future mothers: positive psychological attitude is very important, so you need to stay calm and peaceful.