Scientific and practical center for helping children in Solntsevo. Children's Medical Center

GLUT 1! (Genetic Syndrome) Good evening. My name is Julia, my son Marik has a very rare disease GLUT 1, if there are more children like that, write, call! Putting together a team for later life... I am very interested in how these children live and where do you get the strips for measuring ketones. In general, I have a lot of questions, and also went and saw a lot ourselves. Unfortunately, our Russian doctors cannot help us. Therefore, I am looking for the same desperate parents. Thank you in advance! My phone: + 7-985-977-75-57, mail: [email protected]

Hello. My son is 2 years old, at 6 months he suffered a neuroinfection, at discharge he was diagnosed with Acute viral encephalitis, paresis of the facial nerve on the right, hemiparesis on the left medium severity. Epileptiform syndrome. Now he has complications in the form of a violation of body thermometry at the slightest cold. From medicines we take Depakine Chronospheres at 375 ml. 2 times a day. On this moment he himself gets up, sits down, walks, holding on to the support. I want to come to your Center for examination and ...

The child is 1 year and 3 months old, according to the results of the EEG video, the diagnosis is Idiopathic West Syndrome. We accept Depakine Chronosphere, Sabril. The attacks were stopped with Dexamethasone. Is it possible to get advice on nutrition, analysis and development? We will be in Moscow in early November, we will live in Astrakhan. Best regards, Dmitry. Email mail: [email protected]

Hello! My baby is 1 month old, diagnosed with right-sided cleft lip and hard palate. At what age is lip, nose and palate surgery performed. And when can I come, or rather it is better to come to you for a consultation?

Diagnosis - epileptic syndrome with frequent daily serial myoclonus. Delay psychomotor development with bilateral pyramidal symptoms due to intranatal lesions of the central nervous system. child 1, 5 years old.

Hello! The son is 2.6 years old. Diagnosis: Symptomatic focal epilepsy, with the consequence of perinatal brain damage in the form of hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome, moderate spastic tetraparesis, psychotropic delay and speech development... The eyes cannot see: partial atrophy of the optic nerve. We need to make an appointment for a consultation or come any day. We are looking forward to hearing, I would like to hear from you about our situation. Thank you for attention. I would like to get to you for treatment!

My child (diagnosed with epilepsy) needs re-hospitalization at your center in PNO-2, the attacks are frequent, polymorphic, and cannot be stopped. They lay in October 2011. There are small improvements after the introduced new drug, for which many thanks to the head Osipova K.V. and doctor Shiryaev Yu.S. Therefore, in order to further adjust the treatment, it is necessary to consult the same doctors and continue the selection of drugs. We live in Kuzbass, because of financial difficulties come first ...

Good day! I want to make an appointment with Yavorskaya Maria Markovna, my daughter, White Valentina... We were in PNO-4 twice. Now we need a consultation with Maria Markovna. How to do it? Need to come directly to the Center for the appointment? Or need to make a phone call? Then why? Please help us with information, do not take it for work. Best regards, Yulia Belaya, tel .: 499) 489-03-13, 8-917-560-32-68, e-mail: [email protected]

Hello. Please tell me how you can get treatment and what documents are needed ??? My son is 4 years old, he has cerebral palsy, once he had an episode of epilepticus. We are from the Kostroma region, we have nowhere to turn! Help me please.

This important and responsible work should begin even before the birth of the child with the acquaintance of the district pediatrician with the expectant mother, the characteristics of her health, the presence or absence of aggravating factors, the material and cultural level of the family and the quality living conditions... At this stage, the doctor can give advice to the woman on preparing a dowry for a newborn, choose optimal place to accommodate a baby cot, to convince expectant mother in advantage breastfeeding, set her up for breastfeeding, help prepare her breasts for breastfeeding, etc.

From the moment of birth, the child is under the supervision of neonatologists maternity hospital who monitor the baby's health before he is discharged.

At home, the baby will be under the supervision of a district pediatrician, who should become your friend for many years, because your goal is the health of the child, to which you will strive together.

If a child grows up healthy, then in the first year of life he is examined by a doctor once a month, as a rule, on a "baby" day with a simultaneous vaccination. When rickets, anemia, hypotrophy, diathesis or other pathology is detected in the first year of life, the doctor takes the child for dispensary registration, carries out dynamic monitoring of the state of health, together with “narrow” specialists prescribes therapeutic and recreational measures and analyzes the effectiveness of clinical examination. These efforts are not in vain, regular observation and careful implementation of all medical advice allows you to eliminate the problem on early stages until she caused significant harm to the health of the child.

Healthy children come to see a doctor at a polyclinic, and sick children are served only at home. This requirement limits the contacts of a sick child with healthy ones, and also provides the patient with a sparing treatment regimen. In any clinic there is a possibility to call a doctor at home, which must be performed on the same day. At initial visit a sick child, the doctor examines him, prescribes treatment, gives recommendations on nutrition, care, regimen, implementation necessary procedures and further monitors the course of the disease, visiting the patient without a second call ("active" visit). If the patient's condition requires a course of injections at home, then the nurse... If necessary, the doctor prescribes additional research, consultations of "narrow" specialists, examination by the head of the department and other medical and diagnostic measures.

A doctor's home call is carried out in each clinic every day from 8.00 to 14.00 (16.00 hours). The word "daily" should be especially emphasized, since many parents do not even suspect about the possibility of calling a pediatrician on weekends and holidays, waiting for Monday, self-medicating, or demanding an ambulance to "listen to the child." Remember: there is not a single day of the year when a sick child can be refused to call a pediatrician from the clinic. Even in New Year Holidays which in our country last from Catholic Christmas before the old New Year, medical care for children is provided daily.

Are you late to call the doctor? Does your child fall ill in the evening when house calls are no longer accepted? This is also not a reason for sadness. In large cities, branches have been created and operate around the clock medical care to children at home (OKMP), which are popularly called "children's ambulances". Day and night, on holidays and on weekdays, pediatricians of the OKMP visit sick children and provide them help needed, prescribe treatment and transfer information about it to the district clinic, from where your doctor will come on the same or the next day to continue the treatment and examination.

Unfortunately, the concept of “health” in a child is an unstable state. He had just had fun and danced when he suddenly lost consciousness and turned blue. Or, against the background of a sharp rise in temperature, he gave out convulsions and stopped breathing. Or in the middle of the night he began to choke and gasp for air. "Scalded with boiling water", "hit by a car", "fell out of the window", "does not breathe", "turned blue", "suffocates" - these and some other reasons require immediate assistance in order to restore health, and often the life of the child ... In such cases, urgently call ambulance, whose phone number is known to everyone: "03".

The main task of the ambulance is to provide emergency medical care to the sick and injured at the scene of the accident and during transportation to the hospital, as well as to carry out the maximum possible amount of treatment aimed at restoring the vital functions of the body.

An ambulance is provided at any time of the day to all citizens, without exception, regardless of registration and the presence or absence of an insurance policy. Everything medications, disposable syringes, systems for intravenous drip of solutions, transport splints, dressings, diagnostic tests (ECG, rapid blood sugar test), the use of anesthesia and respiratory equipment and other manipulations carried out by the ambulance team are free for all patients.

With the ineffectiveness of outpatient treatment, the addition of secondary complications, difficulties with the diagnosis, the issue of hospitalization of a sick child in a hospital is resolved. Hospitalization is necessary if acute illness in a child of the first year of life, with grave condition patient, with suspicion of acute surgical pathology, for some infectious diseases taking into account the child's condition and social conditions.

Hospitalization is voluntary, no one has the right to hospitalize a child forcibly if the parents - the legitimate representatives of his interests - refuse to undergo inpatient treatment. It is the doctor's job and responsibility to convince parents of the need for this step. Parents take responsibility for the further course of the disease and the fate of the child, about which a corresponding entry is made in medical records and the parents' signature is put. The doctor will have to carry out examination, treatment and active monitoring at home. If the child's condition is life threatening and requires an indispensable hospitalization, and the parents, due to misunderstanding, mental retardation, chronic alcoholism and other reasons do not want to give him to the hospital, the guardianship and guardianship authority or law enforcement agencies should be involved in resolving the issue. In this situation, the actions of the parents are contrary to the interests of the child and harm him.

The Children's Hospital performs the following tasks:

Providing a sick child with inpatient care;

Treatment of sick children using the latest advances medical science and technology;

Providing emergency medical care in case of sudden illnesses and accidents to all patients, regardless of age and area of ​​service.

It is worth dwelling on this point separately.

Any patient delivered to the emergency department by the ambulance team, who applied there independently or with a referral from the clinic, must be examined by the doctor on duty and receive first aid, regardless of the presence or absence of a policy, registration, citizenship and indications for hospitalization. If the refusal to provide medical care without a valid reason entailed harm to health, this case falls under article 124 of the Criminal Code "Failure to provide assistance to the patient."

If you are faced with a doctor's reluctance to examine your child and provide him with first aid, you must insist that the fact of your visit to the admission department be recorded in the journal, and receive a written refusal to examine and provide assistance. In the interests of the child, you should not tune in to a long showdown, but you need to go to another hospital. You can call unscrupulous health workers to account later, when the danger to the health of the child has passed.

So you got acquainted with the main types of medical care that is provided to children for free:

Outpatient and polyclinic care,


Inpatient assistance,

and with the procedure for contacting these treatment-and-prophylactic institutions in each specific case.

On the eve of childbirth or in the first days after discharge from the maternity hospital, enter necessary information v notebook or in the table below, so that in case of a baby's illness, you do not have to frantically rummage through the telephone directory, looking for the clinic's phone number, and not finding it, call an ambulance with the reason "temperature 37.5" or "diaper rash in the groin area."

Children City Polyclinic


Reception phone number

Phone and time to call a doctor at home

Full name of the district pediatrician

Schedule of admission to the local pediatrician:


Phone and time to call the doctor on duty on weekends and holidays

Phone appointment to "narrow" specialists

Clinical laboratory opening hours (taking blood, urine, feces for analysis)

Days and opening hours of the biochemical laboratory

Phone of the chief physician or administrator on duty


Department of round-the-clock medical care for children at home

Children's trauma center

Opening hours

Nearest children's hospital

Reception phone number

12.08.18 12:28:18

+2.0 Excellent

Good afternoon to everyone who reads my review. I would like to tell you a little about the VF Voino-Yasenetsky Scientific and Practical Center for Aid to Children. We lay with our little son from 16.07.2018 to 30.07.2018.We ourselves are from the city of Magnitogorsk, we came for the operation with a diagnosis of coronary form hypospadias, T. K. could not trust the local and Chelyabinsk doctors. It all started with the search for the very best doctor for my child, having turned the entire Internet and having read a million reviews, I opted for the wonderful doctor Nikita Valerievich Demin, and did not regret it a bit! First I phoned the doctor, then communicated by email. Mail and Viber. When the diagnosis was made, we were sent a list required analyzes for hospitalization. Demin N.V. always answered all my endless questions despite being busy! Arriving at the clinic, we were received very well, all the staff, starting from the reception department, are friendly and competent. When we passed the preliminary examination, we were taken to the ward, we lay in the department of neurosurgery and ophthalmology. We had a paid ward (but this is not necessary), large, clean, two large beds, a bed for a child, a refrigerator, a microwave oven, a toilet, a shower, a large table, an air conditioner, in general, everything you need to stay. Dr. Demin N.V. also gave us a phone number, as I later found out, our attending physician. Our attending physician, Mikhail Vitalievich Indereykin, turned out to be a very pleasant and friendly person! I had to bother MV Indereikin with my questions, but there were still a myriad of them, but our doctor always found time to answer all the questions, very much supported and reassured, he said that everything would be fine, for which a special human thanks to him! 17.07.2018 our anesthesiologist Natalya Vladimirovna came, very nice woman, all lucidly explained what and how it will be in intensive care! We agreed with her about premedication because the child, although already big (3 years old), is still not easy to pick up from his mother! 18.07.18. At 8:45 am an injection, from whom the child became well, very calm, our doctor N.V. Demin came, having examined the child, he absolutely calmly said that everything was clear and went to prepare for the operation. A minute later, honey came. Sister Marina told me to wrap my son in a blanket and put him on a gurney and took him to the 4th floor to the operating room, I could only walk him to the elevator, but somehow it so happened that I ended up in the elevator and accompanied my son almost to the operating room! About two hours later, our doctor Demin N.V. came and said that the operation went well! A little later, they brought my son, he was still under anesthesia, slept for a couple of hours, and woke up asking for food, he recovered well from the anesthesia, there was no vomiting, nothing at all. Demin N.V. explained what and how we will need to do. Indereykin M.V. came to us to find out how the child feels even in the evening, when all the doctors have already finished their working day! In general, you can write a lot about doctors and other personnel, and about the center itself, only good things! I want to express huge thanks all honey. To the sisters who were in our department: Sasha, Marina, Masha, etc., special thanks to our procedural sister Rimma! Girls, you are all great smart girls! All the best and best to you, good luck in your work! Special thanks to our anesthesiologist Natalya Vladimirovna! Good health to you! I also want to thank those from the bottom of my heart. Staff for cleanliness, good relations, unfortunately, I do not know your name, but when you came to us in the morning to clean the room, always speaking with a smile " good morning"it was very pleasant and more cheerful in my heart! Thank you! Thanks to the catering workers for their attentiveness, kindness and delicious meals! I am very grateful to our doctors N.V. Demin and M.V. Indereikin, you are really capital letter, with golden hands and kind heart! Good luck in your hard work! Thank you for not leaving us at this time! 2.08.18 I am grateful to God and fate that brought me to such wonderful people! I will recommend you and your wonderful center to everyone who needs your professionalism! With great respect A. V. Yakovleva