Severe abdominal pain in early pregnancy. Why does a woman's stomach hurt in early pregnancy. Diseases and pathologies

see 2 cherished stripes on a pregnancy test cherished dream many women. But sometimes time moves inexorably forward, and the stork is in no hurry to fly.

How do you determine what is born inside you new life? And, if the usual menstruation did not come on the right day and the lower abdomen hurts, is this a sign of pregnancy? Or can such a condition be caused by other processes in the body? Let's figure it out.

Pain in the lower abdomen and possible pregnancy

So, the new menstrual cycle is nearing completion and you are looking forward to the "news" about the desired conception.

Of course, pregnancy, its inception and course is a purely individual process and can take place in different ways. But there are still basic similar signs, and one of them is a “pulling” pain in the lower abdomen.

Causes of pain in the lower abdomen at the beginning of pregnancy

  1. The process of fusion of female and male eggs occurs during the period of ovulation, which, as a rule, falls in the middle of the cycle;
  2. A few days (usually from 6 to 12) after fertilization, the egg reaches the uterus, passing through the fallopian tubes;
  3. In the wall of the female reproductive organ she finds cubby”and is fixed in it;
  4. At the same time, the fertilized cell seems to “push apart” the epithelial cells in order to settle better;
  5. The process of implantation causes the first signs of pregnancy, in which the lower abdomen hurts and scanty bloody issues;
  6. Most often, the “settlement” of the egg occurs towards the end of the cycle, when only a few days remain before menstruation.

Therefore, aching or nagging pain in the lower abdomen means either the successful fixation of the zygote, or the approaching menstruation (if fertilization has not occurred).

Interesting! Drawing pain (moderate) in the region of the suprapubic zone often means the fact that the female body has accepted the future baby. All organs and systems "start" the necessary processes and are ready to help the full growth and development of the crumbs.

Pulling in the lower abdomen: how to recognize pregnancy

It is quite difficult to determine the onset of pregnancy. Often a woman perceives such sensations as harbingers of menstruation.

If implantation was accompanied by spotting bleeding, most often there is only one verdict - the onset of menstruation. In such cases, the expectant mother does not even suspect a joyful event that has taken place in her body.

So, what to do if there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen?

The answer is simple: nothing.

Received the long-awaited positive result- wonderful, soon a joyful event is expected in your house.

Attention! Drawing pains in the suprapubic part are typical for about 4 weeks of pregnancy. If after a while the pain does not go away, but only intensifies, go to the doctor.

It is also important to ensure peace and rest for yourself, it is worth taking sick leave at work in order to spend a few days in bed.

By the way! The doctor, with complaints of pain in the lower abdomen, will most likely immediately diagnose you with uterine tone and prescribe a whole bunch of pills and hormones. Do not rush to take them!

Read the article about uterine tone and make sure that doctors often play it safe: Uterine tone in early pregnancy >>>).

Also take a look at the online course posted on the site, where, in addition to recommendations for a healthy conception, you will learn how to live the first weeks of pregnancy and endure healthy baby. Follow the link: I want a baby!>>>

If you think that you felt the first signs of pregnancy just because your stomach hurts, you should carefully listen to the sensations of your body. Usually, the birth of a miracle is accompanied by some additional signs:

  • Delayed menstruation (by the way, read the current article: Can menstruation occur during pregnancy?>>>);
  • Abundant vaginal discharge caused by dysbacteriosis;
  • The appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth, sensitivity to odors;
  • swelling of the breast (mammary glands), darkening of the halo;
  • Mood swings, irascibility, irritability.

Lower abdomen hurts: when is the help of a doctor needed?

Unfortunately, sipping in the lower abdomen does not always mean pregnancy.

Sometimes this phenomenon is a sign gynecological diseases- they are often accompanied by a similar symptom. Often the pain intensifies before menstruation, which can be perceived as early sign pregnancy.

In some cases, pain in the area below the navel can be triggered by the following pathologies:

  1. Gynecological diseases;
  • Apoplexy of the ovaries. Doctors call this term a hemorrhage in the ovarian tissue;
  • Ectopic (tubal) pregnancy (read the article: How to identify an ectopic pregnancy?>>>).

Important! Incessant aching pain in the lower abdomen - a reason for immediate appeal to a specialist.

Ectopic pregnancy, cysts and ovarian apoplexy are eliminated only surgically. The loss of precious time in such cases can lead to disastrous consequences.

  1. Diseases of the genitourinary system;

It cannot be unequivocally stated that pain in the lower abdomen is a sign of indispensable pregnancy. In some cases, it can be triggered by cystitis - an inflammatory process in the bladder. Additional features such a disease are considered:

  • frequent and painful urination;
  • pain in lumbar;
  • the presence of blood in the urine.

Of course, for any woman, pregnancy is a very milestone in life. I really want everything to go smoothly, so that the baby feels good from the very beginning, and the woman is healthy. Naturally, the pain early dates pregnancies, as well as later ones, cause a lot of excitement and anxiety in a pregnant woman. Everyone knows that healthy body it doesn’t hurt, but is it worth worrying and panicking at every pain sensation? In this article, we will tell you in detail about what pain you may encounter in early pregnancy, whether you are afraid of them or not, and what to do if they occur.

Pain in early pregnancy

In general, it can be said that pain in early pregnancy The phenomenon is quite normal and physiologically explicable. For example, most often a woman is faced with the fact that her stomach hurts during early pregnancy. The cause of pain in the abdomen, which, by the way, is often accompanied by back pain, is that the uterus undergoes many changes in early pregnancy - it becomes softer and thicker, changes its size and position. In addition, the fetal egg is attached to its cavity, and the blood rushes to it with renewed vigor to ensure good nutrition embryo.

If your stomach pulls during early pregnancy, then this is normal. The criterion for anxiety is the intensity of the pain. If you experience pulling pains in the lower abdomen, reminiscent of pain during menstruation, this is considered normal, which means that at this moment the fertilized egg is attached to the wall of the uterus. Normally, such sensations can last from 2 to 5 days. Sometimes they are accompanied by a scanty pink to brown discharge. You should be wary if the pulling pains in the lower abdomen continue long time, are sharp in nature, and the woman suffers from dizziness and fainting. The combination of these signs may indicate the development of an ectopic pregnancy, in such cases, urgent medical intervention is necessary, since the woman's life may be in danger!

Also, during pregnancy, pulling and sharp pains in the abdomen can occur - most often these are manifestations of existing diseases of the digestive tract. Usually they are accompanied by flatulence, constipation, bloating. All these phenomena are associated with the production of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy, as well as the changing position of the uterus inside the abdomen. Naturally, in such cases one should pass full examination and treat existing diseases so as not to harm either yourself or the child.

Discharge in early pregnancy

The next common question is, do women have discharge in early pregnancy and which of them are considered normal and which are not? It should be said that discharge accompanies a woman throughout her life, and the period of pregnancy is no exception. Most of the discharge is an acceptable deviation from the norm and does not require special treatment. These include discharge that has increased in early pregnancy, white or transparent color, it is permissible if they have a pale yellow tint. Their function is to moisturize the mucous membranes of the vagina, and during early pregnancy, these discharges can not only not stop, but also increase. If the discharge is odorless, and the woman does not suffer from burning, itching and redness, then everything is in order.

A common occurrence in early pregnancy is the appearance of mild discharge, reminiscent of menstruation. They can be both pale pink and brown. As a rule, such secretions appear as a result of the attachment of the fetal egg to the endometrium and due to the fact that a mucous plug begins to form, blocking the entrance to the uterus. This is the remains of this mucus.

Bleeding in early pregnancy should be alerted if a woman suffers from cervical erosion - inflammation on the mucous membrane in the form of wounds and sores. You should also be concerned if the discharge has Brown color and are accompanied sharp pains- this may be a sign of detachment of the fetal egg and carries real threat miscarriage. If such a situation occurs, you need to urgently get to a doctor who will do an ultrasound scan, blood and urine tests for hCG: if the level of this hormone drops sharply, this indicates that the pregnancy is in danger and may have to be terminated.

Sometimes women are faced with the fact that they have monthly periods in the early stages of pregnancy. This is also the norm, especially if fertilization occurred a few days before the expected date of menstruation. If you are not worried about the pain, wait until the next month - there should be no more menstruation. Another cause of early bleeding may be multiple pregnancy(most often occurs if a woman has undergone in vitro fertilization), embryos rejected by the body come out with blood.

In early pregnancy, suspicions may be caused by yellow and green discharges, especially those Strong smell. Most often, these are accumulations of pus in one stage or another, which may be signs acute infections, including STDs. In this case, urgent treatment is needed!

Temperature in early pregnancy

Temperature in early pregnancy is one of the defining symptoms. On our website, we have already written about how to determine early pregnancy. Elevated temperature during early pregnancy is its characteristic feature. Normally, the body temperature of a pregnant woman should be at the level of 37 ° C. This is about basal temperature body, which can be measured in the rectum. If this indicator decreases, there is a risk of miscarriage, so you need to urgently consult a doctor. An increased body temperature in the early stages is due to hormonal changes in the body, as a rule, in the 2nd month it is already within the normal range.

If the body temperature rises sharply (over 38 ° C), this may indicate ectopic pregnancy, and also be evidence of an inflammatory process, which can adversely affect the development of the embryo. In some cases, if a woman has a viral or infectious disease in the early stages of pregnancy, the pregnancy has to be terminated, because irreversible changes occur in the brain of the embryo, and the child will be born with pathologies. In any case, if you have any doubts, it is better to consult a doctor.

We wish you mild pregnancy and healthy kids! Good luck!

Pain in the abdomen during pregnancy worries every woman, literally drives her into a panic. But gynecologists assure that there are many physiological factors, which can provoke pain in the abdomen during pregnancy. Doctors differentiate pain according to the duration of pregnancy - in the first or second trimester and on later dates.

Table of contents:

Abdominal pain during early pregnancy

The lower abdomen during pregnancy hurts most often in the early stages, while obstetric and non-obstetric pains are distinguished. In the first case, the syndrome in question can cause physiological features body, ectopic pregnancy, premature detachment placenta, spontaneous abortion. Non-obstetric pains are those that are the result of pathologies that develop in organs that are not related to reproductive system.

A woman should not worry if, in the early stages of pregnancy, the lower abdomen hurts as follows:

  1. Pulling, non-intense, recurring pain in the lower abdomen, localized either on one side, or captures the entire abdomen - this indicates a sprain that holds the uterus.
  2. The pains are spasmodic in nature, they are characterized by constancy and lack of intensity - this is due to hormonal changes in the body.
  3. Spasms of very mild intensity with discharge minimum quantity blood from the vagina - this usually happens 10-15 days after conception and means only that the fertilized egg has attached to the wall of the uterus, and the embryo is already beginning to develop. note: spasms can be only on the left or only on the right side abdomen, the localization of pain depends on which wall of the uterus is attached fertilized egg.

If a woman has an ectopic pregnancy, then the pain syndrome will have characteristic features:

  • pain stabbing, piercing the entire abdominal cavity;
  • attacks of pain appear according to the principle of contractions - they are strong and frequent;
  • there is bleeding or brown spots on the underwear- it depends on whether there was a rupture of the uterine (fallopian) tube or whether everything was limited to an anguish.

note: with an ectopic pregnancy, some women, in addition to abdominal pain, experience severe cramps in the lower back. The pain can last for several days, up to a month, but an ectopic pregnancy always ends with the death of the ovum, rupture of the fallopian tube and surgery.

In early pregnancy, abdominal pain may appear due to intestinal disorders - due to hormonal changes in the body, it begins to function "sluggishly", waste products move slowly through the intestine, hardening and provoking constipation. In addition, a woman may be disturbed increased gas formation and, as a result, bloating of the intestines - this also causes pain.

Pregnancy is a rather serious "test" for the body and in the case of previously diagnosed inflammatory processes of a chronic nature internal organs abdominal pain will inevitably occur. With adnexitis (inflammation of the ovaries), pyelonephritis (pathology of the kidneys), cystitis (inflammatory process in the bladder), the pain syndrome will be characterized as unstable, pulling and undulating. note: abdominal pain during pregnancy due to chronic inflammatory diseases is never accompanied by bleeding.

Diagnosis of abdominal pain in early pregnancy

With the appearance of pain in the abdomen, even of a non-intense nature in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman should immediately consult a doctor for examination, consultation and treatment, if necessary. The gynecologist will definitely refer the patient with such complaints for a deep examination:

  • ultrasonography pelvic organs - will help identify pathological changes in the structure of the uterus, to detect neoplasms (for example, fibroids) and ectopic pregnancy;
  • computed tomography is a more accurate diagnostic method that not only gives an idea of clinical picture, but also differentiates pathologies, determines the benign / malignant nature of tumors;
  • laboratory analysis of blood and urine - it is possible to identify inflammatory processes outside the reproductive system.

Naturally, at the first appointment, the gynecologist collects data on the woman's sexual development (when the first menstruation went, were there any violations menstrual cycle) and previously diagnosed diseases. Important when diagnosing abdominal pain during pregnancy, they have data on previously performed instrumental and / or vacuum abortions that happened spontaneous miscarriages and surgical interventions about an ectopic pregnancy.


If abdominal pain during pregnancy in its first or second trimester has an exclusively physiological etiology, then the gynecologist will not prescribe any treatment. But dynamic monitoring of a woman's health should be mandatory - any pain syndrome can result in bleeding and miscarriage / spontaneous abortion.

In case of detection of chronic inflammatory or infectious diseases, therapy will be prescribed that will not affect intrauterine development fetus.

When diagnosing an ectopic pregnancy, surgery and a long course of rehabilitation using hormonal drugs undergoing spa treatment.

In case of pain due to bloating or constipation, a woman will be advised to adjust her diet, replacing fatty, “heavy” foods with more easily digestible ones.

Abdominal pain in late pregnancy

If the stomach hurts during pregnancy in the later stages, then this may indicate some physiological reasons:

  1. Constipation, increased gas formation, violations of the diet and meal schedule. The intestines are already under pressure during pregnancy from the growing and increasing weight of the uterus, and if a woman neglects simple rules nutrition, then the pain will be constant. Feature pain syndrome with intestinal dysfunction - short-term spasms that appear 20-30 minutes after eating and disappear after the end of the digestion process (maximum hour).
  2. Stretching of the ligaments that support the uterus in the desired position. At the very beginning of pregnancy, the ligaments are just beginning to stretch, but in the later stages they experience more severe pressure. For such pains, there is a certain characteristic: aching, radiating to the lower back, aggravated by sudden movements and coughing / sneezing.
  3. Too much muscle tension abdominals. This is also due to the growing uterus and the increased weight of the fetus.

But often the pain syndrome that appears in late pregnancy can signal the development of pathological conditions:

  1. There is an exacerbation of chronic inflammatory processes in the pancreas (pancreatitis), kidneys (pyelonephritis), bladder (cystitis). But in this case, the pains will be sharp, prolonged and pressing, they are always accompanied by hyperthermia (fever), signs of intoxication of the body (nausea, dizziness, vomiting, weakness) may appear.
  2. Premature birth begins. A similar development of events is possible at any stage of pregnancy, but if in the first trimester a miscarriage first manifests itself blood secretions, then in the third trimester it all starts with abdominal pain. It will be pulling, aching and girdle (goes to the lumbar region). Immediately after the onset of pain, a woman also notes vaginal discharge, which may have different structure and shade - from pink-transparent to scarlet, viscous or watery.
  3. Premature detachment of the placenta. In the process, the placenta separates from the wall of the uterus - the vessels are torn, which causes severe pain and bleeding. Early detachment placenta can occur due to abdominal trauma, after excessive physical overstrain, with diagnosed late toxicosis or persistently high blood pressure.
  4. There was a stagnation of bile in the gallbladder. This pathology develops due to increased production of the hormone progesterone - it is responsible for relaxing the uterus, preventing miscarriage or premature birth. But one of side effects"of such an effect is the relaxation of the smooth muscles of the adjacent organs - gallbladder suffers the most. The muscles of this organ are relaxed, the release of the required amount of bile when food enters the stomach does not occur, and the result is stagnation of bile, pain in the abdomen with localization on the right. Pain syndrome unstable, spasmodic, accompanied by nausea and a bitter taste in the mouth.
  5. Rupture of the uterus. This can happen with an existing scar on a hollow organ - for example, previously performed abdominal operation or previous births ended with a caesarean section.


If in late pregnancy a woman experiences abdominal pain, then this is a reason to visit a gynecologist outside the schedule of examinations. The doctor begins the diagnosis with a deep study of the history of the life and diseases of a woman - for example, if there are chronic pathologies in the anamnesis, then it is worth immediately conducting a profile examination. The next step is an ultrasound examination of the uterus and fallopian tubes. The doctor will be able to detect problems in the uterus, with timely treatment, it will be possible to diagnose the onset of untimely placental abruption or the onset of premature birth.

When emergency(the woman is in severe pain, there is blood discharge, the patient's condition deteriorates sharply, she loses consciousness) surgical intervention without prior examination. Through caesarean section it becomes possible to save the life of the fetus and the health of the mother.


note: in case of sharp, intense pain in the abdomen during pregnancy, accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina, you should immediately seek professional help. Do not go to the gynecological clinic on your own or maternity hospital- from the first minutes of this condition, medical support is necessary.

If the stomach hurts physiological reasons, then the following steps can be taken:

  • adjust the diet, eliminating too fatty, spicy dishes, giving up spices, sauces;
  • set a clear meal schedule - snacking, eating cookies / cakes / chips in front of the TV or reading a book should be excluded;
  • get rid of constipation - eat prunes, dried apricots, drink fat-free kefir at night;
  • lead active image life - passivity in late pregnancy leads to stagnation of bile.

Pain in the abdomen during pregnancy should not lead to panic - just calm down, visit a gynecologist to find out the cause of the syndrome and follow all the recommendations and appointments of specialists. According to statistics, the stomach hurts more often during pregnancy due to physiological changes in the body, which are not a pathology and do not threaten the life of the fetus and woman.

You can get more information about abdominal pain during pregnancy by watching this video review:

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category.

Most women complain that they have pain in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy. This happens during normal childbearing, but sometimes it can serve as a signal of illness.

Pregnancy is not a disease, but carries an increased emotional and physical activity for the woman's body.

Periods from 2 to 3, from 3 to 9, from 9 to 12 weeks of pregnancy are considered dangerous. It is necessary to be attentive to health, to observe changes, especially at these times.

You should not take independent steps, you need to contact the doctor.

Variety of reasons

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes Big changes. There is a huge restructuring of all functions according to the needs of the fetus, which is why in some cases pain is felt.

The causes of pain in the early stages are divided into:

  • obstetric (they will be associated with pregnancy);
  • non-obstetric (associated with pathologies of organs that are not related to the reproductive system).

There are also so-called physiological pains that are observed at the very beginning of pregnancy. They do not cause discomfort, sometimes they are completely invisible.

The first painful sensations begin about a week after fertilization, when the fetal egg is introduced into the endometrium. It is possible that a few drops of blood will be released.

A woman may not pay attention to the pulling feeling from the lower abdomen, taking it for premenstrual syndrome.

The cause of pain in the early stages will be a change hormonal background, that is, an increase in progesterone in the blood. At this time, the ligaments will stretch, the center of gravity will change.

Physiological pains do not increase, they are localized in the lower abdomen, often radiate to the lower back. If a woman is worried about this, you can consult a gynecologist.

Reasons based on pregnancy

On the early stages gestation, the stomach hurts with the diagnosis of "ectopic pregnancy". This happens when a fertilized egg joins before reaching the uterus, on the ovaries or fallopian tubes.

The fetus is not capable of developing in such places, which is why the woman begins to feel pain in this place. When the fetal egg grows, does not fit in the place of attachment, it bursts at a short time of development.

This is accompanied by severe pain heavy bleeding, dizziness, fainting.

Doctors try at the initial stages to detect the incorrect attachment of the fetal egg and not lead to a rupture.

Then at his small sizes There is an option to delete.

Another reason is the threat of miscarriage. At the beginning of gestation, for some reason, detachment of the fetal egg may occur. Signs will be pain in the lower abdomen, uterine bleeding.

When such symptoms appear, call ambulance.

You can not take independent measures, it is categorically not recommended to apply cold or a heating pad to the stomach when it hurts. Timely treatment will give a positive result.

Cyst corpus luteum– next possible reason abdominal pain in a pregnant woman in the early stages. The corpus luteum is a temporary formation that is formed to produce the hormone progesterone in the first months of pregnancy.

Sometimes the corpus luteum accumulates a lot of fluid, becomes larger in size, then a diagnosis is made - a cyst. For a pregnant woman and fetus, this does not pose a threat.

In women with such a disease, the stomach hurts in one specific place, but not much, without fever and additional symptoms. For such patients there are special recommendations.

When a corpus luteum cyst ruptures, it may open internal bleeding, which is why it is not necessary to provoke such a gap.

Women with a corpus luteum cyst should avoid:

  • long walks;
  • lifting weights at all times;
  • sports activities.

On the early stages gestation may stop the development of the fetus, a frozen pregnancy may occur. female body rejects the dead fetus, uterine contraction begins, which is why pain occurs.

It will be acute with increased blood flow. During the examination, the doctor makes sure that there are no parts of the fetus left, examines the condition of the uterine mucosa. With the help of medicines, restores the health of a woman.

Diseases of the internal organs

During the period of bearing a child, they begin to worsen chronic diseases, new inflammatory processes occur. At weak immunity infections may occur.

So the lower abdomen can hurt from cystitis - inflammation Bladder. If the disease was chronic form, then it can worsen in the early stages of gestation.

The growing uterus, which puts pressure on the bladder, provokes a decrease in immunity.

During cystitis at all times there is frequent urination With a small amount cloudy urine, acute pain in the lower abdomen. Treatment is prescribed by a urologist.

In addition to drug therapy applied in the early stages of the bath with medicinal herbs. You need to dress according to the season to prevent hypothermia during pregnancy.

Pyelonephritis can give pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar spine. This inflammatory disease kidney infection is often accompanied by infection, which is undesirable during pregnancy.

The woman may need hospitalization, possibly antibiotics. It is important to quickly identify the onset of the disease on early stages to make the treatment easier.

Another cause of pain in the initial stages is inflammation of the gallbladder, that is, cholecystitis. It is often accompanied by bouts of nausea, even vomiting.

Abdominal pain may increase with a change in body position. It may be whining. With such symptoms, a woman is hospitalized in a hospital.

During pregnancy, the appendix can become inflamed, which will also cause abdominal pain. Soreness begins on the right side, gradually moving down.

Nausea, vomiting, fever join. characteristic feature Appendicitis is an increasing pain in the lower abdomen when walking.

Other reasons

During pregnancy, pain in the abdomen may occur for other reasons that are not related to gynecology. A woman before pregnancy could have pathologies that are manifested by cramps in the lower abdomen.

With these diseases, fever, vomiting, and a general deterioration in well-being are possible, which is undesirable in the early stages of gestation.

At any time, soreness will be felt from the accumulation of intestinal gases. When eating certain foods that increase gas formation, the intestines swell.

At the beginning of bearing a child, the uterus will also join this process, which gradually increases in size.

It is necessary to reduce the consumption of a large number of sour, salty and spicy foods. Bloating is given by incompatible foods that pregnant women love so much.

Carbonated drinks, mushrooms in any form, canned products, products with vinegar are best excluded throughout the entire period of bearing a child.

You need to be careful about bowel movements. Cases of constipation or diarrhea should be isolated. With prolonged indigestion of food, you should consult a doctor to solve the problem.

At the very beginning of bearing a child and a little later, stagnant stool will poison the body, which will adversely affect health.

We must remember that the baby grows in the uterus. The uterus increases in size, presses on neighboring internal organs, this causes a stomach ache. The ligaments that support the uterus are stretched.

At the very beginning of gestation, it is still difficult for them to stretch, this causes pain. It decreases if you change the position of the body.

If earlier a woman had operations on the pelvic organs with the appearance of adhesions, then they can interfere with the growing uterus.

In the early stages, this will be imperceptible, but then the adhesions will tear, painfully stretch under the pressure of the uterus in the later stages.

When to See a Doctor Urgently

There are situations when a pregnant woman is obliged to consult a doctor at any stage of pregnancy.

Pain, other symptoms signal pathological processes in the body that require immediate medical attention.

You need to see a doctor at any time if:

  • the pain intensifies, has the character of contractions;
  • the temperature rises;
  • there are discharges;
  • stomach hurts for more than 2 days;
  • pain increases when walking;
  • nausea, vomiting join;
  • pain in the lower abdomen is sharp, cutting, aggravated by urination.

Self-medication is unacceptable. It can harm the child, you should immediately contact an ambulance. This is especially important in the early stages of gestation, when a woman may not be aware of an existing pregnancy.

Carrying out diagnostics

When it hurts in the lower abdomen, you need to see a doctor, even if the woman does not suspect pregnancy.

Many important internal organs are located in this part of the body, and it is sometimes very dangerous to miss their inflammation.

At the beginning of the first trimester, the gynecologist will send the pregnant woman with complaints to the examination.

Mandatory ultrasound examination belly.

It reveals pathological disorders in the structure of the reproductive organons, the formation of a neoplasm of a malignant or benign nature, the presence of an ectopic pregnancy.

More exact method research is tomography (MRI or CT). In the early stages of gestation, changes in the internal organs of the mother's body can be determined.

If a neoplasm is detected, identify the malignant or benign nature of the tumor.

Mandatory laboratory tests urine and blood. They are often handed over, for the timely detection of inflammation in the reproductive system, the mother's body.

Medical help

Everything medicines the doctor prescribes. He determines the dosage, regimen of taking drugs, the duration of the course.

Only a specialist can consider chronic diseases, the state of a pregnant woman and a child in the early stages of development.

A woman at home is able to adjust her lifestyle in order to reduce pain.

It is useful to actively move, it does not allow bile to stagnate, it helps blood to move from lower extremities, is a good prevention of swelling of the legs.

For the work of the intestines throughout pregnancy, you need to eat right. Exclude spices, sauces, spicy seasonings from the diet. Meals should be regular, it is good for bowel function.

The organs of the digestive system are used to producing enzymes in certain time. Snacking should be avoided, because they affect pregnancy weight, have a bad effect on digestion.

On the last dates women suffer from constipation, you need to prepare the intestines in advance for this unpleasant situation.

Even at the beginning of gestation, eat more dried apricots, prunes, drink sour-milk drinks for dinner, for example, kefir, fermented baked milk. Such products will help get rid of constipation during pregnancy.

A full bladder should not be tolerated. Its emptying should take place without delay. Soreness at the bottom abdominal cavity can cause precisely the pressure of an overflowing bladder on the uterus.

With prolonged sitting, it is useful to change your position more often, this will also help relieve stress and discomfort during pregnancy.


When the stomach hurts, pregnant women often worry. According to them, the child is not well at this time. This is not so, the baby does not feel discomfort.

Often the lower abdomen tightens spasm due to emotional experiences future mother.

In the early stages of bearing a child, abdominal pain is not dangerous if it is not severe. Women need to calm down, listen to pleasant music, do what they love.

At any time, you must be able to balance your mental condition, although it is not easy, especially when expecting the first child.

You need to consult a doctor, perhaps he will prescribe medicinal sedatives. It's better than experiencing stomach cramps from unbalanced emotions.

Useful video

During pregnancy, almost every woman experiences abdominal pain. They occur for various reasons and can cause significant discomfort. Some of them are associated with natural changes in the body, and some can lead to adverse effects.

Why does my stomach hurt during pregnancy

During this period, from time to time a woman feels pain or discomfort v various parts body. As a rule, they indicate a change in the hormonal background or are associated with the growth of the abdomen. But sometimes abdominal pain speaks of an exacerbation of previously sleeping diseases or the appearance of other problems.

The abdomen does not belong to a single organ; pain in this area can be associated with pathologies in various body systems. If you experience discomfort, it is best to consult a doctor.

Types of abdominal pain and their causes

Abdominal pain during pregnancy is conventionally divided into obstetric and non-obstetric. Obstetrics include pain that is directly related to the bearing of a child and, as a rule, does not require medical intervention. Non-obstetric pain can occur in all people and be a symptom of diseases.

The most common obstetric non-dangerous pains include the following:

  • At 2-3 weeks of pregnancy, the fetal egg is implanted in the wall of the uterus. This may be accompanied by a slight pulling pain.
  • Moderate abdominal pain in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. It is conditioned physical changes in the body associated with softening of tissues to support the uterus, as well as stretching of the muscles. Often this problem is faced by pregnant women who have previously had painful menstruation. The pain is sharp, but short-lived in the lower abdomen. They are exacerbated by sudden movements and heavy lifting. They do not need to be treated, the woman should just lie down to rest.
  • In the later stages, abdominal pain may occur due to the movement of the child. Also in the 3rd trimester, pulling pain is associated with the growth of the uterus and the tension of its muscles.
  • Digestive problems associated with pregnancy. Because of hormonal adjustment a woman can be tormented by dysbacteriosis and bloating, accompanied painful sensations. The pain is pulling or aching and is accompanied by belching, nausea, vomiting, or heartburn.
  • Such a problem appears, as a rule, in the second half of pregnancy and requires dietary adjustments.
  • Separate before birth pelvic bones, which may be accompanied by a slight aching pain in a stomach
  • Training contractions appear in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Thus, the body prepares for upcoming birth. They do not cause a woman much discomfort and are not dangerous.

It is important not to confuse false contractions with premature birth. With the appearance of regular contractions, especially severely painful, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

But there are also dangerous obstetric pains that occur with the following problems in the body:

  1. The threat of abortion. At the same time, it aches and pulls in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. Also, bleeding is added to the pain. You can avoid an unfavorable outcome only by contacting for medical care. If no action is taken, then the pain becomes cramping, bleeding increases and spontaneous miscarriage occurs.
  2. in which the fertilized egg is fixed not in the uterus, but in fallopian tube. In this case, there are sharp pains in the abdomen, accompanied by dizziness. An ectopic pregnancy can be detected by ultrasound. Most often, the symptoms characteristic of it occur for a period of 5-7 weeks.
  3. Premature detachment of the placenta. It can be triggered by injuries in the abdomen, a short umbilical cord and other pathologies. In this case, the pain in the abdomen is very severe, internal bleeding may open without external discharge. In this case, only forced delivery and stopping bleeding can save a woman and a child.
  4. dangerous at any stage of pregnancy, since at the same time the fetus is poorly supplied nutrients and oxygen. Often it is accompanied by sharp pains in the lower abdomen of a cramping nature. At the same time, the stomach and uterus become hard, and over time they relax again.

The most common non-obstetric abdominal pain during pregnancy is surgical pathologies or some diseases:

  • Appendicitis is quite rare. With this pathology, strong pain in the region of the navel, right side and right hypochondrium. Accompanied pain nausea, vomiting and fever. In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy there are cases acute appendicitis who needs urgent surgery. Abdominal pain appears suddenly and is paroxysmal in nature, after a while turning into a constant aching.
  • Pancreatitis is characterized sharp pains in the upper abdomen. It is accompanied by vomiting and violation of the stool.
  • manifested by pulling painful sensations and a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. They intensify when filling the bladder, becoming cutting. At the same time, urination becomes more frequent, it becomes painful.
  • Exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis or chronic gastritis also manifested by pain in the abdomen. In the first case, they appear in the right hypochondrium, in the second - in the upper abdomen. The pain is aching in nature.
  • With an intestinal infection or poisoning during pregnancy, there is pain in the navel and indigestion.

Danger intestinal infections during pregnancy in that, together with the tone of the intestines, they cause the tone of the uterus.

What to do for stomach pain during pregnancy

As you can see, abdominal pain during pregnancy can occur due to different reasons. Some of them can threaten the health of both the expectant mother and the child. At normal flow pregnancy, there may be slight pain in the abdomen without dynamics. In this case, the body simply adapts to a new physical state.

You should not self-medicate abdominal pain during pregnancy, as you can harm yourself and your baby. It is best to consult with your doctor first.

Physiological pain during pregnancy can be alleviated by being in the knee-elbow position for 10 minutes several times during the day. Acceptance will help warm shower, chamomile tea or aromatic relaxing oils (rose, mint, jasmine, lavender). After the permission of the doctor at night, you can drink a glass of mint infusion or lemon balm decoction. The tool will help to relax, eliminate pain and fall asleep quickly.

For pain caused by digestive problems, normalization of nutrition, inclusion in the diet will help a large number fresh vegetables, fruits and fermented milk products. You should try to stick to the regimen and eat every day at the same time. It is important to avoid fatty, fried and spicy foods.

At inflammatory processes in organism, causing pain in the abdomen, a woman is prescribed antibiotics compatible with pregnancy, as well as acceptable antispasmodic drugs. With the threat of miscarriage, uterine hypertonicity and initial placental abruption, it is indicated bed rest, sedatives. Antispasmodics, which also reduce the tone of the uterus, help relieve pain in the abdomen.

If surgical intervention is necessary, they try to postpone it until the end of pregnancy, stopping the symptoms of the pathology. In emergency cases, they try to resort to laparoscopy, and not band surgery.

Prevention of abdominal pain during pregnancy

The following recommendations will help reduce physiological pain during pregnancy:

The bandage should only be worn in the supine position and should not be tightened too much.

Provoke the risk of various pathologies can infectious diseases, stressful situations, injury and jerky movements so it's best to avoid them. Timely consultation with a doctor, as well as compliance with all his recommendations, will help reduce the risk of atypical abdominal pain during pregnancy.