Photo retouching and toning for a glossy magazine, photo processing, professional processing in a Photoshop lesson. Secrets and features of portrait photography. How to take an Esquire style photo

Step by step lessons teaching pencil drawing give an idea of ​​a drawing technique that can be mastered by a person of any age with different abilities. After such classes, it turns out that drawing is not at all difficult. Not everyone is confident in their capabilities and doubts that they can draw, and beautifully. Of course, only a true master can perform complex oil paintings, but everyone, even the most young artist, after drawing lessons, which can be found on our website, he will be able to draw his favorite cartoon character. Any child will be interested in the opportunity to learn how to draw with a pencil. Yes, you need to start drawing with the simplest. And the simplest thing is to draw with a pencil. Starting with pencil sketches, you can then master more complex skills. And as a result of everything - this is a more complex drawing with paints. Interesting lessons will captivate children, introduce interesting world images and images.

On our site, after completing pencil drawing lessons, you can get the basics of pencil drawing - such lessons are similar to the lessons that take place in an art school. Our lessons are successfully learned even by the smallest children. The drawing process is given in stages, in a very exciting and interesting presentation.

Pencil drawing lessons.
At first, adults will have to help their children a little: for example, show how to hold a pencil correctly, move the baby's hand, draw lines with him. It is necessary for the child to understand what the degree of pressure on the pencil should be, how to correctly draw a line of the required thickness. After joint activities the kid should try to draw something simple himself. After the basics, you can move on to a more complex one and draw a square or a circle. While drawing, the child's skills will be consolidated, and he will be able to draw more complex plots. Better at first to portray simple items, familiar images. For classes, you need to buy everything you need, the very first thing you need is a soft lead, thick in shape, which draws easily without much pressure on it.

Step by step pencil drawing lessons for children.
Each person has some natural inclinations and abilities that are easier to discover and develop with childhood... The ability to translate images into images will be very helpful in the future. We want to tell you and show you how to draw easy pictures with a pencil for beginners in stages. Drawing lessons are very useful for children, very exciting. Good for kids to develop fine motor skills, which in turn stimulates brain activity and has a beneficial effect on psycho-emotional state... With the help of drawing, an aesthetic perception of reality is formed, an understanding of harmony arises, and also in the process of drawing children come to a balanced state, become calm. All this applies to the adult audience: drawing on them also has a beneficial effect, during the process anxiety goes away, nerves are put in order, stress resistance appears. Therefore, it will be good if children comprehend drawing lessons together with their parents.

The task of adults is to help children master the first lessons, help them navigate the working area of ​​the sheet, hold the pencil correctly, calculate its required pressure on the paper. Sometimes the child may start to place the drawing incorrectly, and it will not fit on the sheet, which will upset the artist. This is where an adult should help and organize the lesson correctly, then drawing will bring great pleasure. The lessons are designed so that the child learns to draw objects that are familiar to him.
Each lesson introduces him to something new, broadens his horizons. Lessons will help systematize the experience that you already have little man and form A New Look to the outside world.

Many beautiful, simple ideas, cool pictures for sketching in The Diary.

Easy, simple and beautiful step by step for beginners to sketch in a personal diary with pencils

Many people dream of keeping a personal diary. But some do not know how to keep a personal diary, what to write about. In this article, we will tell you not only about how to decorate your personal diary with drawings, but also give tips regarding the content of your personal diary.

Important: A personal diary conveys the state of a person's soul. You can keep a diary if you want to speak out, understand yourself and your feelings, just tell the story of your life or certain episodes.

Keeping a diary is a purely personal matter of a person. Therefore, there is no definite framework for what a personal diary should look like. It can be a huge notebook or a small notebook, you can make notes in any color. In general, as your soul desires.

V Lately it is fashionable to make sketches in a personal diary. If you do not know how to draw beautifully, it doesn’t matter. We suggest that you first master simple drawings... All you need is perseverance and a little diligence to draw a picture step by step.

You can see options for pictures step by step on the theme of "Love" below.

Teddy bear with heart

Heart with wings

Two swans in love

Variants of pictures for sketches on the theme "Animals".

How to draw a cat step by step

Drawing hedgehog

Variants of sketches step by step on the theme "Flowers".

Carnation pencil

Some more simple pictures for sketching in a personal diary.

Draw Winnie the Pooh step by step

Christmas tree

Video: Simple Braid Patterns for a Personal Diary

Black and white and small drawings by cells for sketching in a personal diary

We have not yet revealed the main topic related to keeping a personal diary, namely: what to write in your diary? So, here are some ideas for keeping a personal journal:

  1. The first thing that comes to mind is transferring your personal experiences, events, emotions and feelings to paper. On the pages of your diary, you can be as frank as possible, because these are your personal secrets.
  2. You can also describe in chronological order the events that happen to you. It is desirable that they be bright and interesting moments... Believe me, after many years these recordings will make you smile with emotion.
  3. If you write poetry, you can write them in your diary. Great idea preserve and perpetuate your creativity.

Important: Drawings in a personal diary can convey the state of your soul. For example, sadness, joy, love, anticipation of a holiday.

If you are keeping a personal journal in a checkered notebook, you can try drawing in the boxes. Thanks to the diagrams below, you can easily master this drawing technique.

Pokemon pikachu



Wink smiley

Boy and girl

Monster High

Cute drawings for sketching in a personal diary

Important: A personal diary is a special notebook, it is kept for many years. It is advisable to draw up a beautiful personal diary; for this, you can use available tools.

The first step is to design the cover. To appearance your diary is fresh, and the cover must be firm. In order not to bother, the easiest way is to buy a hardcover notebook right away, and then decorate it. The following materials are most often used to decorate the cover:

  • Textile
  • Lace ribbons
  • Rhinestones and beads
  • Clippings from glossy magazines
  • Stickers

On the first page of the diary, you can write a little about yourself, write statuses and quotes that you like, draw a cute drawing. Cute drawings on the pages of the diary will revive him, make him beautiful.

Cute drawings for ld

Cute cat

Pictures for LD

Cute drawings for ld

Drawings for sketching

Cute cat

Cool drawings for sketching in a personal diary

If you decide to draw in your diary, try creating drawings that match the event you are describing. For instance:

  • Drank tea with girlfriends - draw a cup;
  • There was a meeting with a lover - a heart;
  • Waiting for a holiday - a gift;
  • A good mood is a rainbow.

As you can see, fantasy in this regard is limitless. Everyone has it individual approach to keep a diary, we only give tips and advice.

Cool pictures for sketching

Drawings for a personal diary

Cool drawings

Girl under an umbrella

Video: Ideas for a Personal Diary

Cool drawings for sketching in a personal diary

Important: Both color drawings and black and white look great in a personal diary. With a simple pencil, you can create very deep and rich pictures.

You will see this when you see the pictures below.

Black and white drawings for sketching

Cheshire Cat

Some more cool color pictures.

Pictures for sketches on the theme "Food"

A cup of coffee

A piece of cake

Important: When to write in a personal diary? Your diary will be brighter and more interesting if you do not make notes "out of the way." It is better to take notes less often, but at the call of your inspiration.

Drawings for boys for sketching in a personal diary

Not only girls, but also boys can keep personal diaries. And if girls draw more feminine pictures in their diaries (shoes, love, flowers), then boys prefer drawings that are more characteristic of male character... For example: cars, superheroes.

Pictures with food, animals, abstractions and many others are also suitable for sketches in the diary of boys.

Below is a selection of pictures for sketching in a personal diary for boys.

Pictures for sketching

Ideas for a personal diary for boys

Simple step by step drawings

Drawing ideas for a personal diary, notebook for sketching

Now a few words about where to keep your personal diary. There are several ideas for this:

  1. Carry a personal diary with you. If your diary is always at hand, you can write or draw at any time when inspiration comes.
  2. Store in your room. There is probably a secluded spot in your room that only you know about. Some keep personal diaries in a closet with linens, while others hide them under pillows or a mattress.
  3. Turnkey diary. You can keep a personal diary in a notebook that closes with a lock, and always carry the key with you.

Original idea for sketching

Shoes - sketch for girls

Beautiful drawing for a personal diary

Unicorn, rainbow

Girl face

Cute ice creams

We hope that the selection of pictures for sketching will be interesting and useful for you. And soon you will decorate your personal diary with them. Keep your secrets beautiful! And finally, we suggest watching a video, which contains ideas for pictures for a personal diary.

Video: Pictures for a personal diary

What can you draw with an ordinary simple pencil? Yes, exactly the one that everyone used at school. Child's drawing, sketch or diagram? Do you know that there is a whole art in which the main actor, or rather the subject, is an ordinary gray lead. with a simple pencil - room for human imagination.

Unusual art

One of the most accessible, but at the same time incredibly complex types of graphics is drawing with a simple pencil. It would seem that this is a common subject for us? It turns out a lot. Some museums and exhibitions boast an entire room with pencil drawings. They display the most various ideas for drawings inspired by famous artists.

The unsurpassed play of shadows, the maximum resemblance to the original, fascinate and captivate. Looking at some of the masterpieces, it is very difficult to imagine that this can be depicted with an ordinary gray lead. It seems that this is certainly a work done in, well, you cannot draw such a miracle with a simple pencil! However, if you look closely, it is no longer possible to hold back an admiring sigh.

Necessary materials

If you think that a lot of materials are needed to create such a masterpiece, then you are greatly mistaken. To complete the drawing, you need to have landscape sheets, a set of pencils, an eraser and a sharpener. And, of course, drawing ideas. If you have no idea what you want to reproduce, the result will be disastrous. Rather, this result will not be at all.

For more complex work, of course, a snow-white, slightly rough sheet of paper is chosen, on which every stroke will be clear and noticeable. V specialized stores sell ready-made sets simple pencils, but the most common ones can be purchased. They must differ in terms of softness or hardness. The corresponding markings are certainly indicated on them. Such gradation is needed to create shadows, without which even the most daring ideas for pencil drawings are doomed to failure.

You also cannot do without a sharp one that will create the necessary sharpness of the rod. It is advisable to have several erasers that will erase the failed or extra lines according to the type of pencil.

For work on professional level you will need an easel, since it is better to create a picture in an upright position. In this case, the tool will easily slide along the paper, accurately conveying the smoothness of the lines.

How to hold the instrument correctly?

To create a masterpiece, you must master the correct grip of the pencil. It should be held in the palm of your hand, pressing. Such a grip should be developed, but after getting used to it, the results will be more obvious. In art schools, the first few lessons are devoted to the skill of holding a pencil.

Of course, the simplest pencil drawings do not require any special skills. They can be created by holding the tool like a pen when writing. After all, there is simply no risk of smearing simple drawings: their lines are clear and there is no play of shadows. But still, if you want to learn how to draw professionally, it is worth holding the instrument masterfully from the first attempts.

The simplest pencil drawings

The simplest in technique are children's drawings. They are completely uncomplicated in execution, they can be drawn in several stages. But it is with them that you can begin to develop the artistic talent of kids or try your hand at graphics.

Drawing ideas for children are varied. These are birds, animals, cartoon characters... The most important thing is to carefully consider the object, take into account all its characteristics and try to reproduce what you saw. This is how children draw, so it is worth trying for an adult too. Below are just some ideas for drawings with step by step all operations.

Agree, everyone can draw this. But even more complex, seemingly, objects can be reproduced on paper if you break the whole into parts. See how easy it is to create lovely swan... By the way, this figure already uses some techniques for the play of light and shadow (pay attention to

Similarly, in just 13 steps, you can draw Kitty for a child - the heroine of the animated series.

The fact that the drawing is simple at first glance does not matter. If you got it without any problems, start working with the shadow, trying to give the figure volume. To do this, use pencils of different hardness, and also experiment with pressure.

If reproducing children's drawings is too easy for you, create your own paintings. Start with simple things - a cup, a phone, a book, gradually complicating your work. Believe me, even the most seemingly ordinary object in a talented performance will play very attractively. See: the picture below shows a regular light bulb. But thanks to the play of light and shadow, recreated with a pencil, the drawing enchants with its realism.

Such images are often referred to as 3D. This technique is difficult to master, but still possible. In them, the realism of objects is built on the play of light and shadow, which makes everything drawn seem real.

But for a start, it's worthwhile to translate into reality the ideas for simpler pencil drawings. These can be household items, nature surrounding you. For more complex work, you can choose a colored drawing and draw it in black and white... There are a lot of options: you just have to look around you, and your heart will tell you what exactly to display on paper.

Instead of an epilogue

You don't have to take art school lessons to learn how to draw. Vigorous exercise at home can also pay off. The simplest pencil drawings can be the first steps. On their basis, you can complicate the technique, fantasize with forms - and then everything should work out. Believe in success and improve your skills.

If you want to learn how to draw beautifully in a matter of days, then you've come to the right place. Since this article will help even the most inexperienced beginner master drawing techniques and independently learn to draw with a pencil.

The main thing in the article

Basic rules for drawing with a pencil

To learn how to draw, you need to master this art step by step. As with any creation (work) in drawing, there are certain rules, without knowing which, it will be very difficult to study this science. Let's get acquainted with the basic six rules of drawing with a pencil:

How to quickly learn to draw a person with a pencil?

Before starting work, you need to do a little mathematical calculations. For a proportional view of the drawn person, the head is taken as the basis. Next, the rest of the body is calculated. For a realistic picture, men take:

  • from head to hips - size 2.5 heads;
  • from hips to knee - 1.5 heads;
  • from knees to heels - 2 heads.

For the image of a woman, the calculation changes slightly:

  • from head to hips - size 2 head;
  • from hips to knee - 2 heads;
  • from knees to heels - 2–2.5 heads.

The most great attention given to the face, because there are many lines that need to be conveyed with the greatest accuracy. The face should be drawn in stages, more detailed instructions on drawing you will find below.

How to learn to draw landscapes with a pencil?

Landscape is an art genre visual arts, the main subject of which is the image of the nature around us.

For example, consider how landscapes are drawn with a pencil.

To get such a picture, you need to prepare a pencil and White list... Now we do the following:

How to draw anime with a pencil?

Anime- a popular modern cartoon direction, which is "hooked" not only teenagers, but also young artists. When drawing anime, no need to stick to classic rules drawing man. And this greatly simplifies the drawing process. The main elements in this kind of drawing are the head, eyes and hair. And cartoon anime is drawn like this:

  1. Initially, an oval of the head is drawn. It is divided in half by a straight line, after which the same oval is divided across into three parts.
  2. Now you need to mark where the nose, mouth and the most important thing - large eyes will be located.
  3. Outline the eyes. There should be a distance of one eye between them. Begin to draw big eyes from an arc upper eyelid... The peculiarity of the eyes of anime characters is the glare in the pupils, which are given great attention.
  4. The requirements for the anime nose are one - it must be small. Basically, artists do it in the form of a check mark.
  5. Above big eyes eyebrows should be drawn. They are performed in classic style in other words, they are two even arcs.
  6. The lips on the cartoon face are drawn with two small lines that meet each other.
  7. As for the hair, they are drawn with triangular plates that fall chaotically and slightly cover the eyes.

How to learn how to draw beautifully at home with a pencil?

The basic rule of drawing at home is use of straight lines. Thanks to them, the structure comes out stately and beautiful. Also, in drawing at home, you should adhere to a certain technique:

  • D They draw in the same way as they build - from the bottom up.
  • The base of the future house is a regular rectangle. It is performed in straight lines.
  • Mark out the foundation by drawing it across the entire width of the house.
  • Doors, windows, corners and other elements are marked with straight lines.
  • The standard roof is drawn in the form of a triangle. It can be modified if desired. The roof is decorated with tiles, since it is this coating that looks very impressive in the figure.
  • Now pay attention to the details at home. You need to draw windows, shutters, doorway, steps, porch, etc.
  • Shade the drawing, keeping in mind the basic rules of drawing.
  • Place trees, flowers, bushes around the house.

How to learn how to easily draw animals with a simple pencil?

Drawing animals can be done not only with children. Lovely representatives of the fauna are great on canvas and touch the eye. Therefore, take a pencil in your hands and start drawing amazing friends of our little ones.

How to draw a dog with a pencil?

It is quite simple to depict a dog on paper. The basis is taken:

  • a circle that will act as a muzzle;
  • oval - the body of the dog.

After that, the muzzle and paws are formed. All the details are applied and the dog is ready.

How to draw a horse with a pencil?

To draw a horse, an artist must have certain skills, since not everyone will be able to convey on paper all the power and pride of this animal. Below is the step-by-step instruction, which will help to cope with this task.

You can try to draw a simpler option, for example, a cartoon horse.

How to draw a cat with a pencil?

The cat is a favorite pet in many families, so it is not surprising that artists very often depict this animal. Cats look equally beautiful in different styles, while they are drawn quite simply, and the diagrams below are in Once again prove.

How to learn to draw people's faces with a pencil: basic principles.

Let's return to the topic of drawing a person, or, to be more precise, consider the basic principles and stages of drawing:

  1. Originally draw an oval . Divide it by the axes of symmetry into 4 parts. The axes should converge at the center of the oval.
  2. Now oval to give the contour of the face. You should start from the chin, moving up, drawing the zygomatic region, the temporal zone. The lines need to be shaded with a piece of leaf. This will make the outline less heavy.
  3. Barely noticeable lines divide the face into three identical parts across. The tip of the nose should be on the bottom line.
  4. The nose is drawn from the tip. Depending on the type, it can be round, square or pointed. Then we finish drawing the wings of the nose and the bridge of the nose.
  5. Mouth start draw from the bend upper lip located opposite the edge of the nose.
  6. Since in the portrait the soul is transmitted through the eyes, we will dwell on this element of the portrait in more detail below.

How to learn to draw well with a pencil?

Since the eyes in the portrait are assigned crucial role, then their drawing should be given maximum attention. Consider the following when drawing this part of the face:

How to learn to draw cars with a pencil?

The machine is drawn with a pencil according to the following plan:

  • The external outline of the car is indicated, depending on the brand.
  • The resulting template is divided in half.
  • The body is indicated by bold lines.
  • Then the wheels are drawn.
  • Further, windows, doors, mirrors.
  • The parts of the car (headlights, bumper, etc.) are distributed.

How to draw sketches of clothes beautifully with a pencil?

Since childhood, many girls dream of becoming famous fashion designers. But without the skills of drawing sketches of clothes, this is simply impossible.

A sketch is a fuzzy drawing of a model that focuses on clothes, shoes, accessories, leaving the silhouette of a person in the background.

Consider the basic rules for drawing clothes on models:

  1. Attention to detail. For the integrity of the image, you need to pay attention to all the little things, not forgetting to draw accessories, ruffles, patterns on the fabric.
  2. Also follows take into account the density of the fabric, because it depends on how the thing will sit on the model's figure. Thick fabrics in the sketch look a little baggy, but light fabrics will wrap around the figure.
  3. Thoroughly draw folds on the fabric, bends of the figure, to maximize the realism of the clothes. The folds on clothes are also depicted in different ways. On thin fabrics, they are intermittent, small, but on dense fabrics folds are more wavy.
  4. When coloring a picture give Special attention the displayed print. Consider on the folds how it can be wrinkled.

It is difficult to consider the nuances of the cut on sketches, therefore, a flat model of the thing should be attached to each model, so that after examining it, you can identify all the nuances for creating a model.

How to learn to draw flowers with a pencil?

Each flower is unique, and it is not so easy to convey all its beauty on canvas. We propose to consider below step by step diagrams drawing flowers.

Video: How to learn to draw with a pencil for children

Pencil drawing lessons for beginners: video

  • Pencil. The simplest and most intuitive drawing tool you will need anyway. Even if you want to learn how to draw with paints, you will need a simple pencil to sketch. Not all pencils are created equal. Some are for drawing, others for drawing, and still others for everyday tasks. It is better not to choose pencils that are too hard (3H, 4H and more): they can easily scratch and tear the paper.
  • Watercolor. Water-borne paint is known for its lightness, transparency and wide palette of shades. However, painting with watercolors is quite difficult: you need to learn how to use its properties and have a good idea of ​​how the paint will behave on paper. On the other hand, if you put in enough effort, you will learn to paint in one of the most impressive techniques.
  • Gouache. It is a dense matte paint that is diluted with water. It is perfect for the first steps in drawing. Thanks to the dense texture of the gouache dark tones can be easily overlapped with darker ones. This is very important, because then all the flaws and shortcomings can be corrected. One more good news: gouache is inexpensive.
  • Pastel (dry). These crayons are used to create drawings in soft colors. Due to its texture, pastels are very easy to blend, which allows you to create beautiful transitions between shades. You should immediately prepare yourself for the fact that your fingers and the table (at least) will be stained with dust and crumbs of pastels. The finished pastel drawing is easy to grease, so the pigments on the paper will need to be fixed with varnish or fixative.
  • Markers ("copics"). We asked the illustrator and teacher Anna Rastorgueva to tell about this relatively unknown tool to most. Because she draws with markers and does it great. We are not talking about highlighters and not about simple felt-tip pens, but about alcohol markers, which, due to their basis, do not deform the paper and allow you to achieve smooth transitions between shades.
Kolidzei /

There are many manufacturers of such instruments, here and japanese brands, and German, and Chinese, and Korean, and Russian. The price also varies - from 160 to 600 rubles apiece, so that even a novice author can choose small kit to start.

The palettes of this type of markers are unusually wide, with an average of 300 colors, therefore, in order not to get confused, you can purchase a ready-made set, selected, as a rule, on a specific topic: architecture, nature, manga.

What if I don't know what to draw?

If you don't know what to draw, but really want to - copy, sketch and repeat after others. There is nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, it is normal process... Take a picture that you like, put it in front of you and start.

Video instructions help a lot. In contrast to the advice in the style of "draw a circle, finish the sticks, add details - you get a great canvas", these notes do not lie. You will see exactly how the drawing is created.

Remember: creativity is an international thing. Don't be afraid to check the YouTube channels of English-speaking bloggers, even if you don't understand what they are saying.

Try to start with these channels:

  • Proko. An absolute must-have for anyone who wants to learn how to draw. The artist clearly, simply, clearly explains the most difficult thing - how to draw a person. This is the base and the base, so the channel will surely settle in your bookmarks.
  • Mark crilley. The artist works in a cartoon style, so those who want to learn how to draw cute, cute drawings will find everything they need here. The artist shows different techniques and in detail, frame by frame, demonstrates the simplest techniques for creating an effective drawing.
  • Sycra. The channel will appeal to everyone who loves Japanese cartoons and wants to learn how to draw anime. Video tutorials cover the topic inside and out: body structure, facial features, costumes and everything, everything, everything.
  • Bob ross. Bob Ross is an American television legend. Perhaps the most inspiring program in the world was created by this man who taught people how to create miracles on canvas for 11 years. You may not understand what Bob is saying in a soft voice, but you cannot resist the artist's talent that penetrates you straight from the screen.

In general, the choice of topic is the second fundamental question after the choice of material. And here it is not at all necessary to be limited to traditional genres: portrait, still life or landscape. Nowadays, everyday household sketches are gaining more and more popularity. Like photos on Instagram, artists fluently capture exciting topics in their notebooks, publish them in in social networks, study and communicate together. Absolutely any object can become a subject of interest - from macro-sketches of insects to travel diaries detailed in all details.

Anna Rastorgueva, illustrator, teacher

“You Can Paint in 30 Days,” Mark Kistler. One of the most famous drawing books. As long-term observations show, after reading it and, what is important, following the instructions, everyone learned to draw.

Discover the Artist in You by Betty Edwards. Those who have doubts can be told right away: about 2 million of those who considered themselves "armless" have learned to draw from this book. For those who do not believe in their own strengths at all and think that all artists know some secret beautiful paintings, we say: yes, the secret exists. It is hidden in this book.

“A sketchbook that teaches you to draw!” By Robin Landa. Since Robin is a teacher himself, he knows that students draw best on the pages of textbooks. This is where fantasy comes into play! Therefore, he created a book in which you can (and should) draw. And learn along the way.

I want to paint, but I have no time and money to spare

Eugenio Marongiu /

The first step can be done without much investment and effort. Download creative apps and get started now.

Tayasui Sketches. One of the most beautiful and simple applications with numerous tools will teach you how to draw in different techniques.

Bamboo Paper. Drawing tablet company Wacom has developed an app for artists. Sketches, sketches and full-fledged drawings - this program will be needed at every stage of training.

Zen Brush. This app will not help with learning, but will set you up for the right creative mood. With a brush, you can draw characteristic strokes, and the finished drawing looks like a work of art from some distant eastern country.

We have sorted out the materials, the sources of inspiration too, the books have been studied, and for the laziest there are applications. It's your move - it's time to get down to business.

The main thing is to find what you really like. Go for it!

Anna Rastorgueva, illustrator, teacher