Machine wash wool coat. Preparing for washing. We erase in automatic mode


Outerwear requires more careful care. Jackets, coats, down jackets are exposed to precipitation, wind, sun. As a result, stains and various contaminants appear on clothes. There are few methods of getting rid of them - these are chemical treatment with the help of professionals or home methods. The first option requires financial costs, and is not always justified. I don't want to part with money because of a couple of specks. In this case, advice will do. experienced housewives... If a jacket can be washed with a machine, then with a coat the situation is more complicated. It is not clear how to clean the cashmere or woolen thing... How to wash your coat at home and not ruin it?

Preparing your coat for washing

Remove the removable or detachable parts before proceeding. These are the cuffs and collar, separately. If removal of parts is not provided, then push them off. Carry out the work carefully. If you are afraid that you will ruin the thing, then it is better to leave it as it is.

To prepare your coat for washing, follow these steps:

Cut off buttons, remove all metal parts, especially if you plan to clean the coat in washing machine... This is done in order not to receive. Plus large parts can damage outerwear.
Look for synthetic detergents that are gentle on the fabric. Woollens are cleaned with liquid shampoos or gels.
Do not soak your coat in hot water. If you clean the product by hand, check the temperature. The maximum rate is 50 degrees.

To freshen up your coat, simply dip the garment in soapy water and take out. Perform the procedure several times. This will wash off dust and other dirt and cleanse the coat. You cannot use force and twist the coat.

How to wash a wool coat at home?

Washing woolen garments is made difficult by the fact that the garment stretches when improperly used. You also need to carefully select the detergent. Use liquid powders that have a delicate label. How to wash your coat at home?

In the washing machine. Select a mode for woollens. Load your coat in the car, fill in the compartment liquid agent... Set the temperature to 40-50 degrees. Remove the spin function. After washing, leave the coat inside the washing machine to allow the glass to drain.

Do not overdry the item, iron the slightly damp item with an iron. Use gauze to prevent streaks on the fabric.

Hang the dried and ironed coat on a hanger so that the product will return old form.

How to wash a drape coat?

Before proceeding to a full wash woolen coat, make sure such cleaning is necessary. If a couple of spots are found on the outerwear or only the sleeves are dirty during the season, then perform spot treatment. Apply delicate gel to these areas, then rub and rinse with water. If it was not at hand special means then take baby shampoo.

How to wash a woolen coat if the garment is completely dirty? Prepare soap solution using a liquid remedy. Then place the coat on a coat hanger, above the tub, or spread polyethylene underneath. Now take a brush, moisten it in liquid and swipe over the surface of the coat. Choose brushes with soft bristles so as not to damage the fabric. Linger on problem areas- these are cuffs, collar, area around buttons. Thus, completely process the fabric. Then repeat the procedure, just wet the brush plain water... Dry your woolen coat outdoors, placing it on a coat hanger.

How to wash a cashmere coat at home?

Cashmere products are very delicate, made of fine wool. This clothing requires special care... Forget machine wash, delicate hand wash only. If you deviate from this rule, the coat will shrink and stretch. The shapeless product will have to be thrown away. To prevent this, learn how to wash cashmere coat at home?

Treat the stains. Prepare a solution of water and gel for woollens. Then dampen the sponge and scrub the dirt. Squeeze out the sponge before exposure, water should not flow down the fabric. To avoid dirty streams, clean your coat in horizontal position.
If complete cleaning is required, then pour water into the bathroom, the temperature of the liquid is not higher than 25 degrees. Pour in liquid detergent, form a foam. Take your coat, take off the parts, don't forget to check your pockets. Submerge the product completely in water and leave to soak.
Rinse the coat. You will have to change the water more than once. As soon as the liquid after rinsing becomes clear, without any soap impurities, you can end the procedure. Prepare a flat surface and 3-4 sheets. Squeeze the coat slightly, but do not twist. Then spread over the sheet. After an hour, check if the fabric is wet, then change the sheet. When the backing is relatively dry, you can iron it.

The final stage is drying the coat. It is important that the product returns to its original shape and is ventilated. Therefore, hang your outerwear on a hanger in the open air.

Polyester coat washing

The cleaning process is easier due to the fact that such fabric is not damaged when washing in an automatic machine. The only obstacle is the oversized item that will not fit into the washing machine. In this case, it remains to perform manual cleaning. Polyester coat strika is performed as follows:

If you have chosen a machine wash, then set the correct program for delicate fabrics. Do not exceed the water temperature, maximum 40 degrees. Make sure that the spin mode is turned off. To avoid damaging the fabric, place your coat in a special pouch.
Hand wash as usual. The only difference from woolen and cashmere products is the more active rolling of the coat. The polyester fabric will not deteriorate, it will only wrinkle. Eliminate this drawback by ironing through cheesecloth. Choose the right detergent. Do not clean black fabrics with white products, or you will find light streaks on the coat.

Observe the drying schedule. Large items take a long time to dry, so the bathroom is not the best way... Choose a location where the wind will blow your coat. Place only a semi-dry item on the hanger, otherwise the liquid will accumulate in the sleeves or at the bottom. If these surfaces do not have time to dry out in a day, an unpleasant odor will appear.

January 27, 2014 2:24 pm

A number of things that we wear in the summer or under outerwear can be easily washed by hand or in the washing machine. More work will bring washing of warm clothes, jackets, down jackets, coats. Usually, such things are sent to dry cleaning in order not to spoil the product and not waste long time, and few people know that even wool coat can be washed at home. If you do not know how to wash a wool coat, then you can use our tips.

You can wash your woolen coat yourself after reading the instructions on the label.

Washing with a washing machine

You can wash anything at home. It is only important to know how to do it correctly in order for the thing to preserve initial appearance... If you decide to wash your woolen coat at home, yourself, then it is not recommended to use for this washing machine... If you are sure that this wash is the best option, since the coat has a large number of dirt, then you need to know the rules of washing in a washing machine:

  1. For any type of wash, check the information on the coat label. It will also indicate if your woolen garment can be dry cleaned.
  2. If such cleaning is prohibited, then there is only one way out, wash at home. To do this, prepare and properly set up your washing machine. Select a delicate cycle.
  3. It is important to choose the right product as well. On the packaging with a powder or other product that you will use, information should be displayed that this type of product is specifically for cleaning woolen products.
  4. Stick to the norm. If the coat has heavy pollution, it is not necessary to add more powder to improve the cleanliness. This will only harm the product. Even with hand wash, only foam is used.
  5. Watch the temperature of the water, it should not be hot. It is recommended to wash at a temperature of thirty degrees.

After washing in the washing machine, it is forbidden to use the spin function, as this will crumple the product, change its shape.

When machine washable wool coat, use delicate treatment and special detergents

We erase by hand

After receiving advice regarding washing in a washing machine, many housewives will think about whether it is worth putting a coat in danger this way. For such a case, there is a stock handwash... To carry out this type of cleaning of the product, it is important to take into account a number of rules:

  1. Examining the information on the label.
  2. Compliance temperature regime water. Use hot water not recommended as it will damage the product. Wool fibers in contact with hot water or the one above forty degrees decreases. This action can reduce the coat by several sizes.
  3. The choice of means. As in the option with washing in a washing machine, you need to choose the right powder.

If you have a small stain, you can apply ammonia to it. Rubbing in any cleaning agent is not recommended.

To dry, the woolen coat must be wrapped in a towel

How to properly dry a woolen product

Washing a woolen coat at home will not be big problem, the main thing is to adhere to simple rules that we gave you. It will be more difficult to keep the shape of the thing.

Do not spin after washing in the washing machine. This also applies to washing by hand; you do not need to wring out the garment.

To properly dry your coat, follow these guidelines:

  1. After the end of washing, the product needs to be held over a bathtub or basin for some time. This will allow the initial large volume of water to flow downward.
  2. Prepare a large towel before washing. You can spread it on a table or floor.
  3. After the water has drained off a little, you can place the coat on a towel. The product will need to be wrapped in a towel. This will allow it to absorb moisture, absorb any remaining water and speed up the drying process.
  4. It is not recommended to dry in the sun.
  5. It is forbidden to broadcast wet clothes on a clothesline, a hanger, as this contributes to a change in shape, elongation.

By adhering to these simple rules and tips, washing your woolen coat at home will not give you a hassle and your favorite thing will serve you. long years.

Wool is a warm and durable fabric, so a wool coat will proper care will serve you for many years. You will need to wash your coat a couple of times each season, but you should take special precautions to avoid pilling, shrinking and warping the fabric. While it is okay for some wool coats to use a washing machine, it is usually safest to do a hand wash. Also, after washing the wool coat, you should avoid using a dryer, as this will shrink the coat.


Part 1

Coat pretreatment

    Read the care information on the coat tag. You should always read the information on the sewn-in label of the garment before washing it, as it gives precise instructions on how to do this. Check the label for any special instructions.

    • Is it permissible machine wash or only manual?
    • Which wash cycle should you use on your washing machine (if allowed)?
    • What detergents can I use?
    • Are there any other special instructions?
    • What are the directions for the drying process?
    • Is there a mark on the label stating that dry cleaning only?
  1. Brush your coat. Take a clothes brush and gently brush your coat to remove dirt, dust, dirt, crumbs, and other accumulated dirt. To prevent the fur from frizzing and fluffing, brush in the direction of the line thread from the collar to the bottom of the coat.

    Scrub the stains pointwise. Examine your coat for dirt, food, and other substances that may have appeared on the fabric. To spot-clean them, apply a small amount of a liquid wool detergent, such as Laski, to each stain. Gently rub the detergent into the stain with your fingers until the dirt comes off.

    Part 2

    1. Wash the tub. Wash the tub soapy water and a sponge. Then rinse off the remaining soap clean water... This will provide yourself with a clean space for further work and prevent the dirt from the bathtub from transferring to the coat.

      • If you don't have a bathtub, wash the large sink or basin.
    2. Fill the tub with water and detergent. When the bath is clean, plug the drain plug and fill it with lukewarm water. While the water is still drawing up, add 30 ml of liquid detergent, such as Laski or baby shampoo... Wait for the bathtub to have enough soapy water to submerge your coat.

      Soak your coat. Submerge your coat in soapy water. Keep it warm until it gets wet enough to stop floating. Leave the coat to soak for 30 minutes. Run your hands over the entire surface of the coat so that the soapy water soaks the fabric completely.

      • Pre-soaking the coat will prevent shrinkage.
    3. Wash your coat. After an hour or two of soaking, rub your fingers over the stained areas of the coat to remove any stubborn dirt. Then rinse the coat in the same water to loosen dirt and other impurities from the coat.

    4. Rinse your coat in clean water. Drain the dirty, soapy water from the bathtub. Place your coat temporarily in a large bucket. Rinse the bathtub and refill it barely warm water... Return the coat to the tub of clean water. Rinse your coat to remove any soap and dirt.

      • Repeat the rinse procedure if necessary if the water is still soapy.

      Part 3

      Machine wash
      1. Place the coat in a laundry bag. The tag may say machine washable. Before washing, you must turn the coat inside out and place it in a mesh laundry bag. This will protect the wool from machine friction and snags.

        • If you don't have a large enough laundry bag, you can use a large pillowcase instead. Place the coat in a pillowcase and tie a loose knot around the opening.
        • If the coat is too big even for a pillowcase, wrap it in a sheet and tie it over the coat.
      2. Fill the washing machine with water and detergent. Set the washing machine to fill the drum with lukewarm water. While the water is still drawing, add 30 ml of a gentle or special detergent for woollens (for example, Laska or shampoo for wool). Wait for the drum to fill with soapy water.

        • Pre-soaking the wool coat is an important step in the washing process itself. If you have a front-loading washing machine and it is not possible to soak a coat in it, wash it by hand, or pre-soak the coat in the bathtub and then transfer it to the washing machine.
      3. Soak your coat. Immerse your coat in the washing machine drum directly in soapy water. Sink it so that the fabric gets wet and the coat sinks. Leave the washing machine door open and let the coat soak for 30 minutes.

        • Soaking will help prevent shrinkage and will loosen dirt at the same time.
      4. Wash your coat. Close the washing machine door after 30 minutes of soaking. Set the settings for delicate, hand wash, or wool. Start a wash cycle and let the washing machine wash your coat.

        • It is very important to use a special wash cycle for woollens or delicate items, as this will cause the washing machine to fluff less and not rub as much, which tends to cause the wool to fall off.
        • Make sure the temperature of the water in the washing machine is set to barely warm, otherwise the coat may shrink.
        • When the wash is complete, remove the coat from the washing machine, remove it from the washing bag and turn it right-side up.

As with other wardrobe items, a coat needs to be looked after expertly. I wondered, is it possible to do without dry cleaning and do it yourself? It turns out that washing your coat at home is possible if you follow certain instructions.

How to wash a coat?

How to wash your coat? There are three ways: hand wash, machine wash and dry cleaning. We remove the laundry and dry cleaning immediately, as it takes a lot of time, and the price is usually too high. Therefore, I will tell you about the first two methods.

Preparatory stage

Regardless of the material, clothes must be properly prepared before washing.... Here are the basic guidelines:

  • If your outer garment has fur cuffs or a collar- unfasten them. If the design of the model does not allow this, fight back.

  • Remove large metal parts, and all kinds of decor.
  • You cannot wash such things with cold water., US warm will do(about 40 ° C);
  • Cashmere coat and wool products can be processed only with special detergents (example in the photo below);

  • Using manual way washing, try not to use force.
  • In an automatic machine- only delicate mode or mode for wool.
  • Regardless of the method, the coat must be thoroughly rinsed after washing to avoid streaks on the surface.

Method 1. Washing by hand

Instructions, presented in the table, will tell you how to properly wash a coat, depending on the material:

Image Material

Cashmere coat
  1. Fill the bath with water (no higher than 40 ° C);
  2. Add a couple of scoops of cashmere detergent and stir;
  3. Lower the product into the bathtub and, holding by the shoulders, move it from one side of the bathtub to the other;
  4. Then put the entire canvas in water and leave for 15 minutes;
  5. Finally, rinse thoroughly and dry.

Can the wool coat be hand washed? It is possible, but only if the product label says that washing is not contraindicated.

The conditions are the same as for cashmere.

Dip your sleeve into the water and check for shedding. If the villi "crawl" profusely, you cannot wash such a thing at home.


Washing a drape coat includes 2 stages:

  1. Wet cleaning with a brush using detergent ( Special attention give to the collar and cuffs);
  2. Wash in cool water (just like cashmere items).


Polyester is the most unpretentious material, so it can be washed with the addition of regular washing powder and stain remover

Method 2. Washing in a typewriter

If you decide to wash your coat in a washing machine, then first carefully study the labels for prohibition signs (crossed out machine, temperature limitation). Having specified these details, you can start the process itself:

  1. If size allows, put your clothes in a washing bag. This will make the fabric less wrinkled;
  2. Fasten all buttons, zippers and buttons... Remove the cuffs and collar;
  3. Add a standard dose of powder or, if the product is made of wool, detergents for woolen garments. Add a cap of hair conditioner to the balm compartment;

  1. Place the item in the drum and start the wash.... Attention: only a delicate (for wool) mode and a temperature of no more than 30 ° C are suitable. Spinning and drying must be turned off.

After washing, the coat must be properly dried. Polyester is simply laid out on a flat surface or hung to dry on a hanger.

  • To iron your coat and don't spoil it appearance, it is recommended to use a steamer.

    1. Inspect your outerwear carefully for pilling and stains. It is much easier to get rid of any deficiency if you start to eliminate it right away.


    We found that a coat made of any material can be washed with ease at home. It remains to apply one of the described methods in practice. The video in this article will demonstrate how to wash a coat visually. And I'm waiting for questions and suggestions in the comments.

    The woolen coat is distinguished by its sophisticated and stylish appearance, while it reliably protects from the cold and wind. How nice and cozy it is to wrap yourself up in a warm thick coat in a rainy winter weather! However, wool is a delicate material that requires gentle care... Therefore, the product must be regularly cleaned with a special wool brush and a sticky roller for clothes.

    But what if there are stains and heavy dirt on the product? First of all, problem areas are cleaned dry using improvised means or soap solution. Washing is the last thing to do as it can damage the wool.

    The fact is that after washing, the clothes may shrink or, conversely, stretch. The product loses its shape and presentable appearance. To prevent this from happening, it is important to comply with the washing and drying conditions. Let's figure out how to properly wash a woolen coat at home without harming the material.

    How to prepare a wool coat for washing

    First, determine if your woolen coat can be machine washed or hand washed. Pay attention to the composition of the fabric and the label. If the product consists of 100% natural wool, it cannot be washed! If there are several types of materials, the clothes can be washed.

    Be sure to check the label before washing. He will tell you how to properly care for, how to wash and dry this thing... If he doesn’t allow washing, don’t wash your coat! In this case, contact a dry cleaner. What icons can you find on a label for clothes, and what they mean, see.

    Inspect the product first. To do this, hang your coat on a hanger. Use a sticky roller or clothes roller to remove any lumps, threads, dust, or hairs. Then brush the fabric with a soft bristled wool brush. You can lightly dampen the brush with running water or soapy water to remove stains and dirt.

    Do not use hard brushes and sponges for cleaning! Do not rub woolen products too much! Otherwise the material will suffer. Wipe the surface with a brush along the location of the nap. Then unfasten the collar and cuffs, fur items and accessories. Remove metal jewelry and buttons, as metal rusts during washing and can leave rusty marks on clothing.

    Before washing, it is recommended to unfasten or unpick the lining and wash it separately. The coats are turned inside out, zippers, buttons and buttons are fastened. Then the product is placed in a bag or case for washing. You can also take a regular pillowcase or duvet cover.

    How to properly wash a wool coat

    To wash your coat in the washing machine, use the delicate mode with a temperature of up to 30 degrees without spinning. Use liquid detergents for washing and cleaning woolen garments. These can be gels, shampoos, or other similar formulations. When rinsing, a conditioner is added to soften the water and the material.

    If you don't want to machine wash your coat, you can use the manual method. To do this, a large volume of cold water is poured into a sink, bath or basin.

    Many people are interested in the question at what temperature can woolen outerwear be washed by hand. V in this case it should be 20-25 degrees. Dilute the liquid detergent for woolen garments in water and place the garment in it.

    When washing by hand, do not rub the garment; simply rinse it in soapy water. Let the coat soak for five minutes, then rinse again. After washing, rinse the garment thoroughly in a clean cold water... Do this at least two to three times to avoid soapy marks and streaks. Do not wring or twist the wool coat!

    How to dry a wool coat

    It is important to dry your coat properly, otherwise it will stretch and lose its shape. After washing, wrap the garment in a large, light terry towel or a white terry sheet folded in two or three layers. Wrap the garment and leave it flat until the towel or sheet absorbs excess moisture.

    Remove the sheet or towel, then lay the coat on a horizontal, soft, dry surface. Straighten the material, remove folds and bends, reshape. Leave your clothes on fresh air or in a well-ventilated area until completely dry.

    The woolen coat must not be tumbled dry or tumble dry when exposed to sun rays, next to heating appliances and with a hair dryer. Do not dry the product in an upright position on a hanger, otherwise the heavy hem will stretch the wool and the coat will lose its previous shape.

    After drying, you can iron the product through damp gauze with seamy side.

    How to care for a wool coat

    • Clean your coat regularly with a sticky garment roller and a wool brush. This procedure should be carried out once every one to two weeks with regular wearing of the product. It will renew the appearance, remove dirt, dust, spools and threads;
    • Choose for cleaning only special soft brushes for wool, soft sponges, cloths and napkins. Do not use too much water for cleaning. Wipe stains from edge to center;
    • For washing, choose a special liquid or gel detergent for woolen garments. Do not use stain removers or products containing chlorine;
    • Use a soapy solution to remove dirt and small stains from your coat. For this a teaspoon liquid soap dissolve in a liter of clean water. Instead of liquid soap, you can rub regular solid soap on a coarse grater. Stir until foamy. Soak a soft cloth in the solution and blot the dirt, do not rub the material! If it's a stubborn stain, let the soapy water sit for 5-10 minutes. Then rinse the area with a sponge soaked in clean water and blot with a dry cloth or napkin;
    • To delete serious pollution and stains, greasy areas, use solutions ammonia and vinegar or glycerin, talc or potato starch. Strong spots better to remove from the inside;
    • You can use refined gasoline to remove greasy, oily and stubborn stains. But this aggressive agent, so before using it, try it on an invisible area or on an inner seam;
    • To refresh the color of the black coat, wipe the material cotton pad dipped in fresh and slightly warm black tea leaves;
    • Do not wash your coat too often so that it retains its presentable appearance and original shape;
    • After dry cleaning, the woolen garment is dried on a hanger in an upright position. Only horizontally after washing! You can dry the product only in a natural way !;
    • The woolen coat must not be wrung out and twisted, rubbed and rubbed strongly;
    • The woolen coat is ironed from the wrong side through damp gauze.