Jewelry and gold jewelry with diamonds: photo, how to wear? The most beautiful, expensive diamonds and the largest diamond in the world: photo, description. Girls' Best Friend: How to Wear Diamonds

Fallen to the ground and broken into small pieces - that's what they call diamonds. After all, these stones, despite their outward modesty, have great magnetism and strength. If a lady comes to an evening reception in a luxurious diamond necklace, this will not go unnoticed by others. but increased attention surrounding - not a reason to completely hang around with precious stones. Indeed, in this case, the woman will look like either Christmas tree or a gypsy.

One of the first recommendations on how, where and who should wear these gems, next: diamonds can only be worn by women who are or have been married. This is due to the fact that such jewelry is considered mature, and therefore they are suitable for women who have already reached their own maturity. It is better for unmarried young girls to turn their eyes to others no less noble stones- pearls, sapphire, etc. If, nevertheless, a girl wants to wear jewelry with diamonds, you need to choose only those that are small and very elegant - pendants and earrings. As for the rings, it is still better to refrain from them.

Rule number 2 - no diamonds before 5 pm. It is important to remember that such decorations are only party decoration. If a lady put on jewelry for lunch, others will draw certain conclusions about her education and intelligence. Such a limitation has scientific explanation. Diamonds shine in the light only in the evening, so they should be worn only for late receptions.

In addition, what time and who can wear gems, there are also rules that determine how to properly combine diamond jewelry with each other. So, for example, when trying on earrings, you need to pay attention Special attention to your appearance. For women who have a thin neck, stylists recommend choosing in the form of elongated pendants. You can wear these only with a high hairstyle, when all the hair is pulled up. If the lady has extra pounds and short neck, small round earrings will suit her. Hair should also be pulled up in a puffy hairstyle.

A diamond ring is only worn married ladies and only in the evening. During the day, it is better to give preference to products with other stones.

A well-chosen diamond brooch can give the image a zest. young girls for an evening reception can be quite modest small decoration in the form of branches, mature ladies are offered a brooch in the form of leaves. If your brooch is made in the form of a flower or a bud, you should follow certain rules for wearing it. Pin such a product only on the left shoulder at a distance of 10-15 cm from the collar or shoulder line. If you are a lover large jewelry, you're lucky. After all, only a massive brooch can be attached not according to strict rules, for example, on a scarf or even on a belt. The only thing to remember is that under diamonds you need to choose plain clothes. Otherwise, the entire effect of the diamonds will be lost.

As for bracelets, it is recommended to wear them on right hand. If the bracelet is a rigid structure, it must be fixed on the arm so that it fits snugly. Only in this way will you be able to favorable light present the decoration design.

It would seem that by choosing a whole set, you free yourself from the torment of choosing what, how and with what to combine. However, not all so simple. You need to consider the clothes in which you are going to be. So, for example, necklaces and massive pendants are good for open shoulders. In case you have closed type or with a high collar, the necklace will also look very advantageous. Small neat pendants and pendants look very elegant and seductive if a woman is dressed in a dress with plunging neckline on the bodice.

What do you know about diamonds, about diamonds? That diamond is the hardest material on Earth. The fact that diamond and graphite are composed of the same substance - carbon, but are so different from each other. What "Girls' best friends are diamonds"? Or that 1 carat is equal to 0.2 grams? And what else? Today I want to tell you about diamonds, diamonds, expensive mineral on the ground. About how people discovered diamonds, how they began to process them, who and why invented their weight to measure carats, where this measure came from, what is the difference between a diamond and a diamond, and much more.

What is the difference between a diamond and a diamond? Many consider these words synonymous, but this is not true. Diamond is a mineral made up of only one element, carbon. Diamond has a cubic crystal lattice, which makes it the hardest mineral on Earth. It has a very high thermal conductivity. But the diamond does not look very presentable, and even very dull. It is used in production as a particularly durable parts. Diamond is the raw material from which diamonds are then made. By the way, diamonds are made from only 15-20% of mined diamonds, the rest are used to make especially durable parts in technology.

And what is a diamond? Actually, a diamond is a type of cut. But when we say "brilliant", it means "brilliant cut diamond". That is, we can say that a diamond is a specially processed diamond. Processing a stone dramatically increases its value, although it loses about 50% of its original weight. The diamond is transparent, its facets “play” in the sun, it shines. This is not at all like a rough, dull diamond! Diamonds are used to create jewelry, it would never occur to anyone to make machine parts out of them. Diamonds are unique, there are no two identical stones, diamonds, on the contrary, are made according to strict rules. Although, of course, each processed stone is also unique, which naturally affects its price. Clarity, brilliance, cut quality, color, weight are some of the indicators by which the value of a stone is determined.

57 facets - that's how many a diamond needs to have to be considered a diamond. This cut was invented by the Belgian mathematician Marcel Tolkowsky.

And in ancient india to achieve the shine of the stones, they were simply rubbed against each other.

Where did it all start? When did people learn about diamonds?

Diamonds are the most ancient that surrounds us. Their age is comparable to the age of the planet. Scientists call average age diamonds 1.5 - 3.5 billion years.

In 2008, archaeologists found two bracelets in Altai, which are 30,000 years old. Exactly this ancient decoration that science knows about. Apparently, at the same time people learned to process various stones. And only 800 years before our era, a man discovered diamonds. But as jewelry stone they began to be used not so long ago, about 500-600 years ago, when diamond cutting appeared.

It is believed that India is the birthplace of diamonds. The Indians believed that a diamond was formed from five natural phenomena: water, earth, air, sky and energy. There they were used as amulets, various mystical properties. Of course, in those distant times, there was no knowledge about the cutting of stones, they were only slightly polished, as far as possible. Diamonds saved from the evil eye, illness, spoilage, bestowed clairvoyance ... so they thought in India.

Rare stones came to Europe with merchants and travelers. In the Middle Ages, diamonds were attributed miraculous properties. Apparently, these beliefs, along with stones, were brought to Europe by travelers. There were attempts to cut diamonds, but they very quickly abandoned it, believing that the stones lose their medicinal properties. And they actually took care of it. Some even swallowed it like a pill.

Later, diamonds began to be used as decoration.

And now about measuring the weight of diamonds. How could people measure such tiny pebbles? How did "carat" come about?

The word "carat" or more precisely "kirat" is of Arabic origin. In those distant times, XV - XVI centuries, exact measuring instruments was not, especially for such small pebbles. People began to compare the weight of diamonds with the weight of carob seeds. They were called "carats". Surprisingly, all seeds have the same weight of 0.19 grams. Therefore, they were very well suited for this purpose. As a result, 1 carat became equal to 0.2 grams.

Do you know how to determine the weight of a diamond without a scale? A very approximate weight of round diamonds can be calculated from their diameter. For example, a stone diameter of 1.1 mm is equal to 0.0066 carats. And 1 carat is approximately a stone with a diameter of 6.5 mm.

Here are some stories related to diamonds:

Persian ruler Feth-ali-Shah conveyed Russian emperor Nicholas I, an ancient diamond that passed from one shah to another for centuries. The gift to the Russian emperor was made in atonement for the death of Alexander Griboedov during the massacre in Tehran in 1829.

Peter I introduced the tradition of putting the crown on public display “behind the glass” some time before and after the coronation of the new ruler of Russia. Everyone could visit the Kremlin and see this symbol of power with their own eyes.

The coronation of Elizabeth Petrovna, according to sources, was watched by about 130 thousand people. That is, so many people admired the diamonds on the crown of the Empress.

And here are some more interesting facts from Russian history:

In 1914, personal belongings were urgently transported from St. Petersburg to Moscow. royal family including the crown. For 8 years, these jewels lay in the Kremlin Armory. In 1921, 18 employees were convicted of theft. How many jewels were taken out by these people cannot be calculated. But the crown jewels remained intact.

The idea to declare royal regalia, orders and even some personal jewels as state property belonged to Peter I. These treasures were kept in the listeria (treasury). This chest was locked with three keys and could only be opened by the order of the Sovereign Emperor by three people: the chamber president, the chamber adviser and the royal rentmaster. The emperor often gave gifts to especially distinguished subjects.

Under Catherine II, the golden chest turned into a diamond room. The Empress ordered to conduct the first jewelry inventory. Catherine significantly replenished the imperial treasury not only with diadems, countless brooches, earrings, but also with signs of her imperial power - the famous Orlov and the Big Crown.

The Great Imperial Crown was specially made for Catherine's coronation in 1762. It was made in two months. The crown was decorated with five thousand diamonds! Crowned with a spinel of 388 carats Total weight The entire crown is about 2 kilograms.

In 1967, the permanent exhibition of the Diamond Fund was opened. Together with the royal regalia, Soviet diamonds took their place. The names of these diamonds were corresponding to that time - “Gornyak”, “Valentina Tereshkova” and even “26th Congress of the CPSU”.

In 1905, they found stones hidden by Anna Ioannovna.

And one more interesting fact. In 1837, a fire broke out in the Winter Palace. At first they tried to sort the valuables, but then, by order of the Emperor, they were simply laid out around the Pillar of Alexandria. And all night, without special protection, these jewels lay on the snow. And nobody stole anything. And when the fire was extinguished, and they began to count these things, it turned out that only the silver coffee pot and the bracelet were missing. The coffee pot was found rather quickly, stolen by a soldier who tried to sell it. But no one bought the royal thing from him. The bracelet was found in the spring, when the snow melted.

Where are diamonds mined?

For centuries, India has had a monopoly on diamond mining. Those were found famous stones as "Koh-i-Nor", "Regent", "Orlov", "Shah" and others.

But in 1714, the first diamond was found in Brazil. India is no longer a monopoly. Then, in late XIX century, diamonds were also discovered in South Africa.

In Russia for a long time tried to find diamond deposits, but found only river placers with a small amount small diamonds. Russia took its place in the diamond mining market only in the 1950s and 1960s, when rich deposits were found in Yakutia. In the summer of 1951, pyropes, satellites of diamonds, were discovered in Yakutia by geologist Larisa Popugayeva. From that time began active search, and then diamond mining in Yakutia.

Now Russia is one of the leading countries in diamond mining.

And here's another unusual fact associated with diamonds:

In 1997 British Queen Elizabeth II came to India to celebrate the independence of the republic. Representatives of the Indian public appealed to the queen with a request to return the Kohinoor diamond, which was taken from Lahore to England in 1850. Now he decorates imperial crown. V Lately The Indian movement for the return of the diamond is becoming more widespread in the country, but Britain does not intend to return the diamond.

In general, legends have been formed around diamonds for centuries, incredible stories and mystical events. No wonder it is the most ancient stone on the ground. Perhaps he is actually endowed with unusual properties.

There is another legend: a certain Indian rajah offered his slave freedom if he could break a diamond, the slave refused, because everyone knew about the hardness of the diamond. But he did not know that despite its high hardness, the diamond is fragile and can break on impact.

And the first scientist in the world who told the world about the properties of a diamond was Pliny the Elder. He wrote about this stone:

“The greatest price between human things, and not just between precious stones, is the diamond, which for a long time was known only to kings, and even then to a few.”

Here's a story about "girls' best friends". Maybe you know something else interesting about diamonds? Most likely you know. How many legends and stories exist about diamonds. Share in the comments!

And finally, here's the song

How Marilyn Monroe sang Best friends girls are diamonds.” Few things in this world last forever, everything changes, people leave, time flies, but unshakable treasures remain, which will always be of value, keeping in themselves grains of memory of bygone days.

Symbol of deep love

Costume jewelry wears out quickly and loses its appearance, but precious stones and metals never age or go out of fashion. Brooches with a diamond, wedding rings with a small stone of three carats ( carat unit measuring the mass of a diamond; 1 carat=0.2 grams). If the way to a man's heart is through the stomach, then to a woman's heart is through a ring with a pebble. No, no, do not think about the commercialism of female nature, because the ring is a symbol of love and romance, the more valuable it is, the more valuable your other half is to you. Did you know that in Turkey, before the wedding, the groom must pay in gold full weight his future wife her family? That's it!

Every girl wants to be a little princess at least once in her life. So why not make her happy? If you think that these are just whims and whims, then you are deeply mistaken. Diamonds are the best investment, women have long understood that money should be invested in something ageless and indestructible - in jewelry.

Issue price

The value of a diamond depends on its weight, which is measured in carats. The heavier the stone, the more they will ask for it. Stones weighing more than one carat are considered large and expensive. Diamonds of 6 carats are sold at auctions, and those whose weight exceeds 25 carats have received their own names.

The most famous diamonds

This is not a joke at all. There is a whole story associated with the names of some diamonds. They were washed with blood, tears, love, vanity, life and death were staked on them.

by the most large diamond, ever mined on this planet is considered "Cullinan", its mass was 3106 carats. It is to him that the largest diamonds in the world owe their existence: “ Big Star Africa", weighing 530.2 carats, and the "Small Star of Africa", which weighs 317.4 carats. Both diamonds are owned by the Royal Court of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

The second place is occupied by the century diamond. He was tested and processed for a long five years before appearing before the public. The diamond from it weighs 273.85 carats.

Kohinoor is probably the most famous diamond in the world. It has a bloody history behind it, its weight has been decreasing over the centuries, now its mass is 105 carats (once it was 185). Amazing Fact, but this diamond was never sold for money. Currently owned by the British Crown.

There are many valuable and the most beautiful diamonds, but it is unlikely that you will ever be lucky enough to become their owner. Therefore, please your beloved with a ring from Tiffany or Bulgari. Her eyes will shine like any diamond.

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