Anatomy interesting facts. Interesting: facts about human anatomy. Blood is the liquid that provides life

I got carried away by human anatomy, discovered many interesting facts about the structure of the body. Some even wrote out, decided to share. Before reading, anyone interested in seeing all this, I recommend opening the human body browser from Google in a separate tab.
Excellent visual material according to the text)

1. If you spread your arms to the sides as much as possible, then the distance between your index fingers will be equal to your height. From this point of view, a person easily fits into a square))

2. The height of a person most often depends on the length of his legs, because the length of the spine for most people is approximately the same and does not depend on height - somewhere between 61-63 cm. Therefore, if your legs have not grown, you will be short, if you have grown, you will be tall. This does not apply to dwarfs and giants, of course. Therefore, in surgery there is even special operation to increase growth - in several stages in different places the patient's leg bones are broken, fixed in a strong metal frame, the fragments are separated from each other and, growing together, they become longer. Increase height by 5 cm - just spit))

3. Eyes cut in Asians owes their appearance special structure skull. In Europeans, the eye sockets of the skull are similar to a square, and the eye inside the eye sockets is, as it were, bent around with bone on all sides, which prevents it from falling out. Therefore, the muscles of the eyelids have the function of only blinking and are poorly developed. In Asians, the eye sockets are more round, and the eyes are not covered. Why can he freely fall out of the skull and roll)) Whatever this happens, in Asians the muscles of the eyelids have become stronger, larger, and not only blink, but also keep their eyes in place. So, purely theoretically, Asians can throw out their eyes, as they say))

4. By the way, on the surface of the eyes is not nerve endings, and therefore they are absolutely insensitive. You can touch them, pierce them with a needle - you will not feel anything. If the eye stings (from a bow, for example), then it is not an eye at all, but the inner mucous membrane of the eyelids, which is just abundantly covered with nerves.

5. The auditory canal is also the axis of the skull. You can check it yourself by sticking your fingers into your ear and shaking your head up and down - the fingers remain in place, and the skull will tilt around them. This is due to the fact that it is opposite the ear canal under the back of the head that the uppermost cervical vertebra is attached, which tilts the head. By the way, it is called "Atlant")

6. In order for the lower jaw to open as much as possible and at the same time not block the auditory canal, at the end of the path it has to leave the zygomatic grooves and it remains hanging exclusively on the chewing muscles. At the same time, her horizontal mobility will increase - you can easily move it left and right. Where the jaw comes out of the groove, a dimple is formed. If you insert a finger into this fossa (on each side of the skull), then you will not be able to close the jaw back, at least it will be painful. By the way, during sleep, if the jaw is not fixed by a pillow, the weight of the head or hands, it relaxes and may fall out. In the morning you will have to insert it back. It is because of this nuance that a person, if he settles down on his side, puts his palm under his face along its entire length, as if clasping the lower jaw together with top heads.

7. All life on our planet is built according to the principle of the "golden section", and man is no exception. This is the ratio of the greater part of the body to the smaller one according to the formula of about 1 to 0.62. For example, the phalanges of the fingers are reduced according to the same formula - each subsequent one is 0.62 times less than the previous one.
The division of the veins on the leaf of the tree and even the size of the snail's rings is increased using this section, which is sometimes called "divine".

8. Huge latissimus dorsi, which so love to pump up pitching, are needed only in order to lower the arms down. In ordinary city life, this is rarely required, but they will be very useful for pulling up on the horizontal bar))
By the way, these powerful pieces of muscle are attached to the front of the humerus, which, if pumped, leads to the deployment of the hands with the palms back even in calm state... That's why strong men they walk like pirates from the cartoon "Treasure Island", with their hands twisted inward, as it were.

9. And only one, but also powerful, delta muscle raises up our hands. Divided into three beams, it is located where the military usually has shoulder straps. If she is not trained, then keeping her arms up for a long time is very painful (try hanging curtains in the house))) If you spread your arms to the sides, and unfold them so that thumbs looked down, then only one posterior bundle, which is the weakest, will be involved. Some will not be able to stand in this state even for five minutes, try it)

10. Since the hands have gone - brachial bone together with the scapula, it is attached to our skeleton only through the collarbone. Those. the scapula is not attached to the skeleton by joints, it is held only by the muscles. Moreover, the scapula is pressed against the body by the muscles of the back from below, as if with an overlap of only 2 cm, which does not allow it to bulge like the wings of an angel. Some yogis can relax this muscle of the back and free their lopica from under it. In this case, you can put your hands under it and even lift a person for them.

11. Few people know, but our bones are held together in joints not by articular tendons. They are held by a vacuum, according to the principle of a suction cup on glass - if the suction cup and glass are wet, then it can be moved in different planes, but cannot be peeled off. So are the sutavas, inside of which there is a polished surface of the cartilage and special liquid... But this does not mean that they cannot be disconnected - when people snap their fingers, pulling them out or kneading them, then this is just the ripping off of the sucker along with the corresponding cotton. But the joints in the fingers are small, the efforts of the suction cup are also insignificant. Another thing is the shoulder or hip joint- you just can't pull it out, you have to ask someone))
Moreover, if this happened once, then you can straighten it back, but now the next time it will be much easier and easier to pull out the joint. And it's even easier each time. Why some people suffer from such garbage as spontaneous joint prolapse.

12. The spine consists of individual vertebrae and special cartilaginous pancakes between them. With age, these cartilages become thinner and a person's height becomes smaller. With age, one more thing happens - these cartilages are squeezed out from the back between the vertebrae from constant pressure, which makes it painful to unbend the back - the processes of the vertebrae begin to flatten them, pinching the nerves. Therefore, grandparents often walk forward bent over. Whatever this is, you have to do elementary exercises every day all your life, such as standing up to reach the floor with your hands, bending left and right, etc.

13. The joint is very tricky - if you don't use it, it firstly dries up, and secondly, the polished surface of the cartilage decreases. And why does he need all this if he is not being used? The body is very economical, it turns off unnecessary organs so as not to waste resources. Therefore, people with a sedentary lifestyle begin to experience with age various problems, up to joint diseases. Charging is our everything)))

14. Lateral (also called oblique) abdominal muscles are responsible for the size of our waist. Located on the left and right, respectively, on the sides)
Their task is to help the body to stand upright, to keep the chest strictly straight. If they are weak and not trained, then over time they cease to cope with their tasks and begin to overgrow with fat, so that they, like weights, compensate for involuntary inclinations, stabilize an even position. Rotation of the torso relative to the pelvis left and right trains them, the need for fat on the sides disappears, the waist decreases.
This does not apply when the fat on the sides is the result of obesity along with the belly, of course.

15. The muscles of the abdomen are not casually divided by tendons into bricks - if between the pelvis and the chest there was one solid piece of muscle, then we only flexed and extended, pulling the sternum to the pelvis. The division of the abdominal muscles into four sections allows you to make separate movements with the pelvis or chest, bending them partially. Jackson's famous movement, when he holds himself by the balls and moves his pelvis forward, is the result of the work. lower parts abdominal muscles. By the way, belly dancing is a training of the nerves that I control these muscles. If they are developed to control each brick separately, then you can realize the most beautiful wave movement of the belly, as yogis or dancers do.

16. There are no muscles at all in the fingers, only tendons. At the same time, there are small muscle groups in the palm of your hand that allow you to spread your fingers to the sides. except thumb, the rest are bent with just one muscle, which is located near the elbow. In the palm of your hand, the tendons of this muscle are still tied in such a way that they do not allow you to move your fingers separately - you will bend one finger, and the neighboring ones will be pulled after it. This is done so that the grip is tough, stronger, because individually each finger is weak and can be injured. But some can develop (stretch) these ligaments, the fingers become more mobile. This is especially important for pianists - they even have compulsory lessons for developing fingers.

17. These same four fingers are extended by the muscles that are located on the outside of the ulna near the elbow. A forefinger- the only one of the four adjacent, which has an additional muscle for extension. And it is also located on the outside of the elbow, but almost immediately behind the hand. You can even watch her work in action - relax your fingers and see that the index finger is extended a little more than the rest.

18. By the way, the length of the fingers is different, and the joints of the phalanges are displaced so as not to interfere with each other - after all, in the area of ​​the joints, the fingers thicken. In the body, nothing just happens)

19. Fun fact- newborn babies are not yet able to smile simply because they are having fun or funny - the brain is not yet sufficiently developed for such activities. But they still smile, and this is an action of the instinct of self-preservation, along with screaming and crying - with a smile they show others that they are not dangerous, not aggressive, in general, so that they are not eaten or killed. Therefore, in all free time, when the child is full and slept, he involuntarily smiles)

20. The pits on the cheeks of some people are the result of "marriage" of the facial muscles, which are responsible for stretching the mouth to the sides (responsible for the "American smile", which strongly exposes the teeth). It's just that in "normal" people it is one muscle, and in some it bifurcates, and a "fossa" is visible between the two bundles. The marriage is considered very nice))

21. Since such a booze - the hole in the chin owes the same hole in the bone lower jaw... Some have it, some don't, some have more, others have less. Marriage symmetry)

22. The shape of the nose depends on which side the tips of the upper and lower nasal bones are bent. If, for example, the upper one is lifted up, the nose will be snub-nosed. If down, then like the Indians. If not bent, it will continue the line defined by the entire upper nasal bone. It's just that the cartilage grows in a straight line, and what direction this small process, to which it is attached, will give it, so it will grow) Also with the lower one.

23. The muscles that raise the eyebrows are attached at the back of the head)

24. By the age of 40, almost all people have wrinkles, but they are different for everyone - it depends on which facial muscles the person uses more. Therefore, it is very easy to "read" people aged - wrinkles on the forehead, which means A good conversationalist, listens to you carefully, often shows surprise (look at Posner's interview guru). If there is an introvert on the bridge of the nose, he often thinks withdrawing into himself, makes final and balanced decisions. If on the nose - he is an optimist with a hitch. Well, etc.

25. Scientific fact - the more a person trains (or plays sports), the thicker and stronger his bones. Strengthening the bone is the body's defensive response to stress. Likewise, it becomes more powerful with constant injury and stress. This effect is used by karate fighters - they “stuff” their bones for many years, making them stronger. Then you can break bricks with the edge of your palm, or young trees with your shins)) You shouldn't try to do this, if you haven't strengthened your bones before, the brick will win.

26. Right-handers have bones in right hand respectively larger and more powerful than the left. And even a right-hander eats most often right side jaw, therefore bones and muscles in that side are more powerful. Apparently this is why many people left side face looks more graceful, more beautiful. Many artists and politicians ask to photograph them only from this side)

27. There is one misconception about the size pelvic bones- It is believed that women have a much wider pelvis than a man's. However, this is not entirely true - for men and women of equal height, the width of the pelvis is approximately the same, the difference may be insignificant. For example, if a man has a width of 25 cm, then a woman will have 26 cm. And in height it is even less - 20 cm for a man and 18 cm for a woman.
Why does it visually seem so different? It's all about the hips - in a man, the thigh bones are inserted into the pelvis at an angle of 135 degrees, directed inward, and in a woman at 90, they stand more upright. It's just that a man, according to the idea of ​​Nature, should jump more than a woman (but I will write about this further below). Plus the fat on a woman's thighs is positioned in such a way that they look thicker, more voluminous than men.

28. So it is with the shoulders - it seems that women have shoulders narrower than her pelvis. But no - both men and women, the shoulders will always be wider than the pelvic bones.

29. By the way, about half of a person's total weight is concentrated in the muscles of his legs. That allows us to freely hang the torso from the balcony without fear that it will outweigh the legs and fall out. A trifle, but nice)

30. The protruding bones of the ankles (which are above the foot) are of a different nature - the bone on the inner side of the leg belongs to the tibia, and the outer protrusion belongs to the thinner fibula, and is located much lower.

31. Everyone has probably seen a skeleton at least once and remembers that a person's legs resemble the letter X, i.e. the knees seem to look a little inward. This is done very important reason- so that we would fall correctly)) If our legs were absolutely straight, then when falling on our feet, our leg bones would simply stick into each other, breaking themselves into chips. And the X-shape forces them to automatically bend at the knees. The greater the load during the fall, the more they bend at the knees, damping the impact. The one who invented us - well foreseen it)

32. An interesting fact is that to lift the toes up, the extensor muscles, which are located in the lower leg, work (by analogy with the fingers). But if only they worked, then the toes would not only rise up, but would also shift sharply to the side. This is because the tendons go from one bundle not parallel to the foot, but from corner to corner, fanning out - look at your foot, these tendons are clearly visible. However, the fingers rise without displacement and that is why - on the other side of the foot, right in the foot, there are small muscles, the tendons of which are also attached to the fingers, but pass under the main ones, as if crossing them. They have only one task - to keep the toes from shifting to the side when they are lifted by the main muscles)) These muscles are also easy to feel - this is the only place in the foot that strains if you lift the toes up - it manifests itself in the form of such a swelling, tubercle.

33. Contrary to the common phrase, the tendons cannot be pulled or stretched. It is a very durable flexible fabric that does not stretch at all. At one end, it firmly grows into the bone (literally intertwining with it), at the other end, it grows together with the muscle. So, when they say that a tendon has been pulled and it hurts, then we are talking about a tendon tear. It breaks quite often, especially among athletes, but it also heals very quickly, unlike bones or muscles. Muscles also tear, but they heal with ball-shaped scars. I have seen such people among the jocks in the rocking chair - the biceps seem to have bumps under the skin.

34. A small bone called the patella is not attached to the knee joint and does not at all limit the bending of the legs to one side or the other. Its sole purpose is to protect the inner contents of the knee joint when you fully bend the knee. Try to emulate knee-joint with your fists - first fold them close together, and then, as it were, bend him, opening his fists at an angle of 90 degrees. It will immediately become clear that the opened joint has become completely unprotected. This cup at this moment covers its contents like a shield. By the way, if the leg is relaxed, then this cup can be freely moved back and forth) And under the cup there is popliteal fat. Its task is to fill in the voids in the joint that form when it bends. And when you unbend the knee again, the joint squeezes the fat back, and it comes out from under the knee cup from the sides in the form of tubercles. How thinner man, the better you can see it all.

35. Toes are folded together only at modern man... And all thanks to the shoes. If not for our shoes, our toes were constantly spread out in different sides like a chicken - this is their natural and normal position. Another point - some 100-150 years ago, the width of a human foot was on average one third wider than ours. This is because the shoes then were not as comfortable as they are now, and the person had to walk much more - the feet were swollen. And now there are tribes in Africa where they walk barefoot, and their toes stick out in different directions, and their feet are wider.

36. The statement that "fat people are kinder" is not without meaning, only cause and effect are confused) The fact is that nervous people are always in a little tension, thereby keeping their muscles in good shape, consume more calories. People are usually calmer, more relaxed, consume fewer calories, and therefore often fuller.

37. It so happened that our tissues are not designed for body weight over 90 kg. And it doesn't depend on growth. Those. it is possible to be 1.60 tall and weigh 90 kg, and this will still be normal (in terms of loads). But if your weight is 120 with a height of 2 meters, then it will be very difficult for the body to carry all this. It's all about our ligaments, joints, bones, and tendons - if muscles can be built up any, then the listed tissues usually retain their fragility regardless of the growth and size of the body. Tear, wear out more, break - such people suffer from a whole range of problems. Therefore, giant people live less, by the way.

38. We cannot straighten the leg further than it should be due to tendons - with back side the knees have several short and very strong ligaments, which do not allow the leg to bend in the other direction. Theoretically, they can be designed so that the knees will be extended more. But here another stop will work - the lower tibia has a spike-type protrusion, and the upper femur has a groove. This spike-groove connection plays a very important role- in the unbent state, they rigidly fix the bones making them a single whole and preventing the lower leg from shifting and rotating relative to the thigh. If the knee is bent, then the spike comes out of the groove and you can safely twist the lower leg relative to the thigh. Although you should not do this - you can injure yourself. In professional skiers, for example, because of their bent-bent riding posture, all the ligaments around the knee are constantly torn and look like one big bruise. It is also dangerous to get up from a sitting position if your legs are not standing straight - having dramatically piled the entire weight of the body on the legs turned relative to each other, you can tear the ligaments, pull out the minisk, break the whole knee to shit - it's called "getting up on the wrong foot"))

39. Nuance - calf muscles, and these are the main flexors of the foot, in fact, attached to the thigh, just above the knee, from its inner side.

40. Veins, nerves and others important veins not just located on the inner sides of the joints of the limbs. Look, for example, at the elbow, where blood is usually taken from a vein. These places are the so-called "free zone", there can be no stresses, strains in it, and in the case of a bend of the arm (or knee), this entire highway is powerfully protected from external damage - the protective posture of the "embryo". The same goes for the groin and armpits, which once again proves that nothing just happens)))

41. Some really believe that men do not have one rib (according to biblical legends, Adam's wife, Eve, was made from it). Well, in fact, all the ribs in men are in place, there are the same number of them as in women - 24, 12 on each side. Moreover, only the upper seven of them are attached to the sternum, and the rest are no longer: the eighth is attached to the seventh, the ninth to the eighth, the tenth to the ninth. And the 11th and 12th ribs are not attached to anything at all (except for the spine, of course) and hang freely in the form of small processes. Therefore, they are the weakest and most vulnerable. One of the favorite techniques of boxers is to break these ribs of the opponent with a kick in the side. Therefore, the boxers seem to bend to the left or to the right, trying to protect them with their elbows.

42. The ribs are located so that they seem to diverge from the center of the sternum downward, at an angle. This is also not just so - when we breathe, then side edges ribs are raised, thereby increasing the volume chest... This is how breathing happens - you can check by squeezing the bottom of the chest with your hands from the sides, you will feel how they rise to the sides. And if the ribs were parallel to the floor, then it would be impossible to increase the volume of the chest. With age, the cartilage of the chest stiffens and it is no longer possible to breathe through the chest - the elderly usually breathe only with the diaphragm.

43. For those who do not remember where he should have a waist, a hint: while standing, lower your arms along the body, and where you will have an axis of flexion of the elbow - in theory there should be a waist))) Actually, under this joint the waist is conceived, so that it fits easily into this recess. Have overweight people the waist is fat and visually appears higher.

44. A funny detail - in men, fat most often accumulates on the shoulders and arms (generally in the upper body). For women, the opposite is true: on the bottom and in the legs. Well, both of them have fat on their belly, because there he is most comfortable.

It's safe to live when you know more. What do you know about the structure of the human body? Numerous truths and irrefutable proofs. Scientific research, practices that never tire of bringing and revealing something new.

The human body is complex chemical laboratory, in which the most complex metabolic processes are continuously taking place.

If we are asked the question: "What does the structure of the personality consist of?", Then undoubtedly it is the skeleton, skin, blood and organs. The most important elements. Studying each substance, we discover something new for ourselves.

Probably everyone knows that the nature of man and his essence are studied by two sciences; physiology and anatomy. These branches of knowledge tell us what is necessary. But, there is still a lot of curious things that need to be studied and cognized. Only the most curious!

Skeleton - support for the body and protection of all internal organs

  • Human bones (especially the thigh) are very strong and durable. In structure, they resemble a reinforced concrete structure. Can support the weight of the granite slab.
  • It has been proven that a child has more bones (approximately 300) than an adult. How can this be explained? Every year, the baby grows and his skeleton changes, that is, the bones grow together, forming new, larger ones.
  • Imagine! The giraffe has the same number of objects.
  • It is also interesting that every seven years, human bones are renewed.

Blood is the liquid that provides life

  • The substance is renewed hourly. Old cells die off, and new ones are produced (by the bone marrow and spleen).
  • The only part human body not having circulatory system- the cornea of ​​the eye.
  • It is the red color of blood that indicates that iron is the carrier of oxygen here. By the way, we can say that the blood of some species of spiders is blue. It transports oxygen - copper.
  • One hundred thousand kilometers is the length of all the blood vessels of a person.
  • Great example! Australian resident Donor James Harrison has donated blood to over 1000 races. Saved the lives of two million children.

The outer cover of the body, which protects not only the internal organs, but also the human skeleton.

  • In the dermis, there is a pigment called melanin. The color depends on this.
  • The sweat glands play a very important role. They regulate body temperature. Interesting! If you think that sweat has no nice smell, You're wrong. This aroma is due to bacteria living on the surface.
  • The most thin skin- eyelid cover.
  • Scientifically proven to be in the sun long time, people lose vitamin D.

Of course, its organs are an integral part of the whole organism.

  • While developing its own shocks, this organ can beat as long as there is a certain amount of oxygen inside.
  • For females, this tool, beats faster than men (about 10 beats).
  • But the ancient Egyptians thought that the heart and other organs could be moved.
  • University of Australia professors have shown that cats and dogs can have a good effect on the functioning of this body structure. And yet, eating chocolate also contributes to this.
  • Determined that daytime sleep, kills the heart, as the pressure rises.
  • People who have heart problems often succumb to depression and neuroses.


Lungs - clean and even breathing

  • Why was this organ called that? Marvelous! The only organ that floats on the water.
  • It is also curious that the element serves not only for breathing. Also, it protects the heart, serves as an "airbag".
  • How many liters of air do you think you breathe every day? About 10,000 thousand units.
  • Those who smoke are most at risk for lung cancer.

The organs of vision - to live a fulfilling life

  • It should be noted that the constant wearing of lenses and glasses does not affect the eyes in any way.
  • A girl from Germany, Veronica, has the highest visual acuity.
  • But women blink more often than men.
  • If we talk about eye color, then "green" are the rarest. Note also that the Japanese attach great importance to this.
  • All people are born with light gray eyes. And only then, they can acquire a different color.

Summarizing all of the above, it is clear that each organ is the main wealth in human life... Therefore, it is worth considering and protecting. And most importantly, do everything that depends on us for good and fruitful functioning!

The human body is a complex and intricate system that has been studied the best minds over several millennia. And this is an extremely interesting fact, because, despite this, our body is able to surprise even doctors, not to mention people without deep anatomical knowledge.


The impulses from the receptors to the brain travel at an astonishing speed of 275 kilometers per hour.

Our brain needs energy to work, commensurate with the energy of an ordinary light bulb.

Electronic memory equivalent human brain can reach thousands of terabytes.

About 20% of the air from the blood stream goes to the brain.

The brain is more active at night when we are sleeping than during the day when we are awake.

The higher the intelligence, the more dreams you see.

Neurons and brain tissue are capable of regeneration throughout our life.

Different types of neurons transmit information at different rates.

The brain is unable to feel pain, it lacks pain receptors.

Brain tissue is four-fifths fluid.

Nails and hair

Women's hair is, on average, twice as thin as men's, and hair thickness and coarseness vary by race.

Beards and mustaches grow faster than all other hairs.

The average hair can support the weight of a hundred grams of chocolate.

Toenails grow 4 times slower than fingernails.

Every day a person drops from fifty to a hundred hairs.

Blondes the largest number hair, but they are thinner.

The nail on the middle finger grows the fastest, probably because that finger is the longest.

There is a lot of hair on the human body, as much as in our closest primate relatives, it's just that not all of them are so clearly visible.

One hair can remain in place for an average of three to seven years.

Human hair decomposes so slowly that it is virtually indestructible.

Before baldness becomes noticeable to others, a person loses more than 50% of the hairline.

Internal organs

The heartbeat generates enough pressure for the blood to flow over a distance of 9 meters.

The small intestine is the largest internal organ in the human body.

The surface area of ​​one human lung is approximately one-fifth of a football field.

Stomach acid is capable of dissolving thin blades.

The total length of the human circulatory system is 96,500 kilometers. For comparison: the circumference of the Earth is only 40,000 kilometers.

The stomach lining is renewed every three to four days.

The heartbeat of women is faster than that of men.

Scientists have counted about 500 useful functions performed by the liver.

The diameter of the aorta is the same as the diameter of the garden hose.

The left lung is slightly smaller than the right due to the heart on the left side.

A person is able to survive without a huge part of his internal organs eg spleen, 75% liver, 80% intestines, stomach, kidney, lung and all organs of the pelvic region. Of course, it is not easy to live without most of the internal organs, but it is possible.

The adrenal glands change their volume throughout a person's life.

Basic body functions

The flow of air during a sneeze moves at a speed of 160 kilometers per hour.

During coughing, the air speed is reduced to 95 km / h.

Full bladder the same size as a large grapefruit.

Almost 75% of stool is water.

Women blink twice as often as men.

Earwax is produced to keep the ears healthy.

There are about five hundred thousand on the feet sweat glands that are capable of producing half a liter of sweat daily.

Over a lifetime, a person secretes so much saliva that it can fill two Olympic pools.

The average person experiences bouts of flatulence about 14 times a day.


The largest cell in the human body is the egg, and the smallest is the sperm.

Teeth begin to appear six months before the baby is born.

Fingerprints appear in the embryo at three months.

Pregnant women at the beginning of pregnancy see frequent dreams about frogs, house plants and worms.

Almost all babies are born with blue eyes.

With a comparative weight ratio, a newborn baby is stronger than a bull.

One in two thousand babies is born with an already grown tooth.

Each of us spent half an hour of our existence in the form of a single-celled creature.

Most men get erections several times a night.

Sense organs

After a hearty meal, your hearing becomes worse.

About one third of humanity has perfect vision.

Unlike men, women have more developed feeling smell.

If a product cannot dissolve in saliva, we cannot taste it.

A person is able to remember about 50 thousand different smells.

Even the slightest noise causes the pupils to dilate slightly.

Each person has their own scent, which is completely unique; only twins do not have it. The smell of identical twins is identical.

Old age and death

The ashes of a cremated body weigh an average of 4 kilograms.

Nails and hair do not grow after death; they appear longer as muscles and skin dry out.

By the age of 60, people have lost about half of their taste buds.

The size of the eyes does not change at all, but the nose and ears do not stop growing until death.

By the age of 60, more than half of men and a little less than half women begin to snore in their sleep.

The person retains consciousness for 20 seconds after decapitation.


Most often, according to statistics, heart attacks happen on Monday.

A person can survive without food longer than without sleep.

Normal, not strong sunburn can severely damage blood vessels.

Nearly 90% of diseases can be either caused or complicated by stress.

Muscles and bones

To smile, you need to use 17 muscles, and for a frown, 43.

In the morning we are 1 cm taller than before going to bed, due to the fact that the upright position puts pressure on the spine.

At birth, the number of bones is 300. Over time, some of them grow together, and in an adult there are fewer of them - 206.

The hardest bone is the jaw.

The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue.

To take one step, a person must use 200 different muscles.

A tooth is the only part of the body that cannot heal itself.

It takes twice as long to lose newly acquired muscle as it does to gain muscle mass.

Bone is stronger than some steel alloys.

Of the 206 bones in the human body, 52 are in the feet.


About 16 million bacteria live on every square centimeter of skin.

External skin covering person is updated every 27 days.

The human body makes 300 billion cells every day.

In our body, about 300 million cells die every minute.

We shed about half a million dead skin particles every hour.

A person's tongue print is as unique as a fingerprint.

There is enough iron in the human body to fuse a nail 7 centimeters long.

The most common blood type is the first. About half of the world's population has this type of blood.

Lip color is so bright because the capillaries in them are located just below thin layer skin.


The size of a baby's head is 25% of its entire body length. An adult's head is only one-eighth of its height.

The colder it is in the bedroom, the more likely you are to have a nightmare.

Tears and mucus contain an enzyme capable of breaking down the membranes of many bacteria, thus protecting us from infection.

In half an hour, the human body generates enough energy to bring 4 liters of water to a boil.

Ears produce more sulfur when we are scared.

You can't tickle yourself.

The span of the arms usually matches the height.

Humans are the only representatives of the animal kingdom capable of crying over emotions.

According to statistics, right-handers live 9 years longer than left-handers.

Women burn calories more slowly than men.

Koalas and primates also have unique fingerprints.

Depression between the nose and upper lip called the tray groove. For what it is to us, scientists have not determined.

And so, more than 10 hours of work behind, and I am glad to present you the most full article consisting of 73 the most interesting facts about YOUR body! You need to prepare yourself a little psychologically for it, since you will have to read almost 4.5 thousand words, but if you master it, you will learn everything about yourself The most interesting ... A selection, so to speak best of the best... Enjoy reading!

The human body is an incredibly complex and confusing system that still baffles doctors and scientists on a regular basis, despite thousands of years of medical knowledge. As a result, there should be no surprise that even body parts and functions that we deal with every day are fraught with strange and unexpected facts and explanations... Here are the 100 strangest and most interesting facts about the human body.

56. Ashes after a person's cremation weigh an average of about 9 pounds.

Most of what gives weight to the human body is water, which is trapped in our cells. After cremation, most of our tissues are destroyed and water evaporates.

57. Nails and hair do not continue to grow after death.

They become larger after death, however this happens only due to the fact that the skin is dehydrated and reduced, causing against this background the feeling that nail plates and the hair grows.

58. By their 60th birthday, most people have lost about half of their taste buds.

You shouldn't find fault with your grandmother claiming that she's cooking worse. Older people tend to lose their ability to taste and make dishes with a much more intense taste, because they feel it is normal. That's why we only in his youth are able to appreciate the real taste.

59. Your eyes are always the same size from birth to death, and your nose and ears never stop growing.

When a baby looks at you with his big eyes, it is worth understanding that they will be the same size throughout his life. But their ears and nose, however, will grow constantly.

60. By the age of 60, 60% of men and 40% of women snore.

Normal snoring, on average, is about 60 decibels, this is the noise level of normal speech, intense snoring can reach more than 80 decibels, and this is already a sound similar to what causes demolition hammer concrete.

61. The head of a child is one-fourth of its total length, but at the age of 25 it will only be one-eighth.

It turns out that the child will not change the size of his head as abruptly as the rest of his body. The legs and torso will lengthen, but the head will take much longer.

Most of us get hurt and sick at some point in our lives. Here are some interesting facts about how the human body reacts to the stresses and dangers of the outside world.

62. Monday is the day of the week when your risk of heart attack is greatest.

Another reason to hate Mondays! A ten-year study in Scotland found that 20% more people die from heart attacks on Mondays than on any other day of the week. Researchers speculate that this is due to a combination of excess pleasure over the weekend, as well as the stress of having to return to work, resulting in a significant increase in risk.

63. A person can go without food for longer than without sleep.

Provided there is water, average person can survive up to two months without food, depending on body fat and other factors. But if a person is deprived of sleep, then he begins to experience radical psychological changes personality after a few sleepless days. The longest (recorded) time spent by a person without sleep is 11 days, after which the experimenter did not sleep, but also could not speak clearly, experienced hallucinations and often forgot what he was doing.

64. A simple tan causes moderate damage to the blood vessels.

Studies have shown that it takes four to fifteen months for the vessels to return to their normal condition... Please note that next time if you feel too lazy to apply sunscreen, remember this fact before heading outside.

65. More than 90% of diseases are caused or complicated by stress.

High stress levels (such as at work) can increase the chances of giving birth to a number of serious illnesses like depression high blood pressure and heart disease.

66. The human head remains conscious for about 15 to 20 seconds after it has been detached from the body.

As cruel as it sounds, after "decapitation" there may be enough blood in the head to keep someone alive and awake, for a few seconds after the head has been separated from the body. Perhaps the kats guessed this, since they lifted the severed head by the hair and let her look at their body and the crowd that had gathered to watch the execution.

Interesting facts about muscles and bones

Muscles and bones are known to provide a framework for our body and allow us to jump, run, or just lie on the couch. Here are some fun facts to think about the next time you're bored.

67. It uses 17 muscles to smile, and 43 to frown.

If you are trying to do a little workout on your face, smile, this is the easiest option for most of us.

68. Babies are born with 300 bones, but by adulthood this number is reduced to 206.

The reason for this is that many of the bones of babies are made up of smaller bone components that are not yet fused like in the skull. This is necessary so that it would be easier for the child to pass through the birth canal. Bones harden and bond over time as children grow up.

69. We are about 1 cm taller in the morning than in the evening.

The cartilage between our bones clenches as we stand, sit, or do other daily activities throughout the day, causing us to get a little shorter towards the end of the day.

70. The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue.

You should think about this fact when you eat, swallow or speak, using the language that provides the above functions all the time, so that he exercises quite a lot during the day.

71. Jawbone one of the strongest bones in the body.

Incredibly, it is the jawbone that is most difficult to break.

72. You use 200 muscles to take one step.

To take just one step, you use anywhere from 200 muscles. This is a lot of work for your muscles considering what most of us do about 10,000 steps per day.

73. Teeth cannot repair themselves.

The outer layer of tooth enamel is not, in fact, living tissue. And since it is not alive, it cannot repair itself, so the dentist has to do this work. Although, I recently read about the invention of a drug that makes teeth regenerate, but on this moment there are not enough materials for the article, when something becomes clear around this invention - I will write an article about this, so stay tuned on, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe to new articles on e-mail(You will receive notifications of new articles), or even better, join the VKontakte group, and on the widget that is in the block on the right, click "Subscribe by SMS" and then you will receive free SMS with the topic new article, after its publication.

On this, article about the strangest and most interesting facts about the human body, ends, it took me a whole day to create it, some of the facts were previously published (in a condensed form, here they are justified), but I decided that it would be better if I collect all The most interesting In one place. All information was taken from open sources, the article used amazing photographs of Koen Hauser (Koen Hauser). I hope you found my work interesting to read, the comments will please me very much!

Scientists - anthropologists, psychologists and others - have accumulated great amount amazing discoveries. American anthropologist Dr. Stephen Juan, who teaches anthropology and anthropology at the University of Sydney social disciplines, has released a whole series of books " Entertaining anatomy", Where he told about scientific facts, funny and useful, discovered not so long ago.

And science journalist Jennifer Eckerman, writing for New york The Times and National Geografic, which became practically a scientist by its close association with scientists, wrote “ A brief history human body". We took the most interesting of their books.


Babies are usually born without teeth. This is what nature has ordered so that the mother, when feeding, does not reject the baby when she is breastfeeding. But here's the fact: about one in two thousand babies are born with one erupted tooth. And then his feeding turns into sheer torment for the mother. She automatically tries to feed him less often, less and generally weaned him earlier. A baby just has to fight to eat.

From infancy, a complex of what is not accepted into the world is formed in him. And then in mature age he tries to win him over. Anthropologists have established that most of the world's dictatorial leaders were born with an erupted tooth. Julius Caesar, Hannibal, Napoleon, Mussolini, Hitler ...

Pain from breastfeeding did not allow mothers to give these babies enough love. Therefore, such babies not only strive to conquer everyone and everything, but are also very jealous. They are afraid of losing love, and therefore Don Juans of both sexes grow out of them, who want to be loved more people... So they don't necessarily go into politics. They can go to the actors or just "rustle" other people's hearts in everyday life.


In a creative environment, drinking alcohol is very common. And all why? It turns out that it stimulates right hemisphere the brain that is responsible for imagination, visual images and non-standard creative moves. And on initial stage use contributes to creative discoveries.

And the left hemisphere, responsible for logic and memory, associated with responsibility and accuracy of details, plunges into a daze. Therefore, an excess of alcohol creates a special kind of creativity - absolutely meaningless. Some scientists say that people who have a dominant left hemisphere, it is even helpful to sometimes relax with a glass or two and turn on the right hemisphere.

It is also useful to eat salami, which contains three times more phenylethylamine than chocolate. This is a mood-lifting substance, and with the participation of brain cells, which are designed to work when in love.


Our eyes work harder than any other organ. To understand what kind of load they have, imagine that you have to walk 80 kilometers in a day. Yes, my legs will fall off from such an unbearable task! But the eyes do not fall off. Meanwhile, our visual acuity depends on a bunch of factors.

For example, a tie that is tightly tightened can affect your eyesight. American scientists in the course of many years of research have found that in 67% of men, visual impairment is associated precisely with a tightly tightened collar. Because this restricts blood flow to the eyes, it also affects blood pressure, which in turn also affects visual acuity.

And also scientists advise to breathe deeply and evenly through the nose. This allows us to get more oxygen, which our eyes so need. It has been proven that those who breathe correctly (through the nose and deeply) and do not smoke have better vision and last longer.

4. IF OF Laughing Frequently, DOCTORS MUST NOT WALK

We start laughing at the age of 12 weeks. Laughter is higher form protective reaction. Freud believed that laughter helped us cope with lustful thoughts. And Charles Darwin generally singled out laughter as an important role in evolutionary development. They say it relieves stress and helps restore mental stability. Without laughter, we would all have gone mad a long time ago and would not have made any progress.

Dr. Norman Cousins ​​discovered that laughter helps restore health. And therefore, for example, in America, in hospitals, rooms for laughter therapy and chambers of fun are open. How does this happen? In terms of biochemistry, laughter suppresses the production of cortisol, which negatively affects immune system.

Laughter increases metabolism, stimulates muscle tissue and releases a lot of positive hormones into the blood. Laughter prevents depression, heart disease, and increases pain threshold. And, of course, it strengthens the immune system in general. There is even a saying that if you laugh every day, you won't need a doctor.

One of the latest studies has shown that laughing significantly increases the concentration of salivary immunoglobulin A (IgA). These are antibodies associated with upper respiratory disease resistance respiratory tract... In general, perhaps one day the times will come when instead of a doctor they will start sending for a clown.


Does it ever happen that you wake up in the middle of the night and cannot sleep for an hour or two? You toss and turn and think that this is insomnia, and even struggle with it. But in fact, this is normal for the human body - a break in the middle of the night to stay awake. Anthropologist Carol Wortman of Emory University has discovered that you need to sleep in two or even three phases.

Adopted in modern world the idea that you have to sleep continuously all night is wrong. For example, in cultures far from civilization, people still go to bed at sunset, then wake up at midnight and talk about everything for an hour or two, even dance, make love, laugh by the fire, meditate, pray and go to bed again. ...

But the electric light knocked our biological charts off. But in the Middle Ages, special brochures were even published for the nobility, which told what to do in night break to stay awake. European doctors of those times, for example, recommended sleeping on the right side during the first sleep, and on the left during the second sleep. This, in their opinion, improved digestion. Animals, by the way, sleep in several stages.

Thomas Wehr, a psychiatrist from the United States, conducted an experiment. I put the subjects in natural conditions, without electricity, and began to follow their schedule. At first, they slept continuously for 11 hours, and then their sleep also split into two phases. They fell asleep for four hours, then woke up, stayed awake for two hours, and fell asleep again for four hours.

After the experiment, the volunteers began to feel more harmonious, calmer, their Creative skills and fantasy. However, maybe it happened also because they lived in natural conditions and in complete safety on everything ready. Any of us, I think, in such a situation would have complete harmony in the soul.


You are healthy if you are able to understand another person.

Psychiatrists and psychologists have invented many ways to find out if a person is healthy. Criteria mental health weight. But all tests have some flaws. And the main one is that you need to know the theory well in order to apply this or that more or less serious test in life. And any testing takes time. (Some stretch out all day.)

So, scientists have derived one simple criterion for a mentally healthy person. It sounds both simple and complex at the same time: if you can accurately understand the other person's point of view, you are healthy.

Talents are revealed in the fifth ten

By the way, scientists also believe that the flourishing of a person's intellectual life, as well as his psychological abilities, are fully capable of revealing themselves at the beginning of their fifties. At forty, the most interesting thing in life is just beginning. Both men and women.

Lack of sleep and fame can die

Physiologically healthy person may die from lack of sleep. You just need to stay awake for four days. Death from lack of sleep is preceded by complete disorientation and insanity. But, by the way, the fear of death is far from the worst. Only 31% of people are mortally afraid of death. And as many as 45% are scared to death to speak in public. This is the so-called halophobia. So for almost half of the population the globe five minutes of fame can at least cause the strongest neurosis.

The wounded in the heart don't always die

And more interesting facts about death. There is a widespread belief that if you stab a person in the heart, he will die. But this is not the case. Doctors testify that most of those wounded in the heart survive.

And also short people live longer. How to explain this, scientists do not yet know.