What if you want to kiss the guy. First kiss, or how to understand that the guy wants to kiss you? Bring a guy to excite a passionate kiss on the lips

It happens. It happens. You walked, did not touch anyone. I reached the familiar crossroad, I looked at the traffic light. And he met you with a look. It turned out that he is your neighbor in the entrance. And it is strange that you did not know him. You really wanted to meet him, and sunk it. Fashionable to express this way.

It was worth only the difference to see him - life turned upside down with a bottom. You knew that it would be, if the Amurchik arrow pierces your heart. But even worried you how your relationship will be collapsed, and whether it is collaborated at all. You did not know anything about him. He managed only to say his name, how old he was. But you did not hear and did not listen what he spoke. You flew in thoughts about him already when it was close - close.

You did not think about how his name sounds, how many years he lives with whom he lives, and so on. You wanted to see him at least once again. One little time ... You even loved a traffic light, near which you encountered fate. You seen him, somehow, by chance. You even greeted. If you want a guy to kiss you, who likes you (a conversation just about him) - seek success! Watch, but make not try. He himself should want to kiss with you.

Keep tips impregnated with magic:

First Magic: Look straight into his eyes. By the way, you can at the same time and remember what color they are from the guy. He may ask if you remember him.

Second Magic: Long talk to him, without opening glance. If the guy is nelluey - will understand why you look at it with your communication.

Third magic: Just think to wait. Know that you also like him, and he will not make himself wait long.

There is a way that often works, but it is not very good!

You can drink with him beer and champagne, who will make their job. Do you need a drunk kiss? Good luck then!

The situation is your horse!

If you can arrange the situation - you can fulfill all your dreams. The guy you loved, will not only kiss you! He will wish you as the most magnificent girl in the world.

And ... what are you dreaming about such?

Magic and this case is seashed:

Kiss his herself. From your kiss will come crazy any guy! You know how cool can you kiss.

Invite him somewhere, dressed for this frankly and sexy. Guys love this style of clothing!

Sprinkle in perfumes containing fryers. Many girls help such spirits.

How to make it despite you?

The guy will want to kiss you (and not only kiss), if you do not forget, that's what:

  • Guys love when girls look like

And this guys quickly notice and do not disregard. They are ready to even buy everything for "decoration" of these girls.

  • Need to know the measure in cosmetics

She should not eclipse you. You are the most beautiful. Believe in such words.

  • Being yourself is difficult, but important

Masks and sphesis are from another "opera". Not for you it is shorter.

  • Beauty, can not be intrusive!

Make it so that it becomes an annoying fly. Then everything is in your hands!

  • Each guy loves unavailability and mystery

Include both so as not to lose.

You need to love yourself! Your reflection is the best reflection in the mirrors. You will love yourself - you and others will love.

What can a guy's desire to "communicate" with you?

  • Your irritability

No need to show that you know how to be restless. Leave it for tomorrow. Or - on the day after tomorrow.

  • Your character

It should be a little mysterious. Do not disclose all the pictures at once.

  • Your arrogance

Do not confuse her with self-confidence, good? Hepacity is something that does not like men.

  • Your flirtology

Want to be with one guy - I will learn to flick with others. It is not difficult! It is worth trying ...

  • Your stemman

It should not be shown that you know how to be offended by trifles. Disability - N. the best way Get the desired.

  • Your insight is yours

The meaning is: you must feel when "the very moment" will come.

  • Your misinterpretation

Does not mean that everyone should do you. Any guy needs to be "pushed."

  • Your pride

Yes, this lady is not yours. Put it off, please, until other times. She will be useful for you, but not here!

  • Your demonstration of self-confidence and desire for independence

She is very and very annoying.

  • Your bad traits and his "pseudo-traits"

It is impossible to be aggressive, nervous, unrestrained, coarse, vulgar.

Life stories on the topic

Girl Katya told interesting story About what she did for the guy to pay attention to her.

She bought a short skirt and tights into the mesh. I went to the hairdresser, made makeup and hairstyle ... .. And about the fragrance of the spirits did not forget. In short - beauty. Here is such a beauty and nicknamed that she was already thinking about three years. Follow it with example. Good luck and success with pleasure to turn to your face.

And the girl Masha told that she just remained himself.

To her, the guys stretched themselves. And she did nothing special. So, the output suggests: you need to try to be yourself!

The guy kisses you, wants you when falling in love really and strongly - strongly. We hope that your love for the guy is full of reciprocity. There will be love - there will be the rest of the joy.

So, try, to start, fall in love with a guy. He will not go away from you then. Whether it is ready for various degrees and manifestations of jealousy. But you and you can stand it if your goal is to attract it to yourself one hundred percent.

You know, love to work wonders!

Such as you do not expect it can. You never thought you would meet love at the crossroads. But you met. And you will be happy if you do everything yourself for your own happiness.

The extreme option is to shake another guy. This is if the guy does not want your dreams, or he has another on coming. Naturally, you do not want to be "spare". And you can understand. But you try to do something. Do not work - Believe in fatalism.

Continuing the topic. . .

How to make the guy very much wishing you? -

We stopped at my entrance. For a few seconds, an awkward silence was hung.
- It was a nice walk.
"Yes, it will be possible to repeat," he smiled, looking at me with his dark eyes.
"Yes, you can," I responded echo.
- Would you no longer be Handing?
- Not in the next month. Maybe after the New Year, when it is time to go to school. - He smiled, and I, having crumbling on my leg, squeezed: - Well, well. Until?
- Until.
And I almost rushed to the door. Hands acted on the machine, while the heart was beating. Get the key, attach to the intercom, open the door, go. I threw the last look back and saw his removing back. Well, maybe it's for the better? Do not hurry the events.
I went to the apartment and began to go away, simultaneously analyzing events. We walked, everything was just wonderful, I do not argue. But I still waited for he kisses me. Waited and afraid at the same time. In the end, it would be my first kiss.
I'm actually a coward, but I would have allowed to kiss myself. He would allow him. Or still not?
Well, that I did not kiss, otherwise I would have suffered doubts. Is it possible to behave this decent girl? Kissing on the first date. Yes, and is this date? In any case, let it be better.
My reflections interrupted Trel. I chuckled the phone from the pocket of the jacket and stared at the name of the caller. Only after all was separated.
- Hello?
- I think you forgot something.
I evulsed convulsively, and then it came to me that he had in mind.
- Yes, it seems nothing.
"No, I forgot something," he persisted.
I smiled:
- Maybe forgot. Then I will take it now?
- Come out.
I again launched shoes and, forcing myself not to rush, went out into the street. He walked to me to meet, putting his hands in the pockets of the coat. I closed for a second and still went ahead. Is it terrible to me? Highly. To tremors. But I tried to write it off on the frost.
- What do people usually do when they say goodbye?
Awkwardness. Embarrassment. Nervousness. Horror. All this I felt before touching his cheeks lips. Yes, I Strastila. But, in the end, he is a guy, albeit and takes the first step.
- And truly? He whispered and reached for me. I closed my eyes and allowed him to kiss himself.
Feeling his lips on her, I opened my mouth, allowing you to deepen a kiss. She herself did not notice how he was involved, as he began to respond, giving the line of his lips to his tongue, exploring his taste. Usually at such moments normal girls In the stomach begins to flit butterflies and other insects, but I did not feel anything. I seemed to be renounced at that moment from all that was happening with me and thought only about Pony. Oh, they were wonderful! They quickly rushed in front of my inner eyes, but I had time to see everyone. Golden, turquoise, purple, salad, silver, rainbow - from abundance of paints I caught my breath. And I wanted to admire the parade forever. But the kiss stopped, and the pony disappeared. Acting on the autopilot, I smiled at him, allowed to kiss himself on the cheek, and then turned around and left.
And already undressed, sitting in the chair, I remembered his lips, hands, and felt those most notorious butterflies in the stomach.

Kisses are considered a kind of way to notify the partner about feelings. In regular kisses with a loved one, there is an improvement in mood and improving immunity. It's all wonderful, but sometimes you decide on the first kiss it is not so simple.

In addition, such an initiative must come exclusively from the man. Therefore, after a few dates with an indecisive man, many girls are wondering how to make the guy kiss you.

Kisses are not only important for the demonstration of the senses to the person liked, but also useful for health, confirming what the following interesting facts are:

  • While kisses the whole complex is involved facial musclesWhat is very effective and pleasant prevention of wrinkle education.
  • During a kiss, the complex of substances is transmitted, which helps to strengthen the body's protective forces.
  • During one romantic kiss, there is incineration of up to 3 calories, while the costs of french Kiss Make up at least 5 calories.
  • In conditions long kiss The increase in the pulse and increase the pressure and the content of hormones in the blood are observed.
  • Kisses contribute to the establishment of sincere equilibrium.

If long-term dates ends with the usual farewell, the man should be pushed to action. To initiate the first kiss, you can use the following ways:

  • It is necessary to sow in a man confidence in the possibility of developing relations in the future and even a joint future. Often, men are not in a hurrying with the first kisses, as they fear that they are not sufficient for girls. In this case, your interest in a man can be confirmed by signs of attention and phrases, where we are talking about a guy's ideas about ideal, which is focused on a woman.
  • Use of non-verbal signs. Kisses sufficiently have touch, but this barrier many are not solved for a long time overcome. IN this case A woman can take the initiative in his hands and, sitting next to a man, occasionally touch his hand during a conversation. It is such mimic touches that indicate the approval of what is happening and readiness for the subsequent development of relations.
  • Flirt with eyes. Eyes are the best reflection. internal state man, so with the help of views you can push a man to more decisive action. You can use one simple way in the following: you need to carefully look into the eyes of a man, after which the look at the lips and again on the eyes. As a rule, this silent signal in many cases is residual that the partner realizes what is expected from it. But it is important not to overdo it. Do not follow a man "signal" similar method The whole evening is moving, because it will only put it in an uncomfortable position.
  • Use verbal signs. Men can try to ask required mood Through the involvement in the appropriate conversations. Of course, we are not talking about discussion sexy topics On the first dates. In conversations with a man you should use unobtrusive jokes relatively long absence first kiss.
  • Giving lips of attractiveness. Any man will confirm that lips are on the outlines female body Capable to turn head hard. Therefore, it is important to take care of appearance Lips and create an image that makes the man think only about the kiss.
  • Directly declare about your desires. Psychologists argue that many life circumstances complicated by permanent expectation from men certain action. In fact, these obsolete rules gradually go to the past and today it is fashionable without constraints to talk about their desires. Therefore, if a man is not solved on cardinal actions, you can just ask him to kiss you.

The first kiss is a very exciting moment, which is able to either strengthen the tied relationship, or on the contrary, to push the person. Of course, it is better if everything goes to your woman, but also to warn some mistakes will also be not superfluous.

First, it is important not to overdo it with a lipstick or gloss, which can spoil the impression of the first kiss. The same applies to fresh breathing.

In Flirt also, the main thing is not to overdo it, because the pressure and some actions may cause image formation frivolous girlwhich is interested only in sexual relations, in connection with which the events are forced.

We should not forget that the role of the conqueror belongs to a man, so the initiative must always be left behind it. The use of all verbal and non-verbal signs should be unobtrusive.

The above recommendations will undoubtedly help to push a man to the first step, but it is important to objectively to appreciate developing relations And make sure the existence of sympathy on his part. Otherwise, the woman risks to be in a very inconvenient position.

Kisses - all this is so exciting and causes many questions. It is not surprising that questions "how to understand that the guy wants to kiss you," how best to do it "and" how to do it, if the first date "is the most common. Kisses are a whole art that needs to learn, and without experience in this business can not do.

What is he, the first kiss?

The first kisses are especially an exciting and touching moment in the life of girls who have never been kissing. To get rid of excitement to a little and feel more confident, and also make a kiss more sensual, you can use tips.

Do not know how to understand that the guy wants to kiss you? Many psychologists advise to pay attention to his general behavior and gestures. If the guy looks on the lips or does not know where to go his hands, then definitely torments him big desire to touch you. Most often, if a young man wants to kiss, he will do it. How quickly it will happen depends on the experience and desire of the partner.

Undoubtedly, you want to kiss the wonderful. For this, you do not need to constantly think about the technique, but it is easy to relax and enjoy. The fewer the experiences better kiss. Training with tomato or your own hand Little can help in this matter. It is better to gain experience with a pretty young man.

It is important that the situation is suitable for a kiss. Permanent thoughts On how to understand that the guy wants to kiss you, can spoil everything. Most often, the first kiss occurs during a farewell, when there is a pause and ... but no one has canceled the kiss-surprise, so it is not necessary to wait for this moment. You can take the initiative, especially if a man looks at the lips. At the same time, do not forget about the relevance of the situation. Kiss during a passionate conversation will not always please young manAnd at least surprise.

Yet the first kiss must be desirable. In the event of the long-awaited awkward pause Look at the young man, or rather in his eyes. Feel his breath. At this moment you can take it by the hand and slowly approach him. He will immediately understand that you are ready for a kiss. Most likely, he will take the whole initiative, and you will only have to enjoy your first kiss, which you will remember for a long time.

Kiss on the first date

Never feel free to express your emotions and learn to feel a partner.
Thoughts about how to understand that the guy wants to kiss you, leave for later. By the way, this applies not only to the first date.

On the first date, the kiss can only take place in two cases: the guy will initiate or you yourself. If you are accustomed to take a passive position, it does not mean that nothing depends on you. You can always control and boost events. For example, if you are not satisfied with an excessive assertiveness of the partner, then you can always show your discontent. But for this not necessarily stop the kiss, just slightly remove from him so that your lips barely come into contact.

If you want to kiss the guy, then do not think about anything and proceed to the execution of desires. IN modern world this is no longer a sign bad tone. Just remember that long inappropriate for the first date, leave them for further meetings. At the first meeting, you kiss you show that the guy is not indifferent to you. He acts as a kind of approval to continue relations.

Cinema and literature implicitly argue that the leader and initiator in the relationship is a man. It is believed that this particular floor should make the first steps.

But how to hint the guy on a kiss, if from nature he is modest and shy?

Why does the guy do not kiss the first?

For most girls, the guy does not seek to kiss the first, can mean:

  1. He does not feel feelings
  2. He likes the other
  3. Does not want a serious relationship

However, everything happens differently. Despite the external self-confidence, almost all guys are afraid of the girl of the refusal. That is why most of them are in no hurry to act. It seems to them that manifesting assertion, they will push away from themselves.

Therefore, the girl is very important or the first to kiss, or hint that she is not against a kiss. For this, several approaches are applied, among which you can find the most suitable for a particular case.

We remove tension

Very important at the beginning of the relationship is the removal between you "Barrier". Excessive modesty and imperisibility interfere with relationships. In order to get rid of them, laugh with his jokes, make compliments and slightly flirt. It is these actions that will understand the guy that you are experiencing certain feelings.

Just do not be too carried away by flirting and compliments. If you rearrange (especially on the first date), then you can create an erroneous opinion about yourself and on the contrary, to push the chosen one.

When psychological tension displays, you can use more active actions. Can be aligned tactile contact. Make the view that you "accidentally" touched his hand, intend the shoulder. Do not wait, do it first.

But if the guy touched you earlier, then show what you like it. For example, take his hand into your. After such actions, a guy with large probability He wants to kiss you.

We make accents on the lips

The main tool of the kiss - lips. Make sure that they always look attractive. In the hot season of the year, do not allow them to dry out: drink water, use a special balm. And in the cold time - make masks with oils, use hygienic lipstick.

There is one note: the guys do not like when lipstick or brilliance turn out to be on their lips. Therefore, before a date, apply a colorless lipstick or give up the makeup of the lips at all.

So that the guy wants to kiss you, in every way attract attention to your lips:

  • Touch. Make a pensive look and slightly touch your fingers to the lip area
  • Slightly biting low Guba. Do it anybody and not often
  • Lick lips. Conduct a slightly language. It clearly attract a guy

Main rule: do not overdo it. Excessive bumping and licking may look too vulgar. If you do not want the guy to have a certain opinion about you, try to make these gestures as innocent possible.

Do not forget about his lips. During the conversation, we look from his eyes to the lips. He will clearly notice interest and first wants to kiss you.

Speak about it

If you have a chance to see the kiss scene, then emphasize attention. Ask him about the first kiss, about the most unusual storywhich was connected with this. If he did not kiss before, then ask how he would like to test it.

The guy can understand why you started talking about kisses and immediately go to action. But if you kiss himself, he did not dare, but at the same time his desire to do it noticeably, then do not lose the chance and do it first.

Be close

In order for the guy to be the first to kiss you, you are on it at the required distance. During conversations, close as much as possible to his face. Just do not cease. The distance should not be large, but also not to break the personal space: you must first experience comfort from communication.

Also, when goodbye, you can make a boyfriend in the arms. But do not hug it with one hand and do not slap on the back and shoulder. During an embrace, you can slightly remove it to see your face and the first kiss wanted.

It does not matter what strategy in the kisses you choose, remember what is nothing shameful in the first steps that the girl performs. If you really dear people, you should not spend precious time on ridiculous stereotypes.