What does a newborn look like? Newborn baby and sleep. Tactile contact of the newborn with the mother

Constipation, otherwise stool retention baby It is irregular, insufficient or difficult bowel movements. Before parents start to worry and take measures to stimulate bowel movements, especially to treat constipation, it must be borne in mind that each baby has its own individual physiological characteristics from birth.

AT this case it should be taken into account that:

1. Do infants located on breastfeeding, the absence of stool for up to three days is considered the norm;

2. In infants who are on artificial feeding, the absence of stool for up to two days is also considered the norm.

However, in all cases, parents need to pay attention to the behavior and well-being of the child. If he has a good or normal appetite, gases pass, active behavior, there is no temperature or other signs of illness, in which case they should not worry about this and think about how to cause stool in an infant. But if, in addition to constipation, there are such negative signs as vomiting, drowsiness and general lethargy, a decrease or lack of appetite, the appearance of temperature, a delay in the discharge of gases, then we strongly recommend that you immediately contact a pediatrician.

Norms and deviations from the norms

Physiologists believe that the introduction of milk mixtures into the child's diet leads to the rapid maturation of the secretory apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract. Which in turn leads to a decrease in its ability to digest and assimilate the food received. As a result, we get regular constipation with all the consequences ...

A light stool in a child of a golden yellow hue indicates his natural feeding. In appearance, it resembles liquidish sour cream with the presence of a sour smell. By the age of six months, the number of bowel movements in such children per day is from five to seven times. In the second half of the first year of life - from two to three times a day.

For babies, constipation is quite common. According to pediatricians, up to 25% of children suffer from it. How do you know if your child has constipation? First of all, you should pay attention not only to rare bowel movements, but also to the behavior of the child in the process of emptying the intestines. With constipation, there may be the following signs: anxiety, nervousness before a bowel movement and during a bowel movement, the child pushes hard during the act of defecation, cries.

You should also pay attention to the nature of the feces. A sign of existing constipation in children under six months is considered dense and formed feces, sometimes with streaks of blood. chronic constipation in addition to the listed signs, it can also be accompanied by the manifestation of the following deviations:

1. Anemia or a decrease in the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood;

2. Insufficient for given age weight gain;

3. Allergic rashes on the skin and mucous membranes;

4. Dryness skin and mucous membranes.

Stool retention in an infant may also appear if he was born prematurely, with damage to the central nervous system(CNS), in the presence of dysbacteriosis due to a violation of the normal composition of bacteria in the intestine. So what reasons causing problems with a chair in an infant quite a lot.

Delayed stool in infants - the norm and pathology

Very often, parents ask questions about the change in the nature of the stool and the frequency of bowel movements in newborns and infants.

What are the most common causes of stool retention (constipation) in young children and what do you need to know about this unpleasant phenomenon?

What is constipation in the chest?

Constipation is complete absence or delayed emptying of the large intestine associated with forced straining, slowing of the age-related rhythm and difficulty in the act of defecation, resulting from a violation of the evacuation function of the intestine.

In this case, the baby's anxiety, refusal to eat, regurgitation and accumulation of gases in the intestines are often noted.

That's why normal amount bowel movements in infants individually from 8 times a day to 1 time in 3 days.

At the same time, you need to know that when breastfeeding, the stool may be absent for several days, and this will not be considered a pathology, provided that this phenomenon:

Does not cause anxiety in the baby;

Gases are actively leaving;

The baby is gaining weight well;

There is a significant amount of outgoing feces, and it does not have a putrid odor;

The child excretes a sufficient amount of urine.

Also, with breastfeeding, there is the concept of hungry constipation - with not enough mother's milk, all food is completely absorbed in the intestines and stool is not enough to form a stool. This constipation is accompanied by moodiness and even crying of the child, insufficient recruitment weight and amount of urine, and the mother has a progressive decrease in the amount of milk.

If there is even a minimal chance of developing hungry constipation, you need to contact the local pediatrician, conduct control weighing to clarify the one-time amount of milk for feeding and eliminate the cause of hypogalactia.

Causes of stool retention in a child up to a year

There are many causes of constipation in infants, and the number of bowel movements in newborns and infants depends on the following factors:

Type of feeding (natural, mixed, artificial);

The intensity of the processes of digestion and absorption;

The amount of secreted enzymes;

Intestinal peristalsis activity;

The degree of maturity of all organs of the body, including the digestive and nervous systems;

The presence of functional failures and pathological processes digestive tract.

Causes of stool retention while breastfeeding

There are several main causes of constipation during natural feeding: the main types of this pathology:

1. Errors in the nutrition of a nursing mother - if a baby who is breastfed has constant delay chair and stool have a dense texture, then the mother needs to pay attention to the diet and exclude all foods that can cause constipation: muffins, rice, fatty fish and meat, cheeses, coffee, ripe bananas, peanuts, strong black tea.

2. A nursing mother needs to pay attention to medications that need to be taken constantly: iron preparations, no-shpa, diuretics, gastritis remedies.

3. High saturation of breast milk with sugars (lactose) and fats - while the baby has fermentopathy or lactase deficiency.

4. Malformations of the large intestine: Hirschsprung's disease, megadolichosigma, megarectum, anorectal stenosis and diseases associated with abnormal development of the innervation of the large intestine

5. Psychological constipation- in babies early age often occurs against the background of improper weaning or separation from the mother.

6. A sharp transfer of the baby to artificial feeding - correct introduction supplementation for hypocalactia.

7. Incorrect introduction of complementary foods.

Constipation with artificial feeding

The most common cause of persistent stool retention in infants with artificial feeding is:

Incorrect selection of the mixture;

Frequent change of mixtures;

Sharp transfer to artificial feeding;

Improper preparation of the mixture - non-compliance with the recommendations for diluting the mixture (thick mixture).

The choice of the mixture should be carried out only by a specialist - the mixture is chosen strictly according to age and taking into account the individual characteristics of the baby.

Constipation due to improper introduction of complementary foods

Stool retention during the introduction of complementary foods is often observed in infants. This is due to the difficulty of digesting new foods.

Most common causes constipation are considered:

Early introduction of complementary foods;

Reception immediately large volumes new dishes;

Early introduction of whole milk;

Excess in the diet meat dishes or fatty foods;

Insufficient drinking regime.

Therefore, it is necessary to observe the basic principles of the introduction of complementary foods:

Compliance age norms and volumes;

The minimum quantity of a new product with a gradual increase;

Proper preparation of complementary foods - homogeneous, puree, semi-liquid;

Eliminate force-feeding of the child;

All meals should be freshly prepared and offered to the baby warm;

With any change in the well-being of the crumbs after the introduction of a new product into the diet, including constipation, it is necessary to cancel the product and wait for digestion to normalize.

Constipation in the baby, as a sign of illness

Most often, persistent constipation in newborns and infants occurs:

With persistent immaturity and insufficient differentiation of the digestive system against the background of lactase deficiency, fermentopathy and dysbacteriosis.

At congenital anomalies digestive tract;

With pathology of the nervous system;

Colitis in infants;

With stool retention, which is accompanied by severe anxiety and a cry with a violation of gas discharge, acute intestinal intussusception cannot be ruled out.

Diagnosis of the causes of constipation

It is necessary to know that proper treatment stool delay depends on clarifying and eliminating the causes of constipation. To do this, you need to contact a specialist in a timely manner:

Scrupulous collection of complaints and anamnesis of the disease, clarification of the course of pregnancy, feeding;

General clinical blood and urine tests;

Sowing feces for pathogenic microflora and dysbacteriosis;

Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;

Biochemical blood tests (liver and kidney tests).

constipation infants most often the result of malnutrition, insufficient drinking regime and physical activity, and its treatment must begin with the correction of the baby's diet.

pediatrician Sazonova Olga Ivanovna

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Copyright @ Child of the year The use of materials is permitted only if there is a direct text hyperlink to the site article used.

Child under one year © 2018. All Rights Reserved.

A newborn child is considered to be one month old. This month is special transition period from the intrauterine existence of the fetus to life in the world of people. The kid has not yet got rid of many congenital reflexes, sees poorly, almost does not blink and is not at all adapted to new conditions. It exists only in close connection mother and is completely dependent on her. During this period, the child tends to have many interesting features which he will lose as he grows up.


Newborns cry without tears. This is due to narrowing or less commonly blockage of the lacrimal glands. Instead of the usual crying, the baby screams loudly, expressing anxiety, pain, hunger or discomfort. Scientists have proven that while crying, the baby copies the intonations and accent of the mother, overheard by him in the womb. This is what the results say scientific research, which involved 60 children with their parents: 30 speaking French and the same number in German. French babies have been found to cry with increasing intonation, which is typical for French, and the children of German women - with a descending, which is typical of German.


In the skeleton of a baby, there are more than 300 bones, while the skeleton of an adult consists of only 206. However, this is quite simple to explain - some bones of a newborn grow together in the course of strengthening and growth.

Respiratory system

A baby, unlike adults, can breathe and swallow at the same time. This makes him look like an animal. The baby uses this amazing ability up to about 9 months, while the formation and complication of the articulatory apparatus and the larynx are lowered down.

Another amazing property characteristic of infant breathing is that children breathe several times more often than adults. For comparison: the respiratory rate of an adult is about 20 times per minute, a baby at the age of one year - 33 - 36 times, an infant - from 30 to 45 times per minute.

In addition, newborns do not know how to breathe through their mouths. They will learn a much-needed skill only at the first nasal congestion: during a cold or an allergy.

Eye shape and color

The size of children's eyes remains the same for life. That is why the eyes of a baby seem so huge and deep to us. But the nose and ears tend to grow throughout life. In addition, it is surprising that every child, with rare exceptions, is born with gray or blue color iris. This is due to a temporary lack of a pigment called melanin. Already in the process of growing up, the color of the eyes acquires a constant shade, this happens by about six months. ()

Swimming ability

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

All the time of its development before birth, the fetus spends in aquatic environment therefore, more than 90% of babies retain the swimming reflex. It is thanks to him that the baby is able to swim and dive, making floundering body movements. The baby's body contributes to the preservation of oxygen for the lungs and heart, slowing down blood flow to the fingers and reducing the frequency of the small heart beat by as much as 20%. If the reflex is not consolidated, it will be lost by 3-4 months. ()


The baby's heart beats incredibly fast - with a frequency of up to 130 - 160 vibrations per minute. During crying, the frequency can reach 200 beats. For comparison, the heart rate of an adult is 60 - 80 per minute.

visual features

The vision of a newborn is still an insufficiently studied phenomenon. Only recently, scientists have refuted the theory that the baby sees the world flat. In fact, a three-dimensional image is available to him from birth.

Otherwise, science is adamant - the baby does not see very well, only 25 - 28 cm, which will approximately be equal to the gap from the mother's nipple to her eyes. The first couple of weeks after birth, the baby perceives the surrounding reality in black and white, and only by the third week after birth begins to gradually distinguish colors. Any child prefers bright colors and large drawings, it is easier to focus on them.

Another interesting fact- Babies blink much less often than adults: only 1 - 2 times per minute. So far, medicine is not able to find the causes of this physiological feature.


The baby's food habits are formed as early as 7-9 months of the mother's pregnancy and are finally fixed by the first year of the baby's life. It has been proven that the baby is more comfortable with the already familiar smells and tastes that entered his body earlier - with breast milk or as part of amniotic fluid. This physiological feature explains why breastfed newborns become accustomed to complementary foods faster than formula-fed babies.

Meteorological dependence

Blond-haired babies are more sensitive to changing weather conditions than their brunette peers. Hypersensitivity twins and twins are different, premature babies. This susceptibility increases even more after illness, stress and vaccinations.

Just like that little man comes to our world. Don't be surprised or upset if it doesn't meet your expectations. In just a few weeks, you will learn to understand your baby and communicate with him in the language of views and gestures. The newborn adapts to the world around him: he will learn to cry, smile charmingly and joyfully walk at the sight of you.

Moms take note!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of terrible complexes. fat people. I hope the information is useful to you!

It's no secret that a mother's peace of mind is one of the most important ingredients for successful breastfeeding. Extra worries for a newly-made mother are useless. The purpose of this article is to familiarize mothers in advance with the little troubles that await them in the hospital. This will help to avoid many fears and doubts that await uninitiated mothers.

The act of birth is "a difficult journey to another planet." First shock and adaptation. General concepts of transitional states of the neonatal period

With a normal pregnancy, the fetus stays for 9 months in ideal conditions for its growth and development. constant temperature, sterile environment, conditions of reduced gravity, uninterrupted supply through the vessels of the umbilical cord of all necessary nutrients- all this protects the baby from external stresses, providing him with a smooth and carefree intrauterine life. And suddenly, like thunder from a clear sky - BIRTH!

When transferring a mother with a newborn to the postpartum ward, it is not worth swaddling the baby tightly, this will limit his movements and he will lose the opportunity to warm himself with the help of active movements. It is enough to dress him in clean clothes and freely wrap him in a diaper or blanket.

It must be remembered that premature babies retain heat much worse than mature ones. Therefore, to warm them, you may need special means: heating pads, heated table or incubator.

One of the main problems of caring for a newborn is that not only does he get chilled easily, he also copes worse with overheating. It is quite difficult for an inexperienced mother to feel this unsteady balance. Often, mothers wrap the child too warmly, and a direct consequence of this is a jump in temperature on the 3rd-4th day of a newborn's life to 38.0 - 38.5 C. This condition is called transient hyperthermia. Body temperature quickly normalizes if the child is changed according to the temperature in the ward. If you are unsure, feel free to ask nurses how to properly dress a child in a given situation. This will help to avoid many mistakes, both in the hospital and at home.

Ideal for thermoregulation of a newborn, if the temperature in the delivery room is 25-26 C, and in the postpartum ward 22-23 C.

Skin of the newborn: simple erythema, physiological peeling, toxic erythema, miliaria

The skin of a newborn is not like the skin of an adult. It is very thin, delicate, velvety, easily injured. In some children, the skin is pink, clear from the very beginning, and remains so throughout the entire neonatal period. Others develop various rashes, which in most cases are not pathological in nature and disappear on their own without any treatment, without causing the child any particular concern. Transient (transient) changes in the skin of a newborn include simple erythema, physiological peeling, toxic erythema, prickly heat.

simple erythema- this is bright red coloring the skin of a newborn, which occurs in the first minutes of life (immediately after wiping with a diaper) and gradually disappears for 4-5 days. premature babies remain red longer - several weeks.

Physiological peeling of the skin characteristic of post-term children. It can also be observed in children born at term, in whom simple erythema manifested itself especially clearly. The skin of such children is dry, peeling begins on the 3rd-4th day, pieces of skin are separated by large plates.

Toxic erythema- spots of red color, of various sizes, sometimes with a white "head" in the center. Appear on the 2nd day of life, rarely present from birth. They go away on their own in 2-3 days. With abundant toxic erythema and the expressed concern of the child, neonatologists advise to supplement the child with a 5% glucose solution and prescribe diphenhydramine (the rash is very similar in nature to an allergic rash, it is assumed that the child may be disturbed by itching).

Sweating (miliaria) is found not only in newborns, it will haunt the child for 2-3 years of life. When overheated in skin folds many microscopic red pimples appear, sometimes bubbles (clogged sweat glands), rough to the touch - this is prickly heat. Skin areas with prickly heat should be washed twice a day warm water soap and dry thoroughly with a towel. Usually these measures are enough to cope with prickly heat, provided that the cause that caused the overheating is eliminated.

Speaking about the skin of a newborn, it is impossible not to mention one more important feature. How younger child, the higher the permeability of his skin for various substances. This should be remembered every time, intending to apply any ointments or creams to the baby's skin. Their components are uncontrollably absorbed into the blood, and their effect is unpredictable.

As a rule, the skin of a healthy baby does not need any extra care, Besides clean water and soap. All kinds of baby creams, oils, powders and bath salts on the market in abundance often do more harm than good and should be used with great care and only after consulting a pediatrician.

Newborn jaundice: physiological and pathological

Approximately two-thirds of all newborns begin to turn yellow on the 2-3rd day of life. Jaundice appears first on the face, and then spreads to the stomach and back, the arms and legs rarely turn yellow. If a general state the child is not disturbed, he is active, sucks his breast well, such jaundice is considered physiological and does not require treatment. It disappears on days 7-10 and is associated with the immaturity of the systems responsible for the exchange of the yellow pigment bilirubin.

Apart from physiological jaundice there is also pathological jaundice, which most often indicates the presence of a disease in a child.

Pathological jaundice differs from physiological in the following ways:

  • Noticeable from the first day of life

  • First seen in the second week of life

  • Has an undulating course (it disappears, then reappears)

  • The general condition of the child suffers (he is lethargic, vomits, sucks badly)

  • Jaundice associated with pale skin

  • Enlargement of the liver

  • The level of bilirubin in the blood is more than 271 µmol / l

In premature boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum a few months after birth (depending on the degree of prematurity).

The length of the penis in newborn boys is 2-3 cm. If the length of the penis is less than 1 cm or more than 5-6 cm, the boy needs to consult an endocrinologist. The head of the penis is covered foreskin, it is impossible to forcefully open the head, this often leads to its infection.

Transient neurological disorders

Almost all newborns have unexpressed neurological symptoms. This is due to the immaturity of their nervous system. In addition, the brain of a newborn suffers greatly from a lack of oxygen during childbirth, so it takes some time for full recovery all its functions.

A newborn is considered an infant from the minute of birth until the end of the fourth week. With the birth of a child, there are many difficulties that loving parents nice to decide. In the very first days, young mom and dad are usually a little confused, although they were preparing for the arrival of a new family member: they read literature on caring for a baby, studied everything about newborns, were interested in psychology and education.

The development of the baby in the first weeks and months depends on its full-term or non-term maturity. The main parameters - height and weight - depend on the age of the mother and father, their state of health and living conditions. A full-term baby develops in the womb for 40 weeks. Such babies normally weigh from 3.2 to 3.5 kg, although the spread can be quite large - from 2.5 to 4.5 kg. Height also ranges from 47 to 54 cm.

Immediately after birth, the child's body undergoes a restructuring of organs and their functions due to a change in the environment - from intrauterine life, to life in outside world. In the first few days, he can lose 5 to 8% of his weight. This is normal, because after a week the weight will be restored, and during the first month the weight of the child will increase by about 0.7 kg.

During the first weeks, the temperature is unstable and depends on the situation. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly monitor and maintain comfortable conditions for the baby so that he is not hot or cold. On the first day, there may be a slight startle and tremor of the arms and legs, which quickly pass. Toddlers respond well to bright light sources and loud sound. They already have a developed sense of smell and hearing. May be reduced at times muscle tone and individual reflexes are depressed. It depends on how the birth was. After a few days everything is back to normal.

The structure of the baby's body

At first, the baby maintains the posture that was in the womb. The body of the baby looks plump due to the evenly located subcutaneous fat layer and poorly developed muscles. The arms and legs are equal in length and much shorter than the body. The spine does not yet have physiological curves, it does not arch, and the ribs are attached to it at a right angle, the chest is shaped like a barrel. The fontanel between the bones of the forehead and crown is open.

The newborn breathes unevenly: not too often and shallowly. normal pulse from 120 to 140 beats increases when the baby screams.

The horizontally located stomach is still small, and the intestines are characterized by underdevelopment nerve endings, delicate mucous membrane, a large number of blood capillaries, lack of intestinal glands. The intestinal walls are highly permeable. There is a lack of saliva in the oral cavity, and the oral mucosa is poorly protected. But there are already all the enzymes required for digestion. From the first hours gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system the baby is colonized with the necessary microorganisms.

The normal stool of a newborn baby is established by the 5th or 6th day of life. The first 2 days the baby urinates several times, then increases daily amount urination up to 20 times.

Of great importance for maintaining the functions of the baby's body is the balance of water. Most of his body consists of water, but the balance is fragile and easily disturbed. A child needs about 180 g of water per day per 1 kg of weight, which he receives from mother's milk.

Different parts of the baby's nervous system are developed in different ways, but basically all are ready to function. Visual and auditory analyzers are much better formed than motor ones. Already in the first days of life, the baby knows how to stop looking at a bright spot, on the mother's face. He listens to sounds and even makes some faint sounds.

The baby moves uncoordinated, stretches. Arms and legs move erratically, unable to fully straighten. Fingers clenched into fists.

How much should a baby weigh

In order for a child to fully develop from the first days, many factors should be taken into account, and the most important of them is weight. If the weight has changed even by 100 g in one direction or the other, this is an indicator that there is a health disorder.

The weight gain of the baby before birth depends on the diet and lifestyle of the mother. If a newborn weighs more or less than normal (3.2 - 3.5 kg), then this may mean a failure in his health. Excess weight signals a possible diabetes. And with a lack of weight, it is likely that the baby weak immunity or developmental deficiencies. An important role in determining the weight factor is played by hereditary predisposition. If parents and other children in the family are large, then the birth of a baby with a weight above the norm is natural and should not cause alarm.

Neonatologist examination

In the maternity hospital, a neonatologist examines the baby every day. To make sure that the baby has no health problems, and the development of his body is normal, the doctor must examine every millimeter of the body in the little one.

  • The doctor fixes attention on the posture of the child, on the color of his skin, on the intonations of the voice. He is interested in how he blushes or groans. Then, carefully feeling the head, examines the fontanelle and the seams between the bones.
  • When examining the mouth, the doctor must exclude the non-occlusion of the palate, having which, the baby will choke or choke during feeding.
  • The neonatologist runs his hand over the collarbones, checking to see if the baby has a fracture. A timely detected injury received during childbirth is fixed with a bandage and quickly treated.
  • doctor checks chest, arms and legs. He must make sure that there is no dislocation of the hip joint or clubfoot.
  • When examining the genitals, the testicles and anus are checked, and he asks if the baby poops.
  • The doctor checks heart activity and lung function.
  • Feeling the baby's belly, determines the volume of the liver and spleen.

It is also important to study muscle excitation and physiological responses.

Early identified deficiencies are much easier to treat.

Should I swaddle a newborn baby?

Swaddling a baby is currently causing a lot of controversy among parents and doctors. There are a lot of arguments for and against. Many believe that this is good for the baby, for others, diapers complicate care. Only the parents themselves decide this issue for themselves positively or negatively.

The custom of wrapping babies in the first months of life appeared a long time ago and has survived to this day among many peoples, especially in cold areas. In the old days, this rescued families due to the lack of children's clothing.

Parents' reasons for diapers:

  • Swaddling helps babies adjust to the world around them.
  • The child feels protected, being wrapped in a cloth, calms down and falls asleep faster.

Arguments against:

  • Swaddling reduces the child's motor skills, which causes a delay in the development of motor skills: such children later begin to move independently and stand up. However, they quickly overtake in the development of their peers.
  • If the child is swaddled tightly, the blood supply may be disturbed.
  • Toddlers themselves disapprovingly perceive diapers.
  • This procedure requires a certain skill: not all parents immediately succeed.
  • It will be difficult for a baby accustomed to diapers to wean them after a while.

Some consider using a sling as a substitute for swaddling. In it, the child feels in the “cradle” position, as in diapers, and calms down.

The traditions of caring for newborns have been developed over the centuries, so swaddling, practiced in the old days, surrounds great amount myths. For example, it is believed that a baby who has grown up without diapers will have crooked legs and a back. This statement is not true; on the contrary, tight swaddling can lead to distortion hip joints. It must be remembered that when swaddling, you can not straighten the child's legs.

The next myth claims that without diapers, the baby randomly jerks his legs, arms, and can inflict some kind of injury on himself. If you cut your nails in a timely manner, and even better, put specially sewn mittens on your hands, troubles can be avoided.


Feeding a newborn provides his body with useful substances necessary for growth and proper development. Feeding is usually female breast milk or its substitutes - milk of animal origin, or dry mixtures. Digestive system the baby is still imperfect, and is able to assimilate exclusively liquid substances.

According to how much a baby receives women's milk, 3 types of feeding can be distinguished:

  • breast (completely female milk),
  • artificial (milk mixtures only),
  • mixed (mother's milk and mixtures).

Modern scientists say that it is preferable for a child breast-feeding. Although advertising of baby food guarantees its benefits and high quality, but not a single mixture can yet repeat the content of women's food. breast milk. The highest quality children food, designed by impeccable manufacturers, includes about 40 useful elements, and in human milk they contain more than 400. Feeding with dry mixtures deprives the baby of the most important substances, which he can get only from mother's milk - hormones that encourage the development of the stomach, intestines, and nervous system.

In some cases, it makes sense to transfer the child to formula feeding. A serious reason is the illness of the mother, who is forced to take drugs that are harmful to the child, as well as a hormonal disorder, due to which milk ceases to be produced. In such cases, changing the type of feeding is justified.

Are not serious reasons for replacement natural milk for artificial:

  • baby colic;
  • increased formation of gases (can be eliminated in other ways);
  • if the baby hiccups;
  • loose stools or a long absence of it;
  • the baby is not gaining weight well (it seems to the mother that she does not have enough milk);
  • mother's ailments associated with colds.

In our time created medications from a cold, which are allowed to be taken by nursing. It is almost impossible to infect a child, because he acquires immunity along with mother's milk.

You should not rush into the decision to introduce complementary foods, it is better to consult with those who understand. There are means to enhance lactation, using which you can extend the receipt of the child useful substances contained in breast milk. All leading experts unanimously agree that breastfeeding is the most appropriate and completely appropriate for the needs of infants.

Breastfeeding Benefits:

  • Scientists say that newborn babies who received breast milk have a higher IQ than those who were artificially fed.
  • At the time of feeding, the baby is in contact with the mother, which also stimulates the development of his brain.
  • Breastfeeding not only nourishes the baby, but also satisfies him. emotional needs in contact with a loved one. Such children are less likely to come into conflict with relatives, understand their parents more easily, communicate better in a group, and adapt to society.
  • Breastfeeding reduces the risk of developing ovarian cancer or breast cancer.
  • Helps fight against postpartum depression, stabilizing hormonal background women.
  • Serves as a natural contraceptive breastfeeding chance of getting pregnant is very low.

Artificial feeding of an infant

If there is no milk from the mother and it is impossible to find a nurse, you should not choose goat or cow's milk. It is better to switch to adapted milk formulas, which are easier for the baby to digest. It is advisable to start using them from the age of six months.

When choosing adapted mixture for a baby, the age indicated on the package is taken into account, as well as additional qualities of the product, for example, the absence of lactose or the content of probiotics that improve bowel function. In this regard, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary.

Newborn hygiene

The baby has very sensitive skin that requires scrupulous care. It must remain dry and tidy at all times. It is necessary to change diapers after each sleep, feeding or check if the baby is worried. It is recommended to use diapers High Quality, which perfectly absorb moisture so that the baby's bottom does not feel damp, but is always dry.

In the first weeks, it is advised to clean the skin with wet wipes, on the packaging of which it must be marked that they are intended for sensitive skin. It is necessary to check all the folds every time: they must also always be dry and clean.

You should carefully handle the navel of the newborn as taught in the hospital. During the first days after discharge, there is no need to bathe the baby daily. It is enough once every 3 days to gently dip it into water for a short time and lightly pour it with water, using own hand. Replace bathing at first can wipe separate parts baby body soft wet wipe or cotton. A clean baby will feel comfortable and less naughty. Many children sleep much better after bathing and disturb their mother less.

The hygiene features of a newborn girl are that washing is carried out only under a weak stream of water, while slightly opening the large labia to avoid accumulation of feces and urine residues in them.

Exercises for babies

Gymnastics for newborns, if it is properly selected and appropriate for age and personality, can positively affect the development of many organs and systems of the child's body. Physical activity the baby, the variety of his movements, create favorable conditions for the proper development of even the brain by improving blood flow, accelerating metabolic processes and deep breathing.

Physical exercise has a beneficial effect on a child's appetite and sleep. During exercise, blood flow to the muscles and bones increases, which accelerates their growth.

To do no harm little man, which has not yet formed muscles, bones, ligaments are quite tender and fragile, it is necessary to take into account its age and individual characteristics. The first exercises are usually shown by the doctor.

Charging should be done daily at the same time, then the baby will quickly get used to the regimen. Gymnastics should be started if the child is full, calm, he has good mood. It is undesirable to do it immediately after feeding in order to avoid regurgitation.

The benefits of charging will increase if the child is completely undressed. However, the room should be warm and ventilated, and in the summer you can do it outdoors.

For a newly born baby to grow and develop in comfortable conditions, you must follow the rules for caring for him. Then life with a new family member will be a joy.