How men love to be fondled. How to make a man lust from caresses correctly - the basics of a passionate night's foreplay. How to touch a guy to flirt

The art of love is multifaceted, so comprehend it for a short time will fail.

Someone takes a whole life for this, and someone comprehends the basics of affection and love as an external student in a matter of time. Men and women are different in receptivity: what one likes may not necessarily be liked by others. And then the questions arise - "How to caress a man correctly?" and "What erogenous zones do they have the most sensitive?" tried to answer these questions.

HOW TO Fondle a guy: FACE

There are many erogenous zones on the face, and any sexual foreplay begins with kissing. Why not start fondling a man with kisses, doing various manipulations with his earlobes, eyes, lips with his mouth. Many men like it when their beloved woman runs her lips over their face, drawing every line. And yes men love passionate kisses on the lips, do not forget about it. Together with kisses, whisper to your significant other sweet words and compliments.

HOW TO Fondle Your Husband: ARMS

On the hands (both male and female), there are many nerve endings, so do not forget about them during your caresses. You can gently stroke his hand on the fold line, kiss top surface hands, stretch your fingers ... Give him a hand massage, praise his biceps and these caresses will not be in vain. Of course, there will not be mad ecstasy, but you will do something pleasant for a man.


The skin of the neck is very delicate, so it is easy to caress. Part of the neck in the occiput is especially sensitive. Just do not overdo it, because instead of sexual arousal, a tickling attack may occur. Touching and kissing in the neck area should be clear and strong. No light or sliding movements. You can also stroke your neck with your palm or fingertips, but do not use your nails.


The back is an important part of the male body, which should be given as much attention as possible during caresses. There are many points that are sensitive to touch in the back, lower back and sides. In times of passion, you can scratch your back (just do not overdo it) - for your partner this will be proof of his power in bed. Biting and licking in the area between the shoulder blades works without fail on a man. You can do whatever you want with the buttocks.: spanking, stroking, tickling, patting. By the way, in the Kamasutra, the back area was given great attention- the ancients already then noticed the special sensations that men experience from the caresses of this area.


Another important part male body, whose caresses give a man pleasure. The most erogenous zones on the abdomen are the navel and the area between it and the pubis. You can stroke your skin, run your tongue over it, and give kisses. Can be passed with an ice cube from the pubis to the chest and back to create a storm of emotions. When desired effect will be achieved, move on to more daring caresses.


Nothing is so perceived with a bang by the representatives of the stronger sex, like the weasel penis, the testicles and the scrotum. These are the most erogenous parts in men, but you should not abuse them, otherwise, intimate life will turn into a routine and routine. Universal recipe on the caresses of the inner thigh and groin area is not. You can choose your tactics, test on your partner and remember his reaction. It is important for a man how much not the variety of movements, how much the pace. Use a variety of lubricants and treats (whipped cream, chocolate, fruit) to enhance the sensation. Do not try to grab the entire penis, work out the pace gradually. Additionally, use auxiliary devices - feathers, ice cubes, silk ribbons.


The prelude to sex should be complete, not fleeting. Take your time to quickly get to the most important thing.... According to research by American scientists from the University of Washington, physiological reactions in men, external stimuli (read affection) differ little from women. It's just that men react to affection more quickly, therefore, it is easier to climb and start up faster.

During caresses, you should not quickly move from one part of the body to another.... Focus on one area and do whatever manipulations you want with it. Thanks to this secret, a man will discover new facets of pleasure and will do you good.

When you feel like a man is ready to have an orgasm, press on the prostate... This will delay orgasm, prolong pleasure and take you to the top of bliss. This secret is especially useful for couples where the man is prone to premature ejaculation.

For maximum caressing sensation choose during sex positions where the genitals of partners are closely pressed to each other... The missionary erotic position will be just right, besides, in this position there is a chance to get maximum pleasure two partners at the same time.

Popular wisdom says: a woman should be an affable hostess in the kitchen, a caring mother in a child's room and a passionate mistress in a bedroom. And the first, and the second, and the third can be learned. But, if we still agree to comprehend the basics of cooking or home economics, then we categorically refuse to study sexual science. And in vain!

How do you set this anchor? You need to choose two non-trivial body parts of your chosen one. You will pay attention to one zone just before the start of sex, and caress the other after the end of coitus. This must be done for seven sexual intercourses in a row, so the anchor will be fixed. In the future, it is advisable to keep the anchor up to date.

Areas should be such that they are rarely touched in ordinary life... If you pat your partner on the shoulder at the beginning of each act, then any friendly patting in the office can lead to unnecessary arousal.

But if you choose the right secret place, which means "dear, soon there will be sex", then you can excite your partner in the future by caressing this zone. Likewise, instead of the annoying "I have a headache", you can fondle the finishing zone, and your partner's romantic intentions will subside by themselves.

Men are different. What a woman likes in bed does not necessarily mean she will. stronger sex... ? Which erogenous zones are more sensitive? You can caress not only with your lips, tongue, but with your fingertips, whispering. Even if whispering and whispering makes you tickle, this does not mean that your partner is unpleasant. When choosing a sensitive site, you need to remember that the stronger sex has a low pain threshold. After testing a new method of affection, you should ask your loved one whether you liked it or not. Exciting your boyfriend, do not forget that men, like ladies, love compliments.


How to caress a man properly: bottom or top? Not only in the groin area, but also on the face, there are many erogenous zones. You can whisper tenderness in your ear and then unexpectedly bite or blow. Some men like it when their lady of the heart touches the face, drawing every line. One of the sensitive areas on the face is the lips. Often, if a couple has been together for a long time, little attention is paid to the lip area. But men just love to kiss. By the way, few people know. Lips can be touched with lips, fingertips, tongue.

Gentle hands

How to caress a man properly? Where to start with? It's no secret that there are many nerve endings on the hands. Therefore, while caressing your partner, you can hold his hands. You can gently stroke his hand on the fold line. Of course, such a touch will not cause mad passion, but it will undoubtedly be pleasant. Massage is also considered affection. Erotic massage involves the whole body: from the tips of the fingers on the hands to the tips of the toes. You can learn how to do Erotic massage a man. The body is applied aroma oil, which enhances the aphrodisiac effect.


Looking for the answer to the question how to caress a man, many young ladies think that it is imperative to start from the bottom. The physiological structure of the male breast is similar to that of the female, excluding the function of milk production. Certainly, male breast less sensitive due to constant exposure to sun, wind and other natural factors. But it can be warmed up, for which it is necessary to stimulate actively and tangibly. First you need to do a light massage, then move on to caress the halos and nipple. The reaction will not come immediately. After the nipples become firmer, you can switch to other areas, such as the shoulders, back, sides and lower back. Then you can return to the chest again.

Back and loin

Important for sexual arousal is such a part of the body as the back. In general, the entire body can be considered an erogenous zone. There are many sensitive points in the back, lower back and sides. In a fit of passion, you can squeeze a man's back, scratch a little. This behavior will indicate that the partner is on the right way... If a man does not see a response to his touch, then no manipulation can excite him. The lover will like it if you run your fingers along his back, sides and lower back. Perhaps he will feel a slight tickling sensation, which will prove to be very pleasant and new.

Oral secrets

As statistics show, to oral sex resorts only a quarter of women, while such caresses are simply required in the daily sexual menu. Alas, there is no universal recipe for how to caress the inner thigh of a man and the groin area. But there are some requirements for the technique of this art. For a man, the variety of movements is not so much important as the pace. To heighten the sensation, you can use goodies like chocolate, whipped cream. It is not necessary to try to grasp the entire organ. The pace should be increased gradually. Compression of the lower part of the penis delays sperm production and prolongs the onset of climax.

1. Weasels, i.e. prelude to sex should be complete. Take your time and get down to business quickly. Studies by American scientists from the University of Washington have shown that the physiological responses of men to external stimuli differ little from those of women. The difference between caresses is not in their quality, but in the fact that the opposite sex reacts faster;

2. In an effort to please your partner, it is important not to jump from place to place. Sexologists believe that one should focus on one organ and sexual action. Thanks to this method, new facets of pleasure can be discovered;

3. Feeling the moment of approaching orgasm, you need to put pressure on this area. Sexologists claim that the pressure that is transmitted to the prostate gland delays orgasm and prolongs pleasure. This advice especially recommended for couples whose partner is prone to premature ejaculation;

4. You can caress a man with your body. For this, experts recommend choosing certain ones, in which the female and male genitals are closely pressed against each other. One of these positions is the missionary erotic position. In addition, this position is most likely to receive simultaneous satisfaction.

Square skin a person is about 2 square meters, on the entire surface of which it is simply strewn with sensitive receptors - there are more than 500 thousand of them, and all of them are designed for touch and pressure. The sensitivity of female receptors is 10 times that of male receptors. That is why physical contact is so important for women, they crave touch, and they themselves do not mind touching others: according to statistics, women touch their interlocutors 6 times more often. This explains a woman's need for hugs when upset or anxious. In addition, many books have been written that in bed, women pay much more attention to caress, and not to the sexual act itself.

Tenderness that awakens sensuality
All women are different, therefore, they react differently to touch. The reason for this lies in physiology. The reaction to touch depends on various factors, for example, from the strength or duration of the touch, from physical condition or mood, ambient sounds or smell, and more. But it is worth considering that there is no constancy for the sensitivity of receptors, it changes over time and the course of life.

So, what kind of touch can drive a woman crazy?

It's no secret that women do the most. The intensity and duration of the kiss is much more valuable to them than the intercourse itself. And if you add a tongue to the touch of the lips, then you can bring a woman to the strongest orgasm.

Stroking and touching
Another important thing in petting is touching. Women love not only the touch of the hands, but also the touch of the whole body. If you press strongly against the body, you can further stimulate the erogenous zones, causing even more arousal. It is touching that is the basis of petting.

Nibbling and spanking
Many women enjoy being spanked on the butt. And if at the first acquaintance it is unlikely that any lady will allow such a thing, then, for example, during sexual intimacy it can be very handy. You can also not only pat, but also pinch the buttocks or thighs, which also act very exciting.

Another way to give pleasure is to do vibration-imitating movements in the perineum. For this purpose perfect option- vibrator. It is mistakenly believed that a vibrator is used without a partner. With its help, you can greatly diversify sex life couples, moreover, the orgasm will be the brightest.

Where to begin?
As has been repeated more than once - no frigid women, there are lazy men. Not every partner will look for erogenous zones, but they are located throughout the woman's body.
The most sensitive parts of the body are the lips and tongue. However, kissing in the area of ​​the century and from century to temple will also bring great pleasure. Another important erogenous zone is the neck. Any touch to her causes strong arousal... Do not forget about the ears, especially behind the lobes.

Very interesting place for the study is the back. Many women enjoy touching their shoulders. Men often forget about the area between the shoulder blades. And in vain! There is located a large number of receptors responsible for pleasure.

Don't forget about the palms. The palms and wrists are quite sensitive areas that are also responsible for pleasure. And if you massage each toe and supplement it all with kisses, then you can not only relax, but also excite a woman.

Particular attention should be paid to the breasts. Female breast especially the nipples and areola are very sensitive to petting. No woman will refuse to stimulate this area. Another interesting zone is zone V. It is located from thigh bones and up to the pubis. Many men don't even know about her. Gentle stroking of the inner thighs will delight any lady.

Talking about the vagina, clitoris and perineum as sensitive areas female body, does not make sense, since any man knows how to stimulate these zones in order to bring a woman to orgasm.

The anus is no less sensitive to caresses and pressures. If you act on this point correctly, you can bring considerable pleasure to your partner. But the most cherished points are the G-point, which is located on the front wall of the vagina, and the U-point, located slightly below the urethra.

And finally ...
By reaction to touch... If your partner likes petting around the neck, then she is a gentle and sensitive person. She does not like haste, including in bed. If erogenous zone- waist, then such a partner is energetic and loves experiments. If the erogenous zone is the thighs, then you got femme fatale... And if you have a lover in front of you touches to the palms or wrists, then it is very practical person and thinks through all his actions to the smallest detail.

The art of love is multifaceted, therefore, it will not be possible to comprehend it in a short time. Someone takes a whole life for this, and someone comprehends the basics of affection and love as an external student in a matter of time. Men and women are different in receptivity: what one likes may not necessarily be liked by others. And then questions arise - and. tried to answer these questions.


There are many on the face, and any begins with kisses. Why not start fondling a man with kisses, doing various manipulations with his earlobes, eyes, lips with his mouth. Many men like it when their beloved woman runs her lips over their face, drawing every line. And yes, men love passionate kisses on the lips don't forget about it. Along with kisses, whisper affectionate words and compliments to your soulmate.

HOW TO Fondle Your Husband: ARMS

On the hands (both male and female), there are many nerve endings, so do not forget about them during your caresses. You can gently stroke his hand on the fold line, kiss the upper surface of his hands, stretch his fingers ... Give him a hand massage, praise his biceps and these caresses will not be in vain. Of course, there will not be mad ecstasy, but you will do something pleasant for a man.


The skin of the neck is very delicate, so it is easy to caress. Part of the neck in the back of the head is especially sensitive... Just do not overdo it, because instead you may experience a tickling attack. Touching and kissing in the neck area should be clear and strong. No light or sliding movements. You can also stroke your neck with your palm or fingertips, but do not use your nails.


Nothing is so perceived with a bang by the representatives of the stronger sex, like a weasel, testicles and scrotum. These are the most erogenous parts in men, but you should not abuse them, otherwise, intimate life will turn into a routine and routine. There is no universal recipe for fondling the inner thigh and groin area. You can choose your tactics, test on your partner and remember his reaction. It is important for a man how much not the variety of movements, how much the pace... Use a variety of lubricants and treats (whipped cream, chocolate, fruit) to enhance the sensation. Do not try to grab the entire penis, work out the pace gradually. Additionally, use auxiliary devices - feathers, ice cubes, silk ribbons.


The prelude to sex should be complete, not fleeting. Take your time to quickly get to the most important thing.... According to research by American scientists from the University of Washington, the physiological responses of men to external stimuli (read affection) differ little from those of women. It's just that men react to affection more quickly, therefore, it is easier to climb and start up faster.

During caresses, you should not quickly move from one part of the body to another.... Focus on one area and do whatever manipulations you want with it. Thanks to this secret, a man will discover new facets of pleasure and will do you good.

When you feel like a man is ready to have an orgasm, press on the prostate... This will delay orgasm, prolong pleasure and take you to the top of bliss. This secret is especially useful for couples where the man is prone to premature ejaculation.

For maximum caressing sensation choose during sex positions where the genitals of partners are closely pressed to each other... The missionary erotic position will be just right, besides, in this position there is a chance to get maximum pleasure for two partners at the same time.