How to make your boyfriend feel good. How and what to do pleasant to your beloved man, guy? On the psychology of the "stronger sex": what they like most about girls

Living together does not always strengthen the relationship. Sometimes routine and everyday life bring discord between the two loving hearts... So it will be quite useful to know how to make a man feel good about it, which will help to preserve it.

For creating harmonious relationship it will take some effort. In this case, a lot depends on the woman and her efforts.

Women are more emotional and impressionable than men. But in practice, the stronger sex also needs sweet word, caring attitude and gentle hugs. That's why pleasant words and the psychological component is of great importance:

  1. It is important for a man to be respected. It is also important for women to be cared for by a partner. Be sympathetic to a man's need for privacy, and accept his views and attitudes.
  2. Attention does not mean strict control, but an expression of interest in how a partner feels and how he is doing at work.
  3. Compliments are important because strong half humanity appreciates them. They need approval and admiration no less than women.
  4. They need to feel in charge, because nature has laid down their role as a dominant.

A man gets positive emotions from the fact that he gave his woman joy. He feels the need to do so to be respected, appreciated and proud of him. Therefore, if you received something pleasant from him, then you can slightly increase the emotions that you felt.

You need to know how to do it right dear person... There are some rules here. The strong half of humanity is indifferent to elegant packaging, it is better to make a more expensive present than to spend money on packaging material.

It is normal for a man if a gift is discussed with him in advance, unlike women, they do not really like surprises. Toys in different guises will be well accepted: flashlights, various equipment or computers, and not clothes, which women love to give. Also forget about socks and shaving foam, worse than a gift a man can't even think of it.

Pleasant in common life

Do pleasant man- these are not necessarily erotic shows or something similar. You can, for example, learn how to cook a new dish or a treat you have loved since childhood. This is especially important in today's fast paced life, when women have little time to cook. Fit delicious dinner by candlelight or breakfast in bed.

It is quite simple to charm a man, but to create comfort in ordinary life not all women can do it. Your chosen one may have their own requirements for living together:

  1. Satiety and tasty food are important. At the same time, it is not necessary to come up with too much complex dishes and culinary masterpieces. Home-made fries and delicious cakes or can make life more comfortable.
  2. Maintaining romance and novelty in everyday life takes effort. But sometimes a man doesn't mind getting nice presents or a touching note. It may even be simple postcard with meaning.
  3. A woman should create comfortable accommodation in a house where cleanliness reigns and there are no scattered things.
  4. A man needs to be given time to personal interests and privacy.

Pleasing the eye with the appearance

Is important for a man appearance women. At cohabitation It is difficult to look luxurious and do complex hairstyles every day, but there are things that men pay special attention to:

  1. Clean and tidy hair, without regrown roots and dandruff.
  2. Neat nails.
  3. Clothing that emphasizes.
  4. Delicious smell from a woman.
  5. Body elasticity.
  6. Smooth skin.

You don't have to go to expensive beauty salons to keep fit. It is enough to devote at least an hour a day to caring for your appearance.

How to make it pleasant at the level of contact

  1. Massaging the feet, especially in the pinky area.
  2. Massage any part of the body. In this case, the movements should be stroking and with light pressure.
  3. Sensitive areas include the earlobe, under the knee, and in the lower abdomen.
  4. In the process of massage, not only kisses are important, but also a mesmerizing whisper, which is very exciting.

Original ways to make a man pleasant

It does not always come to mind how you can diversify life together and what to come up with pleasant. You can use ready-made tips how to make your beloved man pleasant:

  1. Dance beautifully in your underwear.
  2. Kiss and hug before he leaves the house, and rejoice at his arrival.
  3. Do not scold the interests of the man's parents and friends.
  4. Wash your car or buy wheels for it.
  5. Prepare food for lunch at work.
  6. Carry a photo with you.
  7. Don't make fun of his tastes.
  8. Gift tickets for a match of your favorite team, a subscription to a sports cable channel or increase the speed of your home Internet.
  9. Present a quality set of tools and a bag for it.
  10. Caring for a man when he feels bad.
  11. Organize a joint viewing of films that he likes.

Women should make it a rule to periodically do something that diversifies relationships and brings new things into everyday life. Moreover, it is worth studying your man and finding an individual approach.

How to make communication with a man enjoyable

Communication often becomes the real problem... Some girls have no idea how to communicate with men - what is better to talk about and what to keep silent about. But words can cheer you up and cheer you up, which is also nice.

A harmonious relationship depends on how interesting and enjoyable communication will be. From the very beginning, you need to be tactful and listen carefully to what the man says.

In order for a man to feel needed and leading, it is worth letting him solve some organizational issues. Don't be shy about asking for help.

You also need to learn how to compliment. It is important to know how to present them and in what voice. The wording of the compliment should be clear and clear. Don't give hints. To compliment, don't use the same phrases. It is worth using more varied formulations. Compliments are good that will point a man to his strengths and dignity. Don't use pleasant words as a way to manipulate. Avoid giving compliments combined with irony, especially in public. Any man will appreciate humor, but not irony.

It should be borne in mind that the girl likes to be admired, and the guy expects recognition of his deeds. Men love to be praised for their actions or character traits. Even the most common compliment will adorn simple words: true, always, such, very, and so. A person who correctly compliments is able to create an environment in which to manifest best qualities partner.

With the right approach, you can build strong and, because a woman plays a leading role in creating a friendly and loving family... While doing something pleasant, you do not need to be too pliant and intrusive. This causes boredom and fatigue.

It is important to do something pleasant pure heart otherwise all efforts will be in vain.

Men like women like it when they are very tenderly touched. Therefore, one of the easiest ways to please a man is to give him a massage. If you want him to give you pleasure later, then instead of putting him to sleep, awaken the desire in him.

This does not require anything special, just use aromatic and essential oils, especially effective is essential oil ylang-ylang, it has a very strong effect on sexual desire men. Therefore, when massaging any part of your man's body and using these oils, try to ensure that it is fully absorbed.

Try to understand and accept as truth that all men at heart remain children, and at least sometimes let your man feel like a child next to you, who can do anything. Do not forbid him childish pranks, because they are harmless.

You should not constantly demand from him seriousness, from this a man will feel constantly constrained, and if you do not allow him to relax, then he will look for other ways or even another woman to do this.

If a man does not demand compliments, this does not mean that he does not need them at all. By giving your loved one compliments, you thereby demonstrate your attention to him and stimulate his work on himself, he will want to be even better in order to please you even more.

You should not avoid this, thinking that you still will not be able to say beautifully what you think, enough simple and even banal compliments to please your loved one - this will help increase his self-esteem and affection for you. If during the whole day you do not see each other, then this does not mean at all that you should forget about your loved one and if you do not have the opportunity to call him, you can send a message saying how much you miss and constantly think about him and even those words that are sometimes difficult to say personally.

Even if it's not quite women's work- Bring breakfast in bed, but you have no idea how much pleasure this unexpected gesture from your side can bring, and you can well count on a rather pleasant continuation of the day for you.

You should not always look for a reason for a kiss or a special setting, even if your kisses are at least sometimes unexpected, and at the same time it is very important to pretend that this is quite normal. This behavior of yours will speak volumes, especially about your attitude towards your man, and from this he will draw appropriate conclusions.

Usually in many couples it is accepted that the guy and only he is the support and support for his half. This, of course, is correct, because a man is a strong half of your couple, but sometimes and even often, and they need support and understanding.

And from whom do they expect it? Of course, from you, not from your neighbor. And your task is to provide him with such an opportunity, to listen to him, to support him in difficult moment... Let him talk, listen to him carefully.

While in bed with your loved one, do not be constrained and give free rein to feelings, move, try to release more and transfer your energy to your partner, even though in life you are very modest. This will show your passion for him, and he will be very impressed with you and, of course, pleased.

As his girlfriend, don't be afraid to ask what he really wants. And if suddenly it seems surprising or funny to you, then in no case should you show this to him, you risk that he will hide his desires from you and try to fulfill them on the side. Therefore, it will be better if you try to fulfill his desire, then you definitely will not leave him indifferent.

A man's chest, like a woman's, is very sensitive to caresses. A man will be very pleased if you move your hand or kiss his breasts, while the more energetically you do it, the more you will excite him.

During intercourse, a man first of all wants to please his partner and feeling that she gets great pleasure, he himself gets pleasure from it. If you are silent during sex, then you will not be able to demonstrate the pleasure you receive, so do not hesitate to express your feelings through sound, shout, moan, whisper something, the main thing is that your man knows that you are good with him.

Read more on pleasing men

How to become a sex goddess? Tips for inexperienced girls in sex.

How to give unearthly pleasure to a man, a guy in bed, how to please him without having a lot of experience?

If a girl has a desire to bring pleasure to a man in bed, then she has every chance of becoming a sex goddess. Because any undertaking begins with the desire to carry it out. And if both partners have such a desire, then the mutual willingness to give more than receive will lead the couple to sexual harmony.

It must be said that the inexperience of a girl in sex is not always a disadvantage for a man. So, if a man is sophisticated enough and sex is for him business as usual, then a girl inexperienced in sex can become his student. He will teach her all the basics of this art and the pinnacle of it unearthly pleasure there will be a woman who can do everything in sex thanks to her teacher.

If you are inexperienced and want to please a man in bed, just follow your desires and the desires of your man.

Forget about your complexes, relax and enjoy sex. Your man will definitely feel that you are good with him and this will be the best reward for him.

Important! Don't forget about contraception and protection against possible infection sexually transmitted infections. The most in a simple way protection is a condom.

A completely different situation can arise if both the boy and the girl are not prepared for sex. In this case, the shyness of the boy and the shyness of the girl can play a fatal role, and the couple will receive mutual disappointment from sex.

What is the right way to behave in bed with a man, a guy, for the first time?

There is a certain program that will help inexperienced girls show their best side.

First step

Foreplay to sex can take anywhere from 10 minutes to half an hour and includes kissing, hugging, and gentle touching. You can practice touching your partner's fingers, intertwining arms and legs, touching your partner with your hands and tongue erogenous zones, touching his skin with hair, and other methods that are pleasurable and relaxing.

There are times when a man and a woman are very aroused and do not need foreplay. In this case, everything happens like a sudden whirlwind, where clothes are torn off and the couple gets pleasure from quick intercourse.

Second step

Directly the sexual intercourse itself. If a woman is horny enough foreplay, then her vagina is moistened with lubricant, which helps to carry out intercourse painlessly and without excessive irritation of the internal genital organs. If the lubrication is insufficient, you can use oils intended for this purpose.

If you are having sex with a man for the first time, act as if this sex is for you and for this man the first and last in life. Show all your imagination and tenderness. If you postpone the demonstration of your talents until later, your man may simply not wait for this and go to a more interesting girl.

How to make it interesting for a man to have sex with you? To achieve this goal, you can use changing positions during sex. A mistake is the opinion of girls that the standard pose "woman below - man on top" quite satisfies the needs of men. Such monotony can disappoint a guy. And if a girl does not want to study all the poses of the Kamasutra, then at least the most common poses can be used.

  • The man on top - the woman below
  • The woman on top - the man on the bottom
  • Woman rests on elbows and knees - man from behind
  • Man and woman lie sideways on the bed
  • Jack Pose or 69 Pose
  • A man is kneeling and a woman is lying on her back

And many other variations of these and other poses. It would be nice to show your imagination and come up with your own options for sex positions. In this case, your man will be subdued by you, fascinated and will no longer want to look for another woman to satisfy his sexual needs.

Step three

The caress that couples practice after sex completes this process. You can meet a lot of men who, right after sex, kiss their girlfriend on the cheek, turn to the wall and instantly fall asleep. Do not be offended by them for this. It's just that the physiology of men is arranged in such a way that after sex they need rest. And the physiology of women may require final caresses and conversations.

How to make a good, nice man, boyfriend, husband in bed with your hands?

Touch female hands the genitals are always pleasant for men, but women mistakenly believe that such a touch should be extremely gentle and barely perceptible for men. Gentle should be touching the head of the penis, and the squeezing of the shaft of the penis is strong enough. You can ask the man himself to tell you which squeezing is the most pleasant for him.

How to make good, nice to a man, boyfriend, husband in bed with the tongue?

Oral sex is pleasant to almost all men, and some of them value it more than standard sex. To make a man feel good in bed with his tongue, it is enough to remember a few simple tricks blowjob. They include:

  • Licking and gentle nibbling
  • Tongue vibration and suction

Alternate between these techniques to create a cascade of sensual pleasures. Use oils formulated for oral sex to make your tongue touch more gentle and slippery.

How to surprise your beloved guy, man, husband in bed, drive you crazy, make it nice, seduce, conquer, please: tips, secrets

To surprise and conquer a man in bed is not handsome enough underwear, candles and champagne. If men pay attention to such trifles, then only minimally. Your man will be pleasantly surprised by you only if you, as a workhorse, provide him with a full range of sexual services: oral sex, a variety of poses, groans and sighs. And if after sex you feel like you've done hard work, which means that your man received the very pleasure he dreamed of. Of course, sex should not only be work, but also bring pleasure to the woman herself. And here it is important to find a middle ground where both man and woman will be able to get mutual pleasure from sex.

If after sex your man is happy, then you did a good job.

What men, guys like, what they want from a woman, a girl in bed most of all: male desires

During sex, both men and women go into the world of their own feelings and experiences. They begin to think in terms of "nice", "good", "very nice." Most of all, men want to keep them at the peak of the most pleasant sensations for them. Men want a woman to read their thoughts and translate their desires into reality. If you can't read your man's mind, ask him what he wants from you. This option deprives sex of the unpredictability, but it helps to understand the desires of men.

How to drag a man, a guy into bed, how to hint a man about bed, make him, arouse him?

If a man likes you, then dragging him to bed will not be special labor... Usually, a dialogue on the topic of bed is conducted between a man and a woman without words, with the help of just looks and gestures. If a man is not interested in you, then words and hints will not help you turn on and excite him.

How to become interesting for a man?

Men are hunters by nature and they are interested in hunting, for little attainable prey. So a woman pretending to be an impregnable rock may be more interesting to him than a woman clearly hinting at sex.

What can and should be done and said to a man in bed, and what is not: how to be on top?

Most men choose not to speak during sex. Conversations are distracting and distracting. Exceptions to the rule can be ahs and oohs to the rhythm.

Being at your best during sex means feeling your man, guessing his desires and making his fantasies come true.

What do men keep silent about in bed, what do they pay attention to?

Men are silent about what they don't like during sex. So they may not like the fact that the male member enters the woman's vagina too freely and does not find enough tight muscle squeezing. If the woman's vaginal muscles are stretched after childbirth or are weak due to physiological reasons, a man may not only not get pleasure from sex, but also not reach an orgasm.

How to build vaginal muscles?

It is quite simple to pump up these muscles and for this you need to perform simple gymnastics, which you can do at any free and even non-free time. The essence of this gymnastics is to tighten the muscles that are located in the lower part of the bladder and intestines. To do gymnastics, you need to tense these muscles the way you tense them when you need to empty bladder or intestines, but there is no such possibility. You need to strain them for 10 - 15 minutes every day. Noticeable result will come in about a month of such classes. The more and more often you do this kind of gymnastics, the more pumped up your muscles will be.

What does a man like in bed: reviews

In reviews about sex, men write about what they don't like:

  • Monotony of poses
  • Critics of Sexual Talents
  • Chatter of women during sex

And they also write what they like:

  • A woman capable of being bright, varied and temperamental
  • Compliments and praise for sexual achievement
  • Voluptuous moans that indicate that a woman is very pleased with sex

VIDEO: How to make a man pleasant with his tongue?

You have a soul mate. And that is great! Do not forget to do something pleasant for him, to say something pleasant. A guy is a man who needs affection and tenderness, and not reproaches or stereotypes.

What and how will be very pleasant for a beloved man, a guy:

A cup of "coffee - tea" in bed

First, the guy will be nice. After all, everyone is accustomed to thinking that "carrying" coffee is a purely male duty .... Secondly, the guy will be very grateful to you for such a great start to the morning. Its continuation should be no less wonderful. Take care of it!

A picture or anecdote on his page on social networks

Do you know how important the positive is? And it is important not only for women! Your loved one will be glad that you visit and decorate his pages!

Clothes tied by your hands

It can be a sweater, socks, and a scarf. Do not go wrong with the size, otherwise your boyfriend will be upset. Men are capricious if something concerns them, if something is somehow connected with them.

A kiss on the top of your head

So unexpected, gentle. Your boyfriend has put the kettle on and waits for it to boil. And you, talking to him (with a guy, not a teapot, of course), come up and touch the crown with a kiss. After - continue the conversation. You will pretend that nothing happened. And for a guy such an act means a lot.

Nice compliment

What did you think? Mirrors are not a thing necessary for women but only. It is very pleasant for a man if a woman notices how he is dressed, how he smells, how he has cut his hair. A compliment is the same praise. And praise, in turn, stimulates striving and striving to be better.

Tasty dish

Better not in the singular and not in one "copy". Men generally adore meat, borscht and soups, cutlets. What is more satisfying and high in calories. If you want your cooking to be enjoyable every day - do not forget about its variety! All is well as long as it does not "bore". If you cook the same dishes often, they will cease to please the guy (man). That is…. They will become ordinary, everyday. There are a lot of everyday life without it: as many as five. There are only two days off. Do you understand the whole difference? The taste of food should be unique! Follow this.

Beautiful and sexy outfit

Put on this kind of outfit to delight the eyes of your loved one. The fact that men love revealing clothes on women is normal, not perversion! We remind you. That perversion is pathology. And where do you see pathology in the love of the beautiful? Do not seek hidden meanings in the obvious.

A gentle message

Where it will come from - see for yourself. It "knows" how to fly online or by mobile phone... As you decide - send. Leave all your tenderness in it, since the message has decided to be gentle.

Unexpected date

Ask him out on a date. And don't get hung up on a period of time! It's not so important how long you have been together. You can arrange a date even after ten years. family life! People lack romantic fantasy, so they keep quiet about dating. And what should they say if they are tired of banality?

Opportunity to speak frankly

Saying is a holiday for men that does not come often. Either the girls are not eager to listen to their dear ones, or the young people are being shy, and keep everything sore deep in themselves. Let him speak. You - listen. When the guy speaks out completely, keep up the conversation with him with all sorts of questions and comments.

Hello our dear readers! Today we'll talk about how to make a man feel good! Let's talk about how to behave in everyday life and in bed to make him feel good! And also how to maintain a relationship with your beloved man!

42% of marriages break up because a man does not receive care and attention from his wife! A family psychologist specifically for our article told how to make a man feel good!

Making a man feel good: psychology

Every woman dreams of being the best and the only one in the eyes of her chosen one. For him, she will become a goddess if she can find the right approach... Therefore, every woman needs to subtly feel her man. Know what he likes and what can alienate him from you. strong love will cool if the woman does not support her every day, and even more so in difficult moments.

A man is pleased with care

Every man loves to be taken care of. A neatly ironed shirt, a deliciously cooked lunch - he will certainly appreciate your efforts. It will be incredibly pleasant for him to see the comfort and cleanliness of the house. Fill the room with the scent of flowers, aromatherapy relaxes and relieves stress, just remember to gently remind him sometimes that the comfort of the house is your work. So that he does not think that order appears on its own.

Don't forget about his habits. If he doesn't like this particular chair or this particular seasoning, throw them out. For you it may not matter what to sit on, but for him it may be fundamentally important.

In concern, it is important not to overdo it. Do not turn yourself into a slave, but turn him into furniture from which you need to shake off the dust. Get him interested in household chores. You cannot allow a man to relax, otherwise he may feel completely unnecessary to you. There is another pitfall here. A man very quickly gets used to heightened care, and over time will take your efforts for granted. And he will stop appreciating them as much as before. Everything is good in moderation.

A man is pleased with respect

Even if something does not suit you in your chosen one, do not offend him in front of others. Men are very sensitive to criticism. Moreover, do not do it in front of your friends. Any man will stop loving a girl who publicly humiliates him. If you want to discuss that he is wrong, do it face to face. Or talk to a friend who won't tell anyone for sure.

Conversely, praise him for his achievements, even if they are not significant. And his interest in you will grow many times over. Flirt a little with him in front of others, this is useful for maintaining a relationship. Don't leave your loved one unattended. Try to make time for him personally. So that he does not seek attention elsewhere.

It is pleasant for a man to feel like a leader.

How to make a man feel good without wasting words? Through behavior! Even if you have the most modest, quietest, kind and affectionate man, it is necessary to make him feel like a real man next to you. Play along with him a little. Remain a little weak in his arms. If he offers something, and you do not quite like it, do not start a scandal. Ask him, tell him that only he can do what you ask.

How to do it right for a man: we keep the relationship

Every day you need to think about how to make a man feel good. Winning the man of your dreams is half the battle - it is important to keep him. And this is the hardest work that falls to the lot of the weaker sex. What will help you keep the relationship?

Tasty food

A rare man does not like to eat well. And the food prepared with your caring hands is sacred to him. Even if you do not know how to cook, but try, he will be glad.

Home comfort

The house needs cleanliness and order. Everything is ironed, cleaned and tidied up. If you do not have time for something, do not forget to tell him that you are tired. He needs to know that you are making an effort for him.

Individual space

A man needs to know that there is a place in the house where he can be alone. He will feel confident and comfortable if you do not encroach on his personal space. Leave a corner specially for him. And if you also put his favorite newspaper there, you will conquer him forever.


Men really like well-groomed women who look after themselves. Get yourself in order. But try not to see most of your beauty procedures. The admiring glances of passers-by, directed at you, will stir up his interest in you even more.

In life, it is not always possible to look perfect, but it is necessary to strive for this. He saw you from all sides, but more he likes the side where you are irresistible.

How to make a man pleasant at night

Analyzing the topic of how to do it right for a man pleasant at night, it should be said first that you need to be yourself. You attract him for who you are, so do not be shy about intimacy and do not get pinched. Be relaxed and open. Even if there are stretch marks after childbirth, or cellulite on the thighs. A loved one will not notice this behind the veil of your charm. Here are some tips for passionate stormy nights.

Love games

Play a little with your man before making love. Start with flirtatious erotic touches and vulgar words. For relaxation, apply Erotic massage and sweet kisses.


Men like active and confident women. Passionate impetuous mistresses drive them crazy. Do not be shy about your desires. Don't be afraid to look wrong in his eyes. If you like it, he will appreciate your initiative. So don't be afraid to suggest something new and unknown. Experiment and get to know each other.


All men, without exception, like uninhibited women. When making love, do not turn off the lights or close the curtains. Show him all of yourself. He will not pay attention to your imperfections if you yourself do not point out them. If you are too embarrassed by the folds on your stomach, put on a sexy robe.

Additional details

Do not neglect additional tools for excitement. Put on lace underwear, curl your hair. Change your look to a bold and eccentric one. Surprise him with a change in appearance.

Everything is necessary golden mean... And in order to find it, ask your loved one more often what he would like, and bring these ideas to life. If you don't have enough imagination, you can look for a video on how to make a man feel good.

How to do something pleasant for a man: conclusion

In our article, we met with you how to make a man feel good. What tools to use in everyday life. How to create comfort and warm atmosphere... What to do in bed to be for himself best lover... All this will help you not only to preserve the relationship, but also add zest to them. As much as a man is pleased, your relationship is so strong!

Be happy and see you soon!