What was the name of the native brothers of the Father of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)? Team leader - unsurpassed Leo. You never need male help



Big Brother) The incarnation of state power in the book of George Orwell (Orwell) "1984", the awesome symbol of state power in artistic literature. "Senior Brother" - a middle-aged man, whose portraits hang everywhere and which, as believed, is constantly watching all. His influence on the minds of people is so great that at the end of the book Distant Winston Smith loved him. In the eyes of Orwell, the "older brother" embodied the features of Hitler and Stalin, and possibly Lorda Raita (the first head of the BBC), God and Winston Churchill. The image of the "older brother" entered political jargon and propaganda and is used as a symbol of the state of state.

Politics. Dictionary. - M.: Infra-M, Publisher "All World". D. Andertill, S. Barrett, P. Bernell, P. Berne, and others. General editors: Doctor of Economics Sidiamy I.M.. 2001 .

Political science. Vocabulary. - RSU.. V.N. Konovalov. 2010.

Watch what is the "older brother" in other dictionaries:

    Publ. 1. Standard. Poll. or ion. On the Russian people in relation to other people of the USSR. Mokienko, Nikitina 1998, 63. 2. Iron. About the people, a state that occupies a dominant position in relation to less large, dependent. Mokienko 2003, 10 ...

    Cf. Order, teach me, you are the eldest, breeding, you are in my father's place. Ostrovsky. Tushino. 3. N. Raprikov Elder Brother. Cf. You are our older brother, our second father; Do yourself, as you know, how you know, and we, native, do not give you out. M.Yu. ... ... ... Mikhelson's Big Thick-Frazological Dictionary

    Starbiy brother, like a second father. Cf. Order, teach me, you are older, the lordships, you're mѣstly. Ostrovskiy Tushino. 3. N. Raprikov's eldest brother. Cf. You are our older brother, we are the second father; Dlai himself, how do you know, how do you want, ... ... Large intelligent-phraseological dictionary of Michelson (original spelling)

    Senior, senior, senior. 1. Previously, others born or appeared, having a relatively with anyone more than years. Older generation. Our senior comrade. Your older brother, my elder sister (Everyone my brother, who is older than me; every ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    Brother ... Wikipedia

    Or Aga Sultan (Kaz. Aғa Sұlett (Word Aga Literally Elder Brother, good appeal To the older) - the position in the Kazakh steppes in the royal period, to replace the Hangehog. Yeah Sultan was elected only by Sultans for three years to control ... ... Wikipedia

    - Brother 2, Russia, GTV, 2000, CV., 126 min. Ironic fighter, sequel. In this blockbuster, the militant genres, adventure film and parodies are mixed. The film continues the story of Danil Bagrova (Sergey Bodrov Jr.). He comes to Moscow, ... ... Encyclopedia of cinema

    This term also has other meanings, see Brother. This article O. russian film 1997. For the Soviet film of 1982, see Brother (film, 1982). Brother ... Wikipedia

    White brother (brother). Jarg. Like. Jelly Toilet. Vakhitov 2003, 14. Big Brother. Volga. IN wedding rite The native or title brother's bride, which before agreement to issue the bride "sells and dodges" her. SVG 1, 38. Brother brother on the fork raised. ... ... Big Dictionary Russian sayings

    brother - but; MN. Bra / Tyov; m. See the DJ. bro, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother ... Dictionary of many expressions


  • Senior Brother, Aleksin Anatoly Georgievich. It's very cool when you have an older brother! Because he is not only older, he is stronger and wiser, and you can always go to him for advice and consolation. But it happens so that the eldest ...

The native brothers of the Father of our feature-old Mr. Haris's name was Haris, Abu Talib, Zubayar, Abdulka'b, Guidak, Drub, Abu Laihab, Hamza, Abbas.

In 'Abdul-Muttaliba was 10 sons, from them the oldest was Haris, and the youngest -' Abdullah. Of these, only Abu Talib, Hamza, Abbas, Abu Lyahab lived before the prophecy of the prophecy of our honorable gentlemen. About the curse of Abu Lyahaba nice ayata in Noble Quran. Hamza and 'Abbas accepted Islam and made Hijra. There are disagreements regarding the adoption of Islam Abu Taliban.


His children:

  1. Naoupal was captive by Muslims in the battle of Badre. Then he accepted Islam and became one of the great associates of the prophet. Of those who accepted Islam in the genus "Hashim", he was the most eldest in age. He died in Medina, in 15 Hijra.
  2. Umaia.
  3. Abu Sufyan. This man was one of those who overduely subjected to our honorable gentlemen. Being an eloquent poet, he composed poems, having ridiculed our attached gentleman. Then he accepted Islam, asked for forgiveness for his previous acts and read poems in the spirit of repentance. Died during the rule of Umar.
  4. 'Abdullah, his present name -' ABB Ash-Shams. When he accepted Islam, the noble messenger gave him the name 'Abdullah.
  5. Rabi'a died during the reign of Umar.
  6. ARVA, her husband - Abu Vada'a As-Sahmy, they had Muttalib children and Abu Sufyan. She was still alive at the time when the lord of the Orthodox 'Ali was killed.

Abu Talib.

From one mother with Abullah and Zubayar. After the injury obtained in the battle of Fijar remained chrome. After the death of 'Abdul-Muttalib, took it to his house of our feature-old Mr. to upbringing.

He was eloquent, knew how to read poems with great art. He enjoyed great respect among the Arabs. He defended our one-to-old Mr. from Meccan polybugs, made many dedicated actions. Abu Talibus contributed to the adoption of Islam by other people. He said everywhere that our feature-in-law Mr. is the true prophet, sent by the Almighty Allah. Died three years before Hijra, having survived the eighty age.

His children:

  1. Lord of Orthodox 'Ali Al-Murtada.
  2. Talib, died to Nislam's sentosland. It is known that he read poems that chanting our feature-old Mr.
  3. 'Akyl, died in the time of Khaliphat Mo'Avia.
  4. Ja'far, by age older, 'Ali, died during the battle of Mo't.
  5. Umm Khani Fakhit. He married Khubair Ibn Abu Vakhba. They had children: Hani, Umar, Yusuf, Ja'da.
  6. Jumana. She was married for cousin According to the paternal line, Sufina Ibn Al-Haris.


After the death of the Father, Abdul-Muttalib participated in the work of Hilf al-Fudul. His death is definitely unknown. His children:

  1. 'Abdullah, died in battle at Ajnadine. He was the younger than the noblest envoy for 30 years.
  2. Umm Khakim Safia.
  3. Dubba'a He married Micdada Ibn 'Umar. They had children: 'Abdullah and Karim.

'Abdulka'ba. It is known that he had a son Hinda, known as Al-Mukavvam.

Guidak. He had a real name, but he became famous under the name "Hajl". He had a child named Murra.

Spa. Died in young aged Before Noslam.

Abu Laihab. The present name is' Abdul'uzz. After sending the prophecy became sworn enemy Our dearest Mr. and brought him a lot of suffering. After I learned that in the battle with "Badre", Muslims won, got sick with grief and died of this disease.

His children:

  1. 'Sweet
  2. Mo'tab. They both accepted Islam on that day when Mecca was in the hands of Muslims. Our feature-old gentleman was very happy about it.
  3. Durra. He accepted Islam and made Hijra in Medina. Our dearest gentlemen, when he heard that Mecca women talked about Abu Lyahabe different words, trying to humiliate him, said in the mosque: "It is amazing that there are people who tell different things, trying to offend my loved ones. But, of course, if possible, I will not leave my loved ones without your patronage. " Some of her name are written as "Sabi". She was married to Haris Ibn Ibn Al-Haris Ibn 'Abdul-Muttalib. They had children: 'Ubba and Valid.

Hamza. Since they were breastfeeding the breasts of the slave Abu Lyahab - Suvaiba, they with the noble messenger were dairy brothers. For the third year after the sense of prophecy, Hamza accepted Islam. This was the reason that Muslims were stronger then. He died in the battle in the woe of "Wood" at the age of 59.

He was by age older than our feature-old Mr. His children:

  1. 'Ammar.
  2. Umama (Umm Varaka), she was married to Salahama Salyama.
  3. Fataum (Umm al-Fadl).
  4. 'Wetaiba is transmitted that he did not accept Islam.
  5. I''l. Then the genus Hamza ceased to exist.


He is from one mother with a smoked and older than our feature-old Mr. for 2-3 years. Although he accepted Islam already in Mecca, fearing the many foals, was forced to hide his faith. On the day, when Mecca was in the hands of Muslims, he openly announced his faith. He died in Medina, in 33 Hijra at the age of 88.

His sons:

  1. Fadl, he was one of the important associates, his daughter named Umm Kullyum married Hassan Ibn 'Ali Al-Murtada, and then for Abu Musa al-Ash'ari.
  2. 'Abdullah, he is one of the most scientists of the associates, he was 14 years old when our feature-old gentleman died. Died at the time of reference in Taif in 68, Hijra aged 74 years. Halifa Abbasida - his descendants.
  3. 'Ubaidullah, his grave is in Medina, he had no children.
  4. Kusami, his grave is located in Samarkand in a place known as Shah Zinde.
  5. 'Abdurahman.
  6. Mua'bad. Died during the war in Africa.
  7. Haris.
  8. Casir.
  9. 'Aun.
  10. Tamam.

Rizaautdin Ibn Fahretdin. "Muhammad (ﷺ)"

"We do not know who you are, and let's not fight with people wearing similar names. These are the names of some shepherds. "

A. Duma. "Three Musketeers"

It is known that three Musketeer - Athos, Portos and Aramis - really existed. Their real names are Arman de Sillag d'iatos D'Totl, Isaac de Porto and Henri D'Aramz.
The prototype of Aramis received his name in honor of the Abbey of Aramz, granted its ancestors in the 14th century. Is it because he dreams of becoming a priest in the novel?
And the Book Portoscience is no wonder in the novel that "you have to kill poor Huguenots, the whole crime of which is that they sing in French the most psalms that we sing Latin." After all, Isaac de Porto came from a guozot family.
Well, finally, ATOS is the owner of the prize of maiden sympathies, the oldest of Musketeers (in the novel about thirty years old), the most pale, the most mysterious ... The poor fellow lived to literary age. Real Arman de Silleg D'iatos D'ADVIL was killed for duels at twenty-eight years.

Salada name

By the way, who knows how the name of the book atom? The most romantic of three Musketeers wore the most "Russian" of all French names - well, guess from one time ...

Russian salad.
So calls him in the "Youth Musketeers" written by Alexander, Charlotte's wife (she is also Anna de Beil, she is Lady Clagrick, she is Milady Winter, she is Ella Kocelbogen, she is Valentine Ponyad, a joke for adults). Olivier and Charlotte ("Charlotka", Apple Pie) - Delicious names!
The name of the book Aramis - Rene. The name of the book portos, alas, is unknown. But D'Artagnian (in the life of Charles de Batz) in the book should be called Nathaniel. This name is mentioned in drafts, but then Duma refused him - it is likely to avoid roll calls with Falcony eye Fenimor Cooper. That was called if remember
Nathaniel Bampo.
So, Olivier, Rene, Nathaniel and good-natured healthy without a name. We will be familiar.

Who else had Musketeers

"Three Musketeer" is a reference novel about friendship. A kind of template for which such stories are being built. At the beginning of the century, we had a superpopulation series "Brigade". The main characters there are also four. Valera Filatov is an innocent sustainer-healthy. Like Portos. Vitya Plekinkin is good and pleasant to the girls. Like Aramis. Cosmos - noble origin (he has a dad academician) and just like ATOS, it is not indifferent to "excesses bad." Well, who d'Artagnan, and so understandable. D'Artagnan is the main one. Now take another example.

The name of the main character "Brigade" Alexander Belov, Nick Sasha White.
Similarly, Alexander White - called a recidivist from the film "Gentlemen of Good luck". This in his image of Evgeny Leonov tears on himself and shows the "goat" Nikola Peter.
And now attention, just do not laugh. Rather, laugh, because it is actually funny!
In the Roman Duma, there are three Muskeleton Heroes, protruding under the nicknames, and one will of the chance, who attached to them, not the Musketer - under his real generic name.
In "Gentlemen" the same thing! Here are three recidivists (inseminated criminals), which are subject to nicknames: Associate Professor, Chmur, oblique. And plus one accidentally attached to them does not recurist, a small rogue, speaking under his real name, and even with the patronymic (which makes this name "Rodov"): Vasily Alibabaevich ...
Little of! At the most "noble" from recidivists (at Chmury, he even had a former intelligent person in the Bolshoi Theater) some kind of dark story with former wiferemember?
"- Did you die?" - "I died…"
Just like Athos.
And all the four of all participate in search of the stolen jewel ...
It is unlikely that the Scenarists of Gentlemen of Good luck "Victoria Tokareva and Georgy Deltey recalled Roman Duma, writing his story. But read something they read it! It became, sat down in the subconscious ...

Chemical formula friendship

Friendship is a very important human skill. Without it, our graple ancestors, hiding on semi-bent legs in high grass on the edge of the steppe and forest, would never have built the pyramids, did not run the satellite and did not come up with the Luche magazine.

Once scientists held such an experiment: volunteers asked to sit down, leaning her back on the wall and placing her knees at right angles. Without chairs, naturally. After some time, this posture begins to hurt painful feelings. Participating in the experiment promised to pay for a ruble for every second conducted in this posture. After that, the rules of the game changed: the volunteers were offered to sit in order to make money for their neighbor. 17 people participated in the experiment, and 10 of them showed best resultWhen you were not for myself, but "for that guy"!

Recently, scientists managed to even reveal the "Hormone of Friendship" - oxytocin. Increased content This substance in the blood is responsible for the level of confidence that we provide each other, for our readiness to sacrifice your interests for the sake of others.
Experiments were carried out during which different groups people were entrusted with the same tasks for collaboration. Those groups, in the blood of participants whose content of oxytocin, coped with the task better!
And now imagine what will happen next.
Soon you can think about the injection of oxytocin - brigades of workers in complex industries, cosmonauts in orbital stations, soldiers on combat tasks, and so on. Is it good? How do you think?
It seems to me that artificial friendship is somehow a little terrible.
But human body It is able to produce oxytocin independently. And it can help him.
Do you know how?

Simple recipe

Human organism is a trainee. Let's say if someone has something hurts, then proper nutrition, exercises, massage and, if necessary, the admission of drugs can be "restarting" the work of the body throughout the forty days. And the problem will leave. You only need these forty days without lean.
So, when we read about love, or about the danger, or about friendship, we in the body are produced by those hormones and those substances that are "responsible" for appropriate behavior are synthesized. What is it
What those who read a lot about love will be more capable of this feeling when the time has subsided. And who read about friendship - will be more likely to be friends in life.
So books affect our fate. Very easy!

    In Russian fairy tales, you can often find about the mention of the warriors. Even the paintings were drawn on the subject of Russian folklore about the hero. Vasnetsov painting is called heroic. The heroes of these were: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich. Their wisers were: Polyanya Savishna, Nastasya, Elena Petrovna. Horse: Burushka, Beyushka, Guy Julius Caesar. About the richie Russians and cartoons modern removed.

    TRX BATTERY was called -

    1. Ilya Muromets from the city of Murom, Wife - Polyanya Savishna (horse - Burushka).
    2. Dobrynya Nikitich from Ryazan, wife - Nastasya (horse - Beyushka).
    3. Alsh Popovich from the city of Rostov, wife - Elena Petrovna (horse - Guy Julius Caesar).
  • There is even modern cartoon About the adventures of three heroes. There is a picture in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

    Ilya Muromets


    Alyosha Popovich


    Nastasya Filippovna

    Three richors from Russian fairy tales are:

    1) the oldest Ilya Muromets,

    2) average age category Nikitich

    3) the youngest of three heroes Alci Popovich.

    Wives of these heroes are:

    1) the oldest - Alenushka;

    2) Middle Bogcy - Nastasya Mikulshna;

    3) younger - Lyubava.

    Horses, respectively: Burushka, Beyushka and Guy Julius Caesar.

    Three heroes are the collective name of heroes from Russian epic. Hearters called Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alsh Popovich. Each hero has been one wife and horse ... xD

    In general, Zhn called Alcushka, Nastasya Filippovna and Lyubava. Well, and the horses had names - Julius, Burushka and Vasya.

    Three heroes called Alyosha Popovich, Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikitich. Horse Alesh Popovich called Guy Julius Caesar, Dobryni - Beyushka, Ilya Muromets - Bourushka. But wives do not know what was called.

    In Russia There were a lot of heroes, but only three became the most famous, entered in history. The legends told about them were made about them, they were portrayed in paintings, filmed films.

    Considerthat the warriors lived in Russia in fact and served in the city of Kiev Prince Vladimir, nicknamed Red Sunshko.

    picture V. Vasnetsov heroic

    Older from three was Ilya Murometswho lived to thirty years in the city of Murom (in the picture is depicted in the middle). Ilya was born in peasant family, I could not walk for a long time, but had a mighty force and will. When he rose to his feet, went to protect the Earth Russian from enemies.

    Middle Bogatura was Nikitichcomes from the city of Ryazan (he on the left, on the white horse). Dobrynya was smart and judicial, bold warrior, governor and adviser Prince.

    The youngest of the top three of the war Alyosha Popovich, Son of the priest from Rostov (drawn on the right). About Alesha said that he was a cunning and cunning, did not differ in great force, and very loved women.

    Three heroes Again became popular heroes after entering the screens of a series of cartoons. Now there are already six full-length paintings, the first came out in 2004.

    The characters of cartoons are similar in appearance and in character with real heroes.

    In the cartoon, heroes have a wife: Ilya married Alushka, Dobrynya in Nastasya Philippovna, Alyosha took Lyubava to his wife.

    Bogatyr horse Ilya was called Burushka. As in the eponymies, the cartoon showed that Ilya very much values \u200b\u200bwith his horse.

    Dobrynya in the cartoon rides not on horseback, but on a funny camel, whose name is Vasya.

    Alyosha Popovich has a horse of Julius, and another donkey named Moses, on which Alyosha fought with a Tugarine snake.

    The names of the three great Russian warriors know many. This is Alesha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich and Ilya Muromets. Famous picturewhere we can see them hanging in the Tretyakovka.

    But about their horses the information is not so common. They were called Guy Julius Caesar, Burushka and Beyushka.

    And few know about their wives. If only from not so long ago came the cartoons. Their names are Lyubava, Nastasya Mikulishna and Alenushka.

    The name of the very first fabulous hero Russian epics, with whom the children of Ilya Muromets get acquainted. Silacha, causing 33 years on the furnace and who was able to become one moment to save Russian land from the invasion of Polovtsy and other tribes. Under the Russian Bogati Alyask Popovich and Dobryny Nikitich and Dobrynya Nikitich. Three Russian warriors, three heroes, even known to all the painting of Pen Viktor Vasnetsov Three heroes, a lot has been created cartoon films, telling about the strength and glory of the hero.

    As historians tell, all three fabulous character They had real prototypes and in the epic, Russian epic, they acquired the features of fairy-tale characters.

    Many people learned from modern cartoons from modern cartoons, and not from the episodes.

    The hero of Ilya Muromets was the spouse of Savishna Polyanitsa and the loyal horse of the bubble.

    Dobrynya Nikitich took the wife of Nastasya Mikulich. The features performed on horsehery whyushka.

    And Alyosha Popovich loved Elena Petrovna. Bogatlish horse called Guy Julius Caesar.

    Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets and Alsh Popovich - Three heroes. Hearters are strong, brave people, the defenders of Russian land. Their names know every child.

    Nick Konya Ilya Muromsz - Burushka, Dobryni Nikitich - Beleyushka Alyosha Popovich, according to cartoon, - Julius.

    Having wives Ilya Muromsz - Polyanya Savishna, Dobryni Nikitich - Nastasya (daughter Mikula Selyaninovich), Alyosha Popovich's wife Elena Petrovna (she is Alenushka).

The poetic fairy tale of Peter Pavlovich Ershova "Konk-Gorbok" was written by him when the author was a student of the University of St. Petersburg, and published in 1834. The author himself said that the fairy tale was truly folk, because he recorded it, listening to the Russian teachers. His work, as Ershov said, he saw only that the literary form gave this story.

However, there are still no controversy among literary crituals. There is even an opinion that either the whole fairy tale, or some of her fragments belong to Peru A. S. Pushkin.

So this is or not, but the fairy tale of "Konk-Gorbok" became a real pearl of fabulous literary creativity. At the same time, the work contains scores in itself and existing in Russian speech, and the features of the original people's humor, and well-known folklore characters, and typical plot turns.

And now we will proceed to the characteristic of the three brothers from the fairy tale "Konk-Gorbok".

Start fairy tales

The first part begins with the traditional in one village, there was an old man. He had three sons: Danila, Gabrila, junior vanyushka.

In the overall characteristic of the three brothers from the fairy tale "Konk-Gorbok" the senior is given the following characteristic: "Smart was a kids." The middle of the brothers was "and so, and Syak" - it seems that there is nothing to say about him, and the third was, of course, called the author of the fool.

If you remember that in a Russian fairy tale happy Final Always comes just a durachin, which turns out to be the most intelligent, then smart is the worst of the characteristics of 3 brothers from the fairy tale "Konk-Gorbok". This is logic on the contrary, antithesis, characteristic of Russian fabulous stories. Therefore, a fool will eventually be an elder brother.

Somehow, the thief to them on the fields to move wheat. Decided the sons of a guard at night sowing. He started the eldest Danil, yes stipple, buried in the hay. He continued Gavril, and frozen and extended all night under the fence at the neighbor. But both selected the Father, which was silent properly and everything was in order.

Return to Ivan. They persuaded him to go on the field, only a caustic to buy gifts. The youngest of the brothers, probably, should seem to reader or quite a boy, or a fool, or a terrible lazy. But in the image of Ivan, these features can be merged together, even considering overall characteristics Brothers from the fairy tale "Konk-Gorbok".

Diawarded Vanya at night on the White Kobyl field and was able to settle it. The mare rushed as an arrow, above the fields, but was not able to reset the saddle. She promised then to Ivan, which will give in exchange for freedom of three of his sons-horses. Two inclusive gold-and-one and one height in three tops (the heap is 4.45 cm), with two humps and with ears long in Arshin (Arshin - 0.7 m). Full fabulous, unrealistic dimensions, is not it?

It is characteristic that Vanya does not say the truth or father or brothers about the adventure on the field, but in a habit. But after all, the older brothers lay down, because they were ashamed to confess their cowardice, and why did the youngest brother lie? The fool should be simple and not able to lie. But the younger brother, it turns out, not at all, it became, and not a fool at all. This question (whether the fool, or not) allows the reader to consider the characteristics of the brothers from the fairy tale "Konk-Gorbok" from a new, unexpected side.

At night in the forest

They saw the brothers of two wonderful horses at Ivan and took them away, deciding to sell the capital's boyars. This, of course, gives the characteristic of brothers from the fairy tale "Konk-Gorbok" as the personalities of cunning and greedy. But on the fairy tale to the hero-fool confronted the whole worldAnd even close people were betrayed, and he played won and forgive everyone.

Ivan at his skate-Gorbunka caught up with brothers. He began to consist, and they answered him that they were working for whole days, and barely enough for life, father old already, not an assistant. And what if the crown happens, how to live? We must sell horses for good money, everything will be easier. Vanya Soul is kind, he, of course, agreed, and they went all together to the city.

They got up for the night in the forest. Suddenly the light noticed the light and sent the senior younger brother. Meanwhile, they thought: suddenly the abyss would happen, there would be a road there. This episode allows you to give a characteristic to two senior brothers from the fairy tale "Konk-Gorbok" also as cruel people who are not experiencing to younger Brata No related feelings.

I sat on my skate Ivan, and they rushed over the forest. Sees: sparkles on the ground feather feather-birds. Gorbokon advised not to take it, but Ivan took, wrapped in a rag, put in the cap and returned to the brothers, saying that it was burned in the forest a trumped stump.

In the capital

They arrived and stood in the horse row, that is, where they traded the horses. Their belong horses with gold mane and diamond hooves caused universal amazement. The core reported to the king about extraordinary horses, he bought them, giving Vane ten silver caps.

But they did not give horses to pursue themselves to the royal bugs, I had to take Ivan's king to the service.

And two older brothers, having received money from Ivan, went to their native village, where they soon got married and began to live.

This ends the first part of the fairy tale and the second one begins, where we will not hear about the older brothers.

Part two. In the service of Tsarskaya

I didn't like the royal sleepbook, Ivan. He conceived his lime. He stole the feather feather feather-birds from Vanya and took the king, adding that Ivan would get, be the royal order, and the bird itself. The king ordered. Ivan was twisted, but he promised to help him loyal his bitch.

They got the firebird, the case was not good. The king on the joys appointed Ivan the Tsar's dyed. But there was no dreamed of Vanya and came to the king with another point: they say, the new ash, she would bring the King Maiden's overseas beauty, if the king orders.

Thanks to his wonderful skate, who knows everything, Vanya performs this order. The king decided to marry the king-maiden, but she had previously demanded to find his ring left in the ocean. The king, of course, sends Vanya again, and he goes down.

Part of the third. Further service Ivan

He had to keep out of the involuntary sharpening of a giant whale, look at the sun and the month, but this order Ivan was executed. And the maiden again refused the king - he is too old. Let be pretty former. But how to do that? Very simple: reckoning first in boiling milk, then jump into the boiling water boiler, and then in ice water.

The king decided, let Ivan first try, and then we'll see. Vanya wanted to refuse, but he threatened to dot the guy to death. As usual, Vanya twisted and went on a haylon to his skate.

In the morning, before being in the boiler, on the advice of the skate, he asked permission to say goodbye to his friend. Horse tails waved, the face in the boilers lowered, Ivan got into milk and water, and was blown up with a state-owned and frnown good one. The king, waking up, jumped into the boiler, and he was welded. And the tsar-maiden declared Ivan his fiancé and the future king. On the stage of the folk alianizing the fairy tale ends.

Outcome. Characteristic brothers

To give a final characteristic of brothers from the fairy tale "Konk-Gorbok", it should be noted that the image of Ivanushki will surely remind the reader of Emel from Russian fairy tales. He was also a big leier, but at the same time good-natured and noble young men. Natural cutter and at the same time naivety and simplicity helps him, not surprising anything, to master the most diverse space of the world - and real, and fabulous, extraordinary.

Ivan was close to the people's consciousness and the fact that nothing particularly opposed, floating through the flow. But it was conscientious and honest. Need to fulfill the royal order - what to do? And here, an extraordinary assistant was found and helped out of trouble. We must go for the thirty lands - went.

But with all this, he can also smear, and to lie, and to draw a lot, without changing, however, his main good entity.

In general, Ivan Nestile man, he does not have to make complex and difficult solutions. It acts in many ways, trusting the magic assistant. And he received this assistant, because honestly performed his work. Only such people, in the opinion of the Russian man, and maybe drift in life.

How to give a characteristic of the older brother from the fairy tale "Konk-Gorbok"? Very simple. Recall for this the second side of the peasant soul - a skirmishness, a trick, when necessary, rigidity. And laziness. Laziness in general for a Russian person is characteristic: after all, all three brothers in a lazy fairy tale. And not only in this fairy tale.

Danilo - Antipode Ivan. But he is his brother, and this is certainly not good.

Do not do in this analysis and without the characteristics of the middle of the brothers from the fairy tale "Konk-Gorbok". Why is it told about him so unfamiliar: "and so, and Syak"? Apparently because he all listens to the elder brother, obeys him and considers the eldest in the family.

Such is the characteristic of 3 brothers from the fairy tale "Konk-Gorbok".