Shami breed - photos and characteristics of the Damascus goat. Damascus goat. General characteristics of the breed

Sometimes the word "Syria" can even please a little. Syria is a remarkably wealthy region, extremely fertile for livestock raising. Goats in the wonderful climate there feel great, especially on the coast Mediterranean Sea... In fact, their homeland is there, and the arid climate of the eastern Mediterranean is exactly what goats are very suitable for.

Delicious Syrian cypresses and thujas, I am sure, dream of my goats every night. And rains or snow without stopping - they do not dream, but they also have nowhere to go from our Palestinians.

Shami goats

They are Damascus goats, they are Damascus Shami goats, they are Cypriot Shami goats, they are Aleppo and Baladi. This breed appeared historically in the Middle East. In general, all goats, according to the assurances of zoologists, appeared in the Middle East, they have a goat respawn point there.

In Israel, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine, large herds of Shami goats have been grazing for centuries. In some wonderful year on British ships, representatives of these goats, importantly and with dignity, moved to the island of Cyprus. There they were nicknamed the Damascus goats. From there, these goats began to be transported all over the world, at the same time they were called Cypriot or Cypriot Damascus goats.

It is impossible to name the exact place of origin of this remarkable breed, except to designate a vast area called the Middle East. But Damascus goats appeared so long ago that they managed to capture their remarkable appearance in ancient Arabic texts - literary and not so much.

There are even mentions in religious sources, but about folklore and you don't even have to say - there are a lot of fairy tales about Shami: the appearance, standards, nobility and character of these goats distinguish them from other Capra hircus. No, of course, other breeds are also quite noble and characteristic, but Shami's appearance is their distinctive feature.

Since the beginning of this century, Shami goats have experienced a consumer boom. They are purchased by breeders from different countries, and the prices for this breed have gone up to space. I would not be surprised if all the Shami goats are little by little taken out of Syria and transported all over our planet. Moreover, it is a little uncomfortable for goats to live in Syria now - people have armed conflicts.

More about the breed

There is nothing superfluous in a goat at all. It is ideal in terms of usefulness: milk, meat, wool, fluff and even leather have been used since ancient times by humans. One can only reproach this ungulate for the fact that she, a lazy person, does not collect honey and does not lay eggs - and indeed in this serious problem... But let's not be so demanding and forgive our horned and not very horned goats for such trifles.

With proper care and quality feed, Shami goats are capable of producing 4-5 kilograms of milk per day with a lactation period of up to 10 months. These goats are very large, noble looking and very self-confident. The character is very calm and kind. They are usually friends with both the owner and all members of his family.

The milk of these goats is quite rich in protein and fat, it qualitative composition very sensitive to the food given to the goat, or which she herself will be able to get. Goats are perfectly adapted to all types of climate in the Middle East - coastal, rocky desert and semi-desert, local agricultural areas.

V recent times Shami goats are often kept as decorative animals, combining external beauty with excellent character and the ability to establish a close friendship with the owner. Damascus goats are highly adaptive, intelligent and cooperative. Traditional role these goats were in the supply of milk and meat to households. From goat milk the whole range of dairy products can be made and, in the first place, cheese. Cheese is the pinnacle of milk products. In addition, it is very liquid and can be stored for a long time.

Cheese made from the milk of Shami goats is very popular in Israel. The country has a large program for the construction of dairy plants, the main emphasis of which is entirely on the traditional preparation of cheeses. In addition to Damascus goats, milk from Nubian goats and their hybrids with Shami goats is also used.

Damascus goat breed standards allow for the improvement of the performance of other breeds of these animals. Once upon a time, Shami were reddish brown, just brown and black. Nowadays, gray, white, beige and various mixtures of such colors have also been added. They have long legs, long neck and body, small hump-nosed head and long drooping ears.

The coat is long and there is a short undercoat, which makes it easy to endure rain, scorching sun and cold. These goats thrive in the desert, in the mountains, and in the heat by the sea. Even in the most desolate place, the goat will find food for itself.

In an adult animal, the height at the withers is more than 75 cm, the weight is from 60 to 80 kilograms, the goats are usually taller and heavier. A striking difference between the breed is in the goat's face: it has a hunchbacked goat, and for the most part all the other humpbacked goats descended from the Damascus goats. The eyes are expressive, the long ears hang down, and they are sometimes cropped. This helps with attacks by dogs or other predators. The horns are small, large, or may be absent.

In particular, quite recently, such fashionable Nubians descended from the Shami and the British short-haired breeds, but, as always, the copy lags behind the original in terms of productivity, weight and fat content of milk. Nevertheless, the phenomenon of sales of Anglo-Nubian goats is worthy of a separate article, and it is very interesting to somehow examine in detail the very mechanism of the emergence of massive demand for an generally unremarkable breed.

About simple ordinary our goats

In the most critical moments in human history, goats were close to people and helped them survive. Only on milk and dairy products can a person not only live for months, but also work intensively physically and mentally. Those very "cunning beasts", offered in any newspaper of ads for quite ridiculous money, are able to look for food themselves in cold and snow conditions, they just need a little help.

No matter how beautiful and noble the Damascus Shami goats are, our ordinary landrace is not only no worse, but in some respects even better: adapted to local conditions many generations. Cold and snow, short rainy summers and even only grass with branches in their diet do not prevent them from living. Goats are very persistent animals, and their disposition is appropriate: they can and should not only survive, but also live joyfully, actively, and even with the kids to boot.

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Shami goats are one of the most universal breeds goats, providing people with milk, meat, wool and leather of excellent quality since ancient times. Description of the breed is found in classical Arabic literature, religious texts and ancient chronicles of the Near East, where they were bred. All sources highlight their specific appearance, noble character and great benefits to people.... In Syria, which is the historical homeland of the breed, they are called so - divinely beautiful. Locals since ancient times, various proverbs, sayings, songs and tales about goats have been invented.

Shami is one of the universal dairy goat breeds

Description of the breed

Shami goats are quite unusual because of their appearance.

Characteristic feature they have a woolen "fur coat" that protects animals from the cold wind, low temperatures and overheating, but also distinguishes them from their relatives, giving originality and originality.

In addition, they have rather long ears (in their length - they reach 30 cm), located on the head very small size... The contrast gives them a special zest.

Their head is slightly hunchbacked. The eyes are most often light, the iris varies in its palette from milky to snow-white at the pupil. Modern representatives of the breed, due to multiple selections and crosses, can also have dark shades. The legs are long enough, and the neck is elongated, which gives them a certain nobility, sophistication and charm.

The Shami breed is characterized by a humpbacked profile and unusual coat.

An interesting fact is that Shami are among the ten most unusual animals in the world.

The breed is classified as heavy, because the most heavy weight, recruited by a goat, is 130 kg and this with a height of 1 m. Female representatives weigh mainly from 85 to 95 kg. The weight of newborn kids can reach up to 5 kg, and when feeding breast milk quite quickly add to the mass (200-300 g per day). The height of an adult goat is up to 75 cm, but the goats are slightly higher.

Kids are born no more than 5 kg, but they gain weight very quickly

Many representatives of the breed are horned, but modern goat breeders are working on breeding hornless species. The shades of the coat can be very different. The maintenance and breeding of animals does not require any special conditions, due to its unpretentiousness and ability to live even with a small feed ration.

Main advantages

Individuals of the Shami breed of a strong constitution

The breed has enormous advantages:

  1. Unpretentiousness in providing, picking up good feed, their ability to produce dairy products will increase significantly. On average, the daily milk yield per goat is up to 8-9 liters. The taste of the milk is incredible and wonderful, perfect for making ice cream and cheese.
  2. Their character has gained popularity among many people since ancient times. Compliance and friendliness wins over many farmers.
  3. The species has excellent performance indicators, and very often it is used to develop new directions in great variety goat breeds. Representatives of Shami goats were used for interbreeding with Anglo-Nubian goats, the first, in turn, were given their characteristic crooked nose and long ears.
  4. Strong and sturdy limbs, as well as a robust constitution.
  5. Shami is highly developed maternal instinct, therefore, their young are born strong and receive all the necessary care and attention from their mothers. For one lambing, from one to four kids are brought, but most often twins are born.
  6. The Shami breed is versatile and provides not only milk but also good quality meat, wool and leather.
  7. They take root well in different climatic zones.
  8. Shami grow quickly, and after 9 months they are completely ready for reproduction. The ability to reproduce in these goats lasts for 6 years.
  9. Completely absent bad smell common to many goats. Therefore, the milk tastes good.

Shami goats provide delicious, odorless milk

And now the Shami have not lost the ability to provide people with meat, milk and other products of their vital activity. More and more farmers are showing interest in breeding the breed. Shami breeding species are found all over the world, but the largest centers for the cultivation and breeding of the breed are still Palestine, Cyprus, Israel and Syria.

Modern Shami combines ancient beauty and dairy qualities, which have grown significantly over time.

However, when choosing a goat, goat breeders and farmers are more likely to pay attention to the shape of the head than to good milk yield. Interesting fact, goat with beautiful shape a head is valued much more expensively, even if its milk yield is not very high.

Today there are many breeds of goats. However, there is one species that not everyone has met in life. This is unusual damask breed shami. Their habitat is very modest, but they are very popular among farmers. What is so interesting about shami will be discussed in this article.

Origin story

The homeland of this unusual goat is Syria. Even in ancient manuscripts, there were records about a strange goat, which has a very outstanding appearance and the highest productivity indicators.

Did you know? A characteristic feature of shami is that in childhood these creatures have incredible attractive appearance(a small head with long curly ears), but with age, a Damascus goat with its head can scare even the most daring child.

However, this breed caused the greatest excitement after the beauty contest among goats, held in 2008. Then it was the shami who received the title "The most beautiful goat".

General characteristics of the breed

Shami refers to dairy goat breeds that are able to survive in almost any climatic conditions. Detailed specifications consider below.


These Damascus goats have a rather original appearance. Distant relatives modern representatives of the shami were exceptionally horned, but today breeders successfully cope with the withdrawal of hornless females and males.

So, the appearance:

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Productive qualities

Since shami is considered a dairy breed, it demonstrates incredible productivity in the dairy sector. So, one goat per day can produce from 5 to 10 liters. fat milk(from 4.5%). Per lactation period(up to 250 days) this breed produces from 450 to 850 liters of the highest quality milk.

A feature of this species is that, due to its massive size, some farmers boldly classify the shami as a dairy-meat breed.

It is also worth noting that the reproductive period in both males and females begins relatively early (7-9 months) and lasts more than 2.5 years. And the offspring survival rates reach 100%.

Important! The kids from their mother can be picked up already at the age of one week.

Advantages and disadvantages

Impressive size and high rates productive qualities are not the only virtues of the ancient breed.
It has a lot of other privileges compared to its brothers, but it also has its drawbacks.

  • Advantages:
  • unpretentiousness in maintenance and care;
  • calm, friendly disposition;
  • great for breeding work;
  • able to adapt to any climate.
  • Disadvantages:
  • a large number of representatives are still born with horns;
  • representatives are very difficult to acquire;
  • high price, which also depends more on appearance than on productivity.

How to choose a good goat when buying

The question of choosing a good animal requires special attention.

There are features to be guided by when choosing a good Shami goat:

  • head should be correct shape with a characteristic hump on the nose;
  • ears should be long, well-groomed;
  • the coat should be shiny, pleasant to the touch;
  • a healthy goat has transparent, light eyes;
  • legs should be strong.

Breeding at home

Despite the fact that shami are very unpretentious animals, there are still certain requirements for breeding them at home. Considering the size of the animal, it is worth immediately preparing a large "house". Dimensions will depend on the number of goat heads. So, a herd of 5–7 goats will need a house 7m long, 5 wide. Moreover, it must be arranged so that each representative has a flooring and a stall.

Temperature has no of particular importance, but the optimal range is +18 ... + 25 ° C, the humidity is average. The room must be well ventilated. Length daylight hours must be at least 10 hours.

Feeding and drinking

Animal feeding plays important role in milk production, therefore, it is necessary to choose the right diet for the goat livestock.

What can be fed:

  • silage;
  • crushed cereals;
  • crushed beans;
  • vegetables;
  • greens;
  • branch feed;
  • grass (grazing in summer).

    Prohibited foods:
  • Red clover;
  • green raw potatoes;
  • rotten or missing food.

It is important to understand that food in summer and winter is different, so you need to be ready for this in advance.

In summer, animals do not require a special feeding regimen, since they are grazing most of the day and consume all the necessary substances themselves.

In the evening, it is advisable to equip the goats with hay or mowed grass for the night, and also add a little roughage to each individual for greater saturation.

V winter period when there is no fresh grass, goats must be fed with pre-prepared hay (should be available around the clock), in the morning and at lunchtime, coarse and green feed is given (200–250 g per animal). The third meal should include sprouted grass, oats, and some fresh vegetables.

In winter, it is necessary to additionally provide the livestock with fortified complexes, since winter vitamin deficiency occurs not only in humans. Goats need to be fed clean warm water, and change it regularly. It is imperative to leave enough water for the night so that it is enough for all individuals.

Hair and hoof care

For a neat appearance and health, it is necessary to properly care for the coat and hooves:

  • the coat must be combed out every few days, and overgrown individuals must be cut;
  • hooves should be cleaned after every walk, as debris and dirt are an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria.

How to milk correctly

Milking is a ritual for both the goat and the farmer, so you need to know some secrets of the correct process:

  • the goat must have a specific place and time for milking;
  • before milking, it is necessary to properly prepare yourself and the animal: wash your hands thoroughly with warm water, and the udder of the goat;
  • at the time of milking, the animal needs to be occupied with food;
  • a gentle quiet conversation with them has a beneficial effect on cloven-hoofed animals;
  • udder nipples must be well massaged to improve blood circulation;
  • at the end of the process, it is necessary to wipe the udder dry, disinfect and lubricate with a special moisturizing cream.

Disease prevention

Disease prevention - important process in keeping animals, since it is from preventive measures the absence of the risk of the appearance of diseases dangerous for animals and humans depends.
So, general measures precautions every farmer should know:

The Damascus goat breed has gained the most popularity in the last decade due to its extraordinary appearance. However, in addition to its appearance, this animal is able to provide the farmer with a huge amount of milk, while not requiring special care... But, the big drawback is the high price of such pleasure.

Breed name: Damascus goat Other name: Aleppo, Baladi, Chami, Damascene, Halep and Shami. Special purpose: milk production Breed size: big The weight: Males: about 70-90 kg Females: about 50-60 kg Horns: can be horned or hornless Climatic endurance: all climatic conditions Coat color: usually red or Brown color, but individuals with a gray coat can also be found Country / Place of Origin: Syria

The Shami Damascus goat is a breed of domestic animal that is commonly used for milk production. Mostly given view common in countries such as Cyprus, Lebanon and Syria. The breed is also known by several other names such as Aleppo, Baladi, Chami, Damascene, Halep or Shami.

This goat species is native to the Middle East. In the Middle East, to this day, she is one of the most coveted goats throughout the region. These ruminants were exported by the British to their home regions in the nineteenth century. At the same time, they were taken to Cyprus, where the pets were bred and raised in a large number... That's when she got her official name"Damascus".

This type of ruminant has been mentioned by many classics of Arabic literature. The animal has appeared frequently in religious tales and folklore in the Middle East region. Because it was noble and had amazing characteristics, it was used to create many other goat breeds. And for many years, right up to the present day, this breed has aroused unprecedented selection interest among breeders.


The species are large in size and have a distinct Nubian type. They usually have a red or brown coat color, however, there are specimens colored in grey colour... The hair of animals is usually long. They can be horned or hornless. An adult has long neck and very long legs. The head is relatively small in relation to the body. Like most other goats, males are orders of magnitude larger and heavier than females. The weight of a male individual reaches about 70-90 kg, while average weight the female is about 50-60 kg.

Purpose of the breed

The Shami goat is a dairy goat breed and is mainly used for milk production. But they are appreciated not only for milk, but also for high quality and very tasty meat.

Interesting Facts

The Damascus goat is described in Arabic folklore as noble and with striking characteristics. The animal looks like it was run over by a car, but in Syria and other Middle Eastern countries, the animal is considered the standard of beauty, which is why it is used in the creation of many other popular breeds of goats.

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Shami pretty good manufacturer milk. On average, an animal can produce up to 1.5 kg of milk per day. Milk of this type is extremely easily absorbed by any organism, even those that have problems with the processing of dairy products.

Pets, most often, behave very balanced and have a relatively calm disposition.

A breed that is only gaining popularity in the CIS, but has been known for a long time in the countries of the Middle East. Productive and graceful, immortalized in the historical annals of Arab culture. Unique and so desired by true connoisseurs of goat beauty and exoticism. The real "Goddesses" among goats are the Shami goats. All these are not empty words, because in their homeland Shami is called “Divinely beautiful”. They also have several more names: Balladi and Aleppo. The first mentions of Shami were found in Syria, in religious treatises and local folklore, therefore the breed is considered Syrian, or Damascus. This is the most amazing breed of its kind, distinctive features which are long ears, a hook-nosed profile and a noble posture.


Shami goats belong to large breed, and well-coordinated build gives them a graceful look.

Long ears up to 30 cm long, a small head with a hump-nosed profile, inherent in the Damascus Shami, somewhat similar to the Anglo-Nubian breed, but an elongated neck and the presence of an impressive long hair, radically distinguish the breeds from each other.

It is not for nothing that the ears of Damascus goats are so long, because they are a regulator of heat exchange in the animal's body. In a hot period of time, long-haired Shami suffer from heat like no other, so the excess temperature goes to the ears, which, in turn, are cooled due to their circulatory structure. How longer ears, the hotter temperatures they can tolerate.


Since ancient times, Shami in their homeland were the only source of milk, meat, wool and leather. Due to the lack of keeping conditions, over the years, the breed has acquired irreplaceable resistance to temperature extremes, and the assimilation of any kind of food. Therefore, at present, Shami are famous for their unpretentiousness in nutrition and care. However, as any goat breeder knows, the quality of nutrition is directly related to the palatability of the milk and meat produced.

At normal conditions keeping a goat is capable of:

  • carry 2 to 4 cubs;
  • provide milk for up to 10 months;
  • provide milk up to 5 liters per day;
  • to bring offspring every year up to 6 years of age;
  • live up to 7 years.

It is worth noting that Shami goats mature quickly and are ready for mating at the age of 9 months. And after lambing, they are ready for the next mating in 45 days.

Plentiful nutrition of the goat during lactation can increase the fat content of milk and the volume of milk yield. The maximum milk volume from one goat was recorded at 9 liters per day.

If the Shami breed is present in goat breeding as an exotic animal, then it is recommended to acquire a male, which is further subject to castration. Thus, its lifespan can last up to 10 years.


  • Unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention.
  • High fertility.
  • High rates of milk yield.
  • Compliant character.


  • Horned breed.
  • High price.
  • Import is only possible from a registered manufacturer.

To date, Shami goats are widely bred only in the Middle East, in our latitudes the breed is considered exotic. A domestic farmer needs to invest a lot of money and effort on documenting imported animal. In addition, the foreign market offers only wholesale sales, and these are simply exorbitant costs. But local breeders are not afraid of the current situation with imports, they do not sit still, and in the near future Shami goats will enter the ranks of domestic goat breeding.