Node "We are different, but we are together. Entertainment on tolerance in the older group "We are so different, but we are together. Discussion. That we all unites

Municipal state pre-school educational institution of the Barabinsky district of the Novosibirsk region

"Kindergarten of a combined type number 7" Rainbow "

Duration of the project: short-term (1 week).

Project Type: Cognitive-creative.

Project sites: Children of the older group of 5-6 years, educators, parents.


Where and whenever we are not, people always surround us of different nationalities. After all, it is not by chance that the constitution of our country begins with the words: "We, the multinational people Russian Federationconnected by a common fate on its land ... "

The concepts of "patriotism", "citizenship", "tolerance" acquire a special meaning and great value. Because respect for pupils for peers of another nationality, full-fledged communication on examples of equality, rendering necessary assistance, attentive attitude Its needs to solve emerging problems is one of their main values \u200b\u200bof human existence in harmony with the world of nature and society.

Hence the creation of the project "We are different, but we together."

Objective of the project: To form in children and parents the foundations of tolerant culture.


1. Create a subject-developing environment in the group that promotes the involvement of children to the culture of other peoples.

2. To form respectful attitude, Openness, friendliness to peers and parents of the group.

3. To introduce the S. national traditions, culture of pupils of the group.

4. To educate love and respect for his homeland, to his nation, tolerant attitude to representatives of other nationalities.

5. Develop communicative qualities, cognitive activity, develop creativity and fantasy.

Estimated result:

The group will create conditions for the development of tolerant relations in children.

    Children gradually form such qualities as responsiveness, justice, modesty, friendly attitude to each other, regardless of nationality, culture, social status and physical abilities.

    The relationship in matters of education of tolerant relations between family and a kindergarten will increase.

    Parents will change the passive position on active, gain knowledge in the field of education of tolerant relations, and what is most important, they are implementing them.

Stages of work on the project

Preparatory stage

In the course this stage Pre-work is carried out:

1. Determination of the objectives and objectives of the project, collecting material necessary for the implementation of the objective of the project,

2. Forecasting results, drawing up a plan of joint activities with children, teachers and parents

Educational activities


Socio-communicative development

    Conversations "My Family", "Why do you need traditions?"

Cognitive development

    Acquaintance with the surrounding theme: "Peoples are a friendly family"

    Game "Tangle of Magic Words"

    D / and "greeting other countries"

Speech development

    Writing fairy tales and children's stories.

    D \\ and "name gentle", "I like you, because ..."

    D / and "travel on fairy tales."

    Reading the fairy tale "Mouse of Egorvostik".

    Proverbs and sayings on the topic: "Friendship of Peoples".

Artistic and aesthetic development

    Lusher: "Flower of Friendship"

    Drawing based on (Azerbaijani, Armenian, Ukrainian) patterns

    Designing "Whose house is!"

    Song listening of different nations.

Physical development

Folk games of Russia and other countries:

    "Falcon and Fox",



    "Spots on sleds",




3. Selection of material and equipment for classes, conversations, plot role-playing games with children (illustrative, artistic and didactic)

4. Creating a developing environment, making games on the topic, didactic, plot-role, wall-printed.

Cooperation with parents:

    Consultation " Psychological health child. "

    Blitz poll for parents: "What do you understand under the word tolerance?"

    Questioning "Do you know your child?"

    Consultations for parents "What do we learn from each other?", "Family Traditions".

    Registration of folders moving for parents on the topic of the project.

The main stage

The task of this stage includes the implementation of the main types of activities in the direction of the project:

    Events for working with children:

    reading fiction,

    view cartoons and multimedia presentations,

  • observations


  • didactic games.

    Events for working with parents:

    making advice on the topic "What do we learn from each other?", "Family traditions".

    decoring folder-mobile.

    organization of the exhibition of children's work: drawings, modeling.

The final stage

On the third, final stage The results of work are generalized:

    Registration of the exhibition drawings "Friendship of Peoples".

    Final event: sports entertainment "We are different, but we are together."

Appendix No. 1.

Conversation on the topic "My family"

Software content:

    Know members of their family: a name, patronymic of parents;

    Raise the ability to express gratitude feelings in response to love and care of loved ones;

    Submission of truth;

    Find out the priority of a child in the family.

Travel course:

Children stand in a circle, at the tutor of the tangle of thread. The teacher holds a thread with his hand, says the compliment is near standing child And gives him a tangle. That accordingly transmits the tangle to another, speaking to him a compliment and so until the tangle is in the hands of the educator. Telts are forming vicious circle. Look, guys, we have a circle with you, what he looks like (Children's chucks) Yes, the guys on the sun, which gathered us in a circle, and now we can tell you a cohesive friendly family. And the conversation with us today will be about the family. Let's quietly sit in place.

Each person should have a family. Why people began to live families, because in the family it is easier to survive, everyone loves each other in the family, they care about each other, will always help in difficult moment. You live in the family too. Who wants to tell about their loved ones? (Stories by photographs). How do your relatives care about you? (Stories of children)

Listen to the riddle: Who is in the light of all Mile?

Who is in the light of all kinder?

Yes, guys, mom and all the kinder and nurses. When mom is near, becomes warmer and lighter. Do not in vain say that with the sun - warm, and with the mother - good.

Now listen to the poem of Mikhail Tanich "On Grandma"

If the grandmother said:

That's not touch! Do not dare!

We must listen, because

Our house holds on it.

We are without grandmother once

Prepared lunch.

Woven the dishes themselves -

And since then no dishes!

Cute, kind, slightly burned, but always fair grandparents. They raised and brought up your parents, and now help you raise you. Do not forget to congratulate grandparents happy birthday, happy holiday, tell them good wordsthat you love them.

And who has brothers and sisters? How do you live with them? (children's stories) Little brothers and sisters need to regret, take care of them, teach to order, share toys with them.

Your help guys is simply needed by your parents, grandparents, sisters and brothers. The more you will help them, take care of them, do not upset, the longer they will be healthy, beautiful, young, they will love you as you are.

Loved you without any reason

For the fact that you are grandson

For the fact that you - Son

For the fact that the kid

For what we grow.

For the fact that on mom and dad look like.

And this love is until the end of your days

Will remain a mystery of your body

V. Berestov

And now a minute of pranks (music)

A minute of pranks passed and something happened to us (broke the favorite Mamina Vaza) how do you think my mother will get angry at us? Show how she gets angry, what will she say? (Answers of children) And what do we need to do to make my mother not angry? (glue, ask dad to help us). And if you glue and it will not be noticeable, do you need to say mom about what happened? (Answers of children) Yes, guys, you need to ask for forgiveness, looking straight into the eyes, hug her - show how to do it.

All moms love when children tell the truth and scold you will not be offended, but in minutes of pranks you need to be careful not to upset people close to you.

And now let's play the game "Going to the country" from many grandmothers, and your parents probably have summer cottages, but go there? And what can you get to the cottage, garden or garden? (Responses of children) And we will go on the car, bus, train or motorcycle. Who do you want to take to the country if you can take 1 person on a motorcycle, 4 for a bus; on the car -3, on the train - 5 (children's answers)

Guys, treat your relatives as you would like them to treat you and then your family will always be friendly.

Appendix No. 2.

The abstract of directly educational activities on the theme of the "peoples of a friendly family".

Purpose: develop a positive attitude and sense of sympathy for all races and peoples, emotional responsiveness, goodwill, initial socially valuable orientations;

- to bring up the tolerant relations of representatives of the country of nationalities, the humanistic focus of behavior;

- to form the beginning of citizenship.

Equipment: the globe; World map; Pictures with nations different countries; audio recordings of musical compositions; Dolls B. national costumes; Finger paint; rags; Water basin; Feltolsters.

Preliminary work: viewing cards, globe; familiarity with the mainland, countries and nations; Reading artwork on the topic; Excursion to the library (thematic conversation, viewing books on the topic).

Travel course:

Children, holding hands, get up in a circle.


We are friendly!

We are attentive!

We are diligent!

We are doing perfectly,

We all turn out!

Sounds quiet, calm music.

Children sit down to the seats.

In a huge celestial space

Where millions planets,

There are blue, light,

Better than which is not!

Distant different countries

Streets and cities,

Small and big

Will always be on it!

Spin around the sun

Mountains, forests and fields.

Kind, immense

Our native land!

Guys, I suggest look at the earth model (showing the globe), what is it called?

Children: Globe.

And what color prevails on the globe? What does it say about?

Children: - prevails blue colourwho says that the water takes most of the land.

And what other colors we see on the globe, and what do they mean?

Children: green - plains; Yellow - desert; Brown - Mountains; White snow.

And where else can you see the image of our Earth?

Children: - on the map.

Music sounds quiet, the educator turns the globe.

On the globe and on the map we see many different countries, let's remember which countries do you know?

Children call countries.

And now I suggest playing the game "Who, where does it live?"

(The tutor calls the country, and the children - the people who live in it).

Russia - Russians

France - French

Italy - Italians

Japan - Japanese

China - Chinese

Germany - Germans

England - British

Ukraine - Ukrainians

Poland - Poles.

America - Americans

A lot of people live on Earth. Look carefully on these pictures.

Show pictures with the image of people of different nationalities, with different color Skin.

Tell me what is common to all these people? And how do they differ?

Responses of children. The educator summarizes:

People living in different corners The globe differs in color of the skin, eye cut, hair.

The teacher puts the Mural Magnetic Board (Appendix 1).

And what color is our skin?

People S. light skin refer to Europeans. They inhabit Europe, America, Australia.

The teacher exhibits on a white mug map.

Among them are people with blond, red, dark hair; their eyes can have blue, green, gray, brown; Lips are thin or chubby.

And what can you say about these people? What is their skin, eyes, hair?

Pictures depicting Chinese, Indians are set.

These people live in Japan, China, Korea and other Asian countries. They have skin with yellowish or reddish tint black straight hair, dark narrow eyes.

On the map Mugs are yellow.

Guys, what do you think, where do these people live?

The picture depicting the Africans is exhibited, the teacher folds on a black circle map.

See what these people have in common?

Children:- dark skin, black curly hair, chubby lips, big nose.

These people are called Africans.

And now I propose to divide into two teams and play the game "Collect the family"

(Cards are depicted children, dads and mothers of European, Asian and African appearance, Appendix 2).

How much did families work? How many people in one family? How many people are in three families?

Guys, today we learned how much different people inhabit our earth! What do you think children and adults are dreaming of the whole planet?

Children: about the world and friendship on earth.

You know that there are places where people are going, people, civilians, children die. Who knows, in which country did the military recently happen?

What are you feeling when you hear or see the television report on military actions?

Children: - Fear, pain, horror, pity.

Everyone wants his house, the street, the War Country by the party to shine the bright sun, so that everyone laughed and rejoiced lives.

What would you like to wish people all the earth?

Guys, do you live together?

Hello, my name is Nicole.

Guys, and guess where?

How did you guess?

I want to play with you "Let's say hello!"

I will tell how people greet in different countries greet, and you - to perform movements.

In China, people greet, making a slight bow with pressed palms in the face. Let's say hello to the Chinese.

In Japan greet, making a light bow, hands and palms stretched on the sides, and older manThemes are bowed below.

In India, people, welcoming each other, bow to arms crossed on the chest.

In Germany, the Germans simply shapen each other hands.

In New Guinea, the inhabitants, healthy, tickle each other under the chin.

And how do you get in Russia, who will say?

Children: - In Russia, it is taken first to greet a man, and the woman stretches his hand.

Nicole: - Guys, how do you think the most people like to make the inhabitants of Africa?

Children: - Dance.

Children are dancing under the song "Chung - Chang"

Nicole: - Goodbye, guys, I really liked. And it's time for me to go back to Africa.

Educator: - Guys, and what do you think, people of different countries need to be friends with each other?

I propose to create my own symbol of friendship of peoples. Imagine that our palm is a planet Earth, and fingers are different peoples. We all live on the same planet. To draw this symbol, we will apply finger paint On the palm and we will make a print, and on your fingers, we draw the faces of people of different countries and continents.

Children draw a symbol of friendship.

Guys, in our village now there are many visitors: both adults and children of different nationalities. And although you are still kids, but can you contribute to the fact that life is peaceful, friendly? What do you think you can do for this?

Children: - Do not speak bad words, not bypass, share toys, help each other, be friends.

And now I suggest see the music video, which is also called the "Friendship of Peoples"

Children watch the clip, and then get up in the dance.

Let's connect our hands now in a sign of great friendship and arrange a big dance.


What kind of people were we talking about today?

What countries called?

If you liked today's occupation - take a cheerful emoticon, and if not really sad.

Discussion with children, what's new learned what I liked (did not like) in the classroom.

Appendix number 3.

Game: "Tangle of magical words."

Purpose: continue to teach children to eat in their speech magic words; educate politeness, goodwill.
Material: Torn tires.
Game traffic:
The educator invites children to wind on the ball thread from magical words. Children speak turns Magic words and wind in the ball thread

Appendix No. 4.

Didactic game "Greetings of other countries"

In different countries, different nations have their rituals of greetings.

    Light bow with arms crossed on his chest (China)

    Handshake and Kiss in Cheeks (France)

    Easy bow, hands folded in front of her forehead (India)

    Simple handshake (Germany)

    Easy bow, palm on the sides (Japan)

    Hugs and a triple kiss (Russia).

Appendix No. 5.

Didactic game "Nazis Laskovo"

Purpose: Learning to form words with a decreasing-appalation value.

    Mum - mommy, Mamulka, Mom, Mother.

    Grandmother - grandma, Babusy, Babiusten.

    Sister - sister, sister.

    Aunt - aunt, Tenka

Appendix No. 6.

The game "I like you, because ..."

Purpose: development of communicative skills and good relationships between children.

The course of the game. For the game you will need a ball of colored wool. Children sit in a common circle.

Speed Guys, let's all together make up one big colored web connecting us among themselves. When we will weave it, each of us can express your good thoughts and the feelings that he is experiencing to his peers. So, wrap twice the free end of the woolen thread around your palm and slide the tangle towards one of the guys, accompanying your movement with the words: "Alice (Dima, Masha)! I like you, because ... (I am very fun to play different games)”.

Alice, having listened to the words addressed to her, wraps his palm to the thread so that the "web" was more or less stretched. After that, Alice should think and decide who to convey the tangle on. Transferring him to Dima, she also utters good words: "Dima! I like you, because I found my bow, which I lost yesterday. " And so the game continues until we all be inducing the "web". Who will get the tangle latter, begins to brush it in the opposite direction, while each child wures his part of the thread on the tangle and pronounces his words and the name of what he said, giving him a tangle back.

Appendix No. 7.

The game "Traveling on fairy tales"

There is a lot of fairy tale

Sad and funny.

And live in the world

We can not without them.

In a fairy tale, everything can happen.

Our fairy tale ahead.

Tale in the door to us knocks

Let's say the guest: "Come in"

O. Vysotskaya


Most likely approached the evening

And the long-awaited hour has come.

To me in a gilded carriage

Ride the NS fairy ball.

Nobody in the palace knows

Where am I, as I call.

But only midnight will come

I'll be back in the attic.

(Sh. Perro "Cinderella")

A girl appeared in a cup of flower,

And there was that girl a little more nogot.

In the walnut shell, the girl lived.

That's what a girl like she is.

Who read such a book

Knows the girl-baby.

(Andersen "Thumbelina)

With a host walks to school

Wooden boy

Fits instead of school

In a linen bolav.

What is this book?

How is the boy himself called?

(A. Tolstoy "Adventure Buratino")

Someone grabbed someone firmly.

Oh, not to pull out!

Oh, sat down firmly!

But still assistants will soon resort.

Wins the stubborn friendly, general work

(RNS "Rack")

Girl good in the forest goes.

But the girl does not know that the danger is waiting.

Behind the bushes gives a pair of furious eyes ...

Someone terrible will meet girls now.

Who will ask the girl about her way?

Who will deceive grandmother to enter the house?

Who is this girl? Who is this beast?

You can answer the riddle now

(Sh. Perro "Red Cap")

Sits in a basket The girl has a teddy bear behind his back.

He does not keep himself, carries her home.

Well, guess the riddle? Then soon answer.

Name this fairy tale? ("Masha and the Bear")

From the garden, the old woman threw a flower,

Girl gave his wife.

In the flower, in the petals there is a magic force.

Their female girl asked about something ...

What should I say, tearing petals?

What is the name of the fairy tale?

(V. Kataev " Flower-semicetics»)

    "Guess the fairy tale on the rows"

- "Beginning to harvest spring sunshine. And the daughter suddenly seal. Everything hides everything from the sun. All her shadow yes chill, and even better rain "(PNS" Snow Maiden ")

- "The artist did not work out. He came to the flowers and says: - Flower, teach me to compose poems. I also want to be a poet "(N. Nosov" Adventures are minor and his friends ")

- "Walled Baba soup,

Yes, I look for a saucepan!

And the cups are gone, and glasses,

Some cockroaches remained "(K. I. Chukovsky" Fedorino Mount ")

3. "Boarding"

Finish the expressions taken from fairy tales:

Soon the fairy tale affects, but no sooner is done.

Hut! Turn to the forest back, and to me - before.

Look there by knowing where.

Father had three sons: Senior smart was a kids, the middle son - so, and Syak, the youngest was a fool at all.

4. "Minute Entertainment"

And now you will be artists-illustrators. FROM closed eyes Draw a face of a cat to a fairy tale sh. Perro "Cat in Boots"

5. "Answer!"

Where the old man lived with the old woman from the "Fairy Tale about Fisherman and Fish" A. S. Pushkin (near the blue sea)

What was the name of the dog from the fairy tale A. Tolstoy "Golden Key" (ARTEMEND)

What was treated Carlson? (Jam)

Where was the death of the blasphemy of the immortal? (At the end of the needle in the egg)

Where did Winnie Pooh found the tail of the donkey IA? (Sovie call lace)

Shark What did Kai get into the eye? (Fragments of the Troll mirror)

What Masha from the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" home to grandfather and grandmother has grown up? (In the box)

Why did the step-in in the winter in the forest in the tale "twelve months"? (Behind snowdrops)

What was the name of the cat Freken side? (Matilda)

6. "Fourth extra"

Princess, cat in boots, baby, Baba Yaga.

Ole-Lukee, cat in boots, horse-hunchback, Winnie Pooh.

Harlequin, Turtle Turtle, Piero, Malvina.

Dairy river, apple tree, stove, Baba Yaga.

7. "Fabulous telegrams"

"" The grandmother went away, left the grandfather. Soon I will have! (RNS "Kolobok")

- "Save us, a gray wolf ate us!" (RNS "Seven Cats")

- "Help to find a crystal shoe" (S. Perso "Cinderella")

- "Tell me the road to Karabasu-Barabas!" (A. Tolstoy "Adventure Buratino")

- "Large-predicted!" (RNS "Rack")

- "Easy Egg has already been demolished" (RNS "Rumor Rumina")

8. "Fabulous Wonders"

Many fabulous wonders, miracles that people invented, but believed that they would ever be, now there really exist. It is now familiar things for us. Task: Arrows Connect fabulous miracles with miracles of modernity.

TV carpet TV

Golden Cockerel Rocket

Sani scooters Compass

Miracle Mirror

Feather firebird car

Tangle of thread indicating the path spotlight

Appendix number 8.

Proverbs and sayings on the topic "Friendship of Peoples"

    friendship of Peoples shines like the sun.

    If the friendship is great, the homeland will be rude.

    Chista sprocket water, beautiful rose color, strong steel. But cleaner water beautiful flowers, tightly became the friendship of Russian peoples.

    Friendship of people Mount Treasure creates.

    Friendly For the world to stand - the war will not.

    An invincible our country of the people's friendship is bonded to whom the friendship of the peoples is the road, he beats the enemy.

    Etiquette must be observed even in friendship

    Pole da Hungar - two brothers, at least for a knife, at least a charm

    Friendship of peoples - stronger storms, brighter than the sun.

    Enough ruins cities, burns the villages.

    Rivers can dry, the mountains can collapse, but the friendship of the peoples of eternal and indispensable.

    Friendship and fraternity - better wealth.

    If the people are one - he is invincible.

    Friendship language does not need translation.

    If it were not for friendship, then people would disappear.

    Tashkent destroyed nature, and put on his feet - friendship.

    One bee is a little honey

    Friendship and fraternity is better than wealth.

Appendix No. 9.

Summary of the clamping of the "Flower of Friendship".


Learning to sculpt the flower elements; 1) modeling fingers: roll ball, flatten into the disk, press and flatten; 2) cut stack;

Develop thinking creative imagination, feeling form, small motor; bring up aesthetic taste.

Preliminary work:

guessing mysteries about colors and colors;

reading a poem about mom.

2. The course of classes.

Guys, go to me, stand in a semicircle and look at these photos.

Who is depicted on them? (Children from different countries)

Let's do it unusual giftLet's make flowers for these children as a sign of our friendship.

Look at what kind of magic flower, I blind.

You like? (Yes)

Guys, what do you think, why did I call him magic? (Because he has petals of different colors).

Let's call these colors with you, and for this you should be very attentive. I will guess youmagic riddles And you will need to guess them.

Here is what beautiful colour,

There is no brighter and warmer.

But maybe he is dangerous

Guess? It …. (red)

We draw this color sun rayes,

And in the same color we paint sand,

Flowering such a color dandelion!

So what is this color?

Gaured, girls and boys? This ... (yellow)

Like the eyes of Vasilkov,

This color is beautiful very.

But frosty asna,

And we call him ... (blue)

He is like pure water,

Like on the river slices of ice,

He is like heaven, he is

Gently gently …. (blue)

As if ripe orange,

This color is so alone.

Very important he

Your name is ... (Orange)

Well done, you guess all the colors of our magic flower.

And what do you think we will sculpt our flower? (from plasticine)

And so that our fingers earned, let's make a dumpling gymnastics:

Fingering gymnastics "Friendship":

Friends in our group of girls and boys.

(connect your fingers in "Castle")

With you we will handle little fingers.

(touch the fingertips of both hands)

(Pair Touching your fingers from the little fingers)

Once, two, three, four, five - we finished counting.

(hands down, shake with brushes)

Now sit down in our place, we will sculpt our magic flower.

Look at the flower and tell me, from which parts but consists? (middle, petal).

Well done, and now we proceed to the modeling.

What will I begin to sculpt our flower? (from the middle)

We take one piece of plasticine, riding a ball, spilling, it turns out the middle.

First, we need to roll the ball, then slightly flatten it, and one tip clamp, swing, decrease.

We apply the resulting sheets. Equally correlate.

Apply, flattering with fingers, spreading leaves.

Guys, can I say that our flower is ready? (Yes)

Guys, see which wonderful flower it turned out.

But is it possible to call it magic? (Yes)

4. Summing up.

And now, let's remember what we did today? (Lepii flower)

What material did we scratch him? (from plasticine)

Well done boys! You worked on fame. Did you like our lesson? What is your mood now?

With this good mood We are now with you and play. We are on the tables lying the petals take them and go on a rug.

5. game.

Fly, fly, petal,

West east,

North, south,

Come back by making a circle

1,2,3 - Find a couple of yourself!

Look, guys, while we played, our petals got together, and the magic flower turned out.

Appendix No. 10.

Card file games

    Yakut folk game "Falcon and Fox"

Falcon and fox are selected. The rest of the children are Sokolita. Falcon teaches their falcon to fly. He easily runs in different areas and at the same time produces various air traffic (up, to the side, forward) and still invent any more complex traffic Hands. A flock fell on Sokol and watches his movements. They must definitely repeat the movement of the falcon. At this time, suddenly pops out of the hole of Fox. Sokolitat quickly squatted, so that the fox do not notice them.

Rules of the game. The fox appearance time is determined by the signal signal. Lisa catches only those who have not sat down.

    Chechen-Ingush folk game "Soeka"

Two girls sit against each other's chairs. Feet stretch forward, socks up; Socks are connected - the bridge turns out. The duck is chosen, the rest of the children are ducklings. Soil is calling his own ducklings:

    Faster, faster, burgers,

    Quick, faster, wild feathers.

Ducklings are lined with each other after the comfort and step over the bridge, trying not to hurt him. The one who comes to the bridge comes out of the game, the rest are moving to the other side. The builder again builds his own ducklings, and they step over the bridge, but the bridge is already higher (girls put the leg to the leg and connect them). Play can from ten to twelve person.

Rules of the game. Purchase should be carefully lifting legs.

    Tatar folk game "Skok-Crosok"

On the ground drawn big circle diameter 15-25 m, inside it - small mugs with a diameter of 30-35 cm for each participant of the game. Walking stands in the center of the Big Circle.

The leading says: "Cross!" After that, the words players quickly change in places (circles), jumping on one leg. Driving tries to take the place of one of the players, jumping also on one leg. The one who will stay without a place becomes leading.

Rules of the game . You can not push each other from the circles. Two players can not be in one mug. When changing places, the circle is considered to those who used to enter it.

    Karelian folk game "Snacks on sledding"

Several couples play. In each of them, one playing lucky another, sitting on sledding. At the request of playing or counting, a pair of watering is chosen. Welding tend to catch up with any other couple of playing and staining one of them. Salit player sitting on sledes, he does it only touching his hand. If in a pair the player is awaited, the pair becomes leading. Game continues.

Rules of the game. It is necessary to play within the outlined site. Couple that killed beyond the boundaries of the site, becomes driving, the game continues. You can not sire the players of the pair that has just been leading.

  • Moldavian folk game "Barashek"

Playing stand in a circle, and lambs inside the circle. Players go in a circle and utter words:

You, lamb seruneny,

With white tail!

We were drove you

We fed you.

You do not bod us!

Play with us!

Rather, catch up!

At the end of the words, the children run the swarming, and the lamb cats them.

Rules of the game. You can scatter only after the end of words.

  • Game "Cutter"

On the site guys draw a straight line ("rope"). We must move along it, like a rope. It is allowed to keep hands on the sides. They lose those guys who come from the line - "fly from the rope."

  • Ukrainian folk game "Cooked"

Playing become in a circle, slightly spreading their legs, the hands are omitted along the body. One player in the middle of the circle - quail. For words folk song: Oh, quail and headache hurts - All participants together raise their hands up, touching the fingers on the two sides of the head, and on the opposite of words: "Yes, the head hurts" - they give hands along the body. On the chorus:

It was here, there was a quail,

It was here, there was a deceased - Children are taken by arms and go in a circle to the left, and quail - right. On the the last word All stop. For words:

Oh rospel and knees hurt "All lean forward and touch the knees, and on the repeat of words:" Yes, the knees hurt "- straighten up. The words and stewy actions are repeated. The presenter continues:

Oh, quailing wings do not hurt - All players raise their hands on the parties and on the game of words: "Wings do not hurt" - lowered down.

For words: "The birds rose and flew away!" - All run in a circle.

Rules of the game: movements to perform beautifully, in accordance with the text.

Imprette "Flower of Friendship"

Outdoor games

Designing "Whose house is!"

Drawing based on motivations

azerbaijani painting

FAMP "Count friends"

Consider books on the topic

Viewing images on the topic


I, Garapova Irina Vladimirovna, I work at MBDOU "Kindergarten" by Visnino, which is located near the Ust-Luga port under construction, where people of different nationalities work, whose children visit our kindergarten. Some visitors guys are poorly owned by the Russian language, in connection with these and other reasons, the children began to ignore them. therefore this topic It is very relevant to me. Despite national differences, different mentality in modern children Similar problems, similar goals and values. It is obvious that if the child is not enough formed the ability to communicate in childhood with children of different nationalities, then in the future it may have interpersonal conflicts on the basis of intolerance, the rejection of a person of another nation, which in an adult person is very difficult to solve, and sometimes it is impossible.

In my opinion, this presentation will be interested in teachers and parents to work with children of different nationalities.

After the work carried out, the children became more friendly, friendly, increased the number of children in associations during games and other activities. Knowledge of children about games, holidays of different nations have become wider and more efficient. They began to distinguish each other by nationalities, which led to even greater cohesion of groups, because In their games they began to use elements folk games.

Download Presentation

educator, MBDOU "Kindergarten" by Visnino,

d.Vistino, Kingisepp district, Leningrad region, Russia

Teacher physical culture Matyashova N.A.

2016 – 2017 academic year

Playing training

"We are all different, but we are together."

Purpose of classes : the development of tolerant relationships to each other, installations for the adoption of another; Understanding the importance of transmission emotional connections, experience of tolerance and respect.



1. The development of tolerant plants with respect to different people;

2. Development of the foundations of positive interaction and emotional responsiveness of children among themselves.


3. Development of communicative skills, the ability to interact in a group of peers;

4. Development creative potential Pupils.

Work methods:

Conversation, game, exercises, tests, work in groups, diagnostic technique, Relaxation, creative tasks.

Materials and equipment:

- Collage "Let be tolerant world!",
- music design: songs - "Friendship", "having fun together",
-Caski S. problem situations For each group, cards with tasks.

Structure classes:

1) First stage - organizational: Creation of psychological comfort in the classroom. Introduction to the topic.

2) The second stage is practical: familiarity with the theme of training game, tests, game and creative tasks.

3) Third Stage - Final: Reflection Classes. Relaxation.

Expected Training Game Results:

Understanding and forming a tolerant relationship to each other and differences in people who surround;

Development of tolerance and respect for different people;

Formation of emotional responsiveness among children;

The ability to interact in the group, empathize and find constructive solutions in conflict situations;

The development of the creative potential of children.

Throughout the event, the guys travel through the country of tolerance, where they will get acquainted with the cities of "Moisrosti", "compassion", "politeness", "good", "smiles", "mutual understanding", "joy", "mercy".

Travel course.

Hello guys. Today our occupation is devoted to the topic of tolerance.

Do you know what is tolerance?

(children's responses)

Tolerance is respect, acceptance and understanding of the diversity of the world. Respect, adoption and understanding of different people, different nationalities and religions, different color of the skin and lifestyle.

We live on a huge planet Earth. She is sled in different ways bright colors. Nature lives in harmony with man. Man is an integral part of nature

Does the sun shine above the head, sing the birds, children laugh?

Now there is a difficult atmosphere in the world. In many points of the planet there is a war, people are dying, the buildings fall, children suffer (in the last 5 thousand years, 14 thousand wars have occurred on the planet, almost 5 billion people died). And all because some people do not know how and do not want to understand each other, do not know how to be tolerant to each other, do not know how to forgive.

But in order to understand the differences, you must first start communication. And where are people usually begin to communicate?

Children: - With greeting.

1) City of "courtesy." Game "Let's say hello."

I invite you to the center of the class three representatives from each team. Imagine that you met on the Pliszal Square of a friend from another country and suggest everyone to say hello to each other in different ways, try to use different methods Greetings of your comrades.

In order to understand the differences, understand and take the dislikes, it is necessary, first of all, to start communication. And where do people usually begin to communicate? .. (with acquaintance)

Let's get to meet. They say each person is individual. We will try to get to know each other more and understand: whether we are really so different.

And maybe we have something in common? We will learn today to build relations with each other with tolerant behavior.

2. City smile . "We are so different…"

- I ask you to get up girls. What are you cute and charming today.

And now I ask to get up boys. What are you, boys, serious, courageous.

Please stand those who have dark hair.

Get up, please, those children who were born in winter.

Which of you like the time of year autumn?

Who loves to play football?

And now those who love to dance.

Stand up, please, who makes charging in the morning.

Who is the most cheerful in our class? Stand up please.

And now those stand who loves candy.

You noticed, we are distinguished from each other. We have different tastes, different habits, different interests, different opinions. And in the classroom children learn of different growth, of different ages (someone older, and someone a little wrong) of different appearance: different colour hair, different color of the eyes, different skin color, miscellaneous state Health.

3 . City of mutual understanding . Let's try to feel each other ... Take your hands on my comrades, sit comfortably, close your eyes and try to relax, .. Catch a mentally up to five .. Listen to your breath, .. And now listen to the sounds that comes from the class .. And again, listen to your breath ... Now try to feel His right hand, and in it the neighbor's hand to the right ... Imagine that the invisible stream is running through the hands, it is a very warm and calm, this is a rod of friendship and trust, kindness and understanding, a stream of support and warmth ... Feel this ... Try to remember this feeling for a long time ... And now We mentally think to five ... and .. open your eyes .. We returned to our bright class.

Guys, what did you feel now? Has this exercise helped feel their comrades? (children's responses)

So, we continue the journey through the planet tolerance:

Tolerance is a person's ability tolerant treats those who think and do not do as you.

City of Prech .


  1. Oh, how do we need good words!

    More than once, we were convinced of you.
    Or maybe not words - are it important?
    Cases - deeds, and words - words.

    They live with each of us

    At the bottom of the soul, before the time is stored,

    To pronounce them at that age

    When they are needed to others.

  2. Good words to listen nicely at any time of the day and night, at school, houses and on vacation; In Sunny I. rainy weather. You often talk to each other good wordsAnd life will become much warmer.

    Task "Compliments"
    Each of us is nice when he is praised, they talk about it good, good words, especially when deservedly.
    Anyone wants him to love and respected, appreciated and understood, and very often we just need to hear good words and wishes from surrounding people. After all, the mood is improved and we are ready to share joy and help others.
    Now I suggest you stand in 2 categories: internal and external, so that you crashed over couples. Take each other by hand. I think there is something good that you want to say to each other.
    Tell your friend warm and kind words about him. Then a cotton leading outer circle moves clockwise, and you have the opportunity to say good words to comrades.

    Did you like this exercise? Why?
    What new did you know about each other?
    Were compliments identical or different?

    Indeed, guys, every person is unique, it is an individual. Personality possessing own features. If we were all the same - it would be just not interesting to live in the world.
    City of Wisdom (Answers)

    1 . The boy modestly dressed ...

    a) you try not to give this value

    b) you pour out above it.

    3. Your classmate you betrayed ...

    a) you try to explain with him
    b) you takectish him.

    6. You have a new student in your class ...

    a) you do not communicate with him

    b) Help him to join the team.

    7 . Can you make friends with children from another country who have other customs, another faith ...

    a) it would be very difficult for you to do it;

    b) Yes, you will definitely try to make friends.

  1. 10 . The teacher is waiting for a student response ...

    a) shout out the answer from the place,

    b) you can answer the student.

    . 11 The skin color in the girl is different from yours ...

    A) you strive to know her better and make friends with her

    b) You will not be friends with her.

    Rada for you guys! You can be tolerant. To show tolerance is the ability to have the art of living next to the unlike people, live in harmony and others.

    City of friendship. Click . In the company in which you spend your free time, it is customary to call people with different nicknames. Someone gets pleasant nickname, someone is not very. One of the guys is called "thick", although he asked him several times so it's not called. In fact, his name is Sasha. You call it by name, but all shout "what he is Sasha, he is fat!".
    Still also call it "fat", otherwise everyone can start laughing at you?
    You will call it by name. You do not care about the opinion of others.
    Let's try to explain to all that the people of the offensive nicknames are stupid.
    Pupils are seated in a circle and all in turn, starting with the lead, say:
    "Called, name, will call ..."
    "When I was quite small, I was named Lovochka, now I call the Volodya in school, and when I grow up, I will call Vladimir Nikolaevich"

    For many children, their name and patronymic, spoken out loud, are unusual, but at the same time they increase the child's respect for themselves and parents give a reference point for the future.

    Output : We want to be respectful to us, they called us affectionately by name, but for this we need to understand, people feel their mood, try to offend anyone.

    City of joy. "Let's live in peace…"

    Friendship - the main miracle is always.
    One hundred discoveries for us all melting,
    And any trouble is not trouble.
    If there are real friends near.

    (All together let's spend the song "If a friend went into the way") Outcome:
    - Guys, I learned a lot about you today, and you learned something new on each other?
    Why do we need to strive to learn a new one about each other?
    Our today's occupation will use you in the future?
    What do you think our game succeed? What city did you like the most?

    Unfortunately, not always people are tolerant in relation to each other, but I hope that the time will come And the holiday "Day of Tolerance" will not be, more precisely, it will be every day, all people will respect each other, no one will offend anyone. Each person will have their own beliefs, will defend their convictions and all people will learn to negotiate, and they will not fight, swear, conflict.

    In the memory of today's event, I give you a memo.

    Outcome .
    Today we have proven that attentive and good relations Miracles make each other. We can be tolerant.
    We must very love this world, love him as it is.

    . Reflection.

    Did you like our today's conversation?

    Express your opinion:

    Attracted me, ...... ..

    It seemed interesting, ...... ..

    Makes to think ..........

    I brought me to thoughts ...... ..

    Relaxation "We are different - but we are together."

    Look at the neighbor on the left, put left He's on his shoulder, take a look at each other and tell me: "I respect, I try to understand and accept you," and now the neighbor put my right hand on the shoulder, look at each other and tell me: "I respect, I try to understand and take you ".

    Do not rush to let go of your hands, because while we are all together, we can paint the world in bright colors, Make it at least a droplet is kinder and better.

  2. It really wants the best human qualities to carry each of you in life: kindness, responsiveness, generosity, mercy ... And then people will tell you that this person has a sense of self-esteem and respects the dignity of other people.

  3. And now we will attach hearts to you so that our hearts always knock on unison with the hearts of people of another nationality, faith and with the hearts of people with disabilities.

  4. Memo
    (diet for those who want to be tolerant)

    Monday - Chatting with people, look into your eyes.
    Tuesday - Try not to impose your own opinions on others.
    Wednesday - Make, for someone, a good deed so that this person does not recognize that good goes from you.
    Thursday - Do not show to those who are surrounding such a relationship that you do not want to experience in relation to yourself.
    Friday - Try to look good. Speak with all the quiet voice.
    Saturday - write down five positive qualities characterizing you.
    Sunday - Find a three reason to say "Thank you" to your parents.

All-Russian competition pedagogical mastery "Methodical piggy bank kindergarten»


1. To summarize the knowledge of children on the topic of friendship. Continue to teach children the ability to negotiate, help each other, expanding the ideas of children about friendship, to form the ideas of children about wildlife objects, expand and systematize the presentation of children about the features of animal life, their habits, lifestyle, relationships.

2. Develop the ability to empathize in children, the desire to come to each other to help complex situation, develop social feelings and curiosity

3. Rise in children the ability to truly be friends, carefully and with respect to treat each other, to summarize that friendship is one of

of most important qualities in the relationship between people, to educate emotionally - a positive attitude towards the world of animals, humane feelings

Move node

1. Organizational moment

Become side, in a circle,
Let's say "Hello!" To each other.
We love neither laziness:
Hello everyone!" and "Good day!";
If everyone smile -
Morning good will begin.

GOOD MORNING! Let's say and guests say good morning! Dear guests, see what our beautiful and elegant girls. And the boys look, what are our tightened and strong boys. And boys and girls love to play?

2. Game, "What are we ..."

  • raise your hands who love to play football;
  • jump those who have blond hair;
  • and now those who have dark hair;
  • praise those who love to draw;
  • fall with the legs of those who have brown eyes;
  • tell me "U-U-y" those who have many friends;
  • shock your head those who love animals;
  • you can admire those who have a good mood today.
  • pry, those who have a birthday in autumn

So, We are all different, but it does not prevent us from being together.

People are born differently:
Unlike, peculiar.
To others you could understand
You need to patience in yourself.
Need good to people to come to the house,
Friendship, love in your heart Store!

2. Setting the problem.

Questions for children:

Does your heart live friendship and love?

How do you choose friends?

What do you need to do to make more friends?

What person would you like to be friends with?

Why do you need friends?

Can be a friend of mom, dad?

What is kindness? (children's responses)

Kindness, like the sun, has magic power. Touch the sun to us with their rays - and we have light, warm and joyful in our soul.

Is it possible to make a person be kind? Responses of children.

Of course not! Good luck to learn!

3. Main part (actualization of knowledge)

And who teaches children of kindness? (Children's responses)

And we are helping not only our parents, but also old, good fairy tales. After all, it is in fairy tales who always wins evil. Fabulous heroes Sometimes help magic subjects, for example, hottabic beard, seven-flow flowers, magic wand.

Now, if you had a magic wand, what good deed with the help of a magic stick would you like to do? (5-6 people).

Game "Magic Wand"

Fizkultminutka "The mood fell"

And the guys can teach us a kindness.

We at any time of the year teaches wise nature
Birds teach singing. Spider - patience
Bees in the field and in the garden teach us
And besides, in their work all in justice,
Reflection in water teaches us truthfulness
Learn the snow of us clean, teaches the sun of kindness
And with all the greatness teaches modesty.

Tell me, can animals be friends with each other?

Why do they be friends with each other? (children's responses)

Of course, even a lot of fairy tales is written about friendship in animals. And how many different cartoons are about friends. With the help of the game quiz and check your knowledge.

4. Practical part

So, we begin the quiz.

Quiz "How great that there are friends"

Gymnastics for eyes.

5. Outcome classes

Most animals are kind and amazing creatures. They, like no other, can help each other, be friends and love and not only in cartoons and fairy tales. Especially surprisingly, when the creation of the animal world, which, it would seem, simply should be energies. Top different types Animals can be perfectly friendly and help each other.

You saw the amazing friendship of animals, who prove: that kindness helps become friends quite different and unlike each other animals.

6. Reflection

Who did you like more from animals?

Our lesson comes to an end, I would really like to know what you most liked in class?

Each of you visited the wizard when a magic wand was in the hands, what miracle would you commit?

Allow me to make a miracle. I want to grow in our group magic tree - The tree of kindness, whose leaves will be similar to hearts.

The leaflets of the tree will be hearts, stick it to the tree trunk, so that it flies away with bright colors and pleased everyone, and so that it rose even better let's take it to our boyfriend's sun.

Anastasia Khramova
Project "We are different, but we together"

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution "Kindergarten №28"


"We different, but we together

Amounted to:

educator Khramova A. About

G. Arzamas, 2015


The project organized within the framework of multicultural education preschoolers, which lately Acquired a special relevance.

After decay Soviet Union, Our multinational, multicultural state split into several parts and many, previously the union republics began to show frank hostility. Perennial friendly, intercultural ties were disturbed. The national dislike began to grow. As a result of such events, the violation of the communicative skills of modern children. Modern children have difficulty communicating and due to improving the level of danger from social environment. Modern world It may be dangerous for the child, cases of violence occurred. Unattended, decent parents do not let go of the children walk. The formation of a micro community is violated, which, in the old years, was in every yard. Often we hear the phrase from parents: "You are not friends with this child ..." ".

Children often show cruelty in relation to each other, to disabled people, to people of another nationality, to poorly dressed people. Children lose empathy, mutual understanding, mutual assistance.

The multicultural education of children in the pedagogical sense is presented as a targeted educational process, the process of creating the conditions for the formation of a child's multiculturalness, as a component of the process of socializing the child's personality - a future citizen who is a pledge of a prosperous spiritually developed society. Educating tolerance, respect for people, mutual understanding, to form a constructive dialogue skills, the ability to solve conflicts without violence. Raise these qualities more efficient to start with preschool ageWhen the process of becoming a person only started.

The relevance of the issue is also due to a specific group of children. The team of our group is not distinguished by cohesion. Children are friends with micro-group, parents many conflict and this affects the relationship of children. There is a need to combine the group team. Fix the situation was solved by means project activities . So appeared project"We different, but we together» .

purpose: To form the skills of communicative interpersonal and intercultural interaction of preschool children, contribute to the formation of the personality in the spirit of tolerance and peacefulness.


Expand the representations of pupils about the culture and traditions of the peoples of Russia and the nearest abroad;

Actualize family values \u200b\u200band traditions;

Develop communicative interaction skills in society;

Educate mutual understanding, mutual assistance, solidarity, promote the development of the feeling of spiritual

Participants project: Pupils (the second younger - preparatory to school of the group, parents of pupils, educators, music leader.

Age of pupils: At the beginning project Action 3-4 years

Duration project: 4 years (2012-2013 y. G. - 2016-2017 y. D)

A type project: informative-creative

Expected results:

Representations of pupils about the culture and traditions of the peoples of Russia and the nearest abroad;

Actualization of family values \u200b\u200band traditions of families;

The initial communicative interaction skills in the children's team and society will be formed;

The pupils will be formed by feelings of mutual understanding, mutual assistance, solidarity, tolerance.

Stages of implementation project

STAGE 1: 2013-2014 y. year "Preparatory"


Decision of organizational issues

Study of methodical literature

Selection of didactic material.

2 stage: 2014-2017 God "Implement"


1. 2014 - 2015 y. G. (average age)

Acquaintance with the traditions of a group, family and kindergarten.

Performished events:

For 2014-2015. G. was delivered target: Acquaintance with the traditions of a group, family and kindergarten. These topics are organically fit into promising planning DOU. Traditional theme for middle age "Friendship", "My family", "My kindergarten" will be filled with additional content.

Work on multicultural education has begun with the admission to family values, as with the smallest cell of society. In recent years, there has been a problem of reducing the level of moral culture of most modern parents, the loss of the family function of transferring to children of significant cultural and vital values. The current situation is a consequence of changes that occurred in society and public consciousness.

Parents of pupils were invited to arrange family trees and make up small stories On family traditions. By organizing work, it was noted that many parents did not think about whether their family had traditions. Some, issued family tree, brought him to a kindergarten without introducing a child with him.

To solve the problem, it was decided to hold parent-teacher meeting And clarify for parents the relevance and importance of this issue.

Family traditions are a spiritual atmosphere of the house, which is the routine of the day, customs, lifestyle and habits of its inhabitants. Family - household traditions and customs must be kept and improving because they are in considerable degree The popular ideal of those human qualities, the formation and presence of which predetermines family happiness, favorable family microclimate and generally human well-being. Every people have their own traditions and customs.

After the work done, the situation was corrected. We in the group held a presentation "Tree of my family". It was nice to see that the children gladly told about their family, many families were creatively approaching the task. The best presentation of the family tradition, I will demonstrate you.

I want to emphasize that family traditions and relationships impose an imprint on the formation moral qualities Child. No wonder folk wisdom person: "The child learns what he sees in his house. Parents - an example to him ".

On the second half of the year, the parent meeting is planned, dedicated to family traditions, using active forms Interactions with parents. The purpose of which will be the creation of conditions for sharing experience in the formation family traditions between parents of pupils.

Work on cohesion children's team And the development of communicative skills was decided to begin the use of collective forms of work. In the summer of 2014, in the group was organized project"Little Garders". The guys liked to study joint activities . We studied, in addition to the main tasks project, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, empathy positive result common cause

With organization creative species activities try to use collective forms, collective creative works. Learning to give up each other, help, do not interfere, contribute to the success of all team members.

One of the bright collective work is "Garland of Friendship"For which we made the guys with their own Kuwka dolls. With this work, we participated in the international peacekeeping action on the Maam site. The action goes in the name of the world on the planet. The guys and I got acquainted what a doll is a cowing. I learned that this is traditionally Russian charm, talked about how important it is to be friends and solve conflicts without violence, which consequences can cause conflicts. And that children, as future adult members of society, should always remember.

Also, the group students participated in the community collective creative events, which are also the tradition of our kindergarten. Our kindergarten spends the holiday annually "Elderly Day"For which the elderly employees are invited as those who work in kindergarten and those who have retired. Many of them earned in the walls of D / s. The title of a veteran of labor, we have 17 people and this is a special pride of the institution. Pupils participated in festive concertIn the group, we got acquainted in detail with the history of kindergarten and disassembled why this event is of particular importance.

Also, and the guys came up with a tradition groups: Holding the day of the birthday man. In our group, the birthdays of children were raised so that predominantly birthdays fell out to October, March and June. For all the guys, who has close birthday we spend a holiday.

2. 2015 - 2016 y. G. (senior age)

Acquaintance with the culture and traditions of the region and Russia

Planned events:

A visit to the historical and artistic museum of Arzamas, acquaintance with the history of the city

Visiting of museum applied art from. Exit

City sightseeing excursion

Virtual excursion in the Nizhny Novgorod region

Nizhny Novgorod Fair, acquaintance with the fields of the region

Exhibitions children's creativity based on the fields of the region

Acquaintance with literary works

Dramatization of Russian-folk fairy tales

Entertainment dedicated to traditional Russian national holidays "Christmas", "Maslenitsa", "Easter"

Parent-teacher meeting "We introduce children to historical and cultural heritage"

3. 2016 - 2017 y. G. (preparatory school group)

Acquaintance with the culture and traditions of constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Planned events:

Series of classes "We different, but we together» devoted to the study of the culture of the peoples of Russia

Traditional holidays of the peoples of Russia

Competition family creativity Dolls in national costumes

Reading fairy tales of the peoples of the world

Enabling national movable games in educational process

A joint Event with parents "Friendship of Peoples", with the invitation of relatives of pupils for the story of national traditions

Final event "The festival national cultures»

As a result of the work done, it is planned that the pupils, from the small years, knows knowledge about the diversity and wealth of national cultures not only by the Russian people, but also other nations. This will help children in the future to show tolerance, tolerance to others. Children will not limit themselves in communication with prejudice, will not show national intolerance. After all preschool childhoodan important stage In the formation of a man's appearance, the period of active knowledge of the world and human relationsaccumulations moral experience, personality formation.

Those few events that we have already conducted, talk about what we can count on success, we will be able to rally the parent and children's team.