Scarlet Sails Wedding Ideas

0 years - Green wedding

1 year - Calico

2 years - paper

3 years - Kozhana

4 years - Linen (wax)

5 – Wooden wedding

7 - Copper

8 - Iron (poppy)

9 - faience

11 – Steel

12 – Nike left (silk)

13 - Lace (woolen)

14 – Agate

16 - Not marked

17 - Tin

18 - Turquoise

19 - Kryptonian

20 years - Porcelain wedding

21 years old - Opalova

22 years old - Bronze

23 years old - Beryl

24 years old - Atlasna

25 - Silver wedding

26 - Jade

27 - Redwood

28 - Not marked

29 – Velvet

30 years - The same foreign wedding

31 years old - Swarthy

34 years old - Yantarnaya

36 - Not marked

37 – Muslinova I

38 - Mercury

39 – Crepe

40 - Ruby wedding

41 years old - Not noted

42 years - Pearl pearl

43 years old - Flannel

44 years old - Topa zovaya

46 – La vender

47 - Cashmere

48 - Amethyst

49 – Kedrov

50 - Golden wedding

55 - Emerald wedding

70 - I am grateful

80 - Oak wedding

100 years - Red Wedding

wedding day and

Ambiguity.fabric - chintz. A

Families. 5 years experience will become
ten years of marriage back .
marriageabout purity, transparency relationships spouses. At the solemn
20 years - Porcelain wedding . Round family date. They say that for twenty years from the day wedding cuz, reserve coffee and tea utensils it's time to restore. 2nd option says,and harmonious as real chinese porcelain. So for this wedding present services, cups , porcelain plates.
25 years of joint life is silver wedding giving silver jewelry or whatever give each other silver rings And wear everything anniversary year.

have the opportunity

50 - Gold wedding- 2nd" eminent"anniversary. True love, loyalty, And respectspousesSpousesold transmit unmarrieddescendants How family relic. ThisanniversaryPresents to gold wedding, naturally from gold. Guestspermissiblepresent and gilded thingsfor home decoration.
55 - Emerald wedding.Emerald - stonegreencolors, personifyinginfinity life. Wishes To anniversaryweddingsrelevant - live without getting sick up to 100 years.
wedding. Spouses have lived togethersixty years oldbefore adversity fate How moststrongstone- diamond. Exactly facetedinterruptsolong relationship
70 years old weddings- Blessed ( grateful) wedding
At this time, it's time to look intopast And to understand thatgenuinehappiness
75 years - Crown wedding. Anniversary like a crown family life.
80 years old weddingslife.
100th anniversary- Redwedding. It was celebrated only once - in the family of centenarians Agaevs. This is the name they came up with.Bywont, compilers similar collections, wish live before centennial anniversary:)


Name of weddings from 0 - 100 years. wedding anniversaries. When is it customary to celebrate a wedding?

Anecdote: The bride says to the groom: - After the wedding, I will let you kiss me there, where no one has kissed me yet. - And where is it? - asks the groom. - In Hawaii.

0 years - Green wedding

1 year - Calico

2 years - paper

3 years - Kozhana

4 years - Linen (wax)

5 – Wooden wedding

6 - Cast iron (rowan, cypress)

7 - Copper

8 - Iron (poppy)

9 - faience

10 years - Pink (amber, pewter) wedding

11 – Steel

12 – Nike left (silk)

13 - Lace (woolen)

14 – Agate

15 years - Glass (crystal) wedding

16 - Not marked

17 - Tin

18 - Turquoise

19 - Kryptonian

20 years - Porcelain wedding

21 years old - Opalova

22 years old - Bronze

23 years old - Beryl

24 years old - Atlasna

25 - Silver wedding

26 - Jade

27 - Redwood

28 - Not marked

29 – Velvet

30 years - The same foreign wedding

31 years old - Swarthy

32 and 33 years - Not marked

34 years old - Yantarnaya

35 – Linen (coral) wedding

36 - Not marked

37 – Muslinova I

38 - Mercury

39 – Crepe

40 - Ruby wedding

41 years old - Not noted

42 years - Pearl pearl

43 years old - Flannel

44 years old - Topa zovaya

45 - Sapphire (scarlet) wedding

46 – La vender

47 - Cashmere

48 - Amethyst

49 – Kedrov

50 - Golden wedding

55 - Emerald wedding

60 years - Diamond (platinum) wedding

70 - I am grateful

75 - Crown (last day, alabaster) wedding

80 - Oak wedding

100 years - Red Wedding

0 years is the Green Wedding. So called 1st wedding day and whole 1st year after . Symbolism: youth, vivacity and purity of young spouses. During the main year after the wedding, it is allowed to celebrate the "marriage anniversary" every month. Even any week in the first month.

1 year cotton, otherwise gauze wedding . Some of the symbolism ambiguity. They say that during the 1st year, the relationship is similar to the most fragile fabric - chintz. A newlyweds for 1 year of relationship just starting to get to know each other closer ; their relationship is still very fragile, which is why they are called "calico".

Five years - Wooden wedding. 1st "serious" date families. 5 years experience can be compared with a wooden building. This is already a solid building, which, however, is still threatened by fires (domestic quarrels). Good an omen is considered on the 5th anniversary to plant a tree . They say it's like a tree , planted in the fifth year of a relationship, will outgrow all adversity and will become memory for future generations.
10 years - Pink (Pewter or Amber) wedding . 1st round date families are celebrated "with chic" - on the festival is called by everyone who was at the time of registration ten years of marriage back .
15 years - Glass (crystal) wedding . A glass wedding is celebrated after 15 years from the day marriage. 15th wedding anniversaries says about purity, transparency relationships spouses. At the solemn table - crystal or glassware. Guests are encouraged to wear something light.
20 years - Porcelain wedding . Round family date. They say that for twenty years from the day weddings it's time to break all the dishes presented for the wedding ... Because reserve coffee and tea utensils it's time to restore. 2nd option says, as if a happy home union after 20 years of marriage is beautiful and harmonious as real chinese porcelain. So for this wedding present services, cups , porcelain plates.
25 years of joint life is silver wedding . Probably the 1st "loud" wedding anniversary. The name of the wedding anniversary for the first time "reached" the precious metal - silver. 25th anniversary marriage union; And, of course, silver wedding giving silver jewelry or whatever - something silvered. Silver celebration The wedding is accompanied by some special traditions. Spouses can give each othersilver rings and wear them together to the engagement within Total anniversary year.

30 years - Pearl wedding. Pearls are considered to be a symbol of perfection. relationships spouses who have lived together for so long. TO pearl wedding the husband gives his wife a necklace, in which, of course, there are 30 pearl grains - as a symbol of the years that have passed since the day of marriage. For 30 years, weddings give everything that is made of pearls - for example, jewelry.
40 years - Ruby wedding. The name comes from the precious stone ruby, which is considered a symbol of love and flame. The red color of blood, and hence the relationship "blood". Husband and wife have the opportunity to commemorate the ruby ​​wedding year, encrust rubies in wedding rings. Since a ruby ​​is similar to a diamond, it is just as hard, they say that no difficulties can break a family.

50 - Gold wedding- 2nd" eminent"anniversary. True love, loyalty, And respectspousesas the crown of the relationship. Exists unusual tradition - Spousesgive each other wedding rings again, andold transmit unmarrieddescendants How family relic. Thisanniversaryallows you to re-marry.Presents to gold wedding, naturally from gold. Guestspermissiblepresent and gilded thingsfor home decoration.
55 - Emerald wedding.Emerald - stonegreencolors, personifyinginfinity life. Wishes To anniversaryweddingsrelevant - live without getting sick up to 100 years.
60 years - Diamond, also platinumwedding. Spouses have lived togethersixty years oldbefore adversity fate How moststrongstone- diamond. Exactly faceteda diamond is called a diamond. And that means no one caninterruptsolong relationship. Spouses give each other jewelry made of diamonds. And guests can give crystal, so as not to spend much.
70 years old weddings- Blessed ( grateful) wedding
At this time, it's time to look intopast And to understand thattrue love is heaven sent - and that'sgenuinehappiness. Anniversaries of their children and grandchildren give what they wish.
75 years - Crown wedding. Anniversary like a crown family life.
80 years old weddings- Oak. Oak as longevity and strengthlife.
100th anniversary

You can choose any format convenient for you :) The most famous are: A4, A3, A2 and A1.

A4 (210×297mm)

It is also called the album sheet. A4 - Normal paper size for an office printer. A cartoon of this size is convenient to put on the table or hang on the wall. Great gift for small spaces.

A3 (297×420mm)

"A3" Twice as large as A4 format. It is most often ordered by our customers. Allows you to work out the plot in more detail. "A3" - not too small, but not overly large. Best of all, such a gift will look on the wall, or in some visible place.

A2 (420×594mm)

Twice as large as "A3". Most of all, this format is suitable for family cartoons.

A1 (594 x 841mm)- Whatman. Solid size. Designed for group cartoons or wall newspapers.

(50/40cm; 50/70cm)- Intermediate sizes. Used for a certain amount heroes.


Caricature Saint Petersburg 2016

We have already written about the design marine wedding and the possible construction of its scenario. This time we will talk about another topic related to the sea. This is about romantic wedding, the idea of ​​which is based on the plot of A. Green's book "Scarlet Sails". In this article, only ideas for decorating a wedding will be considered. Wedding script Scarlet sails, see.

Wedding "Scarlet Sails":

design, decor, details

How to arrange a wedding nautical style, written in the article "". Many design ideas can be used for the Scarlet Sails wedding.

Wedding procession. As the main car of the wedding procession, preference should be given to the car scarlet color. It will look great scarlet retro car , decorated wedding paraphernalia. You can make the whole tuple scarlet. Another option is to rent white cars and decorate them with scarlet fabrics, flowers and nautical accessories.

Setting up the venue for the banquet. It is worth finding a restaurant or cafe with a predominance of wood in the interior - it will be easier to create the atmosphere of the Secret ship, on which Assol and Gray's wedding took place. However, if possible, it is better to have a wedding on a real ship, yacht or motor ship. The banquet hall of the boat will still have to be decorated to make it look like the "Secret".

How to decorate banqueting hall restaurant? By draping scarlet fabrics under the ceiling, you can create an association with scarlet sails. As a drapery for the walls, it is better to choose a sea-green fabric. It turns out that the young and their guests are on the deck of the ship "Secret" with tables set on it; above them - a scarlet sail, and around - a blue sea. You can decorate blue draperies with figures of seagulls (on the top) and fish (on the bottom). If the banquet takes place on the water, blue drapery is not needed, because you can admire a real sea or river wave.

Another decor for the wedding "Scarlet Sails": scarlet ribbons on the guest chairs, shells and sea ​​stars, fishing nets, ropes, an anchor, white tablecloths with blue stripes, as well as newlyweds' wedding glasses decorated with shells, tied with a scarlet ribbon.

It is advisable to make a decoration for the main ship component - the steering wheel. This installation can be ordered from decorators or even from furniture makers. The steering column can be made from thick cardboard, plywood or wood. This decoration will be used not only to decorate the hall and create a realistic atmosphere of the Secret ship, but also, for example, for registration and photo shoots of guests.

Details at the wedding "Scarlet Sails". You can use any traditional wedding elements and accessories, but decorate them in a special way and beat them in accordance with the concept. For example, to bring the popular kindling today closer to the topic wedding candle"family hearth".

45th wedding anniversary called sapphire wedding. Living together for so many years without losing love and tenderness is a truly precious thing. This is largely due to the name of this wedding anniversary.

Sapphire is a stone that has the ability to eliminate the effects of stress. Of course, for people advanced age it won't be redundant. In addition, star sapphire brings good luck in all endeavors. Previously, it was believed that sapphire can free a person from imprisonment by opening the doors of dungeons. Most likely, this belief was based on the fact that this stone has a really huge positive energy.

It is known that 40 years after wedding day Celebrated wedding anniversary ruby wedding. It is possible that people calling 45th anniversary day life together sapphire wedding , wanted to emphasize that living forty-five years is as valuable as forty, but this is already something qualitatively different, relations between spouses are painted in a different color. They become sky-clear, like sapphire. They are just as pleasant to look at as this magnificent stone.

The guests at this wedding anniversary are most often especially close and Dear people and relatives. The reason for this is largely due to the fact that usually people who have lived together for forty-five years already have both children and grandchildren. In addition, a circle of really true friends is determined, with whom it is pleasant to celebrate such an important celebration and who will truly be happy about your holiday.

The main tradition followed on this wedding anniversary- decoration wedding rings sapphire. Sapphire is a stone that has the ability to eliminate the effects of stress. Of course, that for people of respectable age it will not be superfluous. In addition, star sapphire brings good luck in all endeavors.

Sapphire Wedding Gifts - 45th Wedding Anniversary

Spouses exchange items with sapphires. And their clothes should be in blue colors. Guests are required to present blue gifts or gifts related to water in one way or another. It could be blue underwear blue jewelry and so on. Also, guests should say toasts, congratulations and wishes to spouses who have lived hand in hand for almost half a century.

Congratulations on a sapphire wedding - 45 years of marriage

In noble Blue colour painted over your years married life. Let the head of your family be just as noble, and his other half be just as refined and refined. On this day, we want to wish you only goodness, tenderness, joy and, of course, the most precious, health.

Greetings from your great-grandchildren,
You radiate light
For our big family,
There is no better couple in the world!

We congratulate you very much
And we wish you health
Good luck and warmth
May your love bloom!

May love and advice be with you
To travel all over the world!
May your life last
Grandpa hold on to grandma!

Forty-five, trust us, not much
But only if it's not about the family,
After all, two people live together for so long
Not so easy, I think.

Live twice as long
And know that your example is invaluable to us,
We will continue to congratulate you in a year,
All because we love and appreciate you!

What date is forty-five?
Like youth again
Rushed by violent wind
And in the eyes of the fire lit -
anniversary family,
Husband and wife next to him
Been through so much together
Already granddaughters are all brides,
Year after year passed by
Your marriage has become stronger
You live up to a hundred years -
This is an occasion for a toast!

Happy holiday, you spouses!
You have been together for so many years!
you love the same each other,
Giving each other light!

Sapphire is your symbol today.
He is hard, but he is beautiful!
May he give you omnipotence
And happiness in a million!

Congratulations on your sapphire wedding, may your relationship be as deep, bright and bewitching as these stones. May they be strong and, of course, happy. You are a wonderful couple and 45 years of your life together have proved this even to the most zealous skeptics.

Congratulations on this glorious 45 summer anniversary and I want to wish
So that meanness and deceit
Didn't meet on the road!
So that happiness and love
Never ended!

beautiful and peaceful days
We wish you a Happy Anniversary!
Let the years flow slowly
And they bring you only joy!
And here is our main covenant -
Live together up to a hundred years!
You have lived together for 45 years!
We wish you victories in this field!

Forty-five have passed since the wedding,
And you celebrate your anniversary again.
Everyone calls her sapphire people,
Realizing the precious here.
From that jewel - a bright light!
We wish you many years of happiness!

Congratulations on forty-five years of marriage!
I wish you happiness, joy and no sadness.
To please the children, not upset!

On the 45th anniversary
You do not spare sapphires:
Put the sapphire in beloved ring,
Pour a full cup.
On sapphire earrings
Let the lights shine
And the moon looks out the window
Like in the distant days
Nothing to worry about
And bestowing the former light,
Let love dictate the story
Your new faithful years!

Lived together forty-five
Not days, not months, but years!
There is simply no better couple!
And we hasten to congratulate you
With such happy anniversary!
His name is sapphire.
People love sapphire, honor:
He makes feelings fresh,
He is a stone of loyalty
And the mercy of God attracts
Delivers from heavy thoughts,
Gives strength to tired people.
Your love is like a sapphire
Protects you from all adversity
And gives great strength
So that there is harmony in the house, peace in the heart.
And we want to wish you
live up to wedding golden,
In half a century, a wedding is a feast with a mountain!
Only five years left to wait.

Lived together forty-five
Not days, not months, but years!
There is simply no better couple!
And we hasten to congratulate you

With such a beautiful anniversary!
His name is sapphire.
People love sapphire, honor:
He makes feelings fresh,

Sapphire wedding celebration has come!
Let the sapphire bring you magic!
He is respected and loved by the people,
Among the people, he has a reputation for fidelity as a stone!
And it makes feelings cleaner, fresher!
Do you like him now?
Sapphire will save you from troubles and hardships!
It gives strength and energy to you!
So that there is harmony in the house, and peace in the heart -
All this will magically manifest sapphire!
You walked together for 45 years,
With your hands you created a house,
In which comfort has settled forever,
In which they dance and sing songs!
We congratulate you on Sapphire Day!
You always go through life together!
Any obstacles are not terrible for you,
After all, in life you always need each other!