Horse power shampoo for humans. Shampoo for horses and for people (horse shampoo review and reviews)

How many women dream of gorgeous hairstyle, long hair and natural shine... Each of them is ready to go to great lengths: apply a lot of pills, massage the head with by unpleasant means and fatty oils... In addition, many visit beauty salons, where they carry out expensive hair care procedures. However, in recent times women all over the world have started using what is known as horse shampoo. And how exactly it works is described in this article.

The secret of horse shampoo

So, horse shampoo is one of the most peculiar ways of caring for any. As statistics showed, women who constantly used this shampoo noticed that their hair became noticeably thicker, stronger, and began to grow actively. for people it differs from hundreds of others in that it is completely natural, does not contain any chemical components. The reason is that originally this product was only used for horses, it was created taking into account the special sensitivity of these animals to hazardous chemicals. Horse shampoo contains the following ingredients:

  • hydrolyzate of keratin;
  • coconut acids;
  • complex of selikons;
  • lauryl magnesium sulfate;
  • lanolin;
  • conditioners.

It is important to know that an ingredient such as keratin gives hair a special shine, softness and silkiness, just like silicone, gently envelops each hair separately. In addition, tar is added to horse shampoo, it is he who gives strength and activates hair growth. It is advisable not to dry your hair with a hairdryer when using this product, use curling irons and irons less often, and only then the result will not be long in coming, the hair will actually look great.

How to choose the right shampoo?

Choosing a horse shampoo for active growth hair, you need to take into account their type and structure. In the event that, moreover, with dandruff, they fall out every day - a shampoo based on propolis, sulfur and tar will do. A common problem overdried hair is brittle and overly split ends. In this case, horse shampoo with collagen and natural lanolin is ideal. However, girls who are prone to allergies need to be careful; in this case, it is recommended to use shampoo for foals, which includes keratin and tar. In any case, no matter what type of shampoo a woman uses, in mandatory after shampooing, you must use a special balm.

  • it must be borne in mind that horse hair shampoo must be diluted clean water in proportions of one to ten, and for sensitive scalp - one to fifteen;
  • immediately before applying to the hair, it is advisable to sham the horse shampoo thoroughly until abundant foam appears;
  • after using the shampoo, a high-quality balm should always be applied to the hair. natural ingredients for your hair type;
  • it is advisable to use the product once a week, and on all other days use a regular shampoo;
  • do not use this remedy in too much heat;
  • it is forbidden to use it when the climate changes, a negative reaction may appear;
  • be sure to apply a mask made from natural ingredients to your hair at least once a week;
  • do not rub shampoo directly into the scalp;
  • at the first symptoms of discomfort, such as itching or burning, you should immediately stop using horse shampoo.

Our hair reflects the state of our entire body. But what to do if you feel completely healthy, but your hair lacks splendor and shine?

Now horse shampoo is at the peak of popularity. But we are people! Can we apply it? And is it worth using it at all? These questions are of concern to most women. Let's discover the truth! First, let's figure out what is true and what is advertising-inspired myth.

Horse shampoo. Truth and myths

1. Hair becomes silky and thick.

Yes, that is right. This is due to the silicone and collagen included in the shampoo. They thicken the hair by enveloping it, but at the same time they overload and weaken it. And with constant use of horse shampoo, there is a high probability that in 5-6 months a gorgeous horse mane will turn into a plucked thin tail. Silicone and collagen are also found in ordinary human shampoos, but not in such horse doses.

2. Getting rid of dandruff.

Even if horses do have dandruff, it causes fungus just like humans. To combat this problem, zinc oxide is added to horse shampoo. Does she help horses and people? Controversial issue.

3. Horse shampoo has a natural composition

The concept of "natural" cannot be attributed to any store-bought detergent cosmetics. Manufacturers who claim to be "natural" are very cunning. Even the best cosmetic products contain various extracts and chemical substances(preservatives) that help the product to increase the shelf life. It is worth noting that horse shampoos often contain sodium laureth sulfate, which is also found in all common human shampoos. Can the purification rate of animal cosmetics be higher than that of human cosmetics? It is unlikely that the standards for the quality of cosmetics for animals are stricter than for humans.

The undoubted advantage is the acceleration of hair growth. This is facilitated by Birch tar which is found in horse shampoo. But is it worth buying horse shampoo for it? There are many on sale now good masks and shampoos for people, including those based on birch tar.

It is interesting:"Home express hair masks"

If you, nevertheless, decided to try and purchase horse shampoo, then read the recommendations for its correct use.

Horse shampoo: what you need to know about using it

1. Horse shampoo is originally intended for the care of the horse's mane and tail. Dilute it in a ratio of 1:10. It is allowed to wash a horse with this shampoo only once a week, as it can dry out their skin and coat. As you can see, this shampoo is also not very harmless for horses. What then can happen to people? I think it's better to think 10 times before making such a purchase.

2. Mane shampoo should only be used by people with normal or oily hair. But for owners of dry hair, this shampoo is categorically contraindicated.

3. If you decide to use horse shampoo, then first you need to make sure that you do not have any diseases or internal organs.

4. When you wash your hair with this shampoo, try to use it minimal amount... Keep in mind that even for horses, it is bred 1:10. What can we say about people.

5. If you decide to wash your hair with horse shampoo, be sure to buy good balm for hair. It will need to be used after every hair wash.

6. Once a week, apply a regenerating mask to your hair. Choose one that will consist of natural ingredients.

7. Do not use mane shampoo in unfamiliar climatic conditions.

8. And the most important thing! Keep an eye on the condition of your hair. If you experience discomfort or burning, if an incomprehensible itching appears, then stop using this shampoo immediately.

9. When you run out of one bottle of horse shampoo, do not rush to the store for a new one. Give your hair a rest. Take a break for 3 months.

It is important to understand that horse hair shampoo is not a panacea and will not transform your hair. Thin hair thick and curvy. It is best to use a “human” shampoo for your hair type. And spoil your hair from time to time natural masks for hair, as well as periodically drink vitamins. You will be healthy, your hair will be beautiful too!

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- perhaps the most unusual hair restoration remedy. See reviews of people who have used horse shampoo and expert opinions on how safe horse shampoos are for human hair.

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Shampoo for horses - reviews of people

There are a lot of topics on women's forums and blogs about horse shampoos and the miraculous effect they have. If you believe women's magazines, American brand horse shampoo Mane'N Tail willingly use Sarah Jessica Parker and Jennifer Aniston, known for their fine hair.

Many girls enthusiastically say: horse shampoo made their hair shiny, strong, gave the hair incredible volume, smoothness and even accelerated its growth. Judging by the reviews of those who decided to try horse shampoo on themselves, the hair began to fall out less, became denser to the touch, thicker in appearance and better hold volume.

However, you can also find negative reviews- those for whom horse shampoo severely ruined their hair and even caused very unpleasant problems associated with the scalp. There are those who did not notice much difference in the effect produced between horse shampoos and the cheapest mass market.

Horse shampoo for humans - expert opinion

Can I use horse shampoo? We asked this question to several hair professionals.

“Shampoos for horses, in principle, differ little in terms of ingredients from human ones. The main difference is their concentration, so the effect of their use manifests itself so quickly and so good at first, - notes hairdresser Svetlana Mikhailovskaya... - Therefore, you should not use them all the time. Hair covered with silicones becomes heavy and over time the hair can begin to break and fall out. Conditioning additives can damage the integrity of the hair sheath over time. Hair can become thinner and brittle, and it will take a lot of time and effort to restore it. ”

Dermatologist Irina Belova is of the opinion: “Human scalp differs from equine scalp in terms of structure, function, and pH level. Zoo cosmetics are not tested on humans, therefore the concentration active substances may not meet safe human standards, even if the ingredients in horse shampoo look harmless. If you have sensitive skin scalp and there are dermatological problems, horse shampoo can cause serious allergies or irritation. Such a concentrated shampoo dries the hair very strongly, deprives it of moisture and a protective hydrolipidic film.

In addition, shampoo, first of all, is a means of hygiene, therefore, it simply does not have time to significantly affect the condition of the hair from the inside. His the main task- cleanse the scalp. If shampoos for horses had such a unique effect, similar products would have been produced for humans for a long time. ”

The negative effect of the use of horse shampoo by people may not appear immediately, but after a few months, warns Irina Belova. “When using horse shampoo, carefully monitor the health and condition of your hair and scalp. If appeared discomfort, burning, dandruff, itching - it is worth giving up horse cosmetics and using more familiar hair care products, ”the dermatologist notes.

After the end of the bottle of zooshampoo, wait at least a couple of months, carefully looking at your hair, evaluate their well-being and the duration of the effect.

Where to buy horse shampoo and conditioner

Horse shampoos are sold at veterinary pharmacies and pet stores. They can also be found on the shelves of some conventional pharmacies... You can also order horse shampoo in online stores.

How to wash your hair with horse shampoo

To keep hair safe with horse shampoo, hairdressers advise you to follow three simple rules.

  • Be sure to dilute horse shampoo with water.... One part of a concentrated shampoo should have at least 10 parts of water. For a person, there should be even more water. Take a small amount of diluted shampoo in the palm of your hand, beat the lather and then apply it to your hair.
  • Horse shampoo should be used as much as possible every other time., and better less often - only from time to time. Horse cosmetics should be alternated with regular human shampoo and other skin care products.
  • Horse shampoo should not be used when the climate changes dramatically. and in extreme heat. So it is worth taking the usual means on a vacation at sea.

Horse shampoo - composition

Equine Shampoo is believed to contain exclusively natural ingredients which are safe for horses known to be sensitive to any allergens. Trichologists note that most of the components of horse shampoos are found in dozens of ordinary shampoos.

Specialists are concerned only by the concentration of so-called surfactants - active substances that affect the scalp. Surely, their concentration, harmless to people, should be several times lower.

Many horse shampoos contain magnesium lauryl sulfate, diethanolamide acids coconut type, keratin hydrolyzate, lanolin, conditioners and silicones.

As noted by trichologists, keratins and silicones reduce the "soapiness" of the shampoo and settle on the hair. It is these ingredients that make the hair (or mane) shiny, thick, smooth. But a permanent silicone film is not always goes to hair for good.

There is often tar in horse shampoos. Such a remedy is suitable only for people with very oily hair, increased secretion sebaceous glands... Experts warn: horse shampoo with tar must be used very carefully.

Experienced horse shampoo fans advise people to use foal shampoo. It is softer and less intense on the hair.

What can replace horse shampoo?

Some human shampoos contain "horse" ingredients. An example of this is the Molto Gloss series of the Japanese brand Moltobene, which contains horse keratin. The task of shampoo and conditioner with horse keratin, algae extracts, olive oil and sunflower seed oil - intensively soften and nourish hair, prevent hair loss, give the hair shine, silkiness and additional volume. Also, horse keratin, which is part of the shampoo, helps protect colored hair from damage.

What do you think of horse shampoo? Did you wash their hair? In your opinion, will horse shampoo make your hair beautiful and healthy? Share your opinion or feedback via the comment form below!


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