List of harmful ingredients in cosmetics (A-Z). Harmful components in hygienic cosmetic products. Harmful substances in skin care products

In the recent past, makeup was a risky business, if not dangerous. Buying decorative cosmetics was like a Russian roulette. Manufacturers of cosmetics cared little about the health of their customers, and for the women themselves, the primary task was to mask the flaws in their appearance and highlight its advantages as clearly as possible.

It is no coincidence that decorative cosmetics were often called simply "paint" or "plaster". Indeed, "heavy" foundation creams, lipsticks and eyeshadows with caustic dyes in terms of the effect they had on the skin were little better than the finishing materials mentioned. Caring mothers and grandmothers quite rightly warned their daughters and granddaughters against the abuse of decorative cosmetics. The substances contained in make-up products had a bad effect on the condition of the skin, provoking its premature aging.

Much has changed since then. Consumers of decorative cosmetics have radically changed their priorities, finally putting at the forefront own health, and cosmetics manufacturers, of course, could not ignore these changes. Demand gave birth to supply. Today, in the cosmetic industry, women's health is in the first place. Cosmetics have evolved from "face paints" into a product for correcting appearance and skin care.

Nevertheless, although the "monster" died, the fame of him still lives on. The older generation women, mothers and grandmothers of today's young girls, grew up in fear of the monster of cosmetics, bringing fast old age. Many older women still find it difficult to believe that decorative cosmetics can be safe and even useful, which is why they do their best to resist their daughters and granddaughters doing makeup, and do not understand at all why, instead of gratitude, they hear annoyed exclamations in response.

However, are the representatives of the older generation really so wrong? Let's try to figure it out. The truth, as you probably understand, is in the golden mean between the belief that "mom is always right" and the conviction that "mom does not understand anything at all."

Indeed, young skin should not be overloaded with decorative cosmetics without sufficient reason. If you have healthy skin, lovely color faces bright juicy lips and clear eyebrows, you absolutely do not need to "draw" again what you have by nature. Use a minimum of makeup. Moreover, the classic of competent make-up is considered not "clown mask", but "natural face".

If the condition of your skin leaves much to be desired, you cannot do without cosmetics. However, do not try to hide pimples, freckles, or vascular network under a thick layer of makeup. Firstly, you still won't succeed, and secondly, there is special techniques makeup, allowing you to hide the flaws in appearance, while using a minimum of funds. Master the art of natural makeup and proper care behind the face - it will be much more useful and effective than covering the face with 5 layers of foundation and powder.

The abundance of decorative cosmetics, even of very high quality, negatively affects the condition healthy skin and aggravates the problematic disease. Cosmetics clog pores and cause comedones. Especially dangerous in this regard are foundation, blush and lipstick... Therefore, the owner problem skin it is advisable to use not a foundation, but a light powder or foundation with a light texture. The blush should be replaced with an eye shadow of a suitable shade.

As for the question of the dangers of cosmetics itself, then the opinion of mothers and grandmothers is already outdated. By themselves, decorative products do not worsen the condition of the skin. Moreover, modern cosmetics contain components that have a beneficial effect on its health. Of course, it cannot be expected to heal acne and help deal with other dermatological problems. She is not yet capable of this, although it includes nutritional and moisturizing components. Nevertheless, decorative cosmetics are able to protect your face from the influence of many factors. environment... Mineral screens protect the skin from ultraviolet rays, microsponges absorb excess sebum, antioxidants and antiradicals fight harmful substances and slow down photoaging.

The pharmacy sells decorative cosmetics that have a certain therapeutic effect... For example, you can find tonal creams that control the work sebaceous glands that have anti-inflammatory or antibacterial effects. Such tools are often used in conjunction with medicines for the treatment of seborrhea and mild forms of acne. There are also sunscreen tonal creams in pharmacies that mask and prevent exacerbation of vitiligo (white spots), lupus erythematosus, photosensitivity and other photodermatosis. Some tonal means appointed after surgical operations with scar tissue changes.

However, ordinary decorative cosmetics sold in stores contain substances that have a beneficial effect on the skin. Among them are vitamin E, hyaluronic acid, squalene, aloe vera gel, herbal extracts (chamomile, rosemary, calendula), avocado and jojoba oils. So, chamomile, calendula and aloe have antiseptic and healing effects, moisturize the skin and promote the regeneration of its cells. They are also powerful antioxidants.

Rosemary is also an antioxidant. The substances contained in its extract and oil bind free radicals, causing irreparable harm to our skin, and avocado and jojoba oils heal wounds and strengthen the immune system.

Hyaluronic acid creates a protective film on the skin that prevents cell dehydration.

Squalene, a natural hydrocarbon belonging to the group of carotenoids, is found in olive, cottonseed, flaxseed and some others. vegetable oils, in oil from wheat germ, as well as in many animal and plant tissues and even in some microorganisms. It penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and transfers active ingredients, softens it and fights free radicals.

When choosing decorative cosmetics for young skin, purchase products containing the listed components. However, one should not forget that each person may have an individual intolerance to any substances that make up cosmetics. Even the mark "hypoallergenic" on the packaging of a cosmetic product does not guarantee its absolute safety. Therefore, if you experience irritation, itching, peeling, redness when using decorative cosmetics, do not rush to blame the manufacturers of the product. See your allergist and find out which substances are contraindicated for your skin.

Separately, we emphasize that everything that has been said previously refers exclusively to high-quality decorative cosmetics. Cheap counterfeit products, even if disguised as famous brands, in most cases, affect the skin as badly as decorative cosmetics from the youth of our grandmothers and mothers.

Decorative cosmetics are considered to be of high quality if they have passed the safety test: it should not irritate the skin and not cause allergies, have a pleasant color, odor and consistency appropriate for the intended purpose. For example, lipstick should be soft enough to apply easily to the lips, but firm enough not to creep. If a cosmetic product is applied unevenly, does not paint over the skin well and wears off quickly, most likely you are faced with a cheap fake.

One more nuance. Any, even the highest quality cosmetics "does not live" forever. The expiration date is always indicated on the packaging. And these are not just "numbers" that manufacturers print for their own pleasure, but important characteristic the quality and safety of the cosmetic product. For example, lipstick lasts no more than 1 year, and mascara needs to be changed every 3 months.

What to do with expired cosmetics? The answer is clear: throw it away. When a cosmetic product changes its color, smell, consistency, there is no doubt: it is already simply dangerous to apply it on the face. However, even if you don't notice external signs spoilage of the product, get rid of it anyway. Otherwise, very soon these signs will appear on your face. Do not buy cosmetics for future use and do not leave products that do not suit you for later in the hope that your tastes will change in the future. If this happens, the old cosmetics will become unusable anyway.

And the last thing. Sometimes, carefully choosing decorative cosmetics and monitoring its condition, we forget about the means of its application. Sponges, brushes, brushes need care: they should be cleaned periodically.

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V modern world hard to imagine young girl who doesn’t wear makeup, unless she lives in a very puritanical family. According to recent studies, it turned out that a modern woman with makeup applies more than five hundred chemicals to her face every day, most of which are far from harmless. But what is harmful for adult women is ten times more dangerous for a young person in adolescence, when the body is just beginning to actively tune the functions of life and reproduction.

Harmful cosmetics for teenage girls- these are tens and tens of dangerous chemical compounds which manufacturers use in cosmetics to make them cheaper and more attractive to the consumer. And in the end, you will have to pay for everything with your health and, worst of all, with the health of future generations. Let's take a closer look at what is the harm of modern cosmetics and how best to act for parents so as not to cause irreparable harm to their child.

You can also read an article about a common problem - teenage smoking and how to prevent and rid your child of this addiction. We also recommend viewing the material "Protecting Children from the Sun", which discusses serious problems associated with a long stay in the scorching sun and methods of effective protection.

Young beauties, striving to conquer this world with their charm as early as possible, actively use cosmetics, many on a par with adult women, and in some cases even more than them. About two and a half kilograms of chemicals penetrate female body for a year with perfumery, hygienic and aesthetic cosmetics - according to the latest research. Girls eat lipstick alone from 100 to 150 grams per year. But in most modern cosmetics, harmful chemicals are added with very serious contraindications. This is done to extend the shelf life, to improve the target consumer properties and to reduce the cost of production. But all this can extremely negatively affect health at the present time or aggravate it in the distant future.

Moreover, from the content hazardous substances You will not always be protected by the inscription about the "naturalness" of cosmetics or that it is some kind of special "natural" mixture or product "for children." In fact, manufacturers are often just playing with words to mislead buyers. After all, this very "naturalness" in practice is extremely difficult to prove or disprove, so the manufacturer may well rush to nothing in non-binding terms. For example, even the term "organic" from the point of view of chemistry is nothing more than a compound containing carbon.

Many organizations protecting human health are fighting against manufacturers, under their pressure, the most famous cosmetics companies announced that they were refusing to use phthalates, a toxic carcinogen that creates problems with endocrine systems oh, it can cause infertility in men and women, asthma, and also provoke cancer. But all this struggle, on the one hand, is progressing rather slowly, and on the other hand, there are still hundreds of harmful substances in cosmetics, and many companies ignore even basic safety requirements and are aimed only at momentary profits.

Here are a few real examples... Sodium lauryl sulphate, the lather in shampoos that is so much praised in commercials, was actually developed for cleaning industrial machines, cars and garage floors. Accumulating in the body, sodium lauryl sulfate can cause irritation, dermatitis and the development of cataracts. Propylene glycol is a part of moisturizers and shampoos, although it is actually the strongest allergen that causes itching and irritation, disrupting the functioning of the kidneys and liver, especially in children and adolescents. In industry, propylene glycol is used for the manufacture of coolants for transport systems and air conditioning and ventilation systems. When working with it according to safety precautions, it is necessary to use rubber gloves and protective overalls, as it is highly toxic. Polyethylene glycol is used in body lotions, and also as a solvent, oven cleaner and as a binder in solid rocket fuel. Diethyl phthalate - odor fixer in perfumery products, in parallel, is the strongest poisonous substance, in certain concentrations capable of instantly leading to death!

Harmful cosmetics for teenagers - table of cosmetics

Let's take a closer look at the table of cosmetics and the most popular dangerous ingredients in them. Please note that many harmful effects appear only later long time, therefore, the statement: “I have been using it for many years and everything is fine” is at least frivolous, especially when it comes to the younger generation.

Name of cosmetics

Possible side effects

Average amount of chemicals


Isophthalates, octinoxate

Irritation to eyes, throat and nose. Allergies, structural changes hairline and hormonal disorders.

Propylene glycol, sodium lauryl sulfate, tetrasodium

Irritation of the eyes and scalp, accumulation of substances in body tissues, including the brain, with the most dangerous consequences in future.

Face creams

Diethylene glycol, propylene glycol

Itching and irritation of the skin, kidney and liver problems, cancer.


Polyethylene telephthalat

Irritation skin, infertility, skin cancer, hormonal disorders.

Methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben

Breast cancer, irritation, hormonal imbalance, rash.


Polymethyl methacrylate

Skin cancer, allergic rashes


Aluminum, Isopropyl myristate

Headache, respiratory problems, eye, lung and skin irritation. Breast cancer.

Nail polishes

Toluene, phthalates

Asthma, liver and kidney disease, infertility, fetal abnormalities and miscarriages.

Powder cream

Polymethyl methacrylate

Destruction immune system, allergies, cancers.

Funds artificial tanning(bronzers)

Butyloxytoluene, methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben

Hormonal disorders, rash and irritation.

Body lotions

Polyethylene glycol, propylene and methyl compounds

Hormonal disorders, weakening of the immune system and skin irritation.

Sun protection

Benzophenone, homosalate, octyl methoxycinnamate, methylbenzylidene and benzylidene camphor, octyl dimethyl

Hormonal changes increased growth uterus, breast cancer. May even cause breast milk poisoning.

Phthalates, benzaldehyde

Kidney disease, nausea, throat, eye and lip irritation.

As can be concluded, even on the basis of a brief listing of harmful compounds, we have a clear deficit with safe cosmetics. Now let's take a closer look at the harmful components themselves, so that you can more competently approach the issue of choosing cosmetics for your children and for yourself.

Harmful cosmetics for teenagers - list of harmful ingredients

Table of the main harmful components in modern cosmetics.

Russian name

International name

Harmful properties


A refined product, actively prevents the release of waste and toxins from the body, as well as the penetration of oxygen.

Propylene glycol


Causes disruption of the liver and kidney damage, irritates the skin, and causes dermatitis.

Technical oil (varieties are petrolatum, paraffin oil and propylene glycol)

Obtained from oil. The film on the skin delays the elimination of toxins and does not allow the skin to breathe, the skin becomes dry and aging.

Sodium lauryl sulfate (may be disguised as "coconut oil")


Detergent from coconut oil... Penetrates the brain, eyes and internal organs, causes cataracts, promotes hair loss and dandruff. Forms nitrosamines, which enter the body in large quantities.

Sodium Loret Sulfate


It is similar in action to sodium lauryl sulfate, but at the same time it also emits dioxins - strong toxic substances.

Calls out allergic rash and increased skin sensitivity

Loramid Dee

Dries skin and hair, causes allergic reactions and itching.

Triclosan (as triclosan chlorophenol)

An antibacterial ingredient, it is used in some soaps, creams and shampoos. Many dangerous bacteria have developed immunity to it, but it successfully destroys useful bacteria. As a result, harmful bacteria multiply, which can cause meningitis and blood poisoning.

Parabens (parahydrobenzonate)

Preservatives that can trigger breast cancer.

Strong carcinogen, can form during long-term storage.


Prohibited preservative, strong carcinogen. Impairs vision, breathing, irritates the skin, harms the human genetic code and nervous system.

Copolymers of vinyl pyrrolidine and vinyl acetate

Copolymer, pyrrolidine

Substances used in varnishes and hair styling products. Irritating to mucous membranes, skin and lungs.


Occur in cosmetics containing nitrites. They are the strongest carcinogens. They affect the liver, can cause convulsions, hemorrhages, and even lead to coma.

Toxic to kidneys, liver, reproductive organs, nervous and endocrine systems. They are capable of causing infertility and cancer.

Harmful cosmetics for a teenager girl. And what is the way out of the situation?

What to do if a teenager has an irresistible desire to use modern cosmetics? Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely abandon detergents and cosmetics. Therefore, to begin with, it is worth defining the "lesser of evils". That is, a list of manufacturers who use less harmful substances. Most likely, such products will not foam as much, they will not have such a beautiful color shade and smell, they will not be as thick or uniform as cosmetics saturated with thickeners, chemical fragrances, dyes, emulsifiers and the like. But on the other hand, you will not put your teen's health at risk. Further, it is worth, if possible, to limit the use of cosmetics by a teenager and periodically arrange fasting days or weeks. That is, the time when body care is performed with the help of completely natural cosmetics, made independently at home and used in fresh... This is especially true in summer and autumn, when there are many fruits grown in natural conditions.

Here are a few simple examples... Apricots applied to the skin will soothe it, currants and lingonberries will narrow the pores and nourish it, bananas will smooth and soften, but pineapples will cleanse and remove greasy shine... Raspberries with strawberries have a moisturizing effect, lemon will whiten the skin and tighten pores, an apple will refresh and tighten it, sea buckthorn will heal wounds, soften and nourish. As you can see, nature gives us enough funds to periodically take a break from harmful chemicals that destroy our body.

Majority modern women have no idea how to get by. , body milk, and much, much more - all this assortment, necessary to maintain attractiveness and youth, is not the last place in a woman's life. After all, desire is inherent in each of us. Therefore, we try to follow the news. cosmetics industry and fashion, we buy magazines from beautiful models on the covers, we try to look no worse than them, because it's not so difficult anymore - modern cosmetics stores are overflowing with products for every taste and income.

In pursuit of new cosmetic innovations, we rarely think about whether there is any harm in the use of all these creams, tonics, lipsticks. In today's article we will try to find out, and is it worth getting carried away?

Why do we start to paint?

All small children are happy to hold colored felt-tip pens in their hands and paint pages in books, draw houses and suns not only in albums intended for this, but also on new wallpaper in the children's room, carefully glued caring mother and dad. Because creativity is an important step in a child's development.

But the children are growing up, and the boys, as before, continue to depict their art in albums and notebooks. But the girls are slowly beginning to show more interest in their mother's makeup bag, trying to portray something on their face.

With age, this process captures them more and more, and from now on, cosmetics are becoming their new markers and paints, with the help of which the girl hopes to make herself even more attractive, highlighting the existing advantages of her appearance and hiding her shortcomings. And from this moment, the first problems with the skin, and sometimes with health, may arise. But first things first.

On the naturalness of "natural" cosmetics

Think, if you make a cosmetic product without preservatives, how long will it keep its freshness? No more than a week, and then if you put it in the refrigerator immediately after production. Have you seen a factory-made cream that only lasts for one week? Of course not. Therefore, the naturalness of cosmetics released industrially, no more than a publicity stunt.

What is the harm of cosmetics?

The answer is simple - in chemical additives. It's no secret that in cosmetical tools add all kinds of preservatives, dyes, flavorings and much, much more. With their help, the product can be stored for a long time, possess pleasant smell and color, weightless texture. All this does not benefit the body; rather, on the contrary, it can negatively affect it. For this reason, it is advisable to minimize contact with such artificial substances and means.

By choosing the maximum safe cosmetics, it is necessary to study the composition of the product, finding out what ingredients are included in it and how they affect the skin and human health. All manufacturers at the beginning of the description of the composition of their cosmetics indicate precisely those components, the concentration of which in a given shampoo or cream is higher.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with what is still included in the cosmetics we all love

  • Fats and oils of natural, synthetic and semi-synthetic origin. For example, Tallow, Animal Fat is natural fats added to shampoos. They envelop every strand of hair, preventing dryness and dirtiness. And Lanolin is often added to body and face creams, which helps soften the skin, but often makes it more sensitive and.
  • The list of many cosmetics may include Mineral Oil, a common technical oil. It is made up of liquid hydrocarbons obtained from gasoline. This ingredient is used in cosmetics as a moisturizer. Its mechanism of action is simple - it locks water in cells, forming a kind of water-repellent film. This film interferes with the full functioning of the skin, exhausting and irritating it, making it more sensitive.
  • The list may include emulsifiers - for example, Glyceryl. It is impossible to imagine the production of any cream without emulsifiers. However, if the percentage of them is too high, the functions of the skin may be impaired, it will become drier and tighter.
  • This is followed by preservatives. With their help, the contents of beautiful bottles and jars can be stored for a long time. Preservatives inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria, but in addition to them, they also have a destructive effect on skin cells. For example, the preservative TEA - Trithanolamine interacts with nitrates, resulting in a substance called nitrosamines - extremely carcinogenic and capable.
  • The composition of cosmetics can also complement bronopol. This substance is a formalin derivative. It is found in many deodorants and creams. Its concentration is considered safe up to 1%. Otherwise, health problems may appear. Bronopol is often found in Russian, Belarusian and Swedish cosmetics Oriflame.

This may be the "natural" advertised, but in fact 100% chemical cosmetics. And the harm from it can be greater than the benefit. Use industrial cosmetics with caution if you have oily or excessively dry skin, if you have or. Pay attention to the notorious "grandmother's" recipes. Instead of purchased scrub make a scrub from sleeping coffee, for deep cleansing take clay, and rinse your hair with water with the addition lemon juice or herbal infusions. Be healthy!

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If you live in nature, take a walk every day. fresh air and, applying makeup, create a "mask" that prevents the warm wind and diffused sunbeams, then the harm of makeup is difficult to dispute. Whatever good cosmetics has not been used, it in any case disrupts the microcirculation of air on the surface of the skin and, therefore, prevents it from functioning well and renewing itself, and most importantly, “breathing”. On the other hand, the same "mask" may not necessarily be an enemy, but a different one - if you live in a densely populated city with all its smog and dust particles in a misty suspension, if it is winter and icy wind outside the window. That is, it cannot be said unequivocally that makeup is harmful to the skin or, conversely, is incredibly useful. Let's try to figure out in which cases decorative cosmetics will be a positive hero, and in which - a villain.

What exactly is harm of makeup to the skin? In addition to the already mentioned violation of air microcirculation, decorative cosmetics can cause harm in two ways: firstly, by negatively affecting the skin with its harmful components, and secondly, in the process of its misuse.

Harmful components of decorative cosmetics

Advertising tries to convince us that modern cosmetology the time has come for the highest technologies, that is, completely harmless to the skin and health means, "cosmic" particles that create an "unearthly" radiance of the skin and at the same time do not clog the pores, caring bases, ideally resistant and at the same time not drying the skin pigments. Is this so in reality?

In fact, in the production of decorative cosmetics, components are still used that are either moderately harmful to the skin, or potentially harmful to the whole body with constant use. Some of these components simply have nothing to replace, and some require too costly replacement. Cosmetics are developing progressively: harmful or ineffective components are gradually being replaced by more neutral, environmentally friendly, potent, hypoallergenic, but this is a long process that is not nearly completed yet. So, what harmful components can be found in decorative cosmetics?

Mineral oil... In general, a neutral substance resulting from the processing of petroleum products, in large volumes can clog pores and thus cause skin irritation, formation acne.
Polyethylene glycol... Moisturizing polymer, which may contain carcinogenic substances during production. Neither this statement nor the refutation has been proven, so its safety is questionable.
Benzophenone... On the one hand, it protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, on the other hand, it can cause skin irritations.
Phenoxyethanol... A preservative that can negatively affect the reproductive and especially the nervous system of the body. Usually contained in small quantities, but it is quite common.
Petrolatum... Uncommon in the composition cosmetic preparations a substance obtained from oil may contain carcinogens.
Thimerosal... Found in foundations, researchers are considered suspicious, as it can be an allergen and negatively affect the human nervous system.
Triclosan... The antibacterial substance, which can be found in every third cosmetic product, also raises huge doubts among scientists. In the process of reaction with chlorinated water and decomposition, triclosan can produce carcinogens, in addition, it accumulates in the human body.
Methylparaben... A preservative that can negatively affect hormonal background person.

This is far from full list questionable cosmetic components; so, kaolin dries the skin excessively, some pigments are suspected of influencing the development of cancerous tumors, bentonite contained in foundations and mousses clogs pores, etc. The more expensive and proven product you buy, the less likely you are to have all these harmful components in your cosmetics, but this is not a guarantee either.

Proper use and skin care

To minimize the harm of using makeup, you need to properly apply, remove, and care for stressed skin. It is enough to perform a few simple rules:

Before applying makeup, carefully prepare your skin: wipe it with a toner, apply a moisturizer and let it absorb (on the eyelids - eye cream, on the lips - lip balm). Moisturizers will create the thinnest protective film on the skin's surface, which will act as a barrier between your skin and makeup.

Use suitable cosmetics... In the summer, choose tonal creams and powders with, in the winter do not forget about nourishing creams, in the heat, use light products that will not create the effect on the skin " steam bath". Try to use the products that are most comfortable for your skin.

Be sure to remove makeup with a special milk and tonic before bed, or better, as soon as you return home and change. The skin must be free from makeup and clean most of the day, otherwise it will be chronically overloaded and deprived of a free flow of oxygen.

Perform an allergy test before using a new cosmetic product. Apply a small amount to the inner crease of your elbow and follow the sensation. If cosmetics cause even a minimal burning sensation, a feeling of dryness, tightness, discomfort, it is better not to use them.

Output... This is not to say that decorative cosmetics are harmful. It can be harmful to skin and health if it contains certain ingredients, if you use it incorrectly, or if you do not care for your skin. But if you use high quality decorative cosmetics,

You can use your favorite cosmetics every day. A is cosmetics harmful? To answer this question, we will now describe the 4 most common misconceptions and 4 truths in the use of cosmetics.

Healthy nutrition, sports and, most importantly, daily care for the skin of the face, as well as for the body - all these factors are necessary to prolong youth and are the main thing in the life of a modern woman.

Almost every woman tries to make her figure and appearance perfect. From fashionable glossy magazines and mass media, we have learned that the main thing for this is a timely and competent person. It is good that the cosmetics market today can offer products for every taste and budget. Very often there are certain stereotypes in the use of means for nutrition and. And no matter how advanced and enlightened by the consumer of cosmetics a woman feels, she is also prone to delusion.

Misconception # 1: Application a large number cosmetics gives quick results.

Truth: In fact, excessive use of the product will quickly lead to the doctor's office, and not to achieve an excellent result. It is worth remembering that any cosmetic product contains potent substances that are designed to fix a specific problem. Therefore, abuse can cause severe irritation... To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to apply strictly dosed and pointwise, and exclusively on those areas of the skin where there is a need for it.

Misconception # 2: It is imperative that everyone, without exception, use a face toner.

Truth: Not really. After all, almost 90% can do just fine without this cosmetic product. It is known that the tonic controls excess sebum production, that is, removes excess shine. Therefore, it is more suitable for those women who have inflammation-prone or oily skin.

Misconception # 3: For the greatest positive effect the entire product line of only one cosmetic brand should be used.

True: the main task when selecting cosmetics - this is a search the right products... The fact is that each brand, directly for you, can be effective only in one preparation. And therefore, self-respecting campaigns release samples of their products, do not neglect them.

Misconception # 4: Always use eye contour cream.

Truth: Undoubtedly, the skin in this area is quite thin and delicate and requires special care... However, not only special cosmetics will work for this. If daily cream has a good moisturizing effect and is odorless, then you can safely apply it to the skin, strictly observing the rules of use (do not apply cream in the area upper eyelid). It should be borne in mind that a cream containing titanium dioxide and zinc oxide will irritate the skin around the eyes less than a cream containing avobenzone and oxybenzone.

As you can see, there are an equal number of misconceptions and truths, after reading them all, it is up to you to decide whether cosmetics are harmful to your skin.