Is it possible to smear the body with olive oil. Olive oil for the face. Olive oil for baths

Olive trees have been cultivated since 7,000 years ago. It was believed that a person who planted an olive grove was preparing for a long peaceful life. Olive oil came to Ancient Greece and Rome with Phoenician merchants who brought it from Egypt and Asia. AT Ancient Greece olive oil was an object of worship and was considered the most valuable award - it was awarded to the winners of the Olympic Games. And the first Olympic flame was carried by an olive branch. This oil was still burning in Hanukkah lamps. And in the ancient world, it was considered a gift from the gods. Today it is the most popular food vegetable oil. It does not lose its relevance as a cosmetic product.

The composition of olive oil is truly unique. Its almost complete digestibility by the human body suggests that all the substances contained in it are vital. 97% of its composition is oleic (84%) and palmitic (13%) fatty acids. It is they that benefit a person in the form of regulating the ratio of bad and good cholesterol, and these are healthy blood vessels, a clear mind in old age and normal heart function.

In addition to them, the composition of the oil includes polyunsaturated fatty acids:

  • stearic - protects the upper layers of the skin from external adverse effects;
  • linoleic - has a good effect on mucous membranes and strengthens cell membranes;
  • arachidic - regulates metabolic processes.

The oil contains terpenes.- hydrocarbons that are involved in the production of bile, phospholipidsconstruction material for cell membranes.

By saturation useful substances olive oil is superior to many vegetable oils:

  • E (tocopherol) - a powerful antioxidant;
  • D (calciferol) - helps the body absorb calcium;
  • carotenoids promote the synthesis of vitamin A and rejuvenation;
  • flavonoids - plant polyphenols - are actively involved in redox processes;
  • chlorophyll renders positive influence on cell growth;
  • squalene prevents skin cancers;
  • oleocantap protects the brain from toxins, anesthetizes and prevents inflammation;
  • Oleuropein protects the skin from moisture loss and relieves irritation and redness.

In addition, olive oil contains vitamins A, C, B3, F, K.


It's probably easier to say where olive oil hasn't been used. We are interested in its use in medicinal and cosmetic purposes. His healing properties recognizes both official medicine, and traditional - Eastern and European.

For medicinal purposes

Due to its rich composition, olive oil is used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases:

  • At cardiovascular diseases its beneficial effect is due to the content of omega 3 saturated fatty acids. Their main action is to regulate the balance of good and bad cholesterol, the violation of which carries the main threat to the cardiovascular system.
  • The infectious nature of many types of gastritis, gastric ulcers and duodenum. Olive oil able to destroy and prevent the appearance of Helicobacter bacteria - the culprit of the disease. It has a beneficial effect on all work of the digestive system.
  • The constant use of oil in food has a good effect. on the state of the nervous system, prevents her disorders, improves memory, stimulates brain activity.
  • Anti-cancer action oil renders due to squalene, which neutralizes the action of free radicals, thereby preventing the formation and growth of cancer cells.
According to official statistics, in countries where olive oil is traditionally used, people suffer from these diseases much less and live longer.

In cosmetology

Olive oil for the body is truly a gift from the gods. It nourishes, moisturizes, protects and rejuvenates the skin. miraculous properties give it fatty acids, vitamins and trace elements:

  • they create a protective film on the skin that protects against harmful effects environment- wind, ultraviolet, temperature changes;
  • retain moisture in it;
  • help get rid of cellulite and stretch marks on the skin that appeared after childbirth or due to sudden weight loss. It can be used during pregnancy to prevent their occurrence;
  • Vitamin E under a protective film penetrates deep into the skin, rejuvenating it. It promotes the production of collagen and elastin, evens out, improves color and smoothes;
  • with the help of vitamin D, dead cells are exfoliated and cleansed;
  • iron promotes active blood circulation, carrying oxygen to the skin;
  • used as a tanning agent, while protecting the skin from excessive ultraviolet radiation.
Olive oil is universal remedy It is suitable for any type of skin.

Usage Methods

There are many ways to use olive oil: as a massage oil, in creams, scrubs and masks, in body wraps and baths.


Massage with olive oil gives not only cosmetic effect, but also provides therapeutic effect due to its saline action. It is indicated for osteochondrosis and diseases associated with salt deposition.

Cholesterol and oleic acid improve lipid metabolism, promote skin regeneration, hydration and nutrition. This massage improves tone, slows down aging and activates the protective functions of the body.

Massage can be done with pure warmed olive oil. It facilitates the process itself, warms the skin, causing it to flow. arterial blood rich in oxygen.

If a combine it with water and sea salt, you get an excellent peeling. It should only be done on problem areas. This mixture helps to get rid of cellulite.

During the massage, the body can absorb up to 100 ml of oil. But it should be added only as it is absorbed.

Olive oil for the body is the most common base for many esters.. To achieve a particular goal - a tonic or calming effect - or just for aromatization, you can add a couple of drops of the selected ester to it.

For massage, it is better to use unrefined cold-pressed olive oil.

Anti-cellulite massage mixture - 1 glass of oil is combined with 2 glasses sea ​​salt and mixes well. Before massage, parts of the body should be steamed. Apply the composition on them and gently massage for 10. Then cover with a towel and leave for another 10 minutes. Wash off with water. Do massage 2-3 times a week.

Soothing massage made with a mixture of olive oil (200 g) and lavender ether (3-4 drops).

To increase libido add 2 drops of ylang-ylang, patchouli and bergamot.

To stimulate brain activity a mixture of olive and oil and peppermint ether (2 drops per 100 g) is perfect.


Wrapping with oils helps women solve several problems - get rid of cellulite, sagging skin, reduce the volume of problem areas, increase muscle tone, remove nervous tension and the effects of stress, expel excess fluid.

This procedure has a number of contraindications. These are the days of menstruation, pregnancy and period breastfeeding, high arterial pressure, female diseases, varicose veins, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, general malaise and damage skin at the place of wrapping.

Anti-cellulite wrap

Sea salt is diluted in hot water (1: 1), combined with olive oil (1 cup), 10 drops of orange ether are added to them. Wrapping is done after a shower. Gently rub the places under the wrap with a washcloth. mixture cooled to body temperature massage movements apply to the desired areas and wrap with foil. put on top warm clothes and rest for about half an hour. To enhance the effect, you can cover yourself with a blanket. Wrapping course - 1 month 1-2 times a week. The result is the disappearance of the "orange peel".

For weight loss

Mix 250 ml of oil with juniper, lemon and lavender esters (3 drops each). Warm up the composition a little and rub it on problem areas. Wrap them in cling film, put on tight clothes, and get to work. You can do anything, it is important to move. The more movement, the greater the effect. After two hours, wash off the remaining oil with a shower and rest. The course is 2 months, 2 times a week. The result is minus a few kilograms and the absence of body fat.


In winter, for the skin parched by frost and central heating radiators, baths with olive oil will be the salvation. Exactly this the best remedy to moisturize the skin. However, it is useful to take them at any time of the year. Hydrated in this way, the skin becomes more elastic, rejuvenated and well nourished.

Moisturizing bath with milk

Mix 40 ml of oil with 1 liter of milk and pour into the bath. The water temperature should be 36-38°C. Take it within 15-20 minutes. After it, you will immediately feel how soft and tender your skin has become. You can put aside the usual body cream and rub it with the same olive oil. Such a bath prevents the appearance of stretch marks. The recommended frequency is once a week.

Hydrating bath with oranges

3 tablespoons of olive oil are mixed with the juice squeezed from 5 oranges. Pour the mixture into a bath of water at a temperature of 36-38°C. Take a bath for 20 minutes. It will not only smooth and nourish the skin, but also help with cellulite. Such baths can be taken once a week.

Masks, creams, scrubs

Body care is not limited to massages, baths and body wraps. Olive oil can be used in creams, scrubs and masks. Creams and scrubs can be prepared and stored for multiple uses. Masks are best done before applying them.

For normal skin

Body mask with mustard against cellulite

Mustard powder is diluted with olive oil to make a slurry. You can add a few drops of citrus esters to it. The skin must be cleansed before application. Especially high is the effect of its use after a bath or sauna, when the skin is well steamed. Apply for 15 minutes and rinse with water. A slight burning sensation after it can be soothed nourishing cream or chamomile tea. Apply no more than 1 time per week.

Scrub with sugar and cinnamon

It will not only benefit the skin, but also cheer you up. It will require 3 tablespoons of sugar, one third of a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Use it as needed. Such a scrub is especially good in winter, when there is not enough heat and Have a good mood. All this will give you the aroma of cinnamon. Such a homemade cosmetic product can be great gift, if it is packed in a beautiful jar.

Cream from time immemorial

It was also prepared for ancient beauties. Moisturizes, nourishes and tones the skin of the body. Natural beeswax melt in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Separately heated olive oil, combine with wax and stir until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Warm distilled water (30 ml) and add it drop by drop to the mixture. Remove from heat and stir until smooth. You can add esters of geranium or aloe, you can do with only aloe. As a result, you will get a wonderful cream, and at the same time an ointment for burns and irritations.

For oily skin

Nourishing mask with kefir

A mask of 1 teaspoon of kefir, olive oil and parsley juice for half a teaspoon will help soften and nourish the skin. By observing these proportions, you can make a larger volume of the mixture, depending on the areas of the body that you will cover with a mask. Apply to desired areas for 15-20 minutes and rinse warm water.

Scrub with salt

It is well suited for oily skin, cleanses and moisturizes it. It is prepared simply: take 200 g of sea salt, 80 ml of olive oil and 10 drops of any ether. First, the salt is mixed with base oil, then esters are added to them. AT different time years, you can make different additions. In summer, floral or citrus aroma, in winter - warm smells of cinnamon, cloves or vanilla. Rinse off with a shower.

Nutritious cream

The composition of the cream will include components:

  • 2 tablespoons of milk;
  • zest of three lemons;
  • 2 tablespoons of cucumber infusion;
  • 1 teaspoon of honey;
  • 100 ml of rose or jasmine infusion;
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil;
  • 250 ml of water.

Pour boiling water over the lemon zest and let it brew for 6-7 hours. Strain and add the rest of the ingredients in sequence. Mix thoroughly and use daily care behind the body. Apply to dry skin.

Cosmetic clay mask

You can improve the condition of the skin, especially in the decollete area, with the help of cosmetic clay and olive oil. For her, you need 1 teaspoon of clay and 1 tablespoon of oil. Apply for 15 minutes on the décolleté and neck. Washes off with warm water.

For dry skin

Curd mask

Dry skin can be hydrated with curd mask. For her, you will need fatty cottage cheese (3 tablespoons) and butter (5 tablespoons). The mask can be applied on the neck, décolleté and areas where the skin is very dry. Keep it on for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Anti-irritated skin mask with banana

Mash a quarter of a ripe banana and mix with 1 teaspoon of gruel fresh cucumber and the same amount of olive oil. It is applied to the body for 30 minutes and washed off with water. Observing the proportions, you can make any volume of the composition.

Scrub based on olive and burdock oil with added coffee

It cleanses the body very well, especially if used in a bath. It is prepared from sleeping coffee grounds and oils in equal parts. Do required amount to get a gruel, which is convenient to "scrub" the skin. For fragrance, add your favorite essential oil.

For problem skin

Problematic skin is a lot of trouble. most accessible and effective help- It's olive oil. It can be used in pure form for dry skin, replacing both day and night cream. It does not clog pores and is suitable even for oily skin. Oil, on the contrary, normalizes work sebaceous glands and shrinks pores.

The fatty acid composition of olive oil successfully deal with age spots . To do this, you need to lubricate the spots with them daily until they disappear completely.

It is no coincidence that the oil from the fruits of the olive tree was given the name "liquid gold". This product has unique nutritional properties, remarkable antioxidant and moisturizing properties, so cosmetics manufacturers often include it in the exclusive formulas of masks, creams and serums for facial skin.

How to receive

High-grade olive oil is produced using a long and labor-intensive technology using manual labor and verified over the centuries. Olive trees grow on specially treated soil without the use of chemical fertilizers and chemicals. The timing of harvesting is determined based on the set of fruits of maximum maturity, when the production liquid obtained from the olive becomes the most fragrant and oily. Before harvesting, the soil near the olive is covered so that the skin of the fallen fruits is not damaged.

The fruits of the olive tree are most often harvested by hand, trying not to damage the surface and prevent the fruit from souring, into small containers in which the crop is promptly transported for further grinding. The most important condition for the preservation maximum benefit oil is the processing of fruits on the day of collection. Before grinding, the olives enter the ventilation zone, where airing and separation of wood residues take place. Before washing, the olives are sorted according to quality, then they are driven through stone millstones, getting the oil gruel necessary for cold pressing.

The separation of the olive oil is usually carried out in one of two ways. The traditional way involves placing gruel in special mesh containers, which are placed in tiers and subjected to compression. The product of the first cold pressing is separated from the water due to the difference in densities. Modern Method involves the separation of the oil and water phases by centrifugation.

After settling, the final product is carefully checked to determine the categorization. Oil that does not meet the requirements of the highest category is subjected to refining, in which the final removal of impurity compounds occurs. Olive pomace, subjected to heat treatment with special chemicals, is used to produce a cheaper refined product.


Natural oil contains a whole range of important nutrients for the human body. The product has a high content of monounsaturated fatty acids, especially oleic acid. Olive oil also contains flavonoids, vitamin E and provitamin A.

Oil, as a nutraceutical supplement, has a positive effect on all systems of the human body and individual organs. After applying olive oil, for example, tissue regeneration is noticeably activated, an active synthesis of amino acids begins: arginine and lysine, which contribute to the production of the necessary energy by the body.

Useful properties for the skin

Unrefined olive oil has a huge potential for skin of any type, nourishing, moisturizing and protective properties. Ancient peoples of the Mediterranean and European countries, where the year-round hot sun actively dries the skin and hairline, well understood the benefits of olive tree oil and used it after gymnastics and bath procedures to give the face and body a smooth sleek look. Later, on the basis of olive fruits, they began to make lappings designed to soften, moisturize and smooth the skin of the face and decollete, massage products, as well as aromatic compositions.

AT modern world the precious product is readily used by perfumery and cosmetic concerns for the production of nourishing masks and moisturizers that are beneficial to the skin. Funds that include a storehouse natural vitamins and fatty acids, rejuvenate, tone and protect the epidermis from harmful influence environment.

You can learn more about the benefits of using olive oil for the face in the following video.


Surprisingly, olive oil, being an active natural product to maintain youth and beauty, in some cases it can be harmful to health. Before using pure oil or cosmetic product with an oil formula, people prone to allergy manifestations need to check the reaction of the body. To do this, apply a large number of to an area with thin sensitive skin eg behind the ear. If none allergic reaction did not arise, the remedy can be safely used.

Before using oil preparations on skin with severely enlarged pores, you need to thoroughly cleanse your face and try to narrow the pores. by special means. Otherwise, the oil film may further clog the pores already contaminated with sebum and dust, resulting in inflammatory process on the skin.

The oil should be used with caution on very oily, glossy facial skin prone to inflammation and rashes. In any case, you must first test the effect of the oil-containing agent.

Application in cosmetology

Olive oil, which has universal properties, in its pure form or as a component of care formulations cosmetic preparations performs the following functions:

  • promotes effective cleaning and maintaining the integrity of the structure of the epidermis;
  • restores beautiful view problem oily skin;
  • maintains oil balance and helps moisturize very dry skin prone to flaking;
  • heals and rejuvenates the epidermis in case of signs of aging;
  • regenerates the skin, suffering from production factors, household and seasonal temperature and humidity changes;
  • softens the negative impact on the skin of solar beach insolation and artificial tanning in the solarium.
  • helps to achieve good elasticity of the tissue and the acquisition of skin tone in the process of therapeutic and prophylactic massage.

Recipes for effective masks

The most simple and effective methods facial skin care at home, cosmetologists consider proper cleansing and the use of masks. To achieve the greatest effect, it is better to use slightly warmed olive oil.

It is advisable to wipe the face daily with a cotton pad with warm oil in the morning an hour before going outside and in the evening before going to bed. To remove excess product from skin prone to dryness, you can use a damp towel. Excess oil from oily skin gets wet easily paper napkin. The procedure contributes to the best opening and cleaning of pores, refreshes the skin. In order to enhance the effect, care can be completed by applying a moisturizer.

Regular use instead of cream oil treatment of delicate skin around the eyes, allows you to eliminate the network of fine wrinkles, get rid of deep mimic " crow's feet". The product is applied in a thin layer without effort and left for about half an hour, then you need to slightly blot the excess with a napkin.

Having set itself the goal of obtaining an unusually elastic and smooth skin face and body, you must constantly apply a mixture of pureed avocado with olive oil at a rate of one to one. Apply a mask to clean skin and wait a quarter of an hour. Remove the rest with a damp towel.

Health normal type the skin will be supported by a slurry of one tablespoon of rice, oatmeal or wheat flour with a spoonful of olive oil. The mask must be gently applied to the face, neck and upper part chest. After holding for about 20 minutes, remove the remaining mixture with warm water, then with water room temperature.

A slurry of olive oil taken in equal parts and any fruit puree applied to previously cleansed skin of the face and décolleté. The product is kept for a quarter of an hour, then washed with warm water.

Sensitive dermis can be gently nourished with a mask consisting of one crushed fresh cucumber mixed with half a banana and two tablespoons of olive oil. The nutrient substance is applied for 25 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

A mixture of egg yolk, a spoonful of olive oil and a spoonful of aloe juice, applied for 15 minutes, actively acts and revitalizes the face with a dry skin type. After use, the remnants of the product should be washed off with warm water.

Olive oil for the face has been used for a very long time, since people discovered the amazing properties of this truly miraculous product. it indispensable tool used in the manufacture of modern cosmetic products intended for gentle care behind the face, hair, body and skin of the hands.

Olive oil has a cleansing, tonic and rejuvenating effect, the ability to accelerate the process of cell regeneration, as a result of which it is possible to preserve the natural firmness, elasticity and youthfulness of the skin for a long time. Regular use of natural olive oil helps to smooth fine lines and prevents the appearance of new ones.

According to the results of research by French scientists, olive oil fats have an identity with those that form sebum. It is this property that explains the fact that olive oil effectively relieves redness, irritation and inflammation of the skin, and also prevents its peeling, dryness and aging. Due to the fact that the oil easily penetrates the capillaries of the skin, it is often used as a conductor to create various essential compositions.

Benefits of olive oil for skin

Olive oil is useful for the face, primarily due to its unique composition, which contains vitamins A, B, E, D, K, monounsaturated fats, phosphatides and phospholipids, as well as other substances that stimulate metabolic processes in the skin and improve blood microcirculation. This product is ideal for problematic, dry, sensitive facial skin, and is also often used in cosmetic products to care for aging skin. And this is not surprising, because olive oil perfectly moisturizes, softens, nourishes the skin, helps to maintain its natural elasticity. Regular use of olive oil has been proven to smooth out wrinkles.

It is not for nothing that olive oil is called “liquid gold” in another way - its composition is so useful! It should be noted that many women from Ancient Greece used this remedy to preserve the youthfulness of their skin. And today this trend continues, especially among connoisseurs of environmentally friendly, natural products.

The benefits of olive oil for facial skin are the usefulness of its components:

  • Vitamin A - perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, normalizes subcutaneous circulation;
  • Vitamin E - a universal antioxidant, plays a significant role in cell renewal, evens out the skin texture and prevents its aging;
  • Phosphatides - contain a lot of sugars and hold water well;
  • Phospholipids - play an important role in the construction of cell membranes, and also take Active participation in exchange processes;
  • Unsaponifiable substances (sterols, carotenoids, cocopherols) - have pronounced skin regenerating and soothing properties;
  • Fatty acids (saturated and unsaturated: palmitic, stearic, linoleic, etc.) - form a film that has protective functions and protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and low temperatures;
  • Squalene is a humectant;
  • Trace elements (copper, iron, calcium) - neutralize harmful effect free radicals, which cause the skin to fade quickly.

Olive oil is effective for sunburn due to its antibacterial and emollient properties. It is indispensable for high-quality hydration and healing of the skin of the face and body.

Harm of olive oil for the face

Olive oil for the face is actively used in modern cosmetology how effective remedy for skin care requiring hydration, toning and nourishment.

Everyone knows about the benefits of olive oil. But many are interested in the question of whether there is any harm to olive oil for the face? It should be noted that there are practically no “cons” in its use. Only important condition- this is the use of oil for its intended purpose and in optimal amount. In rare cases, an allergic reaction of the body to olive oil is possible. To prevent possible allergies or individual intolerance, before using the product, you should test it on the wrist.

It is important to endure right time when applying masks from olive oil to the skin of the face. So, you need to keep the mask for no more than 40 minutes, and it is best to wash off with water at room temperature, slightly acidified lemon juice. If the mask is used to care for oily skin, it must contain citrus fruits, fruit juices, or dairy products with a minimum of fat content. Those who have increased production sebum It is not recommended to abuse products containing olive oil.

In addition, olive oil should not be used frequently when caring for a young problematic skin faces. It is important to take into account the period of use of olive oil - it should not exceed 2-3 weeks, because due to the oil film, the water-fat balance of the skin may be disturbed and so-called. "comedones" (blackheads), - in other words, blockage of the sebaceous glands may occur. Olive oil is not compatible with any creams, as mixing the oily film with cream ingredients will worsen the skin condition.

Applying olive oil to the face

Olive oil for the face is used by many women at home to gently cleanse, nourish and moisturize the skin, both in its pure, in kind, and as the main component in the preparation of various masks.

The use of olive oil for the face in its pure form is primarily aimed at cleansing and moisturizing the skin in the morning and evening hours. To carry out such cosmetic procedures, the oil must first be heated in a small container placed in hot water. After that, moisten a cotton swab in it, gently wipe the skin of the face, leave for 15 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly. boiled water warm, or pat dry with paper towels. If you perform the procedure just before bedtime, then the oil does not have to be washed off, so the skin (especially dry) will receive even more moisture.

To care for oily skin, after cleansing with olive oil after 10-20 minutes, it is recommended to rinse your face with cool water. It must be emphasized that olive oil in its warm form removes well decorative cosmetics from the face. Thus, it can be used as a natural makeup remover.

With the help of olive oil, you can take care of the delicate skin around the eyes, which requires special hydration, since it is often in this area of ​​​​the face that signs of skin aging and the first wrinkles appear. The procedure is quite simple: it is necessary to lubricate the skin around the eyes with slightly warm olive oil, while massaging them with fingertips. After that, the oil should be left to soak into the skin for half an hour (you can overnight), and then remove the excess oil with a dry cloth.

Cosmetic olive oil for face

Olive oil for the face is used in modern cosmetic procedures as well as care products various types skin. It is interesting to know that the famous ancient Greek physician Claudius Galen (date of birth - 130 AD) was the first creator of the cream. He used olive oil for his cream.

Cosmetic olive oil for the face is a popular component of all kinds of creams, balms, scrubs, lotions, masks, soaps, makeup removers. Delicately penetrating the skin, the oil helps to soften it, as well as transport nutrients to the epidermis zone. Most often in cosmetic composition included not natural oil base, and an extract in the form of lanolin, which contains a complex of vitamins, as well as minerals and useful antioxidants. Perfectly proven in our time cosmetics based on olive oil famous brands. For example, a face mask from AVON "Paradise Moisturizing" of the "Planet SPA" series; cream gel from A'kin for mixed and fatty type skin "Vital Hydration"; soap from Yves Rocher"Les Plaisirs Nature" (for dry skin), etc.

Due to the fact that olive oil contains special substances squalane and squalene, it is used in anti-aging products - masks for the face and neck, with which you can eliminate small wrinkles and reduce the number of deep age wrinkles. Phenols are another unique component of olive oil. They help slow down the aging process, make the skin of the face smoother, more elastic and silky. The amazing properties of olive oil allow it to be used to create face and body creams with UV protection. If there was no means at hand for safe tanning, you can safely use olive oil - the tan will fall on the skin beautifully and evenly. Surprisingly, even men can use olive oil for the face, after lubricating their skin with it before shaving. Thus, the oil will protect the skin from damage and irritation, as well as facilitate the process itself.

Cosmetologists advise paying attention to cosmetic products with olive oil, especially for those who have signs of fading and dry skin.

Olive oil face masks

Olive oil for the face is very often used in folk recipes in order to prepare all kinds of masks for caring care for both dry and combination or aging skin, for toning, additional moisturizing and vitamin nutrition face, smoothing mimic wrinkles. One of the main properties of olive oil is careful protection skin from negative impact sun, wind, unfavorable ecology and other environmental factors. Olive oil - 100% natural product, therefore, care for delicate facial skin with its help will be of high quality and very effective.

What are olive oil face masks? Modern recipes below are very popular with many women. Moreover, cooking various masks from olive oil is possible in normal household conditions.

  • For thorough moisturizing of dry facial skin, pure olive oil is used, which should be slightly warmed up in a small container, and then applied to the face, after cleansing the skin with a tonic or lotion. After 20 minutes, the remaining amount of oil must be removed with a clean cloth. Problem areas faces that are most often flaky should be lubricated with oil more often - up to 4 times a day.
  • For additional nutrition of dry facial skin, it is recommended to thoroughly mix a special gruel prepared from fresh vegetables or fruits with olive oil - 1 tbsp each. spoonful of each ingredient. The resulting mixture should be gently applied to the face, hold for 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly with warm water. To prepare gruel, the pulp of melon, banana, apricot, etc. is usually used. In this case, it is best to give preference to cucumber, grated carrots, potatoes, zucchini, etc. This mask is ideal for toning combination skin faces. For this purpose, you can use the pulp of an apple, peach, citrus, kiwi, watermelon, grapes and other fruits.
  • To delicately soften the skin, fatty cottage cheese and olive oil (in a ratio of 1: 2) are used - everything is mixed well. ready mix should be gently applied to the face, and after 25-30 minutes. wash off with warm water. Honey can be added to such a curd-olive mixture - you get an effective remedy for moisturizing aging skin that needs special care.
  • A mask with a whitening effect is prepared by mixing low-fat cottage cheese in equal portions, carrot juice, milk and olive oil. The mixture should be thoroughly rubbed in the palms, and then generously applied to the face. After 15 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm water, and the skin of the face is rubbed with a piece of ice. This procedure helps to rejuvenate and effectively moisturize the skin.
  • To care for delicate, sensitive skin, a soothing mask is used, which is prepared quite simply: for this, you need to mix cucumber and banana, grated on a fine grater. Pour 2 tbsp into the prepared slurry. spoons of olive oil, apply the mask on the face, and after half an hour wash off its remnants with cool water.
  • To prolong the youthfulness of facial skin, cosmetic clay mixed with 1-2 teaspoons of olive oil is often used. The mask should be applied for 15-20 minutes, after which the unabsorbed residues should be washed off with cool water.
  • Anti-aging mask is prepared by mixing equal doses of olive oil with lemon juice. This mixture is applied to the face with a cotton pad or swab - it is very effective against wrinkles.

Even a simple lubrication of the skin with olive oil in its natural, pure form will certainly help to rejuvenate and moisturize the face, smooth fine wrinkles and prevent the formation of new ones. Therefore, such a natural useful product, like olive oil, is very popular with women seeking to preserve their natural beauty.

Olive oil for the face is an excellent moisturizer and protective agent. It helps to improve the condition of dry skin and get rid of peeling, making it velvety and soft.

The benefits of olive oil

The composition of olive oil includes a large amount of vitamins of youth - A and E. Vitamin E directly contributes to the prevention of aging, and vitamin A - moisturizing the skin and improving elasticity. In addition, olive oil is rich in other equally beneficial vitamins for the skin (including B, D and K) and monounsaturated fats, which effectively improve skin condition.

It is especially useful to use olive oil if you are the owner of dry and aging skin. Since it perfectly softens, nourishes, moisturizes the skin and helps to retain moisture for a long time. In addition, it accelerates the regeneration (recovery) of skin cells, which also contributes to rejuvenation and getting rid of wrinkles.

Olive oil is anti-allergic and therefore can be used even for sensitive skin.

Indications and contraindications for the use of olive oil

In order for the use of olive oil for facial skin to give a really positive result, you must be able to use it for cosmetic purposes at home. There is no need to be afraid to use it due to the fact that the oil has a thick, oily texture that leaves a greasy feeling on the skin. The main thing is to know about the rules for the use of olive oil, its indications and contraindications.

Wiping your face with olive oil and using a variety of cosmetics based on it is necessary for dry skin, the appearance of flaky spots, after visiting a solarium and relaxing at sea

Olive oil has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the product. In addition, it is not recommended to use this oil for young skin care.

How to use olive oil for face at home

Olive oil can be used as a cleanser in the mornings and evenings, as well as instead of a cream for dry and aging skin of the face and décolleté. To do this, slightly heat the required amount of oil in a water bath, soak a cotton swab in it and gently wipe the skin. Wash off with warm water after 30 minutes.

Olive oil is an excellent remedy for crow's feet. At least 2 times a day, apply it to the skin around the eyes with light patting movements of the fingers. Leave on for 20-30 minutes, then remove excess oil with a clean, soft cloth. Thanks to this procedure, small wrinkles will be smoothed out.

If you mix olive oil with a small amount fine sea salt, you get gorgeous, natural scrub for dry skin of the face and décolleté.

If your skin is very flaky, lubricate problem areas with olive oil several times a day.

Olive oil masks for dry skin

To prepare moisturizing and nourishing mask for dry skin, mix 2 tablespoons of crushed cucumber pulp and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Apply the resulting composition on the face and hold for 15-20 minutes, then wash with warm water.

cucumber in this recipe masks can be replaced with bell pepper or potatoes

For cooking vitamin mask mix 1 tablespoon of the pulp of any fruits and vegetables (melon, banana, persimmon, black currant, lingonberry, gooseberry, apricot, radish, potato, cucumber, cabbage, carrot, bell pepper, zucchini) and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Apply for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Based on olive oil, you can also prepare a mask for aging skin.

For this you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon fat curd
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Apply the resulting composition to the skin and hold for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

You can talk endlessly about olive oil, and still, it is difficult to list all of them. beneficial features. At home, olive oil can be a real panacea for self-care. Recipes with olive oil for hair and hands, nails and body, legs and face skin will help you gain a second youth and make it much easier daily care behind you.

Eyelid mask with olive oil

This mask is very simple: just lubricate the skin around the eyelids with slightly warmed olive oil. And then you need to lightly massage the skin with your fingertips. Do not overdo it - the movements should be light and accurate.

After such a mask and massage, you need to rest and lie down for 30-40 minutes, and then remove excess oil from the skin with a paper towel or cotton pad.

Make such an eye mask every evening, and you will see how fine wrinkles disappear, and the skin becomes smooth and tender.

Anti-cellulite body scrub with olive oil

To prepare this scrub at home, you need to take 5 tablespoons of medium-sized non-sea salt and mix with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Then grate one small grapefruit along with the peel on a coarse grater and add the resulting mass to the mixture with salt and oil. Mix all ingredients for scrub until smooth.

The resulting scrub should be applied before taking a shower on an already wet body, then rub it into the skin for 3-4 minutes. in a circular motion. The scrub is washed off with a shower gel or liquid soap.

Bath Blend with Olive Oil

Baths with olive oil are literally miraculous: the skin becomes smooth and tender. Instead of taking such a bath, you can simply rub the skin of the body with olive oil - this will wash to avoid stretch marks, serve excellent prevention the appearance of cellulite and significantly improve the condition of the skin.

To prepare a bath, mix 50 ml of olive oil with 50 ml of milk and mix this mixture with water in the prepared bath.

Softening hand mask with olive oil

To prepare such a mask, you need to take 2 teaspoons of honey, add 1 teaspoon of olive oil and egg yolk, then grind everything thoroughly until smooth.

Apply the resulting composition to your hands, put on cotton gloves and leave for half an hour. Then you need to wash off the mask with warm water and treat the skin of the hands with a nourishing cream.

Olive Oil Nail Mask

This mask not only strengthens the nails well, but also softens the cuticle, preventing burrs from forming.

To prepare a hand mask, mix 100 ml of olive oil with the juice of 1 lemon in a small bowl, add 10 drops of lemon essential oil. Then dip your nails into this composition and hold the mask for 15-20 minutes. This procedure is recommended to be repeated 1-2 times a week, and the result will not be slow to appear - you will see how strong and beautiful your nails have become.

Olive oil hair mask

This mask is especially indicated for weakened and split hair after coloring or perming.

To prepare the mask, you will need 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of natural (apple or grape) vinegar, or 1 teaspoon of non-candied light honey.

Mix all the components for the mask and beat well with a blender, and then apply the resulting mass on the scalp and all hair. Then you need to wrap your head cling film or polyethylene and cover with a scarf or towel.

Keep the mask for 15-20 minutes, and then wash it off with warm water and a shampoo suitable for your hair type.

If you make this mask every week, you will see for yourself how beautiful and healthy your hair will become.

Olive oil mask for hair growth

If you have problems with hair growth or if your hair starts to fall out, we recommend making a nourishing olive oil hair mask on a regular basis.

To prepare it, 4 tablespoons of olive oil must be mixed with 2 egg yolks and 1 tablespoon brandy. Then apply the resulting mixture on the scalp and lightly massage the head with light movements for 3-5 minutes.

Wrap your head with a film and a towel. Keep the mask on your head for at least half an hour to an hour, and then rinse with warm water with the addition of a shampoo suitable for your hair type.