Styling on a bob square hair. How to make volume on a bob haircut. Features of creating a bob square hairstyle at home. Layered variation using different lengths. Retro waves in styling

Classics will never go out of style and long bob is one of those options that will always and under any circumstances be relevant. The extended version of the Bob hairstyle features asymmetrical lines, which provides ease of styling.

Star beauties have long appreciated the convenience and beauty of this haircut and easily go under the lenses of photographers around the world, demonstrating various textures and variations of Bob's hairstyle. various possibilities styling, depending on the occasion, mood and season.

Laying in waves combed back. One of the most simple ways transform your appearance(without the use of scissors) it is just unusual to style the hair. The elongated bob lends itself easily to minor modifications. For example, you can create light waves with a hair dryer and tuck the strands behind the ears. This option is quite relevant in hot summer season, but also in winter it is appropriate in those cases when you need to open your face so that nothing interferes with seeing it in all its glory.

To create such a styling, there is certain nuances... Start by dividing your hair into sections. Use a hair dryer to style your hair in the right direction. Next, apply enough hairspray directly to the roots to hold the strands in place. Add texture to your long bob by lightly fluffing up the hair with your hands. Finally, run the curling iron in some places where the strands are too straight.

Now let's move on. A strict and easy-to-use version of hair straightening and a deep side parting. Keep in mind the deeper, the more original and mysterious. Just do not forget to firmly fix the hair at the roots with a strong fixation varnish, otherwise at the slightest breath of breeze you will lose the location of the parting.

Careless low beam... This hairstyle is convenient for quick picks: if you urgently need to walk the dog or run to the nearest supermarket. You can easily tidy up your hair cut under an elongated bob.

Start by separating the hair, forming low side sections. Apply a small amount of texture spray over the entire length of the hair. Then, use your fingers to pull your hair into the sleazy low tail... The next step is to curl your hair to create a deliberately messy, low bun. The texture spray prepared the hair for such a hairstyle with high quality, you do not have to comb a bun to give it a deliberate sloppy look... Finally, you can use several invisible strands to fix the naughty protruding strands, or you can not touch them, because all the elements of the beam (including the street ones) contribute to general form sloppy bun... As, for example, in the photo below:

Half beam. Another option for home socks for an elongated bob hairstyle is to collect half of the hairstyle in a bun to remove falling strands from the face.

The first step is to separate the top and bottom of the hair. Ideally, the top should be 5 cm above the ears. Make a small bun out of this part in the form of a loop: just by making a ponytail, leave the end in an elastic band. With the hair straightener you can create small waves that will gently frame your face.

Delicate curves. A bob haircut looks good on straight hair if you add gentle curves to it, combined with straight strands.

This quick way chic styling elongated Bob, subject to any beauty. You can style your hair yourself without difficulty. Start by blow-drying your hair at the highest setting. Try to add volume at the roots and large waves at the top of the hair.

Lay the middle tier as if the wind ruffled the curls in different sides... Use a large curling iron to do this. Just wrap your hair around the barrel in reverse side on behalf of. But don't wrap your hair completely, do it about a quarter. Let the hair go quickly and do not hold it on the tongs for too long. Beat the curls a little with your hands. Leave the bottom row straight. If your hair is naturally curly, then straighten it.

Emphasize individuality An elongated bob always looks different. This largely depends on the thickness of the hair or its color. If you consider your natural shade boring and want to add a touch of extravagance to your appearance, while not shocking others, then a combination of such an off-scale blond shade is what you need to achieve your goal.

For those who prefer naturalness in everything, you can advantageously combine natural makeup, chocolate toning of hair and their volume. Take Halle Berry as a standard, whose unfading beauty becomes more and more attractive every day and every year.

Each of these hairstyles has already been used by world stars. And why are you worse? Feel free to experiment in front of the mirror. Your beauty deserves it.

A bob haircut is in great demand today. One of the reasons for such popularity is the ability to make a variety of styling. Curls, curls, splendor and elegance, straight or asymmetrical parting - every lady can choose a hairstyle to her taste.

Elements and means for styling a square

For a long time it has been entrenched in fashion trends. With the help of some tools and styling products, you can make beautiful hairstyle square at home.

For this you will need:

  • thermal protective preparation for styling;
  • foam (or mousse);
  • modeling wax;
  • varnish (spray).

The composition for styling is selected depending on the chosen hairstyle, as well as the modification of the haircut. Thin strands are treated with mousse light shades... Foam adds volume to the hairstyle. The lacquer fixes the styling result. If it is light fixing, then it can be used daily, medium - used in the evening, strong - suitable for special occasions.

For styling at home, you need tools:

  • combs and brushes: smooth, brushing (round), spikul (for fleece);
  • hair dryer having multiple speed modes;
  • curling iron;
  • iron (straight and to create a corrugation);
  • curlers of medium or large diameter;
  • invisible hairpins;
  • decorative headbands, flowers.

Options for styling the square

The square always looks stylish. But often a young lady with such fashionable haircut wonders how a square can be styled to become irresistible and feminine. It should be borne in mind that the hairstyle option depends on the structure of the curls. For example, straight hair can be twisted outward or inward, wavy hair can be straightened with an iron. Other important condition- sufficient volume. However, its overabundance will make the head of the doll. Insufficient volume will give the impression of unkempt hair. So try to find the golden mean... Tucking the strand behind the ear makes the bow feel relaxed.

Let's consider in more detail different options styling.

Express car

You can quickly lay a square as follows:

  1. Apply styling spray to clean hair.
  2. Create a side parting and secure the hair with clips, as shown in the photo.
  3. Dry your hair with a hair dryer.

The fastest way to style a bob is to collect clean hair in a messy bun.


The straight parting goes well with the square. However, it doesn't suit everyone. This item hairstyles fit young ladies with perfect facial features. Otherwise, the parting focuses on imperfection. Therefore, you can make a side parting that looks very stylish. In addition, this detail of the hairstyle is able to hide the asymmetry of the face.


  1. Using a hair dryer and brushing, twist each strand in turn, directing the air stream downward. You should start from the back of the head, gradually moving towards the temporal zones.
  2. Lift the curls in the area of ​​the crown with a brush at the roots and also dry with a hairdryer.
  3. Make a parting with the end of the spikul. Comb the hair from the parting in different directions.

Fix the result with varnish.

On a note! A bob with slightly elongated front strands looks interesting and advantageous.

Hair back

An interesting idea is to style your hair back with mousse and hairspray. This styling looks very elegant. If it is supplemented with a fleece or a rim, then it will turn into a festive one. The method is simple, you only need means to fix the hairstyle and round comb... Execution time - 30 minutes.

Moisten clean, dry hair with foam. Comb the hair back and fix the shape with varnish. The back hairstyle shows the whole face, for this reason the makeup must be flawless.

"Air" square

Light and airy curls will add a touch of playfulness and romance to the square. This styling is ideal for an evening walk or going to the cinema.

Tighten the hair of the temporoparietal zone with a curling iron. Divide the strands on the back of the head into parts and stab them with invisible ones. Next, you should collect the hair from the sides and from the crown into a ponytail. Hide its end under an elastic band and also stab it with an invisible one. Lay out the remaining curls from the fronto-parietal zone light curls... Be sure to fix the hair with a medium hold spray to preserve the created masterpiece for a long time.

With waves (ripple)

Ripple is a nozzle for a curling iron that turns curls into small waves.

Stages of work:

  1. Wash hair and pat dry with a towel.
  2. Moisturize hair with a thermal protective compound, then blow dry. Divide the mop into equal strands and secure them with clamps.
  3. Go through each strand with a corrugated iron.

Note! A fashionable texture can be made not only by the volume of the haircut, but also on individual strands.


To make curls, you need to perform the following sequential steps:

  1. Squeeze a small amount of modeling composition into the palm of your hand and distribute evenly over the hair.
  2. Alternately, strand by strand, wind the hair on the curling iron, holding it in an upright position. You should start from the bottom occipital zone moving up through the crown to the bangs.
  3. Leave one temporal strand straight, tucking it behind the ear.

After wrapping, comb through the hair with your fingers and spray with a spray. The result is admirable.

Step-by-step implementation of the hairstyle:

  1. On clean, damp curls, mark the parting (oblique or straight).
  2. The curls on both sides of the parting should be divided into strands of the same width and fastened with hairdressing clips.
  3. Dissolve one selected bunch and align with an iron. You need to grab the strands closer to the roots, warming up the entire strand gradually going down to the ends.
  4. So handle everything with a shock.

Do not comb the resulting hairstyle - just wave your head several times so that the hair looks natural.

The square fits quickly and looks gorgeous. For example, a romantic bow, which is created from curled strands, is suitable for a party. Moisturize your hair with serum or foam. Take several pieces of cloth of any thickness and length. Twist strands of hair on them, fixing the resulting bundles at the roots. After about 3 hours, when the curls are dry, carefully pull out the ribbons. Comb the wavy hair with a sparse-toothed comb on one side, lightly sprinkle with a spray. This hairstyle looks very gentle.

If there is no time to create curls, then it will come to the rescue decorative bezel in tone evening dress... The main condition is freshly washed hair. Dry your hair with a hairdryer, tilting your head forward. Comb, giving the hair the right direction. Put a headband on your head, then spray your hair with a spray with a shine effect a couple of times.

To create such a hairstyle, dry clean, wet curls slightly, lubricate with foam, then wind on large curlers... You can create volume with a brush and a hair dryer. Use tongs to form large curls... When they are ready, comb through the hair and comb at the roots. Next, smooth your hair. massage brush giving the hair the right direction. Slightly fix everything with medium hold varnish.

You can decorate such a bob hairstyle with a beautiful hoop or fabric flowers.

Alternatively, focus on the torn bangs: use modeling wax to lay it in separate strands.

Graduated square

The owner of the graduated square is lucky: the haircut will add volume to the hair. The installation itself takes no more than a quarter of an hour. Dry wet hair a hairdryer with a round brush. Then brush the strands at the roots. Do not get carried away with extra volume, otherwise you will get a puppet image. The ends of the hair can be styled with a modeling agent.

Can be done with a straight or side parting. Clean hair moistened with a spray and dried with a hairdryer. In this case, the ends of the hair must be bent inward with a brush. Sprinkle the finished hairstyle with varnish. There should not be a lot of styling products, as this will make the strands heavier.

Allows you to create a versatile hairstyle that is relevant both for an evening event and for work. To balance the long strands of the face, it is recommended to comb the crown of the head. A zigzag parting will look good.

Advice! To make it easier to comb long curls, it is advisable to use styling products.

On the leg

Today there are those that differ in the cutting technology, the selected hair length, as well as the contour of the leg itself. The haircut will look unbeatable if you add volume in the crown area.

First you need to decide how to style your bangs, since this element of the hairstyle is very important. A bang combed to one side is suitable for a curly mop. Bangs with profiled ends are relevant, as shown in the photo.

According to stylists, owners of short, straight bangs can make the rest of their hair straight. In this case, an iron is used.

Please note! Too short bangs retracts with rim.

No bangs

The square looks great with or without bangs. If a long bang is combed back and stabbed with a decorative hairpin, then this will visually lengthen the face.

Alternatively, leave your hair loose by making a central or side parting. The parting line can be straight or zigzag, it all depends on the girl's desire.

It is beneficial in that its styling will take a woman a little time. Hair dried by a blow dryer can be combed to one side, then a little foam can be driven into the ends of the hair and fixed with a spray. For short asymmetrical square you can think of a lot different hairstyles available for home exercise.

For medium hair

Try to collect a square in a tight ponytail and fix it with an elastic band. Comb the loose ends with a bobbin and sprinkle with varnish.

A great option for - create wavy curls, a long bangs braid with a scythe, let it go from the side and fasten it on the back of the head with an invisible one.

If the bob has bangs and torn strands framing the face, then this haircut is self-sufficient. Such option will do women with thin hair.

Long square

To lay down long square, you should arm yourself with a hairdryer and a round massage. Dry hair with a hairdryer, combing the strands and at the same time directing a stream of air from the roots to the ends, bending them inward. Make an oblique or parted part. You can leave a bang.

Thus, if you have the desire and a little patience, then you can make an amazing styling from a bob haircut. Feel free to experiment and you will get great results. Good luck!

The square has been fixed in fashion trends for a long time. With the help of some hairstyle devices, as well as some tools, you can make a bob styling at home, both for going out on a hot day and for a restaurant.

Laying to yourself

In order to get the caret styling at home for oneself, the following tools are required:

  • foam;
  • mousse;

Based on what kind of styling needs to be done and what kind of hair is in structure, such a tool should be chosen. The mousse is suitable for the structure of light-colored hair, fine strands. Foam gives a certain volume. And the varnish is usually applied at the end of the styling of the curls. Light fixing varnish is used in daily use. Average - evening styling... Strong fixation - celebrations.

Tools required for home styling

  • Comb. Smooth, round, dividing.
  • Hair dryer. There should be several speeds. The fastest speed is the main process. At the end, the slowest speed.
  • Curling iron. Required to create identical curls.
  • Curlers.
  • Iron. Straight and corrugated.

Security measures

Security measures. Unplug electrical appliances when finished.

Spray the varnish 20 cm from the head, closing the eyes.

Fast technique

Quick styling of a square at home includes several rules that must be followed in any case.

  • Wash your hair.
  • Dry them a little with a towel.
  • Using a comb, stretch the mousse or foam along the entire length.
  • The hair, which is divided into parts, is pinned.

Styling options

The options for styling bob hairstyles at home are varied.

Express car

With this styling, a woman spends 15 minutes. Foam is applied to slightly wet strands and dried, while the hair is pulled down. This forms the volume of the hairstyle. After the head is raised, you should straighten the curls and sprinkle everything with varnish.

Slanting caret

This styling will take up to a quarter of an hour. Apply mousse to dry curls and smooth it over the entire length. Then divide the curls into equal parts and apply an iron. For a softer style, the ends should be wrapped inward.


This type of stacking is more for work. It takes a little time. A foaming agent is applied to slightly dried hair. Dry the curls, hair is all on the side. Taking an even comb, make a parting. At the end, fix everything with varnish.

Square back

Beautiful styling of a square at home for going to the cinema or a summer cafe on the street. It will take half an hour. Apply foam to damp curls. With a comb round shape comb all the curls back. Then apply hairspray over the hair.

Light square

A very quick procedure. This hairstyle makes the fashionista irresistible and attracts the views of others. Time for it is 20 minutes. Apply mousse to wet curls. Dry everything with a hairdryer. While drying, curls should be pressed to the hand. And then straighten your hair in a chaotic manner. It is required to sprinkle varnish on top.


This styling is versatile. It is suitable for any occasion and for everyday shopping. The time spent on it is 1 hour. On wet hair apply foam. Hair strands need to be divided equally into several parts. Now the corrugation iron will be used. Step by step, each curl needs to be ironed. At the end, you can spray over the hair with varnish. A good option is to wind your hair into small braids.

Curled styling

Curls for the evening. The time required for a hairstyle is about an hour. Dried hair must be treated completely with mousse, each strand of hair should be wound on a curling iron. Finished curls need to be sprinkled with varnish. Instead of a curling iron, you can take curlers, but the whole process will take longer.

Graduated square

Laying a graduated square at home is done in several ways. It takes 10 minutes for it. Styling can be as much as the fantasy of a girl with such a haircut plays. After all, uneven strands can be styled in different ways, depending on where the fashionista is going. It will be an evening trip to the theater or an afternoon shopping.

Bob car

Styling a bob square at home has 2 types of styling:

1. Parted. This styling requires patience because the parting should be perfectly straight and centered on the head. Hair dryer should be dried in strands. The hair dryer needs to be brought a little to the base of the hair, and the curls themselves should be pulled up. Then you get the right volume.

2. With a side parting, it is better to use an iron, and pin the hair on the side. At the end of the installation, you must use varnish.

Long square

Styling an elongated square at home is in the classic way... Apply a little mousse on not dry hair, dry with a hairdryer. This requires the use of a round massage. At the end of the procedure, the hair should be sprinkled with varnish.

Another way to cut a bob with long hair. This damp hair with applied mousse needs to be dried from all sides. Then make a parting (at the choice of a fashionista - where) and use varnish.

With a bang

Styling a square with bangs at home should be more scrupulous. After the hairstyle is almost ready, you need to tidy up the bangs. It is different for everyone - long and short, oblique and ragged. Therefore, this styling is unique for every woman of fashion.

Long bangs can be combed to one side, slightly covering the eyebrow. In the end, everything needs to be completely varnished. If the bangs are short, you can lift them up and make them a little tousled. But if this option does not suit the girl, then she can simply be made even, again by raising a little at the base.

No bangs

Laying a square without a bang at home should contain, first of all, volume. Further, it is possible to divide the hair into 2 sides either in the center of the head or obliquely. Parting with a snake looks very good. Styling short square at home requires the implementation of the main rule - the presence of volume. If this rule is not followed, the haircut will not be spectacular.

Magic bob! With or without bangs, short, elongated, asymmetrical, even - the hairstyle remains a favorite among Hollywood stars for a long time.

But even if you are not part of the Hollywood elite, this versatile hairstyle for those who cannot decide between the choice of short or long hair. And many of the fair sex prefer a bob haircut.

As a rule, it is easy, which is called "maintaining". With a "successful" haircut, done by a good master, it does not take a lot of skill to style a bob haircut in stylish hairstyle even at home. True, the shorter the haircut and the clearer and smoother its lines, the more often your visits to the hairdresser should be (once every four weeks) and less often for those who have an elongated bob (every six to eight weeks).

Styling bob haircuts: the best stellar samples

Smooth or curly bob: See how changeable this versatile haircut is.

Marley Shelton

  • Start by shampooing, apply a light styling agent and dry the strands as in the previous case.

  • You can apply an iron if necessary. Working quickly from the bottom up, be sure to hold the straightener with the plates tightly at an angle, creating a gentle curve at the ends.

  • Tuck the hair on the smaller side of the side part behind the ear.

Eli Larter

For those who are easy to handle with irons, you can deal with "flat iron", everything else is better to use large curling iron to create natural waves.

Emily Blunt

After shampooing, part in a straight part. And let only air work on your styling ( environment or from a hair dryer).

January Jones

Here you can use a hair dryer and a round brush. While drying at the roots, keep the hair upright and curl the ends down.

Mena Suvari

To achieve a smooth and voluminous effect, you must first dry your head with a large round brush and then with a flat smooth one.

Cameron Diaz

Agness Dayne

Natasha Bedingfield

Curl the strands on curlers, then tousle the curls with a wide-toothed comb, bring the curls back from one side, pin them on the back of the head with invisible ones.

Bob-caret is modern hairstyle with an impressive history. Yes, yes, even in the twenties of the last century, emancipated young ladies danced the Charleston and thanked the inventive French hairdresser for such bold haircut ... And over all these years, the bob has not aged at all, on the contrary, it has acquired the status of an ultra-fashionable and modern hairstyle and has won truly nationwide love.

What you need for a bob hairstyle

A short description of the bob-bob hairstyle sounds something like this: "make it longer in the front, and very short in the back." But before you do this haircut, you should discuss its length and shape with your hairdresser. Bob is undoubtedly versatile, but it has many variations and is able to both improve the shape of the face and spoil it. A properly selected elongated bob can lengthen the Slavic round face and soften the square.

Here are some more reasons why this hairstyle won the appreciation of not only female clients, but also stylists and hairdressers:

There are many styling methods, like haircuts. Sometimes just ruffle the strands with your hands, and for some cases, you should master the skill of weaving braids and use additional accessories.

Good haircut takes a minimum of time and additional funds for styling... But some tools are essential:

  • hairdryer for drying and brushing of different diameters;
  • curling iron with teflon coating and iron;
  • mousses, creams and sprays to add volume and structure to the hairstyle.

How to style a bob hairstyle

How to make a bob-bob hairstyle for medium, short and long hair (step by step with a photo)

Bob-caret hairstyle with bangs (examples with photos)

The bangs in the bob haircut are pushed to the first place, especially if it is short bob... The bangs can be long, short, laid on the side, or end high above the brow line. Its design should be given due attention, but in any case, remember that too long bangs falling on the eyes look beautiful only in photographs, and in Everyday life it is quite uncomfortable.

Graduated bob-bob hairstyle with or without bangs (examples with photos)

A graduated bob is a combination of two popular hairstyles - cascade and bob. Short hair on the back of the head are combined with beautiful teeth and bangs in the front. This haircut is good on curls and curls, and on straight hair. This hairstyle looks the most advantageous for creative coloring or highlighting.

Good symmetrical haircut styling option is a zigzag parting.

Asymmetrical bob hairstyle with bangs (examples with photos)

Asymmetry - perfect option extravagant and that looks great with a minimum of styling. On the one hand, the hair is cut short, very short or very short (shaved), and on the other, we have beautiful, luxurious full-fledged curls. And such a number of variations allows you to create a strict business or playful creative image based on the same favorite haircut.

  • The bangs can be either graduated and smooth, or clear, as if chopped off.

  • The bob can be quite short and very long, emphasizing the transition from a completely cropped nape to long strands near the face.

  • If you don't want to spend a lot of time styling, find and visit regularly good master which will provide simply perfect view in the back for your bob car. And if you are a fan of creativity - look at what masterpiece-cut backs of the heads are made by the masters.

  • And if you have not yet decided whether it is worth trying on a bob-bob on yourself, just review a few photos creative hairstyles(back view). Masters, like sculptors, create real masterpieces on the heads of clients. Moreover, this is often done so cunningly that beauty is revealed only to a select few. For going to school or work, the hairstyle looks quite restrained.

  • By the way, such shaved whiskey and the back of the head are made not only for creativity. Such a simple technique allows you to further increase the volume of the hairstyle.

Shaggy hairstyle, or a sloppy bob

Sloppy hairstyles are at their peak of popularity today. They look as if the girl did not even comb her hair after sleep, she just fluffed the strands with her fingers and so went to school or to work. But you and I know that this is not so, and sometimes to create the very careless styling it takes a long time.

  • To design such a hairstyle, we need wide hair brushes with sparse teeth. It is enough to dry the hair with a hairdryer with a diffuser, and during the drying process you grab the strands from below and additionally press them with your hands. Do not comb your hair after drying!

  • Great hairstyle for summer, and also great option for hair that has been washed a few days ago. For greater negligence, treat individual strands with cream or wax, but only after such styling, you will definitely have to wash your head.
  • To give more decoration such a bob can be supplemented with weaving. A braid on such a careless wave also weaves simply, lasts a long time and does not require a canonical design, you can simply fix a few invisibles over the hairstyle and not worry about their "invisibility".

Festive styling

WITH evening option styling we always associate voluminous curled curls and weaving braids. You will be surprised, but both, and a few more variations are quite possible for a bob haircut. The only problem is to raise the hair at the back of the head, which is not there. Then hairpins, invisible hairpins and hairstyles come to the rescue, where the whole main role is assigned long curls near the face.

If the length of the facial strands allows you to bring them to the back of the head, then for you there is another option for a fluffy hairstyle that does not require a special length of hair near the neck:

Do you think that you can arrange for a celebration only by laying it down with a hairdryer? Haha, the manufacturers of hair accessories and artificial strands... The main thing is not to miss the color or length, and the rest can be attributed to the creative.

So, for example, you can create a double braid effect with your hair and optional accessory... Braid the bangs along the entire hairline and duplicate the braid with another fake one.

The discreet styling option can be diversified with an additional bundle of hair. It is enough to pull all the hair back so that it does not get out of the way. Fasten an artificial bun over the small ponytail.


  • Do you want to look into the future and find out in advance what options for this popular haircut will be in trend in next year? Grading, highlighting and styling options in the gallery with the work of stylists.

  • The master explains and shows the styling technique to novice hairdressers. But women do it themselves every day, so such a lesson will never be an unnecessary repetition of familiar material.

  • Creative styling on not too lush and thick hair... One of the options for careless styling, which actually requires a certain skill and knowledge.

  • Wedding or can be done on a bob cut. Soft curls and high styling create an incredible lush volume, and it's hard to believe that the original hair length was very short.

  • A sloppy bob is a special hairstyle for ordinary days. Easy styling with a disheveled effect will give the image a playful and casual look.

Do you love a bob as many women love it? Prefer straight hair or wavy casualness? Share your secrets, we will be grateful to you.